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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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And apparently, even if you get crossed OFF the list, you are able to be put back ON the list.


Plus, everyone on it is living in Port Charles, and it's very easy to see them whenever Nina wants.


Well, except Magda.  You know her, the woman mostly responsible for what happened to Nina?  The one Nina actually had no hand in getting revenge on? 

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So Patrick's playing with cute little Danny gave him yet another chance to wax poetic about the loss of his "little boy", not that he spent more than half a day even wanting the kid but I digress.


Yet the mother of his daughter and his still current wife has been snatched and smuggled away to places unknown, but Patrick is just so sure Robin's "free will" has not been compromised at all so he has no reason to be worried/concerned or attempting to bring Emma's Mommy back home in one piece.


No, he's too busy making googly eyes at Sam while trying to figure out this great mystery of who ran him off the road...which has absolutely nothing at all to do with Robin or her situation or Victor or Santa Claus or Baby Jesus or Tom Cruise, or any other of those mystical beings that just make things happen out of nowhere with no forewarning...


GTFO Ron, about everything, just GTFO.

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I don't buy Maxie's sudden grown-up insights at all except as stupid plot points towards moving into couplehood with Nathan. His confessions of feelings toward her will come back and bite him in the butt in the future when her brainless childish behavior causes him grief like it did to Mac and Felicia (those over-permissive and indulgent parents). No matter what she says, Nathan is really just fresh meat for Maxie's bed. She is incapable of real mature love and a relationship. Nathan should take a good long look at her inconsistent but mostly lazy and indifferent behavior towards her own child.




Maxie never learns - she admits she did wrong and she's horrible.  And whoever else is around insists she's not.  So she does not mature.  


I get that Molly hates Julian, I don't blame her for it.    But she is such a brat.  She should have waited until Danny was out of the room before screaming, poor new-kid actor looked truly stricken when she started shrieking.   And it's SAM'S home.  Not yours, Molly.  And Sam allowed Julian to come and see his grandson.  Ugh, I can't deal with her sometimes. 



She's annoying in this story line, since from her POV, she does not know really what happened, and why should Julian change his story?  I get it's supposed to show her devotion to her father, but it's a bit over the top.  Julian I thought might be about to tell her though.  Though he could never convince her to keep it a secret, unless he can convince her Ric would be in danger if anyone knew.  

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I really shouldn't watch this show in HD because the faces I don't find attractive become that much more unattractive in such close detail.

This is part of my problem with the sets & actors. I always watch in HD & it is bad.

Sabrina trying to be a "bad ass" is like watching a kitten swipe its paw and try to growl. Seriously it isn't as if I adore Ava but really why didn't she just take a IV pole and knock her ass first out of the window? Honestly.

Great minds think alike. I was picturing a runt kitten going up against a lioness.

Loved Jordan throwing Felix's attitude right back at him. Ugh, I hate the way people fawn over Sonny & company but get haught & nasty with members of the opposing big evul mob.

Did they really need to spend that much time with Nina & her damn list at the end. How many times & ways did she need to say Sam could go back on the list.

STFU, Kaka. I'm come to the conclusion that one of the reasons they had Ava, participate in Crypt sex was to have her do something worse to Morgan than Kaka. These asshat PTB are truly trying to make Kaka happen.

SamTrick is where TIIC should have gone instead of Purina & SiAmbien. I like them even thou, Patrick is still a tool.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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I don't think Molly has acted so badly. As far as she knows, Julian is responsible for the death of her father. Her hatred of Julian is honestly earned, IMO. She didn't know Julian would be there (and vice versa), so yelling at him to leave isn't too out of line to me, Sam's apartment or not.


It cracks me up when people say that the characters are behaving inappropriately in front of infants. It's not as if Rocco will understand any of it. I'm not sure Danny is old enough to understand, either. As characters or as the little actors themselves.

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To be fair to Kiki, she did apologize that she was out of line. And then she immediately lost me by once again pimping Franco and Carly. Nobody likes him except you, and their reasons are really damn valid, so GET OVER IT.


Kiki and Felix should be friends, and judge and interfere in situations they know nothing about together.

