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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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9 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

but it's not efair for him to be upset with Sam for moving on. Because if he hadn't left his family on the same day that he got them back, he would've been that Scout's father. That's all Sam ever wanted

He was gone for five years, of course she would eventually move on---and she did with three men, lol. But that's not what I'm referring to. People can feel things even if they're not "justified" to do so. Sam was upset that Liz was pregnant with Jason's kid even though she should have no reason to be upset because not only had she slept with Ric, but JaSam were not together. But she was still upset. Jason can be upset and feel sad that Sam has a child with an imposter of himself. 

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So are we suppose to root for Sam and BM after that scene were Sam was like I will always be in love with Steve Jason.... I just can't be with him?

Yesterday was the first time watching in a while and I just don't get this story

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21 minutes ago, gator12 said:

So are we suppose to root for Sam and BM after that scene were Sam was like I will always be in love with Steve Jason.... I just can't be with him?

Yesterday was the first time watching in a while and I just don't get this story

I thought it was weird that her description of Julexis was also supposed to be applied to JaSam. Like....that's not a good thing, show.

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1 hour ago, HeatLifer said:

Jason can be upset and feel sad that Sam has a child with an imposter of himself.

Given what an unmitigated douchecanoe he was the last time he thought Sam had another man's child - from a SEXUAL ASSAULT - maybe the least he can do is suck it up now.

Logically, yes, he should have emotions about this. It's poor writing (shocking!) for him not to. But I haven't been able to deal with any of Jason's baby-related angst since he stole Michael.

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10 minutes ago, Melgaypet said:

But I haven't been able to deal with any of Jason's baby-related angst since he stole Michael.

Oh, I'm with you on this point. It's part of the reason I could never like JaSam. It was a redo of Jarly. 


15 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

The writers are still in denial about the degree to which they have destroyed julexis

They had Sam call Julian an "abusive pig" and then transitioned to a monologue about Julexis' love, which was also supposed to be applied to Jason and Sam. Totally not here for any version of "Sam was a victim of Jason." Nope.

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1 hour ago, gator12 said:

So are we suppose to root for Sam and BM after that scene were Sam was like I will always be in love with Steve Jason.... I just can't be with him?


I think we are supposed to feel for Sam, not necessarily root for BMJason and Sam. I thought the monologue was written as Sam's acknowledgement that she knows SBJason is the real Jason, and she still feels love for him when she sees and talks to him - but she will not act on it because she's in love with BMJason, she married him, he is Emily Scout's father, and the only father Danny knows. The Derek Wells Media mention was deliberate. After he said that and she sat down and started the monologue (while not facing him), I got the impression she was remembering how she told BMJason, "I didn't know how much I wanted this until you got it started." She was grinning from ear-to-ear, with baby Emily Scout in her lap, and Danny was excited by the idea of helping them, hugging BMJason, etc.  That is the life Sam wants now; not being second to S&C (and Michael) on his priority list.  SBJason doesn't know the woman Sam is now, and they both seem to recognize that. While some may think it's inaccurate/poor to compare Julian and Alexis to Jason and Sam - things were ugly between them when Jake was an infant (including Jason's threat although he did not  hold a knife to her), Julian also did not put Alexis first, both Alexis and Sam have lied for these men. Sam recognizes that Alexis just can't turn off what she felt for Julian (she's just blind as to how destructive her relationship with SBJason was at times, like nobody aside from Joss saying Sonny is just as much if not more of a pig than Julian ever has been and that S&C have a sick, destructive relationship). 

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I wish Jason Burton wasn’t being such a martyr with Sam. I don’t think he should insist that Sam drop everything and be with him, but this noble “I’m glad you have two lovely kids” while he cries on the inside is annoying. It’s the St. Jasus crap the show loves. Ugh.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I really hate Sonny & Carly super OTT self righteousness. They were so smug with Jordan I wanted to scream. I can’t stand that FV gives them carte blanche to do and say anything to anyone they want.  

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I've said it before and I'll say it again - I really wish Jordan was a better, stronger character who would take even 50% less shit from Sonny and Carly.  Not that I need her to be all, "We're going after Sonny!" because that's a fool's game that's looked bad on a lot of characters, like my beloved Scotty, but more shutting these assholes up when they give her grief.

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17 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

more shutting these assholes up when they give her grief.

Jordan did get a good crack in when she sniped at Carly that Carly had already replaced "Jake Doe" with Jason. I enjoyed that. People need to do more of that to Sonny and Carly. And yeah, they need to give Jordan—any commissioner or person of authority, really—the ability to stand up to those two and not be mocked or sneered at.

