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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I have to think that it was the direction he was given, but it played really strangely. Like you said, he should have been acting as if he were in love with her, desperately worried about her and very anxious to get her out of there. Instead, it seemed like he couldn't be bothered to get up off the couch from a football game. I am blaming Frank or whoever it was that directed this. It was terrible.

He didn't look at her lovingly, his tone was robotic, like, how could Frank watch that and sign off on it? I just cannot on several levels.

Sam's dream is to be a family with Jason and Danny, so I was expecting him to play it that way as well while holding Danny in his arms. Like, "We need you. I need your help to get my memories back, and we can't be a family without you." Or some similar lame crap, since that is the writers' specialty. This wasn't just about her and Jason. I have a hard time believing she would hallucinate and not have Danny be a part of that when it comes to life and death.

This. She should be fighting to get back to her son.

  • Love 4

I really don't think an onscreen teenager would age Becky Herbst out of love stories. It's not as though overnight she'd be Bobbie Spencer/Jackie Zeman circa 2006, just pouring coffee and saying "Oh, honey." Carly still has love stories. Alexis still has love stories. Olivia...well, presently, she has a story about getting arrested for non-violence toward the mayor following an argument about breastfeeding, but she has a lot of notches on her bedpost from men both older and younger. 


The thing is, though, in my experience with this soap, kids are either one thing or the other: prepubescent or old enough to be dating and getting in trouble. You're either Dylan Cash or you're Drew Garrett/Chad Duell. You're either the two Aarons or you're Bry-dawg. I don't think I'd want Liz as parent to a Bry-dawg. The best place to put Cam would be between those two extremes of age, and they don't seem to want to bother. If they did, I think we'd see the 13- or 14-year-old kid just about as often as we see the present 10-year-old. 

Edited by Asp Burger
  • Love 1

I guess some BH fans don't want to age Cam because they think it ages Liz out of love stories but I think a teenager would generally be less of an impediment than 3 children under 10 - and this thing where TIIC pretend that Liz is only Jake's mother is irritating

Yet Chad Duell is only 17 years younger than Laura Wright and they still present Carly as a sexually desirable woman and I believe and Vinessa Antoine is only 9 years older than her own screen son, but we are supposed to believe she wasn't some sort of teen mom like Olivia. The problem isn't that actresses are somehow aged when the kids are aged, the problem is that more often than not the show almost refuses to write for older woman (and that has been going on since the JFP/Guza years). They already treat the women they do write for little more as broodmares and hormonal airheads. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 3

If she weren't such a constant heinous bitch to the woman whose husband she screwed - I'd be more sympathetic but she's just awful.


She really is only bearable with Dillon and vice-versa




I guess some BH fans don't want to age Cam because they think it ages Liz out of love stories but I think a teenager would generally be less of an impediment than 3 children under 10 - and this thing where TIIC pretend that Liz is only Jake's mother is irritating


No, because Liz was not a teenage mother.  Liz, Lucky, Emily and maybe Nik are only suppose to be 33/34 and the show does not want to age these characters or their children.

Wait isn't when Sam "ran" to Jason the night she got shot in the baby maker in that white dress? I don't know. I hate Jasam so know very little about their " things" but if so why would that be a memory that would imply something romantic or uplifting she should do? "Run to me" seriously?


Sam's uterus was turned into swiss cheese and Jason dumped her ass in the hospital.

It is ludicrous IMO to claim the SORAS would age Liz out. Becky Herbst's veins might as well run hot with unicorn blood at this point with the way she looks, and fans know Liz had Cam right out of college, if that. They can even highlight and go back to that in dialogue for newer fans, to remind everyone how she got knocked up at a young age and had to give up on her youthful dreams. For God's sake, Carly has practically been aged up with LW and she has older kids and has never lacked for story.


They need to age the kid up with either Joey Luthman (Young Luke) or some talented youngster if they have any intention of giving Liz an organic story which is going to save her character from the utter abyss it currently resides in of casual amorality, bad-acting civilian children with 2003 updos who have no business on the soundstage, Jason and Franco, Liz's serial killing Prince Charming. Because otherwise that is her next prize story. And you can keep Jake and whatshisface - Aidan! - as little ones to highlight the difference.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 5

AUDIENCE:  "No, what we won't accept is a woman who screws her own cousin's husband in her own cousin's bed and walks around acting like SHE is the injured party!  Give us a halfway decent WOC character and we'll accept her just fine!"


