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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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No clue, Wendy.  Dr. Xerox finally saw the Tree at the end of today's episode, and he went...wait for it..."Oh, my God.  It's him."


Apart from FH just rocking the self-righteousness and Franco and Kiki, I spent today in the shallow end of the GH pool.  Anna's new 'do, MS in very tight jeans, and Ava's noir femme-fatale getup (Shut up!  MW made it work!)...yes, please.  OTOH, we also got Hamtaro claiming to Carly that he has "diabetes"...which, thankfully, she believed about as much as we did.  Yippee.

Edited by Bill C.
  • Love 7

It's probably Griffin is the guy Claudette cheated with. Also, Griffin actually raised his voice with Maxie. He's making progress!


GH is finally delving a little into some emotional repercussions of being shot and it's with friggin Kiki. Bleh.


Franco: I promise you you're safe here.


 . . . in the apartment her father got murdered in!


Nathan took the crazy lady's advice word for word. Literally. Good thinking.


Was Maxie being bitchy to Nina in the beginning because of Nathan? Otherwise, I know Nina is annoying, but it's like, yeah, encourage her to go back to the ex-serial killer cause it bugs you having her in the apartment. But I guess that's par for the course with Maxie. "Yes, go back immediately to your shitty partner no matter what!"


Maxie: You're just keeping a secret like all men.


Me and Griffin: We barely know each other! 


lol, Julian's hair drastically changed style between the park and the back of Kelly's.


Alright, I've caught up with those of you who are sick of weepy Anna.

  • Love 8

Yeah, I'm with ulkis, I think Griffin will be the other guy Nathan mentioned being involved in the Claudette situation.  But the show WANTS us to spend the weekend thinking that he himself is Claudette.


Hey, Lucas....'s name, mentioned during dumb scenes with Carly and Dr. Michael Easton.

Did they mention Lucas had diabetes

Kiki needs to make herself useful and kill Franco during one of her PTSD moments


I'm not sure what's going on with Carly and Finn but I would rather she be in scenes with him instead of Sonny, Kiki, and that baby. Also, I wish Finn's lizard would bite terrorist doctor on the neck.


This Carlos stuff is so convoluted and ridiculous. Someone remind me why Paul teamed up with Carlos and didn't turn Anna in months ago?.

Griffen and talking tree were involved until tree got knocked up. He had an abortion and ran off to the big city so he could start a new life. 

  • Love 4

It's insane and I'm horrified to be saying it, but for the first time in what must be many, many years Michael Easton is actually making an effort with a performance beyond his usual schtick. That performance is definitely tic'y and full of nervous energy and all sorts of weird stuff but it's still legitimately more interesting than half the cast, including Roger Howarth who usually has the flea market cornered on 'Quirky Guy.' He also has serious chemistry with Jane Elliot, and Finn seems like a character who's broad-minded enough to seriously consider a romantic relationship with the older woman. He could still be fired tomorrow and I wouldn't mind much, but he's more interesting than a lot of what I am currently watching. The minute they try to pair him with Laura Wright or KM, though - that's death. Won't work. He can't be The Hot Guy anymore.


I have always more sympathetic to the Jason recast than most of you and so I think BM works best with the Q's and in that setting because he's more comfortable with that than Cliche Action Man. I really liked him being the one to save ELQ and give it back to them. Burton's Jason would never have bothered. I think Miller has more chemistry with Monaco, more chemistry with a lot of people and I think the character is modulating to the performer. For people who did not utterly despise Big Steve's Jason as I did this may be more difficult but I have no problem with it, and if it precludes a more heroic track for the character I'm for that too. I just have no faith in this show to write it or do it well.


And yeah, everything about the Sonny/Anna connection and her weepiness needs to die a swift death.

  • Love 23

Oh, I forgot, I cracked up in today's show when Carlos told Paul that Julian would never rest at trying to kill him if Carlos turned on Julian. Yeah. Sure. Julian would get on that right after he did his weekend shopping at Nordstrom.

