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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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The only thing that would've made the basement Bloody McWhiskers scenes worse would be if Sam was wearing her usual lowcut tank top.  Can't believe that opportunity went by the wayside--though at least then maybe her "freezing" in a basement that's connected to a house that's well-heated would at least have been a smidge more believable.

My basement is always freezing and we have heat in our home.  I cannot believe that she did not crawl to the dryer and turn that on - more heat from that than any old crappy space heater...

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Noted, I'm not an Ava fan and I see her as only slightly less reprehensible than Sonny as a parent. But the facts are that Ava is the primary parent and Sonny isn't allowed anything except supervised visitation, at Ava's discretion. Sonny and Carly and even Kiki have all the rights to think Ava isn't allowing them more time just to be spiteful, and that's probably true, but - a custody order is a custody order. Kiki can't just decide to take her sister over to her dad's for a visit "just because." And certainly not leave her there.


And we are clearly supposed to be seeing Ava in the wrong in this whole custody situation and inevitably Sonny et. all are going to be proven right about the gun-running and whatever Ava is doing, but let's not pretend Sonny and Carly wouldn't be acting the exact same way if they were the primary care-givers, okay, Show?

  • Love 19

Noted, I'm not an Ava fan and I see her as only slightly less reprehensible than Sonny as a parent. But the facts are that Ava is the primary parent and Sonny isn't allowed anything except supervised visitation, at Ava's discretion. Sonny and Carly and even Kiki have all the rights to think Ava isn't allowing them more time just to be spiteful, and that's probably true, but - a custody order is a custody order. Kiki can't just decide to take her sister over to her dad's for a visit "just because." And certainly not leave her there.


And we are clearly supposed to be seeing Ava in the wrong in this whole custody situation and inevitably Sonny et. all are going to be proven right about the gun-running and whatever Ava is doing, but let's not pretend Sonny and Carly wouldn't be acting the exact same way if they were the primary care-givers, okay, Show?


100% spot-on.  Sonny and Carly keep whining that Ava isn't cutting them any slack re: visitation, that it's wrong to keep Avery from them, but if the situation was reversed, no way would they be half as accommodating as Ava (mostly for Kiki's sake) has been.


And Sonny shading her for being in the mob...what exactly is your line of work, Mr. Corinthos?

  • Love 17

HATE Scott being used to prop Franco. The child abduction line was good..then the goodness got killed with "I'm proud of you." Had to tune out Nina and the baby rabies..


Sonny, Mini-Sonny, Ava and Kiki are all detestable.  I felt sorry for Avery, being passed between Sonny and Carly. Sonny prompting Avery to say "Daddy" again made me want someone to go over and knock him right out of that wheelchair he barely needs now.  It would be great to see older Avery disown both parents, and She-Beast Stepmother as well. They so deserved Ava marching in and taking away their favorite new toy.


I just can't, with Nik and Hayden. I wonder how much that guy in the jester costume got paid. But I liked Laura and Tracy having a scene about something real. A nice change from facing off over not-worth-it Luke. I liked the N&H digs - JE is always awesome with such lines.  Both actresses look great, too.


Preview that includes Cam asking his mom if he's enough to cheer her up....awww my heart melts.

Noted, I'm not an Ava fan and I see her as only slightly less reprehensible than Sonny as a parent. But the facts are that Ava is the primary parent and Sonny isn't allowed anything except supervised visitation, at Ava's discretion. Sonny and Carly and even Kiki have all the rights to think Ava isn't allowing them more time just to be spiteful, and that's probably true, but - a custody order is a custody order. Kiki can't just decide to take her sister over to her dad's for a visit "just because." And certainly not leave her there.

And we are clearly supposed to be seeing Ava in the wrong in this whole custody situation and inevitably Sonny et. all are going to be proven right about the gun-running and whatever Ava is doing, but let's not pretend Sonny and Carly wouldn't be acting the exact same way if they were the primary care-givers, okay, Show?

Carly and Sonny already did the same thing to AJ with Michael, but hypocrisy has never stopped Carly or Sonny from hating someone for doing something they would do themselves.

Of course, Sonny is a Saint on this show, so of course Ava's in the wrong for doing exactly what Sonny did in keeping little AJ away from Sonny.

Edited by Lobsel Vith
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Sonny and Carly keep whining that Ava isn't cutting them any slack re: visitation, that it's wrong to keep Avery from them, but if the situation was reversed, no way would they be half as accommodating as Ava (mostly for Kiki's sake) has been.

Seriously. Has Ava ever pointed this out? I know it doesn't make any difference on the show—Sonny and Carly are always right—but as a viewer, I'd appreciate it.


Ava should have had someone official with her when she went to pick up Avery at Sonny's, but that would be too logical.


Sonny prompting Avery to say "Daddy" again made me want someone to go over and knock him right out of that wheelchair he barely needs now.


I know, but Mo's reaction when she said it was adorable.


