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S06.E12: Face Off

Tara Ariano

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Is it my imagination or is Cole very close to starting to talk in the same baby voice like Chelsea?

I'm also wondering what some of the people on this show do for jobs. Jenelle, Nips, Kail, Jo, V, Adumb,Leah and Miranda don't seem to work. Is the MTV money that good that they can sit around doing nothing but obsess about dumb stuff and have their faces in their phones all the time? Some of them live in very nice houses, drive nice cars and everyone is always eating out or ordering in food.

This season was the same old, same old crap. The reunion shows drive me crazy because Dr. Drew is a wuss and treats everyone with kid gloves. But I'll watch only to snark about it afterwards on this board and of course read everyone else's always entertaining posts too.

  • Love 6

I was under the impression that Miranda quit because her job was located pretty far away from where Corey lived. Plus, just an assumption but perhaps she was burnt out. Law enforcement seems like it can be a very stressful career field.


Even though I have my issues with Leah as a person, I can see where it might have been more appropriate from Miranda to stay out of that particular situation. However, on the flip side of that coin, if Leah is going to make Miranda' presence an issue in co-parenting discussions, she needs to put on her big girl panties(es) and learn to deal with these things on her own as well. No hillbilly posse, no Mama Dawn and no flavor of the month backing her up on what is supposed to be between Corey and herself. I do see, by her peeling out of that parking lot without so much as trying to talk out a solution with Corey and Miranda that she hasn't gained an ounce of maturity while in "therapy".  Honestly, I don't envy Miranda one bit. She seems to be in a situation where she can't win. If she was to say nothing and even try to distant herself from the girlses on some level, the Messer clan would cry foul and if she tries to be involved they still cry foul.


The Jo CS/Unemployment situation is very confusing. Why would Kail seek more CS when she knows Jo is unemployed and possibly wouldn't have it raised because of that fact? I can only guess that Jo either has some serious savings, got a decent amount of money from his parents, or has some under the table money coming in (or all three). Maybe Kail suspects he has unearned income and she feels she deserves her cut. I'm not sure what to take away from the whole situation, because for once I'll say the neither side is coming out looking great in this. Kail&Javi are their usual vindictive, petty selves and Jo&Vee are coming off as whiny and clueless.  It is a pretty big cluster fuck imho. 

  • Love 5

Well the girlses can. But yeah I thought the same thing. Between Javi and Kail sitting down to a hearty meal of Chik Fil-a, and Vee and Jo with their take out tacos, I hope Isaac is getting a home cooked meal in there somewhere. Maybe from Javi's mom. Jenelle was cooking some sort of breakfast concoction for Barb one day, but that may have been laced with poison.

Speaking of the girlses, just when I was going to stop calling the blonde twin evil, she goes and ruins it. I don't remember if it was this episode or the last, but the brown haired twin asked for the hula hoop and the piece of fudge twin threw the thing up the hill and said, "Ha! Now watch 'er go git it." Holy shit. That was eeevil. That was beyond, "she's got some behavioral issues." I've worked with kids who have behavioral issues. Jace has behavioral issues. He still exhibits compassion and sympathy. Grace/Aleiwhatever the hell her name is, is what I'd classify as one mean ass little girl.

Well, anytime they are being filmed and they go out to eat, it is paid for by MTV.  SO all the other times they just might cook. But for the week that they are filmed, I too might take advantage and go eat somewhere for free.

  • Love 3

Chelsea: While i am glad to see her doing well, I just take issue with her making Cole the center of her and Aubree's universe when they havent been together that long. I really hope they work out or as several posters have said, Aubree will be in for a world of emotional hurt if her mom and Cole ever break up. I also wish Chelsea would stop talking about certain issues in front of Aubree.  I realize they have to cover certain things for the show, but based on some of Aubrees comments, Chelsea should really mind what she says. She doesnt have to lie or talk Adam up but she needs to be mindful of what she says and how it can effect her daughter in the future.


Kail: Another day in which no one can make her happy. As far as Jo goes, I fully understand wanting to be closer to his son but he made a big error in not securing work first. Despite what they may think MTV money will eventually run out and Im sure the day will come when Kail will be forced to cut back. I get wanting the best for your kids, but you can still give your kids a good life and still live comfortably if you are mindful of your spending.


