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S32: Previews and Speculation

Way Wes Jr

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The interesting thing, now that we've seen Cydney being down in the promo video, it's amazing how they misdirected the initial preseason preview video. They had an IV pole, and the sound of a woman crying hysterically. People were speculating that it was either Liz or Jen who got medavaced. turns out, that was Cydney's voice superimposed on the image of a person with an IV - or maybe it was her with the IV - and I dont think she gets medavac'ed here. Though you never know.

Ok, well I haven't actually looked at the pictures yet, but the idea of black cooling blankets sound weird to me.  I mean, black in the hot sun?

Medical equipment to me is usually white, blue, maybe orange. 

So I googled and did find an image of a navy blue evaporative blanket but yes, it is also true that anything soaked in water can be an

evaporative cooling blanket so I don't know. It just seems like knowing that they know how bad the conditions there are and that

someone died on French Survivor in the same location that they would have some good equipment. 

I guess I get now why S31 went the way it did.  I felt they were cushier than usual with the rewards, and of course getting their shelter re-built for them during a rain storm, and the challenges didn't seem as physical as they are this season (since it seemed like a record with endurance challenges).  I know it was supposed to be a throw back, but there have been really physical challenges from the past they could have incorporated if they had wanted to.  But seeing how tough the Survivors are already having it, less than 15 days into the game, with an evacuation already, I see that they likely learned their lesson when they went back out to Cambodia for round 2. 

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Well I'm not up on the actual filming dates of 31 vs 32 but I suspect there was some seasonal variation there.  Who was out there when it was hottest?

Also, we have been hearing about evacuations and/or medical stuff and  how tough it is - but has that all been coming from CBS/Survivor itself?  Does that make

it true, or true to what extent?  I guess I'm wondering if we are taking the bait and getting excited when really there is mostly one really scary situation. 

We know that Liz ended up in the hospital shortly after being voted off but that was for a skin/blood infection I think which can happen any season. 

Someone gets evacuated, likely this episode and that is apparently quite scary. 

S32, that one beach where Varner and those guys ended up with nothing...that seemed pretty tough.  Who has that spot this season? 

Edited by marys1000

One SM, some of the second chancers said that Beauty was on the old Bayon beach, and Brain was Ta'Keo.  So Brawn has Angkor, which seems to explain why they equally have sucked so far.  And they didn't even have to start from absolute scratch!


S32 filmed from March-May of last year, and S31 filmed May-July.  I believe S31 filmed during the monsoon season, so our current Survivors must have got the hot part of the season.


You are probably correct in how CBS loves to hype the drama.  That's basically been the theme of the season is the medevac and medical issues.  Which made me wonder if anything else is going to happen, or if watching people almost die is going to be the most exciting thing. 

Edited by LadyChatts

Ok, well I haven't actually looked at the pictures yet, but the idea of black cooling blankets sound weird to me.  I mean, black in the hot sun?

Medical equipment to me is usually white, blue, maybe orange. 

So I googled and did find an image of a navy blue evaporative blanket but yes, it is also true that anything soaked in water can be an

evaporative cooling blanket so I don't know. It just seems like knowing that they know how bad the conditions there are and that

someone died on French Survivor in the same location that they would have some good equipment.

White/light colors work better for reflective; black/dark colors work better for evaporative.


S32, that one beach where Varner and those guys ended up with nothing...that seemed pretty tough.  Who has that spot this season?

Brawn, IIRC. Which may explain a lot.

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One SM, some of the second chancers said that Beauty was on the old Bayon beach, and Brain was Ta'Keo.  So Brawn has Angkor, which seems to explain why they equally have sucked so far.  And they didn't even have to start from absolute scratch!

Agreed, although I'd add one more thing.


I'd say that this Brawn tribe sucks so bad that they cursed the beach, which is one more reason that Angkor got their asses handed to them when they hit the beach one season later.

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So it's a 13-person shuffle, so we're bound to have uneven numbers of a seven- and six-person tribe.  Five Beauty, five Brains and three Brawn, which theoretically puts the Brawns in a good spot as swing votes.  It could be that we only get one episode with the new tribes before the merge, unless it'll be a merge at 11 thanks to Caleb's unexpected medivac.  If one of the new tribes is placed on the Brains' beach, that means that unfound third idol could still be in play.

If one of the new tribes is placed on the Brains' beach, that means that unfound third idol could still be in play.


I bet they will place one of the new tribes there for this very reason.


Have they ever done a swap with uneven numbers before? I'm so annoyed by this. Ugh they should've just not done a boot since Caleb got med evaced.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I wouldn't be surprised if they placed additional idols out there, regardless of which beach people landed on. I have wondered how the super idol thing would work if there's only one idol on each beach, anyway. It would be useless until merge, or at least until a shuffle. The shuffle would have to put two idol holders together for it to even matter then. Seems like a stupid twist if it can't even come into play until halfway through the season.

It just seems like knowing that they know how bad the conditions there are and that

someone died on French Survivor in the same location that they would have some good equipment.

That person died of a heart condition. That could happen anywhere. All the talk about the heat is a bit of hype by CBS and easily believed by those who have never lived in extreme heat. Yes, it can be dangerous if you exert for extremely long periods of time without drinking enough water. The hydration is a much bigger issue than the heat. I mean, outdoor activities don't just cease in the desert when it gets over 100 degrees, and I doubt they do in the tropics, either. (And, no, the "dry heat" myth doesn't make a difference. Spend a summer in Southern Arizona during the rainy season. ) Some of the most strenuous work imaginable is done outdoors in the heat for much longer than 45 minutes or so.

To be honest, this episode proved just what a fool Joe was for dismissing concerns about fire and enough clean drinking water. That's what the show should really be concerned about. Water.

