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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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It doesn't play into his bipolar disorder, actually.  Sonny was not exhibiting any symptoms of that.  He was neither manic, nor exhibiting grandious thinking.  Sonny is a narcissist - he always thinks he's in the right.  That's different than thinking oh, say, that he's Elvis or the president or something.


Sonny gave Morgan a "choice" in words only.  He knows how Morgan is and he knows how to manipulate him.  He knows Morgan will do anything for "Sonny's love."


If they took Avery to the island they would be arrested and go to prison for kidnapping.  That's not "cute".


As for middle aged folks not needing babies...please.  That's just insulting.


So much word here, but as a woman who had a child in my 40's I doubt my son was unneeded. On the show though, I still want Sonny nowhere near Avery.

Edited by sometimesfan
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Kiki should have joined forces with Michael. Following Morgan who is following Sonny because he's desperate to be daddy's favorite son isn't doing Avery any good and it's the last thing her mom would want. Kiki just instantly forgets Morgan gave her mom up to Sonny to kill, that Sonny was going to kill her had it not been for Michael, and Sonny would be battling her mom for custody if she were there.


Join up with Michael to keep the baby safe from Sonny, the fact he wants them to go take the baby and run off on kidnapping charges just so Michael who is no danger to the child at all just shows Sonny doesn't care for Avery. He cares for his property he deems her.

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I'm hoping that the child turns out to be Ned's after all.  It's possible.





I think Ron is actually going overboard with Olivia and Ned carrying on about how the kid is, without question, absolutely, positively Julian's, as if to stick it to all of us who have complained about his needless obsession with WTD storylines, so he's made sure we all know who the true father is, but now there'll be a big coverup and lies and faked paternity tests perhaps, and all that blah blah bullshit. 


I just hate it, everything to do with it. Olivia just shouldn't be pregnant at all, imo, this baby adds nothing to do this show frankly as far as I'm concerned.


No one on this bloody show should be breeding right now. We need to start cutting numbers, this cast is so bloated it's like a tick ready to pop.

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… but it really comes down to always hating Spinelli and this new version of him is even worse than before (if that's possible). I too want Ellie to make an appearance saying "I dumped you because I was tired of your lame, mooching, nickname obsessed ass". But then, I liked the actress who played Ellie and wish she was back instead of Spinelli. sigh.


I had forgotten - until the last few days -- that the original incarnation of Spinelli had made GH almost unwatchable for me. He and his annoying speech patterns were front and center for what seemed like ages. After some Spinelli-free months, my tolerance level got lowered and now I am back to hating the entire character again. I. just. want. him. off. my. screen. By any means necessary. 



It's not perfect, but the show has seemingly come out of the coma it was in from mid November until this past week.


Do FrankenRon understand that the stories are supposed to become more interesting during sweeps? 

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I'd like to see a tornado come through and kill about 25% of the characters (I get to choose who,dies, though).

No one on this bloody show should be breeding right now. We need to start cutting numbers, this cast is so bloated it's like a tick ready to pop.

Now there's a mental image!

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Now there's a mental image!




My mental state thanks to this show is on shaky ground at best.


There needs to be another monkey fever outbreak that can wipe out at least a quarter of the characters-or better yet there needs to be a purging! Like the movie, let violence be legal for a day and murder and see what happens.


Dr. O would probably dress up in riding clothes and go out hunting with a musket.

Edited by CPP83
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It doesn't play into his bipolar disorder, actually.  Sonny was not exhibiting any symptoms of that.  He was neither manic, nor exhibiting grandious thinking.  Sonny is a narcissist - he always thinks he's in the right.  That's different than thinking oh, say, that he's Elvis or the president or something.


Sonny gave Morgan a "choice" in words only.  He knows how Morgan is and he knows how to manipulate him.  He knows Morgan will do anything for "Sonny's love."


If they took Avery to the island they would be arrested and go to prison for kidnapping.  That's not "cute".


As for middle aged folks not needing babies...please.  That's just insulting.


Couple of things.

1) my comments are about the show not real life. I don't care to see all the baby stories on the show be middleaged. IRL I don't begrudge anyone a baby. LLC looks awesome good for her.

