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S06.E03: Ua ʻoʻoloku ke anu i na mauna (The Chilling Storm is on the Mountain)

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While Five-0 investigates a scuba diver's death from a gun recently used in another murder, McGarrett prepares to propose to Catherine. Andrew Lawrence returns as Danny's nephew, Eric, and Michelle Borth returns as Catherine Rollins.

Original Airdate: October 9, 2015

SOURCE: http://cbspressexpress.com/cbs-entertainment/shows/hawaii-five-0/releases/view?id=43505

Oh man, poor Steve. 


I guess Cath either rejoined the Navy or is now CIA. Either way, far to reminscent of Doris leaving her children all those years ago. Hope Cath stays gone this time and Steve is able to move on.


Nice to see the Jersey nephew has actually followed through on becoming a crime tech. I'm going to handwave how he was able to get the education necessary and just enjoy it. Nice to see he's good at it too. 

  • Love 2

Oh man, poor Steve.

I guess Cath either rejoined the Navy or is now CIA. Either way, far to reminscent of Doris leaving her children all those years ago. Hope Cath stays gone this time and Steve is able to move on.

Nice to see the Jersey nephew has actually followed through on becoming a crime tech. I'm going to handwave how he was able to get the education necessary and just enjoy it. Nice to see he's good at it too.

The character of Danny's nephew, Eric, hasn't been in the show since S3. It's entirely possible--especially if his grades weren't crap to start with, & if he buckled down & maybe took night &/or summer classes on top of regular semesters, & no extra training/grad school was needed--he could be working as a crime lab tech by now... Or he could at least be a trainee employed in the lab.

And yeah... I liked Cath, until tonight. She hurt Steve a lot. Now I'm sorta hoping they just kill Cath off offscreen doing whatever she was on the phone about, & Steve eventually hears about it.

I'm thinking she's gone CIA too, maybe working with Doris somehow--or she's with some other secret governmental agency where she can use her intel skills. I don't think the Navy would recruit her back for whatever she was talking about; especially since there aren't female SEALs yet & they seem to do all the covert ops work.

This show needs to stop dragging story lines on forever.  Kill Catherine off or keep her with Steve.  Make a choice and stick with it.  It's apparent that the writers are making this up as they go.


My pupils are still stuck from the massive eye roll of Gabriel getting away in the season opener.  I don't think I can stomach an entire season of idiotic "cliffhangers".

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Well, I always liked Steve and Catherine together. That romance recap certainly seemed final, like they were finally closing the door once and for all, but then that phone call.... Will she come back after her covert mission is over? Will Steve take her back? Will a potential new girlfriend make it more complicated?

  • Love 1

I hope she's gone for good.  Listening to her little girl voice and watching her struggling to emote was like nails on a chalkboard for me.  And, it is a zero chemistry zone between those two - again, for me.


My take on the show is that they should hang it up.  It all seems like recycled stuff at this point.  

  • Love 1

I don't think Steve and Catherine are over at all.  Whatever her new mission is has something to do with him.  Why else would her superior ask if Steve bought her cover story?  I don't think she's leaving for her career.  I think she's doing something related to protecting him.  My prediction is that as soon as he and a new girlfriend appear to be happy, Catherine will return.

  • Love 1

I don't think Steve and Catherine are over at all.  Whatever her new mission is has something to do with him.  Why else would her superior ask if Steve bought her cover story?  I don't think she's leaving for her career.  I think she's doing something related to protecting him.  My prediction is that as soon as he and a new girlfriend appear to be happy, Catherine will return.

And if it goes down like that I will be really ticked off.

For the character's sakes, I hope Cath stays gone. I think she's hurt Steve badly and he's never going to move on if she keeps popping in and out of his life.


I sincerely hope that whatever Cath is up to, it does revolve around something she has to do to keep Steve safe (either on a personal or national security level). Because otherwise she's causing a lot of pain for no reason.


As a viewer, I want to see this continue because I find it entertaining. As I will find the inevitable comfort from Steve's friends to be heartwarming. The poor guy just keeps getting jerked around, ever since Doris supposedly died.

On a sidenote: what happened to Amanda Setton and her character? Did she get replaced by Danny's nephew?