I have always more sympathetic to the Jason recast than most of you and so I think BM works best with the Q's and in that setting because he's more comfortable with that than Cliche Action Man. I really liked him being the one to save ELQ and give it back to them. Burton's Jason would never have bothered. I think Miller has more chemistry with Monaco, more chemistry with a lot of people and I think the character is modulating to the performer. For people who did not utterly despise Big Steve's Jason as I did this may be more difficult but I have no problem with it, and if it precludes a more heroic track for the character I'm for that too. I just have no faith in this show to write it or do it well.


My hatred for his character is what is making me resistant. Him becoming the town champion after roboting about town for 20 years would make me resent him all the more, but I guess him being an amiable dope who the town worships is better than being a condescending jerk that the town worships.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 5

I think Jason has about a zillion bodies and sins to atone for, yes. I think he should be indebted to the WSB for the rest of his life and work off his endless debt to society and law enforcement. But Jason is going to be on the show in some way, shape or form whether I like it or not, and I'm much more amenable to a finally-altered version of the character who bridges both sides of Jason's life with an actor who seems more than willing to play that division vs. Guza and Steve Burton's Jason the Super-Killer. And they need to really deal with all of it and his radically altered personality, I agree, as opposed to just winging it as they've done thus far.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 11

I'd like to see Jason talk to someone who wasn't so involved with his earlier life, but I don't know who that could be. His family is wrong (Monica is too invested; Tracy basically can't stand him, ELQ return notwithstanding), and Anna doesn't seem like the right person.


Dante? Lulu? Maxie? Morgan? Dillon? Ned? Ned might be too biased but I think Dillon would be good. I would actually be quite interested in Morgan's views on Jason. Is he happy he's back? Did he see Jason as an uncle too or did he just not care?

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 2
Dante? Lulu? Maxie? Morgan? Dillon? Ned? Ned might be too biased but I think Dillon would be good. I would actually be quite interested in Morgan's views on Jason. Is he happy he's back? Did he see Jason as an uncle too or did he just not care?


Maxie might work, but I think Dante and Lulu might be too biased one way or the other. Morgan's opinion could be interesting as long as he's not whining.


It's probably too much to hope that someone could be honest about Jason's past life.

  • Love 1

It's probably too much to hope that someone could be honest about Jason's past life.

I get why some want this, and for a long time back in the day I did, too, but I accepted the way this show portrays Jason and Sonny a long time ago. Jason and Sonny are GOOD. People, like Carly right now, might freak out for an Emmy reel, but no one is ever going to say what they did was bad. Sam said it last week. He killed for good reasons. That's what this show believes.

I have been bored with him now for several months, so Jason needs to remember his past. Maybe that will help things.

Part of the boredom is Sam and Jason. I seem to find them insuffereable no matter who is playing Jason. I like Billy Miller, but Jason/Sam is played out.

I don't want him back with Liz either. How about Maxie?

I love Finola/Anna, but they are playing her too much. She doesn't need to be on every day. Nobody does.

Michael Easton seems to have learned that he can't phone it in anymore. There have been several awkward moments with this new character, but I like his scenes with Carly. Mostly I like that he's trying.

Edited by Thorpe
  • Love 2

I get why some want this, and for a long time back in the day I did, too, but I accepted the way this show portrays Jason and Sonny a long time ago. Jason and Sonny are GOOD. People, like Carly right now, might freak out for an Emmy reel, but no one is ever going to say what they did was bad. Sam said it last week. He killed for good reasons. That's what this show believes.


gonna respond in the Sonny thread.

Man this show is boring. I hate Carly tis true but damn when did she get all lets hold hands and sing folk songs everyone? 

I'm not understanding Carly's behavior either. I just watched a scene where she realizes Sam spent the night with Jason...and her reaction didn't seem to include even a moment of seething jealousy...this is the she beast who would dump any man in a heart beat if she thought there was a tiny chance she could hook up with Jason again - so she clings to the "he's my best friend/I'm #1" stuff. She was definitely not happy when SBu's Jason and Sam got married. Is it because Sam and Jason now have a son together, and Jason has missed out on time with Danny? I know she's considered herself supreme in Sonny's life (regardless of if either of them was married at the time) because of being 'the mother of Sonny's sons."  Has there been an actual verbal explanation for this change in her, and I missed it?

