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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Wow Mickey isn't an organ donor? Didn't see that coming- are we going to see another shooting so Alice can get her heart?

Nah, Tracy will either bribe Dr. O to get Mickey's heart, or Dr. O will use the heart to somehow blackmail Tracy.


Also, LOL that Tracy thinks matching blood type and no use of heroin means Mickey's heart will be a match. It's a wee bit more complicated than that, Tracy.

  • Love 1

Tony Geary has been phoning it in for years and now he is skyping it in.  I know he is recovering from surgery but I think the powers that be should cut it's losses and consider recasting the role of Luke/Fluke until Geary is able to return.  Geary's vacation schedule and illness has this show treading water.


Nah, recasting Luke would never work, despite the fact that he's haggard enough now to make a considerable difference to what he looked like even just two or three years ago. But besides that, it would be really awkward and confusing to introduce a recast in a story that is hinged on someone looking exactly like Luke.


If Carly wasn't so busy dealing with all the murdering men in her life, she might notice that her daughter is harboring a runaway.


That would require Carly pay attention to any of her kids in the first place.



Joss actually did point that out; smart girl.


Why I continue to like the kid.  Carly really needs all of her children to tell her off.  

  • Love 3


But besides that, it would be really awkward and confusing to introduce a recast in a story that is hinged on someone looking exactly like Luke

But it would take next to nothing to have a scene where Luke peals off his make-up (not a mask but actual Hollywood type: well done make-up) reveals himself to be Damian Smith or David Gary or Joe Scully Sr or Mouse  or any number of interesting possibilities and head off to Port Charles.


Except Geary (who I will always love) is enamored with playing the "dark side"  and Ron thinks that the reveal that this is Bill (who it simply cannot be since he would never act like this) is oh so clever.


This story is going to suck what little life is left out of this show if they are not careful and if some one does not step in and body check the two out of control egos of Tony and Ron




    If Carly wasn't so busy dealing with all the murdering men in her life, she might notice that her daughter is harboring a runaway.


That would require Carly pay attention to any of her kids in the first place.

Thank you what kind of parents lets a child that age keep her door closed that much. And boys should not be anywhere near that house. Age inappropriate.

  • Love 1

Omg let it be Joe Scully Sr!!! Or Jr. But he and Tracy were hot and he really loved her, so of course he had to be a scummy rapist and die by the hand paid by Sonny.

At this point, with TG reaching new epic levels of lazy by skyping it in, I would rather JE just put the damn hat on and play the role.

I hated Courtney. I mentally blocked her out of my brain. All I know is that she briefly married AJ, stripped, was related to Sonny, married Jax, and somehow spawned Count Chocula. So whatever to that girl. I'll be damned if we can't get a house for the commisioner nor a brain, but we revive that? No.

Britt's an idiot.  Does it surprise her how upset Nik is that his son is missing?  Did she think that once Spencer went missing, she and Nik would go on a lighthearted romantic journey through town with all sorts of laughs, kisses, and groping as they figure out where the little scamp went?


Given how tone-deaf everything on this show is, and how stupid Nik has been to let Britt near him at all after all the weird crazy shit she's pulled ... I'm sort of surprised that's not where this story is headed. 



Julian saying "Peace out, bitch" to Fluke seemed less like something Julian would actually say and more like something Ron thought was funny that he could tweet.


Isn't Julian supposed to be a fiftysomething, slightly more sophisticated mobster?  Yeah, that line seems like something the writer just thought would be "cool." 

Edited by SlovakPrincess


Britt's an idiot.  Does it surprise her how upset Nik is that his son is missing?  Did she think that once Spencer went missing, she and Nik would go on a lighthearted romantic journey through town with all sorts of laughs, kisses, and groping as they figure out where the little scamp went?  She gets more useless by the day.


I want so badly to like Britt, but she's making it impossible. 



Wow Mickey isn't an organ donor? Didn't see that coming- are we going to see another shooting so Alice can get her heart?


Who could have anticipated that a mobster wouldn't be civic minded enough to check the organ donor box?

Wow Mickey isn't an organ donor? Didn't see that coming- are we going to see another shooting so Alice can get her heart?



I assume Tracy will enter into some kind of unholy alliance/pact with the devil with Dr. O to get his heart anyway. 