Edited by ulkis
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Why didn't Jordan slap the "sass" out of Felix? Seriously, with all of the shade he was throwing at her she should have clocked him good.

I so totally wanted her to shove him up against the wall and inform the little snot that she's a DEA agent and if he doesn't shut it she'll toss his sorry asss in jail.  

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Kiki really went over the line today by trying to get Morgan to bond with Ava's unborn baby. I am surprised that she is not talking to Patrick to find out how to get Morgan a court order for fetal visitation for a fetus that may or may not be his.

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Patrick looks like the ultimate hypocrite in the Patrick/Sam Love Saga of 2014.


So Robin's connection with Jason is bothersome, but he doesn't care about Sam's? He can talk to Sam about Jason all day long and still hold some kind of attraction/romantic feelings for her, but with Robin GAME OVER? I can't.


There's also something that rubs me the wrong way seeing Patrick play with Danny after he told Robin that he didn't give a crap if Jason ever came back to his son and wife.


I also think Patrick should be spending all his time with his daughter, especially since her mother is gone at the moment and she just found out her parents are getting divorced. But, yet, Emma is always with Liz. Um.


In the end, I wish they had tried pairing Sam/Patrick under a different storyline and different circumstances.

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One thing that today's episode proved was that Ava has never experienced labor pains. She could have had a scheduled C-section with Kiki but I doubt it. Kiki is definitely coma baby. She and the Nina totally deserve each other.

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Patrick looks like the ultimate hypocrite




To me that just seems to be his default setting. Since his arrival that's how he's behaved, especially in his relationship with Robin. It's as if he refuses to put himself in anyone else's position to think about how they might feel if the roles were reversed.


Patrick is all about what works for Patrick, and it doesn't even have to be that way. Watching him with Danny today was just irksome for me.



Did they really need to spend that much time with Nina & her damn list at the end. How many times & ways did she need to say Sam could go back on the list.




I'm beginning to think that Ron has the Nina fawning over "the list" all the time because even he forgets who the hell she's supposed to be "so mad at" most of the time. It's almost as pathetic as the Nina is herself.




Although...now that I'm thinking about it, perhaps Shawn will screw up an order of BLTs for the Nina and she'll whip out "the list" from her bra pocket and scribble down his name and then he'll soon be found face down in the fryer.


I admit I wouldn't mind that outcome, at all.

Edited by CPP83
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So I still have an attachment and affinity to GH -- the GH I know and love, and the potential it could be.  But, I find no enjoyment from Ron's GH. There's no "humanity" in his storylines. Characters walk through romances like they're zombies, or sociopaths pretending to be in love, but having no idea how to go about. 



You had me at no humanity. That is absolutely correct. The characters are disconnected from each other, and we're disconnected from them. Sad. 



Kiki and Felix should be friends, and judge and interfere in situations they know nothing about together.

And get flicked in the throat when they piss everyone off. Line forms behind me. 

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I started out with the show today, but after seeing who was in the intro segment,  I just couldn't.  Sounds like I didn't miss anything.


I enjoyed today, but then I like seeing Morgan. And it's a nice break from diving for the FF button when Stavros appears on my screen.

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Solely for the purposes of making Patrick pull his head out of his ass, I would like Victor to spirit Emma away to the lab and lock her up with Robin, leaving behind a note that says:

"I warned your wife and now I'm warning you - your daughter is gone now because you refused to leave my lab when Robin told you to."

(This has the added bonus of letting Robin hang out with her kid finally)

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There's also something that rubs me the wrong way seeing Patrick play with Danny after he told Robin that he didn't give a crap if Jason ever came back to his son and wife.

I also think Patrick should be spending all his time with his daughter, especially since her mother is gone at the moment and she just found out her parents are getting divorced. 


Maybe he should spend a little more time with Emma since he admitted today that he didn't know if she liked to play with cars since he'd never asked her.  I could normally give a dad a pass on not knowing things about his children. But, one would think that Patdick might have spent a little bit more time than he apparently has playing with his daughter and learning things about her since he has become, albeit involuntarily, the only parent in her life. 



ETA: I know it's probably only a line that was put in there to facilitate bonding with Sam and a boy child, but it's irritating, nonetheless. Nothing occurs on this show without a female losing something. Unless you're Kiki, maybe.