If she weren't such a constant heinous bitch to the woman whose husband she screwed - I'd be more sympathetic but she's just awful.


Johnny the vicious fugitive criminal played with Val's perception that he was a decent friend, and then he mentally and physically (ropes) tortured her to die alone in a frozen dark cabin. Then she  nearly died in a fire that Johnny originally set.The person who set all of this in motion and kept it going was LULU SPENCER, out of jealousy and revenge and vindictiveness, who sheltered Johnny, paid him, and got him a fake passport.


Now excuse me, but who is the real bitch?


And then Val DID NOT turn Lulu in for her part in all Val's suffering. Lulu could have gone to jail for 15 years, leaving Rocco motherless. But Val protected her so that Lulu did not get in trouble with the law. That was Val's way I think of making up for the affair with Dante. Val also broke it off with Dante.


Lulu knows she is out-classed. Her idea to ask for "forgiveness" is really a way to get back a sense of control and self-respect. Val had a right to tell Lulu to bug off. Val has done more reparations than her share, and wants no more of Lulu and Dante for any reason. Val has shown more class in her little finger than Lulu has in her whole body.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 2

This show has zero sense of personal responsibility. Sad to say, it isn't new.


Sonny? Well, I'd be here for years listing his shit.


Zander married Emily upon her comeback (via NL), after Emily did not want to burden Zander with her cancer. Now, Zander was never a choirboy, but he did love Emily with everything he had. So Emily proceeds to fall for Nikolas and his curing snot, and rather than make those two take some of the blame, Zander had a fleet of buses back over him to sanctify Nem by making Zander the villain...and the show even took away his fabulous relationship with Alexis, so Nik could have another asslicker. Zander's ultimate fate, after getting assholified and left for dead by Liz? Suicide by cop.  Did Nik and Emily ever get karma for them fucking in the home Zander bought for him and Emily? <Crickets>


Carly came to town, seduced her stepfather, made him lose his mind, which caused him to kidnap Robin, etc. Things from which poor Tony never recovered from. But she got Bobbie being her mother; she made a mess of J&R but had the Holy Hitman as her BFF who cleaned her messes. She destroyed AJ. Still waiting for her comeuppance...


And on and on. Centering this show on criminals and entitled assholes has just warped the sense of payoff. There is none, because the vile characters - which seem to multiply - are all that's basically left.


Hence the ratings being shitty and there being no real sense of a reward for these shitty people doing heinous things.


So Valerie playing the woe-is-me victim and maybe skating with Curtis to catch her is par for the course.


It's gross, but it's sick tradition now.

  • Love 17

With the amount of stuff I'm FF'ing through -- everything Nik/Hayden, Morgan/Kiki, Nina/Franco (adding that I threw up a little bit in my mouth at the crotch shot) --  I almost feel like I'm back on The Barge again.  (Full disclosure, I'm a Morgan/Ava shipper.  I really liked them together.)  


The pacing is still such a problem with this show, has been since the Garin Wolf HW fiasco.  I mean, how can you have a character in a supposedly life-threatening situation with the Monster Heater and then skip a day to show her again?  


I did like the Cam scenes and I did like seeing Laura and Scott together again.  And I loved seeing the baby who plays Avery try and wriggle away from Daddy.  That was funny on a lot of levels.  

  • Love 3

I'm a Liz fan and I wouldnt mind them aging all of Liz's kids honestly.  Although little Aidan is just too cute!  I think having teenage kids would give Liz more story not about Jashat, another bonus!  And Cam's scenes were among the most meaningful we have gotten about Jake's return which was nice.  BM did much better in those scenes than the hallucination scenes.  I really don't get BM's acting choices most of the time.  

Edited by tallyrand
  • Love 3

I wouldn't be surprised if a sweet, sensitive kid like that would be afraid he might lose some of his mother's love by saying, "Mom, I didn't really feel like Jake was my brother, or part of the family" because she was so overjoyed to have her middle child back.


I didn't think about that but it's a good point. And with Cam saying, "Am I enough to cheer you up," it's pretty clear that this boy knows his mother loves her Jason born kid more. 