I love Nik's "my legal team is forcing me to give you this prenup." What a wienie. Is his legal team the boss of him? I don't think so. At least have the guts to own it.


And now we have Nina with baby rabies again. Sigh.

  • Love 2

100% spot-on. Sonny and Carly keep whining that Ava isn't cutting them any slack re: visitation, that it's wrong to keep Avery from them, but if the situation was reversed, no way would they be half as accommodating as Ava (mostly for Kiki's sake) has been.

And Sonny shading her for being in the mob...what exactly is your line of work, Mr. Corinthos?

Being a hypocritical, misogynist ass. It's a 24/7 job.

  • Love 6

Did the writers forget that Nina is in early menopause?  Props to Franco for not wanting to pass on his DNA.


I thought she mentioned that, but it could have been my brain overruling my ears.


I did laugh when she was like, "Maybe we'll adopt!".  All the ridiculous blah blah blah about how they're "changed, better people now" doesn't negate their mental health histories or criminal records.

  • Love 5

Sam 'freezing' in the basement:  Yes it would be cold, but literally 'freezing', no, or the water pipes would freeze too. And burst.  This brings me to something about this show that has bugged me for years.  People in L.A. writing a soap that takes place is frigid upstate NY.  The ripped kleenex snowflakes.  Walking out of buildings in the middle of winter HOLDING their coats instead of putting them on.  Example:  Ava not putting on Avery's coat today to take her outside.  What?!  Women wearing mile-high open-toe spike heels in the dead of winter, clomping all over  supposedly icy Port Charles.  I live in New England and I just shake my head at the inanities.  It takes me right out of the scene.

  • Love 5

Why are they treating Nik and Hayden getting married like it's some great love match?


That whole thing today was tonally so bizarre.  I loathe them, but I dunno how what they got today would satisfy you if you were a fan of their relationship.


Is this Nikolas' first non-Emily marriage? 

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 1

Why are they treating Nik and Hayden getting married like it's some great love match?





As it happens, Buffalo hit 58 degrees today, so it's not exactly frigid.

According to Jason though, there's ice on the roads, which is why the car hit Jake.


Nik and Hayden are disgusting. I love Nik, but I don't think I've ever disliked him more than in this story. Even with Britt, who I despised, I could by that he loved her, but this is just gross. I'm still pissed that no one seems to remember that Nik started this Jason lie mess, and its been rewritten that Liz basically started it, and forced Nik to keep the secret.


The only thing that I like about Nik now, is his friendship with Liz, and the writers have basically decided that it doesn't exist anymore.

  • Love 5
As it happens, Buffalo hit 58 degrees today, so it's not exactly frigid.

According to Jason though, there's ice on the roads, which is why the car hit Jake.

Not to get argumentative, but those two things aren't mutually exclusive, especially after a blizzard. It takes a while for snow piles to melt.


The only thing that I like about Nik now, is his friendship with Liz, and the writers have basically decided that it doesn't exist anymore.


It exists when it's convenient for Nik. Ugh. And of course he skates on the Jason thing. It's always those crafty wimmins who are at fault.

  • Love 2

dubbel zout, I agree that this winter specifically has been unusually warm; down here in MA, too.  I was referring to GH in general over the years and how they do not seem to know how to realistically write for the climate.  And even with the higher that normal temps, Ava should never have taken that baby outside without  a coat.  It may be warmer than normal, but it's not Spring.

Edited by Ladyrain
  • Love 2

Hey, a new nice waterfront set that is not the creepy docks. Still not as nice as the old one though.


I'm ready for Avery to disappear into the ether at this point.


They've gotta be kidding with this Nina/baby shit. Oh wait, this is the show bringing back Michael Easton as a fourth character. Nevermind.


Scott gingerly holding the baby was funny.


Way to make Jake's problems all about you Franco. Also, way to blab to the whole town.


Ladyrain, I agree with you, and all the writers for the past 3-4 years have been living in NY, so there's really no excuse at this point, except shoddiness.


Ugh, shut up Laura. Even if Nikolas hadn't shot Hayden in the head, I think his 40 year old ass can handle potential con artists.

  • Love 4

Not to get argumentative, but those two things aren't mutually exclusive, especially after a blizzard. It takes a while for snow piles to melt.





It exists when it's convenient for Nik. Ugh. And of course he skates on the Jason thing. It's always those crafty wimmins who are at fault.

Its ridiculous that everyone has just forgotten that Nik was involved in this whole thing. He never has to pay for anything. I mean pretty much everyone on this show skates, but Nik more than anyone. He always ends up getting what he wants, and most of the time gets rewarded even more. 

  • Love 2

I don't buy for a second that Franco is Scott's kid. They can run an offical DNA test, and I believe that Heather or someone would fake the results. For one thing, unlike with RM's Heather, he really lacks a lot of the same chem which is pretty crucial when selling the two of them as father and son. Another I fully believe that Heather would say they had a drunken one stand that Scott doesn't remember in order to protect Franco, even benefiting from the fact that Scott has had two adult children killed in a brutal fashion and probably readily accept any new found children that come into his life.

