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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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2 hours ago, fishcakes said:

Speaking of doorsteps, I'm not convinced that Jake was waiting for Franco at his apartment. How does Jake even know where Franco lives? It's more likely that Franco took him there and then called Liz to say he found the kid.

Yeah this bothered me too. I had the feeling that since little Jake had to be directed to the psychiatrist's door down the hall, or escorted by Liz holding his hand, he isn't very independent. So I doubt very much that he could get to Freako's alone, even in a cab. Spenthaw could do it, but not catatonic Jake.

  • Love 3
6 minutes ago, tvgoddess said:

I'm scared to watch. Like literally scared. I've had a glass of wine, reduced my stress levels by resolving two uncomfortable situations, but I can't bring myself to put it on. I'm afraid of what my reaction would be.

Do you have any tequila?  Couldn't hurt to pick up a bottle first.


I wish Alexis didn't have to be this weak, weepy mess while Sonny disowned her.  Plus, it felt too much like they were trying to do some Godfather/Stefan suspend Alexis mashup and were completely unsuccessful. Sonny, you are no Stefan…because you are a douchebag.

I liked the Jason/Monica (despite lack of hugging) & Jason/Michael stuff.  Even Carly was about 1000% less clingy than I thought she'd be.  I'm not looking forward to the Jason/Sonny stuff tomorrow, though.

Okay, I get that Sabrina knows her son will be well cared for at the Qs, but we don't even get to see a glimpse of dark hair in the bushes so we know she was watching to be sure "Edward" was found swiftly?

I will laugh if Nurse Amy doesn't make it onstage (or at least past the back row) for the nurses' performance at the NB. Maybe she should concentrate on doing her job than talking smack all the damn time.  Lucy did not seem amused.  And I'm sure we're due for more more Lucy hijinks as she thinks Kevin has moved on with Laura.   

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, TeeVee329 said:

Previews...Laura's new storyline continues!  ...with her talking about/reliving her rape again.  Siiigh.

Seriously, Show? I feel a rage blackout coming on. Is Tony Geary manipulating the puppet strings from his spider's lair somewhere in Amsterdam, so he can have a comfy sl to return to GH? Prepare for some acid snark if Laura's promised great storyline involves re-living that crap wherein wimmin victims "love" and marry their whoreson violators.

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4 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I'm sure the baby will end up with Sonny somehow.

Clearly.  The brain damaged future killers of the world always do.   Send him your emotionally damaged, brain damaged youngsters and he'll make a killer or a stripper or an enforcer out of them.  It's a career path, dammit.  Get the towels!

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Sonny being all the way up Alexis's angsty, mascara-overdriven ass about Julian, and Julian being all "We're in this together, girl--bad boys for life," was a pretty major buzzkill and really all I remembered from today's episode other than Lucy blah-blah-blahing about the Nurses Ball to Felix and Thick...ahem...Bizarro Maxie.  Good angst fodder for NLG, to be fair--at least up until Alexis decided not to burn Julian's shirt, because of course--but even then it was a bit...much.

Okay, actually, there was Sabrina apparently leaving her son at Monica's door.  Which, apart from Sabrina's link to Tracy, still makes negative sense without any sort of explanation...

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H all! I got back yesterday from a glorious two weeks island hopping in Hawaii. Didn't watch the show or check the board at all and didn't miss it. But I decided to pick it up again yesterday. Holy hell, NOTHING happened in that time. 

Well Jason regained his memories. Big whoop. And Alexis once again cried and wailed and smeared mascara all over her face. And Sonny is still the most vile person to walk the face of the earth and should be shot. Oh and that new nurse Amy can leave any time and it would be too late. 

That's about all I've got right now. I'm desperately trying to sleep since I have to be back st work tomorrow but my body refuses to cooperate so I guess I'll be a zombie on my first day back...:(

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Tracy and Sabrina were slightly friendly, they were NOT close enough for her to drop her giant baby on their doorstep. Bleh. I assume this is intended to integrate Sabrina and her giant baby with the Qs without sticking Michael with the paternity. 

