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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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It's actually too bad that TPTB had to have Roger Howarth play Franco, because he really does have a nice, easy chemistry with Jake, and if they had him playing someone else--anyone else--without such a vile, vile past, I'd be into seeing how it would play out.  But, no, of course not.


And, LOL, that Sam has been so dickmatized by Jason that she makes Stepford Wives seem aggressive. 

  • Love 5

Given Maxie's slandering of Britt's medical skills today and her suggesting Nina get a second opinion, is anyone else now terrified that this bitch is, like, gonna see Franco hug Liz, sleep with someone random (probably Michael Easton's character) and then get preggos for real?

Yes. But I had the decency to NOT put it out in the universe.


I read something on Twitter that sparked this realization.  Sonny's big "I REFUSE!" moment about having Morgan committed isn't actually about Morgan at all.  It's about Sonny and his claustrophobia, that's why he makes a big thing about the padded walls closing in or whatever.

When is it not?

  • Love 6

I have given up on these writers and Uncle Frank.  However, on Wednesday's episode at the 41-42 minute-mark, in the background they had a nurse/nurse's aide helping a patient in the background at General Hospital.  The covers on the pillows had nice patterns and the wallpaper in Maxie's apartment soothes my brain from the burning rage while hearing serial killer and the woman who ripped a newborn baby out of woman's womb talk about adopting a kid.  To say nothing about the rage building about the police WARNING a kingpin/mobster to stay away from the pier so as to him not getting hurt and/or inadvertently arrested.

UO - I find Sam's hair much more flattering in her current style. 


ETA - I can't even construct a grammatically correct sentence after thinking about this show.

Edited by sunnyface
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I understand Liz being shocked and hurt but she and Jason didn't end it because they wanted different things, she lied to him about his life to keep him - so I wish she'd have a little more pride

Show is trying to have it both ways with Franco/Jason. There's no reason for Jason not to know what Franco did, RC had it published as a news story.

Has Jason just not bothered to google his own name?

Edited by Oracle42
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I dont.....does Franco have amnesia? Did the magic redemption tumor make him forget what he did to people? Because if it didnt, he's STILL a sociopath. There is no other explanation for his interactions with these people

But......TUMOR! He had a medical reason for killing and tormenting all those victims! We need to quit bothering poor Franco about the past! <Courtney Eyeroll >

At this point, I honestly just wish the show would just say that Franco is really a poor guy who turned out to be Real Franco's twin or juse plain victim. And we have a weird switching of twins again. Only as adults. Perhaps, Helena! Line of REASONS! Or FRANCO!

Liz being a tad passive aggressive was awesome to me. She IS hurt. She can't turn off her genuine feelings for the man who was her fiancee not that long ago. And it will be like pulling teeth to get her to admit it.

Edited by stlbf
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I guess I need someone to explain how what Morgan did at the docks is so "bad" that he would go to prison for it.


I think it's because he admitted he was trying to kill Dixon? He admitted something to the police that wasn't legal. Not to mention he was in possession of a firearm that wasn't his. Morgan is one person I won't mind seeing go to jail for a long time, especially if it's all offscreen.


Has Jason just not bothered to google his own name?


He's never been interested in finding out about his pre-coma life. It's a giant *shrug* to him. So dumb.

  • Love 8

I think it's because he admitted he was trying to kill Dixon? He admitted something to the police that wasn't legal. Not to mention he was in possession of a firearm that wasn't his. Morgan is one person I won't mind seeing go to jail for a long time, especially if it's all offscreen.



The problem was they made a production of reading him his rights AFTER he admitted all that. I don't see why Diane has such a hard sell getting him out of trouble and even with those charges why prison? I don't think either one of those on a first offense would require prison.

Not that I don't agree with the off screen part, but carting him(and his hair piece) off to the looney bin would be more realistic

Edited by Cattitude

I'm confused about this whole Paul thing. He supposedly murdered Sloane because he raped his daughter and the gun trafficking was a setup to bring down the *real* bad guys, But why did he collude with Carlos and shoot Sonny? It seems like they're trying to retcon him into being a decent person (who murdered someone for *understandable* reasons) but forgot to address the fact that he tried to murder Sonny and is helping Carlos. And how exactly was Ava able to force him to get her an immunity deal?

