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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

You're not wrong. Even in yesterday's horrible scenes with Franco I was still like, "You know what, BH and RoHo do have great chem." Still, writers, that doesn't mean Liz should fuck with Franco. It's just gross on so many different levels. If they actually hook them up romantically now after he's kidnapped her child again I don't even know. Liz is already pathetic enough.

I'm in favor of giving Roger a new character.   It worked for Michael Easton.  But can they just tell us who does the current paintings?   

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1 hour ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Jason: Blah, blah, blah...memories.  Corset.  Hit head.  All good.

Sam: OMG, OMG, Jason!  Our life.  Our love.  Hit head bad.  Hospital now.

Jason: No, no, no.

Sam: Yes, yes, yes.

Jason: OK.

Ugh, that hospital crap. I'm so sick of men not wanting to go see a doctor being a sign of machismo. No, it's abject stupidity. I'm not saying Jason has to like it, but it'd be nice if he'd stop actively fighting it. Do it for the wife you say you're glad to have again, asshole. Gah.

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17 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Ugh, that hospital crap. I'm so sick of men not wanting to go see a doctor being a sign of machismo. No, it's abject stupidity. I'm not saying Jason has to like it, but it'd be nice if he'd stop actively fighting it. Do it for the wife you say you're glad to have again, asshole. Gah.

Or the "MySon" he keeps talking about.   You have children.   You also just spoke about how you lost your damn mind.  Get your brain checked.   Sigh.   Someone hit Jason over the head till he gets some Q memories.  

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4 hours ago, NutmegsDad said:

Franco brings in a dog for Jake and Monica has a conniption about animals in the hospital.

Finn mentioned brining his bearded dragon into the hospital and Monica is all hunky-dory and wants to all the kids to visit it.


Right, Show. Riiiiiiiiiight.


I will never have a problem with anyone - but especially, Jason & Sam's family members - treating Franco like crap.

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7 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:


I will never have a problem with anyone - but especially, Jason & Sam's family members - treating Franco like crap.

For some reason, this made me think of that time Morgan called him an asshat. Good times.

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15 minutes ago, tvgoddess said:

For some reason, this made me think of that time Morgan called him an asshat. Good times.

I liked when Morgan hated everyone.   Now he's just a balding emo kid who skypes all day.  He should just start a band with Michael already.

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5 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

It was ridiculous.

BTDubs, I have all my memories back, my permanent amnesia was magically cured!- Soooo, brunch? 

Instead of playing to BM's strengths and the writers limited abilities by giving Jason back some of his memories, we're going to watch this team of hacks pretend there's no difference between SBu/BM versions of Jason

That's the most hilarious part. Sam had no problems getting past his new face? His new personality? But let's gift the show with an Emmy for BEST DRAMA. They're TNT. They know DRAMA.

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16 minutes ago, ciarra said:

Forget about Sonny's badger.  What in the holy hell was on Anna's wall?  A Yak?  Why would she have something like that in her home?

I had to google it.  According to paganism, it represents a numbness or stillness.  The set designers are having fun.   

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21 minutes ago, Chairperson Meow said:

I had to google it.  According to paganism, it represents a numbness or stillness.  The set designers are having fun.   


Which means that the set designers are officially putting more thought into this than the ENTIRE WRITING TEAM

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You know who wasn't fighting YOU and was defenseless when you killed HIM like a dog, Sonny? AJ. Your son's biological father that you killed for no other reason than because you wanted to.

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2 hours ago, tvgoddess said:

For some reason, this made me think of that time Morgan called him an asshat. Good times.

I think the most I ever liked Morgan and Michael was when they were mocking Franco about Carly always being connected to Sonny. For many reasons.

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Nothing was going to ruin seeing LUCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and KEVIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in scenes together for the first time in close to two years.

...but Sonny tried his damndest today.  What a hypocritical asshole!

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"Are we supposed to be happy about that?"  Hah!  Yes, exactly.  Tracy wins for best line of the century.

Of course, we get scenes of the Corinthos clan slobbering all over Jason, but no hug for Monica.  Because, Show, you always know just the right beats to play.  (/ sarcasm)

Julian, how did you get to be so stupid?  Oh, well, I don't care.  Unless and until Sonny pays, truly pays, for even just one of his crimes of the last couple decades, I'm gonna root for everyone else to get away with whatever they do, too.  

This show makes me sick.

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There's the Sonny I know and loathe threatening one of the many mothers of his children. Though I guess I shouldn't be surprised that he threatened Kristina's mother since Kristina's just one of his girl children who can't even get her picture displayed in his house, but of course he's got a picture of him and Carly and a picture with all of his male kids.