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I thought Liz's jailhouse visit was possibly the best of the "seeing Burton Jason again" scenes.  It isn't because I was an old-time Liason fan, although I was, especially in their pre-SWSNBN period. It's because I thought the dialogue and the acting (hers, that is) caught the right note for how someone would act in that situation. She didn't know what to call him. She stumbled over what to call the other Jason, and then plowed ahead with "Jason." She ended the encounter by insisting that the Billy Miller Jason is really Jason, but the acting made it seem she didn't believe that. Everything leading up was clearly the intimacy of long history, people picking up just about where they left off. 

I thought they both did well with it, although it was her scene, really. He was more reactive.   

Of course, Liz's "Sam's husband whom I deceived is Jason! I still believe that!" is going to be interpreted both within and outside the show, by some, as Liz failing the fairy-tale test that Carly and Sonny passed with flying colors, because they just knew in the first instant. That means they're worthy of him! But her confusion was realistic to me, whereas Sonny's (stutter-barking and holding a gun on Burton Jason for most of the hour) was kind of over the top.  

Edited by Asp Burger
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I'm still not feeling the writing for Sam or KeMo's monotone voice

She's been doing that since day one. Whispery monotone. And nope, it ain't because of her "diving accident". I've known several people with hearing issues-at least one because of a near drowning related incident -and not a single one of them did the whisper talk like she does. They all spoke LOUDER than normal because they were, you know-hard of hearing. I don't know if she thinks it's sexy or what, but someone needs to tell her it's nothing but annoying.


I really hate Sonny & Carly super OTT self righteousness

Agreed, but Jason and Sam have always been like this, too. It's why I hate all four of them. Seriously, you murder for a living, or you cheer on your man who kills for power and money. Sit your butts down.  The show's fascination with these characters baffles me.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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1 hour ago, IWantCandy71 said:

She's been doing that since day one. Whispery monotone. And nope, it ain't because of her "diving accident". I've known several people with hearing issues-at least one because of a near drowning related incident -and not a single one of them did the whisper talk like she does. They all spoke LOUDER than normal because they were, you know-hard of hearing. I don't know if she thinks it's sexy or what, but someone needs to tell her it's nothing but annoying.

Her whole vibe is (I hate to use this phrase, because El Presidente threw it around a lot last year) "low-energy." Besides the vocal audibility issue, she's either sitting or lying down so much of the time. So many of her stories seem to be about struggling to be conscious, or being worn out and needing rest. She's always sighing in this tired, exasperated way, and moving around laboriously when there is any movement.  I guess they think they're writing to her strengths? Even when she gets involved in some kind of adventure, she's as likely as not to fall or get knocked out so she can be immobile. Then she can be in the hospital bed again for a while, and then back on the couch after her release.  

It's an odd case. I can't remember ever seeing a "tough chick" on any show being less dynamic than La McCall.   

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25 minutes ago, melody16 said:

Sam has become the type of character that has things done to her, rather than actually doing things.  That's why I find her to be a bore.  

She is constantly, CONSTANTLY, getting hurt and needing to be saved. It's pure insanity.

10 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

Of course, Liz's "Sam's husband whom I deceived is Jason! I still believe that!" is going to be interpreted both within and outside the show, by some, as Liz failing the fairy-tale test that Carly and Sonny passed with flying colors, because they just knew in the first instant. That means they're worthy of him!

I don't think it was a "worthy of Jason" thing. I honestly don't think that was the thought process in the writers room. Unfortunately, Sam and Liz's "confusion" is more about the show wanting to add a bit of drama and also prolong the beginning of the reveal. They didn't want everyone to just be like, "Yep, it's Real Jason!" It doesn't surprise me that Sonny and Carly and Michael were chosen to play the ones who knew instantly, though. 

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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

how much more lively KeMo is in real life and wondered why she's the way she is on GH lol.

That happens a lot. I think GH is sucking the soul out of every actor on it.

10 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

It doesn't surprise me that Sonny and Carly and Michael were chosen to play the ones who knew instantly, though. 

Has Michael seen Jason Burton?

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I know, I know, she doesn't belong on this show, but not gonna lie, seeing Nora in "Llanview" and hearing her on the phone with "Bo" and talking about a "burger from Rodi's" did the heart good.

Are we really supposed to believe it was the boys' idea, and not Franco's, that they bunk over at Audrey's for the night so he could have "alone time" with their mom?  Not.

More scenes of Michael blowing off steam alone because he has no friends.  And gawd, now Nelle's going to blackmail Maxie about Man Landers?  JUST STOP IT SHOW.

