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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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And, while on the topic of repeats, the writers have used so many distressed-damsel stories for Lulu that they have to recycle the scenario - so, ONCE AGAIN, we have the near drowning/hypothermia story for Lulu with Dante, once again, in a blanket beside her GH bedside. (November, 2009 - Lulu trapped in rising water in Zacchara basement)


I would have cried foul if he didn't have something around himself though. Bad enough she's immediately drowning but he was moving around like the little mermaid.

I would find Kiki more heroic if it was for someone who didnt just cheat on her. Mostly I think she is an idiot. 


It *was* pretty moronic but she did save his life all the same. Stupid Kiki.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 2

In my world, someone staggering around in a basement for a week is a long time. :p


It felt like a fucking eternity, and I am a JaSam fan!  LOL.....


Can someone explain it to me as if I were Sonny how Morgan despite being detained at the PCPD managed to get to the hospital before Kiki?


The ambulance probably had to stop and get gas on the way.......It's not like she was an urgent case or anything.  She was shot in the CHEST, not the SHOULDER.  There are no critical organs in the chest, right?


I loved my bad ass Sam.  I knew she was going to say she was Sonny's daughter the minute Alexis opened her stupid fucking mouth.   I mean really Alexis?   And she continued to be a human shield for her sisters the entire time.  I love her. 


Everyone already covered the stupid nonsense that also occurred.   The gun thing was just hilarious though.   It would have been a great pay off if the ATF dude came back and arrested Carly's ass for destroying evidence.

Edited by mybabyaidan
  • Love 11

Well it could just as easily be Ava's fault b/c she was involved in the whole mess to start with to keep her ass out of prison. I have little sympathy for Ava to start with but she is just as much to blame as Morgan. But I still don't see why Kiki stupidly did what she did. I lay it all at her own feet.



true, but Ava got blackmailed into it. It's a little bit of everyone's fault, imo.


While Ava was yelling at Morgan and blaming him for her stupid ass daughter getting shot I wish someone would have reminded her that the whole gun smuggling shit on the pier wouldn't have even happened at that time if she hadn't helped arrange it. And yes, she was being blackmailed, but if she hadn't murdered Connie Paul wouldn't have had anything to hold over her. I have no sympathy for her or her stupid ass brat. 

  • Love 8

I don't have a problem with the theory of  redeeming Paul a bit...He's still a murderer, though, and he still used coercion to get Ava into bed. He's hardly a "good" guy.



In the world of GH, that's just establishing his badass bona fides so the audience will think he's a "real man", not some wimp who doesn't kill people and is probably fat to boot.


She's been held at gunpoint more times than she has toes, her son was comatose for months after being shot in the head, but KIKI's blood on her hands is a step too far?!?!?


Girl, please.  GIRL, PLEASE!


The worst thing about this utterly hypocritical epiphany is that she'll be right back to kissing Sonny's ass within a week.

  • Love 4

I'm on the Monday After school Special "Morgan Has a Gun". Why does everyone keep running around yelling about Morgan being bipolar like he's a special snowflake with degenerative bone disease or diabetes? I could see the hassle if he needed insulin or something. Dude just needs some klonopin and a juice box.

I also want to say I don't like the bottom of Alexis's dress, but the hairclip is pretty. I do like the bridesmaids dresses. Then again, I like a bit of this Kiki's clothes (mostly because some of its Free People which I wear). I guess I have frrrrriiieeennddsss too.

  • Love 5
"I`d do it again" LOL Liez/Sonny would make the perfect couple. Both lie and say they would do it all again.



This is so true.


And Carly's "I didn't realize it until just now" shit about guns, the mob, whatever at the end?  Girl, please.  GIRL, PLEASE!


LW was pretty good, but yeah this was obviously straight from JP's pro-gun control pen. And while I don't have a problem with that view, I do have a problem when it makes this show this stupid, then yeah keep your stances out of it, Jean.


ATF gets a huge shipment of weapons and just leaves them there, on the docks, with no one watching over them???  Geez this operation has sucked from the get go.


Kudos to Maura West.  Ava in her scene at the hospital, losing it on Morgan was well done.  


