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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Where did you get this info?   I was under the impression that Ron probably didn't stick around after he was canned....Maybe it works differently in tv but at a normal job if you get fired, that's it...you're dunzo that day.  And it lines up with the 3 week ahead shooting.  If Ron was canned last week, that is 3 weeks to Aug 10.  That's just all my spec, so feel free to correct me.  I just REALLY want it sooner than later.  I don't know if I can deal with another month of this mess.


I completely skipped today.  I missed out on commenting yesterday, but everyone pretty much covered it.  I'll just quote the fabulous Tristan Rogers.  "Hmmmmm....."


I think you're probably right mybabyaidan about when Ron stopped writing. They tape about a month ahead, so probably already in 2 or 3 weeks onscreen we could already being seeing Ron's stuff still, but tweaked a bit, if they cared to. I know that's what happened when Ron came aboard (thus all the "myface" stuff we got from Molly in late 2011, that was all added on to Wolf's writing), but maybe the new writers won't care to put their own personal stamp on it so soon, who knows.

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I think hate may be too strong a word. But no, she doesn't really have much use for either, although I do think things may be a little better off between her and Sonny. Does anyone remember if they had scenes in 2006 or 2008?


I was gonna ask, has Laura ever had any scenes with a non-Sarah Brown Carly?

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Wasn't Dillon telling Dante how devoted Lulu was to him, and not jealous of their relationship while they were hanging out? Now one day later he's all about making Lulu jealous by dating Val? What the hell? This is why I hate Ron's shitty writing- there was no build up to this craptastic storyline.

Today's episode seems coma-inducing.

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Wasn't Dillon telling Dante how devoted Lulu was to him, and not jealous of their relationship while they were hanging out? Now one day later he's all about making Lulu jealous by dating Val? What the hell? This is why I hate Ron's shitty writing- there was no build up to this craptastic storyline.

Today's episode seems coma-inducing.

I thought he seemed shady with all the "no, don't tell your husband! It would be a disaster!!!" when he didn't know Dante from Adam.

I was gonna ask, has Laura ever had any scenes with a non-Sarah Brown Carly?

I think she had some scenes with TB but don't quote me on it.

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I fell several days behind on episodes and I'm just now getting all caught up on this thread- imagine my surprise upon learning about Ron! I refuse to get my hopes up but I will go so far as being cautiously optimistic. Related: an article I just read said that the new writers might move the Jason reveal up to before November. Good god - they were planning to drag this shit out for four more months!?!?!?!??? I died.

I am so glad TG is gone that I can't even muster up any irritation at the bullshit way this major legacy character was written off. The last two years (two? seven? three hundred fifty-three? who can tell) of all the fake Luke crap was so awful that it made me hate everything about the character. Having him exit by revisiting the worst story ever and then giving his final farewell to Sonny certainly was a truly awful exit, though.

We can all pretty much predict where the Dante/ Lulu stuff is going, but I'm totally fine with it. It's classic soap stuff and if the actors all bring it, I think I might enjoy it. I like everyone except Valerie and I think the story has the potential to be really interesting: the history between Lulu and Dillion, the fact that Lulu and Valerie are cousins who just met, Dante worrying about being like his dad- there's a lot there to mine.

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I think she had some scenes with TB but don't quote me on it.


The 1st Carly change came during the Deception storyline.  It started with SJB and then TB stepped into the role.   She's also had scenes with LW's Carly during 2006 that happened before the wedding at the Spencer house.  

Edited by LegalParrot81
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Leaving the well-being of Port Charles in Sonny's oh so capable mob hands?  Yeah, right. What could go wrong with that?


Well, at least Shawn isn't here to shoot the wrong people? 


I almost broke my neck to get home yesterday thinking Laura was going to read that letter. I was so mad! 

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Catching up.... I should be outraged about Maddy coming out of left field to break up Maxie & Nathan and piss on the memory of Georgie, but.... I'm just mindnumb with the awkward stupidity. It's as asinine in logic as the Judgy Wudgy shit. Under ReRon, we'd get about 6-9 months until resolution, followed by Jordan issuing a order that all single PCPD employees be celebrant and non-dating (thanks to Valarie), which would last another year, in which by that time, Felicia would be mayor and a city ordinace would be passed that relatives of the Mayor can't date city employees, which would last another 6 months, which would have some other cockamamie impetus......