Poor Scotty, trying to talk some sense into his stupid son.

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3 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

She is constantly, CONSTANTLY, getting hurt and needing to be saved. It's pure insanity.

It wasn't that bad until this year. It's too bad they didn't know Burton was coming back for sure until June, because then they could have shelved a couple of the Sam in peril crap from earlier this year so by the time Jason Burton rescued her from the water it wouldn't have seemed so redundant.

4 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

She's always sighing in this tired, exasperated way, and moving around laboriously when there is any movement.

Her wardrobe didn't help that impression either.

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The inane, endless conversation between Maxie and Lulu - Lulu always dreamed of being an investigative reporter "like Bob Woodward or Jackie Templeton". Please, please tell me that was tongue-in-cheek from the writers.


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Oh, hey, Steve Burton's already got the front and center position in the show's opening theme. I would love to know what the rest of the cast thinks of that.

Jordan's incredulous reaction about Andre's involvement with the Jasons was perfection. Yeah, Jordan, it came out of nowhere, just roll with it.

Ask Man Landers hell already has too many players and elements, but sure, add Nelle and blackmail into the mix, it's not like I give a fuck about any of this anyway, get wild.

Please please PLEASE let this be the lie that will get Liz to stop tap dancing to the strains of "Franco Has Changed (Don't Look at Me Like That, I'm Being Serious)." He's concealing life altering information from multiple people all because his fragile insecure ego is threatened by Liz's history with Jason, and that's just inexcusable. It's not just Jason and Drew whose lives are being affected by Franco's lies, it's also kids like Jake, someone Franco claims to love and yet he can't summon up the decency to provide him with the truth about his father. Franco is beyond pathetic at this point, and if Liz just accepts this behavior and stays loyal to Franco then I will officially lose all hope for her character. 

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17 minutes ago, seasons said:

Lulu always dreamed of being an investigative reporter "like Bob Woodward or Jackie Templeton". Please, please tell me that was tongue-in-cheek from the writers.

That was a very unsubtle character pivot.

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12 minutes ago, Linny said:

Oh, hey, Steve Burton's already got the front and center position in the show's opening theme. I would love to know what the rest of the cast thinks of that.

Honestly, I doubt most of the cast knows what the credits even look like. Besides, the credits rotate.

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40 minutes ago, Linny said:

Please please PLEASE let this be the lie that will get Liz to stop tap dancing to the strains of "Franco Has Changed (Don't Look at Me Like That, I'm Being Serious)." He's concealing life altering information from multiple people all because his fragile insecure ego is threatened by Liz's history with Jason, and that's just inexcusable. It's not just Jason and Drew whose lives are being affected by Franco's lies, it's also kids like Jake, someone Franco claims to love and yet he can't summon up the decency to provide him with the truth about his father. Franco is beyond pathetic at this point, and if Liz just accepts this behavior and stays loyal to Franco then I will officially lose all hope for her character. 

With name changes, this paragraph could apply exactly to Liz's Big Lie about Jason/Jake Doe's identity.

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8 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

OGJason *whispers politely* : Franco plays mind games. You know that better than anyone.

NuJason: Don't talk to my wife like that!!


This sounds like a sitcom. Maybe I should re-try GH with that in mind... Hmm. Nah.

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On 11/11/2017 at 0:55 PM, Oracle42 said:

The writers are still in denial about the degree to which they have destroyed julexis

My problem is I'm just tired of Alexis protesting too much. And I don't know how the writers can fix that either. It's a soap, you can't exactly have Alexis go back to him and be like, "eh, screw it, I love him and that's that." But her "No I don't want Julian except oh I obviously do" shtick is irritating. Honestly I think it's partly NLG's performance. 

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2 hours ago, Linny said:

Jordan's incredulous reaction about Andre's involvement with the Jasons was perfection. Yeah, Jordan, it came out of nowhere, just roll with it.

Best part of the ep.

49 minutes ago, WendyCR72 said:

This sounds like a sitcom. Maybe I should re-try GH with that in mind... Hmm. Nah.

This is literally the only way to watch and stay relatively non-ragey and sane.

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Lulu has a long held dream to become an investigative reporter.  That is fine with me but I want to see her go to college and earn a degree first or at least take some writing classes.  Has she even attended a college class?  She will just walk into a reporter's position at Jason and Sam's new media empire.  You know like Michael walked into the CEO position at ELQ.

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On ‎11‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 11:00 PM, Darklazr said:

GH fans went apeshit when the show tried to name Sonny and Sam's kid after Lila Quartermaine and they chose not to use that name and went with "Baby Girl McCall."

