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"The View": Week of 09/28/15


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CCB & Paula did bring up good points about now the "Cool Pope" is going to be seen as divisive now, but Whoopi and Michelle and Raven kept bringing up the nuns? When was that ever a factor in the outrage?


And Raven really is impressed with her jokes and how youthful energy and all that but I can feel the audience cringing whenever she brings some stuff up. Like that whole bit about Kanye's cabinet? No, Raven, no. 

  • Love 3
People do get upset when a male actor who is gay plays a straight leading man. Once a male actor is out of the closet, it is harder to get leading roles.



...and wasnt there a reference to British actor, Rupert Everett?  He came out AND had cosmetic surgery that changed his appearance.  He still has a career, but it's nothing like it was before.   I personally don't care if the actor/actress is gay, straight, anything.  I just want a good performance and (especially) a good script.   I also don't like the association with a "beloved" character.  Fans seem to fall in love with a character and then expect the actor/actress to BE that person...in life and in every future performance.  Women probably do it more with male actors.

  • Love 2


CCB & Paula did bring up good points about now the "Cool Pope" is going to be seen as divisive now, but Whoopi and Michelle and Raven kept bringing up the nuns? When was that ever a factor in the outrage?


I agree that that is a valid argument, but I don't believe for a second that the pope was even aware of the truth about the woman he was meeting (Davis). Someone in high position of the Family Research group pulled some strings and got Davis a couple of minutes with the pope. With the frenzy and hordes of people trying to get even a few seconds with him, but were unable, I understand the frustration . Obviously some the nuns could not get anywhere near him, and for Kim Davis to actually get shoe-horned in and meet with him is just incredibly...I don't know....agenda-motivated, and really unfair to the ones who should have had that chance.


Edited by Fisher King
  • Love 11

If the Pope met with Davis I think he was deceived into it. That would be a terrible decision and I don't think he or his handlers are that stupid... unless they were tricked which is pretty freaking horrible if that happened. And if he met with her knowing full well her situation and actions, then that is pretty horrible too unless it was to tell her to knock it off, but I don't see her crowing about that.

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And his bullshit about a child needing his "natural" parents hit me hard. Of course people want that, but people have adopted, kids have been raised by older siblings and single parents since the beginning of FRIGGIN' TIME!


I'm sorry, Rick Santorum needs to be in a Sanitorium.


He's crazy but he thinks he's right.


Speaking of which: when Santorum irks me, what I do is go watch the parody video from his 2012 presidential run - and get my sanity back. He actually makes more sense here.

Please indulge me......


"I'm crazy, but I'm right." ~ R Santorum




  • Love 6
...and wasnt there a reference to British actor, Rupert Everett?  He came out AND had cosmetic surgery that changed his appearance.



He also pigeon-holed himself into playing gay roles (and was notoriously difficult to work with).  So there might've been more than his coming out that affected the amount and types of work he was getting.

  • Love 1


If the Pope met with Davis I think he was deceived into it. That would be a terrible decision and I don't think he or his handlers are that stupid... unless they were tricked which is pretty freaking horrible if that happened. And if he met with her knowing full well her situation and actions, then that is pretty horrible too unless it was to tell her to knock it off, but I don't see her crowing about that.

Look, I think Kim Davis is full of shit. I don't like her way of practicing religion, to me it's extreme and it condemns others which I feel she is in no position to do. I mean her tone just seems like she's looking down on and condemning, which the Pope himself doesn't even feel he has the right to do when he says, "Who am I to judge?"

 However, if the pope can go to a prison and see, bless, and embrace prisoners who I'm pretty sure are guilty of some violent crimes, then he can meet with Davis.  I have to be as reasonable as I can be and try not be hypocritical; I try, so this is my thinking on this matter. I can't be angry, or even disappointed because this Pope has been politically smart enough to speak as though he is not on any one side of the political spectrum. 


I also don't think what he said to her has anything to do with what the gov't has the right to do in response. He knows the difference, he's saying sure she needs and has every right to  to follow her religious convictions, but did he make any comment pro or con with regard to how the gov't should respond? I don't think so.

Edited by represent
  • Love 3

What annoys me about most cancer stories is how they thank God for beating cancer.... it is like they ignored the doctors who actually treated them.