Edited by rur
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I enjoyed today, but then I like seeing Morgan. And it's a nice break from diving for the FF button when Stavros appears on my screen.


And I dive for the FF button whenever Nina pops up on my screen.  After last week, I think I wore out the button.  LOL

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Julian is still in the mob, framed her father and has, for all anyone knows, gotten Ric killed. I think he and Alexis have worked out and that there is potential there with better writing, but I really don't care how Molly treats the dude. (And I want Ric back for Liz, something I never thought I'd say.)


RKK's delivery is so fucking insane. He reached almost a Mariah Carey/Jim Carrey falsetto the other day with ER and I had to go back and watch it again. "Sooo liiittt's get STAHHHHRRR-TTTTEEDDDD SHALL WEEEEEEE-IIIEEEEE??!!" What? This is the Frank Valentini style in full effect. Too much is never enough!

Edited by jsbt
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Kiki really went over the line today by trying to get Morgan to bond with Ava's unborn baby. I am surprised that she is not talking to Patrick to find out how to get Morgan a court order for fetal visitation for a fetus that may or may not be his.

I truly expected her to say, "Don't you want to bond with your brother or sister, or son or daughter, before the birth? This kid deserves to feel it's brother or dad's love now, regardless of how you feel about your ex-girlfriend slash ex-mother-in-law...what?  Why are you guys looking at me funny?!"  

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Maybe he should spend a little more time with Emma since he admitted today that he didn't know if she liked to play with cars since he'd never asked her.  I could normally give a dad a pass on not knowing things about his children. But, one would think that Patdick might have spent a little bit more time than he apparently has playing with his daughter and learning things about her since he has become, albeit involuntarily, the only parent in her life.




I'm surprised Patrick didn't just clutch his man pearls and look at Sam in horror/shock/horror aghast/aghast shock that she would even think that a beautiful little princess girly girl like Emma would dare even touch a car, toy or otherwise, because that's all "boy" stuff. And really she needs to focus on pinning down a future husband so she won't have to turn into a dried up, old maid at 23, like say Kiki, with no man or baby to complete her world and give her some semblance of self-worth in life.


I'd call Ron the ultimate male chauvinistic pig but that doesn't seem insulting enough for how he writes females, at any age.


These ass backwards gender laws he seems so desperate to adhere to are infuriatingly insulting! If girls wear glasses and pull their hair back into ponytails they're cute, virginal geeks but if they get contacts and let their hair down they turn into super sexy babes with "sexual history", and having a baby is a must, an absolute must, to feel like a whole woman and if they aren't fighting/acting like "catty bitches" over a man then they may as well not even be alive. And men are given a pass for being jerks and cheaters and liars and all around horrible assholes because without them the poor womens would only have cats and "lists" to keep them cozy at night.


My disgust is almost causing a rage blackout...

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I just find Kiki's whole "I want someone who will treat you right, Morgan!" attitude ridiculous considering the way she herself treated him during their relationship and subsequent breakup/immediate hopping into bed with his brother.

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I like how Michael told Rosalie Kiki and Morgan were over before they officially ended. In a way, yes, he's right, but it's like, dude, you might have helped make it that way just a little bit.

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I'd call Ron the ultimate male chauvinistic pig but that doesn't seem insulting enough…

These ass backwards gender laws he seems so desperate to adhere to are infuriatingly insulting…

My disgust is almost causing a rage blackout...


Understood, CPP83. Let's head out to the barge for their extended happy hour. After we're sufficiently lubricated, we can shoot skeet. All of the discs have Ron's face painted on them. 

Edited by rur
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Jasus take the wheel . . . and stear the car in Felix and Kiki's direction. Someone seriously needs to go all Ray Rice on those stupid delusional motherfuckers!

Edited by Tiger
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To me that just seems to be his default setting. Since his arrival that's how he's behaved, especially in his relationship with Robin. It's as if he refuses to put himself in anyone else's position to think about how they might feel if the roles were reversed.


Patrick is all about what works for Patrick, and it doesn't even have to be that way. Watching him with Danny today was just irksome for me.