Tony Geary has been phoning it in for years and now he is skyping it in.  I know he is recovering from surgery but I think the powers that be should cut it's losses and consider recasting the role of Luke/Fluke until Geary is able to return.  Geary's vacation schedule and illness has this show treading water.



I can't see them outright re-casting.  If he's really going to be out any longer, though, they should pull some other previous actor in for a short stint, have Fluke have one more conversation with Julian where he says he's coming back to tie up loose ends, Julian says he'll be waiting for him, and, after they disconnect, Fluke says something like "you won't even see me coming."  Then we have Fluke back in town in disguise as another character from the past.  Cheesy, yes, but, apparently, in the GH universe, it's super duper easy to make yourself look exactly like someone else.  Maybe he takes that time to set more of his plan (whatever the hell it is) in motion while no one in town knows suspects a thing.  If he doesn't want to do that, then put the story temporarily to sleep - have one more conversation where Fluke tells Julian that they're all going to lie low for a while after Mickey's death, to give things time to settle down.  Then you leave the story alone until TG is ready and able to work. 


Thank you what kind of parents lets a child that age keep her door closed that much. And boys should not be anywhere near that house. Age inappropriate.



Carly's so out of touch with what's going on with her kids that I half expect her to run into Spencer while he's making a toilet run or something, look confused for a moment, and then shrug "Huh, I could have sworn we gave Nik's kid back to him.  I guess we didn't."   And I guess we should just be grateful he's hiding out with Joss and not Emma.  If he managed to rope Emma into this and was hiding in her room, I imagine we'd have all sorts of totally inappropriate innuendo spewing out of Spencer's mouth. 


Julian saying "Peace out, bitch" to Fluke seemed less like something Julian would actually say and more like something Ron thought was funny that he could tweet.



When he said it, I thought "why is Julian talking like he's a 15 year old on Twitter?"  It was such an odd moment.  

  • Love 3

Who could have anticipated that a mobster wouldn't be civic minded enough to check the organ donor box?



I assume Tracy will enter into some kind of unholy alliance/pact with the devil with Dr. O to get his heart anyway.


Can someone explain to me like I'm Sonny why Mickey's next of kin can't be contacted to see if they might be able to give permission?

The reason I didn't mindd Julian calling notLuke a "bitch", despite the fact that the way he went about it made it seem as if he'd suddenly morphed into a teenager from 1999, is because it just fit everything about that character to me. Every negative thought and feeling associated with that word fits who and whatever the hell notLuke is.

  • Love 3

OK, I know this is a day or two late, and God knows why this just dawned on me, but...  In the conversation about how Nina could tell Nathan's mood by his gestures, did she really imply that she knows him well enough to know what those gestures mean?  Wasn't he like still in single digit years when she went into the coma?  So he hasn't emotionally progressed in that long?  (Forgive me if this was cleared up on air, as I try not to pay attention to the words coming out of Nina's mouth.) 

  • Love 1

OK, I know this is a day or two late, and God knows why this just dawned on me, but...  In the conversation about how Nina could tell Nathan's mood by his gestures, did she really imply that she knows him well enough to know what those gestures mean?  Wasn't he like still in single digit years when she went into the coma?  So he hasn't emotionally progressed in that long?  (Forgive me if this was cleared up on air, as I try not to pay attention to the words coming out of Nina's mouth.) 


Oh man, now I'm picturing this grown man wandering around, gesturing and reacting to things like a toddler would. 


Although, I guess Sonny already does that ...

  • Love 5

Julian saying "Peace out, bitch" to Fluke seemed less like something Julian would actually say and more like something Ron thought was funny that he could tweet.





When he said it, I thought "why is Julian talking like he's a 15 year old on Twitter?"  It was such an odd moment


I think his super sexy badass self was running on adrenaline after thinking his family had been blown up and then taking out the scum that tried to murder his family.  He went from absolute despair thinking he had lost his family to seething rage and efficiency in "removing" the threat to his family. The way he talked to Fluke it was clear Julian was done being afraid.  Fluke and his hideous blouse were no longer going to be calling the shots.  In that moment in Julian's mind Fluke was his bitch. 