  • Love 1

If pressed, I would still say that King Bryan is the better actor than Chad Duell, but yeah, I don't get why they are giving Craig this huge storyline when poor Duell already has an Emmy. Doesn't the actual emmy winner deserve a storyline that doesn't disappear when his characer's girlfriend leaves the show for a couple of months?

I don't think Bryan is the better actor.  Yelling or waving hands doesn't denote "better," imo, but I think BC is a good actor.  Maybe I just prefer a nuanced performance.  CD can do the yelling and waving of hands too, but I recently watched his performance during the rape reveal to Jason (of which he was robbed of his Emmy), and it was fantastic.  I think CD does very well when he's given the material, and he'll play a scene angry or low-key or detached.  I like Bryan, but I find he always goes for the drama.  Sometimes the low-key performance will work just as well.


I have to agree that I don't get why CD needs to be sidlined because the non-vet character is on maternity leave.  Since when should a GH vet be waiting on a newbie character tied to no one in PC?  I've heard that maybe a new woman is being brought on for Michael.  I just want him in a storyline.  As much as I don't want Michael in the mob, I like him when he's in conflicts with mob characters.  His scenes, imo, with Ava and the Five Families was great.  She was trying to bait Michael, putting him down, and he wouldn't take the bait.  Contrast that with Sonny who totally took the bait in court and lost custody of Ava.

Edited by Bishop
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I don't think Bryan is the better actor.  Yelling or waving hands doesn't denote "better," imo, but I think BC is a good actor.  


I don't think Bryan is a better actor because of the yelling and handwaving. I'm thinking of the performances he first delivered, before this whole thing bi-polar emmy bait started. I remember one scene he had with Franco his first summer where you could tell Morgan was scared of Franco but he just shut up and waited for Franco to go away. Anyway I said, "if pressed". They're pretty evenly matched imo.

  • Love 4

I understand Liz being shocked and hurt but she and Jason didn't end it because they wanted different things, she lied to him about his life to keep him - so I wish she'd have a little more pride

Show is trying to have it both ways with Franco/Jason. There's no reason for Jason not to know what Franco did, RC had it published as a news story.

Has Jason just not bothered to google his own name?


There is no reason for Jason not to know:


1) He lied and stole Michael away from AJ and the Q's

2) All of the shit that Sam did to Jake, Elizabeth, and Cam

3) "Fill in the blank" and Jason can have a stadium full of seats.

  • Love 3

There is no reason for Jason not to know:


1) He lied and stole Michael away from AJ and the Q's

2) All of the shit that Sam did to Jake, Elizabeth, and Cam

3) "Fill in the blank" and Jason can have a stadium full of seats.

Only things like "I told you to walk to me once" are deemed important.  I'm sure no one's bothered to tell him he had a sister who died, either.  

  • Love 1

I'm sure the show thought this argument between Carly and Sonny was balanced and would divide viewers, but I dunno how anyone could be on Sonny's side.  Carly was 1000% right.  Morgan is not Sonny and Sonny is projecting his feelings and his claustrophobia - which has nothing to do with being bipolar - onto Morgan.  I also liked Carly later mentioning that she spent time in a mental hospital and that it helped her.  But then, the show pretty much took the choice away from them - they had to commit Morgan so he wouldn't end up in jail - so what was even the point of them disagreeing about it?  That's not good soap. 


It also hurts the story that I have no sympathy for Morgan.  His going off his meds led to the situation he claims to be so heartbroken about - Kiki being shot - but then he's still whining to Dr. Maddox about not being able to get a boner?  Shut up, bro.  And again, the show trying to sell Morgan and Kiki as some epic romance irritates me so much because it's not true to what we saw AT ALL.  The show also did a bad job showing him transitioning from being enraged about being committed to being all calm and sweet at Kiki's bedside.


Everything going on with Maxie/Lulu/Dante/Nathan today was a waste of time.

  • Love 14

It also hurts the story that I have no sympathy for Morgan.  His going off his meds led to the situation he claims to be so heartbroken about - Kiki being shot - but then he's still whining to Dr. Maddox about not being able to get a boner?  Shut up, bro.  And again, the show trying to sell Morgan and Kiki as some epic romance irritates me so much because it's not true to what we saw AT ALL.  The show also did a bad job showing him transitioning from being enraged about being committed to being all calm and sweet at Kiki's bedside.


