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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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34 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

They probably just got bored with Val (and Dante and Lulu) and decided not to *invest* in a pregnancy/crazy sidepiece story. 

Thank Jasus. It's insulting enough we have Paul accusing Anna F! Devane of being crazy, even if it's just to save his own ass. I don't crazy pregnant ladies, too. That well was tapped dry ages ago.

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2 hours ago, testardo said:

I haven't been watching much, very little in fact but, has it ever been explained why exactly Helena took Jake, and what she did to him ? Little Jake that is.

Show hasn't bothered to explain just yet, other than Helena and reasons. To make things worse, Liz seems to be very disinterested about what happened to Jake during that time.

42 minutes ago, Lillybee said:

Show hasn't bothered to explain just yet, other than Helena and reasons. To make things worse, Liz seems to be very disinterested about what happened to Jake during that time.

I think Franco cares.  If I recall correctly, going by the coloring book and the super awesome writing (pause for laughter ), it's a daunting tale with clues sprinkled about the bloated canvas.  The story involves a little boy  and an older lady who spent a lot of time in a giant creepy house.   The house was frightening to the boy, as Jake has been seen drawing "disturbing " pictures of a house in the hospital.   Jake also used his house to become a sort of crime scene when he invented a stalker to keep Jason around, which inferes that he might not think his home is safe.  Or really any home.   All we really know is that he got kidnapped and was scared.  The recast and the contact stuff with BH halted stuff a tad, I think.  But I did catch the New Jake in ACS and he can act and is adorable.  (He played Marcia Clark's son.) 

Scott, Paul, Andre, and the judge were all wearing either purple ties or shirts, so I wondered if it was a tribute to Prince, but don't they tape about a month in advance? He died only eight days earlier.

Paul: Anna, I need to talk to you.
Scott: You need to get lost.
Paul: Does your lawyer speak for you?
Me: Yeah, dawg, that's his job.

Andre's testimony regarding Anna's mental state wasn't exactly to the point. He might as well have said she wasn't a flight risk because her hair is so shiny. And I'm not looking forward to Jordan screaming, "what about prom, Blaine?" at him.

Michael's haircut makes him look 11. It really emphasizes that baby fish mouth face he sometimes makes.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Lillybee said:

Why didn't anyone ask Robin who was also held captive on Cassidine Island if she knew anything about Jake?

Because clearly it's AJ and obviously either Monica and Tracy have paid her to say nothing or Robin tried to say something,  but all anyone heard was "blah blah blah AJ... fat."  No one cared when Robin was there, so they aren't going to care if anyone else is there.  Not even if this isn't Franco that Roger is playing and real Franco is out there with undead Helena, Stavros, Mikkos, and Faison.  If it's not about Jason, Sonny, or Sabrina then no one in town cares.  

  • Love 3

Catchup due to the boards being down and just regaining consciousness from Rage Blackouts:

* "OMG! He tried to give him a CUTE DOG!" is going to be my new go-to to describe Evulist Evul beyond reasons.

* Tracey went from "MY COMPANY!! MINE MINE MINE! MY PRECIOUS!" to "MY FAMILY'S HOSPITAL! MINE MINE MINE! MY PRECIOUS!" not an improvement. And glad to know Brother's Widow doesn't count to nepotism.

* Is Soap Opera Digest right and Show rewrote history (again) and that it was Paul and not Carrrrrrrrlos that shot Sonny?

  • Love 3
54 minutes ago, NutmegsDad said:

Is Soap Opera Digest right and Show rewrote history (again) and that it was Paul and not Carrrrrrrrlos that shot Sonny?