  • Love 1

Sloane? . . . something . . . something. 





Dante? Lulu? Maxie? Morgan? Dillon? Ned? Ned might be too biased but I think Dillon would be good. I would actually be quite interested in Morgan's views on Jason. Is he happy he's back? Did he see Jason as an uncle too or did he just not care?


Morgan's entire contribution to that conversation would be "Kiki?  Have you seen Kiki?  Kiki needs me!  She needs me!!!!!!!!  Kiki!!!!!!!!!!!" 

  • Love 5

This is true, but I thought he was good with Becky Herbst too. And apparently they're not dating anymore? Maybe.

Eh, I don't think he had good chemistry with either one of them.


So Griffin is Claudette?

I swear if they make Nathan suddenly gay too, I'm going to rip my hair out.  I think maybe Griffin is Claudette's friend, and knows the real truth about Nathan and her, but who knows at this point.  The writers keep changing characters willy-nilly.


It's probably Griffin is the guy Claudette cheated with. Also, Griffin actually raised his voice with Maxie. He's making progress!


Okay, that makes much more sense, and yes, we FINALLY got some emotion out of Griffin.  I swear he is so milquetoast since the moment he arrived.  At least today, he actually got mad.  Progress!



Was Maxie being bitchy to Nina in the beginning because of Nathan? Otherwise, I know Nina is annoying, but it's like, yeah, encourage her to go back to the ex-serial killer cause it bugs you having her in the apartment. But I guess that's par for the course with Maxie. "Yes, go back immediately to your shitty partner no matter what!"



I was fine with Maxie's reaction.  I mean seriously, Nina needs to move in with the them, a woman who has tons of money?  Also, who just says, can I move in with you when they have this teeny-tiny apartment?  Throw in that Nathan hit her with truth pills that she is just blatantly ignoring Franco's wishes and she's acting like a teenager.  Like him or loathe him, I give Franco credit for not wanting to procreate, and Nina needs to respect his wishes.  If she doesn't like it, break up with him and move on.



I have always more sympathetic to the Jason recast than most of you and so I think BM works best with the Q's and in that setting because he's more comfortable with that than Cliche Action Man. I really liked him being the one to save ELQ and give it back to them. Burton's Jason would never have bothered. I think Miller has more chemistry with Monaco, more chemistry with a lot of people and I think the character is modulating to the performer. 

Ugh, I think BM is horrible.  A horrible recast, and I think he lacks chemistry with just about everyone.  I find that the cast tends to carry him in many scenes because I see no effort in what he doles out.  Case in point:  JE made this poignant delivery regarding her father and what it meant for them to get ELQ back, and she thanked Jakeson, and he was completely checked out emotionally.  I mean, put some effort into it.  Show some surprise at Tracy's pure honesty and unexpected emotion towards you.  Geez.  BM is way too giddy, happy, and handsy (not in a good way) for me to ever buy him as Jason Morgan.  He's Jake Doe, and if people hated SBu's Jason, I can understand why they probably love BM's Jakeson because he's a completely different character.  As for Sbu's Jason not wanting anything to do with the Qs, that was due to the writers.  SBu loved his scenes with Leslie and the Q family, and if RC had written a story for AJ and Jason while Sean and Steve were still on the canvas, it would have been a great GH story.  I would have loved to see those two guys reconcile, but no, RC was more interested in putting McBam together and decimating the GH vets - Cranco, anyone???  Please.  Yes, I'm still bitter about all of what RC did, up to and including murdering AJ - again! - and squandering what could have been an epic Quartermaine story with AJ, Jason, Michael and all the rest of the Qs mending fences.