One major thing I liked about Robin/Patrick back in the day was that Robin never let him get away with his crap. I don't believe there's another woman on the show that has filled that role, however, since 2012. Every female character paired with Patrick thinks he's God's gift to women and the perfect male specimen. So much gag right there.


What makes me laugh throughout this whole storyline, though, is that while Patrick is only really thinking about Sam right now, on the other end of the spectrum, Sam is thinking about THREE men. She gets Silas flashbacks, reminisces about Jason and ends the day flirting with Patrick. Geez-us.


Maybe he should spend a little more time with Emma since he admitted today that he didn't know if she liked to play with cars since he'd never asked her.  I could normally give a dad a pass on not knowing things about his children. But, one would think that Patdick might have spent a little bit more time than he apparently has playing with his daughter and learning things about her since he has become, albeit involuntarily, the only parent in her life. 



ETA: I know it's probably only a line that was put in there to facilitate bonding with Sam and a boy child, but it's irritating, nonetheless. Nothing occurs on this show without a female losing something. Unless you're Kiki, maybe.

That line was ridiculous, but I guess I should be grateful that he didn't say something like, "Robin hates race cars! Robin bad! You good!"

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Kiki really went over the line today by trying to get Morgan to bond with Ava's unborn baby.

It's so she doesn't feel uncomfortable about it, I'm sure. Same with wanting Michael and Morgan to not hate Franco.


OMG, if I hear one more "Ava is having a baby when I had to bury mine," I'll scream. First Nina, now Sabrina. Having babies is no indication of a woman's worth. Gah.


Shut up, Lauren. Stop telling people how they shouid feel. Ugh.


Shut up, Felix. Take your sanctimonious self elsewhere.


LOL at Sabrina's "Only for the moment, Ava," like the big deal was calling Ava by her first name.

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I have never seen RKK at work before, and after the first scene, I was astonished.  Has he always been this bad?


No.  I loved him on AW as Sam Fowler.  But when it comes to GH, he's always been pretty bad in this role.  He was more than a little over the top when McTavish brought him on in 2000, but his return in 2013 was really OTT and this time, I don't think there's a gage on how completely OTT and horrible he is.  

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I have never seen RKK at work before, and after the first scene, I was astonished.  Has he always been this bad?


Not IMO.


He was campy last time and in his ridiculous first stint in 2001, no doubt, but that is the role to a certain extent - he is playing an unfrozen psychopath from 1983. He still had a lot of menace and presence (and, it must be said, dark sexuality) both times, and he elevated some of his terrible material in '01. He was pretty good in his brief appearance last year IMO, but that was somewhat better written - and very quick. This time he is just silly. We do know FV loves stuff to be played very big, so I wonder where this is coming from.


I vaguely recall Guza's team writing for RKK's Stavros once or twice in a couple dream/fantasy episodes - the one I remember was Nikolas's nightmare, and the other I think was Luke's lame Christmas thing that I didn't really watch. I remember finding the nightmare pretty creepy and well done, but I haven't seen that material in years.

Edited by jsbt
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OMG, if I hear one more "Ava is having a baby when I had to bury mine," I'll scream. First Nina, now Sabrina. Having babies is no indication of a woman's worth. Gah.



I don't want to defend anything on this show, but, I don't take either woman's complaints about Ava as a statement that having a baby is an indication of a woman's worth.  However, both lost babies that they very much wanted, and both have reasons to resent Ava (or believe they do at this point in time).  I can see Sabrina's anger a little more than Nina's, because Sabrina, as of now, believes (with good reason, given that she knows that Ava threatened her to get Carlos to stay in line) that Ava was directly responsible for her losing her baby, so seeing her now having her own would sting.  I'm still not sure what Nina knows about everything her mother did (since I can't pay full attention to Nina scenes), but even if she knows that her mother was the one responsible for her coma and the loss of her baby, she still resents Ava for being part of the problem with her marriage to Silas, and Ava went on to have Silas's baby and is now having another baby.  

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I don't take either woman's complaints about Ava as a statement that having a baby is an indication of a woman's worth.  However, both lost babies that they very much wanted, and both have reasons to resent Ava (


Nina and Sabrina definitely don't think Ava deserves to be pregnant—isn't that a measure of worth?