I hope the new Head Writer knows how to break up couples logically.

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That reminds me that we will probably never get Felicia as mayor now. Too bad, because that would have been cute to see.

Edited by ulkis
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Morgan needs to kill Franco.


They can fatally stab the other.


 And if one of them manages to "accidentally" kill WE NEVER CARED too, that's even better.

Edited by DollEyes
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I think there's an outside chance that Morgan is actually too stupid to die. 


He'd probably attempt suicide, fail, yet end up in a vegetative state.  The question would be if anyone in town would be able to tell the difference.

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Is anyone else getting misled by that commercial for The Bachelor or maybe The Bachelorette that keeps airing during GH? It features a long-haired girl blubbering, and everytime it comes on, my first thought is "What's Val crying about now?"

Edited by rur
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I am trying to watch Avaneise with her worthless accent. Maura, just admit you can't handle the role. This fucking show. Thirty seconds away from turning it off.


Oh, wait, the Serial KIller got a good zing in and now Silas is trying to talk like Batman. This fucking show.

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Is anyone else getting misled by that commercial for The Bachelor or maybe The Bachelorette that keeps airing during GH? It features a long-haired girl blubbering, and everytime it comes on, my first thought is "What's Val crying about now?"


YES. The first time I saw it I was FFing through the commercials, and I rewound, thinking I'd missed part of GH. I still have to consciously remind myself it's not the show. Heh.

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I have it on mute and am reading this board, more fun for me.


ETA Just saw the Ava/Morgan sex scene. Glad Ron let Maura keep her dress on.


Kelly looks rough in the Patrick bed scene. JT looks rough, too.

Edited by Happyshooter
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I'm so very amused that Sam admits to Patrick she's not responding to him in bed because she's thinking about "Jason's son" Jake. He looks just like Jason. It's so wrong they don't get to have a relationship...Seriously, the only thing saving her 'Jake-and-Danny-bonding 'cause it's the closest they'll get to Jasus' and her pressuring Patrick to make it happen was JT's *Sigh* I'm-not-getting-laid-today look/body language. 


Enough already! 


HATE Laura acting like old, dear friends/family with Sonny and Carly. I really wish Laura would have glared at Carly for acting like Lucky doesn't exist re: Jake. I loved Laura standing up for Lucky when Carly tried to shade him ('Jason would never have done what Lucky just did').  And seriously, Monica saying that Jake is like his father one second after meeting the kid - without talking to Elizabeth first? - UGH.  Same re: Carly talking about Luke highly complimenting her and then leaving town without saying goodbye. BAH!! And Michael dear, little Jake never had a relationship with the Quartermaines to begin with. That kid is indeed related to many people in Port Charles. 


Laura admires S&C's perseverence??!!! UGH!!! I did smirk a little though that Sonny told Laura (paraphrasing) that it's not an honor to be invited to their wedding because #5 is no big deal. 


I am surprised that Elizabeth told little Jake Monica is one of his grandmothers. I'll laugh if little Jake ends up assuming Monica is his grandma thru marriage to Grandpa Luke (in front of Tracy). And after Patrick telling Sam he'd do anything for her, I'll enjoy him being roadkill when Sam dumps him. 


Silas made me laugh too. It must be seriously gross/weird to walk in on your ex lover and your daughter's boyfriend in bed together.


Is anyone else amused by the big UH-OH look on Liz's face at Laura and Jakeson coming face-to-face in her home? Good job there Becky, lol 

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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Fuck off Carly. Lucky >>>> your precious Jason. Its also ridiculous that Lucky is getting no credit for bringing Jake home. Only Luke.


Sonny had some amusing facial expressions when Carly was talking to Laura.


Poor Cam and Aiden don't get presents only for creepy serial killer look a like Jake.


I thought Liz didnt want Jake to know Jason was his father so why are they telling him Monica is is grandmother?

Edited by backhometome
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I cannot STAND it when the show lets Franco - a SERIAL KILLER - shade other people for their crimes.  Yo Franco, you murdered multiple people and turned them into art, nobody's worse than you!


Loved Monica taking it upon herself to come meet Little Jake, because clearly Liz wasn't going to do it.  Oh Liz, please reconsider all your life choices.


