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Caitlyn Jenner: Call Me Caitlyn

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Where's Robert Kardashian when you need him?


I bet Bruce somehow gets out of this with a slap on the wrist. The poor victims.

Sometimes celebrity works the other way, too. Famous people can be used for illustrative purposes.

I'm sure Bruce feels terrible.


I must confess ... someone asked if Bruce was putting on makeup in the car, and I laughed. I'm a terrible person.

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Yes, when someone rearends another car, it's ALWAYS their fault. Don't ask me how I know this.


You're wrong.  I KNOW this as a lawyer for more than 20 years.   There is a presumption that the rear driver is at fault, but it is easily rebutted - the lead driver may have stopped for no reason, their brake lights might not have worked, the rear driver might have had a mechanical or medical issue that was not their fault....

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Well, I think we can all at least agree that Bruce will get off regardless. Money talks. 



ETA: Bruce will not get "off" as in not having any charges filed. I see it being a failure to control. maybe even involuntary manslaughter, which will be plead down and down and down.. Bruce will pay big time, but at the end of the day, the only thing that will really hurt is the wallet and Bruce's heart. I don't know the details, but so far. Bruce will walk. If Bruce passed the sobriety test, and has proof that paps were involved. Bruce will be fine. Only talking about criminal charges, not the blow Bruce will take to his/heart and even more publicity at a real shitty time. Condolences to the victim and family. Just sucks all around.

Edited by redlaces

Plenty of famous people have been behind the wheel of cars that killed people.

Bruce may pay out money but he'll be fine.



I can't imagine Bruce was really running away from the papz. Sure they get annoying, but why do these famous people swear they need to dodge them. What's the worst that'll happen, an ugly candid photo? Get over it.

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The fact there's paparazzi shots, from at least 2 different agencies of the actual accident as it happened, certainly would at least hint that he was being closely followed by photographers. I'm not seeing an actual phone in his hand, but it does look like the hand position would indicate one. 


Sure looks like him behind the wheel. And why would he have been given a field sobriety test (that he passed) if he wasn't the driver? I agree, it also looks like he's texting or at least looking at his phone.


He volunteered to take one at the scene and go for a blood alcohol test. There's also a video of him doing the on the scene test. The woman died at the scene so it's possible he wanted there to be no doubt of his sobriety. 

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If he was texting when the crash happened then whether there were paparazzi shouldn't make any difference.  They're following with cameras not weapons.  When you're driving you have to drive responsible.  Just very sad that a woman is dead.  Whether it's the paps or Bruce's fault, it didn't have to happen. I think he gets sued.

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This tragedy adds to the continuing mystery of why ANYONE in Hollywood (at least anyone in that tax bracket) drives themselves. Texting, pap following, those are newer wrinkles, but then add in the older situations like drunk driving.  I know Bruce isn't the richest of that group of Kardashian hanger-oners, by far, but if he's got enough scratch on hand to change his entire body, he's got enough to have a driver on retainer.

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I read an article earlier (I don't care enough to go find it again) in which police explained that no paparazzi were chasing the vehicle.   There may have been some following, but not chasing.   The photogs by the roadside were on hand to take the moment of impact shots because they knew in advance that he was coming.   The PCH is a straight road, the police explained, with nowhere to go but forward.   The photogs knew he was coming that way and they were waiting by the side of the road to get a shot of him.


I don't buy for an instant that he was a victim of the paparazzi.    He and the rest of his clan feed on the attention.   Now he's trying to use it as a scapegoat.   How craven.   Does he look alarmed by the paparazzi in those photos? Now an innocent person is dead.


I know probably nothing will happen to him because in this country the depressing truth is that money and fame free you from ever having to take responsibility for your actions; nevertheless, it makes me feel better to say I hope they lock him up and throw away the key.

Edited by millennium
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This tragedy adds to the continuing mystery of why ANYONE in Hollywood (at least anyone in that tax bracket) drives themselves. Texting, pap following, those are newer wrinkles, but then add in the older situations like drunk driving.  I know Bruce isn't the richest of that group of Kardashian hanger-oners, by far, but if he's got enough scratch on hand to change his entire body, he's got enough to have a driver on retainer.

This is something I never understand. Every time I see some actor/actress getting arrested for DUI, I always wonder why if they knew they were going to be drinking, they still drove themselves. Besides the normal things that people have to lose, they also have a level of publicity regular people don't. It doesn't seem worth it to me.


Not that there is any "good" time for something like this to happen, but this is really at one of the worst times in Bruce's life for this accident. How is this going to affect his transition? If the police decide that he is at fault, there could be a trail & possibly jail time. Besides the fact that he'll be around 70 years old & going to jail, will he be a man or a woman? If he's mid transition, which jail does he go to? Of course, I'm sure none of this matters to the dead woman's family.

PCH is the coast Highway it runs the coast and its runs right past those nice beach houses in Malibu where Bruce has been living. Alot of celebrities have beach homes on that stretch of road so Paps haunt it. its a sight to see when driving and see paps surrounding a celebrities car so they are not able to move. I imagine its even a little crazy if you are in the car. smh Paps are nothing more than legal stalkers!

Texting while driving is a huge, dangerous problem all over and I wish more states would threaten legal action if you're caught.  There's a video, a very graphic, bloody video that went viral last year that shows in a very realistic way how texting while driving could cause horrible car crashes.  It was so impact that schools started showing it hoping to smarten any kids up who think reading a text is so important. Bruce is a grown man and should know better.

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Bruce is not new to the fame game. Paps chasing him is no excuse to drive distracted or recklessly. An innocent woman is dead, many others injured. They should throw the book at Bruce if he indeed was driving recklessly. My only son was killed by an asshole driving impaired on 3/11/11.