They need to age the kid up with either Joey Luthman (Young Luke) or some talented youngster if they have any intention of giving Liz an organic story which is going to save her character from the utter abyss it currently resides in of casual amorality, bad-acting civilian children with 2003 updos who have no business on the soundstage, Jason and Franco, Liz's serial killing Prince Charming. Because otherwise that is her next prize story.


Man, aging Cam up and doing a story with him acting out because he feels like his mother doesn't love him as much as she loves Jason's dick would be so amazing and would actually make Liz truly viable again. But instead they seem to have decided to let Liz skate completely and will now probably just give her a new love interest. Sigh.


Now excuse me, but who is the real bitch?



Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 15

It is ludicrous IMO to claim the SORAS would age Liz out. Becky Herbst's veins might as well run hot with unicorn blood at this point with the way she looks, and fans know Liz had Cam right out of college, if that. They can even highlight and go back to that in dialogue for newer fans, to remind everyone how she got knocked up at a young age and had to give up on her youthful dreams. For God's sake, Carly has practically been aged up with LW and she has older kids and has never lacked for story.


They need to age the kid up with either Joey Luthman (Young Luke) or some talented youngster if they have any intention of giving Liz an organic story which is going to save her character from the utter abyss it currently resides in of casual amorality, bad-acting civilian children with 2003 updos who have no business on the soundstage, Jason and Franco, Liz's serial killing Prince Charming. Because otherwise that is her next prize story. And you can keep Jake and whatshisface - Aidan! - as little ones to highlight the difference.


Exactly.  Liz would still be the mother of two young children because you would keep Jake and Aiden around the ages they are now, but her first child, the one she had very young, being a teenager isn't that huge a stretch and I think it would open up more story avenues for her, not less.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 6

That's the thing, if GH isn't going to bring on any of Liz's family (ALL DOCTORS, just sayin') they need to give her story with the family she has - and right now that's her boys. While lil wooden Cam is growing on me, he can't carry actual story and Jake is hilariously terrible - but Aiden stays because I adore him

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 1

I mean, fair enough that Valerie's not ready to accept Lulu's apology for nearly getting her killed, at least not yet.  

And does Valerie forget that she tried to murder Lulu's father or do apologies only work when it's Valerie who is doing the "attempted murdering."  


But her "family or no family, I cannot forgive you" spiel while perched up on a high horse made me roll my eyes because, hey bitch, when exactly did you apologize for fucking your cousin's husband?


Exactly.  The answer is 'Never.'  Valerie has never apologized for screwing Lulu's husband in Lulu's bed - TWICE.  Her "apologies" basically goes like this:  "I'm sorry this hurt you BUT you were the one who lied so you could save your brother's life.  Dante was too stupid to even wait to confront you, and I made sure to feed his jealousy and insecurities so that he DEFINITELY thought you were screwing Dillon."  Yeah, that's an apology.

At this point, I do think the writers are back to wanting us to not like Valerie . . . or at least, wanting to feel bad for Lulu. In real life, Valerie would be in the right, totally . . . 

How would Valerie ever be in the right in real life?  Valerie screwed Lulu's husband and she meant for it to happen.  She showed up at Dante's apartment twice, and she had no problem with the fact that he was drunk and angry that first time.  It's not like Dante ever went to Val's apartment to find her for some sex.  Also, Val and Dante then started dating after Valerie felt justified in screaming in Lulu's face after Lulu caught Valerie in her home AGAIN with her husband.  If that had been me, I would have scratched her eyes out.  Should Lulu have gotten Johnny involved?  No, but Lulu didn't hire Johnny and she didn't tell him to kidnap her.  That was all Johnny's doing after hearing the BOLO on the radio.  Also, Valerie put her own ass in peril by knocking over the candle and starting the fire, and Lulu saved her worthless ass.  

The difference is that Lulu had the maturity to actually recognize that she was out of control and made a mistake and genuinely apologized to Valerie - who has never once apologized to Lulu even though she constantly says she has and that she was wracked "with guilt."  WHEN??  It doesn't help when the new hot guy Curtis calls her "fantastic."  That just makes me throw up in my mouth a little.  


but she's so smug and annoying over her fictional ass almost being fictionally killed and also making up crap about how she apologized over and over . . . it's a recipe for obnoxiousness.



I agree completely.  I HATE Valerie as a character.  I honestly can't find a single thing about her that's likeable, and she has zero friends in PC beyond Dante and Jordan (who thinks Valerie is a poor innocent little girl taken advantage of by the big bad Dante).  Please.