Michael isn't my favorite but this Sabrina/giant baby mess is the last thing he should best stuck doing - second to last is babysitting dumbass Morgan 

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 4

The last few times we saw Lucy I wasn't feeling her but I loved her today. 

Unfortunately for Lucy, Nina has taken her 'slot' and ruined any good will that the Lucy character had established.

I am not a writer, but shouldn't Sam not be necessary in every scene to explain that Jason is whole again to every person in PC.  BM needs to WAKE UP.

The violence in this show is revolting.  It's one thing if it's inferred fantasy/'control the weather' type of violence, it's another to see two middle-aged actors pretend to be tough, when they look like they belong on a golf course.

{{{Set Designer}}}

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So, just made myself watch yesterday's episode.   I have thoughts.   First, I'll tackle Jason.   Glad you finally called Monica "mom" because she deserves it for putting up with your robotic ass for years.  And yes, you should have had a relationship with Alan.  He was awesome.   You're ungrateful.   Don't use the "I'm a parent now" excuse when your kids are school age and preschool age though.  Also, you have a brother.  That friend you're about to thank murdered him like an animal. Which leads me to Sonny.  Stfu, you unscary, tiny little thing.   So, Alexis is nothing to you? Good for her.  Whatever shall she do?  Not have unsolicited visits from an uneducated hypocritical douche murderer weekly?  I'd also like to ask you, since the writers forgot,  and I quote, "Do you like hurting women?  Do you get off on it?  No, shut up.  Shut up."  Remember that.   You told that to AJ before you murdered him like an animal and left him to sit there.  Then you covered it up like he was nothing.   And to answer your questions -  No, I dgaf that Julian murdered Duke or that Carlos is dead.  Why?  Because fuck you, Sonny Corinthos.  Fuck you and the shit writers who can't write this show, that's why.  Fuck your shit portrayer who sucks at acting.  But nice job set designers.  Nice job NLG.  Nice job Will DeVry.  

  • Love 23
1 hour ago, Oracle42 said:

Tracy and Sabrina were slightly friendly, they were NOT close enough for her to dro her giant baby on their doorstep. Ugh. I assume this is intended to integrate Sabrina and her giant baby with the Qs without sticking Michael with the paternity. 

Michael isn't my favorite but this Sabrina/giant baby mess is the last thing he should best stuck doing - second to last is babysitting dumbass Morgan 

Yeah, what they're doing is pretty much setting up Michael and the Q's to accept the baby as their own, much like Sonny adopting Michael (albeit, under much different circumstances). 


Well, the Jakeson memory return was completely lackluster.  Does BM actually understand that these are suppose to be hugely emotional moments?  Yes?  No?  I think the new actor playing little Jake can emote better at this point.  It's hard to enjoy anything with Jakeson when his scenes with everyone consistently fall flat for me.  It's like he's just reading his lines.  I mean Carly is standing there with tears streaming down her face and asks "Is that really you?" and BM deadpans with no smile, no emotion, no nothing - "Yeah, it's me."  I am now convinced that playing Jason is a lot hard than people think because it's been two years and BM still can't seem to master the role.  Contrary to the belief that "stone cold" means he doesn't show emotion (It's actually a nickname Spinelli gave him as to how he reacts in a deadly situation), Jason Morgan was very emotional with the people he loved.  He wasn't stoic with them, not at all.  So if that's what BM thinks the role is suppose to be, he should go watch some YT videos and see how the part was played, how he loved and connected with his family land friends, and only had his Stone Cold face on when dealing with mobsters and the cops.

Michael and Sabrina?  I think Chad deserves so much more than the crap he's getting.  I hate that the writers feel this need to write him as being concerned with Sabrina when it doesn't appear that she's concerned about him.  Now hopefully, I'm wrong, and it will turn out that she was kept hostage, but if that turns out to not be the case, I don't want Michael pining for her.  I don't understand why these writers find it so hard to write for him when I can think of at least half a dozen stories for him - considering he's tied to almost all the legacy families in PC.