Jenelle: There are career criminals that have less mugshots than her. And despite her usual claims she has found her next target. Ugh. The only way this girl could impress me would be for her to go a year or longer without being arrested for getting in a fight with her flavor of the week. Those boys will never be her first priority and that breaks my heart.


Leah: Honey you are not fooling anyone. If she had troubles involving drugs (which I believe she did) own up to it. Coming clean with  family and others will greatly help her recovery and help get her on the right path. Not to mention would greatly improve her relationships with others. As far as her issues with Corey and Miranda, she should be thanking her lucky stars that not only do the twins have a father who is very involved in their lives, they have a step mom who from what have seen loves and cares for those girls like her own and was more than willing to take them in while she went to go get help. Leah likes to act like what she does is no ones business, but if what she is doing is putting her girls at risk, it becomes Corey and Miranda's business. Its the job of any parent to see to the health and well being of their children and to protect them from risks, especially if those risks and dangers are members of their own family. 

  • Love 6

I'm so confused by the Jo/Kail/Child Support issue. He's mentioned a few times that they are going to assign him to pay $3,000 a month. I know virtually nothing about the process of calculating child support, but doesn't it stand to reason that it would be based off your current income or your net worth? I feel like he must have money from something. I was always pretty impressed with his parents' house, so maybe there is family money at play.

Regardless, I need Kail to shut about about how what Jo's paying now doesn't even begin to cover Isaac's school and activity costs. Learn to live within your means Kailyn! If you've decided your child needs to go to some posh private school, then that is on you. From what we've seen, it doesn't look like Isaac has any special learning needs or any special medical needs.


  • Love 1

Was it ever actually confirmed that Corey and Leah did sleep together some point semi recently? Maybe that's why Miranda felt like she wanted to be there, but I do feel like she maybe should not have come, I agree she's the step mom, and I don't think Leah needs to be coddled since she just got back from rehab, but I think both should have come solo, I saw your posse in the car Leah, maybe they weren't going to come in, but you know the first sign of any disagreement they would have been in there faster than Leah can find a new baby daddy. For what it's worth, what if Miranda planned to go to the car and was just keeping Corey company waiting for princess hair extension to get there? And side eye to Leah's issue being she never takes time for herself... Every single episode of this show shows her dropping her kids off so she can have some time to herself. I'm all for parents getting a break, but I call bs that Leah never gets a break.

My theory for a few episodes now is that Jo may be getting paid under the table for side work, I'm not saying he is selling drugs, or anything illegal (well not doing anything more illegal than not paying taxes) but if he works on houses or cars or who knows what but is not necessarily filling out a w-2... Maybe that's why he is not wanting to go to court and why he won't say on tv if he is working... Because that will be the end of that. At the end of the day, while its not the most responsible, we have no reason to think he isn't paying at all, so as long as he is fulfilling his obligation, and he is doing that despite his lack of job then more power to him. Now if he was trying to get the payment lowered that would be different, but he gave no indication that he even wanted it lower (that I saw, correct me if I'm wrong) he didn't even seem to mind too much paying a little more all he wanted was to see the justification for it, which is when Kail started freaking out. I hope he sees that going to court if anything will most likely help him.

  • Love 6

Someone here linked Adam's Instagram and he posted he was going to be an owner of his own gym.  Did I read that right? That may be why Aubree wrote her dad works at the gym. She also wrote he takes her swimming "at the gym". Does Adam not ever take Aubree anywhere outside of the gym? What is it with Adam and Nipples and this whole "gym time" shit? Forget the girls and how much they spend on their fake hair, dying their hair, make-up, lip injections and visits to the salon. These two friggin' idiots are always at the gym!


I think the issue that seems to be downplayed is that it's not like Jo said he didn't want to give additional money in CS. He just wants them to come to an agreement outside of the courts.

Plain and simple. That is what it is all about.


Somehow Kail thinks getting upset about a missed "moving on" ceremony entitles her to throw in Jo's face her legal threats. Look, if Kail wants to settle this matter, she needs to tell Javi to keep his labia-lipped face out of her business with Jo. The same holds for Miranda, Vee, Cole, and Leah's girlfriends. Javi is not going to be with Kail forever. He should not be telling her what decisions she should be doing that will affect her and Jo's child. Isaac will forever be connected to Kail and Jo, not Javi. Even if Javi were to be around in Kail's life until one of them croaks, the point is, step-parents should not be pushing their partner into making decisions about their bio children when the other parent is still alive and in their child's life. I posted my views about step-parents being parents too. That is a whole different ball of wax. Javi needs to keep his big mouth shut and let Kail and Jo work this out. If Kail runs to him to complain, that is when he should just be a listener and not a talker.