2) nope you are a little misinformed. Grandiose-having an exaggerated belief in one's importance, sometimes reaching delusional proportions, and occurring as a common symptom of mental illnesses, as manic disorder.

Delusion-a fixed false belief that is resistant to reason or confrontation with actual fact

What you are discribing is a delusion sometimes in gradiose thinking you can have a delusion but you can have grandiose thoughts and not have a delusion.

What I said is my opinion about Sonny he is being grandiose and that is a symptom of BPD. You can disagree but it is still my valid point of view. In PC Sonny is diagnosed with BPD not a personality disorder.


I don't see why if Ron had to write LLC pregnancy into the show he didn't just make it the reverse. Olivia slept with Ned and now Ned is with Alexis and she doesn't want to mess that up. Julian isn't really needed in this story anyway as he seems to be fixin' to go hot and heavy in a mob story.

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Franco used to be a serial killer. Will someone put the tumor back in? Patrick Drake ruins everything. He is the worst thing ever. I don't care what anyone thinks. The coolest thing in February was when Billy Miller choked him out on the table./sarcasm.

*edited to note sarcasm and not to mean I'm like really rawr to you guys

Edited by Grrpants09
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two murdering deviants humping in a crypt


I need someone to say this to Ava and Sonny's faces.



Dr. O would probably dress up in riding clothes and go out hunting with a musket.



I really must insist that any purge of characters include Dr. O.  She is symbolic of every loathsome thing that is wrong with the show these days (too much camp, too many villains facing no consequences, etc., etc.)


I could start liking Dr. O if she starts throwing people off of parapets and uses guns from the 16th century to shoot fools in the face. After she's done with her killing spree Helena slits her throat and then someone figures out a way to kill Helena permanently.

Edited by LeftPhalange
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As a cancer survivor, there is no run of the mill cancer.


I'm a cancer survivor, too, btw. What I meant, in my possibly too-flip way, was will Ava get something recognizable (i.e., "run of the mill") or something that can only be cured by Avery's blood or stem cells or bone marrow or spit. Soap cancer, as it were.


Franco used to be a serial killer.


When he was talking about how insulted he was about how Luke killed people, I was kind of surprised. Ron has been trying to whitewash all that for so long and then bam! Franco starts talking about how it's almost an art. Maybe he'll have an acid flashback and take out half the town. If we're going to have a SERIAL KILLER in PC, let's make him useful, eh Ron?

Edited by dubbel zout
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If we didn't already have too many threads this could be an awesome one! 50 ways to kill Helena.



Heh heh.  At this point, I think you'd have to dismember her and bury the pieces on different continents.  


On second thought, we shouldn't give Ron any ideas for a mass purge.  I can guarantee we won't like which characters live and which die.  And the last time the show did a serial killer story, Georgie (who I liked) and Emily (who sucked, but I liked Monica having more alive than dead children) got the axe.  

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Honestly, Kiki as the older sister of the baby is probably the one who should be battling Sonny for custody.  


On a better-written show that made sense and took time to tell a more complicated story (and if Kiki had ever been developed as a character anyone could actually care about), she would be the one petitioning or custody while Michael and the Q's not-so-subtly egged her on and Michael got closer to her during the custody battle, positioning himself to be stepdad to the baby.  He'd be the Jason role in this baby custody fight, bonding with the baby and becoming a dad figure.  Kiki would turn to the Qs for help in fighting Sonny.   Later, she would wonder if Michael really likes her again, or if he just wants to be near the baby and if he used her to stick it to Sonny.  


The one time Kiki serves a purpose and they don't even use her for it.  It's hilarious.

It seems like Kiki and Ava lead a decent life in all the years Kiki was kept far away from the mob. The more Mob Kiki's life became the crazier things got. Believe me I'm not trying to absolve Ava/Blame Julian/Carlos/Sonny... But from Kikis POV it would make all the sense in the world for her to look at mob ties as the downfall of her mothers life, and therefore hers and her sisters. Plus then there's Michael openly saying all the ways growing up the son of a mobster sucked. Since they went to the trouble of recasting this useless character they should DO something with her, and a keeping Avery from maybe getting carbombed one day story is ready made.