I thought it was Paul. Unless I'm misremembering, when he was blackmailing Ava, he told her to tell the heads of the Five Families that Julian shot Sonny, but when she got to the meeting she told them it was Carlos. I don't think Paul ever said he was responsible, but it was implied that either he did it or someone did it on his orders. Later, when it seemed like they were trying to redeem Paul with the undercover ATF story, then the story seemed to be that Carlos was the shooter (possibly on Paul's orders? but that makes no sense if Carlos was supposedly blackmailing Paul after seeing him shoot Sloan), but originally I think that was supposed to be something Ava just pulled out of her butt to save Julian from Paul and Sonny.

  • Love 2

Everyone is really believing this witness in the Rivera case? They're just going to totally ignore the insane coincidence of it? Alrighty then.

Ugh, jealous Jordan. Why do we have to go there? It's so stupid. And why does she have such a tiny studio apartment? She's the police commissioner, FFS.

MAC!!!!!!!!! JJY looks great.

I'm disappointed Jason caved and went to help Michael, but at least Jason made some good points.

Sam, tell Jason what happened in Hawaii, sad or no. It's part of your history, and he needs and deserves to know.

Tomorrow looks galactically stupid.

  • Love 3

Sorry for the technical difficulties up there.

Julian's hair was slightly better today. I have no use for Julian but this "he shot Kristina's father" is so ridiculous. Only mention the TJ part please. And no Jason would never ask Sam to go against her loyalties but if he chose to do something he didn't like he would just be like, "if you don't like it feel free to leave me" while the lone tear of emo mainpain fell down his face.

Derek Wells media being in the tiny hotel room is very embarrassing.

Anna and Griffin have chemistry. She should have kissed him at the end. Also, poor IB should get 5 cents every time someone has mentioned Duke in the past year. Or we should. Yes, we should.

Andre was good in the love scene. 

It's weird how Michael said Carlos only said he knew where Sabrina was because he wanted to hurt Michael to hurt Sonny. I would think the only reason Carlos said it was because he wanted Michael to help bust him out of prison and be free. This is another problem with Michael 100% forgiving Sonny, not only are we asked to forget what Sonny has done completely, but simply that now everything must go back to Sonny and not about Michael as a character. Why does Carlos wanting Michael to help him have to be about Sonny? Why can't it just be that Carlos wants to be free? More importantly why would Carlos care more about hurting Sonny than his own freedom at this point? Ack.

  • Love 11

I am so confused as to why Sam and Molly think Alexis is above representing someone like Carlos. She's really not, guys.

I'm somewhat pissed they killed witness guy. He was decent. Why do they hire actors with potential to play bit parts and people who suck to play the characters that are shoved down our throats?

I can not stand Jordan at all anymore. So insufferable. And I'm not really prudish but the fact that once again they had a couple fuck after violence is kinda making me uncomfortable. That being said, Andre was super hot in that love scene.

What even are they doing with Nik/Hayden? Please just stop. They need to never share scenes again. Go back to giving her scenes with Curtis and Tracy.

I'm already 100% over Griffin's past and what it has to do with Nathan. And if they're not going to have Griffin and Anna have a torrid affair then frankly as far as I'm concerned they can get rid of both of them.

I don't remember anything else.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 10
3 minutes ago, ulkis said:

You pretty much covered the show besides Michael and Jason/Sam, so your memory is pretty good. ;)

Ah yes I did fast forward the Jason/Sam stuff. I don't know I'm just SO bored by it that I don't even bother anymore unless I have nothing else to do. The Michael stuff, same tbh. I do love Carlos but this whole thing is just meh.

  • Love 1

I kind of figured poor Garrett was a dead man walking, and I kind of hope I'm even half wrong about the circumstances--Hammer acted on his own initiative to either take him out or at least incapacitate him via the drug needle stuck in his arm, but he's dead now or will be shortly.  And it's still all on Julian's head in the end, and heeeeere we go again with more Julexis angst.

Going off the camera work today, Franco was just a stalker for Jason and Sam and not the stalker.  Which continues to make no damn sense, but whatthehellever.