If they are going to give God credit for being cancer free.... why did they bother going to the doctor??

Yes, and the people who didn't beat cancer, god just didn't want them to live?  That's why it's so ridiculous.


Speaking of which I already detest CCB--she seems to sprinkle god, jesus and the bible into her conversation quite a bit.  It's okay, it's her "view" but I don't have to like it.


I knew she would call Whoopi out for saying bitch in reference to Kim Davis.  Twitter will be abuzz.

  • Love 8
And his bullshit about a child needing his "natural" parents hit me hard. Of course people want that, but people have adopted, kids have been raised by older siblings and single parents since the beginning of FRIGGIN' TIME!



Was Rick Santorum listening...oh wait, he's a politician!   One of the many arguments before the Supreme Court is that "marriage" in the 21st Century is no longer solely for procreation.  If President Santorum wants "raising a family" to be on his agenda, I hope he fights to refuse a marriage license to heterosexual couples who choose not to or CANNOT have children.

Edited by Former Nun
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^^^That's where attributing every single thing to God loses its credibility.  So, God decided to save you but not the person next to you?  Why?  Explain that to me.  I lost my father to cancer many years ago, and it was a very long, brutal decline.  He was such an elegant, sophisticated gentleman, so it's not as though God wouldn't think he was worthy, you know?  It was medical.  And scientific.  The end.

Edited by MatchaLove
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I agree about the cancer thing.  I'm six years into my journey, hoping to live a long life.  I stay away from pink ribbons, 5K runs, etc.  Anything that identifies me as such.  It is easy to give quiet anonymous donations without going public.  And now I am almost public, but, well, you get the idea. That is great for lots of people and I'm glad they have that outlet and source of support and comfort.  I'm not one of them.  I like to think that is fine too.  But maybe if I had a million dollar book deal I would feel differently?  

  • Love 18

Regarding Rick Santorum's 120 (I don't really recall the number) women's clinics in Iowa compared to Planned Parenthood's 13, he stated the clinics provide mammograms.  I wonder if they do.  I've never had a mammogram in a doctor's office (I'm 75)--large practice or small.  My doctors have always referred me to an imaging center (nowadays), or radiology clinic.  Planned Parenthood does breast exams and refers to mammography centers when necessary.  I'd bet "Rick's Clinics" do the same.

  • Love 10

I agree about the cancer thing.  I'm six years into my journey, hoping to live a long life.  I stay away from pink ribbons, 5K runs, etc.  Anything that identifies me as such.  It is easy to give quiet anonymous donations without going public.  And now I am almost public, but, well, you get the idea. That is great for lots of people and I'm glad they have that outlet and source of support and comfort.  I'm not one of them.  I like to think that is fine too.  But maybe if I had a million dollar book deal I would feel differently?


Well said! 


In everyone of these books they all want to be the next cancer spokesperson, cancer almost  destroyed the marriage but made them stronger and now they can save the world. I'm over it all.


If they really want to do something, donate the million dollars from the book deal! Never seen that have we?

  • Love 6


Planned Parenthood does breast exams and refers to mammography centers when necessary.  I'd bet "Rick's Clinics" do the same.

So true Former Nun. Also, most of PP's patients are young and mammography is not a standard service for them. They also never mention that some of those other clinics could be Catholic based so no contraception services.  

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Did anyone else catch it on Monday's show that Whoopi botched CCB's name?  Which made MissLindsey botching it on Tuesday even more hilarious.


I wanted to punch CCB in the face on Tuesday with her Angels as extraterrestrials remark.  She's behaving just like she did on DWTS, we get it, you're all up in God's grill, shut the fuck up about it.


Even though I hate everything he says as a neocon, I just can't hate too much on MissLindsey because he's always so gosh darn earnest.  And I don't think he'll be dropping out of the race any time soon, it isn't costing him anything and he's got an agenda to push.


And damn if I wasn't disappointed in the lack of full discussion about the horrible, obscene attack on Cecile Richards yesterday in Congress.  I'm really sick and tired of this being framed as "defunding" when they aren't "defunding" shit.  The money that Planned Parenthood gets from the Federal government is in the form of reimbursements for services rendered.  It's not a line item appropriation like the term "funding" indicates.  This whole thing being framed that way is a Republican trick per normal, so that the subject isn't approached as it should be.  What the GOPers are doing is trying to take Planned Parenthood away as a choice for Title X and Medicaid patients.