Shut the fuck up about Lucky, Carly, you snarling nightmare.


Ha, I remember Elton, that takes me back.

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HATE Laura acting like old, dear friends/family with Sonny and Carly.


These were the only scenes I was interested in from today's ep so thanks for letting me know there's no reason to watch them lol. I want to continue to like Laura and this will undoubtedly ruin it for me.

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So, Patrick tries to get some, but Sam is sitting there like a corpse, so he stops. She's thinking about Jake/Jason/Liz. Patrick listens to her sob story. And then she's ready to please him sexually.

Like, that really happened.


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You're welcome, peach. Laura had one nice line about little JJ/Lucky and the rest sucked. Carly being the, what, 3rd or 4th person? to credit Luke with bringing little Jake home is just blech. If you didn't know the history, you'd think Luke and Carly had a good uncle-niece relationship and she's sorry to see him go. 

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These were the only scenes I was interested in from today's ep so thanks for letting me know there's no reason to watch them lol. I want to continue to like Laura and this will undoubtedly ruin it for me.


No, I think you should still watch them, I think you would enjoy them. Laura cracked me up when she was like, "hmm, yeah, hope I'll be able to make it" not "oh yeah I'll totally be there". And I'll be honest, Sonny's bitchfaces when Carly was describing the glory of Jake cracked me up. And as usual she looked great. Damn it, I want Anna and Laura to be friends and look fabulous together.


Oh please Carly, Jason did exactly what Lucky did. "I have no relation to you Jake but I will stare at you with eyes of robotic parental angst in the corner! No no don't pay any attention to me WE HAVE NO RELATION BUT I'LL JUST STARE AT YOU. That won't emotionally mess you up at all!"


They have to have a recast Lucky in the works, right? Otherwise I don't think we'd have all "but how could Lucky just leave like that?" going on.


I watched the Franco/Silas scenes because of recent developments. God, shut up Franco. He has to be next! HE MUST BE. 


Morgan: What will we do? 


And then I had a rage blackout.


Dear Sonny and Carly, Morgan is braindead because of both of your gene pools! Okay? Now stop arguing about it.


What is going on with Billy Miller's hair.


Silas: Morgan is an immature twit. Snort. I don't even know why he even felt the need to ask if Morgan was still having sex with Kiki.

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No, I think you should still watch them, I think you would enjoy them. Laura cracked me up when she was like, "hmm, yeah, hope I'll be able to make it" not "oh yeah I'll totally be there". And I'll be honest, Sonny's bitchfaces when Carly was describing the glory of Jake cracked me up. And as usual she looked great. Damn it, I want Anna and Laura to be friends and look fabulous together.


This does sound up my alley. I'll watch them. Don't even taunt me with the idea of Laura and Anna being friends. That would be so beautiful.

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The other thing that I hated about today was Show trying to whitewash Sam's past concerning Liz and Jake. She tells Patrick Liz got "down in the dirt" and lied about test results for 24-hours but she's gotten past that, yet only acknowledges that she's "not proud of" things she did when she felt she was losing Jason to Liz? (Without offering details). The woman flat-out hated Jake's existence!! She knew who kidnapped him, and taunted Liz that he could be dead! I so hate that Show seems to want to make Sam the superior person, and is throwing Liz under the bus, for love of Jasus ... AGAIN! Bah!

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The other thing that I hated about today was Show trying to whitewash Sam's past concerning Liz and Jake. She tells Patrick Liz got "down in the dirt" and lied about test results for 24-hours but she's gotten past that, yet only acknowledges that she's "not proud of" things she did when she felt she was losing Jason to Liz? (Without offering details). The woman flat-out hated Jake's existence!! She knew who kidnapped him, and taunted Liz that he could be dead! I so hate that Show seems to want to make Sam the superior person, and is throwing Liz under the bus, for love of Jasus ... AGAIN! Bah!

Two thoughts on this...

1. I think it makes sense that Sam wouldn't elaborate on her own wrongdoings because she doesn't want her new boytoy to know all the crazy details.

2. This show has placed Samtrick into a sparkle-filled bubble for awhile. They do no wrong.

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Two thoughts on this...

1. I think it makes sense that Sam wouldn't elaborate on her own wrongdoings because she doesn't want her new boytoy to know all the crazy details.

