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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Within the span of five minutes Sam and Jason decide to leave town to get away from the violence that's been a regular occurrence in their lives for years. I mean...ok...I could understand them wanting to get away if this weren't something Jelly randomly pulled out of their ass. They have a kid and another one on the way so it makes sense why they want to leave, but there was absolutely no buildup to this. And this is a major life decision that should've been discussed over multiple days or weeks instead of a few scenes. 

If Griffin wants to protect the Lante ***** he needs to keep her away from Anna. 

I don't feel bad for Maxie. 

STFU Sonny. 

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Does Jason not remember all the times he literally threatened, nay promised to murder all of the various people in his life?  Does he not recall that Fair Samantha was indeed a con woman who traveled with something something blah blah for years?   Gah.   She's Sam.  She can kick ass.  She should be kicking ass.  And he killed people for money.   Like... no.  Lol.  No.  Also, Jason, do you not remember when the mob came to town and eventually destroyed your family?  You encouraged this.  You joined forced with Sonny.  You made this bed, so lie in it.  

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Two thoughts after last episode swirled through the rim of my brain.  The first is as follows:  Although, the script's emphasis of late is to concentrate on whether or not Sonny put the bomb in the car - it really doesn't matter at this point.  Why hasn't he been arrested already?  It's not like he hasn't been traipsing around Port Charles threatening to kill Julian for years.  To think that there are plenty of people who support Corinthos family as anything more than a stain on Port Charles is just plain sad.

The second  - nuLulu seemed to really be happy in her scenes with Laura in Friday's episode.  Well at least if Laura is going from having scenes in a castle to having scenes in closet-sized set of a NAIL SALON, the wall paper is interesting to look at (as is the wall paper in Maxie's apartment).

ETA:   Yet another thing that this show brings out the worst - my grammar. 

Edited by sunnyface
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Besides getting away from the violence, Jason might finally realize that he needs to get away from the clinging sexy embraces of Carly. How often does she fling herself into his arms like a child or an excited lover, then rub up against him and kiss his face? Now that he has a growing family, Jason has decided to put some boundaries up for cougar Carly.

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15 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

As someone that has shipped JaSam from the start, I just can't with this version. The writers are doing everything to make them boring and completely irrelevant. 

I think the problem right now is a combination of things. They don't show Sam or Jason in any work setting. Jason, in particular, doesn't have a job and hasn't even expressed an interest in doing anything. Everytime JaSam are together, they're talking about other people's problems and what that person should do. They don't have problems or issues themselves, apparently. They don't argue or really disagree on a thing. They believe the mob is unsafe and they need to get away from Sonny, even though Jason CONTRIBUTED to the violence for decades and LOVED his job. And, actually, it's fine to progress to that opinion, but you have to acknowledge the past. Like, "Oops, maybe we were wrong before." Or, "When I 'died,' I realized it wasn't worth it." And, "When you 'died,' I realized I don't like the mob. It was dumb and we were wrong."

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12 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

Jason to Carly: You need to stick by Sonny! 

Because he won't recover without her. I had to snicker at that. Poor fragile Sonny, he blew up his son and needs his wife to help him deal. Everyone seems to forget that Morgan's death was Sonny's fault (at least as far as we know). Sonny isn't owed any support.

12 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

They have a kid and another one on the way so it makes sense why they want to leave, but there was absolutely no buildup to this. And this is a major life decision that should've been discussed over multiple days or weeks instead of a few scenes. 

Not to mention, this is very different reaction than SBu's Jason would have, and Sam doesn't say boo about it. Gah.

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21 hours ago, Sake614 said:

who waits THREE WEEKS to bury someone?

Hey Jason? Sonny should NEVEr forgive himself.

Maybe we can get lucky and Sonny will jump into Morgans grave,and they can just bury him right threr.