  • Love 6

Catching up on three days' worth of shows, so some random thoughts out of order:


I cracked up today at SWSNBN's picture, because I have virtually no history of her whatsoever (I've seen the scene where she comes in and sees Jason and Sam after wine got spilled on her dress and that's about it) but I know she is despised among this crowd.


Tuesday's show was freaking awesome. The only thing that made it unpalatable was Carly saying Crypt Sex was all Ava's fault. STFU, you hideous hag.


Totally on the Molly has every right to feel and react exactly how she did train. Poor girl has lost her father, a somewhat close friend and now her home in a matter of months. A lot for a 16 year old to handle. HP continues to rock her scenes. And TJ is love for being so supportive.


Although the kiddie stuff has been a nightmare, I actually didn't mind Joss and Spencer's scenes today, as they were mostly acting like kids should act. And I thought it was sweet for Joss to show empathy for Spencer's lacking a mother. But damn, Joss has a bigger room than I do. It was practically as big as my whole apartment.


Nice for Liz to finally remember HIPPA after all these years of ignoring it.


Britt has been hard to watch, but KT looks awesome. The shorter haircut she got was so needed. It's so much more flattering than her style before, which was limp and just hung there. And navy is a very flattering color on her.


Sam works much better away from Lameass and Nina and just being a party to what is taking place between her parents.


Drunk Ass Olivia was a thing of gold.


Finally, thank heaven and praise to the soap gods that they have freed my Ava and remembered she's damn good at being a bad ass. Loved her scenes with Franco, and love her being devious and conniving again. So glad she's interacting with more people on canvas finally. She should never have been isolated with Sonny, and MW should never have to be saddled with MB's worthless ass again. She's so much better than that. And loved her hair and her outfit today.

Edited by tvgoddess
  • Love 5

A picture of SWSNBN?! WTF?!?!​

She better not be coming back.  She really really better not be.


So Spencer doesn't know that Carly stole him for a while when he was a baby?  I guess I'm okay with Nik not telling him, since he's so young, but if Joss knows about Sonny shooting Dante ("But it's okay, because he didn't know he was his son" - loved that, because I saw it as a little snark on the show, by the show), I kind of figured that these kids know everything that's gone on with their families.  I was okay with this Spencer Lost story at first, with him just skipping out of camp and hiding for the day, because it seemed mostly harmless, and it seemed like something both Spencer and Britt would totally do.  But now I hate it.  I don't want Britt to have to once again tell Nik she lied and schemed to get in to his heart, and have him once again reject her, blah blah blah.  I find myself liking Britt, and liking Britt and Nik together, so I really wish she had "found" Spencer after an hour or two, and Nik had been grateful, and they could start over.  Hell, I even like Spencer (in the minority, I know!), but this is too much even for me. 


Do 8 year old boys carry wallets, today?

I guess they have to, if they also have a bunch of credit cards and a cell phone and the ability (and know-how) to get a burner cell phone on the fly...


Wow Mickey isn't an organ donor? Didn't see that coming- are we going to see another shooting so Alice can get her heart?

Can someone explain to me like I'm Sonny why Mickey's next of kin can't be contacted to see if they might be able to give permission?

My worst fear? That they're going to search for, and find, some of Mickey's family to get their permission for the donation, and we end up with a bunch of new characters we don't care about (cough, Nina, cough).  Wait, no - even worse than that would be discovering that someone already on the canvas is Mickey's next of kin.  


This post has gotten long, and I'm sorry, but ... I know that Anthony Geary supposedly had back surgery and is having a worse recovery than expected, but I don't think I believe it.  One, the way he was looking before he went out - he looked sick, not just like he was in pain.  And today, especially with the change in voice but also with the heavily applied makeup, he didn't seem like someone just recovering from back surgery.  I can't help but think that he has a serious illness; I hope not, because I'd hate to hear that about anyone, but it's what I've been thinking for a few months now.  

  • Love 1

Honestly, do we have to have Luke?  For a very long time now he's been nothing and done nothing outstanding on the show.  Off screen, TG talks a lot of stupid shit in my opinion, and it's not like the character is compelling in any way any longer.  They could kick TG to the curb and I wouldn't give many fucks at all.


I agree that he looks unwell, but if that's the case then perhaps he should enjoy his sunset years in Amsterdam instead of being on the show when he feels like it.  I know it sounds harsh, but it's really how I feel.  I've got nothing invested in Luke any longer.

