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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Is Nelle trying to con Carly or get back at Sonny? Please don't let her be Sonny's long-lost kid. Although if she's hell bent on revenge and takes him out, I'm on board. :)

While I hate all of these new actors coming aboard, and an extra dash of hate for anyone that will increase Maurice's screen time,  Nelle has been doing an admirable job in this short span that she has come on board.  She's already more enjoyable to watch than any scene involving  Morgan/Kiki/Kristina/Dillon/tree/nuLulu/Nina/Franco - but then again - I'd rather not have any of these characters on this soap. 

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10 hours ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

How stupid is it of Carly to ask Milo and Max, Sonny's bodyguards, to babysit Avery? If Sonny's enemies staged a coup, the little girl could be caught directly in gunfire.

It's not a sweeps month so it should be okay. 

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8 hours ago, Ambrosefolly said:

After he and Serena was kidnapped, Scotty pretty much gave up his career to move to Canada and raise Serena completely on his own, only working when he felt like it (he was a furniture builder). By the time he returned (which was forced on him because Serena was kidnapped, again, while she was at school), Serena was old enough to go to school full time. During the time they had Christina, her custody was greatly contested because her biological mother wanted her back. Sticking her with a nanny would make them look like uninterested parents. Christina was kidnapped shortly after her first birthday and not returned until she was 3 (during Kevin and Lucy wedding ::sob::),so Lucy would be reluctant to leave her. Remember, having oodles of money not only affords you all the help you can buy, but also all the time off you want.

I guess you have a point lol

Just now, Harmony233 said:

I guess you have a point lol


1 minute ago, Mrs OldManBalls said:

It's not a sweeps month so it should be okay. 

Come on nothing is ever going to happen to any of sonny  spawns it's the other legacy kids you have to worry about.

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11 hours ago, mybabyaidan said:

It's honestly not that hard to write him as truly sorry.  They just refuse to do it for some reason that I truly can't comprehend.

I don't get it, either. We're stuck with RoHo as Franco, and they went to the trouble of giving him a tumor to explain away the serial killing. So why not take it further and be truly sorry? He can still have moments of whininess and woe-is-me-everyone-hates-me, but it shouldn't be 95 percent of his existence like it is now. Have him get clocked on the head/gravely ill/react badly to some tainted peanut butter and let that be the impetus for change. All of these require very little effort.

Serial Drama has a gallery of duh faces featuring Sonny and Morgan. It reminds me of the Fug the Fromage the Fug Girls did for The Last Song, and Liam Hemsworth has the same expression in every frame. Hee.

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13 hours ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

I'm furious that Liz felt that she had to go to Franco to get advice about the diamonds (tomorrow's preview). She had the right idea the first time: go immediately to the police. The diamonds may be evidence linked to the current open investigation into Nick's murder, if he was murdered, and Liz might get in trouble just for her delay in getting them to the police.

The diamonds are already documented by the Feds in the NotBernieMadoff Case as part of a missing necklace (minus one diamond), so she'll be in trouble with them if she holds onto the....

Who am I kidding? Liz and Franco will skate for holding onto them longer than they should, especially since Ava has been thwarted in getting them (cue Jerome Family Sad Trombone).

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13 hours ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

I wonder if Ava's switcheroo of Morgan's meds with placebos will backfire on her. Perhaps Morgan will end up injuring Avery or putting her into danger because his med cycle was interrupted.

No bet. Because the Jeromes are the Designated Evul.