Her character was in the Medical Examiner's office; Danny's nephew Eric is in the crime lab. I don't know if she'll be back or not. But my question is if his character replaced Charlie Fong. I liked Charlie because he was a callback to Che Fong in the original series, and also because he wasn't played by Andrew Lawrence. I don't have anything against Andrew Lawrence, but I hate to lose a nice normal character like Charlie for this goofball Eric.


I too thought Catherine was gone for good when they ran the flashbacks, and then she got the phone call and I was like, Oh, we're drawing this bullshit out again. I don't care about any of the covert ops stuff and having it be Catherine instead of Doris doesn't make it any more interesting.


I hate it when they show Chin riding that motorcycle without a helmet.

Edited by fishcakes
  • Love 2

I am always a little taken aback each time they show Chin without a helmet, but I guess it is so we can see it is actually the actor, not a stuntman, doing the driving. Nice empty highway, by the way. The locals must love it when they shut down a major road like that for filming.

Wasn't it dark when Kono found the dead Yakuza? Yet it was broad daylight when Chin got to the scene. I would have thought Kono would call the guys, especially Chin, before calling the regular cops.

I suppose it is too much to hope that they get rid of Gabriel, Catherine and Danny's nephew all in one big explosion or tsunami or maybe a volcanic eruption. They haven't done any volcanic stuff yet, have they? Maybe massive lave flow can take them all out. Posthaste, please.

  • Love 1

Her character was as assistant in the Medical Examiner's office; Danny's nephew Eric is in the crime lab.

I know that she was working as ME, but I wondered if the actress was replaced as semi-regular. Just like Fong seems to have disappeared when she showed up (or was he still around last season?). Accoerding to IMDB she's off the show, too bad I quite like her, she was great on 'The Crazy Ones'.


Not quite sure why the show needs another character for comic relief - they've got enough of those already.

  • Love 1

Lotus Flower: Steve told Catherine, quite clearly, when they were talking while she was waiting for her ride, that if she left this time he wasn't going to wait for her to come back. So I'm assuming he won't take her back. Of course, having said that, when/if they want Michelle Borth/Catherine back in the storyline they'll probably conveniently forget Steve said that to Catherine. I used to like Catherine. After that scene where she pretty much dumped Steve last night, I'm not so sure anymore. Right now, I don't think I care if the character is back on the show or not. But I *do* wanna know what was up with that phone call she got at the end--which, I don't think, we necessarily need Michelle Borth back for. Steve/They could find out what she was really up to--maybe also hearing that Cath was killed (offscreen) as a result of whatever that phone call was related to--& Steve or someone could convey that to the audience in a line in another ep, like when Steve told Aunt Deb, I think, in S5 about her having gone off to Afghanistan.

SweetTooth: I think you're right. I think Danny's girlfriend in--I think--S2-at least S3, maybe some of S4, Gabby, the Curator at the Bishop Museum, split with Danny because of the work vs. relationship conflict. But, to be fair, I think Danny told her if she really wanted the position at the other museum, she should take it & not feel obligated to stay just to be with him--& she took it. It was a very amicable breakup, but not quite as angsty as Steve & Catherine's seemed. In real life, Autumn Reeser, the actress who played Gabby was pregnant with her second child at the time her character was written out, so maybe that had something to do with the character's storyline ending onscreen.

Fishcakes: I'm sort of wondering what's up with Fong too. I know Brian Yang, who plays/played(?) him, is also busy as a Producer (he Produced a well-received documentary, Linsanity, about NBA Superstar Jeremy Lin--which was narrated by Daniel Dae Kim); maybe he's too busy with that aspect of his career now to continue playing Fong. I just looked at his IMDb page--it indicates he played Fong something like 30 times between 2010 & 2014. I'm not sure if we should take that as the character of Fong is no more, or not. I mean, some of their recurring characters show up just when you never expect to hear from them again--like Rachel at the end of last season.

As the daughter of a retired Neurosurgeon, I also hate when they show Chin riding his motorcycle without a helmet (my Dad took care of a lot of people who did that, & were hurt in crashes, back in the day). But I agree with Mittengirl--it probably has to do with showing us Daniel is actually riding it as Chin. I would hope, if Daniel also rides them in real life he's more cautious/sensible than Chin seems & he rides with a helmet.