  • Love 4


Anthony Geary supposedly had back surgery and is having a worse recovery than expected, but I don't think I believe it.  One, the way he was looking before he went out - he looked sick, not just like he was in pain.  And today, especially with the change in voice but also with the heavily applied makeup, he didn't seem like someone just recovering from back surgery.



 I've read in a number of places that Geary had taped scenes prior to his leaving for surgery. That's what we're seeing now. I'm guessing they just dug around in a closet for a bunch of tropical looking shirts and a variety of old backdrops and had him do a whole series of "checking in" shots in a day.


Here's one place where it's mentioned: http://www.generalhospitalhappenings.com/gh-news.php

I've read in a number of places that Geary had taped scenes prior to his leaving for surgery. That's what we're seeing now. I'm guessing they just dug around in a closet for a bunch of tropical looking shirts and a variety of old backdrops and had him do a whole series of "checking in" shots in a day.

Here's one place where it's mentioned: http://www.generalhospitalhappenings.com/gh-news.php

I believe he taped scenes but I don't believe that was a backdrop. I'm often bored with the show & start to look closely at sets, backdrops, cothes, etc. This shows typical backdrop is horrible & easy to notice (see the backdrop scenes showing other buildings through Ava's windows). You could see two homes, vegetation, real sunlight, etc through the window during TG's scenes. It looked real vs backdrop.

I believe it was pretaped because his hair was still short thus the hat that matched his ugly shirt. Luke's hair was shaved while FauxLuke still had hair.

Perhaps they were trying to give him a zippy one liner?  They should have let him ad lib something. Or let Morgan do it. 


Maybe it WAS an ad-lib. I picture William deVry deciding to slip that in there.

OK, I know this is a day or two late, and God knows why this just dawned on me, but...  In the conversation about how Nina could tell Nathan's mood by his gestures, did she really imply that she knows him well enough to know what those gestures mean?  Wasn't he like still in single digit years when she went into the coma?  So he hasn't emotionally progressed in that long?  (Forgive me if this was cleared up on air, as I try not to pay attention to the words coming out of Nina's mouth.) 


He pointed that out, and she said in that slow, baby-voiced soul-killing way of hers, "so . . . what? You're still . . . the same person inside!"

  • Love 1

STFU Nik. This idiot really expects the entire police department to drop everything so they can find his brat son.


I hate that too.  And the pulling rank, as he often does at the hospital.  Tracy doing that today was annoying as well.  


Wonder why Nick thinks Anna will be inspired to work harder on the case - he's alienating a person he needs.  

  • Love 1

I just caught up on the last three days.


Awww. I still love my det Special Kitty. I also love MSt and Nina is slightly better lately than she was in the beginning. She still has moments of wheelchair ninja that are annoying, but she has toned down moments now too. I liked her talk with Nathan though I'm not a fan of the "J" thing either. The smile while Nathan was tell the story of Levi was about her realizing he loved Maxie in similar style to when Maxie told Lulu about the handcuffed thing and she saw Maxie had feelings for Nathan. Lulu smiled then too.

I really think part of the problem is the wheelchair. MSt is so tall it is hard for her to be at such a height disadvantage. I think once Nina isn't stuck in the wheelchair things will get a little better.


So I'll sit alone at my table of not hating Nina and hope things continue to improve.

I was really annoyed with the Maxie/Lulu scene b/c Lulu made sense in the beginning and I liked her refusing to participate in Maxie's birdbrained marriage scheme. I didn't quite understand the point of her caving in the end. Is Ron really trying to make us think Levi IS a good guy? It made no sense. The audiance knows Levi is not a good guy and Maxie is his prey. Everyone BUT Maxie in PC sees through him, if Lulu was a true friend she would have held tight to her feeling and not given in to Maxie. I just don't understand what the point of her refusing just to change her mind.

  • Love 4
Wasn't he like still in single digit years when she went into the coma?

Yes; I think he was 5.


Where did Spencer get a cell phone? He had to dump his when he left the MetroCourt. No one remembers selling a burner phone to a 9-year-old? 


Julian saying "Peace out, bitch" to Fluke seemed less like something Julian would actually say and more like something Ron thought was funny that he could tweet.