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 11

Wait isn't when Sam "ran" to Jason the night she got shot in the baby maker in that white dress? I don't know. I hate Jasam so know very little about their " things" but if so why would that be a memory that would imply something romantic or uplifting she should do? "Run to me" seriously?


No the run to me scene was months later when they were broken up.  It wasn't "romantic" or uplifting, but it was an extremely important scene in JaSam's history.  It was a hugely emotional, well written scene in the midst of a bunch of crap going on during the Summer O' Sleaze.  

Johnny the vicious fugitive criminal played with Val's perception that he was a decent friend, and then he mentally and physically (ropes) tortured her to die alone in a frozen dark cabin. Then she  nearly died in a fire that Johnny originally set.



Johnny did not INTENTIONALLY set a fire.  Valerie knocked over a candle.   He called Lulu and told her where Valerie was, he had no intention of actually killing her.  Not that what they did was ok, but still....intentions DO count for something. 

  • Love 8
I really don't get BM's acting choices most of the time.


Same here; Jason always seems mildly exasperated. Which isn't entirely wrong, but given how passive he's been with everything, it's a bit much. It feels like there's no there there. I don't even get confusion or frustration. In a different way he's as bland as Jar of Mayo for me.


FYI, Bishop, that's not me you're quoting.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 3

Kiki spelled 'exquisitely' in Scrabble? No.


I refuse to let this stand. That's an eleven letter word, a player only has seven tiles. It can't happen. And how does she earn 180 points with a triple word score, when she would have to use all seven of her tiles, earning a 50 point bonus. Meaning she scored 130 points with a triple word score. 


Not mathematically possible.


I will tolerate worm holes, plot holes, and characters admiring Sonny, but you don't mess with Scrabble. They had the game right there! The rules are on the box! Dammit show- be better!

Edited by sacrebleu
  • Love 10

More Morgan and Kiki? WHY???


GH you let Casey out of the basement. Nice. "Am I enough to cheer you up?" Because you clearly don't love me as much as Jake because I don't come from Jasus is basically what he was asking. Poor thing. Teenage Cam with issues regarding his mother and part time fathers would be good story so this show wont do that. I can't believe that haven't at least made him a teen considering he was born BEFORE Molly, Spencer and Joss yet he's in the same age bracket as the latter two.


Oh Sam, I cannot wait until you get out of that basement. They just could not have her save herself by dragging up the stairs on her own. I'm assuming someone will find her. We all know who. And I say this as a fan. This has just been too contrived from the beginning for me to love it as much as I could. 


Yes Lulu you should apologize for nearly getting Valerie killed but then that's it. I really wanted Valerie to succeed as a Spencer but she has never formally apologized to Lulu for ya know, screwing her husband in their bed so to me it is kind of even. 

  • Love 3

His choices in Sam's hallucination were...interesting...and y'all know I'm usually OK with him. I'm not sure if this is all him or partly what he's been told to do...but why wouldn't he play those scenes like he's completely in love with Sam? He looked somewhat pissed at some points and it's like, what is wrong with this show? How does that not play as romantic!? What is the point? Are these writers still playing both sides? Pick a damn couple and WRITE FOR THEM. The romance on this show is STILL LACKING even though they replaced the dude for that very reason.

I don't buy that BM was directed or told to act badly.  He is horrible in the role of Jakeson because he's wooden in all his scenes, and it doesn't take a genius to know that in certain scenes there should be emotion.  Period.  I'm not seeing what the appeal is of Billy Miller because he's been on GH for more than a year, and he's still dull as dishwater.  I also wish the writers wouldn't keep mentioning key Jasasm scenes like the "Rain dance" or the "Run to Me" scenes because they are SO bad this go around.  Just leave those moments alone - and in the past where they actually had emotional resonance to the Jasam fans.


I have had all I can take of the Jake/Liz/Sam storyline, and it's only getting dumber.  How long is Sam going to be "stuck" in the basement?  I mean she can get herself a hoodie and start a furnace and curl up next to it, but she can't attempt to climb the stairs and save herself?

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 4
Kiki spelled 'exquisitely' in Scrabble? No.

I refuse to let this stand. That's an eleven letter word, a player only has seven tiles. It can't happen. And how does she earn 180 points with a triple word score, when she would have to use all seven of her tiles, earning a 50 point bonus. Meaning she scored 130 points with a triple word score.


