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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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So Sam uses her key to just open up Silas' door, not bothering to knock, even though she broke up with him and really had no business doing so - that was such a Carly move, thanks for nothing Ron. And she can't tell from ten inches away that Silas looks an awful lot like some hungover junkie who is probably seeing three of her and appears as if he's about to pass the fuck out? Maybe her tears are blinding her... I hate everything about this wretched mess.


I think Micky forgot the ending "d" on "dead", he left it as "DEA" and that does not, alone, pronounce "dead" nor mean anything as such.


Jordon should have pulled a Sam and been packing some heat down under, but that might be expecting a bit much from the same woman who decided to one up Morgan planting the SSR I Can Hear You Battle Ship of a bug on Sonny's office clock. At least she still managed to get over on that piece of trash.


I was holding out judgement on the Olivia and Ned scenes but the ASPCA lite commercial just put it over the edge...those innocent animals would not have sex with Ava, that is very true, but they most certainly would not have sex with Sonny, they'd be too afraid of what they'd catch, lord knows he's never had his shots.


Oh so PC still has a fire-department after all. I'd been wondering if they'd disbanded due to lack of calls, because whenever something or someone catches on fire these people usually let that sucker burn to the ground, often while standing two feet away and shouting that it's on fire.


But no wonder the cabin burned up they were using fire extinguishers to put out the blaze, I mean really that was about as helpful as asking Sonny where he keeps his towels.


Sonny sputtering and spitting at Shawn to leave made me smirk because I had the feeling the other actor just wanted to say Maurice's lines for him just so the scene would be over faster. That has got to get old real fast. I like how Laura just knows she can cut right in when he's taking his sweet time getting words out.


If the Ava and Franco scenes didn't involve Franco I might have been interested. And they also topped it off by making it all about Sonny, as usual, which is everything that makes me zone out and ignore whatever's happening.


Poor Julian, I mean he just can't win: he tries to leave the business, at the urging of his lady love Alexis, that backfires and nearly gets his son killed, then he tries to stay in the business to avoid anymore casualties, unless they're named Ric, and that backfires, so now I am just waiting for Sonny to pop in and say, "See? This is why I stopped giving a shit about other people a long time ago, because eventually they blow up and someone looks at you and your 'coffee business' as the reason why and it sucks and then they threaten you with prison time that you never get and that is like really annoying".


Finally Julian turns back into the stone-cold BAMF willing to shoot a guy and dump him ass first into the harbor, I don't even care if he's undercover or not, it doesn't matter, just keep shooting people, please! Next, Sonny and Franco and the Nina and Felix...I've got quite a list.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 3


Shawn just leaves, Jordan kicks ass!

Amen. I appreciated that she did not need someone to "save" her!


At last Julian acts like a mob boss.  That should have happened after his son was shot.


I enjoyed Olivia and Ned -- I thought she was truth telling to the nth degree. Awesome writer must have been in control.


The show was actually fun today!

  • Love 7

I've always been sort of neutral on Olivia, but her slurring to Ned about being a Brenda-bot was enough to earn my undying love. "Legions and legions of small brunettes with big boobies who are like, 'Oh, Sonny! Whatever you do! Whatever you say I'll just make an excuse for you!'"


Can we keep her and Ned? If they'll just pop up once a week to snark about Sonny and look shiny together, I'll forgive Ron everything.


Olivia was mostly cracking me up today but the Brenda bot joke was a bit too meta for me. Especially since Carly, Sonny's most significant significant other is a blonde (well, and of course Sonny's other most significant significant other, Jason, was also a blonde. Nor did he have huge boobs. Or maybe he did, who knows what was going on underneath the black tee).


re: Olivia and Ned, I think you will get your wish, except they will pop up maybe twice a month.


I actually don't mind what Ava was wearing. I don't think it was an actual dress that you would go out and wear in public. If she was wearing it at the Metro Court I'd feel differently.


Why are criminals on this show always so sure the cops won't shoot them because of their morals? I find criminals thinking cops won't kill them one of the more unrealistic than plastic masks.


Is that why they dressed Sam in a dominatrix-y school marm shirt? So she'd look all the more innocent when she discovered Silas and Nina (whom Sam needs to punch in the face the next time she whispers "Samantha".)

Wow, I am legit SHOCKED that the show didn't have mob goon Shawn burst through the door to rescue poor damsel in distress undercover agent Jordan.



I was too. I'll give them credit for that.

Edited by ulkis
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At last Julian acts like a mob boss.  That should have happened after his son was shot.



