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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I'm still distressed about anyone wanting RKKStavros alive. The man is the world's most incompetent villain. "mwahahaa! Let me announce my plans before I do them so you can easily foil them!" And then he ends up killing himself in the most stupidest way like tripping into big holes and locking himself into freezers and falling down stairs. 

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 13

Ron is a horrible horrible writer. Just horrible.


Sirens are going off. Patrick & Sam are chased out of the clinic by goons. Ron's written words yet Patrick doesn't even think Robin could be held against her will.  What "clinic" has alarms & goons? This whole thing is stupid.


Sonny supposedly is still in love with Olivia but not really. It's Carly who he loves & wants? He's just letting her be with Franco & she doesn't know what she wants or needs.


I must really hate Carly because I have no use for MSt or Nina but if it's Team Carly or Team Nina, I'm Team Nina all the way.


Ron is truly trying to make KA happen. Why would Tracy apologize & thank her? What has she done? Hell, Morgan has done more for Alice. Also, Tracy should have been the one to hire an impersonator to be Mickey's family, not Sonny. I thought she was looking at the illegal avenues for  heart.  I guess they have made MB/Sonny look like an ass for s long, they needed to have him do something nice.


Alice naming all the dead Q's was depressing. Instead of making insta-families & making people honorary Q's, Ron, should be rebuilding the Q family.


This from NOtRon did make me laugh though 



  • Love 6

I won't lie. I just like to look at RKK. So yeah. I'm gross, but even Sonny has fans.

Gee, Victor called it Jason Morgan. Oh so many Q references lately. I wonder who Jason will be....

I need to get a wheelchair because it must give you invisiblty powers. Nina totes caught, um, that mauling on film. Now that she is pissing in Sonny and Carly's cheerios, I can't hate her.

  • Love 3


I need to get a wheelchair because it must give you invisibility powers. Nina totes caught, um, that mauling on film. Now that she is pissing in Sonny and Carly's cheerios, I can't hate her.


I forgot to mention that MB kept looking at MSt. His eyes darted towards her 2 or 3 times ,which made it hard to believe Sonny didn't notice the lady in the wheelchair watching him & Carly.


Also, Robin is truly the one who is Brave, Smart, Strong & Loves with her whole heart not Carly.


Was today the last day of KMc's return? I need a GH break. I'm ready for the barge, a really good Sangria & the meet & greet.

  • Love 3

If Sonny wants to get with Carly again he should murder Franco.


I'll even cover for him on that murder!


Sooo ... Sonny is eating the show again. The never ending mob wars are back. Sonny and Carly are maybe a thing again. Jason is apparently going to have to save the day - eventually. And Robin is back in captivity, for all intents and purposes.

We've essentially gotten nowhere in the last two years, then. Ron, I award you no points, and may the writing gods have mercy on your soul.


No, we got the wonderful additions of Franco Baldwin, Kiki Jerome and Dr. Silas Clay!  Totally different canvas NuJason will be returning to!


I hate that Snarly is still throwing shade at the Q's. She said something like I don't understand why someone as nice as Alice could stay at the Q's for so long. I bet that Snarly can't keep her help for any decent amount of time.


Another reason for the bitch to die.  And when was the last time we saw Mercedes?  Or is Freako the Manny?


Of the three frozen popsicles, I'm, natch, rooting for Helena to emerge from the deep freeze.  Still need Constance Towers and Kathleen Gati to share scenes.


Jason?  Stavros?  Flush 'em.


I miss my cold hearted Ice Queen.

  • Love 1
Ron is truly trying to make KA happen. Why would Tracy apologize & thank her? What has she done? Hell, Morgan has done more for Alice. Also, Tracy should have been the one to hire an impersonator to be Mickey's family, not Sonny. I thought she was looking at the illegal avenues for  heart.  I guess they have made MB/Sonny look like an ass for s long, they needed to have him do something nice.



I noticed my cable guide started saying this show stars Maurice Benard and Kristen Alderson instead of Benard and Tony Geary. This better be something to do with alphabetical order. Otherwise, no.