I think "site" was already on the board, and she built "exquisitely" with her remaining tiles. Which requires more thinking than Lauren is capable of. I LOLed that those two dolts were playing regular Scrabble in the first place. You know Junior Scrabble is much more their speed.

  • Love 4

I didn't think about that but it's a good point. And with Cam saying, "Am I enough to cheer you up," it's pretty clear that this boy knows his mother loves her Jason born kid more.

Man, aging Cam up and doing a story with him acting out because he feels like his mother doesn't love him as much as she loves Jason's dick would be so amazing and would actually make Liz truly viable again. But instead they seem to have decided to let Liz skate completely and will now probably just give her a new love interest. Sigh.


Liz doesn't love Jake more than Cam and Aiden, and Cam asking that question wasn't implying that. He just knew his mom was sad.

I also do t see how she's skating. She lost Jason, her son was just hit by a car, and now her house is going to blow up. What else was supposed to happen to her? I also don't see any love interest for her any time soon.

  • Love 3

I actually always though Cam was Liz's favorite lol.  Although a mother really shouldn't have favorites...


I think Bitch!Please Cam may have been her favorite but not poor Lil Wooden Cam 


Same here; Jason always seems mildly exasperated. Which isn't entirely wrong, but given how passive he's been with everything, it's a bit much. It feels like there's no there there. I don't even get confusion or frustration. In a different way he's as bland as Jar of Mayo for me.


If I'd never seen him on Y&R I wouldn't understand why TFGH was so determined to have him. I know he's been subjected to shit writing since his first day and I guess most recasts don't like to watch the old actor so they can 'make the part their own, or whatever' - but I have not gotten the sense in any scene, ever that BM has any idea who this character is. I think ER has a better sense of Lulu than BM does with Jasus and she's had to deal with MUCH worse writing

  • Love 1

I also do t see how she's skating. She lost Jason, her son was just hit by a car, and now her house is going to blow up. What else was supposed to happen to her? I also don't see any love interest for her any time soon.


Jake's accident and whatever's going to happen with her house aren't consequences for her Big Jason Lie.  The show is certainly using those incidents, however, to gloss over Liz's actions, i.e. Monica brushing away Liz's long overdue apology to comfort her re: Jake.


So I think she's skating a bit, though not nearly as much as Nikolas has.

  • Love 13


Jesus H....for all the energy Sam was expending crawling to the dryer, putting on the sweatshirt, crawling back to the space heater.....why didn't she just try to, oh, I don't know, CRAWL UP THE STAIRS???

She was too tired from making a bed of oil-soaked rags by the leaking propane gas tank, and crafting a bunsen burner from the spokes in an old tricycle she found. 

  • Love 5

She was too tired from making a bed of oil-soaked rags by the leaking propane gas tank, and crafting a bunsen burner from the spokes in an old tricycle she found. 


LOL...this reminds me of the hilarious way she described filming some of the Wyndemere boat scenes when she tried to repair the radio (or motor?) or something during the ball where Emily was murdered.   She knew how ridiculous it was, and she had a great sense of humor about some of the shit she has to do.


What is her injury supposed to be? Because unless she dislocated her hip, she should at least be trying for the stairs


She might have re-injured her hip....she broke it when she was hit by Monica and had issues with it for a while.

  • Love 2

I try to cut BM a lot of slack because I really don't know what he's supposed to do with this "character." Jiz redux was about Liez, and to a lesser extent Nik wanting ELQ. The "fallout" is mostly about Liez and unstable DNAJ. Jason has had very little POV and in a past interview BM even said/implied that he wasn't really sure how he is supposed to be playing the character. Yeah, there are times when he could make better acting choices, but it seems like the idiots in charge are just letting him float in the wind with no guidance. 

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 11

I am at a table of one but I enjoyed most of the show yesterday(except Nik and Hayden...what WAS that? ick!)


I really enjoyed Jason asking Liz when she last ate...the answer in my head was about 6 months ago.LOL Double funny when she brought those giant candy bars to Cam and he acted like a child who has never seen a candy bar before. heh!


I am watching Morgan and Kiki like a new young couple and forgetting their history. I think they are cute and this is something the show really needs. I just wish they would add a few layers to the story. Why can't the reason Morgan stopped sex be b/c he is having sexual dysfunction from his bipolar meds(common) and is embarrassed to tell Kiki then she starts thinking something is wrong with her causing him to not be attracted to her(also common). It would make the story deeper.