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Not only did Whoopi mangle CCBs name on Monday but she intro'd her very (even for her) awkwardly and basically started out calling her a guest co-host! 


I think the Paula/CCB and Michelle/Raven cliques are very interesting to watch. Both sides look to their "partner" after making a point or while the other group is finished talking as if to say 'back me up!' or 'what in the world are they talking about.' 

Edited by geekburger
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Santorum sounded like a moron about the gay marriage/kids topic. Sheesh.


My glasses have not been cleaned this morning and not feeling well so I am looking at my laptop at a odd angle. I read this as Scrotum sounded like a moron.....

that's all.

Oh don't get me started on cancer and God. In addition what bugs me is people who say someone  were just such fighters and won over cancer.  I don't know anyone who has or had cancer who curlers up their toes and thinks so be it.  If you all  remember our Star Jones and BGA were blessed because they were in Sri Lanka  the week before the thsumami in 2004 ,they were blessed by god sparing them. 

Edited by athousandclowns
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I'll be thinking about you looklyloo.  We've had some successful cancer fights in our family...without requesting religious interventions.  I shudder a little at the $ucce$$ of the Pink Ribbon campaigns.  Someone in Congress should ask THEIR non-profit CEO about salaries.

Don't get me going on the Koman Foundation & what a bunch of pikers they are!!!

  • Love 8

If the Pope met with Davis I think he was deceived into it. That would be a terrible decision and I don't think he or his handlers are that stupid... unless they were tricked which is pretty freaking horrible if that happened. And if he met with her knowing full well her situation and actions, then that is pretty horrible too unless it was to tell her to knock it off, but I don't see her crowing about that.

That is a big "IF."  I truly think it is a lie.  Why wouldn't the Vatican/Pope's reps admit to it IF it did happen.  They won't say it did and won't say it didn't.  Guess they don't want to flat out call her a liar.


And also wasn't that Peru rally for her, too - LOL.

  • Love 4
They also never mention that some of those other clinics could be Catholic based so no contraception services.



I think that would be President Santorum's requirement...Catholic-based.  Many are for a division of church and state...unless it's THEIR church.


Don't get me going on the Koman Foundation & what a bunch of pikers they are!!!


Don't get me going on the Koman Foundation & what a bunch of pikers they are!!!


Don't get me going on the Koman Foundation & what a bunch of pikers they are!!!



           Times 1000, MedicineCrow!!!

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I have to say that I am annoyed by CCB and her JohnnyOneNote contributions to the discussions. You know, I'm a Christian and I can speak on a multitude of subjects! I have opinions and everything! Now, my religion gives me a strong base on which I live my life, but I don't bring it up all the time, or even very often. The way CCB pipes in on every single freaking discussion with her views on religion makes me want to slap her. Or start a drinking game. Maybe I need to start watching the show at night with a glass close at hand.


As far as crediting God for recovering from cancer, I'll say that as the daughter of someone who had seven different types of cancer over his lifetime (and finally succumbed to the last one), we did a lot of praying. We prayed for him to find peace and acceptance with whatever fate he was dealt. We prayed for God to guide the hands of his surgeons. We prayed for researchers to find cures, for wisdom and guidance in coping, and for the right words to be put into our mouths when talking to Dad. Let's face it, we all die of something, and hopefully we live long and fulfilling lives in between birth and death. If you're going to pray not to die, that's just not going to happen. We all die, and sometimes cancer is the reason. God doesn't discriminate, we all end up with the same fate. So I don't pray for people to live or die, but I do pray that they live well in the time they are allotted.


One of my brothers is the president/ceo of Planned Parenthood in a very conservative state, and I was very very proud of how Cecile Richards handled herself yesterday. I wish The View had really focused much more on that dog-and-pony show. Planned Parenthood has done nothing illegal, and they questioned the CEO's salary. When they had the heads of all those banks that caused the financial crash, or the head of BP, who polluted our water with its oil spill, or anyone else who has harmed the economy or citizens of this country, in front of them, I don't EVER recall them questioning the amount the company's officers made. It was disgusting and it was wrong.