Edited by Bishop

AFAIC Steve Burton didn't look like he loved anything other than collecting the check after about 2002. He softened up and did work with people like Kimberly and Becky Herbst, he enjoyed bantering with a few people but that's about all I got out of him after that point. And I personally believe he actively pushed back against anything that would evolve the character beyond a leather-jacketed heroic hitman. I think Miller's Jason is definitely a deeply confused and muddled character - mostly because no one at the show seems to want to do any heavy lifting beyond 'write for Billy Miller' - but I do think the actor sells real affection and concern for a lot of the people he's with, which is more than I'd gotten out of Jason in years and years. I don't think he was checked out with Tracy so much as just quiet, a little awkward and respectful. I think Steve would just have stared while wondering if it was 5:30 yet.


And no, he's not the old Jason Morgan at all. Which is fine with me. I'm good with the character being dramatically transformed (and having it finally articulated in the writing) and that guy staying dead. He won't, of course; someday Steve will come crawling back. But I'll take what I can get.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 11

I watched a bunch of episodes in a row, so I don't know if I'm even talking about the current one, but, man, Tracy's face broke my heart when she realized the Quartermaines got ELQ back but she still didn't have any shares and Michael was going to be CEO. Just let her be CEO! It's the thing she's wanted most in life. Jane is really such a good actress, and can do more with a facial expression than some of these other clowns will do in their entire careers. I didn't mind Billy Miller's subdued reaction though. He doesn't remember Edward so being told that Edward is smiling down on him is not going to mean anything. Also, he doesn't remember how much disdain Tracy has had for him over the years and so doesn't realize what it meant for her to say those things to him. I thought him seeming polite but uncomfortable was an appropriate response.


Oh Dr. Michael Morley. "Your brother has Type 1 diabetes? Well, I have Type 2. That's why I'm using a veterinary syringe." I know I'm convinced.


Laura and Kevin were cute together, but I was annoyed by their, "isn't the internet a crazy, mysterious thing? Ha ha, I don't know what apps are!" They're in their 50s, not their 90s.

  • Love 12

Jason should never have been the one to get back ELQ. He does not care about the company. Neither does Michael.  Jason getting it back means nothing because it meant nothing TO HIM. Or Sam. Neither gave a shyte about ELQ the way Tracy did. So them buying back the stock falls flat.


Tracy has been, by far, the only Quartermaine who lives and breathes ELQ and getting it back from Nikolas.  Tracy has been the one working to get something to force Nikolas to give back the controlling stock. Tracy.


Not Michael or Jason or anyone else. Just Tracy.


And Jason KNOWS this. He knows that Tracy loves ELQ. He knows that it's important to her.  For him to stand there and declare that Michael is the only person worthy of being CEO was a slap in the face to Tracy. For him to stand there and not offer her ANYTHING is a slap in the face to Tracy.  He doesn't know Edward, but he knows Tracy. Why the hell would he care so much about putting things back the way Edward would have wanted when he's got a living, breathing, recovering from surgery Tracy right in front of him?


I mean, why make such a big deal out of telling Tracy, if he's not going to give anything to her?


Because he's a fucking douchebag, that's why.  Even when she manages to thank him, he still reacts like he's got a stick up his ass.


The scene played entirely the wrong beats and fell completely flat.  Time and time again these writers show how they do NOT get what matters in the story, and what mattered was TRACY getting back ELQ. All by herself, being the REAL legacy of ELQ and taking the reins for herself and saving the family company for her family.


It's plain that the writers have NO idea what to do with Jason. Or Sam.  So they thrust these ridiculous stories at the both of them and pay zero attention to the characters involved, which is why we have a completely trashed Liz and a completely trashed Nikolas and BORING stories that fell flat. Who is next? Who gets sacrificed so Jason can get another temporary storyline that actually has nothing to do with who he is or was or will be, while we wait for BM to inevitably bolt the moment he has better footing on a better job?



Edited by Vella
  • Love 11

soooooooooo...I recorded today's episode--should I delete it w/o watching?


It wasn't offensive or anything, but I feel like this Carlos shit has been going on for forever (and now that Anna has confirmed today she shot him on May 15 of last year, we know it's been going on for 11 months - which in soapland is an eternity). I don't care anymore. I don't care if Carlos lives or dies. I don't care if Anna gets arrested. I don't care if Julian stays in or stays out of the mob. I don't care about Paul and his stupid, smarmy attitude. I want it all to go away.