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I am loving Kevin and Laura together, and I was upset at first that the writers had Kevin asking her upstairs for a nightcap.  Come on, writers.  Kevin wouldn't do that on a first date, but I was at least happy (since the writers did it anyway) that Kevin pulled away from the kiss long enough to make sure that Laura was 100% in favor of moving forward in their relationship.  I did not find his actions condescending at all.  He wanted to make sure that he wasn't taking advantage and that Laura was thinking clearly and that he was getting a firm "yes." I don't blame him at all for not wanting to have sex with Laura because she might regret it the next morning.  He's already been gut punched by Lucy.  He doesn't need to be decked a second time emotionally.  Happily, Laura is no fool.  She knows what she wants.  Besides, technically, these two have been dating for weeks, and when a man jumps in front of gun to save a woman, and then 'said' woman fishes a bullet out of his shoulder and cares for him until he gets to the hospital, I would say that they have moved into "familiar" territory.  Final note:  Kevin and Laura's kiss was hotter than ANY of the stuff I've seen on this show from all other existing couples right now.  Let the vet pros show you how it's done.

I am enjoying Elizabeth more and more, and I never really liked the character before.  I htink it's because she's not the "good" girl anymore.  She has layers and is more of a gray character.  I was happy to see that she wouldn't let Ava dupe her with the "shoe."  Elizabeth was smart enough to know that no one asks to keep just a shoe from a guy they barely know.  So Elizabeth kept touching and feeling the shoe until she found the diamonds.  Kudos to her - and Ava did make me laugh with how incredulous she was at Elizabeth's morality.  Ava pretty much said "Are you freakin KIDDING me?  They're diamonds!!  You don't give them to the police."  Funny.

Nina and Franco?  Meh.

Morgan and Kiki?  Double meh.  Although I am not happy with what Ava is doing to Morgan.  Whatever price she pays for tampering with his meds, she is going to deserve it.

Lastly - Nelle?  I'm not sure how I feel about her being a schemer.  Is she going to be a psycho or just a misunderstood young woman?  I'm hoping the latter because I desperately want Michael out of Sabrina's orbit.  Come on - playing daddy to her baby with Carlos and now having Joe wanting to play house with Sabrina?  Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.  I'd rather Michael have a storyline outing a psycho targeting his family and/or if she turns out to just be misunderstood and troubled, having him getting involved with Nelle to turn her around.  Anything except what he is currently mired in with Sabrina and Joe.

Edited by Bishop
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I was mightily amused at Carly going on about Max and Milo's amazing baby-sitting skills, given she talked about the horrors of Avery being raised by nannies when Michael sued for custody of Avery.

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1 hour ago, Bishop said:

Final note:  Kevin and Laura's kiss was hotter than ANY of the stuff I've seen on this show from all other existing couples right now.  Let the vet pros show you how it's done.

Preach it! I was riveted. Am very much admiring Laura for firmly relegating Luke and their preteen golly-gee adventures into the past so she can take a chance on love with a gentleman who would never think that rape is romance. Kevin's momentary hesitation at crossing the sexual boundary with Laura shows clearly that he doesn't want Laura to be unready for the step. In plain words, Kevin wants to say "In no way am I raping you." Nor are they tearing off each others' clothing, as many of the younger set seems to favor. No violence or unreadiness is being connected to the passion that Laura and Kevin are about to experience. I applaud this sensitivity that the writers are emphasizing. IT'S ABOUT TIME, SHOW!

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4 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I was mightily amused at Carly going on about Max and Milo's amazing baby-sitting skills, given she talked about the horrors of Avery being raised by nannies when Michael sued for custody of Avery.

Well, you know, that was nannies.  Max and Milo are hired muscle.  Nothing says love like asking mob lackeys to babysit your kids. 

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13 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I was mightily amused at Carly going on about Max and Milo's amazing baby-sitting skills, given she talked about the horrors of Avery being raised by nannies when Michael sued for custody of Avery.

And that was Carly, for the billionth time, being hypocritical seeing as her own kids were raised by nannies and bodyguards.

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16 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

Well, you know, that was nannies.  Max and Milo are hired muscle.  Nothing says love like asking mob lackeys to babysit your kids. 

But they were SO GOOD. 

Seriously, she said it like 10 times yesterday! And they didn't even take care of them that often, it was Mercedes and Graziella!