I felt a twinge of sympathy for Kail only because I think she wants to avoid court and work with Jo, except Javi is on the sidelines pushing her telling her what to do. When Jo got the time for the game incorrectly and missed the game, Javi started up with his bullshit in the SUV with Kail, that is until she shushed him. I can imagine what went down at their house afterwards. Then, Jo missed the ceremony because he wasn't aware of it.  Javi must have really been slapping his labia-lips together and giving Kail an earful about her need to go to court because for Javi, that would be the ultimate punishment. She is probably feeling irritated by Javi who is goading her  into going after Jo. It is rare when I believe Kail but, in this instance, I believed her when she said she told Jo she felt sorry for him. I could be wrong but, I think she is telling the truth there.


I do have the right to change my mind upon reading others opinions. :-)

I'm also wondering what some of the people on this show do for jobs. Jenelle, Nips, Kail, Jo, V, Adumb,Leah and Miranda don't seem to work.


Miranda worked as a police officer when she and Cory met and was still working for a while after they married. She has put her career on hold because of the need for her to be a step-parent and also because she is pregnant.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 10

A few seasons ago, we caught glimpses of Javi in uniform coming home from work. My guess is that Javi has been told not to appear on TV in uniform, and not to make reference to his military career on TV. He could be doing a multitude of things, from logistics to mechanics to IT. After basic, I remember he went for training somewhere, but I don't remember any specifics. They certainly don't act like a family for whom a deployment is around the corner. 

Javi went on social media and posted it was none of our [the viewers] fucking business about his military life and his private life. Says the guy who gets paid by MTV to be on a television reality show.


There is a photo of Kail's new living room at her new home linked on her thread. There is a photo on the wall and I think it shows Javi in his formal uniform.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 4

I hate to say it, but Joe needs to grow up. Is Kalie going to be a bitch? Yes. She was a bitch the day you met her and she's a bitch now. Does it suck that he had to move to DE to be near Issac? Yes. Just like it probably sucked a little for Issac when Joe moved to NJ for "work"(Vee). Maybe he thought he would have the summer to relax before he got his ducks in a row. Well that's not happening, so deal. Is it more stressful with a new baby on the way? You bet. Is that something you should have thought of before you threw out the condoms? Yes, yes it was(I'm looking at you too, Vee). Kali is your ex. She is not famous for bending over backwards to make life easier for others. You need to put your big boy pants on, deal with whatever weird financial shit you have going on, and get good with the fact that you and Vee are going to become honest to god, job having, stressed out, no time to relax, full time shit dealing parents a few months sooner than expected when you first came up with this Janelle & Nathan School of Good Ideas approved plan of yours to move, buy a house, and get pregnant WITH NO JOBS!

I'm on the fence about whether Miranda should have been at the meeting, but it was strange as hell for her to be there, but at a separate table. Like, go or don't go, but don't sit 5 feet away glaring at them. That's just creepy. I also agree with whoever thought Leah wanted to try and seduce Cory. I think that's what Miranda thought too, hence her own stalker table. Funny thing is I think the one who would find that scenario laughable is Cory.

I got nothing on Janelle and Chelsea. Just...nothing new there. One is fine and the other is a felon. Just like every other episode.

  • Love 8

Well, anytime they are being filmed and they go out to eat, it is paid for by MTV.  SO all the other times they just might cook. But for the week that they are filmed, I too might take advantage and go eat somewhere for free.


So MTV's footing the bill and they choose Chick filla? Or whatever that was?  I'm surprised Kail doesn't find the most expensive restaurants in town.