So naturally on Monday she'll probably be offering to pay for the cab ride to Sonny's plane.

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Yeah, we can't give Ron ideas, lest Luke starts eating faces out of people. When I said "zombie apocalypse ", I didn't mean eat the DA and let's have a closeup of TG's dentures. I was probably drunk. I mean, who legitimately has people biting body parts off of other people? If you get complaints, it's not the Quartermaines, it's the cannibalism.

In conclusion, vomit. Barf. Vomit. And puke.

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Michael and Tracy were good on Friday, but LOL at Edward being proud. That is not exactly something to crow about. I am finding Michael pretty one dementional right now. He is all sullen and angry all the time, in every interaction. At least Sonny gets to be romantic, a business man and cute with a baby. All Michael does is scowl, snear and bark about Sonny. When he holds a baby he just looks lost.


As ya'll know I see Sonny different so I don't think what he is doing is bad. I can't blame any parent for pulling out all the stops to keep his child from being taken from him using underhanded means. I think it is realistic Sonny would be doing all he could to keep her not him seeing her a possession. It is just your average person would see reason where Sonny as a mob boss doesn't believe in reason. He does thinks he can come out ahead in any situation.

Also  this plays into his bipolar it is realistic in a situation like this he wouldn't think clearly about consequences. He is being grandiose. I actually thought him giving Morgan the OPTION of helping him or not was unexpected. If Morgan said no he would just form another plan he didn't force Morgan to do anything.


Now Carly knowing about how he is and his bipolar shouldn't have caved to him so easily. She was right trying to reason with him but in the end she enabled him. She could have told Michael the truth but chose not to.


Even though it is wrong for Morgan and Kiki to take Avery to the island I hope they do, b/c I think NuKiki has some chemistry with Morgan and the thought of them as a little family taking care of Avery is kind of cute. They are who needs a baby anyway not all the middle aged folks.

And to tell the truth in all this they really seem the best option for Avery b/c they actually love her for her alone.

Morgan and Kiki take that baby to the Island they deserve to go to Jail. Kiki needs to think that Maybe Micheal will gladly let her see her little sister if she does the right thing and tells Micheal that Sonny and Morgan are trying to get Avery taken to the island. Micheals not stupid he knows about the island

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Michael needs to go full throttle in his Q-ness and throw Morgan, Kiki, and Sonny in prison if they obstruct justice. The case was proven - and I think would have been proven even with another judge - that Sonny is a mobster, has endangered his other children, and is a viable threat to THIS child.


If Kiki and Morgan take the kid, they are breaking the law under Sonny's directives, and they should all suffer.

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Kiki should have joined forces with Michael. Following Morgan who is following Sonny because he's desperate to be daddy's favorite son isn't doing Avery any good and it's the last thing her mom would want. Kiki just instantly forgets Morgan gave her mom up to Sonny to kill, that Sonny was going to kill her had it not been for Michael, and Sonny would be battling her mom for custody if she were there.


Join up with Michael to keep the baby safe from Sonny, the fact he wants them to go take the baby and run off on kidnapping charges just so Michael who is no danger to the child at all just shows Sonny doesn't care for Avery. He cares for his property he deems her.

And Micheal reminded Kiki of what Sonny almost did to Ava the other day and she just stood there slient. Then says she doesn't know Micheal anymore on yesterday's show. UGH Kiki needs to tell Michael what Sonny is doing with Avery. She doesn't I hope Michael bans her from seeing her little sister

Michael needs to go full throttle in his Q-ness and throw Morgan, Kiki, and Sonny in prison if they obstruct justice. The case was proven - and I think would have been proven even with another judge - that Sonny is a mobster, has endangered his other children, and is a viable threat to THIS child.


If Kiki and Morgan take the kid, they are breaking the law under Sonny's directives, and they should all suffer.

