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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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12 minutes ago, Lillybee said:

Did Susan's attack happen in PC?  If it did wouldn't people in the hospital recognize her? And then what was she doing in PC when she lived in Bar Harbor, Maine? Wasn't Bobbie living in Seattle for the time period? None of this makes a bit of sense.


Does anyone know what happened to Jenny Eckert?

So, this has literally become the Choose Your Own Adventure Soap?  We don't even have Ron's twitter to give us clues now.  Um, I will guess that Fluke convinced Susan to come to PC when he was posing as Bill Eckert and that was when she was raped.   That's why her rape kit and exam was done at GH and it's also why Bobbie, Monica, and Dr. Hays were involved.  Dr. Mays messed up the rape kit, Bobbie is Luke Spencer's sister, Monica is the CoS of the hospital and didn't fire Dr. Mays.  She wasn't CoS then, but I don't think these writers know nor care.  Jenny Eckert is probably dead and never actually divorced Paul like he originally said.  She was either murdered by Fluke or killed herself.  Why?  Because this will give TG an actual story to play if he should return temporarily as Luke.  

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On September 23, 2016 at 0:51 PM, ulkis said:

Well, that's the problem with re-casting Jason with someone a decade younger, Jason has been moved out of previous age group. I saw someone say a couple of weeks ago that Sonny and Carly seemed too old for Jason and Sam to hang out with anymore. I was slightly offended on Sonny and Carly's behalf, lol.

I would, too.  KeMo is 40, and LW is 46.  Sonny and Sam had the same age difference when they were having an affair. BM may only be in his thirties, but he looks older, IMO.   Regardless, friends may be the same age when they're in high school or college, but most adults in the work force have friends of varying age. 

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36 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

most adults in the work force have friends of varying age. 

Don't tell that to my niece lol! She's shocked, SHOCKED! That I have friends her age. I'm 19 years older than her and she simply doesn't understand. I guess I'm only supposed to have friends my own age.

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

In what city is Susan? Paul obviously had a wormhole created so he could get there quickly.

That's all I can muster for this amazingly boring episode.

She is clearly at New York Mercy Death Hospital.  Those damn butchers!  No, seriously, I have no clue.  Since we have to write our own version of this stuff, I am guessing that's where she is or at least where the Eckert family is.  I'm holding strong to Jenny committed suicide/Fluke killed her.  I know, I know.  These writers.  But I'm positive all stories lead to Luke or Sonny.  I will lol if RiBu gets an Emmy nom.  Dude is literally the only thing worth watching on here, well besides Curtis. 

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RiBu was fantastic and I felt for Paul.

Everything else on the show was incredibly lame. Are Franco and Liz living together, because he walks in there like he owns the place.

Rachel, typical rich girl syndrome. Am I supposed to care or cry about her plight. Find a job, flip burgers. I'm sure they have an opening at Kelly's.

I so don't care about Morgan/Kiki/Dillon. Those 3 make drying paint positively riveting. 

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Sorry, I didn't watch but when Luke went over the deep end, wasn't Susan's brother, Dillon Quartermaine, in town?  Wouldn't she try to make contact (and even attempt to stay with, since he is probably living at the Q mansion), since she hasn't even met Dillon as far as the show is concerned?

2 hours ago, Chairperson Meow said:

So, this has literally become the Choose Your Own Adventure Soap?  We don't even have Ron's twitter to give us clues now.  Um, I will guess that Fluke convinced Susan to come to PC when he was posing as Bill Eckert and that was when she was raped.   That's why her rape kit and exam was done at GH and it's also why Bobbie, Monica, and Dr. Hays were involved.  Dr. Mays messed up the rape kit, Bobbie is Luke Spencer's sister, Monica is the CoS of the hospital and didn't fire Dr. Mays.  She wasn't CoS then, but I don't think these writers know nor care.  Jenny Eckert is probably dead and never actually divorced Paul like he originally said.  She was either murdered by Fluke or killed herself.  Why?  Because this will give TG an actual story to play if he should return temporarily as Luke.  

Thats pretty good. I was wondering if the show came up with and it made me a little sad because I think we are more talented than TIIC, but then realized you wrote and it put me at ease. Wouldn't Paul also try to kill Dr.O because she hired Dr.Mays? So Paul gets to kill people because his daughter is in a coma, but not only does Monica not even get to dig out Sonny's eyes for her dead son, she is on Paul's hit list? I hope when Paul gets wheeled out, Monica has a hold of the tape and plays it in his ear. 