Or better yet before when he confronted notLuke on the docks. When he turned to walk away he should have pulled out his gun and put a bullet in the back of that old slime bucket's skull and then kicked him over the dock's edge to become fish food. Who would have missed him or guessed Julian had anything to do with it? Then all he had to do was say the "boss" had some business he needed to attended to and until further notice he was in charge, done and done. Then he could go about finding someone to take over the business in his stead as he tied up a few loose ends and removed himself completely.


But oh no, having Julian act with the skill and competence that a son raised by a pretty decent mob boss in his own right would have in spades? Pssh, then Sonny won't look as good. Fucking Ron...


Sam did knock, yesterday she knocked on the door three times, each time louder then the first.




Ah, I must have missed that, I was zoning out towards the end of the episode when they had the Nina start mounting an unconscious Silas. But she still had no business using her key to open the door, when people don't answer their door it is normally due to a reason, call his cell and then leave a message and go home. It was such a page out of Carly's book and I am a Sam fan so it irked.

Edited by CPP83
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Olivia's line about the Brenda-bots reminded me of Tamara Braun Carly snarling at Sam that she looked enough like Brenda that Sonny and Jax would be fooled in the dark.  So even though I mostly like Sam, I would have been amused if she had wordlessly wandered through the background while Olivia was delivering that diatribe.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Wow, I am legit SHOCKED that the show didn't have mob goon Shawn burst through the door to rescue poor damsel in distress undercover agent Jordan



I'm shocked that they did not have Shawn burst through the door and totally miss the target.


I love Julian's "direct approach" to eliminating the scum who tried to kill his family.  Unlike Sonny, he did not whine and mumble about why the scum needed to die, only to have some minion do the deed.  Julian did not threaten or stand there with the gun shaking in his hand. 

  • Love 9
So Sam uses her key to just open up Silas' door, not bothering to knock, even though she broke up with him and really had no business doing so - that was such a Carly move, thanks for nothing Ron. And she can't tell from ten inches away that Silas looks an awful lot like some hungover junkie who is probably seeing three of her and appears as if he's about to pass the fuck out? Maybe her tears are blinding her... I hate everything about this wretched mess.



I laughed through the whole scene of him clearly barley able to focus his eyes or form words, and her not remotely getting "um, yeah, something seems to be wrong with Silas here."  I get that seeing him on the couch with Nina was upsetting and all, but, seriously, he was so clearly on something. 


I laughed through the whole scene of him clearly barley able to focus his eyes or form words, and her not remotely getting "um, yeah, something seems to be wrong with Silas here."  I get that seeing him on the couch with Nina was upsetting and all, but, seriously, he was so clearly on something.

I was annoyed at first because Silas looked drunk and high all at once. However, I gave Sam a pass after her line about Julian leaving the explosion. I hope she continued to use her brain -- houses of women who date mobsters --even "reformed" mobsters don't blow up often without assistance.

I love Julian's "direct approach" to eliminating the scum who tried to kill his family.  Unlike Sonny, he did not whine and mumble about why the scum needed to die, only to have some minion do the deed.  Julian did not threaten or stand there with the gun shaking in his hand




Julian just needs to be a bad ass a lot more, and by a lot I mean all the time - I'd love to see him go all Rambo, shirt open, slapping Alexis on the ass and telling her he'll be back soon after he's dispatched a few, worthless swine, and he'd like her to put on that special belt he likes so much.



I laughed through the whole scene of him clearly barley able to focus his eyes or form words, and her not remotely getting "um, yeah, something seems to be wrong with Silas here."  I get that seeing him on the couch with Nina was upsetting and all, but, seriously, he was so clearly on something.




I am sure Ron would declare that Sam was too emotionally overwhelmed and distraught to notice Silas' state, but come the fuck on the man could hardly stand up!


He fell down in the doorway trying to get to her while slurring his words worse than Sonny, but Sam didn't think anything of it? I did think Michael showed up in his scenes though, heh, that part was amusing, watching him play drunk/drugged. But really Sam is just...Ron has made her out to be such an airhead lately, imo.


However, I gave Sam a pass after her line about Julian leaving the explosion




Well even Sonny probably could have put one and six together on that one - but I can already see what's coming, Sam blowing up at Julian over this, blaming him, etc, blah blah blah, because it isn't as if their relationship has gone very far, at least to me.


He seems closer to Lucas in fact, because right, sure, that makes tons of sense. I just wanted Sam to have a fairly decent relationship with her father, she and Alexis somehow got over a dead kid, a dead brother, Alexis breaking up Sam's relationship with Jason before Sam then returned the favour by sleeping with Ric, would it be so impossible for Julian to get even half a chance with her?

