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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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2 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I like Sabrina, but seriously, how has the show convinced itself this is a necessary NB tradition now? It's not. It is a decent set up for having Sabrina arrested but they probably would have had her sing it no matter what her story was.

Don't even get me started, pls. And it's not even about how I feel about Sabrina. I may not like her, but even if I'm unbiased about it, I still don't understand this show treating her like she's THIS important.

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I was going to say I enjoyed the musical numbers today … then I ended up swearing at my TV. I'm afraid we're going to be stuck with that damn song forever.

Why was Jordan so eager to arrest Sabrina when she couldn't be bothered to even refer Hayden to another cop? 

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2 minutes ago, rur said:

Why was Jordan so eager to arrest Sabrina when she couldn't be bothered to even refer Hayden to another cop? 

I can't be bothered about "whys", as long as Jordan made Sabrina miserable and ended that fucking travesty of a song. (A bit too late, but the effort is appreciated!) Priorities!

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4 minutes ago, rur said:

Why was Jordan so eager to arrest Sabrina when she couldn't be bothered to even refer Hayden to another cop? 


Because she awesomely gives zero f*cks about Sabrina & Hayden

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2 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:


Because she awesomely gives zero f*cks about Sabrina & Hayden

I just had a nice flashback to the time Sabrina kept texting her and she was like "ugh, God."

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13 minutes ago, Vella said:

I do love that Jason STAYED at the NB, while Liz took Jake home. Grinning and clapping and watching frivolous stuff, hanging around because why? Why go with Liz to look after Jake? Why not take Jake home and give Liz a night off?  Noooooooo.


Jake wasn't injured or traumatized; he had stage fright. He recovered from it and sang the world's longest song with Franco.

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1 minute ago, ulkis said:

I just had a nice flashback to the time Sabrina kept texting her and she was like "ugh, God."

Nice pull!  I do remember finding Jordan's, "Ugh, this bitch" reaction to Sabrina's texts (which she sent instead of getting off her ass and making sure the woman whose unborn baby she tried to kill was okay) extremely delightful.

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57 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I'm glad Lucy didn't end up in her underwear. Unless she had done it on purpose.

My friend's opinion on the Magic Milo number this year:

the Magic Milo routine was infinitely better this year with the lack of Michael. He's always so doughy looking next to the rest. And pasty.

I decided obviously she forgot Spinelli was in the first one, but I've decided to be kind and not unblock that memory.

Maybe she confused Michael with Spinelli. It certainly sounds like she was describing him too.

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I'm over my rage blackout.

Was that Michael who helped Robin on-stage!? How adorbs!

And Robin's speech and Anna's face made me CRY. I just wish they included Sonny, Jason, Mac, Felicia, EMMA. Sigh.

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Yeah, realistically Sabrina probably should of been home spending as much tine as possible with her kid before the arrest she knew was coming, but narrative-wise, her reintroducing herself back into the town during the Nurses Ball (an event that she was responsible for bringing back) was actually pretty smart. Plus, I've always been a sucker for the 'You're Not Alone' number. I think it's a quite beautiful song.

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1 hour ago, ulkis said:

My friend's opinion on the Magic Milo number this year:

the Magic Milo routine was infinitely better this year with the lack of Michael. He's always so doughy looking next to the rest. And pasty.

Your friend is drunk and needs to go home

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So, wait up.  Before I cue hulu, let me get this straight. ..Sabrina tried to sing her anthem and Jordan arrested her ass?!   Was she in a ballgown?   Did she start singing?   Go head, Jordan!  Finally!  That's the Jordan I know and love!  

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Sabrina tried to sing her anthem and Jordan arrested her ass?!   Was she in a ballgown?   

Robin said her speech.  Amy insisted the song needed to be song and started singing it.  Sabrina showed up from backstage in her regular clothes and joined her.  Then dragged Pif onscreen to sing, the three of them.  After the song was done, Sab and Michael were chit chatting in the hall when Jordan walked up, with a uniformed cop and arrested her while Michael sputtered in shock, SHOCK, I tells ya.

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I missed the last five minutes because of breaking news about the weather, did I miss anything?

Yes, you need to find an online upload.  It was awfully dark on my screen but I think


Nik was lying on the cliffs on Spoon Island, and Jason was in the house.

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I missed the last five minutes because of breaking news about the weather, did I miss anything?