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1 hour ago, Chairperson Meow said:

She is clearly at New York Mercy Death Hospital.  Those damn butchers!  No, seriously, I have no clue.  Since we have to write our own version of this stuff, I am guessing that's where she is or at least where the Eckert family is.  I'm holding strong to Jenny committed suicide/Fluke killed her.  I know, I know.  These writers.  But I'm positive all stories lead to Luke or Sonny.  I will lol if RiBu gets an Emmy nom.  Dude is literally the only thing worth watching on here, well besides Curtis.

Richard Burgi is, indeed, killing it.  I really hope he's not on his way out.  He's one of the few characters who's interesting these days.  See, this is why I don't like calling for cast cullings.  They always get rid of the characters I like, and keep the ones I loathe.

I think NLG is killing it, too, in her current storyline.  True, I find Alexis' behavior ridiculous - How old is this woman, anyway? - but NLG is killing it.  I know she can't work as a lawyer now, but if she wants a consulting job or some such in a law firm, why can't she just do it in her own?  Isn't she partners with Diane?  I don't remember.  It's hard to keep up.

So, Dr. Mays, the neurosurgeon,  handled - "botched" - Susan's rape kit?    Yeah, I'm sure that'd happen in the real world.

I wonder if Darby set Morgan up to get caught cheating, seeing as how she recommended buying papers online.

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1 hour ago, HeatLifer said:

YES! Three of the most mediocre actors ever.

*Shrugs*  Different strokes, I guess.  I think they're all good, passable actors.  Not great, but at least decent enough.

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I just watched Friday's episode and I'm confused.  Finn was pronouncing his wife's name as, Rayko.  I know he pronounced it as, Reeko, earlier.   I assumed at the time that he had a male friend named Rico. It's a minor point, but it's irritating - and typical - that they didn't bother telling the actor how to pronounce the name. 

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I can't see how Paul can stay after murdering Sabrina, and trying to murder Monica, Bobbie, and Lucas. Never mind that this show has a lot of vile people. As much as I despise Sonny and Jason and wish they'd both die, they don't go around normally offing regular beloved vets. I think Tracy will manage to sneak off and not be seen, or will somehow be able to cover if Paul sees her. But she will go to the PCPD and tell Dante what she knows, and Anna will eventually bust him. To the person up above who asked, Dillon mentioned he hadn't talked to Susan since he was ten years old. What a really sad waste of potential with Paul and Burgi. But hey, we've still got Maurice and Billy.                Did Liz actually berate Haychel for wanting someone to take care of her, while in the same breath say how Franco was paying for her home care? Ah ha ha ha! Girl, sit down.   On the plus side, perhaps Franco can sell his hair to pay for it all. 

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28 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Richard Burgi was good but at this point if Paul's not gonna get shipped off to prison I'm gonna throw a shoe at my tv.

I get that, but my Sonny hate runs so deep, I'm still of the mind of "Free passes for everyone!" unless and until he goes to prison.  It's all absurd, how many murderers are running free in PC, but that Sonny is is the worst for me.

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Liez shits on Hayden for wanting a handout while Freako (or his mother) pays her medical bills. There's that pesky lack of self-awareness rearing its ugly head again. And how the hell is someone whose been a surgical nurse for a decade live paycheck to paycheck? Did she manage to rack up a huge gambling debt offscreen? I get that kids are expensive, but still. She shouldn't be struggling. Also, I'm pretty sure hospitals provide their employees with good health insurance, especially their medical staff. 

People who have been convicted of crimes still manage to find jobs in the finance industry so I'm not sure why Hayden -who was only suspected of maybe colluding with Knockoff Bernie Madoff - can't do the same. 

The Paul/Susan scenes and Tracy's reaction were very good. Probably the best thing this show has done in awhile. Too bad that they waited until now to try and give Paul some layers and RiBu something to do. Also too bad that they made the character a serial killer and will be forced to get rid of him since he isn't played by a soap superstar.

The Dillon/Morgan/Kiki scenes were incredibly pointless and boring. 

Jyulian was delusional and pathetic in his scenes with Alexis. 