Edited by CPP83
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Like I don't know who I liked more today. Ned was awesome. Olivia made me laugh. Saving dogs from Sonny Corinthos. And Ava and Franco were delightful. Like RH has chemistry with everyone but LW. But Julian and Jordan were two bad asses today. Just amazing. I think I shall ship them now in my corner.

Yes, yes, yes to all of this.

Wally simply has presence. I forget that Lilo can not grate & act when she spends so much time with Sonny. Loved the Brenda-Bot dialogue.

RH does seem to have chemistry with everyone but LW. He had excellent chemistry with KeMo as well.

Loved tha Jordan was allowed to be badass & able to save herself. I like Juilan/Jordan too. Those two sizzle together.

Farewell to Alexis' set which is large, open & not gray.

After all the spec, I was tickled that Julain was the actual shooter instead of Shawn. Everyone claimed it couldn't be Shawn because he can't hit anything he aims for.

They could have left off The Nina/Silas & anything Sonny scenes.

  • Love 4
Finally Julian turns back into the stone-cold BAMF willing to shoot a guy and dump him ass first into the harbor, I don't even care if he's undercover or not, it doesn't matter, just keep shooting people, please! Next, Sonny and Franco and the Nina and Felix...I've got quite a list.


They'd have to re populate the town.....


I'm shocked that they did not have Shawn burst through the door and totally miss the target.


Someday, Shawn won't miss, and I hope they let the character yell out "Holy shit! I did it!" 

  • Love 4
ME playing drunk is kind of tolerable. Points for shooting Nina down, even while drugged. Silas keeps it in his pants, no matter the circumstances. That's romantic in PC.




I think half the male brains in PC would have exploded just trying to keep from pulling their zippers down. "Wait...no...no sex...? But...but it's free sex...? Gah!" 

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 1

ME playing drunk is kind of tolerable. Points for shooting Nina down, even while drugged. Silas keeps it in his pants, no matter the circumstances. That's romantic in PC.



I think half the male brains in PC would have exploded just trying to keep from pulling their zippers down. "Wait...no...no sex...? But...but it's free sex...? Gah!" 


It's from douchewhispering Nina though. It can't take that much strength to resist.


I loved drunk Olivia trying to adopt pets because of a commercial.  There is a ad just it that always runs during GH. I wonder if this was deliberate.


I'm pretty sure it's no coincidence, and I love it. That fucking commercial is absolute suicide material, and it goes on forever. This is the kind of shit Ron's team does well, and then unfortunately does to distraction.

Edited by jsbt
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Re Nina and Silas, they just are physically not a match.  I guess someone with arms as long as her husband's legs could technically be attractive to him, but I don't find it believable.  I though Silas and Sam were boring, but they did match.  Quite frankly, I think it would be difficult to find a good physical match for Nina.  Maybe Shawn?  Nina with Silas would have been like putting Alexis with Spinelli.


I wonder why it is that Silas never noticed his wife was BSC.  Sure, she remembers him screwing around like it was yesterday, or last month, and that is her justification. But unless the coma caused the crazy, she would have been mentally unstable then too.

  • Love 2

I wonder why it is that Silas never noticed his wife was BSC. Sure, she remembers him screwing around like it was yesterday, or last month, and that is her justification. But unless the coma caused the crazy, she would have been mentally unstable then too.


Wasn't she on anti-depressants?  I thought that started before she found out about Ava.

Re Nina and Silas, they just are physically not a match




I can't think of any male they've matched Michelle to that really was a true "match" for her, other than when they paired Phyllis with Damon, played by Keith Hamilton Cobb, on Y&R. He was built well enough to match any female imaginable, I always thought, though apparently that coupling wasn't to Michelle's liking, whatever. But I agree that I don't think Michael and Michelle match well together, it seems as forced as everything else about the couple.


Watching her slither all over him on the couch and then use that damn baby voice to try and get him to have sex with her...that was as unappealing as the Franco and Carly airplane sex scenes, utterly disgusting.


Come to think of it, Tamara would have made a great Nina actually. Not just as a better actress, imo, but a better match up with Michael.

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The only thing that really irked me today as since Jordon knows that Julian shot Mickey why has she not broken cover and arrested him. No matter who she is trying to take down, as a federal agent, she needs to bring him in on this. Maybe I can justify her waiting till later, but I have a sinking feeling that Julian will see prison bars for killing Mickey long before Sonny does for killing AJ



No matter who she is trying to take down, as a federal agent, she needs to bring him in on this.