Depending on when you cut out, Sabrina showed up and Jordan arrested her.  Jason went to windemere to have it out with NIk.  Sam came running, looking for Jason.  Cue the sound of breaking glass.   Then a shot of NIk, lying, beaten up, on the ground, near the water.  

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Did Lulu do that number all by herself? I was so horrified when I saw her on that bed on had to turn my head and so I didn't see the rest. I already had it on mute I didn't have to do that, heh. I cracking up at how poor JMB would have gotten through that if she were still around to give that number to.

Kiki and Dillon's was actually good, although all the finger pointing also made me want to giggle. So did Morgan's slowing head bob of "heeey, wait a minute." Although the wall behind them gave me a bad flashback this time to Luke's chewing up the scenery number two years ago.

Sonny: I will get justice for Duke

Robin: I know. That's who you are. A vicious murderer. clink!

Okay she didn't say it but it was the elephant in the room!

Something about Dillon's mouth looks like he's always clenching his lips. I just, I had to get that out there. But their kisses weren't bad.

I was wondering what the hell that picture was on Hayden's phone. Duh me.

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So besides Alexis and Julian, were there any other contract players who didn't make an appearance at the ball? Finn? I'm just asking because Olivia didn't show up, so I think she must be on recurring now. Tracy and Nathan, but they had good reasons to not be there.

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What was the point of Sonny showing up at the Ball? He got there very late and left early. He even missed Robin's speech. It just seemed to be more blather about justice for Dook.

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Did Lulu do that number all by herself

She was with Pif, Valerie, Maxie and Amy.  

I'm not sure why the lead in was about nurses and how important they are when three of the five are a police cadet, nightclub owner and magazine editor.

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4 minutes ago, Perkie said:

Monica didn't show up.  Nor did Kristina, Molly, TJ

They're not on contract though. although they should have at least had Monica stop by and make an appearance.

Edited by ulkis
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1 minute ago, Perkie said:

She was with Pif, Valerie, Maxie and Amy.  

I'm not sure why the lead in was about nurses and how important they are when three of the five are a police cadet, nightclub owner and magazine editor.

Because a show about a hospital is more about mobs and other crap than the hospital, that's why. 

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2 minutes ago, Lillybee said:

What was the point of Sonny showing up at the Ball? He got there very late and left early. He even missed Robin's speech. It just seemed to be more blather about justice for Dook.

I didn't understand a lot of choices this show made. Sonny and Jason and Emma should have all been there for Robin's speech. And why not open the NB with it if they needed characters elsewhere by the end? 

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And while I was happy to see them, why were Kevin and Laura there?  I feel like something with them and Lucy might have gotten cut?

And did we get an explanation as to why Morgan was allowed to leave the bughouse for a public event with alcohol?

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9 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

Sonny and Jason and Emma should have all been there for Robin's speech.

Wasn't Robin's presence a surprise in the first place? Anna didn't know she'd be there.


8 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I feel like something with [Laura and Kevin] and Lucy might have gotten cut?

Thank you for small favors. It was bad enough we had a Carly/Ava fight. 

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And did we get an explanation as to why Morgan was allowed to leave the bughouse for a public event with alcohol?

Because he's getting better and will be released soon (heaven help us all).  Or, plot point 876, so he can see Dillon and Kiki kissing and be all sadz

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3 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Wasn't Robin's presence a surprise in the first place? Anna didn't know she'd be there.

For me, regardless, the important characters who have been part of Robin's story should have been scripted to be present for that scene.

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What's this stuff with Lucas?  Some other people have died in the hospital?  I haven't watched regularly and obviously missed something.  no long explanation needed - just a quick sound bit sort of thing.  

Is doc with lizard suspected?  I'm confused....

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16 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Thank you for small favors. It was bad enough we had a Carly/Ava fight. 

I didn't expect them to fight, not after the softer way Lucy approached them and the idea of them dating.  I just expected something because, again, why else were Laura and Kevin there?

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45 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

Sabrina was arrested. K. I mean...I guess. Going to the nurses ball instead of going to get her baby doesn't make any sense but...whatever. 

I think she was saying something post-song in the Metrocourt lobby about Tracy and the baby being somewhere and not knowing when they'd be back, so she decided to come by the NB in the meantime. 

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I was pretty alarmed to see Lulu and Val be dance partners.

Seriously, Nik has fallen out of the window?  Didn't we have this Jason/Nik falling scenario before?

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48 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Sonny: I will get justice for Duke

Robin: I know. That's who you are. A vicious murderer. clink!

Okay she didn't say it but it was the elephant in the room!