Edited by BW Manilowe
  • Love 2

So, do I have it right that this is the second woman to leave one of the 5-0 guys because they feel they can't have a career/pursue their dreams AND be in a relationship? I guess as women it's one or the other for us,right? While the men can totally balance their career/love life. 

That was just a cover story. Knowing Catherine's character like we do, it wouldn't surprise me if she needed to be needed, to find purpose in her life. But the spy talk she had in the car told us that everything she said to Steve was part of her cover, and it needed to be convincing.

Lotus Flower: Steve told Catherine, quite clearly, when they were talking while she was waiting for her ride, that if she left this time he wasn't going to wait for her to come back. So I'm assuming he won't take her back. Of course, having said that, when/if they want Michelle Borth/Catherine back in the storyline they'll probably conveniently forget Steve said that to Catherine. I used to like Catherine. After that scene where she pretty much dumped Steve last night, I'm not so sure anymore. Right now, I don't think I care if the character is back on the show or not. But I *do* wanna know what was up with that phone call she got at the end--which, I don't think, we necessarily need Michelle Borth back for. Steve/They could find out what she was really up to--maybe also hearing that Cath was killed (offscreen) as a result of whatever that phone call was related to--& Steve or someone could convey that to the audience in a line in another ep, like when Steve told Aunt Deb, I think, in S5 about her having gone off to Afghanistan.

I think Steve's line to Catherine about not waiting around for her anymore was only inserted

in order to introduce a new girlfriend/love interest for Steve. So even if Catherine comes back, yes, he could tell her that he has a new girlfriend and has moved on, but it could also create a love triangle, or more soapy drama. If it plays out that way, I don't think that's an ex. of the writers forgetting that line - I think he said it because he meant it, and then he moved on, and then Catherine comes back, and feelings resurface, and drama ensues.... (I don't know...just speculating!)

I don't know what's up with that spy phone call, either, but I tend to think it means we haven't seen the last of Catherine. (Unless it's an offscreen contract issue with Michelle Borth). Why send her off in such a mysterious way if they wanted to end the storyline/relationship/character?

Wasn't it dark when Kono found the dead Yakuza? Yet it was broad daylight when Chin got to the scene. I would have thought Kono would call the guys, especially Chin, before calling the regular cops.


Yeah, I noticed that too, and felt sorry for the guy playing the dead driver who had to reposition his head in the exact right awkward position for both scenes.  

Because we watched it On Demand we couldn't fast-forward through the commercials.  There was one for Phoenix University and I commented to Mr. Jobiska that the ones for ITT Tech, where someone is always going to school to better their lives and that of their family, always get to me somehow.  In a bit, when the voice recognition flashed Gabriel's face on the screen, I thought of you all wondering how he suddenly changed from thuggy nogoodnik to criminal mastermind, and I realized--maybe he went to ITT tech for crime kingpins!

I think Chin did sort of recognize the voice--he had a look on his face that seemed to indicate that--but he probably wanted scientific proof, knowing how emotionally affected he is.

I may be in the minority, but I like the character of Danny's nephew.  But apparently, I am well in the majority re being glad Catherine is gone!

I always wanted Kono to end up with Fong.  He seems a physically safer choice than Adam!

Geez, how many times is Steve going to get his heart ripped out?  I can see him completely swearing off women with what his mother and now Catherine has done to him.  My question for her is "Why come back?"  Actually, that's my question for Lenkov too.  It's true that when Catherine left the first time that it hurt Steve, but this is ten times worse because Steve at least had a year to come to terms with her being gone.  She told him not to wait for her.  So by coming back, she lured him (so to speak) back into loving her and enjoying being with her and around her only to rip the rug out from under him.  I can't believe that she just happened to get a call to go on a covert op.  Those just don't drop in out of the blue.  She must have become an active agent in some capacity during the time she was gone, which means she was still an "asset" when she showed up at Steve's home the day of the wedding.  It also means she could be "reactivated" again at any time, and by not telling Steve, she was misleading him to believe that they had a future.  I have been fairly indifferent to Catherine.  I never hated her but I wasn't in love with her either.  I could have taken her or left her as part of Steve's life, but after this?  She clearly chose her missions over Steve.  Like Steve said (paraphrasing) "You're choosing a place where I'm not there."  I think it bothers me this time much more because of the conversation she had with Danny.  He TOLD her that the last time she left, it really hurt Steve.  So here she does it again?  I'm guessing that the conversation she had with Danny was why she left sooner, perhaps thinking to rip off the bandaid now, but what the hell was she thinking coming back in the first place?  I guess she didn't realize how badly she had hurt him, but considering they were both in tears on the phone when she told him she was staying AND finally got the "I love you" from him, she had to realize that he wanted her with him.  Eh, I'm glad she's gone.