No, we got the wonderful additions of Franco Baldwin, Kiki Jerome and Dr. Silas Clay!  Totally different canvas NuJason will be returning to!



That's Bob Baldwin to you, @MSquared!

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 1

Victor Cassadine masterminded the hit and run, not Fluke at his behest? We know every single villain on this show is connected and that's typical GH (though Ron takes it to ridiculous extremes), but I figured kids like Rafe and the drugs were strictly Fluke/Eckert's territory.


What's next? Victor's running an underground backyard wrestling ring that Morgan, Alice and Kiki have to infiltrate with the help of Spencer and Josslyn? "Through these amateur wrestlers, I shall create an army of ultimate warriors!"

  • Love 4

Carson made me hurl, even in FF. I guess once Nina tells Franco he's going to steal the flash drive for Ava.

How have there been no scenes with Ava and Nina yet? I am sort of looking forward to crazy eyes Nina going off on her.

So now Sonny is a good father for having someone impersonate Mickey's family member? What's going to happen once his real family comes forward and finds all this out?

Cue to one week before Sam and Patrick have sexy times now that he thinks Jason is dead and that Robin doesn't care about him. What a ridiculous storyline.

  • Love 2

This maybe should go in the UO thread, but I'm tired of Alexis demanding her beaux get out of the mob when she's the lawyer for (ostensibly) the biggest thug of all. There's no reason Alexis needs to be involved with Sonny in any way except as a co-parent. Kristina seems to be doing just fine in L.A. with Trey, so that involvement can be minimal.


Alexis doesn't want any of her men out of the mob/terror syndicates/insane asylum/etc. She only likes them criminal - that's why she threw over Ned, that's why she could never commit to more stable dudes like Cameron Lewis, Mac, etc. She desires dark, dangerous men like her beloved Stefan, her first true love. She just needs the out, the veneer of respectability and self-righteous outrage.


I found the original pairing more than a little awkward and the romance story surrounding it to be cloying and childish, but I've often wanted them to go back to Sonny and Alexis for a bit because those two still have an interesting, mature chemistry. It's what Alexis wants, anyway, it's what she always wanted. It's why she never walks away from Sonny and keeps making bullshit excuses full of these rambling rationales.

  • Love 3

Ron is truly trying to make KA happen. Why would Tracy apologize & thank her? 


This bothered me, too, at first. But then I remembered that Tracy's current plan to take over ELQ includes letting her family believe that she and Luke broke up when she caught him with another woman on their honeymoon. I guess that's TIIC's way of keeping a story alive.



Victor Cassadine masterminded the hit and run, not Fluke at his behest? We know every single villain on this show is connected and that's typical GH (though Ron takes it to ridiculous extremes), but I figured kids like Rafe and the drugs were strictly Fluke/Eckert's territory.


Way to start building a character's connections after he's been let go and has been killed onscreen, Ron!

This bothered me, too, at first. But then I remembered that Tracy's current plan to take over ELQ includes letting her family believe that she and Luke broke up when she caught him with another woman on their honeymoon. I guess that's TIIC's way of keeping a story alive.



Yeah, I didn't think she was remotely sincere in her apology to Kiki. 

  • Love 1

Not gonna lie, even though Patrick was a douche the past few days I would still love to see him and Sam sightseeing in NYC.  Grab some dinner, go see a play on Broadway, see the Empire State Building.   Have a little fun.



Sirens are going off. Patrick & Sam are chased out of the clinic by goons. Ron's written words yet Patrick doesn't even think Robin could be held against her will.  What "clinic" has alarms & goons?


Patrick is an idiot.  He is too self involved right now to really see what's going on with her.  It's all about his pain.  Maybe that's why Sam likes him so much, he reminds her of her undead husband.

  • Love 1

My assumption is that Fluke/Eckert's endless Russian doll organization is a money machine feeding back to the Cassadines. Same reason Obrecht/Faison and Jerry were working with them and why Faison/Duke was trying to take over Sonny's territory. Money and/or power and/or undead world domination. Jerry to the Jeromes to Fluke to Victor.