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Bwhahahaahah!  The "so called ride and die chicks and mob molls" aka Carly and Sam are crybaby wimps.  These two women spent their entire tenure on this show sniffing Jason and Sonny's crotches and now they're "scared" of the mob violence?!  LMAO!  Jason went from fierce mob hitman to barely able to talk above a whisper and looks constipated in all of his scenes with Sam.

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4 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

I think the problem right now is a combination of things. They don't show Sam or Jason in any work setting. Jason, in particular, doesn't have a job and hasn't even expressed an interest in doing anything. Everytime JaSam are together, they're talking about other people's problems and what that person should do. They don't have problems or issues themselves, apparently. They don't argue or really disagree on a thing. They believe the mob is unsafe and they need to get away from Sonny, even though Jason CONTRIBUTED to the violence for decades and LOVED his job. And, actually, it's fine to progress to that opinion, but you have to acknowledge the past. Like, "Oops, maybe we were wrong before." Or, "When I 'died,' I realized it wasn't worth it." And, "When you 'died,' I realized I don't like the mob. It was dumb and we were wrong."

I haven't been paying enough attention to know the answer to the question:  Did Jason recover his memory, at least, of his Jason Morgan years?  Does current Jason know he used to be a hitman?

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Did Jason recover his memory, at least, of his Jason Morgan years?  Does current Jason know he used to be a hitman?

Yes.  Despite his words, he doesn't seem to have any problem living off of his ill-begotten gains.

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I can agree with most of what has been said about Jasam but I have a different perspective on it.
Most of what lead to Jasam deciding to leave happened off-screen where all of their important talks happen. Like Jason finding out Danny had cancer and what Sam did while Jason was thought to be dead for 3 years. I don't even think they are really leaving because of the mob violence. They are leaving because Jason is tired of Sonny's fuck shit. There is no mob in Port Charles. It is just a pissing contest between Sonny and whomever he decides to act mad about any given day. His current target is Julian. Jason has been given a second chance at life with the woman he loves and his kids. He sees what he missed out on cleaning up Sonny's messes. I am actually impressed that he is finally putting his family first.

I am glad the name Jake didn't come out of Jasam's mouth Friday. He can stay with his mom and his best friend Franco. It isn't like he lives with Jason on a full time basis. He will still see him the same amount of time he always has.

With that being said, I doubt Sam and Jason get to leave Port Charles forever anyway. Jelly is all about plot points. Jasam leaving town is just the setup for whatever fuckery they plan on pulling with Sam's baby.

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5 hours ago, dr. gailey said:

Most of what lead to Jasam deciding to leave happened off-screen where all of their important talks happen. 

It would have been nice to actually see those scenes on screen, but I guess getting more repetitive and unnecessary scenes from Sonny/Ava/Julian/Kiki/Lulu/Maxie/Tree/Claud/Anna/Nina/Freako/Liez/Nelly was more important. 

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On 10/21/2016 at 11:16 PM, ciarra said:

Wait, what?  Sam's baby is kicking already?  Hasn't she only been pregnant for like, a minute?

But Sam is so buff that she has abdominal muscles like Spanx, doncha know.   Her belly will be the size of a grapefruit on the day she delivers.  And, no, the baby would not be  'kicking' at this stage.  Maybe she could feel a slight blip - like a gas bubble - but nothing that Jason could have been feeling with his hand on her tummy.  There are actual women in charge of this show, aren't there?  Jeez louise.  I can suspend belief for some things (like SORASing, because I have to. )  But feeling big strong baby kicks at what - two, three months? - is just ignorant writing.  I was going to include the word 'research' somewhere in that sentence, but that never happens on this show.

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18 hours ago, Darklazr said:

Bwhahahaahah!  The "so called ride and die chicks and mob molls" aka Carly and Sam are crybaby wimps.  These two women spent their entire tenure on this show sniffing Jason and Sonny's crotches and now they're "scared" of the mob violence?!  LMAO!  Jason went from fierce mob hitman to barely able to talk above a whisper and looks constipated in all of his scenes with Sam.