People read the actual reports of the incident not spec.If you went by the pics and gossip sites only you wouldn't know that there was a 4th car involved in front of the car Bruce hit




Pacific Coast Highway has been reopened in Malibu following a deadly four-vehicle crash involving Olympic gold medalist and TV reality star Bruce Jenner. The “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” mainstay was not hurt in the collision which killed a woman and injured several other motorists.

Jenner was being followed by paparazzi at the time, but they did not play a factor in the crash, said officials, adding that neither party was speeding.

According to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, deputies were sent around 12:12 p.m. to Corral Canyon at the Pacific Coast Highway, for report of a traffic collision involving four vehicles.

“Bruce Jenner was in the third car, which was a [Cadillac] Escalade with a trailer behind it towing a Sandrail,” said Sgt. Phillip Brooks of the Malibu Lost Hills Sheriff’s Station.

Deputies said a white Lexus was one of two vehicles that stopped abruptly in front of Jenner. Skid marks reportedly reveal Jenner tried to stop before rear-ending the Lexus by chain reaction, pushing the vehicle into oncoming traffic.

The Lexus was then struck by a Hummer H2 at the scene and smashed to bits.

Authorities pronounced the elderly female driver of the Lexus dead at the scene. Her identity is being withheld pending family notification.

Seven other motorists were injured – an infant and two small children – were transported by paramedics to Santa Monica Hospital. Their conditions remain unknown at this time.

Jenner voluntarily performed a field sobriety test and passed, Brook said.

PCH was closed in both directions for more than nine hours, causing significant traffic delays in the area, while officials investigated what caused the collision. It has since been reopened.

A 44-year-old male driver careened through the sheriff’s barricade at the crash site about 6:40 p.m. and plowed into the Lexus and Prius damaged earlier, Sgt. Matthew Dunn of the sheriff’s Malibu-Lost Hills Station said. He was arrested on suspicion of DUI.


He wasn't avoiding paps ,or speeding ,or drunk/high and did slam on the brakes .

The woman who died also ran into the back of the Prius in front that jammed on it's brakes and  which started the chain reaction


I'm sorry for your loss ,I lost a grandfather to a hit and run myself and Bruce also lost his brother in a car accident as well ( that's who Burt is named after)


What is that little race car thing that he's towing? Has that been part of the KUwtK show?



It's for racing in the desert and he got it post - divorce . Apparently he had loaned it to Vets group and was picking it up.


I am an insurance Agent and a rear end accident is always considered to be an at fault accident.


So going by that the woman who died is responsible for the injuries to the people in the car in front of her that she ran into then ? Because hat was done prior to Bruce hitting her.


Or is it that the actual fault should lie with whoever has the biggest checkbook that the ambulance chasers can go after

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I just want to get my hands on the so-called journalists from Yahoo who write these stories and slap them silly.  The first article they did on the accident basically said "Bruce Jenner safe, one dead in accident."  Phew, I'm sure glad Bruce was 'safe', because a woman losing her life wasn't as important to the story.  But then, what do you expect when they make a story out of Kim cutting her hair?  They don't run stories when an A-list celebrity cuts her hair, but famewhore Kim gets a headline.  I'm so sick of Yahoo shoving that pathetic family down our throats with their reporting of every move the morons make.   

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No one needs to be using their phone while driving. Pull over if need be. It's illegal in California to text/talk on the phone while driving.

Week after week we most of this family driving while texting, talking on the phone,playing with their hair, admiring themselves in the mirror, didcussing all kinds of personal family stuff and even fighting and cursing at each other on the phone.

Bruce does seem more sensible, but who knows. I do expect that if it is true.., Kim will probably come out with a blog about it, like when she first encountered racism, and Kris will be lecturing the others about the danger of using the phone while driving. Anything to get attention.

Week after week we most of this family driving while texting, talking on the phone,playing with their hair, admiring themselves in the mirror, didcussing all kinds of personal family stuff and even fighting and cursing at each other on the phone.

Bruce does seem more sensible, but who knows. I do expect that if it is true.., Kim will probably come out with a blog about it, like when she first encountered racism, and Kris will be lecturing the others about the danger of using the phone while driving. Anything to get attention.

This is about Bruce.  This has nothing to do with Kim or Kris - or any other family member - or the silly, scripted "reality" TV show. 

This is serious stuff.  A woman was killed here - and that should never be equated with "getting attention".   Sad.

I'm reading the Prius at the very front stopped suddenly, well short of the light, and gave some really vague answers to the police as to why. There's a lot of things we can blame Kim for, but this accident isn't really one of them. 

Some speculation was that they were going to make a u-turn, stopping abruptly 300 feet from the light doesn't make sense. What ever the reason, the accident started ahead of Bruce. He tried to avoid it and couldn't.

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This is about Bruce.  This has nothing to do with Kim or Kris - or any other family member - or the silly, scripted "reality" TV show. 

This is serious stuff.  A woman was killed here - and that should never be equated with "getting attention".   Sad.

It's certainly a tragedy that someone was killed. My point was that the whole family has a phone in their hand or within arms reach pretty much whenever we see them. They are on the phone talking and texting along with other distracted behavior while driving in every episode. IMO, this silly scripted TV show, masterminded by Kris and Kim will indeed use this tragedy within that show.

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More important than being on a show about a mock-small claims court, Levin had a show called Celebrity Justice, and between that and his earlier TV reporting as a legal analyst (go back and watch recordings of the media coverage of the OJ Simpson trial and you'll see tons of Levin), he got to know the local law enforcement, prosecutors, and courts around L.A. So he's got the contacts and knowledge of what they generally prosecute and what they don't in that particular subdivision of Hell.

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