Thank you. For some reason, this bothers me more than most everything else in this story. Quit making up damn revisionist history, it's insulting. 


I can tell I'll need to down several glasses (bottles?) of liquor to get through today.

  • Love 2

I think BC did a good job of playing manic/agitated today. BUT, if he's been in the hospital for a while now, shouldn't he be showing some effects of being medicated? Or is he still refusing to take his meds? And if he is, why didn't the doctor mention it to him? Oh, wait, never mind. Forget all that. He had to have an Emmy reel performance. 


Maybe when he comes back from the mental hospital he'll have enough self respect to remember that the woman he loves threw him over for his brother. I don't think that would bode too well for his fragile recovering mental health, regardless of the sex.

Edited by rur
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Watching someone scream, beg, and plead to not be institutionalized is not entertaining. It's uncomfortable. I changed the channel.


Today's show was very dark and depressing. Morgan is not only bipolar; he's immature in the extreme. Hearing Carly call him "Baby" several times was adding insult to injury. Yet, just putting Morgan into a mental hospital s still not going to change the system at home. Doesn't the whole Corinthii clan need therapy or at least counseling?


  • Love 3

Why is Dante acting like the final divorce papers are such a surprise? He signed them! 


They were both so stupid today.


I know DZ can't cry, but maybe he can lay his head down on the table and fake it that way? It's annoying to see Lulu's weird-ass sob face and Dante dry-eyed.


Maxie was too (kinda, she was smart enough to recognize the dog lie), but that's Maxie's m.o. "You'll be alone and miserable!" Shut up Maxie. Maybe she should try a spell of being single, it would be good for her. And the eat pray love shit does not count because she picked up Levi in the middle of it.


I guess Team Carly when it comes to the institutionalized stuff, but Team Sonny when it comes to her self-righteousness about maybe divorcing him. What the hell was he supposed to do, hurl himself bodily onto Morgan to stop him from leaving the house? His walking lie would not have made a difference in regards to situation. And she certainly went into this fifth fucking wedding with full knowledge about the violence.


Every flavor of Morgan is just so annoying. It's probably realistic but I don't care. And would he stop comparing himself to solely Michael? He's got 4 other fucking siblings.


Oh Diane, stop spewing lies about how you love Morgan. I really wanted her to reach into her purse and take out a glass of champagne and drink it again.


What in the blazes was going on with Julian's hair.


Sonny: I was never institutionalized!


No kidding, Sonny.


lol though at mother and son both going to a mental hospital to get out of murder charges, for the most part.

  • Love 9

Yes, Maxie, trust is vital in interpersonal relationships, especially romantic ones. "Leaps of faith" are admirable, but carry undeniable risk. The whole Claudette mystery gives off odd vibes, probably because we saw Dr O's reaction to the topic. If an evildoer like Dr O is impressed enough to back away, that French poodle must have quite a bite.


Maxie gives out such loud, passionate, self-assured advice. Yet she's made so many mistakes in her short life. Dante and Lulu might have a chance together if they work on the relationship and their communication. They have to admit, however, that in every relationship, risk exists, and no one knows the future pressures. It is a day-by-day struggle without guarantees. Between the permanence promised in the wedding vows and the unpredictable ups and downs of everyday life, every marriage is balanced. I think that is the best a couple can expect, realistically. Maxie seems to be advocating eyes shut faith that is risky.

  • Love 1

I think BC did a good job of playing manic/agitated today. 


The Craigster is doing a decent job, I'm just annoyed his douchey ass is being catered to like this. I really should stay away from his instagram and twitter so it wouldn't affect my opinion of Morgan but damn it I can't help myself.


I mean, I'm sorry, I just can't stop myself from looking at instagram hoping I find shit like this




I'm so weak!

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 6

I have daily experience with several bipolar people & I find his depictions very unnatural. My mother is bipolar and my coworker is and a neighbor.

The most closedt to the reality I've seen was Monica/Chloe Webb on Shameless and Craig/Jake Epstein on Degrassi.