2. This show has placed Samtrick into a sparkle-filled bubble for awhile. They do no wrong.  nothing.


fixed it for you! :p

Edited by ulkis
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Is anyone else getting misled by that commercial for The Bachelor or maybe The Bachelorette that keeps airing during GH? It features a long-haired girl blubbering, and everytime it comes on, my first thought is "What's Val crying about now?"


I had a similar thought when it popped on, except I thought it was Rosalie.  "God, is she crying about the secret nobody cares about?" 

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Luke Spencer has made me sneer more than a few times in the past several decades, but - dammit - I started watching this soap when I was three years old (while my grandmother did her daily ironing)....and I have been there for all of Luke's hijinks, wild international capers, dangerous escapades. I wanted a better swan-song for this soap opera staple!  Even if IRL, Tony Geary is an egotistical bitchy bitch, I wanted a goodbye that made me stare at the TV screen, made me feel my age (old), and made me remember that it hasn't all been bad. Instead, I feel cheated. Both the writers and the actor clearly said, "Eh, fuck it," ordered a farewell cake, and called it a day. Believe me, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing Jonathan Jackson visit (he really is a fantastic actor, IMO), and it's good to see Genie Francis full of life and style (not in a rocking chair and frightful wig). Don't get me started on the resuscitation of Frank Smith and Lil' Jake -- total bullshit. 


Anyway, I don't like feeling cheated by a soap that I've stuck with for nearly four decades. GH was dinner table talk with my grandmother, aunt, cousin, and me. For Pete's sake, in grade school, my cousin and I would do pretend "cocktail" parties in which we would dramatically say, "A toast! To Luke and Laura!" and clink our plastic Tupperware cups. (We also toasted Robert and Holly, fyi.) Shit, we even toasted them at the dinner table sometimes (my family has a goofy sense of humor). So, this long overdue goodbye needed to pack more gusto. 


So, I plan to fix myself a nice shandy and a piece of chocolate cake and search for my own compilation of YouTube GH flashback scenes:

  • The L&L wedding
  • Scenes with young Lucky
  • Scenes with Ruby
  • The Weather Machine
  • Scenes with Bobbie and her original face
  • Bromance with Sean Donely (plus Tiffany)
  • Bromance with Robert Scorpio
  • Romance with Holly
  • Romance with Anna
  • The really well-acted scenes with Tracy
  • Warm scenes with Lila Quartermaine
  • Hatred for Scotty (80's only)
  • The shit with Heather Webber from long ago
  • Sinister scenes with the old Mikkos and Stavros
  • His old friendship with Alexis
  • When Carly was new in PC, and they realized they were related


Can I join you? I will bring the chocolate cake. 


I started watching in 1980, in the height of Luke and Laura madness. Their wedding was on my birthday, actually. There are so many amazing Luke moments from that time period (and beyond) that it was extremely disappointing to not have his last episode include some sort of montage. It's not difficult to do. Shit, I'd have gone over there to produce the montage for them! It just felt like it was just any other story, not the final scenes of a legacy character, and a character that helped put GH into iconic status. 

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I wouldn't be surprised if, subconsciously, Morgan thinks having "gotten her back from Michael" means he's one-upped his big bro.  When really, whoever is stuck with Kiki is the real loser.

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Two thoughts on this...

1. I think it makes sense that Sam wouldn't elaborate on her own wrongdoings because she doesn't want her new boytoy to know all the crazy details.

2. This show has placed Samtrick into a sparkle-filled bubble for awhile. They do no wrong.

Oh, I agree...it just sucks. Sam talks like little Jake has been back for weeks/months and Elizabeth just doesn't want to commit to "the brothers" forming a relationship. Even aside from Elizabeth and Nik's secret, it seems like Sam is operating without a brain. She heard, very clearly, that Jake knows Lucky is his father (and Cam and Aiden are his brothers/children of Liz and Lucky). Danny is no longer a baby; he's a kid capable of talking, and he knows his Daddy is Jason. Does she not get that the two of them being introduced as brothers would be really confusing, especially for a...3-year-old? who knows his Mommy is not Jake's Mommy.This desire of hers for Jake and Danny to be insta-besties or whatever is dumb. I I could see them being introduced as new friends or even "both grandsons of Monica" -  but all the "they're both sons of the great Jason" is just too much especially because baby Danny spent maybe one day with Jason and since Jake doesn't remember Elizabeth being his mom *before* then he sure as hell doesn't remember ever meeting Jason. 