I think Jason and Sam have good chemistry and I know the show can't have the small child actors on too often explaining why no Danny so even though Sam vs the basement is lame I liked the hallucination scene. I just want to know what someone will think when Sam is finally found. I just picture anyone walking upon Sam laying bloody unconscious far from the stairs by a space heater from 1974 and a GIANT take of explosives. I LOL at the perplexed look.

  • Love 4

but I have not gotten the sense in any scene, ever that BM has any idea who this character is.

How could he? They don't even write him as Jason, even if he did do the research or sat down with Frank or KeMo to learn Jason/JaSam's history. They nearly had him pat Liz on the back yesterday and utter the line, "Sam's moving on with her life," as if what Liz did was nothing, that she shouldn't beat herself up over it. And I'm not trying to open up a Liz vs. Sam debate or a Liason vs. JaSam debate but it's the general point that these characters have not been able to portray a realistic reaction to what happened like they would have in the past.

  • Love 9

I don't buy that BM was directed or told to act badly.  He is horrible in the role of Jakeson because he's wooden in all his scenes, and it doesn't take a genius to know that in certain scenes there should be emotion.  Period.  I'm not seeing what the appeal is of Billy Miller because he's been on GH for more than a year, and he's still dull as dishwater.  I also wish the writers wouldn't keep mentioning key Jasasm scenes like the "Rain dance" or the "Run to Me" scenes because they are SO bad this go around.  Just leave those moments alone - and in the past where they actually had emotional resonance to the Jasam fans.


I have had all I can take of the Jake/Liz/Sam storyline, and it's only getting dumber.  How long is Sam going to be "stuck" in the basement?  I mean she can get herself a hoodie and start a furnace and curl up next to it, but she can't attempt to climb the stairs and save herself?


Jesus H....for all the energy Sam was expending crawling to the dryer, putting on the sweatshirt, crawling back to the space heater.....why didn't she just try to, oh, I don't know, CRAWL UP THE STAIRS???

She lives in Plotspointsylvania and she has a concussion. That's all I got.

  • Love 5
but I have not gotten the sense in any scene, ever that BM has any idea who this character is.

How could he? They don't even write him as Jason, even if he did do the research or sat down with Frank or KeMo to learn Jason/JaSam's history.


The writing is terrible, and there's clearly no idea about an overall character for Jason, but I don't feel like Miller is trying to give Jason any sort of personality in individual scenes. When Sam hallucinated him in the basement, he didn't have to be Jason but Sam's idea of Jason, and instead he was a big fat zero. "Walk to me," he says, in the most listless way possible. I'd stay conked out by an ancient space heater about to explode, too.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 4

The writing is terrible, and there's clearly no idea about an overall character for Jason, but I don't feel like Miller is trying to give Jason any sort of personality in individual scenes. When Sam hallucinated him in the basement, he didn't have to be Jason but Sam's idea of Jason, and instead he was a big fat zero. "Walk to me," he says, in the most listless way possible. I'd stay conked out by an ancient space heater about to explode, too.

His choices in that scene were confusing, to say the least.

  • Love 1

I try to cut BM a lot of slack because I really don't know what he's supposed to do with this "character." Jiz redux was about Liez, and to a lesser extent Nik wanting ELQ. The "fallout" is mostly about Liez and unstable DNAJ. Jason has had very little POV and in a past interview BM even said/implied that he wasn't really sure how he is supposed to be playing the character. Yeah, there are times when he could make better acting choices, but it seems like the idiots in charge are just letting him float in the wind with no guidance. 

What guidance does he need?  I don't get that statement.  I'm no brainiac, but if the scene is emotional, then Jakeson should be emotional.  If the scene is suppose to be a break through moment where he remembers something significant, then he should be emotional and react to that moment.  This isn't rocket science.  The problem with the character of Jakeson is part writing and part actor.  The story is horrible, no doubt, but the actor is making no effort either.  Has he even cried once about anything?  I'm not saying that's something that needs to happen, but my point is that even with his son in the hospital, there is no emotion.  I have never thought SBu was the Borg or that the title suited Jason, but it surely does now.  Jakeson has the exact same reaction to everything:  dispassion, detachment, I-don't-give-a-fuck.  There is never a spark, a connection, a moment where the character connects with anything emotionally like the other characters are doing or saying.  THEY are giving it their all, but he's giving any of it back.