The stupidity of no one watching the guns on the pier blows everything else out of the water, literally.


Maura was great, I loved Ava volunteering to save Kristina/Molly, and I really loved her going off on Morgan. When she's in mama bear mode, everyone else better watch out. And I know I at least have been waiting for someone to yell at him and blame him for his role in this, so I thought it was great. Morgan stole Sonny's gun, went down there and pouted his way through this, had the chance to walk away, and then double downed. He's an idiotic moron. Why Kiki chose to save his ass is on her though, just like Olivia choosing to save Sonny is on her too. Let ALL CORINTHII die! Liv does get points from me for acknowledging what Ava did though. Every single person in town trashes her, just as much as everyone in town praises Sonny. It gets extremely old both ways.


I cannot with Sonny being the hero yet again. You guys have already said it all, so I'll just say I gagged all the way through it.


Probably in the minority here, but I didn't like Dante's hair wet either. He needs a serious cut, it just looks awful no matter what they do with it. I like short hair, I wish he would go back to when it actually looked good.


Considering she almost drowned, Lulu made a pretty quick recovery. And Emme was very realistic with the shivering, I was cold just watching her when they brought her in.


And damn it, I didn't hate Franco today because he was actually being nice to Ava.


Forgot to give Sam her kudos. She was great and has been great this entire time.

Edited by tvgoddess
  • Love 4

I mournfully skipped yesterday's buildup so I could watch today.  All I could think at the end after the mysteriously disappearing custodians of the crime scene so that S&C could have one of their patented scenes was when Sonny stepped in, he was telegraphing to Carly, "hey, baby, you know, I can really fuck you now, right?"  And that's all Carly could hear after that.  



  • Love 1

I seriously, SERIOUSLY, needed someone to taze or tranquilize Fredo's manically loopy ass. I'm still giving Brydog points, but damn this was exhausting.

As previously said, though: why in the world would the ATF leave a person-sized crate of assault weapons just lying around with only one guard? And why would said guard leave said crate unattended? And why would Carly, Little Miss Hubby Shot Me By Accident Once But We're Solid Now, choose NOW to flip out over guns? I can suspend disbelief relatively well, but come the hell on...

  • Love 11

Ugh, this show! So yesterday while Franco was doing a pretty stellar job of keeping the psycho gunman occupied no one could jump him? Not Nathan, the police officer? Not former mob boss Julian Jerome? Not bad ass PI Sam? Not even Nik, who is not a small guy? He had his back turned to all these people and not one of them could have overpowered him at that moment. But brave heroic Sonny can and does! I said "oh for fuck's sake!" out loud, which is probably not the reaction I was supposed to have.

I did like Sam shielding her sisters and claiming to be Sonny's daughter. And I'll admit that I enjoyed Franco's distraction speech yesterday. But two enjoyable moments do not make a successful sweeps month!

  • Love 14

I mournfully skipped yesterday's buildup so I could watch today.  All I could think at the end after the mysteriously disappearing custodians of the crime scene so that S&C could have one of their patented scenes was when Sonny stepped in, he was telegraphing to Carly, "hey, baby, you know, I can really fuck you now, right?"  And that's all Carly could hear after that.  



I just watched it. Here's a brief recap of it. I call it "Morgan's Mystery- An After school Special".

Morgan thought he was being a hero. Or an astronaut. Or maybe he thought he was trying to fit in with his dad's tough gangster friends who are so gangster and tough. Morgan brought a gun. Guns are bad mmmkay? Anyway, some extras and Raj who's a better actor than Bryan Craig, and DA Paul Hornsby are selling guns. Because guns are so much easier and profitable to push in a small messed up town than drugs. Morgan starts ranting about his dad, Taylor Swift, the new Starbucks rewards program, the loss of the McDonald's menu, and circus animals. Sonny will take care of that. Morgan also pulls a gun while this happens. DA Paul Hornsby is not armed. Even Morgan realizes this is dumb.