Isn't Julian supposed to be a fiftysomething, slightly more sophisticated mobster?  Yeah, that line seems like something the writer just thought would be "cool."


That was so stupid. I had a lot of secondhand embarrassment for WdV with that line.


Nice for Liz to finally remember HIPPA after all these years of ignoring it.


HIPPA is always a plot point.


Rosalie is probably Mickey's daughter, and she'll say no to the heart donation to screw over the Qs until she learns that Morgan is one, then she'll give in. 

I think we are still in for a scene where a drunk person tips Nina's chair and yells "Bitch can walk!"




That would have been the perfect job for Carlos, just like when he saw Robin and yet no one believed him. "Hey, is that the lady whose legs don't work? Cause I saw her like leaping over a toll booth the other day".


I really think part of the problem is the wheelchair



I think it's who's in it.


It wouldn't take much for Michelle to just tone it down regardless of being wheelchair bound or otherwise. Her grinning at Nathan looked no different, to me, than her usual crazy eyed grins like she's just discovered gold in them thar hills, it's shtick to me and it isn't even entertaining. At its' best it's stale, at its' worse, imo, it's unwatchable.

  • Love 8
My worst fear? That they're going to search for, and find, some of Mickey's family to get their permission for the donation, and we end up with a bunch of new characters we don't care about (cough, Nina, cough).  Wait, no - even worse than that would be discovering that someone already on the canvas is Mickey's next of kin. 



Lord, he'll probably be related to Dr. O.  At least this would be one O family member who is dead.  The best kind of O family member is a dead one, after all. 


Anthony Geary supposedly had back surgery and is having a worse recovery than expected, but I don't think I believe it.  One, the way he was looking before he went out - he looked sick, not just like he was in pain.  And today, especially with the change in voice but also with the heavily applied makeup, he didn't seem like someone just recovering from back surgery.



As someone who spends the bulk of her time in severe pain, you do look sick when you're suffering that much.  I get a lot of "you look like you don't feel well."  

  • Love 6

 I mean, me and her, we basically he the same list. Put Sonny, Carly, Luke on there and I may start a fan club. But damn.

I do want to see her powerlift Sonny.


But is your list on notebook paper in crayon so you can scribble the names out in glee.....just sayin'

The director or writer or whomever is making the choices like the freakin' lame paper list makes me beat my head against the wall Ava style.


Wheelchair ninja Nina could just squeeze Sonny to death.

  • Love 1

But is your list on notebook paper in crayon so you can scribble the names out in glee.....just sayin'

The director or writer or whomever is making the choices like the freakin' lame paper list makes me beat my head against the wall Ava style.


Wheelchair ninja Nina could just squeeze Sonny to death.

Yup. It's in my trapper keeper with my Lisa Frank stickers. I use my feather pen to cross people off.

She could roll over people.

  • Love 3

Sonny was smart enough to bring two henchmen who aren't Shawn with him to the gallery. Hee. I love how WdV plays Julian with Sonny: He's never intimidated and in fact seems always on the edge of outright contempt.


Why don't they have Spencer send Nik a message saying he's okay but not ready to come home just yet? 


Obama's special remarks will pre-empt the rest of the show, most likely, so I'll post this now. Can a nice West Coaster give us a rundown on what happens during the last 15 minutes?

  • Love 1

I just love how they have Sonny talking about Ava like she's a nice piece of shiny barware Julian snatched away.


What a great and amazing man he is to talk about a pregnant woman, who he's nicknamed "bitch" and "slut" and has threatened to kill so many times I wouldn't be surprised if the kid comes out saying "now you die, slutty bitch!", as if she's worth as much as a piece of luggage. I mean I just couldn't accept a romantic leading man without those particular qualities.


Does Julian have no men to watch his very, very fine ass? Come on BAMF Julian, why don't you have men??


I know they took your Shawn away, Carrrrrlos, but really he can't have an extra back up for his back up? Where's Julian's Max? This is such bs, no mobster in such a position of power would have such nonexistent security, unless Ron is in charge. Stupid Ron.  As if Julian and Sonny's men couldn't have had a bit of standoff before they agreed to talk, knowing they can't kill each other anyway. Jeez...


You're right Sam, having a father in the mob can mean bad things happen to you and your family, but having a husband in the mob means the same thing. But of course it isn't as if Jason ever caused Sam and her family any grief or pain or potential death by guns or bombs or her friendship with Sonny or...oh wait.