This! Yet Carly and Liez seem to be willing to take Jason any way they can get him; they're always ready for close and sexy times with him. They don't seem to have noticed how Jason changed almost literally into Sam's other half. Jasam's habit of dressing in all black makes them seem even less differentiated as separate individuals.

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8 hours ago, dr. gailey said:

I am glad the name Jake didn't come out of Jasam's mouth Friday. He can stay with his mom and his best friend Franco. It isn't like he lives with Jason on a full time basis. He will still see him the same amount of time he always has.


But it makes no sense given they were talking about being close enough so Sam could stay near her sisters.  That Jason didn't even acknowledge his oldest "my son, my son" was just enough poorly written scene by the writers.  Even a line like "yeah, I wouldn't want to be far from Jake" would've sufficed, but nope, the Snooze Couple only seemed concerned about the Davis coven and the Corinthi herd.

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8 hours ago, dr. gailey said:

Jasam leaving town is just the setup for whatever fuckery they plan on pulling with Sam's baby.

All I know is JaSam need some type of conflict at this point. I get having moments for fans to enjoy here and there, but for that to be the entire relationship? A series of fluffy, agreeable moments? Especially when Jason is NOT the same person? How was that never a story or something they had to go through? Getting to know these new versions of themselves? 

And this is coming off of multiple Sam relationships that were pure fluff. It's boring. I don't buy that every one of her relationships is hunky-dory until the breakups. TPTB want to portray Sam as some perfect woman and it's a disservice to the character and the actress. 

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2 hours ago, Ladyrain said:

I can suspend belief for some things (like SORASing, because I have to. )  But feeling big strong baby kicks at what - two, three months? - is just ignorant writing. 

I don't care if Sam is due to deliver tomorrow. We all know there will be some sort of emergency, so I'd rather it happen sooner than later.

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I think FV was only ever interested in Sam's character as a way to attach ME to the canvas  and when it failed SPECTACULARLY with Silas, that was the end of any writing for Sam. 

I used to disagree with you that the lack of substantive writing for a character that I enjoy was some sort of "gift" to fans of that character - but after watching FV and his writers in action? Having characters that I like on the backburner is the next best thing to having them in Berkeley.

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12 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

that was the end of any writing for Sam. 

I dunno, I think it ended when Jason "died." From that point forward, Sam could never do wrong and was the ideal friend/mom/girlfriend/daughter. 

The choice to have both Jason and Sam be representations of moral, upstanding PC citizens is the wrong one, IMO. The writers have limited the hell out of them. They're not the Cleavers. 

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Randomly wondering how different the show would be right now if the OLTL characters had been allowed to stay.  I had zero interest in Starr, but McCain and Todd were far preferable to Silas Hamilton and Franco.  FV might've still be obsessed, but at least with better characters.


The choice to have both Jason and Sam be representations of moral, upstanding PC citizens is the wrong one, IMO. The writers have limited the hell out of them. They're not the Cleavers. 

The two of them acting as any sort of moral compass is laughable.  Just recently Sam was bragging about how she always accepted HitMan Harry exactly the way he was because, hey, he enjoyed his job and who was she to take his pleasures away from him.

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Le sighs.   McBain and Anna were hot.  Very hot.   I'd prefer Dr. Silas McFinn and Anna making sweet, germaphobic love over freaking Anna being obsessed with animal justice.   I love animals, but dude.  It's gone too far.  I do think Ron screwed the proverbial pooch with the stupid baby death swap.   I dgaf about Collenhope.  I never did.  But switching Sam's baby- His Holy Jasus's Royal Child- and letting Carly be cool with it was stupid.   I think she only cared that he knew Johnny didn't really marry Connie for love and Todd knew that.  Like, Todd and Carly should've never been anything more than weird friends.   Tbh Sam was more Todd's type for a love interest.  Or even Liz.  He loved a challenge and a lost cause or a strong woman who could kick his ass.  That's what he loved about Blair and Tea.  Literally, the moment they had him not at least shoot Sonny it went downhill.   Now Roger is all unshowered and doing cartwheels.  But ME looks great.  I don't hate him and Greenlee.  But I mean, I've seen better.  