They never bothered to explain much of that onscreen, especially as per Faison vs. Sonny so a lot of it has to come down to the fans struggling to make the connections, as I am clearly straining to do now. It still doesn't make much sense that Victor would personally step in to intimidate little Rafe.


And if you think it's fun right now, please remember that if not for the Prospect Park lawsuit over OLTL, this cabal of evil would also involve Todd Manning, Victor Lord Jr., the Llanview madwoman Alison Perkins and yet another undead supervillain, Irene Manning.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 2


And if you think it's fun right now, please remember that if not for the Prospect Park lawsuit over OLTL, this cabal of evil would also involve Todd Manning, Victor Lord Jr., the Llanview madwoman Alison Perkins and yet another undead supervillain, Irene Manning.


No matter how much PP fucked up in the end, I am personally indebted to them for pulling any and all OLTL characters (and a couple from AMC, I'm sure) out of this clusterfuck.  I can't even imagine how bad this would have been with that mess thrown in.  

  • Love 6

Victor Cassadine masterminded the hit and run, not Fluke at his behest? We know every single villain on this show is connected and that's typical GH (though Ron takes it to ridiculous extremes), but I figured kids like Rafe and the drugs were strictly Fluke/Eckert's territory.


What's next? Victor's running an underground backyard wrestling ring that Morgan, Alice and Kiki have to infiltrate with the help of Spencer and Josslyn? "Through these amateur wrestlers, I shall create an army of ultimate warriors!"


does that mean Victor is puke ?

She desires dark, dangerous men like her beloved Stefan, her first true love. She just needs the out, the veneer of respectability and self-righteous outrage.


Which is what makes it all the more annoying to me. She continues to date men who she knows are in the mob yet insists they leave. I'm so sick of hearing her complain about the lifestyles of the men she chooses to sleep with. Ugh.


Ned, shove Lauren out of the way and get in there to talk to Alice. Why can't Alice just say she's glad for their friendship and support? Why on earth would Lauren and Morgan want to be honorary Qs?


At least when Alice says she's grateful for the heart, I believe her.


Oh, Sonny. You were an equal participant in Crypt!Sex. Ava set no "trap" to lure you in. It cracks me up how Sonny makes himself the victim when it suits him.


Anyone who causes Sonny and/or Carly pain is someone I support, so in this case, Team Nina.


So fraudulently signing over MIckey Diamond's heart to Alice is a good thing? Okay then.


The alarm at the clinic was laughable.

  • Love 3

Oh, Sonny. You were an equal participant in Crypt!Sex. Ava set no "trap" to lure you in. It cracks me up how Sonny makes himself the victim when it suits him.


Anyone who causes Sonny and/or Carly pain is someone I support, so in this case, Team Nina.


So fraudulently signing over MIckey Diamond's heart to Alice is a good thing? Okay then.


I would have been puzzled by Sonny wanting to tell Morgan that Ava was no longer living with him if either she'd moved out, or he'd kicked her out.  But for him to expect points because she RAN AWAY FROM HIM in a helicopter is such.....moobster-thinking.  I'd swear his tiny ferret brain had finally succumbed to the poisoning from that shoe polish hair dye and/or toxicity from his overuse of Coppertone, except he's been this stupid for years.


Apart from the horror of seeing Orange Glow and Carly lock lips, I honestly thought at first that Sonny was either eating her nose off or had somehow dropped his dentures into her gaping maw.  For a second there I thought one of the creatures from The Strain had wandered onto the GH sound set.  GH has left us with some horrific images in the past, but nothing can top the horror of imagining those two mating again.  


I was still hoping that someone would rip the heart out of Kiki and implant it directly into Alice, but she needs a human heart so that's no good.  But seeing that Potato Head lurch over to Alice like she belonged there was......there really are no words suitable to a public forum.