Likewise, I don't care about Nina and Franco and their relationship troubles. I don't care about Maxie and Nathan's relationship. I don't care about stupid Finn and his stupid needle and Carly being thrown in scenes with him to keep chem testing them as a couple. I don't care about Griffin and his mysterious past.


I'm starting to get to that point again where I tune out because of sheer boredom. Why can't we have if not good stories, at least interesting stories? The only thing I'm looking forward to upcoming is the Sam and Kristina talk. Otherwise, wake me up when something actually happens.


The only thing I took away from today is that I would kill for Maura's legs.

  • Love 3

The point I will agree with is the first thing they should've done is have Michael name Tracy co-CEO, or his mentor. That's really the only way to go about things.


Is he officially Michael Corinthos on paper again? I know he said the name to Sonny and Carly, but ugh. At least he's so good to the Q's.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 6

AFAIC Steve Burton didn't look like he loved anything other than collecting the check after about 2002. 

Yeah, I'll just leave it there because that's a non-starter for me.  I loved a lot of stories with him after 2002, although Guza became obsessed with the mob at the expense of other GH characters, which I can freely admit, and during the last two years of Guza's time with the show, he was perfectly content to write Jason as a hitman that was not allowed a voice, only the action guy, and I didn't like it.  That being said, he was still more passionate and had more chemistry than BM has tried to have in almost two years.  RC made a mistake by recasting BM as Jason Morgan.  He would have been a perfect fit for Dillon Quartermaine or some other character.  JM is not in his wheelhouse, which explains why he goes for the goofy, smiley stuff more readily.  


I watched a bunch of episodes in a row, so I don't know if I'm even talking about the current one, but, man, Tracy's face broke my heart when she realized the Quartermaines got ELQ back but she still didn't have any shares and Michael was going to be CEO. Just let her be CEO! It's the thing she's wanted most in life. 

Well she's the one that lost the company in the first place, and she did it because she was manipulated.  There is a reason Edward chose not to give her any shares in ELQ, and he's the guy who owned the company.  I don't think she was crushed that she didn't have any shares.  She was just happy that the company was back in Q hands, and I think part of the reason that Edward did't leave her any shares is because he knows that she enjoys the fight.  So watching her fighting with Michael or Ned or the other Qs is going to be fun, just like the Qs are always fighting.


I didn't mind Billy Miller's subdued reaction though. He doesn't remember Edward so being told that Edward is smiling down on him is not going to mean anything. Also, he doesn't remember how much disdain Tracy has had for him over the years and so doesn't realize what it meant for her to say those things to him. I thought him seeming polite but uncomfortable was an appropriate response.


He's been on the show for almost two years.  He knows the people, and he's forged relationships.  I mean why else would he care if the Qs got back ELQ or not if he hadn't forged a relationship with them?  So I don't buy that he can't remember and therefore, he's not suppose to have any feelings or whatever.  Besides, this isn't the first time he's had zero emotional reaction to characters who are pouring their heart out to him.  The uncomfortable reactions, if that's what they are suppose to be, are getting old.  He shouldn't be so uncomfortable about his past considering he just bedded Sam several times based on barely any recall.  I'm just saying.  


Jason should never have been the one to get back ELQ. He does not care about the company. Neither does Michael.  Jason getting it back means nothing because it meant nothing TO HIM. Or Sam. Neither gave a shyte about ELQ the way Tracy did. So them buying back the stock falls flat.


Not Michael or Jason or anyone else. Just Tracy.


I don't agree regarding Michael, but yes about Jakeson.  To say Michael doesn't care about ELQ or the Quartermaines is untrue because he was fighting to keep ELQ when he realized shares were disappearing, and HE'S the one that initiated the lawsuit which prevented Nikolas from being able to do certain things with the company.  Tracy was happy with that move on Michael's part.  So all the Qs were working in tandem to get ELQ back from Nikolas - except Jakeson.  Like you said, he and Sam couldn't care less about ELQ and had a separate storyline.  So I agree that it should have been Michael and Tracy working together to get the company back because they were working together already!  I didn't like that Jakeson got to swoop in and save the day when we watched Michael try to get back the company through legal means and then Tracy try to get it back by blackmailing Hayden, but . . . oh well.  