Plus, God that man has never met a hypocritical rant he couldn't get behind. He acts morally outraged that Julian killed a defenseless Carlos. Let's forget his killing a defenseless AJ for a second. The whole reason he went to Puerto Rico in the first place was to kill Carlos. He was going to shoot a defenseless Carlos until Anna begged him not to. Just how is he better than Julian. 

Uh, already enough with the Nurse Amy and her tired gossip. You mean to tell me she knows all about Kevin's psycho past, but not that he was just recently married to Lucy? That scene played like she had no idea who Kevin was beyond his crazy past. 

Liz and Franco are already pathetic. She basically lets him question her parenting skills (not that they shouldn't be questioned, but still) with only some half-hearted protests from her. Where her snark and bitch face galore? I guess if Franco had been a woman, they would have been out in full force.

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I loved Tracy's outfit today. It was perfect.

Of course Monica had to apologize to Jason. The Qs are never allowed to be angry/disappointed/remotely negative with him. It's so gross.

Jason, how about you remember that Carly kept quiet about Sonny shooting your brother?

It was chilling to see Sam and Carly embracing.

If only Julian had shot Sonny for trespassing. Sonny's threats are grade-school level. I wouldn't be surprised to hear him say, "I'm rubber and you're glue."

5 minutes ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

a picture with all of his male kids

LOL that they're all in black.

Alexis, find your inner Cassadine and have her spank the weepy mess you've become. You're pathetic.

How does Kevin not know about the campus disco and how it related to Luke and Laura? Amy Vining 2.0 is seriously behind the times, I guess.

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I have this weird thing with Lucy where I can see that she actually might be more shrill and have less self-awareness than Carly, but still just get so happy when she pops up. I spent a couple of formative tweenage summers watching Port Charles.  

I guess Lucy/Kevin/Laura are going to pop up once a month to have the world’s most condensed love triangle and tbh I will watch all four episodes of it. I will forever love Lucy and Kevin, but it’s also just really nice to see Laura even lightly flirting with a man who isn’t Scotty or Luke. When was the last time that happened?

Edited by Ladybyrd
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Wowza, Alexis, you are pathetic.  First, why did she even answer the door when she knew it was Sonny?  Second, why didn't she grab a poker and defend herself and her home.  I soo hate Sonny, and I wanted her to spit in his face.

Look, they are all killers, where does Sonny get off attacking Julian or Alexis, it is ridiculous.  I did like Julian's completely zen attitude, that everything is going to work out.  Guess that is why he let her get rid of the evidence.

I was so sure Sonny was going to find the knife because last I recall, Alexis threw it and it hit the wood panelling.  So it should have been on the floor.

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1 minute ago, Ladybyrd said:

I will forever love Lucy and Kevin, but it’s also just really nice to see Laura even lightly flirting with a man who isn’t Scotty or Luke. When was the last time that happened?

Has it ever? Laura has always seemed to bounce back and forth between only Luke and Scott.

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How many times did hypocrite Carly manage to crush her perspiring bod upon Jason's today? We didn't get to see her hips, but I bet they were grindin'. The hypocrisy came out when she acknowledged Sam's joy to Jason and then hugged Sam. The girls were still grinning sentimentally in a short scene after, when Jason met with Sonny to share the news about his memory and be ready to volunteer his hitman services again. Ah, the Circle of Life. Made for each other. They're not alone anymore.

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Just now, dubbel zout said:

Has it ever? Laura has always seemed to bounce back and forth between only Luke and Scott.

There was Stefan, but that was 15 years ago. Pinging back and forth between two terrible ex-husbands and a catatonic state is a pretty bleak way to spend your middle age.

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2 hours ago, ciarra said:

Forget about Sonny's badger.  What in the holy hell was on Anna's wall?  A Yak?  Why would she have something like that in her home?

Shhhhh! It's a repurposed Nannycam, installed by Faison. Or Paul.

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That picture of Bryan Craig, Maurice Benard, Chad Duell and Dominic Zamprogna Sonny and sons made me cringe. 

The only time I took a side in that Julian/Alexis/Sonny fiasco is when Sonny leaned in whisper-threatening. Alexis should have spit in his face. Otherwise I was trying to keep in my laughter when Sonny got out the poker and Alexis wailed "no more!" over Julian's body.

Oh yes Alexis  one the many many cabinets is an excellent hiding spot.