Some dude named Dixon comes out. He sees Morgan and wants to kill him. Good guy. Kiki suddenly appears because she's Kiki. Dixon shoots her. Morgan flips out. ATF swarms. Dixon escapes to the wedding where he steals phones, shoots Nathan, threatens people, insults everyone. Morgan continues to freak out. Or have a bad trip. I don't know. Michael has handled too many crazies and drunks so it's all grey. Jordan arrests Morgan for being really stupid. Good call.

And Lulu almost drowns.

  • Love 10

LW was pretty awesome today. Please don't hate me. LOL!!! She always gives 100% and has done so since her start on LOVING. It really impressive that she's been doing this since she's been 18 or so. I don't even think she did commercials. She lands a soap job at 18 and moves to NYC. Of course, to me she'll always be Cassie Layne from Guiding Light. I just thinks she's great and a great ambassador for daytime. She appreciates it and her fans. Oh! by he way. Sonny was a hero today. <eyes roll>. I just can't with Sonny and Maurice Bernard. No matter who the writer is they have to redeem Sonny and make him God.

Edited by ByaNose
  • Love 5

I think they work better as exes, but I think they are fine romantically too. It's just that, if they're going to be a couple at this point, Carly can't be clutching her pearls at the violence. If she wants to be pissed that Sonny didn't let her in on the plan or that Sonny let Morgan leave the house, that's fine, but having her moan about the violnce that guns do, no.

  • Love 8

And...isn't that kinda Brenda's beat, having problems with the violence of Sonny's mob world? It just rings so false coming from Carly now, after all these years, after choosing to be with him all over again.

Right. And this is why I will always sideeye this shit from characters like Carly or Sam. The whole POINT of their pairings was, "I accept this life."

  • Love 5

When Carly wears a wire, I'll be like... hmm. But really the turning point- if not when Sonny shot her in the head during child birth or got Michael shot and put in a coma or Sonny's lifestyle got Michael a harsh prison sentence - should have been Michael disowning her ass. Not Kiki getting shot. What about your children that you keep harping about? Gah. Disown her again, Michael. Aren't you tired of this shit? Get a pet. You don't need these people.

  • Love 7

I mean, a long time ago, I got Carly having second thoughts about the violence. I don't think she was quite as willing to overlook it as Sam, not out of moral reasons but just out of care for her own skin and of that of her loved ones. But now? It is about 10 years and one serial killer ex boyfriend too late.

It's faaaaaaar too late for characters like Carly, Sam, Alexis, etc. They're all in my "I don't want to hear it" boat.

  • Love 5


I just watched it. Here's a brief recap of it. I call it "Morgan's Mystery- An After school Special".


Respectfully may I add a couple of details you omitted?


  • As Alexis marched up the aisle, she stopped (giggling nervously) and flashed her thong panties at the groom and anyone else who was in the line of sight.
  • Nik and Hayden got it on in the back row as they waited for the show to begin.
  • Kiki applied another layer of lipstick while deciding whether to run out in front of Bry-dawg's gun


  • Love 4

Oh, yes, between the Unintentional Comedy Gold and a little bit of the intentional (Dixon's bitchiness), I had the best time watching Wednesday's show. 


I was expecting Dixon to say to Sam, no, you're obviously not his daughter because you're way too old, but it just hung in the air. Then again, we're supposed to believe she's William DeVry's daughter, which is even worse.   


Unintentional hilarity from Carly re: the guns: "Look at them, Sonny! They're hideous!" It sounded as though Carly's problem was that the guns were aesthetically unappealing.   


I have never been less happy that a character was rescued from drowning. The only way Lulu works for me over the last several months is if I believe she's either an idiot or she's severely emotionally disturbed, like "long stay at Shadybrook" territory. But since they aren't really playing it either way, she's become a waste of time.  


"Passed cleaned through" is always the post-gunshot diagnosis when a show doesn't want to spend any time on a recovery. Nathan will be lifting coffee cups and file folders again in no time.  


The Bry-dawg Emmy reel was entertaining.  


I like Paul and Anna in scenes together. I can't help it.  

  • Love 3


Morgan starts ranting about his dad, Taylor Swift, the new Starbucks rewards program, the loss of the McDonald's menu, and circus animals.