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20 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

Well, you know, that was nannies.  Max and Milo are hired muscle.  Nothing says love like asking mob lackeys to babysit your kids. 

At least they know where the towels are in case of an accidental* murder situation


*y'know, like when Dante accidentally shot himself in the chest from five feet away

Edited by Oracle42
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2 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

And that was Carly, for the billionth time, being hypocritical seeing as her own kids were raised by nannies and bodyguards.

Heh, I was about to say 'Which is different than what?' Hypocrisy is one of Carly's main life skills.

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I can almost hand-wave away all of Carly's hypocrisies if she'd never--ever--do that awful fake laugh again.  It's like nails on a chalkboard.

Also, the only positive I have about the Franco scenes yesterday is I agree with his philosophy on getting the right ratios on his peanut butter sandwich.  That's important, y'all!

Edited by Cheyanne11
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3 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Also, the only positive I have about the Franco scenes yesterday is I agree with his philosophy on getting the right ratios on his peanut butter sandwich.  That's important, y;all!

Too bad he didn't choke and die. Stupid bitch.

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35 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

Too bad he didn't choke and die. Stupid bitch.

Also, Roger Howarth does not look good when he's dirty looking. The long hair and stubble is not his friend. Granted, Franco probably doesn't care but I have to look at him.

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where in the hell do people keep getting these random extra drugs to switch out folks' prescriptions??  

And most drugs have a specific look to them -- shape, color, size, letter imprint.   Not only can they get fake drugs, but fake drugs that are the same in appearance -- enough to fool the person who takes the pills.  (Well, in Morgan's case, Ava could have used M&Ms.)

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2 hours ago, Cabarb said:

I know this show is based around a hospital, but where in the hell do people keep getting these random extra drugs to switch out folks' prescriptions??  

It's probably pretty easy to steal drugs from the medicine cabinet at the hospital. I doubt they have strong security measures in place. The hospital administration is pretty incompetent. 

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It's probably pretty easy to steal drugs from the medicine cabinet at the hospital.

Yeah, you just have to wait for Felix.  He'll let you in, just ask Silas McFinn. 

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Lulu's standing there sobbing over not having a baby, and I couldn't bring myself to feel anything at all. Once upon a time I loved Lulu and Dante, but after the infidelity and the world's quickest divorce and reconciliation, I'm just over them. I want to Lulu to have a purpose outside of being a wife and mom. When was the last time we saw her doing anything career related? Her character just comes across as so dull and shallow, and that makes me sad.

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"Our baby would be the final step of our healing." Gross, Lulu. I'm so, so tired of babies being the be-all and end-all for women. At least Dante had the sense to say they're already healed.

You know why Elizabeth believes you're capable of hurting you, Franco? Because you've hurt her. Post-tumor. By trapping her in an elevator. Taking her to your studio and locking all eight deadbolts. Hiding in the backseat of her car and popping up when she climbs in.

I know I'm probably supposed to be thinking "You go, girl!" to Rebecca Budig's big speech about proving herself, but zzzzzzzzz.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Babies don't heal relationships. I know it's a well worn soap trope but I don't have to enjoy it. Especially when there is so much else Lulu can be involved in other than a relationship bandage baby story. Dante too. I hear there's a killer on the loose.

Who is writing this crap for Franco? Liz is all 'I'm a rape victim... it changed me'. He responds with 'you believe I'm someone who is capable of hurting you'. Screw you, show. You JUST showed him hiding in the backseat of her car. Shortly after he pulled that elevator stunt. How dare they act like she is being unreasonable for being cautious with this reformed serial killer. I know that was the tumor. But if you're going to whitewash his past at least have him stop acting like a psychopathic stalker!!! I should really just stop watching because this show is making me so angry.

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I think it goes back to when he first came on. Dr. O was still CoS, and when she tried to stop him from treating Tracy because he didn't have privileges, Tracy maneuvered the board to give them to him and oust O, putting Monica in the position.