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Liz saying she lives paycheck to paycheck mad me so angry.  Jason bought her former home for her and the boys years ago. She has no rent or mortgage.  He also set up a trust fund for them.  I would imagine both Lucky and Jason pay child support.  I am sure Jason has been very generous.  She makes a good living as a nurse which includes health benefits.   Since she was injured on the job, the hospital would pick up the tab for her medical bills.  There is no need for Franco to come to her financial rescue.  She works hard but she is not a struggling single mom.  For her to claim financial hardship is really an insult to all those single moms who ARE struggling paycheck to paycheck, many of whom lose that struggle every day.

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5 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

Liz saying she lives paycheck to paycheck mad me so angry.  Jason bought her former home for her and the boys years ago. She has no rent or mortgage.  He also set up a trust fund for them.  I would imagine both Lucky and Jason pay child support.  I am sure Jason has been very generous.  She makes a good living as a nurse which includes health benefits.   Since she was injured on the job, the hospital would pick up the tab for her medical bills.  There is no need for Franco to come to her financial rescue.  She works hard but she is not a struggling single mom.  For her to claim financial hardship is really an insult to all those single moms who ARE struggling paycheck to paycheck, many of whom lose that struggle every day.

Yeah I'm guessing OSHA doesn't exist in PC. Whatever. Either way, Liez dumb ass should not be living paycheck to paycheck. Shut the fuck up, loser.

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7 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

Liez shits on Hayden for wanting a handout while Freako (or his mother) pays her medical bills.

It's not as if Liz asked Franco; he volunteered. Hayden is demanding cash. I laughed at Liz's self-righteousness there, but she's in a slightly different situation from Hayden.

7 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

And how the hell is someone whose been a surgical nurse for a decade live paycheck to paycheck?

This is the real aggravation. There's no way, even with three kids, that Liz is living paycheck to paycheck. She's not working part-time. And isn't Jason helping with Jake?

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7 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

Liz saying she lives paycheck to paycheck mad me so angry.  Jason bought her former home for her and the boys years ago. She has no rent or mortgage.  He also set up a trust fund for them.  I would imagine both Lucky and Jason pay child support.  

Liz found out about a "sure thing" from her brother Steve, invested the trust fund money and lost it. This was back when she was pregnant with Aiden.  Nikolas wanted to set up a trust fund (not yet knowing who had fathered Aiden), wanted her to go on early maternity leave, etc. She got upset about him trying to take control of her life and told him she could provide for her own children.

Just because a man is legally required to pay child support, does not mean he follows through. At the moment we don't know if Lucky has income/a job to pay child support. Jason probably does now. He bought Liz her former home because he was never going to pay child support or raise Jake.

Still, there's no question that she should have good health insurance through GH, which would cover these expenses. The show is just being stupid. Shocker.

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Show has always brought its A-Game to give departing actors an Emmy Reel, so I do think they are wrapping this plotline up to give Burgi a sendoff. JE killed it with her final look.

No mention of Lucas and Bobbie? Wrong place at the wrong time?

So, now we're up to #Justice4SuzieQ. At least someone is getting some justice.

Liz is poor, Hayden is poor, Franco is unemployed, Alexis is unemployed, even Heather is having to live off her chunk of change (unless the Feds took that). Not to mention all those people unemployed from GH. The recession hit PC hard. I wonder if Sonny and Carly can be job creators. Nelle got a job like *that*.

Oh, and the Sonny-propping by Nelle the other day? I'm calling that as BS.

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I have no problem with Liz saying she lives paycheck to paycheck.  She's a single mom with three kids and we have no idea what, if any, money she gets from Lucky (doubt any) or Jason.  Lots of working Americans are in the same boat.  Did they say she can't pay her medical bills (I might've zoned out)?  That would be stupid--but insurance not paying for a home-care nurse wouldn't surprise me.  Still, the whole "Franco is paying for it" is eye-rollingly bad.  Almost as bad as Hayden demanding Liz pay her lawyer bills.  

Jane Elliot is one of the few bright spots on this show.  And on a shallow note, she looks fantastic!

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Yeah, insurance usually only covers so much. A private temporary nurse probably is not covered by most companies' private insurance plans. And yeah, having Franco pay for it is just stupid. Liz has been pretty constant with her not wanting anyone paying her way. Jason insisted on buying her the house to insure that she , Cameron and Jake always had a home. I remember Lucky having a problem with the fact that Jason had bought the house. Which led to the new house plan. And this is the same show that claimed that Officer Lucky Spencer and nurse Liz didn't have health insurance when Lucky WAS INJURED ON THE JOB! Leading to the whole surrogate thing with SkipperBitch and Jax.