Yep if Kiki goes along with Morgan she deserves to go to Jail for being so stupid when Michael would gladly let her see her sister anytime if she sells Morgan and Sonny out. Kiki has some Ava in her and now looks more like her Use it Kiki. But Knowing Ron she will choose Jail and Morgan's stupid ass over freedom and common sense

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The case was proven - and I think would have been proven even with another judge - that Sonny is a mobster, has endangered his other children, and is a viable threat to THIS child.


I guess that's why Sonny's defense is always "I love my children!" It irritates and amuses me in equal parts, because whether he loves his kids is not the issue. It's: Can he keep his kids safe? And clearly, he can't. I liked Michael saying that he didn't want to take any chances with Avery, because that's really the crux of the matter. Sonny always says he can keep his kids/wives/girlfriends safe, and look what happens to each and every one of them. Shot, bombed, kidnapped, killed. His track record is not great.

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I think it's a shame that it wasn't Kiki who started the custody trial and then Michael could sweep in and help her. But I figure that given original recipe Kiki was leaving the show, maybe this was the best course.


But I was grateful to the soap gods that nuKiki had a moment of clarity (and that the show had a moment of ethics) when she opposed Morgan taking Avery to Sonny's island.


Seems like Morgan will maybe join Sonny's business as a way of getting Sonny to love him. If so, that's great soap and am looking forward to that. That Morgan is none too bright will only serve to emphasize the lame choice he makes to embark on a life of crime. On the other hand, I always thought that it would be fun to see Ava and Morgan become grifters ala The Sting and go to various places and run cons - she pretends she's his mother, he pretends he's her son, and they work together to con older rich men.

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And when Carly gets caught, it will be Robin's fault even though she is being held hostage in another country. Lord knows that Sabrina isn't to blame for anything, at least in the gospel according to Ron.


I don't understand, how would it be Sabrina's fault if Carly screwed around with the paternity test?

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Do FrankenRon understand that the stories are supposed to become more interesting during sweeps? 

I don't think so. Because... did the plate of Fluke poo we got during Feb sweeps raise the ratings? However, the ratings would definitely go through the roof if the Nielsen folks were able to count the number of times I rolled my eyes over that shit. 


And it looks like we're stuck with Luke until at least May sweeps (because this story isn't going anywhere before another sweeps)

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I'm a cancer survivor, too, btw. What I meant, in my possibly too-flip way, was will Ava get something recognizable (i.e., "run of the mill") or something that can only be cured by Avery's blood or stem cells or bone marrow or spit. Soap cancer, as it were.

Remember Nik's snot cured Emily's breast cancer. I'm sure Sonny's grease will cure whatever Ava has.

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Michael needs to go full throttle in his Q-ness and throw Morgan, Kiki, and Sonny in prison if they obstruct justice. The case was proven - and I think would have been proven even with another judge - that Sonny is a mobster, has endangered his other children, and is a viable threat to THIS child.


If Kiki and Morgan take the kid, they are breaking the law under Sonny's directives, and they should all suffer.



Can they all just go away somewhere? The gorgeous baby Avery may stay and be adopted out into the witness protection program where none of her bat shit crazy relatives will ever be able to find her.


Maybe A.J. can return while that bunch of slaggards go nuts killing each other over Avery and he can quietly take her away to raise with Keesha who saved him and has hidden him away on a mountain top somewhere.

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It is just your average person would see reason where Sonny as a mob boss doesn't believe in reason. He does thinks he can come out ahead in any situation.

Also  this plays into his bipolar it is realistic in a situation like this he wouldn't think clearly about consequences. He is being grandiose. I actually thought him giving Morgan the OPTION of helping him or not was unexpected. If Morgan said no he would just form another plan he didn't force Morgan to do anything.



I don't know about that. If Morgan had said no, Sonny would probably wheedle him about a bit, say he'd owe Morgan forever, talk about how does he want Avery to be without her father, etc etc. If Morgan said no after that, then he would probably give up.


Seems like there is more Michael/Sabrina in the air.



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I don't know about that. If Morgan had said no, Sonny would probably wheedle him about a bit, say he'd owe Morgan forever, talk about how does he want Avery to be without her father, etc etc. If Morgan said no after that, then he would probably give up.