It's plain that the writers have NO idea what to do with Jason. Or Sam.  So they thrust these ridiculous stories at the both of them and pay zero attention to the characters involved, which is why we have a completely trashed Liz and a completely trashed Nikolas and BORING stories that fell flat. Who is next? Who gets sacrificed so Jason can get another temporary storyline that actually has nothing to do with who he is or was or will be, while we wait for BM to inevitably bolt the moment he has better footing on a better job?



I think BM is the one just there for the paycheck and has had one foot out the door since he arrived because I hear he's always leaving for pilot season and may just not be committed to this role.  I also agree with you that the writers are at fault and really have no idea what to do with Jakeson as a character.  Sam is a casualty also because they feel she must be paired with Jakeson.  I don't get it either because if he can connect with Elizabeth and Sam, why isn't he connecting with the other characters?  I mean he has zero relationship at all with Michael as compared to when SBu was in the role when Michael was Jason's whole world.  Jakeson has no relationship with anyone really except Sam, if you think about it.  I agree also about Liz and Nikolas and the trashing of their characters.  Since when would Prince Nikolas Cassadine EVER attempt to murder a women?  Really?  And what about the BS with Lulu and her constant apologizing to Valerie for being the homewrecker!  Even Dante is acting out of character because him falling for Valerie was too WTF for me.  Yes, the list seems to be endless, but it only seems to happen to the vet characters.


Is he officially Michael Corinthos on paper again? I know he said the name to Sonny and Carly, but ugh. At least he's so good to the Q's.



I don't think so.  I think he's still Michael Q, but for the umpteenth time, the writers had to have him say that he still loved Sonny and Carly.  At least they also allowed him to tell his parents that he is a product of both families and wants to be a part of both families.  So I guess I should be grateful.

Edited by Bishop

Whose shares was Jason supposed to give to Tracy? What was she going to do with the shares if she had gotten them? I mean, the story should have been AJ/Tracy working together to save ELQ but RC is a petty bitch so AJ is dead.

But the next story should be the shareholders forcing Michael out as CEO because he's a Corinthos and there should be a real concern about Michael's shitty criminal "father" using ELQ to launder his gummy bear porn money

  • Love 6

Jason himself filed a lawsuit against Nik to get his shares back so the Qs would have the majotity vote again. That is the reason Nik picked the fight with him at the MC, hoping to get him arrested for assault. Then he went off the balcony and was positive he had the upper hand and accused Jason of assault and attempted murder. He tried to blackmail Jason with jail if he would drop his lawsuit because Nik knew Jason would ultimately get his shares back.

Edited by linsav
  • Love 1

Whose shares was Jason supposed to give to Tracy? What was she going to do with the shares if she had gotten them? I mean, the story should have been AJ/Tracy working together to save ELQ but RC is a petty bitch so AJ is dead.

But the next story should be the shareholders forcing Michael out as CEO because he's a Corinthos and there should be a real concern about Michael's shitty criminal "father" using ELQ to launder his gummy bear porn money

Edward knew Tracy's penchant for acting irresponsibly with ELQ do he didn't leave her any shares. Pickle Lila was supposed to make her want to make it a success to prove him wrong.

There was concern before Michael changed his name to Quartermaine. Since Tracy made it known in the press she had in the past used mob money for ELQ the shareholders should be up in arms with Sonny's back to being asskisser son being CEO.

But the next story should be the shareholders forcing Michael out as CEO because he's a Corinthos and there should be a real concern about Michael's shitty criminal "father" using ELQ to launder his gummy bear porn money


that reminds me, there was definitely something in Sonny's dialogue the past couple of days that definitely confirmed that Sonny is definitely doing more than transporting gummy bears. grrr now I have to look at a transcript cause it's gonna bug me. 


Oh, maybe it was just "Do I want to know what kind of business you do with Don Felipe? Probably not."  I was just imagining Sonny going on to say, "you wanna know? It's gambling! so scary!"