Edited by azshadowwalker

So it's a 13-person shuffle, so we're bound to have uneven numbers of a seven- and six-person tribe.  Five Beauty, five Brains and three Brawn, which theoretically puts the Brawns in a good spot as swing votes.  It could be that we only get one episode with the new tribes before the merge, unless it'll be a merge at 11 thanks to Caleb's unexpected medivac.  If one of the new tribes is placed on the Brains' beach, that means that unfound third idol could still be in play.

Once season they did a gym team type pick, remember?  According to the rules (someone on reddit had these), if they don't want uneven numbers and were doing an exile island type thing, the 13th person not picked would go to exile and come back in after Tribal sent someone home.  Now this hasn't been billed as a exile island season so I have no idea whether this would be a twist or not but it would be one way to even up the numbers.  Or maybe something similar?  Nothing to stop them from having uneven number tribes I guess.

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Wonder if it has to do with the uneven tribe numbers?  If they do a tribe pick 'em (which typically they don't do, but maybe they'll change it up this time), that whoever gets picked last gets automatic immunity or something.


I do think it probably has to do with the uneven numbers.


This involves talk about the press photos so I'll tag it.

It doesn't look like they're doing a tribe pick though since there are pics of everyone randomly picking new buffs.

Edited by peachmangosteen

One theory being floated around in the spoilers is the return of exile island. Initially it was thought that whoever didn't get picked to be on a tribe would be sent there, but if they draw buffs, maybe one person doesn't draw one or draws a special one that sends them to exile. Since there's been zero mention of EI returning anywhere this season, not sure if that could be it.

I do think it probably has to do with the uneven numbers.


This involves talk about the press photos so I'll tag it.

It doesn't look like they're doing a tribe pick though since there are pics of everyone randomly picking new buffs.

Why would it matter that two tribes had uneven members?  Because one is at an advantage if it doesn't remain that way still at the time of the merge?  I doubt they care.  It's not like they ever really try hard to make tribes all balanced.  So the smaller tribe has even more motivation to not lose at the next immunity challenge or two.  


Maybe his 'just one twist' is letting people in on the combinable, super-idols?  Or that one new tribe goes to a pre-existing camp and the other starts from scratch like last season (maybe the one with an extra person)?  


Could be re: the idols.  I don't know why it should matter, either, since having an extra person on a swapped tribe is no different than having an extra person pre-swap.  I know they probably don't want this idol twist to be a bust, so I'm sure they are going to make sure it works.

Just a guess but may be the twist is that that the odd player gets to choose which tribe he or she would like to be placed.

I was actually thinking that, too.


I'm with marys1000 in thinking it does matter to have uneven tribes for a swap. It's not exactly fair. 



interesting that some are speccing an EI return. It would make sense with the uneven numbers and the 'just one twist' thing, but I think they probably would've promoted it if EI was returning. Also, about spoilers, are there any concrete ones for this season? I'm always so afraid to go to the spoiler thread because I don't want to see any boot spoilers or anything but I always feel bad posting here since I do look at the press images and ep descriptions and such, which are considered spoilers.

Well, I have to say of that preview, Kyle and Scot seem shell-shocked and Cydney is practically dancing a jig.

Ha, Scot is probably thinking of "their" idol, which could be heading to another beach in Jason's pocket. Cydney's reaction is interesting, I guess she felt she was on the bottom of the 3-person alliance. Or she might just be looking forward to not automatically losing every challenge. 


Julia also seems very excited about it, which I find weird considering she has such a tight and powerful alliance.


She's pretty young, IIRC, she might just be one of those "grew up watching the show" types and is just excited for a Survivor milestone? 

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I read through the most recent batch of posts...

...had the thought I should probably post some kind of response to some of this...

...then abruptly realized - at this point in the game, I don't care enough about anybody to bother posting about them.

Kinda jarring, that.


I'm with you there.  I can't even get excited it's Survivor Wednesday.  I hope this season picks up, since it is still early (because so far I'm finding more people to against than for).

I'm with you there. I can't even get excited it's Survivor Wednesday. I hope this season picks up, since it is still early (because so far I'm finding more people to against than for).

The one frail hope to which I cling with bleeding fingernails is, given Production's on-screen-time bias toward Brawn and selected drama queens of the other Tribes, someone I like could arise among the 50% or so of the cast who have gotten next to zero air time thus far.

Right now, the closest I am to remotely liking anybody is probably Aubry. Maybe Joe as well, if for no other reason than I want the TOG* to stick around at least long enough to outlast both Peter and Neal - and in so doing knock their collective dicks in the dirt.

* TOG = Token Old Guy

Edited by Nashville
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I'm with you there.  I can't even get excited it's Survivor Wednesday.  I hope this season picks up, since it is still early (because so far I'm finding more people to against than for).

Ditto. I hope the season improves, and we actually see some honest-to-goodness gameplay and strategizing soon. Redmond did say the producers were unhappy with S32. I wonder if it's because it's letdown on both gameplay and likeable personalities.

I'm with you there.  I can't even get excited it's Survivor Wednesday.  I hope this season picks up, since it is still early (because so far I'm finding more people to against than for).



it is a slower than usual per-merge. but i think we just have to accept it's a crap season :( and gear up for 33. I mean there was a reason why they switched the seasons around (30 was pants.. and they couldn't go back to back to back crappy seasons). 

Okay, the previews for next week almost made me throw up in my mouth... Debbie (aka The Wicked Witch) actually taked about using... FLIRTING as a game tool. *look of shock and revulsion*



No, even funnier is that Debbie said something like "One of my major strategies is NOT TO FLIRT."  That's one of her major strategies.  NOT to flirt.  LOL!!


Scared the everlivin' fuck outta me.  Debbie said "flirt", and my brain's kneejerk word association response was "restraining order".

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