  • Love 4


Apart from the horror of seeing Orange Glow and Carly lock lips, I honestly thought at first that Sonny was either eating her nose off or had somehow dropped his dentures into her gaping maw.  For a second there I thought one of the creatures from The Strain had wandered onto the GH sound set.  GH has left us with some horrific images in the past, but nothing can top the horror of imagining those two mating again.  



Okay THIS. I thought the same thing Damn MB takes kissing VERY seriously.


I still think Sonny is adorable in his horribleness. I think he is the only person I've see Carly have any chemistry with. And he also gets much more smoopy with her than Olivia. And sorry but for all her lip service Sonny is right she doesn't "love" Franco. I really only like them together, but please no more with the face eating kisses.


Can Patrick be anymore of a narcissitic dick! That last look of loathing he gave Robin as he left  the building alone made me want to throat punch him again! I just LOL when Sam said he's been there for her, I've never seen the douche spent even 5 mins on anyone but himself and his whittle problems. It will serve Sam right when he has revenge sex with her b/c he is pissed Robin isn't petting his poor ego. gah!


I'm sorry but I'm starting to like Nina and think she makes Silas kind of adorable. What was up with Victor's comment about "the ELUSIVE Nina Clay" like she escaped his care. Hummmm.......

Also what was with Molly talking about Silas and Sam's break-up like she was some adult confidante? That was awkward......

  • Love 1


The problem is that someone told Ron back in 2008 that he was the future of soaps (it might have been me) and he believed it.


So what you're saying is that all of this is really your fault. Thanks a lot. ;)



Also what was with Molly talking about Silas and Sam's break-up like she was some adult confidante? That was awkward......


Ha, you have no idea. You obviously weren't around 5 or so years ago when Molly was 9 and went around spouting off about Jason and Sam "making passionate love". I would say I was making it up, but I'm not. Right, guys? Even as someone who has always been a Molly fan, that was seriously grotesque.


Almost as bad as CarSon locking lips. And Ron you can fuck off for trying to make Sonny the hero with the heart rescue. I swear to god, I cannot watch Morgan forgive him, it might literally kill me. He's extremely gross saying that shit to Carly, but then again I despise the hag so I can't bring myself to care. But this show has been very disturbing lately with all the men just groping and wanting to get with the women. Except for Nina, heh. Team Nina, except against Ava of course.


The only thing more pathetic and funnier than the clinic alarms was that cheesetastic porn music during the Julexis sexcapades. I am over just about everyone on this show, and MW is the only thing keeping me tied to the dock and not swimming for the barge. Well, that and Jaws. No Shark Week for me.



Edited by tvgoddess
  • Love 4

Why did I think they'd give Kim a decent couple of episodes?  All Ron does is shit on the character of Robin.


Speaking of shit, wasn't that Ron C. wearing an ultra-douchy mustache and goatee in the bar where Sam and Patrick had a beer?  I'm almost certain it was him sitting in the booth next to the door when they left. 


Also, I'd bet that LW hasn't missed MB trying to suction her face off.  How fucking horrible must it be for MB's romantic partners to have to go through that.  I wonder how many of them have fantasized about kneeing him in his private bits to make it stop.  He's gross.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
  • Love 7

I would have been puzzled by Sonny wanting to tell Morgan that Ava was no longer living with him if either she'd moved out, or he'd kicked her out.  But for him to expect points because she RAN AWAY FROM HIM in a helicopter is such.....moobster-thinking.  




I suppose he was planning on embellishing the truth, hoping that Ava will somehow never speak to Morgan again. Cause otherwise I have no idea how he planned to explain that one.


Victor Cassadine masterminded the hit and run, not Fluke at his behest? We know every single villain on this show is connected and that's typical GH (though Ron takes it to ridiculous extremes), but I figured kids like Rafe and the drugs were strictly Fluke/Eckert's territory.


I wonder if this is a re-write due to Anthony Geary's extended medical leave? A re-write, with of course, about 3 seconds thought to whether or not it actually makes sense. 