I think undercover agents have some leeway here. Jordan might have to break cover to save someone but Julian did not give her a chance to do anything before he shot Mickey. Jordan can pass this off to Anna and let the PCPD handle  it. However, I believe it will be spun as a murder in defensive of others since Mickey had been threatening Jordan when Julian shot him. Although she had the gun, to protect her cover she can say that Julian was helping her. That way, she keeps her cover identity but does not cover up the murder. Besides Julian is in the opening credits now -- he's not going to jail at this point.

Edited by SoapDoc
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It looked like one of those old Folger's coffee commercials, "We've secretly replaced the fabulous coffee they serve here with Folger's Instant".  Yeah, that's some secret agent stuff going on there.



I actually had vodka and cranberry juice shooting out of my nose when I read this!


The only way I can continue watching this show is turning my station to channel 7 @ 2:54 each day watching the summary of the day and the coming attractions.

Why was Ava calling Julian when they were literally just talking two seconds before? That was absolutely terrible editing.


I loved Drunk!Olivia snapping her fingers at Ned and telling him to keep up when she mentioned Steven Lars getting arrested. I also loved her admitting that the pay-per-view at the hotel sucks. Hee.


I can't believe Carly basically absolved Sonny of all blame in sleeping with Ava: "She needed leverage and she got it." WTF? 


Of course Sonny makes Mickey and Jordan about him. The Mickey/Jordan fight was so lame. I'm glad she got the upper hand, but it was terribly choreographed. And news flash, Mickey: Federal agents kill suspects all the time.

  • Love 4

I don't know if I'm happy or sad that we've evidently cycled into the heap o' stories I don't care about featuring people who suck block taping session.  It certainly makes watching the show a lot faster.


Sam and Silas's "break up" continues to be stupid beyond words.  Silas spends months looking alternately bored or irritated by his wife.  One day Sam announces they need to break up because Silas "obviously" still has feelings for her.  Now, one day later, Sam is telling Silas they broke up because Silas said he still had feelings for his wife.  Are the people who write this show obligated to watch it?  It appears they often do not.


I don't care if it's wrong, I like Julian and Ava better than I like Julian and Alexis. 


I couldn't bring myself to watch anything else.

  • Love 2

Come to think of it, Tamara would have made a great Nina actually. Not just as a better actress, imo, but a better match up with Michael.


Interestingly enough, I keep thinking that MSt would have been nigh-unto-perfect as a Carly recast, and I always thought Tamara was miscast in that role...


I have a sinking feeling that Julian will see prison bars for killing Mickey long before Sonny does for killing AJ


Well, since Sonny will do time for killing A.J NEVER, your are probably right.  On the other hand...


 I believe it will be spun as a murder in defensive of others since Mickey had been threatening Jordan when Julian shot him. 


... this would work.




Besides Julian is in the opening credits now -- he's not going to jail at this point.


::Crossing my fingers and toes that this is true!::

Edited by yowsah1


he Mickey/Jordan fight was so lame. I'm glad she got the upper hand, but it was terribly choreographed. And news flash, Mickey: Federal agents kill suspects all the time.


Yeah, WTH was that about? I'm pretty sure a DEA agent would not get in trouble for killing someone who was trying to kill her. She should, however, be disciplined for stating her name and ID number on the recorder and "hiding" it while Mickey was standing three feet away. 

  • Love 3

So we've seen two new openings thus far and I believe Maxie, Nathan, Dante, Lulu,  Sean, Jordan, and Luke are the only contract characters that havent been seen yet.  


This was the best episode in long time.  I loved Drunk!Olivia, Boss!Julian, and Action!Jordan.  I knew Mickey's time on the show would be short given the actor's credits, but I was genuinely shocked that he was killed off so fast.  


That said, I hate that they destroyed that lakehouse set.  

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 3

I loved Olivia and Ned together today, her drunken snarking and the out-of-the-blue Save the Animals TV ad that appealed so much, her crack about brunettes with boobies....Go, Olivia!! Ned was such a gentleman with her too...Patrick would've had her clothes off toute de suite while she was still sobbing about the animals.

Carly continues to irritate my last nerve, running to Sonny in her low-cut dress and messy blonde hair, shrieking yet again how someone has (so unfairly!) accused her of still jonesing for him. She's pathetic, trying to give him subliminal messages--and we can see his antenna (or something) arise with interest immediately. Meanwhile, her serial killer boyfriend never doubts her loyalty. GAH!

Now that Alexis's house has burned down, will she believe that her hots for mob men can be dangerous?

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