I don't disagree that Sabrina thinks she has a reason to resent Ava, but just because Sabrina lost her baby doesn't mean Ava should lose her. I'm kind of surprised Sabrina was so cold to Ava's real pain. Does Sabrina really think Ava's baby should pay for Ava's mistakes? Sabrina doesn't strike me as a tit-for-tat person. Someone should tell her that having Sonny as a father or grandfather will be punishment enough for that baby.

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Nina and Sabrina definitely don't think Ava deserves to be pregnant—isn't that a measure of worth?



To me, there's a huge difference between being pissed and saying "why does the woman who was likely responsible for my baby's death get to have a baby?" and saying that a woman's worth is based on whether she has a baby or not.  I don't think either is saying that the measure of a woman's worth is whether she has a baby, they're just saying that, in this instance, they begrudge this specific woman getting the thing they feel she contributed to them losing, which happens to be a baby. 


I mean, if your neighbor destroys your car, and then she goes out and buys herself a new car while you sit without one, and you get pissed and say "where does she get off getting a new car when she destroyed mine?" I don't think you're saying that having a car is an indicator of a woman's worth. 

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The continuity on this show really bugs me. Sam and Patrick were speaking with Spencer BEFORE school now it is night and they acted like they just left him and are processing. That really throws me off and out of the story. Then they acted like Silas had just talked to Sam that morning though all that happened at the hospital BEFORE she was at breakfast with Spencer. Why would she have been to see Silas before 8 am or that he would be giving a patient, obviously not an inpatient in the hospital, good news before office hours???


Secondly this Aunt Liz stuff with Emma and Cameron really bothers me. I could understand the "Aunt" Liz b/c of being such a good family friend, but normally when that happens any kids of the family also are almost like real cousins or siblings b/c of the whole family being close thing. So let's see Emma is Cameron's "girlfriend" to the point these kids are in some horrible "adult child" triangle but Emma is spending the night with Cameron???? ugh that just doesn't seem appropriate. Patrick is so caught up in trying to get in Sam's vajayjay that he just shrugs off his daughter on a school night after the first day of school??? Not to mention how upset she was just that morning about her mother.


I mean these are small things that should be better planned.

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Honestly, at that age, I wouldn't have a problem with a sleepover.  Well, correction, I'd have a problem with a co-ed sleepover with Spencer involved.  Because Ron has that kid trying to be a mini-Hefner.  But I think the Cameron/Emma thing is relatively innocent.  As long as they're not sleeping in the same bed, I wouldn't see it as an issue.  As for the relationship with respect to Liz being "Aunt Liz," I don't think it's that uncommon for kids who grow up with their families being close to end up in a relationship at some point in time.  I know of at least one couple who started out as the kids of two really close friends who ended up dating all through high school and are now married.   I just don't see it as being icky in any way in general.  (And, again, I think the ickiest part of the kiddie triangle is, by far, Spencer.  Emma calling Liz "aunt" doesn't even enter into the conversation for me versus the ick of everything Spencer.) 

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Does anyone think this baby will come out looking like Chucky. After all it was hatched in a crypt


And how sad is that the kid looking like Chucky would be several HUGE steps up from resembling Mini-moobster, Orange Glow.

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I would be oddly fascinated to watch a Nina/Stavros scene.  Throw in Sonny for good measure, and it could be the single most absurd scene ever recorded.


It would be the only time I would be down with Steve Burton coming back for an episode.  Think of it:


NINA:  ::Repeats everything twice, flails:

SONNY:  ::Stutterbarks at everyone::

STAVROS:  ::Twirls mustache and says LINES REALLY LOUD IN A HIGH-PITCHED VOICE!!!!::


Long pause...


JASON:  ::Blink::


Kiki and Felix should be friends, and judge and interfere in situations they know nothing about together.


I can see both these characters functioning as a "talk-to" character that other people confide in*, but Kiki especially constantly butts in and pontificates on situations she knows nothing about.


* - Except that Kristina would be a much more natural fit for what Kiki is doing (except for the romances, of course).