LOVED Kevin and Laura yesterday.  I felt zero sympathy for Lucy.  She made her bed (figuratively and literally), and so she can watch her "Doc" be appreciated by another beautiful woman.  I hated how Lucy disregarded Doc (granted, it was with a different writing regime), but whatever.  I'm glad that Doc is moving on, and I would love to see a romance with him and Laura.  Jon and Genie have great chemistry, and I feel like Lucy and Kevin have had their time (much like Luke and Laura).  Also, I can't take Lucy's manic behavior, although it looks like the writers may be toning that down - thank God.

I am a Sonny fan, but he was SUCH an ass yesterday!  Normally, I can forgive much of what he does because I like Moe, but yesterday, the hypocrisy was just too much.  Does he really think Alexis should be more loyal to him than the man she married?  Does her child with Julian trump his child with Alexis?  His "You're dead to me" line was particularly surprising considering that she is Kristina's mother.  I just wish the characters were allowed to say "What about AJ?!!"  Alas, no one is allowed to mention what Sonny did to AJ.  No one.  Not Michael, not Monica, not anyone.  So when I hear Sonny complain that Julian killed Duke when we all know what Sonny did to AJ, it makes me mad.  The writers really have no self-awareness when it comes to writing these mobsters.  At least let Julian throw AJ in Sonny's face, but nope.  I really think the writers want to erase that AJ was ever around or ever was murdered, and I mean that seriously.  If that's the case, then stop writing such hypocritical lines for Sonny to spout.  It's jarring for the audience.  I was disappointed in Alexis not destroying the shirt.  Why must Sonny only have loyal family members?  Alexis has enjoyed the bad boys for too long to pretend that she has any sense of ethics left.  Molly?  Yes.  Kristina?  Yes.  Alexis?  No.

Lastly, I actually like Liz and Franco.  I think the RHs have good chemistry, and even though I am very much aware of the character of Franco and his past, Roger is stuck with it (thanks to RC), and so they've given the character four years to change, and I'm starting to accept it.  As long as he's not near Michael and him and Michael aren't buddies, I'm good with it.  I am liking Fin's character as well. 

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 4
19 hours ago, Chairperson Meow said:

I had to google it.  According to paganism, it represents a numbness or stillness.  The set designers are having fun.   


19 hours ago, Oracle42 said:


Which means that the set designers are officially putting more thought into this than the ENTIRE WRITING TEAM

I wonder if they're simply stealing from leftover sets from canceled shows. 

"Grab that table set, this chandelier, those throw pillows .... and that yak."

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, tvgoddess said:

I am trying to care why Sabrina would abandon her baby.

I suspect that the actress who plays Sabrina can't tear herself away from her own recently born rugrats to come back and play the role. The actress must have had the Show waiting a long time until finally Carlos was killed off instead of being reunited with her and given a story. She's obviously a pet of Disney or somebody, and they have been holding the role open for her while constantly having the character's name come up in Show dialog. She still didn't turn up, so now Show has dumped her baby on the Q doorstep. Sabrina would never do that, considering how upset she was to lose Gabriel her first baby (Sham-wa). Sonny and Carly will manage to suck the baby into their lair eventually, since that's what they do.

Well I'm glad in death Carlooos could cause all kinds of campy telenovela goodness. First OTT Anna hatin' on GOD, then Alexis' tween meltdown now Sonny's OTT glass destruction, I guess since there was no barware to fling he decided to take it all out. Julian you are a giant wuss when your tween wife has to shield you from Sonny. Even as a Sonny liker that scene was hard to watch and not a good look on him.

I don't think Sabrina is who brought the giant baby I think it was the lady who had him. My theory is Carlos has Sabrina captive somewhere and this family friend doesn't know where she is but since she knows Carlos is dead whatever threat he was holding over this woman to keep the baby stashed is gone. Since she knew Michael was very concerned and cares about Sabrina she knew he would take care of her baby and find her.

Tracy was super cute with giant baby.

I like Kevin and Laura's story even if I don't care for Lucy but she wasn't as annoying yesterday.

I thought Carly had a better reaction to Jason's return of memories than Sam. I'm liking this story better than most. I think Jason is still being Jason. Since SBu Jason was emotionally cold I fee that is why BM is playing him this way.