It was weird when Skye had another Lila, and no one mentioned the first.

3 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

I know, I know, she doesn't belong on this show, but not gonna lie, seeing Nora in "Llanview" and hearing her on the phone with "Bo" and talking about a "burger from Rodi's" did the heart good.

Are we really supposed to believe it was the boys' idea, and not Franco's, that they bunk over at Audrey's for the night so he could have "alone time" with their mom?  Not.

More scenes of Michael blowing off steam alone because he has no friends.  And gawd, now Nelle's going to blackmail Maxie about Man Landers?  JUST STOP IT SHOW.

Poor Scotty, trying to talk some sense into his stupid son.

I wish I could say the same.  I could not stand Nora - ever.  A more self-righteous and judgmental person would be hard to find, yet she cheats on her husband and has a prolonged "who's the baby daddy" storyline, and also attempted to cover up the fact that her daughter murdered someone.  I just hate the character and I really resent having her forced on me here.  As much as I detest her, I will say that she would never, ever, represent a crime family.  She had enough integrity that she deliberately tanked Todd's case when she realized how bad he was, and almost lost her license.   She was my least favorite Buchanan in the history of OLTL, and that's saying a lot when you consider Asa was a major asshole.  And unlike most, I never enjoyed her on again, off again marriage to Bo.  At last she's not going by Nora Hanen Buchanan, which was ridiculous.

Edited by RedheadZombie
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9 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

As much as I detest her, I will say that she would never, ever, represent a crime family.  She had enough integrity that she deliberately tanked Todd's case when she realized how bad he was, and almost lost her license.  

But she represented Valentin (and Nina, which was equally ridiculous) in his custody fight with Lulu, and took Valentin's money to get Olivia Jerome in the mental facility instead of prison. 

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1 minute ago, LexieLily said:

But she represented Valentin (and Nina, which was equally ridiculous) in his custody fight with Lulu, and took Valentin's money to get Olivia Jerome in the mental facility instead of prison. 

I know!  And that was completely out of character as well.  She's being forced into the SL in a completely out of character way.  It's bad enough that she's here.  I still remember the day she appeared on OLTL - blech.  

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13 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

I know!  And that was completely out of character as well.  She's being forced into the SL in a completely out of character way.  It's bad enough that she's here.  I still remember the day she appeared on OLTL - blech.  

Not that it matters because it won't be brought up, but do we think Nora knew what she was getting herself into? Did Valentin lie to her re: Charlotte's conception/custody fight?

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

ordan's incredulous reaction about Andre's involvement with the Jasons was perfection. Yeah, Jordan, it came out of nowhere, just roll with it.

I thought her reaction was more, "I dated him for five minutes and it turns out he's a crazy pants?"


1 hour ago, WendyCR72 said:

OGJason *whispers politely* : Franco plays mind games. You know that better than anyone.

NuJason: Don't talk to my wife like that!!


I thought he said something "don't talk with such familiarity".  In other words, you shouldn't know what Sam knows about Franco so dont' talk to her like you do.  In other words, your pee pee is not bigger than mine damnit.  

3 hours ago, seasons said:

Especially compared to Alexis who seems so worn out.

In Alexis' defence NLG sounded like she had a wicked cold, so she probably felt like crap and it showed in her appearance.  

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33 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Not that it matters because it won't be brought up, but do we think Nora knew what she was getting herself into? Did Valentin lie to her re: Charlotte's conception/custody fight?

It's hard to tell because we got no insight at all into why Nora crossed state lines to take this case.  My personal fanwank is that Valentin did soft soap his criminal background, but who knows.

I've said it before and I'll say it one more time - my crackpot theory is that the OLTL lawyer meant to represent Valentin was Tea, but FloLo was busy.

Edited by TeeVee329
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2 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

OGJason *whispers politely* : Franco plays mind games. You know that better than anyone.

NuJason: Don't talk to my wife like that!!


Thanks, HeatLifer. I watched that scene because of this post.  It is hilarious, esp. "you're staking your claim!" Ummm, no that would be *you* BMJason, saying "my wife" to SBJason twice now instead of "Sam."  Any hint that SBJason and Sam have history and he's ready to fight. It's funny how much he hates Sam being comfortable around/not afraid of SBJason. Sam gets to play referee because BMJason has such a chip on his shoulder regarding an identity he didn't want not too long ago, lol. 

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3 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

It was weird when Skye had another Lila, and no one mentioned the first.