I have been enjoying H5O much more this season because we are getting LOTS of Steve and Danny and the relationship and fun banter that I have loved since season one.  I really missed their relationship and them being partners (not Lou or Chin).  I think the writers (hopefully) realized that separating everyone last year for episodes on end was a huge fail.  I loved Danny looking out for Steve, and I'm curious to see if the writers even show us next week if there is any follow-up with Steve and Danny regarding Catherine leaving.  I would think Danny would be pissed.


I don't mind Danny's nephew being on the show, but he needs to tone down the schtick he's doing.  He's clearly a smart guy, but the constant inappropriateness of his behavior will get old very quickly if they plan on having him on all season.  I am very happy to see Jerry joining the team.  His basement office reminds me of Mulder from the X-Files.  So he needs a "The Truth is Out There" poster on the back wall.  That would be so Jerry of him.


The whole "Gabriel" storyline is kind of meh to me because it's not connected to Steve.  The Wo-Fat story was great because it really had mystery and was tied to Steve personally.  I just don't care how Chin or Kono are tied to Gabriel, but I am happy to see Kono and Adam on the show again as a couple and that they are married.  I think there has been a lot of balance this season, and it has it's drama back again.  If this is going to be their last season, they better bring Doris back because I can't have closure with H5O without Steve being able to confront his mother - good or bad.  It needs to happen.

Edited by Bishop
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I groaned too when it was revealed (and I knew that it would be) Gabriel was behind all this.  Wo Fat he ain't...he's just an upjumped two-bit thug.


I'm afraid the Catherine thing is not over.  You don't reveal she's working as a secret agent unless the show is going to revisit that.  I only hope that when she returns, Steve will have officially moved on and it's for the best at this point.  There was no reason to bring Catherine back to go to this well again.


Danny's nephew was annoying (I forgot he was on the show previously) but I did laugh at "before someone went baby seal on him" line.

  • Love 1

Was that camera/memory card with the surfer related to a prior episode?  It just seemed an out of nowhere tangent if not.  Frankly, I don't remember much of individual episodes after a season unless they were particularly memorable.


So is Gabriel going to be behind every crime/episode this season?


I like Danny's nephew.  He may have gotten the job through nepotism, but he certainly seems capable.


Somehow I think we'll see Catherine again, probably in the second half of the season when she'll pop up to need Steve's help (or Steve will hear about her in trouble or something).  But in the meantime, Steve gets to play the field.

Was that camera/memory card with the surfer related to a prior episode? It just seemed an out of nowhere tangent if not. Frankly, I don't remember much of individual episodes after a season unless they were particularly memorable.

So is Gabriel going to be behind every crime/episode this season?

I like Danny's nephew. He may have gotten the job through nepotism, but he certainly seems capable.

Somehow I think we'll see Catherine again, probably in the second half of the season when she'll pop up to need Steve's help (or Steve will hear about her in trouble or something). But in the meantime, Steve gets to play the field.

Just throwing it out there that, even though Danny's on Five-0 & works with HPD in that capacity/he was an HPD Detective before he joined/was shanghaied by Steve for Five-0, Eric may not necessarily have gotten the job through nepotism. I mean, his last name is Russo, not Williams (he's Danny's nephew through Danny's sister, Stella, which was pointed out in the ep), & he doesn't even look like Danny/Scott Caan. When Eric was in the 3rd season ep which had the multiple endings the viewers could choose from, he said all on his own, after watching Steve, Danny, & Five-0 work that case, he thought that he wanted to work in a crime lab. Maybe he was supposed to have chosen HPD's lab on his own, maybe he got there through his Uncle Danny having a connection; we just don't know. I mean, he could've just as easily stayed in New Jersey (where Uncle Danny probably also still has some influence) & worked with a crime lab closer to the rest of his family (though, yeah, they obviously wanted him working with HPD's lab for the purposes of this story, & because it appears Brian Yang may not be recurring as Charlie Fong, the previous lab tech Five-0 usually dealt with, anymore).