  • Love 4

Was it ever actually confirmed that Corey and Leah did sleep together some point semi recently? Maybe that's why Miranda felt like she wanted to be there, but I do feel like she maybe should not have come, I agree she's the step mom, and I don't think Leah needs to be coddled since she just got back from rehab, but I think both should have come solo, I saw your posse in the car Leah, maybe they weren't going to come in, but you know the first sign of any disagreement they would have been in there faster than Leah can find a new baby daddy. For what it's worth, what if Miranda planned to go to the car and was just keeping Corey company waiting for princess hair extension to get there? And side eye to Leah's issue being she never takes time for herself... Every single episode of this show shows her dropping her kids off so she can have some time to herself. I'm all for parents getting a break, but I call bs that Leah never gets a break.


You win the internet today! I'm glad I wasn't drinking something - LOL!

  • Love 2

I hate to say it, but Joe needs to grow up. Is Kalie going to be a bitch? Yes. She was a bitch the day you met her and she's a bitch now. Does it suck that he had to move to DE to be near Issac? Yes. Just like it probably sucked a little for Issac when Joe moved to NJ for "work"(Vee).

I could be wrong, as I am not 100 percent sure but, I thought Jo was in Jersey back when he and Kail first moved out of his parents' home? Jo and Kail had left his parents' home after a blow-up with the Riveras. He found an apartment for them. He retained that apartment even when they broke up. Tell me I am not making this up. I just seem to remember Jo being in Jersey because his job was in that area. Yes, Vee showed up later but, he didn't choose to live there because of her. I think he lived there already.

  • Love 4

I could be wrong, as I am not 100 percent sure but, I thought Jo was in Jersey back when he and Kail first moved out of his parents' home? Jo and Kail had left his parents' home after a blow-up with the Riveras. He found an apartment for them. He retained that apartment even when they broke up. Tell me I am not making this up. I just seem to remember Jo being in Jersey because his job was in that area. Yes, Vee showed up later but, he didn't choose to live there because of her. I think he lived there already.

Again, not 100% sure, but I thought after Joe and Kali broke up he was living with his parents for a while and moved to NJ a year or so later and I could have sworn he was either dating Vee already or moved and then magically was in a relationship a day later. I just remember thinking the job was just a cover so it wouldn't seem like he was moving for Vee. Which legitimately would have made Kali's head explode. Again not certain of the timeline since none of these people can stay single longer than a week, I get confused as to who was with whome when.

  • Love 4

Again, not 100% sure, but I thought after Joe and Kali broke up he was living with his parents for a while and moved to NJ a year or so later and I could have sworn he was either dating Vee already or moved and then magically was in a relationship a day later. I just remember thinking the job was just a cover so it wouldn't seem like he was moving for Vee. Which legitimately would have made Kali's head explode. Again not certain of the timeline since none of these people can stay single longer than a week, I get confused as to who was with whome when.

It doesn't take much for Kail's head to explode as we have witnessed.  Like I posted, I can't say for sure, the memory can't retain all of this fuckery. :-)


I am certain Jo had that job in Jersey when he was with Kail while she was living with him at his home. It was as a printer technician.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 2

It doesn't take much for Kail's head to explode as we have witnessed.  Like I posted, I can't say for sure, the memory can't retain all of this fuckery. :-)


I am certain Jo had that job in Jersey when he was with Kail while she was living with him at his home. It was as a printer technician.

He definitely had the job in New Jersey well before moving there. Also, when he tried to get Kail to move with him out of the Riveras, I could have sworn that he said that they would live with some of his other family members and then get an apartment.
  • Love 3

It doesn't take much for Kail's head to explode as we have witnessed. Like I posted, I can't say for sure, the memory can't retain all of this fuckery. :-)

I am certain Jo had that job in Jersey when he was with Kail while she was living with him at his home. It was as a printer technician.

He defiantly had a job in NJ, not disputing that. I thought he had the job in PA too and it was one of those traveling type of jobs where he could be based somewhere else and then he moved to NJ for the job, but I thought it was really to move in with Vee. In any case. He's in DE now and it does not sound like his plan is going well.

He defiantly had a job in NJ, not disputing that. I thought he had the job in PA too and it was one of those traveling type of jobs where he could be based somewhere else and then he moved to NJ for the job, but I thought it was really to move in with Vee. In any case.

I think Vee moved in with him at his apartment.



He definitely had the job in New Jersey well before moving there. Also, when he tried to get Kail to move with him out of the Riveras, I could have sworn that he said that they would live with some of his other family members and then get an apartment.

Yes, I think it was his aunt.