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 2

If that was a chem test I thought they passed with flying colors.  Genie looked quite pretty and Jon's turned into a silver fox.  I'm in.  And I say this as someone who likes Lucy and Kevin.


And not to be indelicate ... oh never mind, why not ... Laura needs to get laid.  She has all those years she was a wig on a stick to make up for.


Laura really did look amazing yesterday. Perhaps for the first time since she returned for this particular cycle, hair & makeup gave her the attention she deserved. I guess just-mothers are drab and wander around mausoleums, but ladies who meet gentlemen get to put on some lipstick and make their hair extra shiny. 

Edited by Auntie Velvet
  • Love 2


I have always more sympathetic to the Jason recast than most of you and so I think BM works best with the Q's and in that setting because he's more comfortable with that than Cliche Action Man. I really liked him being the one to save ELQ and give it back to them. Burton's Jason would never have bothered. I think Miller has more chemistry with Monaco, more chemistry with a lot of people and I think the character is modulating to the performer. For people who did not utterly despise Big Steve's Jason as I did this may be more difficult but I have no problem with it, and if it precludes a more heroic track for the character I'm for that too. I just have no faith in this show to write it or do it well.



I feel the same way about this new Jason Qgan-- it felt right that he went out of his way to connect to his past, rather than just be annoyed by it (Jake) or contemptuous of it (Jason Morgan). 


However. It felt bordering on subconsciously sadistic of Jason to have them all gather in Tracey's room, then after doing the stocks stuff, announce that it should be Michael running the company. Maybe that's only because Jane did such subtle, conflicted work there, but I felt like she was thrilled in general but devastated by her own role as the invisible invalid. She'd just been telling Finn that she didn't know what she'd be doing when she got out, with no company to run.

  • Love 1

I have to assume part of that will lead to Tracy doing something after all. Though with these writers who knows. I do think she could stand to become more deeply involved with Finn.


I thought JL and Genie were fine together but I still find Kevin and Laura weird and random. I'm willing to watch it and let it play and see where it goes, and I do love Kevin, but it just feels like throwing anyone together while not wanting to pay for a new man for Laura and commit to creating a new character.


I did guffaw when they actually had Laura say "should I be?" when Kevin asked if she was worried Helena was manipulating her from the grave. Really, Laura? She goes back with Helena further and deeper than anyone in the Spencer family, Liz Taylor's meeting with Luke in '81 aside. Laura knows the depths of Helena's cruelty better than anyone alive. She spent years on that island. Laura would never say that. And BTW, that's another huge reason she should be waist-deep in that mystery about Jake's time there, with Kevin instead of Franco. The two mysteries can and should interconnect. And Kevin knows a bit about growing up a traumatized kid on a weird island.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 10

I watched Friday's episode and I've decided in theory that whatever Nathan is withholding about Claudette, it's something that's either embarrassing to him or he thinks that others wouldn't understand it. The transgender theory works in this regard. Consider the totality of things: both Madeline and Dr. O are aware of Nathan's secret. I can certainly see them both not wanting people to know that Nathan was sharing his life with someone who, in their minds, might make Nathan seem weird or non-masculine. Dr O would especially believe this. Then we have Maxie who promised and swore to him that she wouldn't judge him no matter what he had to say about "Claudette." Nathan still remained tight-lipped. Then we have Nina sounding adamant that Nathan was always an "open book" even when he was a little boy, and that withholding things just wasn't who he was, so why is he holding back on this current situation? We've already been told that Nina and "Jay" were always close, yet he couldn't confide in her either. Maxie and Nina, two women he should be able to trust the most, and he wouldn't tell them anything. The secret is embarrassing to him, I think.

RC made a mistake by recasting BM as Jason Morgan.

It depends on whether or not he intended to ever have BM's Jason be "Jason Morgan." I don't think he really did. To which I'm personally grateful as I despise Jason Morgan and the day he was shot and kicked into the water was the best day of my life.


I did guffaw when they actually had Laura say "should I be?" when Kevin asked if she was worried Helena was manipulating her from the grave. Really, Laura?


That was so strange. I really don't understand why they wrote that line.

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