Also, it's not unreasonable to think that seeing Sam around Jake would make a mother painfully remember Sam being involved with Jake's previous kidnappings - one as almost an accomplice, the other as co-rescuer. Sam glosses over a lot of stuff because she's so focused on "Danny gets to have a brother now, yay!!"

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Has there been a reason given as to WHY Morgan just doesn't break up with Kiki if he can't keep his dick out of her mother?


No! This is what is giving me a rage blackout!


The closest reason is they keep saying something about how she'll be so hurt and destroyed. they've been dating for TWO MONTHS. If somehow she survived Michael screwing Rosalie and throwing it in her face, I think she can survive this!

Edited by ulkis
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Curious as to the general opinion, not just of Liz's actions, but the basic idea that Liz doesn't have to "pay" for anything she's done or going to do, because no one else in town pays. I've seen this on Twitter by a few, and I think it's an interesting stance to take. First off, because one of the basic traits of soaps is that someone is backstabbing/plotting/doing someone else wrong.

We're allowed as an audience to root for the one being messed over, or to root for the one doing the messing, but either way, it's not wrong to want the "villain" to get their dues. I don't think the fact that  other characters seem to never get payback should be an issue. I personally think all shows are uneven that way. There are always characters who suffer more, justly or unjustly, and always those who seem to never suffer, those whose schemes always backfire, etc, etc. If the characters were always "even", it would kill a lot of the suspense and enjoyment of the story for me, knowing the one doing the wrong would eventually have to "pay" for certain, and that the wrongs would always be righted.

THe fact that some characters literally get away with murder, and some are perpetual underdogs, keeps it interesting for me. At any rate, I think "paying" can be interpreted a number of ways. Maybe someone gets away with getting someone fired, for instance, but the audience sees this person has no friends or anyone that truly loves them, while the one he/she got fired is surrounded by loved ones. I think in essence, that character "pays" because the victory they think they achieved, is actually hollow. I could go on with examples. But anyway, yeah I think Liz should pay, but I think how she should pay, and how she likely WILL pay, is that Jakeson will reject her, and half the town will hate her, at least for a while. She'll probably get slapped a lot, and IMO she has it coming.

But I don't think she's gone too far to come back from it.

Anyone else agree or disagree?

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Hurt Lauren, Morgan. DESTROY HER.


THe fact that some characters literally get away with murder, and some are perpetual underdogs, keeps it interesting for me.


The tables have to turn every so often, or it's just as bad as everyone getting their comeuppance. Who wants to see terrible people keep winning or underdogs keep losing? I don't.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I agree the tables have to turn. The balance can "shift". But there must always be an imbalance-because otherwise, IMO, there's no story. If you know from the beginning who is going to win, or what's going to happen to who, when and why-it becomes pointless to watch.

Anyway, I think the fact that for instance, Sonny isn't in jail for AJ's murder, is a dumb reason to use as an defense that Liz shouldn't have to pay.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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No! This is what is giving me a rage blackout!


The closest reason is they keep saying something about how she'll be so hurt and destroyed. they've been dating for TWO MONTHS. If somehow she survived Michael screwing Rosalie and throwing it in her face, I think she can survive this!


Joking aside (mostly), I think the real reason is that Kiki is basically Morgan's only friend and confidant. Other than Big Alice. Fuck you, Alice!


OTOH, maybe that's why they introduced the super-awkward/casual intimate Dillon/Morgan scenes. It's a run-up to their buzzed jerk-off/blowie sesh. I'm dead serious, a storyline about Red Dot Sale Dillon and Morgan having confused gay hook-ups would be more contemporary and more interesting than at least 70% of what's currently on this show.

Edited by jsbt
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I fell asleep sometime during Laura's lunch with Carly & Sonny. Did dream a Laura flashback to the mystery envelope? What the Hell is up with that? Is there some big secret reveal hidden in there? Is little Jake really Faison in a mask? Are we going to have weeks and weeks of flashbacks to a fucking envelope? I woke up and I must have deleted GH in my sleep. Did I miss something?

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