Patrick looks like the ultimate hypocrite in the Patrick/Sam Love Saga of 2014.


To me that just seems to be his default setting.


Ditto.  It's like every single thing he does is transparently self-serving. 


Solely for the purposes of making Patrick pull his head out of his ass, I would like Victor to spirit Emma away to the lab and lock her up with Robin, leaving behind a note that says:

"I warned your wife and now I'm warning you - your daughter is gone now because you refused to leave my lab when Robin told you to."

(This has the added bonus of letting Robin hang out with her kid finally)


... and six months later, Patrick finally lifts his head from between Sam's breasts and goes, "Wait, I have a daughter?"

Edited by yowsah1
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And apparently, even if you get crossed OFF the list, you are able to be put back ON the list.




Does she at least have white out?  Once those lines are through the names, all bets are off.  Unless you have white out.  You really don't want the list to get too messy, with cross outs, and adding back names.


She should learn to use the i-list application on her phone.  Viola!  It's fantastic for grocery lists, errands, and the occasional list of those who have wronged you.  I actually have a list like that on mine.  Ron is the only one on it.  ;)

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Since this is The Nina THE NINA we know WE KNOW that with her list WITH HER LIST and now mentioning Christmas MENTIONING CHRISTMAS that she's checking it twice CHECKING IT TWICE.  For chrissake, do they pay this creature more to say every freakin' thing twice???  So since saying it twice is obviously the way to go, let me honor that by saying SHE SUCKS SHE SUCKS.

MS and Kristen Alderson really have a lot in common.  No matter the show, no matter the character, they are utterly incapable of any nuance at all.  MS is playing Nina is playing Phyllis.  KA is playing Kiki is playing Starr.  And apparently that's just fine with the show runners.


There was a little pleasure today, watching Morgan verbally beat down the garden gnome when she opened her gaping maw and started lecturing him on THE BABY.  And then there was a bit more when Jordan turned the tables on Miss Thing, making Felix wet his undies just a little.  I want more of that, please.


I know Rosalie has a good number of fans but I'm not one of them.  I know that this is Port Charles where normal rules of human interaction don't apply, but talking to Michael the way she did, trying to insinuate that his garden gnome was cheating on him - a normal person (which I know Michael is not) would have told her to STFU and walked off, especially since this was a first meeting.  

I just don't see the charm with Rosalie, and don't have any interest, but it might be different if she wasn't so tied to THE NINA THE NINA.  That pretty much ruins everything.

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I go hot and cold on Rosalie. Last appearance she bugged me and today she was okay. I was kinda charmed by how excited she was to get a call from Morgan but then she started manipulating Michael I was cold on her again. She needs to drop Nina.

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I have never seen RKK at work before, and after the first scene, I was astonished. Has he always been this bad?

I was not watching DOOL when he was substitute Bo, but his first go-round as Stavros was terrible, his second much worse (I tried to watch for awhile, but no) and this time I started FFing about halfway through his first scene. I believe in real-life he runs an airport or something, let him go back to that and get him off my screen.

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I was not watching DOOL when he was substitute Bo, but his first go-round as Stavros was terrible, his second much worse (I tried to watch for awhile, but no) and this time I started FFing about halfway through his first scene. I believe in real-life he runs an airport or something, let him go back to that and get him off my screen.


As the replacement Bo, RKK wasn't actually bad* and gained fans with his pairing with Lisa Rinna's Billie Reed. But then Kristian Alfonso returned as Hope and she and RKK had little chemistry and Peter Reckell was available...


* RKK wasn't bad at the acting part. The alleged behavior behind the scenes of Days, however, likely made it that much easier to bring back Peter Reckell. And he had quite the rumored reputation during his first stint as Sam Fowler on Another World, too...

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Does she at least have white out? Once those lines are through the names, all bets are off. Unless you have white out. You really don't want the list to get too messy, with cross outs, and adding back names. ;)

The list thing was tiresome at the end, but the part that made me laugh was earlier in the episode when she said something to "Ro" (god I hate the way she shortens names, Si, J) about how it was now Kiki's turn to "feel her wrath." What?? She has brought her wrath down on Sam and Silas? Neither of them seems particularly bothered.

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