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So many things in this ep were offensive. Hayden/Finn and, of course, Liz/Franco being the worst.

The Liz/Franco scenes were horrible. Like seriously what in the ever loving fuck? Everyone surely knows I hate Liz, but I am flabbergasted at Franco acting like he's some kind of poor put upon victim. She tells him she was raped and he tells her to leave because he just can't deal with her indecisiveness. Like fucking really? I can't. Make it stop!

I can't believe I thought Finn was going to be a good character at first. LOL @ me. I should've known eventually he would turn into John McBain #5.

Kristina is horrible. I usually defend her, but she needs to be punched in the face tbh. I was glad Alexis told her to grow the fuck up.

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1 hour ago, Linny said:

Lulu's standing there sobbing over not having a baby, and I couldn't bring myself to feel anything at all. Once upon a time I loved Lulu and Dante, but after the infidelity and the world's quickest divorce and reconciliation, I'm just over them. I want to Lulu to have a purpose outside of being a wife and mom. When was the last time we saw her doing anything career related? Her character just comes across as so dull and shallow, and that makes me sad.

I think Dante comes across more shallow than she does actually. I kinda am okay with them right now, on a shallow level, but the infidelity and quick reunion hurt him a LOT. I could buy Lulu in a new romance but whoever he went to I wouldn't believe a word from him.

Which I think actually shows how decent Dante was cause pretty much all of the men have done worse on the show and it didn't hurt their characters so bad.


Since Olivia is off contract now maybe she can give her half of the ownership of the metro court to Lulu. With no Kristen Alderson to serenade us, they really can't seem to find a reason to put up the Haunted Star set.

42 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

Did someone dip his head in a vat of bleach?? 

He looks he walked out of a colorized black-and-white movie.

Edited by ulkis
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5 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Which I think actually shows how decent Dante was cause pretty much all of the men have done worse on the show and it didn't hurt their characters so bad.

No, all their characters hurt just as bad, if not worse, in my eyes. It just depends on what a particular fan is able to accept and ignore. And usually that depends on who they were already fans of to begin with.

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16 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

So many things in this ep were offensive. Hayden/Finn and, of course, Liz/Franco being the worst.

The Liz/Franco scenes were horrible. Like seriously what in the ever loving fuck? Everyone surely knows g really? I can't. Make it stop!I hate Liz, but I am flabbergasted at Franco acting like he's some kind of poor put upon victim. She tells him she was raped and he tells her to leave because he just can't deal with her indecisiveness. Like fuckin

I can't believe I thought Finn was going to be a good character at first. LOL @ me. I should've known eventually he would turn into John McBain #5.

Kristina is horrible. I usually defend her, but she needs to be punched in the face tbh. I was glad Alexis told her to grow the fuck up.

I thought the same thing. 

Liz: Franco, I was raped as a teen. 

Franco: Get out! 


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16 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I can't believe I thought Finn was going to be a good character at first. LOL @ me. I should've known eventually he would turn into John McBain #5.

Seriously. I didn't see the whole episode but way to get back to classic stoic judgmental manpain McBain in one segment. First of all, why is Budig asking Dr Michael a reason to stay? You just met! And even though she was absurd, he was still judgemental as hell with his "don't base your future again on a man!" He sounded like Griffin with Claudette the other day. All this, of course, after monologuing to his dead off-screen reason for angst.

Him and Dr O should have hate sex. Seriously. That's where there was actual chemistry.

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When that "TMI" reporter guy said something to Alexis about her ranting on social media/Twitter or wherever (I don't remember the actual quote because I rolled my eyes too loudly), was that supposed to be a nod and a wink re: NLG's (allegedly) drunk tweeting?

And if Alexis was so concerned about telling Kristina and Molly about her 1 year suspension and subsequent review, then why was she shouting and yelling at Kristina in the middle of a restaurant when the damn reporter was well within shouting distance? I mean I know the guy was the one to bring it up and to the best of my recollection they were mostly arguing loudly about Parker but still, shouldn't she have been a little more aware that the reporter was right there? Also, way to out your daughter Alexis, I'm sure TM(Z)I will respect Kristina's privacy when they run the video and/or splash it on the front page.