Seems like there is more Michael/Sabrina in the air.




So did Rosalie and her who-gives-a-shit secret just vaporize? Not that I'm complaining! One less useless character. But it's odd how it's suddenly Mikey/Sobby in the air when Rosalie was all up in Mikey's grill not too long ago...

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Michael needs to go full throttle in his Q-ness and throw Morgan, Kiki, and Sonny in prison if they obstruct justice. 




I don't think Michael would throw Morgan in prison given what happened to him. But of course, I can see the writers writing it just to show outta control Michael is now or something. 

I don't think so. Because... did the plate of Fluke poo we got during Feb sweeps raise the ratings?



I think the ratings for the first week of February were decent if I recall; second week was bad and then third week was decent again. 

So did Rosalie and who-gives-a-shit secret just vaporize? Not that I'm complaining! One less useless character. But it's odd how it's suddenly Mikey/Sobby in the air when Rosalie was all up in Mikey's grill not too long ago...


As far as I know

Rosalie is making at least one more appearance

I didn't hate her but I didn't particularly love her and like you say, too many characters.

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I think it's a shame that it wasn't Kiki who started the custody trial and then Michael could sweep in and help her. But I figure that given original recipe Kiki was leaving the show, maybe this was the best course.


I thought the custody stuff was the reason for the recast. They could have written Lauren off when KA left but decided Lauren was needed once Michael sued for custody. It makes sense that Lauren is sort of involved, but I don't think the story would lose much if she weren't. There are other characters we don't see who should be seen. 

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And when Carly gets caught, it will be Robin's fault even though she is being held hostage in another country. Lord knows that Sabrina isn't to blame for anything, at least in the gospel according to Ron.



I don't understand, how would it be Sabrina's fault if Carly screwed around with the paternity test?


Because if Sabrina gets involved - there is a chance she would spill the beans and Carly would go around telling her it wasn't her "truth" to tell, like she did with Robin the first two times Carly lied about a baby's paternity. It wasn't Robin's fault but Carly constantly blamed her for telling the truth.


It was more sarcasm directed towards Ron than anything - Robin is always to blame even if she is being held hostage in a foreign country,

Edited by cmahorror
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I don't know about that. If Morgan had said no, Sonny would probably wheedle him about a bit, say he'd owe Morgan forever, talk about how does he want Avery to be without her father, etc etc. If Morgan said no after that, then he would probably give up.

Seems like there is more Michael/Sabrina in the air.


Hmm, I wonder if KA will feel the need to comment as she did with Michale/Rosalie.
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Because if Sabrina gets involved - there is a chance she would spill the beans and Carly would go around telling her it wasn't her "truth" to tell, like she did with Robin the first two times Carly lied about a baby's paternity. It wasn't Robin's fault but Carly constantly blamed her for telling the truth.


It was more sarcasm directed towards Ron than anything - Robin is always to blame even if she is being held hostage in a foreign country,


Oh, I thought you meant from the point of view of reality, not what Carly's sick little mind would come up with. ;-)

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I adored all of the Quartermaine talk.  Jane Elliot was wonderful (as always).  Anthony Geary, Roger Howarth and Michelle Stafford were just crackling together.



Naw--Jane, was wonderful, the other three "were just cackling together". [There..fixed it for you.)

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Morgan is a fucking Moron!! You will lose your sister cause you are trying to take her out of the country you moron!!


He already lost his sister once the judge ruled in Michael's favor. Michael had already told Kiki and Morgan that he won't allow either one to see Avery if he got custody. Not for any real reasons but spite.


I also don't think it will cost anything if they do manage to get Avery to Sonny's island. Once they are there, I don't think it would be that easy for Michael to get the baby back. That was the same island Sonny and company would have sent anyone to escape from the cops pursuit of them (e.g. Claudia's murder trial).

Edited by nilyank
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Love MW so I enjoy anything that Ava does. However, the only way that she can really stay on the show is if she's somehow absolved of Connie's murder - and I figure it's a safe bet that they could shoehorn Fluke/Luke whatever into that somehow.


