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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Imagine when they roll Kiki into the hospital...


Paramedic: Gunshot victim, female, name of Lauren...


Kiki (groggily): Noooo....Kkkkiiiiikkkkiiii....frrrrrriiiieeeennnnddsssss....


I need to see that gif of Kiki jumping into the water again. This is what she should have done instead of Lulu. Not that I wanted Lulu to get shot, but it would have had more impact overall.


Sam's face throughout the entire hostage situation gave me life.   She was like, "been here done this MANY times before....Bored now"  


And she probably isn't packing heat for the same lame reasons Sonny and Nathan aren't...Plot point city. 


I so loved her faces, she was definitely over it. She was probably thinking, this guy is like a poor man's extremely poor man's version of Jerry. Now there was a guy who knew how to take people hostage. Ah, Sweet Sam. Okay, I'm sorry, I just start thinking of SR's accent and I get a little giddy.


Alexis' hair and makeup looked good, I thought.


Apropos of nothing, I want Ava and Brad to become friends.

  • Love 4

So it's come to this, Show wardrobe department! Putting Kiki in a red lace dress so she doesn't need to be decorated with wounds and blood. How lazy can you get? Or how cheap?


And boy howdy, Olivia's vision of blood didn't begin to cover what really happened.


Julian is the new AJ. He's TOTALLY out of the situation, but it's his fault. Heck. it's his fault Morgan went off his meds because HEKILLEDDUKE!ohmygodwhocares


Sam's face throughout the entire hostage situation gave me life.   She was like, "been here done this MANY times before....Bored now"  


And she probably isn't packing heat for the same lame reasons Sonny and Nathan aren't...Plot point city. 


Dixon: *shoots many warning shots* Now, we're going to get to know one another...


Sam: Oh, good grief! It's "Sweet Sam". Jerry Jacks was a better hostage taker!


Dixon: SHUT UP! *shoots in general direction, meanwhile.,....*


<on the set of Pretty Little Liars>


KMcC: Okay, places, people, speed, and..... act---


KMcC: Oh, no... not again! *falls over, alien pops out of her bleeding wound, sings a little song and dance*


<back to the Church>


Dixon: Now, I'm going to kill Sonny Corinthos, since  he's totally helpless and in a wheel chair...

*click click click, Dixon gives "Wait, I'm not suppose to run out" look, Moobster gives nauseating shit-eating grin...*


Jim Ross: BAH GAWD KING! That's Sonny's Music!


*Me heading for the Barge*

Edited by NutmegsDad
  • Love 8

Dixon is handsome. 


Paul when he was a bad guy was getting shit done, but as soon as he's a good guy it all turned to shit in the blink of an eye! Hilarious! 


Alexis's eye makeup was distracting. I had to fanwank that she did her own makeup, because no makeup artist is going to put that heavy black eyeliner on a bride. 

  • Love 5

Have I mentioned lately how tired I am of this stupid custody battle between the two crypt fuckers? Like, who is this story supposed to be for? They're both trash and neither one of them should be allowed to take care of another child. Even if I liked one of them I wouldn't want them to be stuck with a damn baby. 

  • Love 19

If GH ever had a bad guy break into a big event brandishing a weapon and it ended like this, I would say only nice things about it for 3 whole months!


The florists in Port Charles should start offering bouquets with hidden handguns in them. 


One could argue marrying Julian is out of character.


Alexis has mostly had tragic taste in men.  Sonny, Ric, Jerry, Julian...  (Not that I don't love Ric, but he was definitely not good for her beyond helping her fend off Sonny for a while.)  By far, her best relationship with a man was her (unfortunately) platonic relationship with Jax. 

Edited by KerleyQ
  • Love 5

Alexis also tried to get something going with Mac, but I guess ultimately they were best as just friends too. I wasn't around for it, but what about Ned? What were they like?


The whole ridiculous thing about how Julian was so evil, but Liv sitting next to Sonny batting her eyes like he's this paragon of virtue was insulting.

  • Love 5

I'm actually going to give BC a point for yesterday's episode.  As hard as he channels MB, Morgan's whole Fredo-on-crack (it's supposed to be mini-Sonny, but we're all thinking Fredo...) "I'm not crazy!  I'm not a screwup!" thing was apt and pretty on point.


That said, Dixon still looks like an almost literal Jerry Jacks Lite (same look, about 20% less calories and 50% less charm), and for that alone I'm still half over him.  (The reason I'm not completely over him right now is because he called Fredo a little bastard.) His shooting mini-Carly actually didn't help.