Its ridiculous that everyone has just forgotten that Nik was involved in this whole thing. He never has to pay for anything. I mean pretty much everyone on this show skates, but Nik more than anyone. He always ends up getting what he wants, and most of the time gets rewarded even more. 


I think he's about to get ELQ snaked from him by Rebecca Budig and Tracy, but unbelievably, the show's narrative seems to think Nikolas is the victim here, the victim of the woman whose family company he stole through underhanded and illegal means, the victim of the woman HE TRIED TO HAVE KILLED.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 15

I think he's about to get ELQ snaked from him by Rebecca Budig and Tracy, but unbelievably, the show's narrative seems to think Nikolas is the victim here, the victim of the woman whose family company he stole through underhanded and illegal means, the victim of the woman HE TRIED TO HAVE KILLED.

Oh I'm sure that in the end, Hayden will turn on Tracy because she just "loves" Nik so much. This story just makes me gag. 

  • Love 3

Things I learned today:  


The writers have forgotten that Nina can't have babies, which is why she stole Avery out of Ava's womb and have now given her baby rabies.  It's one thing for Lulu to have baby rabies but Nina.  Just.  No.


Hayden and NIk get married in the cheesiest and least busy chapel in Vegas, that's looks remarkably like a room at Windemere.


Tracy and Laura in scenes together is nice.  Especially since they weren't discussing Luke.  


Ava is still the evulest of all evuls in Carly and Sonny's eyes even though she's literally the female version of Sonny.  


Avery is still adorable and kudos to MW and Mo to be able to handle her various ramblings through the scenes.  Reminded me of original recipe Morgan (the Jax years) who would constantly natter during scenes and IR and LW had to do the scene around it.


They'd better show us this reading of Helena's will because that sounds like it might be a hoot.

  • Love 7

I just I honestly don't even know how to respond to this episode. I truly have no idea what the fuck these writers are doing. Or how exactly they want us to respond to this shit.


Like with Franco and Nina, first of all Nina can't have a baby anyway and secondly was Franco a murdering psychopath because of a tumor or because he was troubled? You can't have it both ways. Also, Nina pulling his pants down was the single grossest thing I have ever witnessed, and considering all the nasty Paul/Ava stuff we've been subjected to that is really saying something.


Nik/Hayden, I have no words. Like honestly what in the ever loving fuck was that? I'm at a complete loss.


So in yesterday's ep Sam passes out in a basement that's about to blow up and today no follow-up. Cool. Great pacing.


New set. OK not bad. But, here's a thought, maybe instead of that you, I don't know, fix the utter mess every character and story is currently? Just a suggestion!

  • Love 11

God help me, I actually watched and sort of paid attention to today's show.

Nina has acknowledged she can't carry a baby, or at least that she can't conceive. She told Franco that she researched all the different ways of having a child other than the obvious. So no, they haven't forgotten that she is peri menopausal. But her nattering to Franco that he still hasn't answered her question was just ridiculous when she wouldn't shut the hell up and let him answer! At least when she finally did, he flat out said 'fuck no' to the idea of passing on his DNA.

Hayden's dress was gorgeous. That's sll I got from the wedding.

I missed the writing credits but am guessing Sickles wrote today's episode?

I ask myself that every day that NotDeadJake the Mistake continues to live.

Sure show, let's have Sam crawl all over the basement except UP THE DAMN STAIRS! All so Jason can save her. Let my girl save her damn self, fuck!


If that's the case, every ONS baby on this show is a mistake beginning with Sam, Michael, Cam, Leo, Alexis, Jason, Sabrina's new baby, AJ, etc....

Edited by Darklazr
  • Love 4


was Franco a murdering psychopath because of a tumor or because he was troubled? You can't have it both ways

In a way they can.  Franco was clearly troubled and knows it since he's seeing the same thing in Jake, but he has to pretend that it was the tumour in order to stay out of jail.  



Also, Nina pulling his pants down was the single grossest thing I have ever witnessed

Yep, that was pretty bad.  



I get that, but Scotty should always be 100% against Sonny no matter what and on the side of any and every person who's trying to stick it to Sonny. And for me having him say that is just more of their ridiculous need to have every single fucking person praise/prop/deify Sonny.

That's how I saw it too.  Sometimes I wonder what the actors think when they say some of the things they say.  Does BH cringe every time she has to say that Sam stole Jason from Liz.  Does KS want to change the line when Scott tells Ava that she should give Avery to Sonny.  Does he turn to the writers and say "hello?  Karen?"

  • Love 5

was Franco a murdering psychopath because of a tumor or because he was troubled? You can't have it both ways

Based on the sociopath monologue Original!Franco gave about mirroring 'normal people's' emotions and reactions since childhood - I think you could argue that Franco is a sociopath/has borderline personality disorder but the tumor created/escalated the violent, murderous compulsion. He still behaves like a sociopath, he just isn't making shitty murder art anymore

Edited by Oracle42
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