Something else I found interesting was that Danny mentioned (as I also mentioned above) his sister/Eric's mother is named Stella. And that's interesting, to me, because Melanie Griffith plays/played Danny's mom, Clara, in 3 eps in, I think, S4--& Melanie Griffith & her now ex-husband, Antonio Banderas, have a daughter who's also named Stella. I've been wondering if that's a coincidence or a shout out to Melanie's real daughter. If it turns out Danny's other sister (he & Clara have both mentioned he has multiple sisters & Clara has multiple daughters) is named Dakota (the name of Melanie's daughter with another ex, Don Johnson), I'll be leaning towards a shout out to real life. Just saying.

No, I totally get what you're saying. And I agree it was just a cover. But the end result is that she's going off to do this assignment, which is her job, it's just not the job she told Steve she was going to do. 


So I agree that at some point, she put in motion whatever came to a head, and yet she inserted herself back into Steve's life, knowing she could be called away at any moment, and she couldn't tell him what it was about.

Ok. I just don't see it as an ex. of yet another woman choosing her dream or career over Steve. I think showing Catherine crying in the car and the conversation she had with Danny implies that she's cut up over what's she doing, and it's not necessarily what she wants. This show is big on patriotism and noble causes and the greater good, and Catherine's secret mission might be along these lines. I could be over-analyzing this, though, and maybe I'm wrong, but I think the story was strictly a cover.

  • Love 1

For the character's sakes, I hope Cath stays gone. I think she's hurt Steve badly and he's never going to move on if she keeps popping in and out of his life.


I sincerely hope that whatever Cath is up to, it does revolve around something she has to do to keep Steve safe (either on a personal or national security level). Because otherwise she's causing a lot of pain for no reason.


As a viewer, I want to see this continue because I find it entertaining. As I will find the inevitable comfort from Steve's friends to be heartwarming. The poor guy just keeps getting jerked around, ever since Doris supposedly died.


She's hurt Danny badly too! I loved that scene with Danny and Catherine, he's just so protective of Steve. You don't mess with Danny's boy. That's the love story of this show.

  • Love 1

She's hurt Danny badly too! I loved that scene with Danny and Catherine, he's just so protective of Steve. You don't mess with Danny's boy. That's the love story of this show.

If she ever comes back, Danny might kill her. I think Cath now ranks up there with Rachel on the 'do not like' list.

I always liked Catherine and Steve, and I was sad to see her go.  Obviously in the show, she left to do some secret spy stuff, but IRL I think it's once again because TPTB don't know what to do with a female character in this show.  Apart from Grace Park, none of the other recurring female characters have been well received or lasted long on this show.  Governor Jean Smart - evil, and dead.  Jenna Kaye - evil, and dead.  Innocent Kelly Hu - can't have two "name" Asian actresses on this show... blown up.  Malia Waincroft Kelly - dead.  Lori Weston - ugh.  Dr. Gabrielle Asano - dumped because she chose her career stateside.  Christine Lahti - disappears, not sure if she will ever be back.  Mary Ann McGarrett - a mess, but still comes by occasionally.


So far this season there has been zero mention or appearance by who I thought was Danny's girlfriend, the blonde from New York who escaped to Hawaii from her ex-husband who tracked her down.  Or that Australian lawyer that I was sure was the Catherine replacement.  And what happened to Chin Ho's girlfriend, the one played by Lindsay Price that he escaped a prison riot with?


I, also, was convinced that with the flashbacks, that Catherine's car was going to blow up.  It was hard to tell, but I'm pretty sure one of the clips was the infamous "side grilling".  The flashback clips seemed to be a "final exit" from the show for Michelle Borth.  Not sure what to make of the thing at the end with her talking to her handler.  I wonder if it will ever be addressed or if we are just to assume that Catherine rides off for good and goes wherever Doris goes.

  • Love 1

I would absolutely love it if it turned out that Catherine was recruited long, long ago to play some sort of deep cover surveillance on Steve, maybe as an offshoot of the Shelburne thing with Steve's mom.  That's why the mysterious caller was so adamant that Steve bought Catherine's cover story, that's why Catherine seemed so evasive and uncomfortable with Danny, that's why she was crying over her memories of the good times with Steve--she is playing him for a job and feels guilty about it.