OTOH, Dixon's henchman on the Haunted Star was more awesome than Dixon was.  Dude absolutely made the most of his two minutes or so, even if he was literally Lulu's karma.  I might just be Team Gravel Voice.


As for Julexis getting married?  Honestly, I thought it was fine...even allowing for Overly Into It Minister.  NLG and WdV made it work.  At least the show actually let them get married (and neither Brad nor Lucas got shot) before dragging us into our first hostage crisis of the year, and Sam's over-it face was love, so...halfsies?

  • Love 9

Alexis also tried to get something going with Mac, but I guess ultimately they were best as just friends too. I wasn't around for it, but what about Ned? What were they like?


The whole ridiculous thing about how Julian was so evil, but Liv sitting next to Sonny batting her eyes like he's this paragon of virtue was insulting.


I'll reply in the history thread.

  • Love 1

I didn't think the episode was so terrible.  I've seen FAR worse on a soap opera.  My biggest gripe is that there is no way that gun runners wouldn't be armed to the teeth with weapons.  I mean seriously?  Morgan whips out a gun and no one can take him out?


Other than that, I think everything else was okay - just okay.  I don't have a problem with Joss glamorizing Sonny's world.  What teenager wouldn't think mobsters are cool, especially since teens think "dangerous" stuff is cool.  She isn't "cheerleading" Sonny.  She's more naive than anything.  So does this mean that Spencer is SORASED as well and Cameron?  Probably not.


Lulu falling into the water and not being able to move quickly is very realistic.  I know people think you can swim in sub-zero waters, but you can't.  He threw her in with all her clothes on and she sunk, and during that time, the cold hits you like a thousand needles.  By the time you surface, you're already in a hypothermic state.  Granted, the show could have done a better job of executing that scene by maybe having the goon take her out on a dingy and THEN throw her overboard, but then again, how could Dante rescue her?  


I really love when Michael/CD is around the adult group.  He just shines better.  I love his calm, cool persona when he has to deal with cops and issues.  I don't think he does as well around his own age group because those characters tend to be boring, but when he's around Tracy, Anna, Paul, Ava, etc., I think he's really good in those scenes. So why are we wasting time on Kiki and Nathan being shot?  Do I care?  No.  I don't get stories being bulit around new characters all the time and ignoring GH vets.  So when will we see Tracy again and find out about her illness.  Also, why can't Michael, a Quartermaine, be involved in that storyline?  Why is Hayden or Paul the one that gets those moments with her?  I.don't.get.it.


Ahhhhh Morgan.  I don't hate Morgan the way some do, but he is a loose cannon all the damn time.  I get that he's off his meds and in a manic state, but he never seems to learn from the mistakes he makes.  Then again, soap operas need screw-up characters to create the drama and the messes.  So in that regard, we need Morgan.  Yes, I wanted to smack him, but again, do I care that Kiki got shot?  

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 4

Lulu falling into the water and not being able to move quickly is very realistic.  I know people think you can swim in sub-zero waters, but you can't.  He threw her in with all her clothes on and she sunk, and during that time, the cold hits you like a thousand needles.  By the time you surface, you're already in a hypothermic state.  Granted, the show could have done a better job of executing that scene by maybe having the goon take her out on a dingy and THEN throw her overboard, but then again, how could Dante rescue her?  


I don't think they should be having Dante rescue her at all. It's obviously a quick redemption moment for Dante, when it would work much better if Dante were, say, stuck at the hospital or something and he heard they were bringing Lulu in and he had to fret about that and the fact that there was nothing he could do for her. That would make him much more sympathetic, because at this moment, he doesn't really deserve to be the hero in the scenario.


Also, why can't Michael, a Quartermaine, be involved in that storyline?  Why is Hayden or Paul the one that gets those moments with her?  I.don't.get.it.


I think we might see more scenes with them. Didn't she already have a woozy moment with him when they had lunch two weeks or so ago?


Ahhhhh Morgan.  I don't hate Morgan the way some do, but he is a loose cannon all the damn time.  I get that he's off his meds and in a manic state, but he never seems to learn from the mistakes he makes.  Then again, soap operas need screw-up characters to create the drama and the messes.  So in that regard, we need Morgan.