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19 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

I dunno, I think it ended when Jason "died." From that point forward, Sam could never do wrong and was the ideal friend/mom/girlfriend/daughter. 


I think that had more to do with the loss of McBain than Jason's "death". FV and Co. have repeatedly shown that they 1) don't really care about Jason as a character; and 2) wouldn't know what to do with him if they did. I didn't hate RC's fallible Jasus but it bugged that the flaws he created were in service of McBain



The choice to have both Jason and Sam be representations of moral, upstanding PC citizens is the wrong one, IMO. The writers have limited the hell out of them. They're not the Cleavers. 

They're just not interested in writing for them. I mean, they're also shitty soap writers but you can tell when they're making a (piss-poor) effort and the writing for Jason/Sam both as individuals and as a pairing isn't just due to incompetence

Edited by Oracle42
Dammit, spellcheck!
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10 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

They're just not interested in writing for them. I mean, they're also shitty soap writers but you can tell when they're making a (piss-poor) effort and the writing for Jason/Sam both as individuals and as a pairing isn't just due to incompetence

The only people Jelly seem to be interested in writing for are their creations and a few of Ron's creations (mainly Freako, Ava, Kiki, and maybe Nina...though she's not really doing much these days). I guess there's Sonny, maybe, but most of his screen time is about Julian Ava in some way.

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Still wondering if GH is done soon. If it must go, I've got a hot "Melrose Place" type idea as a spinoff.


Titled "Atlantic City"


Nina and several others move to New Jersey. Nina buys a ritzy hotel in Atlantic City where she and other PC citizens would reside.


Characters for the new series:

Nina, Nathan, Maxie, Dante, Lulu, Curtis, Valerie, Jordan, Andre, Sam, Jason, Liz, Franco, Hayden, Finn, Lucas, Dillon, Ava, Michael, Rosalie, Griffin, Claudette.

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On 10/22/2016 at 11:13 AM, HeatLifer said:

Everytime JaSam are together, they're talking about other people's problems and what that person should do. They don't have problems or issues themselves, apparently. They don't argue or really disagree on a thing. They believe the mob is unsafe and they need to get away from Sonny, even though Jason CONTRIBUTED to the violence for decades and LOVED his job. And, actually, it's fine to progress to that opinion, but you have to acknowledge the past. Like, "Oops, maybe we were wrong before." Or, "When I 'died,' I realized it wasn't worth it." And, "When you 'died,' I realized I don't like the mob. It was dumb and we were wrong."

I agree with the first part.   I need them to have a story about them, I am tired of them always discussing Nikolas, Sonny, Julian or Alexis.  It's tedious. 


But the second part.....They have acknowledged those points a few times.  Sam told Jason she was never afraid before, but she was now because she actually lost him.   And Jason told Sonny he wasn't going back to the mob because he left his family one night, without thinking of them first, and was shot in the back and away from them for 4 years.   I know there are a couple more times than that, but those are the 2 that I can think of off the bat.

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On 10/22/2016 at 3:51 PM, sunnyface said:

Yes.  Despite his words, he doesn't seem to have any problem living off of his ill-begotten gains.

Or coddling the mob boss and begging Carly to take that mob boss back to heal his pain over blowing up their son.  

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18 hours ago, Syndicate said:

Still wondering if GH is done soon. If it must go, I've got a hot "Melrose Place" type idea as a spinoff.


Titled "Atlantic City"


Nina and several others move to New Jersey. Nina buys a ritzy hotel in Atlantic City where she and other PC citizens would reside.