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3 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Him and Dr O should have hate sex. Seriously. That's where there was actual chemistry.

LMAO but you're right.

Oh I forgot to talk about the Lulu/Dante scenes. First of all, besides the fact that their bed is an air mattress in the middle of the living room, I like their new house set. And I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and pretend like in story the bed thing was just because they haven't received their bedroom furniture yet. Anyway, I can't at Lulu bringing the Stavros ****** up and then Dante acting the reason that's not an option is because it's probably been destroyed and not because, ya know, it's the Stavros ******.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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2 hours ago, tveyeonyou said:

When that "TMI" reporter guy said something to Alexis about her ranting on social media/Twitter or wherever (I don't remember the actual quote because I rolled my eyes too loudly), was that supposed to be a nod and a wink re: NLG's (allegedly) drunk tweeting?

And if Alexis was so concerned about telling Kristina and Molly about her 1 year suspension and subsequent review, then why was she shouting and yelling at Kristina in the middle of a restaurant when the damn reporter was well within shouting distance? I mean I know the guy was the one to bring it up and to the best of my recollection they were mostly arguing loudly about Parker but still, shouldn't she have been a little more aware that the reporter was right there? Also, way to out your daughter Alexis, I'm sure TM(Z)I will respect Kristina's privacy when they run the video and/or splash it on the front page.

Look at it this way - the reporter might not have heard them since conversations in Port Charles take place three feet away from people all the time, and no one ever hears anything. It's like echo location in reverse.

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13 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

No, all their characters hurt just as bad, if not worse, in my eyes. It just depends on what a particular fan is able to accept and ignore. And usually that depends on who they were already fans of to begin with.

I'm talking about the general audience, and not about ooc writing per se. I saw a lot more people going wtf in general about Dante's douchiness than say, Carly doing her usual crazy shtick because that is what Carly does (and I'm not talking crap like dating Franco, but, like, one of her crazy plaaans.)

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Just now, ulkis said:

I'm talking about the general audience, and not about ooc writing per se. I saw a lot more people going wtf in general about Dante's douchiness than say, Carly doing her usual crazy shtick because that is what Carly does (and I'm not talking crap like dating Franco, but, like, one of her crazy plaaans.)

I mean, yeah, I'm sure more people were WTF about Dante because he was supposed to be "good."  And maybe I'm just misinterpreting what you're saying. I guess MY point is that even when "bad" characters do "bad" things, it still hurts the character. It's why I've hated particular characters for years. I personally never just become "immune" to it.

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1 hour ago, LexieLily said:

Previews for tomorrow...Kevin, I like you and Laura, I really do, but you're going to start pissing her off if you're asking her again and again if she regrets anything.

He's pissing me off. If Laura does have regrets, she'll live. She's slept with men before.

1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Kristina is horrible.

She sucks, but it did crack me up that she was all "Yeah, Mom, you were right" until she saw Parker had called and then she started acting like a tween with a crush. Which emotionally is pretty much where she is. Molly is right: Alexis needs to let Kristina live her life and make mistakes. If that means she gets hurt, she gets hurt.

1 hour ago, ulkis said:


Points to Dante for remembering. Lulu was like, "Oh, right. I do have a child."

Billy Miller looks like he let children dye his hair. 

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53 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

besides the fact that their bed is an air mattress in the middle of the living room,

With what looked like pillows from a nonexistent sofa. Why are they sleeping on brocade?

54 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I can't at Lulu bringing the Stavros ****** up and then Dante acting the reason that's not an option is because it's probably been destroyed and not because, ya know, it's the Stavros ******.

I love how they even mention Stavros's semen, and neither of them shudder and want nothing to do with the embryo.

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