Yeah my dad is bipolar and a friend of mine is bipolar( and also the same age range as Morgan) and I don't find this storyline believable. 

UO but the actor who plays Morgan is terrible.

I find the actors who play Michael, Morgan, and Kristina to range from terrible to lackluster at best.

  • Love 3

Why was Diane crying when she told Morgan he could end up in prison if he goes to trial? Are we supposed to believe she cares about him as a person? Stop it.


If the writers want us to believe Morgan and Kiki have some grand romance maybe they should have spent more time building up their relationship.


Dante and Lulu are being so dramatic and ridiculous.They didn't withdraw the petition for divorce but are surprised when they receive papers saying the divorce has been finalized. What did they think was going to happen? And they act like they can't just get remarried if they should want to do so.

  • Love 11

LOL I know and then Diane said "we wish you well and will keep you in out hearts." Like wtf you'll see him again.

Maxie's hair and makeup could be better. I hate Ava's winged out hair & hard face.

Very few people in my region and profession use the phrase "French Poodle." All poodles are French in heritage I mean one doesn't say "Portuguese Porti" or "English Yorkie". Most generally though I think people say French poodle when they wish to describe a Standard or true Royale (when pre bred and good genes can be quite tall and regal. I did one once who was mixed with a Giant Schnauzer and it was taller than an Irish Wolfhound but fluffy poodly).

  • Love 1

Like without context/without knowing the history I feel like the Sonny/Carly/Maddox/Diane/Morgan scenes were good. Everyone was pretty good in them for the most part and they were decently written. But it didn't work on any level for someone who's been watching this show for more than 5 minutes imo.


Honestly Ava's speech about Kiki loving Morgan/Kiki waking up after Morgan talked to her was probably the single worst thing on this show in awhile. Just so, so horrible.


I'm super over the Dante/Lulu mess and the Maxie/Nathan shit. They're both somehow horrible and boring as hell at the same time.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 5

I'm super over the Dante/Lulu mess and the Maxie/Nathan shit. They're both somehow horrible and boring as hell at the same time.


imo, Maxie and Nathan are like a faded xerox copy of Dante and Lulu, mostly because Nathan is a faded xerox copy of Dante (except I admit much conventionally hotter). Kirsten needs to beg the hubby to come back. Lulu and Johnny should be together for a while, Maxie and Dante can hook up in their wake, and Nathan can go.

  • Love 7

I don't think Bryan is a better actor because of the yelling and handwaving. I'm thinking of the performances he first delivered, before this whole thing bi-polar emmy bait started. I remember one scene he had with Franco his first summer where you could tell Morgan was scared of Franco but he just shut up and waited for Franco to go away. Anyway I said, "if pressed". They're pretty evenly matched imo.

Truthfully, GH has a wealth of talent in their characters.  BC was excellent today; not over-the-top where it was too much.  He really was acting like a guy out of control, and MB and LW brought their A-game.  Holy crap but that entire storyline today (and yesterday) was fantastic.  THIS is what GH does best when the writers craft stories around families, vet characters, and character driven stories.  Tracy's storyline is also great because it will (hopefully) bring in the Quartermaines, and it focuses stories on the hospital in addition to the PCPD.  Let's hope GH is finally getting back on track with GH vet characters and character-driven stories.

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 7

Diane was the only one who made me feel anything in the hospital scenes. Okay, some of LW's reactions did as well, though she did better when talking to Sonny at home.

I can't take the Nathan/Maxie/Dante/Lulu crap…it's so boring. And my son agrees, he talked loudly throughout their scenes.

I guess Julian's past with Raj and Dixon will be the next problem for newlyweds Julexis.

I'm much more excited about the previews than I was about this episode.

  • Love 1

I can't get past Sonny being all about Sonny when it comes to committing Morgan. I know, that's who Sonny is, and everyone is merely an extension of his ego. I wish they'd had Carly press that point a lot harder. They need to do what's best for Morgan, not what's best for Sonny. At least Carly understands that.


I can't take the Nathan/Maxie/Dante/Lulu crap…it's so boring.


It's also so lazy. It's not as if anything new is being said. Ugh.

Edited by dubbel zout
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