LOL. On a random sidenote, though, in another universe where Robin stayed on the show after she'd been a prisoner for years, I always thought she'd become a "harder" person and seek justice by any means necessary. I kinda got a taste of it with Ron when he had Robin talking to Frozen!Jason! about teaming up to make the Cassadine's pay.

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Good news, everyone. WE'RE NOT ALONE ANYMORE.

I did enjoy Jason's face when he was watching the various acts.

Dillon singing in the world's tiniest hat.
Jason's Face: This is why I refuse to remember my life with the Quartermaines.

Pip, Amy, and Val singing "Doctor's Orders," while Lulu and Maxie dance, sort of.
Jason's Face: If I slam my head against something, can I forget this?

16 minutes ago, Lee4U said:

What's this stuff with Lucas?  Some other people have died in the hospital?  I haven't watched regularly and obviously missed something.  no long explanation needed - just a quick sound bit sort of thing.  

Is doc with lizard suspected?  I'm confused....

Two of Dr. Lizard's patients died for no obvious reason and Obrecht has been pushing for an investigation. At the end of yesterday's show, Lucas walked in on someone (whose face we didn't see) trying to inject Bobbie with something, and in the next scene, Lucas was unconscious on the floor.

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11 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I just expected something because, again, why else were Laura and Kevin there?

So they'd meet their minimums, I expect. Or GF would. Kevin works for GH, so I can see him showing up because of that.

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3 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

So they'd meet their minimums, I expect. Or GF would. Kevin works for GH, so I can see him showing up because of that.

Given how cold he was with Lucy - and what happened last time Kevin was at the ball - I think he'd be fine skipping it.  But yeah, perhaps meeting GF's minimums, or even just heading off complaints that she wasn't there, was the reason.  And maybe there'll be deleted scenes with them.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I was pretty confused there at the end with Nikolas. Was the implication that Jason pushed him again, or Nik tried to commit suicide and Jason just happened to be there at the wrong time?

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20 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

Up until the Magic Milo number, I was thinking the idea of the Nurses' Ball was that people are held prisoner and exhorted to give money to make the acts stop. But all the guys kind of rocked that. It was fun.

I had been creeped out by a grown man and a little girl duetting on "Don't Go Breaking My Heart," though. There are some songs that are okay for that wide an age discrepancy, and they didn't find one. 

Am I wrong in wishing we had seen Liesl's number? How could it have been worse than "Nurses! Welcome! Welcome to the Nurses' Ball!"?  

Coming so soon on the heels of the controversial, gruesome murder of Will on Days of our Lives, what appears to be happening with Lucas is a disturbing trend. Are soaps, which have dipped into serious presentation of gay characters, retooling for Trump's America?

If Jason is going to make pissy faces over Franco's relationship with Jake, maybe he could, you know, get off his ass and be of some help when the kid freezes on stage? When was the last time Jason even had a scene with Jake that wasn't about territory-marking with Franco?

Maura West was great today, and I loved Ava's initial indifference to the sex tape. I wish she had said, "It's just a shame you didn't find the ones with Morgan." Carly's head would have exploded. In fact, that would be a good stall for the blackmail.   

That catfight between Carly and Ava had a promising lead-up, but was surprisingly lame. I really thought LW and MW would bring it. I hope it's okay to put this here, from a different soap, but they should look to two sistahs to see how it's done. People still talk about this scene 25 years later, and the show wasn't even that widely watched.  


Having somehow never seen this catfight before, my hope was that we'd at least get something akin to Sheila and Lauren busting up a lab on Y&R back in the day...but, of course, this fakakta show actually completely wasted a genuinely nice buildup moment on a catfight that we didn't even see.  Damn, they didn't even swerve us and cut back to a thoroughly trashed bathroom.

OTOH, Lucas isn't dead (yet?)...so...halfsies.

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1 minute ago, teenj12 said:

I was pretty confused there at the end with Nikolas. Was the implication that Jason pushed him again, or Nik tried to commit suicide and Jason just happened to be there at the wrong time?

I think it was wrong place, wrong time. Jason heard a crash that sounded like something breaking and ran toward it. Then when Sam came in, she heard a crash as well, which I think was the Prince exiting the castle. I doubt it was a suicide though; it was probably Helena taking revenge for him poisoning her because you know she's not really dead. Alternately (or maybe also), this is a fake Nik (I'm still holding on to this theory because I really don't want Nik to be as horrible as he's been the last couple of years) and his usefulness to whoever put him in Nik's place has ended, so out the window he goes.