Edited by ChicagoCita
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Agree, RogerFrom Ohio, and since God gave them cancer, why would He just take it away?   Don't most believers say, "Everything happens for a reason."?

I say everything happens for a purpose.  With the everything happens for a reason, the answer can be as simple as making a stupid choice.  Oh, I crossed the center line, had a head-on collision and killed the other driver because I was drunk, talking on the phone, messing with the radio, etc...


Or with cancer, the reason can be simple if you live on toxic land.


But God can use anything for His purpose and for our good.  Big difference in reason and purpose.

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Did anyone else catch it on Monday's show that Whoopi botched CCB's name?  Which made MissLindsey botching it on Tuesday even more hilarious.


I wanted to punch CCB in the face on Tuesday with her Angels as extraterrestrials remark.  She's behaving just like she did on DWTS, we get it, you're all up in God's grill, shut the fuck up about it.


Even though I hate everything he says as a neocon, I just can't hate too much on MissLindsey because he's always so gosh darn earnest.  And I don't think he'll be dropping out of the race any time soon, it isn't costing him anything and he's got an agenda to push.


And damn if I wasn't disappointed in the lack of full discussion about the horrible, obscene attack on Cecile Richards yesterday in Congress.  I'm really sick and tired of this being framed as "defunding" when they aren't "defunding" shit.  The money that Planned Parenthood gets from the Federal government is in the form of reimbursements for services rendered.  It's not a line item appropriation like the term "funding" indicates.  This whole thing being framed that way is a Republican trick per normal, so that the subject isn't approached as it should be.  What the GOPers are doing is trying to take Planned Parenthood away as a choice for Title X and Medicaid patients.

Thank you NextIteration...... I was just thinking about this and was going to ask.... the Federal Government is not "donating" money to planned parenthood..... they are receiving medicaid reimbursement for services. .... so what they are trying to do is not allow Planned Parenthood to receive government insurance money.

Edited by RogerFromOhio
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That is a big "IF."  I truly think it is a lie.  Why wouldn't the Vatican/Pope's reps admit to it IF it did happen.  They won't say it did and won't say it didn't.  Guess they don't want to flat out call her a liar.


And also wasn't that Peru rally for her, too - LOL.

I think the meeting did happen..... Some local bishop or other clergy requested for her visit..... I imagine that the Vatican isnt confirming the meeting because it is so polarizing. Of course though, Kim Davis is using the meeting get get another 15 minutes.... she even said the pope agreed with her.... even though he never said that

  • Love 2

I think the meeting did happen..... Some local bishop or other clergy requested for her visit..... I imagine that the Vatican isnt confirming the meeting because it is so polarizing. Of course though, Kim Davis is using the meeting get get another 15 minutes.... she even said the pope agreed with her.... even though he never said that

You're right Rog!!  The story was on all three of my Canadian news shows, so .....

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Raven seemed to me so rediculous over Kanye running for POTUS in 2020....and his cabinet etc. I imagine she was trying to be serious but I do not doubt she would support him and KK for FLOTUS.

And of course we're back to WG saying we should create an airline for just families with small kids. And later saying "Rick - thanks for coming babe." I'm not a fan of his but it was disrespectful.

  • Love 6

Raven seemed to me so rediculous over Kanye running for POTUS in 2020....and his cabinet etc. I imagine she was trying to be serious but I do not doubt she would support him and KK for FLOTUS.

And of course we're back to WG saying we should create an airline for just families with small kids. And later saying "Rick - thanks for coming babe." I'm not a fan of his but it was disrespectful.

I wasn't entirely sure that I heard her correctly (wasn't in front of television).  Sincerely…..who does she think she is?  Not cute or funny, and totally inappropriate. "Babe."  Really???

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Today was the first day I was glad to have Raven there.  I still think she is much too silly for her age, but I'm so glad she asked about how can he think it's right to take away a whole set of human rights from someone.  I just wish people could approach it as a civil rights violation and maybe all the hatred and stupidity could fade away...