I think we need Morgan too, but I think we need a Morgan who creates messes without the bi-polar as a cover-all. I understood his motivations before they decided to give him bi-polar. Even when drugging Michael, which was pretty bad, I got his motivations (I just wished he showed a smidge more conflict for what he was doing to Michael). It feels like they want to put all of Morgan's douchiness onto the bi-polar. If it didn't feel like that to me I'd be less annoyed with him right now.

  • Love 9

I was only half-watching through rolling eyes during the Lulu "oooh, look at these cool underwater shots!" scenes so correct me if I'm wrong.  But while I understand logically that that water would be cold as fuck, I don't think the show is really showing that.  Is Lulu's breath visible, are her teeth chattering, are there ice chunks in the water?


This whole scenario is just lame sauce.

  • Love 5

I've jumped into 40 degree water in the middle of summer and temporarily felt paralyzed by the shock, so on one hand, I could believe that Lulu would be having difficulty in the water in February. But on the other hand, this is Port Chuck, where people don't wear winter coats, where at least three time zones exist in the town, and where dead people who are tossed into the harbor come back to life.  Since the rules of nature do not apply here, I fully expect Lulu to be able to save herself. 


(Once again -- Writers, this is on you.)

  • Love 7

Is "find the nearest church to hole up in" included in Mobsters for Dummies?  Because, lawd...


And I'm gonna guess that Ava gets out of this latest mess because Paul is going to say she was part of the sting operation.  Which, whatever show, but I will LAUGH MY ASS OFF at Sonny's reaction to it.  Watch out, bar ware.

Edited by Cheyanne11
  • Love 10

I think the show, in moments like yesterday, unintentionally hammers home that Morgan is AJ and Michael is Jason.

Morgan is a douche, but I love him for that alone.


There were so many at the wedding party that I would have loved to have seen take one for the team.


I don't have a problem with the theory of  redeeming Paul a bit. I just think the story for him has been clunky and awful since putting him in trashy Ava's orbit, and I'm glad they are getting him out of it. He never belonged there in the first place. Don't agree he's been "whitewashed" though. I see it as them trying to correct the mistake they made of making him mobular in the first place.

He's still a murderer, though, and he still used coercion to get Ava into bed. He's hardly a "good" guy. 


I'm really ready for Lulu to move on from Dante. I think too much damage has been done.

  • Love 3

Is "find the nearest church to hole up in" included in Mobsters for Dummies?  Because, lawd...


Ava showed Dixon the invitation so he knew what church they were in, but how he knew how to get there from the docks is a mystery.


I'm really ready for Lulu to move on from Dante. I think too much damage has been done.


I think there are plausible ways to do it but they're just going for a quick slap together. Which I always knew would be the case, but I never thought the damage (to Dante) would be so bad.


I've said this a billion times, but they should have let Lulu sleep with Johnny and it mystifies me* why they didn't. Dante needed a taste of his own medicine.


*Okay, no it doesn't, these hacks are the type to think the woman has to stay loyal but men sleeping with other women are just men being men.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 4

Ahhhhh Morgan.  I don't hate Morgan the way some do, but he is a loose cannon all the damn time.  I get that he's off his meds and in a manic state, but he never seems to learn from the mistakes he makes.  Then again, soap operas need screw-up characters to create the drama and the messes.  So in that regard, we need Morgan.  Yes, I wanted to smack him, but again, do I care that Kiki got shot?  


I really try to avoid bashing Morgan because I still have some sympathy for him but the writers are (unsurprisingly) doing a veryyyyyyyyyyy bad job with this story. Like, if they're going to make him bipolar why can't they give him a few brain cells in return. Making him mentally ill AND dumb as shit is just too much. 

Is "find the nearest church to hole up in" included in Mobsters for Dummies?  Because, lawd...


If you're on the run from law enforcement why would you think it would be a good idea to hide out in a church where you know a wedding is taking place? I don't get how taking the place hostage is going to help his situation. 

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 10

Ava showed Dixon the invitation so he knew what church they were in, but how he knew how to get there from the docks is a mystery.



I think there are plausible ways to do it but they're just going for a quick slap together. Which I always knew would be the case, but I never thought the damage (to Dante) would be so bad.


I've said this a billion times, but they should have let Lulu sleep with Johnny and it mystifies me* why they didn't. Dante needed a taste of his own medicine.


*Okay, no it doesn't, these hacks are the type to think the woman has to stay loyal but men sleeping with other women are just men being men.


The only acceptable way for me, is have Lulu be with someone else, maybe even go so far as to marry/have that miracle baby with someone else, and let Dante see from the sidelines, what he missed.