Characters for the new series:

Nina, Nathan, Maxie, Dante, Lulu, Curtis, Valerie, Jordan, Andre, Sam, Jason, Liz, Franco, Hayden, Finn, Lucas, Dillon, Ava, Michael, Rosalie, Griffin, Claudette.

Rosalie?  Only if she dies in the first episode and everyone is like "Who was that?"  Also, I'd add College Age Cam.  Just have him walk in college age and no one recognizes him.  I'd also accept a spin-off "General Murder Haus".  It takes place in Julian/Ava's penthouse where they host fancy dinner parties every week.  Nina buys the building and lives in the top floor.  Every week someone dies.   PI Curtis and Jordan investigate and flirt to figure out who the murderer is.  Every week someone dies in an awesome and cool way.  The words "embryo", "Fetus", and "betrayal" are banned. 

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17 hours ago, mybabyaidan said:

Sam told Jason she was never afraid before, but she was now because she actually lost him.   And Jason told Sonny he wasn't going back to the mob because he left his family one night, without thinking of them first, and was shot in the back and away from them for 4 years.

Numerous characters warned them of this for years. And those characters weren't exactly treated nicely by Sam or Jason. I want an "Oops, those people were right and we shouldn't have acted like they were judgmental because they didn't believe in violence. I get it now."

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19 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

Numerous characters warned them of this for years. And those characters weren't exactly treated nicely by Sam or Jason. I want an "Oops, those people were right and we shouldn't have acted like they were judgmental because they didn't believe in violence. I get it now."

Besides Monica, who are they going to apologize to? The majority of the people in their lives are mob/criminal friendly themselves. 

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2 hours ago, Chairperson Meow said:

Rosalie?  Only if she dies in the first episode and everyone is like "Who was that?"  Also, I'd add College Age Cam.  Just have him walk in college age and no one recognizes him.  I'd also accept a spin-off "General Murder Haus".  It takes place in Julian/Ava's penthouse where they host fancy dinner parties every week.  Nina buys the building and lives in the top floor.  Every week someone dies.   PI Curtis and Jordan investigate and flirt to figure out who the murderer is.  Every week someone dies in an awesome and cool way.  The words "embryo", "Fetus", and "betrayal" are banned. 

Unlike many, I actually kinda liked Rosalie when she first aired. She was both funny and spunky and would do well, I think, as a main character in a new series.

1 hour ago, tvfanatic13 said:

Whatever happened to Rosalie?

Disappeared abruptly off screen! Technically, I'd say she's still living in PC off screen since we saw no actual ending to her character with a scene and/or an explanation for her vanishing.

Edited by Syndicate
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13 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

Besides Monica, who are they going to apologize to? The majority of the people in their lives are mob/criminal friendly themselves. 

I'm really not looking for face-to-face apologies for a host of characters, as a lot of the characters are now gone, even though I joked about it the other day. But when Sam and Jason had a specific POV for years and years and the people who disagreed with them "didn't understand the business" and were considered "wrong," I don't want that glossed over. 

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34 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

Besides Monica, who are they going to apologize to? The majority of the people in their lives are mob/criminal friendly themselves. 

Monica and Alexis, I guess?

I dunno, it's a stupid underdeveloped, plot point which might have between soapy if it had been given even a little thought and attention

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23 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

I think that had more to do with the loss of McBain than Jason's "death". FV and Co. have repeatedly shown that they 1) don't really care about Jason as a character; and 2) wouldn't know what to do with him if they did. I didn't hate RC's fallible Jasus but it bugged that the flaws he created were in service of McBain

I didn't think Jason was OOC; there were plenty of times he was an ass, he simply had his actions whitewashed under Guza. He robbed AJ of the chance to be a father, and almost everyone acted like AJ was the bad guy for wanting to raise Michael. The only difference with RC was that Jason's behavior wasn't as consistently coddled.