Let's kill off Jakeson as an imposter, and say that Jason was never brought back.  Just leave him dead.  Then we can move on with the other GH vet characters who deserve some airtime.  The writers seriously need to work on their stories because these suck.  This new writing regime is NOT an improvement.  

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 6


The writing is terrible, and there's clearly no idea about an overall character for Jason, but I don't feel like Miller is trying to give Jason any sort of personality in individual scenes. When Sam hallucinated him in the basement, he didn't have to be Jason but Sam's idea of Jason, and instead he was a big fat zero. "Walk to me," he says, in the most listless way possible. I'd stay conked out by an ancient space heater about to explode, too.


That part at least should be a no-brainer. If nothing else, BM has had enough scenes to have an idea of Sam's idea of Jason.


 I cannot deal with a world in which SBu's Borg is better at playing a man who is in love with his wife 

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 2

That part at least should be a no-brainer. If nothing else, BM has had enough scenes to have an idea of Sam's idea of Jason.


 I cannot deal with a world in which SBu's Borg is better at playing a man who is in love with his wife 

Lol, yeah well the guy did have all his pairings on GH be successful.  Like him or hate him, SBu had chemistry with all his female co-stars (Jason's pairings with Carly, Robin, Elizabeth, and Sam all had big fanbases and even Courtney for some).  I agree that BM has had more than enough scenes - over a year! to build chemistry and ties to the women in his life, and at this point, he should feel something for Sam.  I get nothing from him, however.  Are they friends?  Is he even attracted to her?  He makes no eye contact with her in that usual "soap look-em-in-the-eyes passionately" way.  He's just so blah in all his scenes, and as a result, I just want to FF through all of it.  I don't care if Jakeson finds Sam, only that SOMEONE finds her.  I don't care if he and Elizabeth make Jake better as long as SOMEONE helps him, and I really don't care at this point who Jakeson loves or wants to be with because I lost interest about five months ago.  

Edited by Bishop
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This show is tedious.  Sonny and Carly as the reigning couple, Nina's baby rabies, Franco, Byran Craig's screeching and repeating, Sam thinking only of Jason.  It's all awful.  And why does BC think he's worthy of any sort of award anyway?  Even one as watered down and meaningless as a daytime Emmy?  He's not good, and I think he's actually gotten worse the longer he's been on this show.

  • Love 4

Everything about the Sonny-centered way the show introduced the new doctor today (and hey - have you heard that Sonny has a friend who died from AIDS?  Doesn't that make you want to forgive all his sins?) was so eye-rolling and groan-inducing. 


And WTF with the full-on return of Nina's baby rabies.  You know shit's bad when I have to side with Franco, SERIAL KILLER.

  • Love 9

The sympathy tour for Liez continues. LMAO at Liez being considered a good mother. Carl and Andy live with 100 yr old Grams and Jake gets hit by another car because his mother couldnt keep track of the kid. Not to mention she cared more about keeping Jason than figuring out Jake's issues when he got back. She even lied to him and said his dad was dead. 


Kiki and Morgan are so gross.


Who would ever give Nina/Franco a kid. Those 2 are nut jobs who should walk off a cliff together. Nice that Franco can have sympathy for Liez/Jake but not his victims he killed and harassed. 


The new doctors hair is awful. Full of grease just like his new bff Sonny. 

  • Love 11

The sympathy tour for Liez continues. LMAO at Liez being considered a good mother. Carl and Andy live with 100 yr old Grams and Jake gets hit by another car because his mother couldnt keep track of the kid. Not to mention she cared more about keeping Jason than figuring out Jake's issues when he got back. She even lied to him and said his dad was dead. 


Kiki and Morgan are so gross.


Who would ever give Nina/Franco a kid. Those 2 are nut jobs who should walk off a cliff together. Nice that Franco can have sympathy for Liez/Jake but not his victims he killed and harassed. 


The new doctors hair is awful. Full of grease just like his new bff Sonny. 

I don't why they had Liz say that today, but Jake wasn't hit by a car because Liz took her eyes off him. She was at work, and left him with his father, who left him with the babysitter. The babysitter is the one who left him alone. Liz didn't do anything wrong in that regards.

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