I would have been puzzled by Sonny wanting to tell Morgan that Ava was no longer living with him if either she'd moved out, or he'd kicked her out.  But for him to expect points because she RAN AWAY FROM HIM in a helicopter is such.....moobster-thinking.


When this happened, I thought I was as outraged as I could possibly be, until the Selma Diamond poseur told Sonny what a wonderful man he is. Blech. I'm off now to either drink heavily or eat a quart of ice cream out of the carton. Maybe both. 

  • Love 1


This maybe should go in the UO thread, but I'm tired of Alexis demanding her beaux get out of the mob when she's the lawyer for (ostensibly) the biggest thug of all.


Should all defense attorneys in real life who defend murderers be A-OK if their spouses/partners turns out to be a murderers? Who she represents in a professional capacity should have no bearing on who she wants to date in her personal life.


The only reason she's Sonny's lawyer know is because, off-screen, they wanted to capitalize on MB and NLG's chemistry and find a way for them to interact on-screen. On-screen the reason at first was I believe because Sonny blackmailed her and even with that, I think her caveat for working with him again wasn't that she wasn't going to handle his shadier business dealings. I think that's one of the reason Sonny didn't turn to her after he killed AJ.



I'm sick of it in general, even if she weren't Sonny's lawyer. She likes being a mob moll/villain moll in general. She needs to get over it and accept it if she's just going to keep dating them. She would probably dump Julian in a few months if he was on the straight and narrow.


Alexis doesn't want any of her men out of the mob/terror syndicates/insane asylum/etc. She only likes them criminal - that's why she threw over Ned, that's why she could never commit to more stable dudes like Cameron Lewis, Mac, etc. She desires dark, dangerous men like her beloved Stefan, her first true love. She just needs the out, the veneer of respectability and self-righteous outrage.


I think it's incredibly unfair and inaccurate to say that Alexis likes being a mob/villain moll or only wants to be with criminals. I think it's been well-established that Alexis finds herself mostly attracted to dark and dangerous men. But I also think it's not something that she particularly likes about herself. I don't think she deliberately seeks out twisted guys. Most people can't help the people who they're attracted to. It's not really a conscious thing. We like who we like. Given Alexis' upbringing it makes sense that her tastes are dysfunctional.


But again it's not something she seeks out nor does she deliberately push away the "normal" guys. Her longest romantic relationships on the show were with Ric and Ned. Ned, while he's done criminal things, was relatively normal. Ric, was always dysfunctional and worked for the mob from time to time, but for the most part during their relationship Ric was just a lawyer. Alexis definitely loved Ned and was attracted to him. I can't remember exactly why Alexis ran out on her wedding to Ned, but I think it was mostly because she was scared of the idea of marriage and making that kind of commitment. The second time they broke up was because of her loyalty and connection to Ned.


She broke up with Ric because he slept with her daughter. I don't think her and Cameron were ever a real thing so there was no dumping there. She only had a one night stand with Jerry. She broke up with Sean because he wanted to be Sonny's enforcer. if she only wanted a criminal she would have stuck with Sean. So no there's no real history of her dumping guys because they're not in the mob and boring, nor only desiring to settle down with criminals.


I think the thing with Cameron didn't work out because the characters didn't fit together and the character of Cameron wasn't real popular and was a bad father and pompous ass. I can't remember why exactly she said she didn't want to be with Mac but it could have been because he was boring and because their kids were trying to hard. And in her defense it wasn't exactly like he wanted to be with her anymore than she wanted to be with him.


This thing with Julian also can't entirely be blamed on Alexis just wanting dangerous criminals because she first became attracted to him when she thought he was Derek Wells, publisher.


I think one of the reasons Ric was such a good match for her was because he was dark and dysfunctional enough, with one foot on the other side of criminal while not being fully in it. I don't think she wants to be with someone who is a total criminal like Sonny or Julian, nor someone who is a criminal and crazy like Jerry. I think their job doesn't matter. Mac was a cop, not exactly a boring job, but as much as I like him Mac's never been very exciting. I think like Ric, another person Alexis could work with would have been Jax. He's normal with a normal job, but he's not a boring person. I don't think she'd get bored with, or dump Julian, if he got out of the mob because he's not dull and he's screwed up enough.