I guess McBain also bothered me less because he was a competent cop in a town that usually bent knee to the mob, and I had hoped he would be a catalyst for a better portrayal of the cops overall. Which is why I think McBain becoming buddies with Sonny over Rectonia was horrible.

Does the network outright prohibit cops from being competent and anti-mob or characters from badmouthing the mob and being right? This pro-mob crap continues on despite Guza's departure.

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So Maxie is in a basement of  house where a gas leak is escaping. It's insulting--haven't we been here before, with Lewq locked in a basement that blew up from a gas leak? And the house somehow remained intact above an exploded basement?

Deja vu is deja vu.

Doesn't the cell phone have a GPS locator on it?

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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She decided she'd rather have GPS than Ariana Grande with her in her car in the desert.

I've been trying to figure out for a week who the hell that girl was in the car.  GH is the only show I watch, but I couldn't figure out who it was.

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How stupid is Kiki, walking into the lioness' den and offering up her throat like that.  I get that she's grieving and, you know, Carly, but girl, Morgan was NOT some awesome boyfriend and Kiki was NOT responsible for managing his mental health for the rest of her life.

That said, there's something gross about how Carly is being portrayed vs. Sonny, that poor Sonny is a saint who must bear the brunt of Carly's unreasonable anger, is offering comforting hugs to Kiki, etc..  Whatever.

Please let Valentin murder Claudette, that'd be a good way to give him some villain stripes AND ensure we're rid of 'dette for good.

What a waste of Laura and Kevin.

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It's rare that I side with Sonny over Carly, but I did today. He was right--Kiki made a mistake by cheating on Morgan, but Carly had no right to scream at Kiki. I felt bad that Kiki got verbally abused by yet another member of Morgan's family. Hayley Erin is a really good crier, though.

So now Claudette is willing to be physically violent towards the man she loves? This character is nothing but a giant dumpster fire.

I've been feeling cold towards Hayden and Finn, but that kiss was hot.

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Okay I enjoyed that Port Charles has a direct flight to Calgary Canada.  And I laughed when Valentin sat down beside Clod whilst singing O Canada.  But please don't send her to Calgary!  

How is that even Anna knows Clod's hotel room number?

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40 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

How stupid is Kiki, walking into the lioness' den and offering up her throat like that.

Well, Kiki has (inexplicably) never actually met Carly being Carly so she probably wasn't expecting the she beast to emerge.

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4 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Well, Kiki has (inexplicably) never actually met Carly being Carly so she probably wasn't expecting the she beast to emerge.

I mean, Carly has never been so Carly towards Kiki, but has Kiki never seen the beast tear into someone?  She wasn't on the sidelines for her and Ava scrapping ever?

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6 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I mean, Carly has never been so Carly towards Kiki, but has Kiki never seen the beast tear into someone?  She wasn't on the sidelines for her and Ava scrapping ever?

I don't remember. But Kiki would just be thinking, "well it's my mom" anyway.

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1 hour ago, TeeVee329 said:

Morgan was NOT some awesome boyfriend and Kiki was NOT responsible for managing his mental health for the rest of her life.

That said, there's something gross about how Carly is being portrayed vs. Sonny, that poor Sonny is a saint who must bear the brunt of Carly's unreasonable anger, is offering comforting hugs to Kiki, etc..  Whatever.

I've always hated everyone wanting Lauren to be responsible for Morgan. She was wrong to not end things for good a lot earlier, but she was going to tell him face to face things were over. And one kiss is hardly the same thing as limo sex, CARLY.

I don't like Carly being the big bad meanie, either, but in a vacuum, the Sonny/Lauren scenes were nice.

If Valentin has such a long reach, why wouldn't he take Charlotte whether or not she's with Claudette and then let Claudette know? Running away doesn't solve a thing. Gah. I loved Valentin singing "O Canada." It's nice to see a psychopath with a sense of humor.

Edited by dubbel zout
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