Well, to be fair to Morgan, the changes to the Starbucks loyalty program are ridiculous and unfair. Why not just tell customers they can't make multiple purchases to juke the system?


It's gonna take me nearly twice as many trips to Starbucks to get the rewards I earn currently. It's really upsetting.

  • Love 6

I was greeted by NutmegsMom with two tickets to the Barge, so we bypassed today's UCG with more pleasant catching up view. I will say Telenovela also had  a hostage situation, but the hostage taker was better looking and had more personality, and the rescuer could act circles around Sonny any day.


Oh, and the hostages at the church were rescued by Sabrina's never-mentioned-before never-mentioned-again distant cousin Amy Santiago, who was visiting PC at the time. And Rosa Diaz. Definitely Rosa.


But everyone will have amnesia and claim Sonny is the hero because of reasons. And Hitchcock & Scully.


And that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

  • Love 7

Now, now, NutmegsDad.  You know the only reason Amy and Rosa would've shown up at the church in the first place is because they got lost on the way to the Worst ATF Operation Ever.  (That said, I'm irrationally in love with the mental image of Rosa just storming into the church and clocking Dixon with a baton...repeatedly...)

  • Love 5

I'm actually going to give BC a point for yesterday's episode. As hard as he channels MB, Morgan's whole Fredo-on-crack (it's supposed to be mini-Sonny, but we're all thinking Fredo...) "I'm not crazy! I'm not a screwup!" thing was apt and pretty on point.

Well, Sonny is pretty much Fredo, so that makes sense that Morgan follows suit. He's simply Fredo in a town where everyone has to be dumbed down in order for him to look smart.

  • Love 1

I think Andre might be be my new crush(det Special Kitty move over)

I loved how he handled Jordan the police shrew. Ugh to think I used to love her.Glad he called her out for the rude bitch she was being. Police depts DO send mentally unstable suspects to the hospital. She acted like she never heard of such a thing.

I never understood why with all that was going on she was personally handling Morgan? Most of what he said was before she read him his rights so it wasn't going to be admissible after Diane gets done.

I like how super calm he was dealing with Morgan and his hysteria. Plus he is sexy as hell. MEOW!


LW was awesome. I did LOL at Sonny almost kissing her at the end of that rant. I really thought they were going to throw down for some sex right in that pool of blood surrounded by GUNS! GUNS! GUNS!.....did you see the GUNS! LOL

  • Love 3

I thought she did really well today too. It was just Carly that I found absurd.


I think LW is usually good, it's just her character who makes me want to throw things at my TV.  I give her credit for being so convincing at portraying the beast.  


Why do the bad guys always have to be so stupid and toy with their prey?  Just shoot Sonny, dude.  No need to monologue and start ranting about wanting to toy with him and cause him to suffer.  Just plug a few (dozen) bullets into him and call it a day.  If you felt like picking off some of the rest of the attendees, just to make a point, I wouldn't be mad.  As long as you kill Sonny's ass dead.  You just can't get good help these days. 

  • Love 12


I really thought they were going to throw down for some sex right in that pool of blood surrounded by GUNS! GUNS! GUNS!.....did you see the GUNS! LOL


Gotta admit, all those guns did light up them Corinthii libidos, almost as much as the Quartermaine crypt makes them Jones for it too.


And remember, Carly thought Sonny had been "incapacitated" since his shooting, so they have some missed sexy times to make up now.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 2

Tuesday and yesterday, law enforcement officials were made to look incompetent and unprofessional.  So I guess today it was the medical field's turn, with that nurse stupidly letting Morgan out of his restraints?


Although she's still way too hung up on Rebecca Budig's con woman past, I still wanted to high-five Laura when she pointed out that the "events of last spring" Nikolas blithely referred to were him trying to have her killed.


When Franco basically threatened Dr. Griffin re: Kiki's care, I had my fingers crossed that he was a secret ninja and would karate chop Franco to death.


Liked that Monica got to express a bit more anger about Liz's actions.


Curtis laughing at Rebecca Budig's stupidity was delightful.

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