To stay on this particular show I don't think she needs to be absolved of the murder at all. The lead character murdered an unarmed man in cold blood and is now being heralded a hero. Fluke, Dr. O, Franco, Nina, even Carly have all done despicable things and they continue to eat the show. Ava killing Connie and still being on the show is not that big of a problem when you look at all the other characters.


Seems like there is more Michael/Sabrina in the air.




I hate that this excites me.


Also, I checked TeCa's instagram after seeing that and she posted this. Happy to see she too is up for the awful amazingness that would be Sabrina/Sonny.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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He already lost his sister once the judge ruled in Michael's favor. Michael had already told Kiki and Morgan that he won't allow either one to see Avery if he got custody. Not for all real reasons but spite.


At the time this happened I was still sympathetic to Morgan, but now I've switched side. The reason that Michael said this to them was they have literally not shown him one inch of sympathy. Kiki maybe has a little but Morgan showed like two seconds of it before acting like Michael was just being a brat.


After like, a day of liking NuKiki she was on my nerves again yesterday. "I don't recognize this Michael at all." Because you two barely dated! uuuugh.

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Hmm, I wonder if KA will feel the need to comment as she did with Michale/Rosalie.

She had a comment in one of the mags a couple of weeks ago saying something to the effect of 'I'm glad the new Kiki has a serious real life boyfriend'. Between that, the shade she threw at Linda Tovar a few months ago on Twitter, and the way she and Chad got together, she comes across as someone not secure in her relationship.

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TeCa looks like Sonny's daughter. Guess Lily's Clink!Boom!Baby lived. ;)


If they do hook up Michael and Sabrina, that is one way to bring him back to Sonny. By Ron contrivance where he forces Michael to be around Sonny due to Sabrina's new found daddy.

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Sabrina and Michael? Am I the only one who thinks they will be snoozeworthy? Maybe because I find Sabrina to be a boring drip. If she had more of a dark side, like Rosalie, I would be up for it, but I cant see her doing anything with Michael but clutch her pearls or wring her hands. I was indifferent towards Rosalie, but I thought her and Michael had much more chemistry, and she would have worked much better as the gold digging with a dark past new Mrs Quartermaine. 


The up side, however, would be a free Carlos, though I cant figure out who he could work with on the show. 

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She had a comment in one of the mags a couple of weeks ago saying something to the effect of 'I'm glad the new Kiki has a serious real life boyfriend'. Between that, the shade she threw at Linda Tovar a few months ago on Twitter, and the way she and Chad got together, she comes across as someone not secure in her relationship.


To be fair to KA, that comment in that mag was misquoted. But I kinda agree with you though honestly. I mean the way her and CD got together is just shady and it makes all the other comments she makes a little suspect even when they're seemingly innocuous.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Ava has cancer? Zzzzzz. I guess they're really gunning to get MW an Emmy next year. Though I'll be curious to hear what kind. Will it be exotic or run of the mill?



Avah gots a tumah? What serendipity that Silas is a really famous oncologist. Not to worry, Ava. We will see you this week with a bandage over the spot where he operated with his butter knife, no doubt.


Eh. Ava may not be a victim, but neither is Sonny. If he had the sense to use protection, there wouldn't be a baby to sue for custody of.


Probably when they were getting dressed for AJ's funeral and crypt visit they didn't realize it would be a horny occasion.

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Yeah, we can't give Ron ideas, lest Luke starts eating faces out of people. When I said "zombie apocalypse ", I didn't mean eat the DA and let's have a closeup of TG's dentures. I was probably drunk. I mean, who legitimately has people biting body parts off of other people? If you get complaints, it's not the Quartermaines, it's the cannibalism.

In conclusion, vomit. Barf. Vomit. And puke.


Are you saying that there are previously unmentioned missing Spencer triplets - like the newly discovered sister Patricia, and their names are Barf, Vomit and Puke???  They just SOUND like Spencers, especially when you throw in the word "cannibal".


Oh joy - more siblings for Luke!!  


With any luck they'll first be seen at the Nurses Ball, doing a song and dance routine, before reuniting with Fluke.  


Tears WILL be shed!

Edited by boes
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