Franco is starting to make even me dislike him. Liz has slapped many a woman harder than she slapped him. What a terrible mom she is for letting DNAJ run off in a back room in strange house for like 30 mins. What if he jumped out a window or something. Allowing Franco to emotionally blackmail her into still working with DNAJ was icky and truly shows her lack of insight. Would you REALLY want someone who would say the things he is be "helping" your emotionally messed up child? There are plenty of reputable therapists he could see.

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31 minutes ago, Francie said:


I wonder if they're simply stealing from leftover sets from canceled shows. 

"Grab that table set, this chandelier, those throw pillows .... and that yak."

My boyfriend actually recognized the pier as the same set as the one used on OLTL when Todd returned and was saved by McBain.   Like on sight, just blurted it out.  He lost a bet and had to watch last week and recognized it during Carlos's death scene.  So, if he can recognize that from 2011, then yeah, they're doing that.  And yes he liked McBain.  And yes he said it was an excruciating time.  And no I didn't make him watch the entire week in one sitting.  I'm not a monster.  

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1 hour ago, Bishop said:

…  I was disappointed in Alexis not destroying the shirt.  Why must Sonny only have loyal family members? …

I didn't see that as Alexis being loyal to Sonny. I saw that more as her realizing the shirt might be her only way out of the situation she had just begun to realize that she was trapped in. I don't think she was thinking about Sonny at all when she put the shirt back in the bag. I think she was in raw survival mode, realizing that if worse became worst that she would turn on Julian to save herself.

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Y'all are such haters.  Sonny wouldn't have to be a complete asshole to Alexis--and general all-around hypocrite--if Julian wasn't 'manipple-ating" her.  

But, for real, what a complete asshole!  Going into her house and swinging that poker around, smashing mirrors.  But, but...he's the good guy!  He's in the right!  We should cheer when he "I knew it was you, Fredo"'s Alexis.  Not this sheep.

The "Jason gets his memories back" plot is just so poorly done.  The only thing I appreciated was him actually feeling regret for treating the Qs so awful.  I've only waited for that two decades.  The rest can suck it.  IDGAF if he remembers taking Michael in the ocean or that Sam trips a lot--though I just can't wait til they go to Buda Noodle to reclaim the dragon and phoenix.  That should make for compelling watching...

Edited by Cheyanne11
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 Deep-fried fuckery on this shit show is a way of life, but Sonny's verbally/physically attacking Julexis and trashing their house wasn't just deep-fried-it's burnt to a crisp. Julian's no saint by a long shot, but at least he never shot one son in the chest, fucked/impregnated another son's girlfriend nor killed his other son's bio dad in cold blood. As for Sonny's declaring Alexis "dead to [him]," she should have been relieved.

 Last time I checked, neither Duke nor Carlos were innocent-unlike, say, AJ. Just because Sonny got a pardon from the Governor for that murder doesn't mean that it never happened. The way I see it, Julian finished what Sonny and Anna started and anyone in Port Chuck who gives Julexis shit about it while ignoring Sonny's killing AJ and getting away with it (among his numerous other crimes) is a hypocrite, as far as I'm concerned.

Edited by DollEyes
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40 minutes ago, rur said:

I didn't see that as Alexis being loyal to Sonny. I saw that more as her realizing the shirt might be her only way out of the situation she had just begun to realize that she was trapped in. I don't think she was thinking about Sonny at all when she put the shirt back in the bag. I think she was in raw survival mode, realizing that if worse became worst that she would turn on Julian to save herself.

No, I wasn't talking about her being loyal to Sonny.  Why couldn't Alexis just be loyal to Julian and destroy the shirt?  I'm sorry but I can't buy that Alexis has all these scruples.  She's killed people before and she's done that because she had her reasons for doing it.  So why is Julian different, and it's not like he's the first mobster she has been involved with over the years.  She can't keep preaching her ethics while seeking out every mobster-murderer in town to date or marry or have kids with.  So at this point, why not just embrace it?  She loves Julian; she knows he's a mobster; she knows he did horrible things; so just embrace it, and destroy the shirt.  Like I said, Sonny's family would have done it for him.  Why can't Alexis do it for Julian?  If the writers want to KEEP putting her with mobsters, this constant "I didn't know you were going to turn bad again" thing is getting old.  Just own it already.  She likes the bad boys and their bad-boy behavior.  It's not a coincidence that all the guys she has ever dated with the exception of Ned (who she dumped, ironically) have been men who kill, break laws, torment, and then try to cover their tracks by any means necessary.  She can't keep getting mad or acting surprised.