I don't have a problem with forgiveness, at all. But I still think Dante has too much of Sonny in him, (more's the pity) and he tends to blame everyone but himself for what HE did. And that's a huge flaw in a marriage. He has to get over that before I would accept them again, and I don't think he will unless Lulu moving on were to happen.

I think there are plausible ways to do it [get Lulu and Dante back together] but they're just going for a quick slap together. Which I always knew would be the case, but I never thought the damage (to Dante) would be so bad.


Well it appears drama is headed Maxie and Nathan's way so Lulu and Dante need to be slapped back together so they can be their sounding boards.  Because apparently, these couples aren't allowed to have drama at the same time. #whatever

  • Love 3

I really try to avoid bashing Morgan because I still have some sympathy for him but the writers are (unsurprisingly) doing a veryyyyyyyyyyy bad job with this story. Like, if they're going to make him bipolar why can't they give him a few brain cells in return. Making him mentally ill AND dumb as shit is just too much. 


If you're on the run from law enforcement why would you think it would be a good idea to hide out in a church where you know a wedding is taking place? I don't get how taking the place hostage is going to help his situation. 

I didn't want to hate Morgan because I thought he was needed on the canvas when they hired for him but I just cannot handle the douchey behavior being excused because of his bipolar disorder. Also he is dumb. Being able to have brain cells and use them would benefit Morgan greatly. Morgan being the forgotten child while Michael was the golden one who then also stole his girlfriend was a good starting point that could have been a good story but they didn't do it. 

  • Love 1

Ava showed Dixon the invitation so he knew what church they were in, but how he knew how to get there from the docks is a mystery.


He just googled (or goggled it) on his phone since he had so much free time when he sneaked away from the dock and NO ONE NOTICED! Nevermind that he was supposed to be Paul's primary target in the sting. RME!

  • Love 3

The only acceptable way for me, is have Lulu be with someone else, maybe even go so far as to marry/have that miracle baby with someone else, and let Dante see from the sidelines, what he missed.

I don't have a problem with forgiveness, at all. But I still think Dante has too much of Sonny in him, (more's the pity) and he tends to blame everyone but himself for what HE did. And that's a huge flaw in a marriage. He has to get over that before I would accept them again, and I don't think he will unless Lulu moving on were to happen.


I'll reply in the Corinthos thread.


Ava showed Dixon the invitation so he knew what church they were in, but how he knew how to get there from the docks is a mystery.


"Siri, how in the hell do I get to this church so I can hold all these people hostage at this wedding? No, I don't think I should split town even though the cops are on my ass. Damn it, Siri, give me directions!"

Edited by tvgoddess
  • Love 8

"Siri, how in the hell do I get to this church so I can hold all these people hostage at this wedding? No, I don't think I should split town even though the cops are on my ass. Damn it, Siri, give me directions!"


Siri would just pull up the wrong directions on Apple Maps and he would end up driving into the ocean. 

  • Love 5

Well it appears drama is headed Maxie and Nathan's way so Lulu and Dante need to be slapped back together so they can be their sounding boards.  Because apparently, these couples aren't allowed to have drama at the same time. #whatever


Speaking of Maxie and Nathan, I get that it was supposed to be romantic and all but I couldn't help but think if Maxie actually wanted his ass to live, she would have begged the gunman to let her cousin the doctor go to Nathan.

  • Love 5
It feels like they want to put all of Morgan's douchiness onto the bi-polar.


This show always wants it both ways.


If you're on the run from law enforcement why would you think it would be a good idea to hide out in a church where you know a wedding is taking place?


There is the legal idea of a church being a literal sanctuary, where certain categories of people are immune to arrest, but that's too complicated for this show.

Edited by dubbel zout

In real life my brother was undergoing heart surgery and my folks and I were watching yesterday's episode.  It was the only time that I will be grateful that the show featured no hospital stuff.   My 80+ year old folks were entertained with what they called a 'crime show with ADD'.  Thankfully, my brother came through and is in ICU.  Carry on.



  • Love 21

In real life my brother was undergoing heart surgery and my folks and I were watching yesterday's episode.  It was the only time that I will be grateful that the show featured no hospital stuff.   My 80+ year old folks were entertained with what they called a 'crime show with ADD'.  Thankfully, my brother came through and is in ICU.  Carry on.


So glad your brother came through okay. Sending good thoughts for a full recovery. Back on topic, I love your parents' description of the show lol!