If there were this little story for any other actress, we would not being so much of them anyway like we are with Carly. Seriously, her one purpose these days is to worry. Cause that's so Carly.

18 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

It was chilling to see Sam and Carly embracing.

It was nauseating. 

Did you know the guy who plays Felix is 48? That's crazy.

It's so endearing for Franco to lecture Liz about her kid, then burp. Good to see Ron's humor live on.

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Sonny WTF?  Are they playing this like he's the hero because Julian is somehow more evil, so Sonny had the right to destroy their home, hit Julian with the poker and threaten Alexis. This righteous indignation that Carlos was killed was just, ugh, I mean, WTF?  Also, I don't beleive that the man who didn't know where the towels were in his house the night he shot Dante, would see the fireplace and immediately assume that Julian was getting rid of evidence.  Sonny's not that smart.  

Amy shut up, you annoying little twit.  

Jason's memories;  again I would have been far more invested had they shown us the memories as he's telling the people.  Eh, who am I kidding, I hate Jason and don't give a crap.

Tracy finding the baby and declaring that she was going to keep him and name him Edward was adorable.  

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Isn't Ned's name Edward? 

It seems that Sonny has a mad because he allowed Anna to talk him out of killing Carrrlos and then Julian did it. We know that Sonny and his minions are the only ones to kill in PC.

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7 minutes ago, Lillybee said:

It seems that Sonny has a mad because he allowed Anna to talk him out of killing Carrrlos and then Julian did it.

That's one reason why his self-righteousness is so annoying. He's not mad that Carrrlos is dead, Sonny is mad that Julian beat him to it.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Voice message from my aunt: 

I turned on General Hospital today and then I turned it off. Sonny and Julian are both mobsters! I mean (stuttering) who is he to tell people they're murderers? Who the hell is writing this show?

Too long to explain aunt. Too long to explain. 

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9 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

Carly and Sam's BFF status will never fly with me. I'll always have this, though.

*laughs uncontrollably*

*adds to favorites playlist*

I enjoy Sam and Carly's frenemy situation even though it's kinda weird. 

The Jason Tells People He Got His Memory Back Tour continues to be underwhelming. I remain astonished at how badly the writers fucked this story up. 

Sonny was unbearable. One of the other two murderers in the room should have killed him.

Liez is pathetic for letting Freako question her poor parenting. Where was the bitch face?

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Did Sonny really say something like this to  Julian, Alexis is out of my life unless she does something that crosses me?

I think that Franco may be right about Jake. Helena did something to that child and Liz is ignoring it.

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46 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Voice message from my aunt: 

I turned on General Hospital today and then I turned it off. Sonny and Julian are both mobsters! I mean (stuttering) who is he to tell people they're murderers? Who the hell is writing this show?

Too long to explain aunt. Too long to explain. 

I think your aunt is going to have lots of company.   How many of us want to bother explaining anymore???

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Tracy/Baby/Monica and Lucy/Kevin/Laura made this episode good. I loved that shit. Sabrina's baby is adorable. I love Tracy with babies. The last few times we saw Lucy I wasn't feeling her but I loved her today. 

I can't at Jason hugging everyone but Monica. The fuck? These writers are horrendous. I was hoping when Sonny walked in Jason would be all, "Why the fuck did you murder my brother you piece of shit" but of course not. He fucking thanks Sonny for what he did for him. I can't. I just can't.

Sonny is so awful. Like how is this character seriously the hero of the show? It's just mind-boggling.

The less said about Liz/Franco the better. What in the ever loving shit was that? Again, I can't.

There was actually a lot about this episode that felt so RC. Maybe he somehow snuck back into the writer's room.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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1 hour ago, ulkis said:

That picture of Bryan Craig, Maurice Benard, Chad Duell and Dominic Zamprogna Sonny and sons made me cringe. 

The only time I took a side in that Julian/Alexis/Sonny fiasco is when Sonny leaned in whisper-threatening. Alexis should have spit in his face. Otherwise I was trying to keep in my laughter when Sonny got out the poker and Alexis wailed "no more!" over Julian's body.

Oh yes Alexis  one the many many cabinets is an excellent hiding spot.

If there were this little story for any other actress, we would not being so much of them anyway like we are with Carly. Seriously, her one purpose these days is to worry. Cause that's so Carly.

It was nauseating. 

Did you know the guy who plays Felix is 48? That's crazy.

It's so endearing for Franco to lecture Liz about her kid, then burp. Good to see Ron's humor live on.

WHAT?! I thought he was in his 20s. I always thought out of the trio, that Parry Shen was the oldest. I guess not.