Edited by Bishop
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Why does everyone act like Sonny isn't tall enough to ride a roller coaster?   Or that he's afraid of closets?  Like, if he came in my house trying to be scary, I'd lock him in the nearest closet and put on every Nightmare on Elm Street Movie or Halloween movie and leave for a few hours, come back, laugh, post some funny snap chats, maybe some tweets and instagrams.  I'd tell him he could come out when he learns to behave.  He can't find towels, so he won't escape.  And I'd definitely go to his stupid office and smash stuff or his lame exclusive restaurant.   I'd give it terrible yelp reviews.   

  • Love 16
42 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

If Carly  turned on Sonny, his cry would be "Betraaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyaaaaalllll!!!" Yet Alexis is somehow the traitor for standing by her husband. Shut up, Sonny. This is the kind of hypocrisy that drives me nuts.

It drives me nuts that this show's shows mantra is "Sonny has a good heart.  He does bad things for the right reasons", blah, blah, blah.

  • Love 5

Isn't it dangerous legally speaking for the Qs or even Sonny & Carly to keep Doorstep Baby? Couldn't the real parents show up and accuse them of kidnapping? They need to notify the authorities, who will probably find a cozy Child Welfare place for it.

I understood that Sabrina and Carlos had extended family in Puerto Rico. The baby had been in Puerto Rico; isn't it more realistic that it would stay there with extended family? Babies that age don't cost much to keep.

Good on Rebecca Budig for taking my advice from a while back and at least trying to sell some of Nikolas' possession.  I still don't understand why she doesn't make him do it, she still has the leverage re: him HAVING HER SHOT to use against him regardless of him giving ELQ back.

As much as I'm a fan of Kevin and Lucy, Kevin and Laura are pretty good together.  Although I'm not enjoying that Laura's big new story is all about Luke.  Didn't we suffer through enough Luke story when Luke was around?

Fuckin' Felix should be fired, letting Dr. Michael Easton poke through the dispensary all willy-nilly.

Way to be an asshole, Michael, ditching Tracy like that.

Shut up, Sonny.

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Jason/Sonny man-hug was one of the most awkward I have seen.

Nikolas: are you still hung up on that [the shooting]?

Aaaaand there it is, officially Sonny 2.0

The baby was so cute leaning back to look at the lights. He was so relaxed.

Michael's shoulders are nice. Also I've decided in those two seconds they were together Michael and Hayden have chemistry and they should try that out. They get conflict because she stole ELQ and she wouldn't be with the man who shot her in the head and Michael wouldn't be with a partner who is too similar to him.

Poor Felix having to be dumber than usual to get Dr Finn into the drug closet. 

Despite being an avid follower of Mr Craig I was for some reason startled to see him in the previews. Whoa the hair.

Ava and Dante appeared to have nice hair though but I could be wrong about Dante. It looked like he got a trim though.

ETA I just realized the great news Carly wants to tell Morgan is that Jason got his memory back. lol poor Morgan. "Hey Morgan you're in a mental hospital but GUESS WHAT JASON REMEMBERS ME BEING HIS BEST FRIEND and he remembers his much-more-meaningful-relationship with Michael than with you! Isn't it the best??"

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 13

I still don't understand why she doesn't make him do it, she still has the leverage re: him HAVING HER SHOT

He now has leverage on her.  Something about diamonds that he found (placed there himself) in her possession that were stolen  by her father.  Because stolen gems that can't be proven were ever in her possession equals hiring hitman to kill you.  That's just evidence 101


BTW, is Curtis still living at Wyndemere?

Nope, that's plot point 7899 that's been dropped.

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