  • Love 6

I don't think they should be having Dante rescue her at all. It's obviously a quick redemption moment for Dante, when it would work much better if Dante were, say, stuck at the hospital or something and he heard they were bringing Lulu in and he had to fret about that and the fact that there was nothing he could do for her. That would make him much more sympathetic, because at this moment, he doesn't really deserve to be the hero in the scenario.



I agree with you completely, and it's a problem with this new writing regime.  They aren't building up any of the stories.  Dante should have to grovel for her forgiveness and not save her life so that she can be grateful.  Now I'm just waiting for Valerie to show up so she can blame Lulu for Dante having to risk his life.  I hate Valerie!


I think we might see more scenes with them. Didn't she already have a woozy moment with him when they had lunch two weeks or so ago?


No, they gave that moment of her being woozy to Hayden.  Michael was there, but Tracey didn't show any symptoms until Hayden showed up.  Apparently, only the new characters matter on GH right now because all the stories are going to them:  Valerie, Paul, Nathan, Hayden, Kiki, Nina, Franco, Curtis, Andre, Jordan, Ava, etc.  Good luck if you're a GH vet.  I can't figure out why Michael couldn't be the one to see something wrong with Tracey and then he reaches out to Monica.  Doesn't it make sense to have Michael and Monica involved in the story?  Nope.  So far, Tracey's episodes have happened in front of Paul and Hayden.  I guess maybe a Quartermaine will roped into the story eventually, but I won't hold my breath..


I think we need Morgan too, but I think we need a Morgan who creates messes without the bi-polar as a cover-all. I understood his motivations before they decided to give him bi-polar. Even when drugging Michael, which was pretty bad, I got his motivations (I just wished he showed a smidge more conflict for what he was doing to Michael). It feels like they want to put all of Morgan's douchiness onto the bi-polar. 




Agreed.  I can see the writers always falling back on "Well, we'll just have him go off his meds so he can do something stupid again."  That will get old very quickly.  I'd rather just have Morgan be a screw up because it's just part of his personality.


I really try to avoid bashing Morgan because I still have some sympathy for him but the writers are (unsurprisingly) doing a veryyyyyyyyyyy bad job with this story. Like, if they're going to make him bipolar why can't they give him a few brain cells in return. Making him mentally ill AND dumb as shit is just too much. 

Lol, yeah, I have to agree with you on this point.

  • Love 3

Everything about Sonny's "big, heroic moment" saving Kristina - from the overdramatic shot of him kicking back the wheelchair to his snarling about being a helpless bitch to Dixon and then, gawd, mouthing off to Anna about being a little late - was so eye-rolling.  All this nonsense...for that?


And then...that's it?  The big sweeps hostage crisis took place in the back half of one episode and the first half of another?  Nobody's dead?

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 11

Of course Sonny saves the day. 


"I`d do it again" LOL Liez/Sonny would make the perfect couple. Both lie and say they would do it all again.


Carly STFU. Who cares about Kiki. You are not new the the mob stuff so spare me the dramatics. 


Sam, I love you for protecting your sisters but no one believed you were Sonny's daughter. Lmao.

  • Love 7

I can't decide which is worse: Kristina and Molly praising Sonny for saving Kristina, Anna thanking Sonny, or law enforcement officials leaving an open crate of automatic weapons unattended on the docks for Carly to start grabbing and throwing into the harbor in a fit of anger. 


Sonny being an arrogant asshole, expected. I was a little surprised he didn't ask Carly who's blood was on her hands and clothes.


I can't stand Carly, but LW was great with the material. But that last line....clearly Carly didn't learn anything when Michael got shot in the head. 

  • Love 11

OMG, this fakakta show!


SHOOT Dixon SHOOT! Sonny, Franco, Nina, Nathan... the list is fucking endless!


I also thought Kemo's face was hilarious - so out-of-it. Comic gold.


Someone shoot Morgan with a horse tranquilizer. Please. What the fuck was that? That was not acting. 


And I don't understand why no-one gave a shit about Lauren, bleeding out. What *was* that?


Such a mess.

  • Love 6

And Carly's "I didn't realize it until just now" shit about guns, the mob, whatever at the end?  Girl, please.  GIRL, PLEASE!


What? You expected her to realize it when a bullet entered her skull during childbirth?  Or while her oldest son was in a coma for a year or so after being shot by one of Sonny's many enemies? 

  • Love 13
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