As for Liz's money issues, plenty of good wage earning people have money issues. Liz lost money in some investment plans gone bad. We don't know if Lucky pays any support for any of the boys. Nor if Jason pays anything for Jake. And yeah, Jason bought Liz her house, but I thought that Lucky had insisted on buying some plot of land to build their own house. Which went nowhere. We don't know how much money that cost them.  

The fact that they had Liz fucking apologize to HayChel for turning in the diamonds was appalling to me. She points out 30 seconds later that they actually belonged to the swindled clients of her father. Why the fuck would she apologize for HayChel's legal trouble for turning in the gems?

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19 minutes ago, stlbf said:

The fact that they had Liz fucking apologize to HayChel for turning in the diamonds was appalling to me. She points out 30 seconds later that they actually belonged to the swindled clients of her father. Why the fuck would she apologize for HayChel's legal trouble for turning in the gems?

They're sisters now! They're supposed to have each other's backs at all time. *rme*

I LOLed when Rebecca Budig said, "I'm a widow." I mean, it's true, but who cares? It's her fault she tried to scam Nik in the first place and lost. Nik's death isn't her fault, but everything else that's happened to her is.

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As far as me and my sister,  I do love her- she is the one who taught me to fight. She probably forgot there would be numerous times I'd use that knowledge on her, and her on me. So on the one hand, when Hayden and Liz get into their fights, I go "awww", because warm feelings and memories.(furniture was broken, scars were made, beatings were given).  OTOH, Hayden and Liz are really just so dull any other time, I cannot bring myself to care about their sisterly "bond". I've said it before: they literally are the same person. There isn't enough "conflict" there in terms of personality difference, for me to get invested. Yesterday proved it-one sister berating the other for....the very thing she herself is doing. And not a bit of self awareness on Liz's part about the irony of it all. Lordy. Jeff Webber's girls are FFwd material personified. Props to those who are enjoying them, I guess.



Show has always brought its A-Game to give departing actors an Emmy Reel, so I do think they are wrapping this plotline up to give Burgi a sendoff. JE killed it with her final look


The whole Paul/Tracy thing is the only reason I peeked in last week and this. Two pros pro-ing it. This is as good as this show gets these days.

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Anna: I have some bad news. Sabrina is dead.

Patrick: Was that the first or second woman I proposed to when Robin was dead or kidnapped or had PTSD?

Anna: First.

Emma: Was that my second or third mommy?

Anna: Second.

Patrick: Thanks for telling us, mom.

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4 hours ago, NutmegsDad said:

So, now we're up to #Justice4SuzieQ. At least someone is getting some justice.

Anna is back screeching about Julian's trial, so I'm assuming #Justice4SuzieQ will be replaced by #Justice4theAmaahzingDukeLaveryWhoDidNoWrongEVEREvenThoughHeWasaTotalScumBag is back on track.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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9 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Anna is back screeching about Julian's trial, so I'm assuming #Justice4SuzieQ will be replaced by #Justice4theAmaahzingDukeLaveryWhoDidNoWrongEVEREvenThoughHeWasaTotalScumBag is back on track.

But he was such a polite, stiff scumbag!

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12 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

Oh, OK. Makes sense. 

Sounds like RB will be out according to NLG

Question on twitter:

 who is the one person you never got to work with on #GH that u would love to work with


richard_Burgi but I guess its a little late for that. LOL

But maybe NLG is just taking a stab in the dark too.

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Anna saying she should have left the daughter she's lost out on many years with over her lifetime, to come back for justice for her dead criminal boyfriend?? UGH. Anna sucks as a mother.

K. Storms was great today. Maxie behaving like an adult, and a non-ditzy supportive fiance was the most I've ever liked her. I wonder if that was more K. Storms talking than Maxie, though.  

Jane Elliot acted her butt off in Tracy trying to maintain her calm with Paul. I actually watched their scenes. 

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Of course Maxie is unbothered by Nathan potentially having a kid. She's got Georgie, and she only has to parent her for about two hours a year, so she probably expects the same from Nathan. 

Anna looked like she got some screws tightened while she was off the canvas. 