Shut up Sam. She's been in bed, literally, with the mob for nearly a decade and yet she wants to get huffy over Julian's affiliation as if it's so shocking being in the business can be risky. And does she have selective memory and has conventionally forgotten she went after Jason a few times to quit the business for her, just as Alexis did with her father? Just-stop making her annoying, Ron, stop it right now.


Oh and you opened the door to Silas' apartment Sam so stop your whining about seeing Silas and the Nina kiss. She could have/should have texted him and went home, by god she irked today, just irked all over. And then they stuck Patrick on top, still unshaven and smug looking, gah.


When Michael doesn't have to pretend to be a doctor or care about stupid characters he's so much more at ease in his scenes. It makes me miss Caleb that much more. And since I thought of Tamara as Nina I can't get her out of my head and man oh man, that might actually have been a chemistry overload between those two, yet instead I get the ever manically grinning Michelle in the squeakiest wheelchair ever. Joy.


Can it be revealed that this isn't the real Nina and some sort of imposter in one of those beyond belief masks? That the real Nina did in fact die? Pretty please?


Tony looked terrible on that video. And so Ava is now willing, it appears, to throw her eggs into notLuke's basket, siding with the man who ordered her brother to kill her and seems to give as much of a damn about her as Sonny does...maybe the baby is eating up her brain cells because she wasn't this stupid before the pregnancy-then again she is carrying Corinthos spawn and they aren't exactly known for their intelligence.



I love how WdV plays Julian with Sonny: He's never intimidated and in fact seems always on the edge of outright contempt.




Same here; I love that he's tall enough to look down at him, and clearly on him, and when he's smirking and nearly rolling his eyes, it's just so nice to see. It's as if despite whatever upper hand Sonny feels he has, Julian could care less and sees him as the tiresome, pathetic little man that he is and being rid of him would be doing the entire world a favour.


And if I have to hear Sonny stutterstammer over "keeping Julian alive for Danny's sake" one more time...

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 6

Can someone explain to me like I'm Sonny, why in the world if Britt was going to pull this cockamamie scheme with Spencer to try and "win" Nikolas she would be so brain dead as to invite BRAD to Nik's house? Britt, just NO! bye gurl!


This whole plot is so *pointless*. Liz and Nik are not together, they weren't even on the verge of being together, so this Britt scheme isn't keeping them apart. Britt and Nik weren't together, nor on the verge of it, so again it's not ruining them - they're already apart! I mean, what is the whole point of this? So Nik can say, "how dare u Britt I am not gonna be with you even HARDER!"? Bleh.


FakeLuke is so gonna kill Ava during sweeps, isn't he? If he does at least her last weeks won't be under Sonny's thumb. He was such a pig today, with his "you took something that belonged to me."

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 3


And does she have selective memory and has conventionally forgotten she went after Jason a few times to quit the business for her, just as Alexis did with her father? Just-stop making her annoying, Ron, stop it right now.


I don't recall her ever asking Jason to leave the mob, but my memory sucks lately.  Am I forgetting something?  But that actually makes your argument MORE valid, IMO, since she NEVER had an issue with the mob before, so being outraged now is just dumb.  She willingly had her uterus fixed, knowing her baby daddy was a mobster, so using Danny now to say she wants the mob away from her kid...too late.   She doesn't get to be angry at Julian, when she is/was a WILLING participant in the mob life.  And the only reason she stopped being an active one is/was because her husband was SHOT in the back (BECAUSE he was in the mob).


Did Sonny really just tell Julian he stole something that "was his"??  No dickface, Ava is NOT yours.  I may not like her that much, but she is a grown ass woman.  She belongs to nobody, least of all your smarmy ass.  Gross.


I will just go sit in my SamTrick bubble, and enjoy their banter today.

  • Love 7

I am getting bored with the kid's storyline, in fact so bored that I took a nap in the middle of the show.

I'm so bored while watching the show today.I didn't even get upset when Obama interrupted to spew his bull. Usually I hate when they cut in Except for real news, that can't wait..Don't ask what he said, I tuned him out the same way I do Sonny. HAve fun When I put the tv back on he was still there and it was after 3 pm. GH was over.Oh well. No loss either way.

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