  • Love 1
What were all of those pills on Jeremy's refrigerator?  Hmmm.... 


I also loved the shot of Nathan working out during the child raising montage.  He's a self-absorbed ass who is on disability  spending his days at the gym. 

But...but he has to be at the gym in case a 'talent' agent discovers him there!


Jeremy might be on pain medication after that sport vehicle accident with Brooke.

  • Love 1

Right? If I'm getting a per diem, I'll damned sure find some better eating options for myself and my family than fundamentalist deep fried chicken turds.

That's time for never ending bread sticks at The Olive Garden! You bring your big purse too, eat off those things for days. Heck, any broke student knows how to make the most out of a free dinner. Step up your game girls.

  • Love 3

Someone here linked Adam's Instagram and he posted he was going to be an owner of his own gym.  Did I read that right? That may be why Aubree wrote her dad works at the gym. She also wrote he takes her swimming "at the gym". Does Adam not ever take Aubree anywhere outside of the gym?

Now I'm imagining Adam and Aubree in a ChillerTV movie about a psychotic whose 'private gym' is some long-boarded-up factory with a lower floor flooded with polluted water.

He also owns a 'luxury highrise'.

  • Love 3

"My daddy is 14 years old."  No matter how much his body ages, Aubree, you were dead-on.

I often think Aubree is the smartest one in Chelsea's house and that includes Cole.  What's with the baby talk Cole?  


Kail doesn't work, Leah doesn't work, I very seriously doubt Javi works, jenelle doesn't work, Nathan doesn't work, vee doesn't work, Miranda no longer works, Adam says he is a personal trainer. But the moms also claim their job is the show. Maybe Jo says his job is the show. Maybe he saved his money. I don't see him blowing it on new cars, tattoos, scarves, lip injections, two houses, redecorating, multiple vacations, concerts, tuition for two schools. Didn't they claim at one point have enrolled in school. Guess he quit. Jo may have saved and had a very good deposit on his home. But that is a whole lot of people who also do not have a job.

There is a good possibility I'm wrong, but I don't remember Kail ever just not working  or going to school except maybe right after Lincoln was born and then didn't she do some home/party sales thing like Scentsy?   Plus, Javi was bringing in a paycheck.  There was even a season or two when she was working and going to school - something none of the other TM2 girls have managed.  Of course Kail really didn't have anyone to bail her out after she and Jo broke up.  No Randy, or Barb, or Delta Dawn anyway.  


I don't have a problem with MTV paying these people because MTV is making a buttload of money from this show.  On the other hand, I do hate it that they pretend like they aren't getting paid and still driving nice cars and buying houses etc.  


When Leah left the house she shared with Jeremy I honestly thought she would either have to move the gang into her mom's house or a trailer but last night the exterior of her house looked nicer than the one she just left.  Considering money problems [Leah's spending] seemed to be a factor in her marriage I was surprised by that. 



I found it kind of dumb that they [Jo and Vee] invited Isaac down to eat and when he does come down, they shoo him away cause they're adulting.

I noticed that too and hated it!!!   Rude.  Poor little Issac seems like a loving, delightful child I hope he makes it through his childhood with some of that intact.  



Regarding Vee, I think it would have made more sense for her to remain in NJ for the course of her pregnancy and then move after the baby was born. She could have kept her job, saved up some money and had family support. As it stands now, she's unemployed, miserable and living in a state where she doesn't know anyone except Jo and Kail. These people just don't think things through before they make drastic decisions.

Which is exactly how they [Jo and Kail and really everyone else]  got to be teenage parents in the first place.  The only reason Chelsea is so stable, in my opinion, is she had Randy and her mother to guide her these past six years. 


I am rooting for Adam. He will always be aubreys dad.

Lemons, you have more compassion than I do.   And maybe he'd get more support if he wouldn't do things like blow Aubree off on Father's Day or trash talk her mother every time he's on camera.   Every time.  For six years.   

  • Love 7

I've lost all interest in Kail & Jo's SL. When she had that crusty conversation with Javi, apologizing for cursing him out? I just... was done. It takes a lot for me to be done (obviously, I've stuck with this show!)... but I just couldn't care. I dislike that Kailyn is incapable of having authentic conversations with Isaac on camera, but I get it. Isaac is a cute, sweet boy, and I hope he can stay sensitive and also develop some resourcefulness along the way. He's going to need it.