  • Love 1

I remember Molly's weird-ass Spinelli-esque speech patterns when she was a kid. The writers were real, real proud of that shit, all the purple prose they put in her scenes as she used to rhapsodize about the amazing love Jason and Sam shared and how much of a dark paladin Jason was, just like in her classic literature. She's improved since then, thank God.


Then there was that weird little kid playing Morgan - he wasn't bad, although he is in a lot of commercials now and has barely aged. I find Bryan Craig's Morgan very annoying at times, but someone proposed bringing that first kid back once and it boggled my mind - imagine making some sixteen or seventeen year old kid have to play this dude who has now fucked Maura West on most of the surfaces in the town. I don't think so.

  • Love 1

Most people can't help the people who they're attracted to. It's not really a conscious thing.


It is a conscious thing to start a relationship. If Alexis hates being involved with men in the mob, she shouldn't get involved with men in the mob. She's not helpless. How about a quick Google check when she finds herself thinking a man is attractive? She's an attorney, for god's sake. Do your due diligence.


I don't mind that she's attracted to dangerous men. I mind that she continually wants them to stop being dangerous when it's obvious it will never happen. If someone asked her to stop representing Sonny, she'd tell them to stuff it. She's not going to let her daughter's father go to jail, blahblahblah. (It's not as if Kristina isn't fully aware who Sonny is.) So why should the men in her life make a change?

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 4
I think it's incredibly unfair and inaccurate to say that Alexis likes being a mob/villain moll or only wants to be with criminals. I think it's been well-established that Alexis finds herself mostly attracted to dark and dangerous men. But I also think it's not something that she particularly likes about herself. I don't think she deliberately seeks out twisted guys. Most people can't help the people who they're attracted to. It's not really a conscious thing. We like who we like. Given Alexis' upbringing it makes sense that her tastes are dysfunctional.



If she doesn't actually like being a mob moll, then she at least likes being with shady men. Sure, she can't help who she's attracted to. But this is the billionth time she's been in this situation. I don't have any sympathy anymore for her plight anymore.


I can't remember why exactly she said she didn't want to be with Mac but it could have been because he was boring and because their kids were trying to hard. And in her defense it wasn't exactly like he wanted to be with her anymore than she wanted to be with him.



I don't blame her for that. Guza tried to force that shit but the chemistry was so bad even he couldn't do it.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 3

I could not believe Carly reassuring Sonny that the "bullet of love" was an accident and not his fault.  Carly I know Sonny shot you in the head while you were giving birth so you may not remember things clearly....Sonny Shot You In The Head WHILE You Were Giving Birth!  You do not ever apologize to him for bring that fact up to him.  

  • Love 7

I could not believe Carly reassuring Sonny that the "bullet of love" was an accident and not his fault.  Carly I know Sonny shot you in the head while you were giving birth so you may not remember things clearly....Sonny Shot You In The Head WHILE You Were Giving Birth!  You do not ever apologize to him for bring that fact up to him.  


Ugh, I knew something made me see red. This is why I can never like Carly. She's a straight up moron.

  • Love 3

Ned, shove Lauren out of the way and get in there to talk to Alice. Why can't Alice just say she's glad for their friendship and support? Why on earth would Lauren and Morgan want to be honorary Qs?


I certainly don't know why Kiki would, considering the very recent joke she and Franco exchanged about being super glad they weren't Quartermaines.


Shut up, Kiki.

In other news, Serial Drama broke its silence about the recent horrors this show has subjected us to and it is glorious:




A sample:


I hate Kiki so much that I can't even hear people talk when she's onscreen; everything is muffled by the sound of my inner monologue saying "Why? Why is she on this show? Why is she so terrible? WHY?!"
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