Isn't that the overarching theme of this show?  People Steve cares about betraying him one after the other?  His dad dumped him when he was a teen after his mother "died."  SEAL buddy Nick Taylor turns traitor-for-pay.  His mentor and substitute father figure Joe White has ulterior motives and can't be trusted.  His respected boss and substitute mother figure, Governor Jameson is in cahoots with his worst enemy.  His beloved Aunt Deb is in the long, slow process of betraying him by dying.  And his mom?  Big, big barrel of betrayal issues there...  I think that's why he has such a touchy relationship with his sister, even though she seems to have turned her life around, he keeps expecting Mary Ann to pull a fast one, which is why he was so upset over her having adopted Joan.  Catherine, running a very long op on him would be just one more to add to the list.


The only people he can depend on, the only people who won't betray him, are his chosen ohana of his 5-0 team--and even then, Danny, his closest and most trusted friend, almost left him to follow his daughter to Las Vegas.  But Danny proved himself by fighting to stay.



  • Love 4
Was that camera/memory card with the surfer related to a prior episode?  It just seemed an out of nowhere tangent if not.  Frankly, I don't remember much of individual episodes after a season unless they were particularly memorable.


I wondered about that too, but I assumed that it had something to do with a plotline from an earlier episode that I've never seen.  I didn't watch this show until the second season or so (and I need to catch up if TNT is still showing older ones).

Edited by BooksRule

I hesitated quite a while before posting this, because I could be totally wrong. Having said that, I seem to recall reading about a surfer that was killed recently, over the summer or early fall, who had a small part on Five-0. I had forgotten about it until they focused so clearly and lingeringly on the close-up of his face, not once but twice.

  • Love 2

I would absolutely love it if it turned out that Catherine was recruited long, long ago to play some sort of deep cover surveillance on Steve, maybe as an offshoot of the Shelburne thing with Steve's mom.  That's why the mysterious caller was so adamant that Steve bought Catherine's cover story, that's why Catherine seemed so evasive and uncomfortable with Danny, that's why she was crying over her memories of the good times with Steve--she is playing him for a job and feels guilty about it.


Isn't that the overarching theme of this show?  People Steve cares about betraying him one after the other?  His dad dumped him when he was a teen after his mother "died."  SEAL buddy Nick Taylor turns traitor-for-pay.  His mentor and substitute father figure Joe White has ulterior motives and can't be trusted.  His respected boss and substitute mother figure, Governor Jameson is in cahoots with his worst enemy.  His beloved Aunt Deb is in the long, slow process of betraying him by dying.  And his mom?  Big, big barrel of betrayal issues there...  I think that's why he has such a touchy relationship with his sister, even though she seems to have turned her life around, he keeps expecting Mary Ann to pull a fast one, which is why he was so upset over her having adopted Joan.  Catherine, running a very long op on him would be just one more to add to the list.


The only people he can depend on, the only people who won't betray him, are his chosen ohana of his 5-0 team--and even then, Danny, his closest and most trusted friend, almost left him to follow his daughter to Las Vegas.  But Danny proved himself by fighting to stay.



I agree with pretty much everything said here. The people in Steve's life have a long history of betrayal whether intentional or not. 


The only one I don't really agree with is when Danny was ready to move for Grace. There is no way Steve would have held that against him, consciously or unconsciously. Having lost his parents (or so he thought at the time), I can't see Steve begrudging Danny that time with his child. 

Oh no, I don't see Danny leaving to follow Grace as a betrayal. Steve was resigned to Danny leaving, and expected him to leave. Not so much a betrayal as an understandable "circumstanes are such" kind of abandonment. It was that Danny fought for custody of Grace so he could stay on that "pineapple infested hellhole" that meant so much in Steve's eyes. Danny doesn't let go. Danny hold on harder.

  • Love 2

Apart from Grace Park, none of the other recurring female characters have been well received or lasted long on this show.  Governor Jean Smart - evil, and dead.  Jenna Kaye - evil, and dead.  Innocent Kelly Hu - can't have two "name" Asian actresses on this show... blown up.  Malia Waincroft Kelly - dead.  Lori Weston - ugh.  Dr. Gabrielle Asano - dumped because she chose her career stateside.  Christine Lahti - disappears, not sure if she will ever be back.  Mary Ann McGarrett - a mess, but still comes by occasionally.