And for once I agree with Nikolas: why the hell would two federal agents randomly question someone in a parking garage?  Then again, with the diamonds...I don't even know what that's about, and I'm honestly not sure I still care.  This story is a blazing hot mess.

13 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I can not stand Jordan at all anymore. So insufferable. And I'm not really prudish but the fact that once again they had a couple fuck after violence is kinda making me uncomfortable. That being said, Andre was super hot in that love scene.

Jordan's always been a little bit insufferable, IMO, although that's almost literally a character requirement for this show.  But she does/did punch it up a bit when Andre paid any serious attention to Anna, which both makes her look bad and transparently sort of the heavy in this not-quite-triangle.  Even as somebody who would prefer Andre bounce Jordan like a check in favor of Anna, they could be more graceful about it.

As for the violence angle...a slap during an argument several minutes beforehand is perhaps on the mild side, but I'm still sitting here thinking "Wait.  I know this has happened here before, but when?" And that bothers me...

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Harmony233 said:

No really he bashed all of Maxie's exes to Griffin and raved on about Nathan talked a bit about Duke and had a scene with Anna and told us Scott had a grudge aganist Paul  and that's why he wanted Anna's case.

[All caps warning]I. AM. SO. SICK. OF. HEARING. ABOUT. DUKE!!!!!![/all caps]

Look, when Ian was on, we at least could find the funny and there was occasionally new material (warehouses, tea boxes) that we could talk about. But this postmortem deification? It's making me sick. I turned off Friday's show after hearing Duke's name for the 3rd time. Now I can't even stomach reading about it on message boards.  It's such a fucking re-write, first of all. Second of all, this waxing on about how great a man Duke was and about the things he was robbed of doing, is being run into the ground.

You know who was also robbed of getting to do things, like watch her son graduate high school? The woman Duke decided to kill for no other reason than she was almost competently doing her job for half a second.  I have no sympathy. I will never have any sympathy. And it may just be the straw that broke the camel's back. 

Nina may be We Never Cared (-2), but Duke is "I Will NEVER Care."


  • Love 18
16 minutes ago, Bill C. said:

the diamonds...

Diamonds are a terrible investment, since their price is artificially controlled by a cartel. Rebecca Budig didn't learn much from her father, it seems.

2 minutes ago, Francie said:

You know who was also robbed of getting to do things

And how about the dude who took a chance on Duke and gave him a job? Yeah, that guy was fat, but Duke owed him more than teaming up with his murderer.

  • Love 16
On 5/1/2016 at 1:37 PM, Lillybee said:

Show hasn't bothered to explain just yet, other than Helena and reasons. To make things worse, Liz seems to be very disinterested about what happened to Jake during that time.

The show should have dropped that stupid Silas murder and having Elizabeth lie about Jason story and went directly into why Helena kidnapped Jake and Josselyn's new organ.  Silas could have stumbled upon some missing organs while working with a cancer patient.

Edited by Darklazr
  • Love 2

Sam, Jason, Michael,  Anna.  They are all so dumb.  Jordan is acting like she's not the hottest chick in Port Charles and can't snap her fingers and get Julian panting after her.  You know, back when he was actually not a weird not carb eating weirdo.  And whatever,Show.   It's not like she didn't keep Shawn's giant pier apartment.  Michael isn't fit to dress himself nor pick out his own hairstyles, let alone run a company.   If he can't go without stalking a woman, then he doesn't need to be wandering around town looking like an overgrown 15 year old.  He's regressed in a bad way.  At least Morgan drops a text before he leaves the country for a girl, Michael.   And even he let it go when she said the kid wasn't his.  Jason and Sam need to just stop.  Stop pretending like they aren't a mob couple.  You defend Sonny.  Gross.  And buy new jackets.  Also,  not everyone cares you had sex or are back together.   It's not breaking news.  And Anna?  Just bang Griffin.   Duke was stupid.  He would've shot Griffin by now.  