I watched the first half of the show and I'm sorry but for me, Raven won hot topics today.  She seemed to be the only one that understood that pathetic display by Congress yesterday had nothing to do with auditing PP or funding it.  These guys are  angry that women have the right to choose (barely anymore) but since

they cant' do anything about that, they decide to pound on Cecile Richards. who did great by the way.  Her late great mother would be proud. 


CCB & Paula did bring up good points about now the "Cool Pope" is going to be seen as divisive now, but Whoopi and Michelle and Raven kept bringing up the nuns? When was that ever a factor in the outrage?




I also agreed with Paula, that if this Pope did in fact meet with Kim Davis, it was a big political misstep and he very likely could have been duped.  And filed under even a broken clock is right twice a day, Canadace summed up my feelings about it, although rather awkwardly when she said, "Even those that don't believe, even liberals..." because of course all liberals are godless in Candace's world.   But as one of those godless liberals I can say that hearing Davis [no doubt]   exaggerate her meeting with the Pontiff made him lose a lot of the points he just spent a whole week  racking up with me. 



Did anyone else catch it on Monday's show that Whoopi botched CCB's name?  Which made MissLindsey botching it on Tuesday even more hilarious.

Yes!  A few people here mentioned it. That Whoopi she's such a pro at the end of the show she even thanked Candace for coming and invited her to come back  sometime - to which Candace replied, "I'll be here tomorrow."     LOL


I've only watched her for three shows this week but whomever called Candace a One Note was spot on. Religion and Full House.  That seems to be the extent of her education/knowledge or interests.    Even the theme from The Flintstones made her bring up Full House.  Lame.  I honestly don't mind if Candace is super religious or whatever she's calling it but if that's the extent of what she brings to the table [literally] it's going to get real old real fast.  Wait, it already has. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 9

I watched the first half of the show and I'm sorry but for me, Raven won hot topics today.  She seemed to be the only one that understood that pathetic display by Congress yesterday had nothing to do with auditing PP or funding it.  These guys are  angry that women have the right to choose (barely anymore) but since

they cant' do anything about that, they decide to pound on Cecile Richards. who did great by the way.  Her late great mother would be proud. 




I also agreed with Paula, that if this Pope did in fact meet with Kim Davis, it was a big political misstep and he very likely could have been duped.  And filed under even a broken clock is right twice a day, Canadace summed up my feelings about it, although rather awkwardly when she said, "Even those that don't believe, even liberals..." because of course all liberals are godless in Candace's world.   But as one of those godless liberals I can say that hearing Davis no doubt exaggerate her meeting with the Pontiff made him lose alot of the points he just spent a whole week  racking up with me. 



Yes!  A few people here mentioned it. That Whoopi she's such a pro at the end of the show she even thanked Candace for coming and invited her to come back  sometime - to which Candace replied, "I'll be here tomorrow."     LOL


I've only watched her for three shows this week but whomever called Candace a One Note was spot on. Religion and Full House.  That seems to be the extent of her education/knowledge or interests.    Even the theme from The Flintstones made her bring up Full House.  Lame.  I honestly don't mind if Candace is super religious or whatever she's calling it but if that's the extent of what she brings to the table [literally] it's going to get real old real fast.  Wait, it already has. 

dont forget her family..... if not for those 3 subjects she would have nothing to say

  • Love 2

Raven to Whoopi.... I love your accent


Whoopi... well Im an actress... I can do many of them





I bet they have a sign requiring the audience to clap.



They said October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.... and they are all wearing pink


But they really arent pink... Paula and Michelle are more red.... Paula is closest to pink.... Whoopi is wearing a light orange.... and Raven is wearing beige.... but Paula pointed out Raven's pink lipstick.

Has Whoopi mentioned why Joy is missing this week? It's odd since the season has just started...

Joy announced on Friday that she would not be here all week and will be back Friday.... she has other things planned


 A bride sent out a bill for $75.90 to people who did not come to the wedding..... and of course the hosts were "OUTRAGED".... comments like... if I throw a party I dont charge guests.... or dont have an elaborate wedding.


Well the reason you send out RSVP is to make sure there is enough food and drink for the number of guests that are coming.... and you are charged for each guest.... if you say you are coming and you dont...... they paid for you to be there...... I can see the reason for the bill.


It sure is odd what gets this crew all worked up

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