One thing I hate about this show -- this may be the last season so I'll stick it out -- is how much of a "Bro Club" it is, and how they've manipulated the viewers to like it that way.  So we can add Lou and Jerry and Danny's nephew and on and on, but God forbid there be another woman besides Twiggy on the show.  Guh.


And I don't care why they did it -- it was grossly irresponsible to show Chin riding without a helmet and leathers.  He's ex-police, he should know better!

  • Love 3

Blackwing: Respectfully, Gabby just went back to the mainland for her work (I think Denver), not "stateside" (Hawaii's a state). And Danny let her go.

We'll be seeing Amber/Melissa again. Go read my most recent post in Spoilers & Speculation if you want details. I'm less sure about Mirrah Foulkes' character, Ellie Clayton, & Lindsay Price's character, Leilani. Apparently Mirrah just finished work on a project for Australian TV (I think); it was mentioned in my Social Media feeds in the last few days. As for Lindsay, as I recently said in another thread, she's married to Celebrity Chef/Restauranteur/TV Personality/Cookbook Author Curtis Stone & they have 2 sons, 1 is almost 4; the other is 13 months. She may be on maternity leave right now. But Chin's love life may not suffer--check the Spoilers & Speculation post I already mentioned if you want the info.

HurricaneVal: Danny almost left Steve to go back to Jersey, with Rachel, Gracie, & the then-unborn child we now know is Charlie, at the end of S1. He started the custody suit, in S3, to keep from having to follow Gracie to Vegas.

BooksRule: Yes, TNT is still showing the previous seasons of the show, so you can catch up. This week, they're showing 2 eps from S3, from 3-5AM Eastern, Saturday morning. If this means anything to you, the eps are the 1 where Steve & Cath go to North Korea to repatriate the remains of Steve's SEAL buddy, Freddie Hart, & the 1 where Aisha Tyler plays the Oprah-ish daytime talk show host whose show follows the team around on a case, for 1 of those "Day in the Life" sort of exposés.

By the way, TNT normally shows around 6 eps at a time, from Midnight Friday night/Saturday morning to 6AM Saturday morning (Eastern Time). But schedules may be changing because TNT also carries a lot of NBA games & the season's starting this week; so if you wanna keep watching/recording the repeats, you may wanna keep your eyes on TNT's listings in your paper/TV guide for late Fridays/early Saturdays so you know the correct time(s) for the repeats.

jhlipton: This may actually not be the last season for the show. 2 of the 3 eps aired so far have been in or near the Top 20 TV Shows for the week in which they aired. Just saying.

Edited by BW Manilowe

One thing I hate about this show -- this may be the last season so I'll stick it out -- is how much of a "Bro Club" it is, and how they've manipulated the viewers to like it that way.  So we can add Lou and Jerry and Danny's nephew and on and on, but God forbid there be another woman besides Twiggy on the show.  Guh.

That's always a problem with shows featuring bromance as the core relationship. The writers equal female characters with potential love-interest (and eye-candy) and then have to pull the plug once romance starts to overshadow bromance and/or they've run out of ideas for will-they-won't-they. To be fair H50 once added a female character who was neither a potential love-interest nor a blood-relative: Jenna. And she was far from a fan favorite. So they stick with Kono and the occasional girlfriend/ex-wife drama.

Edited by MissLucas
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I'm thinking she's gone CIA too, maybe working with Doris somehow--or she's with some other secret governmental agency where she can use her intel skills. I don't think the Navy would recruit her back for whatever she was talking about; especially since there aren't female SEALs yet & they seem to do all the covert ops work.

This will make me VERY angry if she has been playing him this whole time, because she KNOWS how Doris has hurt him.


This show needs to stop dragging story lines on forever.  Kill Catherine off or keep her with Steve.  Make a choice and stick with it.  It's apparent that the writers are making this up as they go.


My pupils are still stuck from the massive eye roll of Gabriel getting away in the season opener.  I don't think I can stomach an entire season of idiotic "cliffhangers".