  • Love 8

Jason and Sam need to just stop.  Stop pretending like they aren't a mob couple.

An episode without Sonny and Carly is good.  An episode without Sonny, Carly, and Jason is even better but I can't remember the last time that an episode hasn't been stained with the presence of one of these unfortunate violence-loving characters.  At least if there does have to be a mob, Julian doesn't muck up every line and I don't need to follow the closed-captioning to decipher what garbage is coming out of his mouth. 

It has seemed that yearS have passed and not just one since FH's character has been left in limbo.  #Bring back Robert.

Edited by sunnyface
Not grammer this time.
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Chairperson Meow said:

 Jason and Sam need to just stop.  Stop pretending like they aren't a mob couple.  You defend Sonny.  Gross.  And buy new jackets.  Also,  not everyone cares you had sex or are back together.   It's not breaking news.

To be fair, Sam hasn't volunteered the info.  Both times someone else asked.  Kristina the other week and Julian asked first yesterday.


And you all know I love Sam, but here is my mini rant.  She was all pissed over thinking Jake Doe killed Duke last year.  She was upset for Patrick and Emma.   But now that she knows (I don't think it's ever been confirmed to her but come on....she knows) her father ordered it....radio silence.   Even yesterday was about Sonny being shot and TJ being kidnapped...nada about Julian's actual crime.  It's either shoddy writing, or they don't want any real conflict with Sam and her dad.  Even yesterday they ended on good terms.  


15 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

She should tell him so that he understands why she's so concerned. Franco is/was obsessed with the man. At this point, Franco knows more about Jason than Jason does and Franco has been intentionally antagonizing him

Plot point writing at its best.  The second Sam found out Franco would be around Jason's kid she should have told him everything.  Lock him up when you do it, whatever, but TELL him a psycho rapist is hanging out with your kid.  Stupid.  Stupid. Stupid.

  • Love 9
15 hours ago, Bill C. said:

Jordan's always been a little bit insufferable, IMO, although that's almost literally a character requirement for this show.  But she does/did punch it up a bit when Andre paid any serious attention to Anna, which both makes her look bad and transparently sort of the heavy in this not-quite-triangle.  Even as somebody who would prefer Andre bounce Jordan like a check in favor of Anna, they could be more graceful about it.


If there's one thing this show specializes in, it's not being graceful about the blatantly obvious direction of a triangle.  

  • Love 8

Jordan's apartment looks like some place Dante and Lulu would live. Sonny and/or Ava need to giver her their house because reasons.

The more Anna tries to sanctify Duke the more I want him to stay dead forever. Lady, go down to the pier and find a new stray cat to love and stop acting up like this. 

It would be great if Jordan could chill out.

Hayden should have slit Nik's throat for grabbing her bag. 

Sam, most of Alexis' clients have been guilty. Stop it.

Alexis better not even dare try to act surprised that Hal is dead.

I like how the PCPD just lets civilians walk in and out of the interrogation room.

Jason should kill Freako and claim self defense. 

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Was it wrong when Alexis saw the dead body fall out of the car I was hoping it was baby/monkey/puppy? I can't believe the writers are now extending the Nickolas/Hayden drama. ugh! make it stop!

Was Jason finding Franco in the bushes supposed to be creepy b/c the look on Franco's face made me LOL

All this Alexis' stuff is eye roll worthy. Molly screeching the other day was terrible but Sam bawling out her father was worse. How about girls if your mom is supposedly this STRONG woman you allow her grown ass to make her own decisions.

I just can't with Jordan. I love Andre but sleeping with harpy shrew took him down a couple of notches in my book. I was hoping for smarmy Curtis at the door NOT my boo.

Poor IB Duke is getting more play as NOT a character than he did when he was actually a person on the show. I care nothing about what's his name his doctor son.

I liked the Michael/Carlos stuff. I hope Michael lets Carlos find someone else to break him out then follows him.

Why was Mac so orange?

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