Anna certainly was shirty with Griffin, not looking at him and tersely saying, "I thought you said you couldn't dance." And the universe replying, "he can't! Did you not see the clapping?"

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Lmao HeatLifer, I thought of you when Sabs started singing her song. 

Thank god Franco wasnt on again. Or Liez.

I bet Nik staged his death and Hayden was supposed to find him not Jason. 

I wish Sam would wear that dress every day I love it. 

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17 minutes ago, backhometome said:

Lmao HeatLifer, I thought of you when Sabs started singing her song. 

Thank god Franco wasnt on again. Or Liez.

I bet Nik staged his death and Hayden was supposed to find him not Jason. 

I wish Sam would wear that dress every day I love it. 

Damn, my likes/dislikes are getting way too obvs. This is just like that time a waiter knew what I wanted for dinner and my boyfriend was like :O. I had to stop going there.

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30 minutes ago, fishcakes said:

I think it was wrong place, wrong time. Jason heard a crash that sounded like something breaking and ran toward it. Then when Sam came in, she heard a crash as well, which I think was the Prince exiting the castle. I doubt it was a suicide though; it was probably Helena taking revenge for him poisoning her because you know she's not really dead. Alternately (or maybe also), this is a fake Nik (I'm still holding on to this theory because I really don't want Nik to be as horrible as he's been the last couple of years) and his usefulness to whoever put him in Nik's place has ended, so out the window he goes.

Anna certainly was shirty with Griffin, not looking at him and tersely saying, "I thought you said you couldn't dance." And the universe replying, "he can't! Did you not see the clapping?"

A fake Nik has been floating around my brain for awhile too.  I attributed it to the fact that I could not accept this new, evil incarnation of Nikolas, so I just told myself it was an imitation, conjured up by Helena.  Why?  No freaking idea; just couldn't stand the thought that he'd gone over to the dark side on his own.  I'm glad to see I have company.  

Edited by Ladyrain
Deleted a word
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3 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

So I stand by my first post. If Liz has no love, she needs to look in the mirror if she wants to know why.

Amen! And honestly that would be such a good story. I don't even like Liz but I would be interested in watching a story where she really looks at herself and what she's done in her life and gets some damn self-awareness finally. But no instead we're getting a story where she's going to start fucking a dranged man who kidnapped her child, sexually violated a woman, and caused a man to be raped.

1 hour ago, TeeVee329 said:

And while I was happy to see them, why were Kevin and Laura there?  I feel like something with them and Lucy might have gotten cut?

Yea I bet there was a scene with Lucy that got cut. Probably so we could have that scene where Sonny brings up #JusticeForDuke since it's been like a day since we've heard that and so that Robin can prop him as our Lord and Savior.

42 minutes ago, fishcakes said:

Anna certainly was shirty with Griffin, not looking at him and tersely saying, "I thought you said you couldn't dance." And the universe replying, "he can't! Did you not see the clapping?"

I literally said out loud, "He can't!" when Anna said that. Also goodness I am so over Anna and her smug ass. Bitch what is your problem?! Like seriously.

41 minutes ago, backhometome said:

I wish Sam would wear that dress every day I love it. 

This! I am obsessed with that dress.

Jordan continues to be horrible in every way. I mean yes lol to her arresting Sabrina as coldly as possible, but she's got some nerve after she told Hayden to hold off on reporting a murder attempt because she was busy being a jealous girlfriend.

I hate to admit this but I liked Sabrina showing up to sing "You're Not Alone.' I teared up lmao. Whatever sue me! That being said, damn at Robin getting a 5 second speech and then Sabrina getting that with everyone acting like it was the most beautiful and amazing thing ever and hugging her. I mean really now!

Kiki and Dillon are adorable. I am so pissed they're already bringing Morgan's dumb ass into it.

Edited by peachmangosteen
Because there were like 100 too many 'fuck's in there. Sorry about that!
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6 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

 then Sabrina getting that with everyone acting like it was the most beautiful and amazing thing ever and hugging her. I mean really now!

that's what really got me to say "REALLY, show?" Felix and Epiphany turned around like they were in awe.

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6 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I hate to admit this but I liked Sabrina showing up to sing "You're Not Alone.' I teared up lmao.

Ha. So did I. I mean, that song is putrid and I cry all the time anyway, but it's still embarrassing. I don't care. You're Not Alone and Neither Am I.

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