I wish I could say the same.  I could not stand Nora - ever.  A more self-righteous and judgmental person would be hard to find, yet she cheats on her husband and has a prolonged "who's the baby daddy" storyline, and also attempted to cover up the fact that her daughter murdered someone.  I just hate the character and I really resent having her forced on me here.  As much as I detest her, I will say that she would never, ever, represent a crime family.  She had enough integrity that she deliberately tanked Todd's case when she realized how bad he was, and almost lost her license.   She was my least favorite Buchanan in the history of OLTL, and that's saying a lot when you consider Asa was a major asshole.  And unlike most, I never enjoyed her on again, off again marriage to Bo.  At last she's not going by Nora Hanen Buchanan, which was ridiculous.

AMC's Skye Chandler should have never been allowed to name her kid after Lila Quartermaine and this still pisses me off.  Emily, Jason, AJ, Ned, Dillon or Michael should have had first dibs on naming their child after Lila.

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On 11/11/2017 at 10:24 AM, Bringonthedrama said:

 I want to see Jason feel like shit because his son had cancer and he wasn't there for his son or Sam.  Again...because he chose serving Sonny/their 'business' over family.

I don't really post regularly anymore, but when Jason and Sonny were together in the safehouse, Jason told Sonny he would never leave him, and all I could think was how this man lost 5 years of his life because of the work he does, lost out on being Dany's father, Jake's return, Scout being almost his daughter (as he put it), and still he doesn't get it. Dude, you lost 5 years of your life because you would not leave Sonny.

And Carly and Sonny, there are just no words for how douchey those two are. They suck, all 3 of them.

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2 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

I don't really post regularly anymore, but when Jason and Sonny were together in the safehouse, Jason told Sonny he would never leave him, and all I could think was how this man lost 5 years of his life because of the work he does, lost out on being Dany's father, Jake's return, Scout being almost his daughter (as he put it), and still he doesn't get it. Dude, you lost 5 years of your life because you would not leave Sonny.

And Carly and Sonny, there are just no words for how douchey those two are. They suck, all 3 of them.

I would rather Jason stay in the mob, because the constant back and forth by Sonny, Julian and Andrew has gotten old, fast.  Jason at least knows that no one on GH really stays away from mob life.

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17 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

I don't really post regularly anymore, but when Jason and Sonny were together in the safehouse, Jason told Sonny he would never leave him, and all I could think was how this man lost 5 years of his life because of the work he does, lost out on being Dany's father, Jake's return, Scout being almost his daughter (as he put it), and still he doesn't get it. Dude, you lost 5 years of your life because you would not leave Sonny.

And Carly and Sonny, there are just no words for how douchey those two are. They suck, all 3 of them.

So true, although at the time they were in the safehouse, he didn't yet know about Scout.  Speaking of how awful they are, I'm wondering whether to expect Carly to go to Sam within the next week and demand that she dump BMJason for SBJason 'because I know you know the truth, Sam' OR to expect she'll pressure/demand that Liz bring Jake to Casa Corinthos for Thanksgiving because 'Jason deserves to see his son for the holiday', and she'll do the same to Sam re: Danny.  Her line to BMJason would be a half-assed "I'm so sorry, I'm not trying to hurt you, but you're just not their dad." I anticipate this because of the time when she told Liz  she was on her way to see Diane because 'you're going to share custody with Jason."

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46 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

 Any hint that SBJason and Sam have history and he's ready to fight. It's funny how much he hates Sam being comfortable around/not afraid of SBJason. Sam gets to play referee because BMJason has such a chip on his shoulder regarding an identity he didn't want not too long ago, lol. 

It's the same with Franco -- he doesn't want to reveal the identity of the real Jason because he's afraid Liz is going to dump him for Jason.

Because SBJason is such a prize.  Not.

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1 hour ago, LexieLily said:

Not that it matters because it won't be brought up, but do we think Nora knew what she was getting herself into? Did Valentin lie to her re: Charlotte's conception/custody fight?

I don't even know. I was so disgusted by seeing her. 

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1 hour ago, Darklazr said:

I would rather Jason stay in the mob, because the constant back and forth by Sonny, Julian and Andrew has gotten old, fast.  Jason at least knows that no one on GH really stays away from mob life.

I wasn't talking about the back and forth as much as yeah, we know Jason would never leave Sonny. And him staying with Sonny means that he'll be with Carly who has to have whatever needs satisfied, and there's Michael. Jason will never prioritize anyone over Sonny and his brood.

And I know how this sounds since Jake and Dany seem to spend more time with the Qs than they do their actual parents.

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