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Also, I don't believe that the man who didn't know where the towels were in his house the night he shot Dante, would see the fireplace and immediately assume that Julian was getting rid of evidence.  Sonny's not that smart.

He didn't think anything at all was unusual about Angel of Loon Lake building a fire for them at her cabin in what, June or July? Not that I expect the present hacks to know what was written five hacks ago. 

I know the writers don't want us to watch a show like today's and think Sonny is the most detestable person on it, but sorry, that die is cast. Because it's just so damned lopsided. Most of them are terrible people, but Sonny is the one who never gets hoist by his own petard, and he says this hypocritical nonsense and the show endorses it as if it's gospel. No other character would ever be able to show up at his place and smash things, hit him with a poker, and threaten the She-Beast, even though others have had far more righteous standing to do it. He got to beat Ned to a pulp once just for the very minor infraction of asking Carly if she was "really that stupid." (And, I mean...the evidence then and now is pretty conclusive that the answer was yes, so the worst thing that can be said is that the question was unnecessary.)  

Pulling Alexis in for a hug and telling her she's dead to him...please. Even setting aside that it's another tired Godfather lift (surprised he didn't add that she's to see Kristina when he isn't around), that "friendship" was torched 14 years ago.  

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But don't you know, Jason hates hospitals.  Are there people who like hospitals?  (Oh yes, please take me to the hospital!)  I read a lot of regular fic. and fanfic, and I cringe every time someone is injured and whines that they can't be checked out because they hate hospitals. 

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So....Jason is running around town telling everyone he remembers being a hitman while Sonny is on a hypocritical rage tour?   It's 2009 again, baby!   What happened on OLTL?  Was AMC preempted?   Will that Justin Bieber stay popular?   Wow.  I wonder if twitter will take off.  

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12 minutes ago, Mrs OldManBalls said:

Why and how did Tracy have Sabrina's baby? 

A baby was left on the Quartermaines doorstep and Tracy found it.  Michael recognized the toy with the baby as the one he saw at Sabrina's aunt's house.

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I was thinking it had to be Sabrina's baby because it was both a giant baby and a Latino baby, but then I remembered that original Cam was a Latino baby, even though his parents Liz and Zander were quite possibly the two palest white people to ever be on this show, so then I wasn't sure. Fortunately Michael recognized the rattle of deceit and confirmed his identity. Which doesn't explain how Giant Baby No Name ended up on the Quartermaine doorstep, but I assume Sabrina is skulking around PC trying to figure out what happened to Carlos. Seems like a more responsible thing would be to ask Felix to babysit, but whatever.

Speaking of doorsteps, I'm not convinced that Jake was waiting for Franco at his apartment. How does Jake even know where Franco lives? It's more likely that Franco took him there and then called Liz to say he found the kid. I can't even applaud Liz for slapping his stupid face because you know she's going to cave in and let him be Jake's therapist. Even if he weren't a known psychopath, you'd think she'd be the tiniest bit concerned about how fucking obsessed he seems to be with her kid.

Laura's hair looks really good. I hope she leaves it that darker color; it's so much more flattering on her.


3 hours ago, Lillybee said:

Isn't Ned's name Edward? 

It is, but in my head it's Nedward.


1 hour ago, ciarra said:

But don't you know, Jason hates hospitals.  Are there people who like hospitals?  (Oh yes, please take me to the hospital!) 


Edited by fishcakes
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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

There was actually a lot about this episode that felt so RC. Maybe he somehow snuck back into the writer's room.

That line about Blackie getting a better gig in San Francisco (...hardy har?) was verrry Ron. 

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6 minutes ago, bannana said:

I am trying to understand why Sabrina would abandon her baby.

Yeah, it doesn't make a ton of sense, unless they're gonna make the baby Michael's after all?  At least she recognized the baby was better off with the Q's than dropping him at, like, Sonny's or something.

Edited by TeeVee329
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3 hours ago, Lillybee said:

Did Sonny really say something like this to  Julian, Alexis is out of my life unless she does something that crosses me?

I think that Franco may be right about Jake. Helena did something to that child and Liz is ignoring it.

Liz isn't ignoring it. She has Jake in therapy.

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I actually liked the Jason/Carly scenes. Carly/Sam hugging was cute. I think they kinda became friends after he died. 

Does Michael live at the Qs? that baby was so cute.

JFC, Sonny was a psycho today. NLG was a little OTT with her wailing on the floor. 

So they sent out Amber alerts about Jake, but Monica/Carly/Sam/Jason heard nothing about it. Lawd. 

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