My anger is at the way they oh-so-casually dropped in that the person who attacked the transport "killed two officers and the bad guy is gone!" Look - I watch every crime procedural out there. I realize this show is ridiculous at best - which is why I love it. But did they have to kill two officers? So now Gabriel has killed 4 cops (including Chin's father) and somehow they are going to try and make him redeemable at some point??? (I don't know that  - i'm just guessing they are going to try and make him sympathetic). They could have attained the same surprise with "two officers were injured." If only because now they will never mention it again. ymmv


When Catherine mentioned having arranged a ride to the airport and then we got all those flashbacks, I figured Steve would have to watch helplessly as her vehicle blew up. Because the show lurves it's explosions.


My bet is she and Doris are in some covert op, which means we'll most likely be subjected to both of them again. *grumble*

Again, this will make me VERY angry.


MB's face is SO distorted - the flashbacks made that very obvious. I couldn't look away!

This will make me VERY angry if she has been playing him this whole time, because she KNOWS how Doris has hurt him.

My anger is at the way they oh-so-casually dropped in that the person who attacked the transport "killed two officers and the bad guy is gone!" Look - I watch every crime procedural out there. I realize this show is ridiculous at best - which is why I love it. But did they have to kill two officers? So now Gabriel has killed 4 cops (including Chin's father) and somehow they are going to try and make him redeemable at some point??? (I don't know that - i'm just guessing they are going to try and make him sympathetic). They could have attained the same surprise with "two officers were injured." If only because now they will never mention it again. ymmv

Again, this will make me VERY angry.

MB's face is SO distorted - the flashbacks made that very obvious. I couldn't look away!

Yeah. I'll be pretty angry if we find out Cath's been playing Steve this whole time too--even if it ends up she's somehow been trying to protect him from something (I mean, come on... The guy on the phone asking if Steve bought her reason for leaving? That obviously shows someone doesn't want Steve to know what's going on, for some reason; maybe because he's [unknowingly] at the center of it, somehow). I liked Catherine when she started, even when she stayed behind in Afghanistan to find the kid--sense of honor/repaying a debt, to his family for helping her when she was injured & (I think) separated from her unit, & all that. After she broke Steve's heart at the end of the ep, then we saw--again, after the AM phone call--she's keeping secrets from him, I'm not that fond of her now. Why is it pretty much every woman in Steve's life, except maybe Kono (& maybe Danno's Gracie), keeps secrets from him?

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Catherine also lied to Danny -- he asked if she was going to stay and she said something like "I'll do my best" or whatever.  She could have come up with something as to why she couldn't stay, but telling Danny the truth and having him tell Steve would have been the honorable thing to do.

jhlipton: This may actually not be the last season for the show. 2 of the 3 eps aired so far have been in or near the Top 20 TV Shows for the week in which they aired. Just saying.

I created a Ratings topic and posted there.

Edited by jhlipton
Catherine also lied to Danny -- he asked if she was going to stay and she said something like "I'll do my best" or whatever.  She could have come up with something as to why she couldn't stay, but telling Danny the truth and having him tell Steve would have been the honorable thing to do.


Actually, she said "there's nothing I want more" , which the moment I heard that, told me she was leaving the show.  She specifically didn't say "I'd do my best" or anything that made it sound like she really was going to stay, as opposed to that she wanted to, but knew she wouldn't/couldn't.

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Well, that's all McGarrett needs - another woman who, in reality, is a full-on spook, dropping in and out of his life just like Mommy!   Seriously, show???  Even if she comes back at some point, dump her, Steve!  And, yes, she lied to Danny.  She lied by implying that all would be well.


In the race to be McGarrett's love interest, I was hoping the character of Ellie Clayton would fill the bill.  She's the lawyer who's father died in a previous episode who shows up occasional to help Steve on a case.  She was played by Australian actress, Mirrah Foulkes, and I thought she and O'Loughlin had good chemistry.  Anyway, that's how I'd have things go if I was a writer.


I don't care if Daniel Dae Kim films his own motorcycle scenes and I don't care if the road is complete empty and closed to traffic during filming, they should show him wearing a helmet.  Period.


Otherwise, I still love this show.

Edited by limecoke
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I don't care if Daniel Dae Kim films his own motorcycle scenes and I don't care if the road is complete empty and closed to traffic during filming, they should show him wearing a helmet.  Period.

I agree. Besides, he could remove the helmet slowly, like a stripper. Be still my heart.

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