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6 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Anna saying she should have left the daughter she's lost out on many years with over her lifetime, to come back for justice for her dead criminal boyfriend?? UGH. Anna sucks as a mother.

I cannot stand Anna and haven't for years when it comes to Robin. And the trend continues.

But, hey, she's a great mother to her son, Patrick! "Sabrina was nearly a part of OUR FAMILY." "This hasn't been Robin's home for years!"

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Tracy, this is why I carry a taser in my purse and keep a tire iron under the driver's seat of my car. I am disappointed in you. You couldn't find a cup of hot, complimentary sanitarium coffee to throw in Paul's face? You couldn't have kneed him in the balls  the way you did Nikolas?  I am very disappointed right now. But there's always tomorrow. Sabrina might have mostly passively stood by and let herself be killed. Tracy will not, let's hope.

I'm fairly certain NLG and RBu have had scenes together, and that certainly qualifies as working together. Most recently the umm...trial scenes? NLG is having some senior moments, but then, she's not too young for it, so eh. 

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Ugh. Screw this show and shoving Anna's stupid, judgmental ass right into the forefront of the hospital killer storyline and shoving out Jordan at the same damn time. The pissy attitude Anna gave Jordan, she can fuck right off with that noise, like Jordan blew all of Anna's hard work down the drain and owed Anna an explanation.  Fuck that.  Gee Anna, if you cared so much you wouldn't need Jordan to give you a play by play of everything that happened. You would already know.  And show? Jordan is not Anna's secretary or personal assistant. She does not owe Anna one god damned thing.

And don't think I didn't notice that our FOUR black characters have all played a part in the hospital killer storyline but now with Anna back, she's the one who basically solves the deal in her first episode back?  That Jordan was the one asking Anna what she was going to do like she's a supporting player in Anna's big story?

Bullshit. Such absolute bullshit.

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1 hour ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Anna saying she should have left the daughter she's lost out on many years with over her lifetime, to come back for justice for her dead criminal boyfriend?? UGH. Anna sucks as a mother.

K. Storms was great today. Maxie behaving like an adult, and a non-ditzy supportive fiance was the most I've ever liked her. I wonder if that was more K. Storms talking than Maxie, though.  

Jane Elliot acted her butt off in Tracy trying to maintain her calm with Paul. I actually watched their scenes. 

Her "oh a serial killer just opened the door" smile was hilarious.

In addition to FH, I think NLG might have gotten something done too. There's something different about her face to me, but maybe it's just all her hair is brushed off her forehead lately and I'm not used to seeing her whole face.

The only context I want Anna to mention Duke from now on is if she sits on a bed with Griffin and starts talking about how International Coffee Day was Duke's favorite holiday. Yes I did just look that up.

Anna comes in and solves everything! Well, at least it isn't Sonny. 

Every dress Claudette wears looks more starched and uncomfortable than the last. 

54 minutes ago, IWantCandy71 said:

Sabrina might have mostly passively stood by and let herself be killed. Tracy will not, let's hope.

Sabrina definitely fought back.

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1 hour ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Anna saying she should have left the daughter she's lost out on many years with over her lifetime, to come back for justice for her dead criminal boyfriend?? UGH. Anna sucks as a mother.

K. Storms was great today. Maxie behaving like an adult, and a non-ditzy supportive fiance was the most I've ever liked her. I wonder if that was more K. Storms talking than Maxie, though.  

Jane Elliot acted her butt off in Tracy trying to maintain her calm with Paul. I actually watched their scenes. 

Jane Elliot is The Best.  I have worshipped her for decades.  Every single younger actor on GH should study her every move and line delivery; what an education.   Why she was never a major star is Hollywood I'll never understand, but selfishly I'm glad we've had her on this show as long as we have.  And damn, she is looking fabulous lately (without all the 'cosmetic intervention' ala JZ and LC).  Oh - and I envy her hair :)

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Oh, Sabrina fought back some, but that's why I said mostly passively. Girlfriend had some fingernails-and Paul doesn't have a single scratch? Eh. She could've at least gouged an eye out, or tried to. He would've never had the time to get all his DNA out from under her nails.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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I love that Griffin has no time for Claudette and her nonsense.  He's just so dimissive of her.  Although I fear that will end with these paternity results.  I'm spoiler free but I'm going to guess that Nathan isn't the father.  

Loved everything Tracy/JE.

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