I get that Cole enjoys the role he's taking on (for now); I can only hope it's not laid on quite as thick when the cameras aren't there. I get that the voices are their way, in some ways, of putting up walls between themselves and the viewers - when we put on those voices, we're playacting, not being/saying what's really true for us. That's not always the case - there's a specific voice I use with someone I'm close to - and it's kind of a shorthand for affection, and also a way of checking in with one another.  Adam and his friend are creepy, and I'm not sure why we're still hearing about Aubree's graduation. I mostly just felt sad for Paislee.


The whole Leah/Corey meetup thing was weird. She came with her posse, Miranda was seated 5 feet away... just awkward. 


The cat running away from Nathan was the token audience representative of the episode. 


  • Love 5

But...but he has to be at the gym in case a 'talent' agent discovers him there!


Jeremy might be on pain medication after that sport vehicle accident with Brooke.

I was thinking that was filmed right after Leah left for therapynotrehab and the pill bottles were probably empties she left there. Or, they were antidepressants or something she didn't get off on, so she never took them. Last night she said that Delta Dawn packed up all her stuff, found her a new house and moved everything in while she was gone. If it was filmed right after she left for therapynotrehab, her stuff was probably still there. Jeremy probably hired a maid service to come in and hose the place down so he wouldn't stick to the floors or have crap fall all over him when he moved back in.

  • Love 3

It's been interesting for me to read all the differing opinions on whether or not Miranda should have been included in Leah's meeting with Corey.  And yeah, her sitting at another table was strange.  I can see both why Miranda thought she should be included in a parenting discussion and why others think it should just be up to Corey and Leah to hash out.  Either way, any decisions reached are totally going to affect Miranda's life - that's part of marrying a man with kids.  


I am a stepmom, although never to small children, but honestly it was almost always their mother and I that coordinated things regarding the kids - although it was on the phone.  But then, we were both adults, lol.  


Early on there was some stuff about child support because his net income went up, not only from my income but tax filing status, etc.  Until recently, it was not unheard of for a court to consider the new spouse's income in child support calculations. I have to say that annoyed me to no end, but I stayed out of it.  Still, I had friends that couldn't afford to have their own children because their income was attached to their husband's cs payments.   Now, new spouse income is considered for the limited purpose of determining how it impacts the tax liability of the parent spouse - at least in community property states.    As far a Jo and Kail goes , this doesn't really apply since Jo isn't married and Vee isn't working. 


In some situations, someone like Leah marrying Jeremy [if he's in a higher tax bracket than Corey] could increase Corey's child support.  Crazy I know but I've seen it happen.


And I know people whose child support decreased after their ex-husbands had more dependents, much like Jo, because courts can take that into account.   It's probably different from state to state


As a rule though, it's my understanding that  modifications are usually only granted when the circumstances of one party changes significantly [income increases or decreases, custody arrangements change, or family size changes.]  Unless Jo's income has increased he most likely would get his child support reduced because the custody arrangement has stayed the same but he will have another dependent.   In the end, he really just needs to meet with an attorney and find out where he stands because  his stress is visible over it.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 4

Everyone is making life changes and subject/verb agreement errors. But Leah still wants everybody to think she went to the spa.

http://previously.tv/teen-mom-2/in-the-teen-mom-2-season-finale-leah-tooks-care-of-her-own/"> Read the story

This is even more hilarious than usual; maybe because the episode was more boring than usual but I love that so many people, including writer Lillit Marcus could make it funny.  

  • Love 1

When Leah was relaying her story about how the therapist asked her when was the last time 'Leah took care of Leah, I almost choked on the WTF? flying out of my mouth. She doesn't clean her house, doesn't bathe, dress or comb her girlses hair, she can't get them to school or appointments on time and she starts every sentence with 'My mom, Corey, Jermy's mom, the lady at the mini mart, my cousin's cousin's aunt, SOMEONE has the girls so I can'............When is she NOT doing something for Leah? For a woman with three kids, she sure doesn't have them very much. She only has one of them for half of the week and she still drops her with someone so she can get her hair done, her nails done, go out to Roni's (is that the only restaurant in town?) to eat, meet Robbie  for a quickie, you name it. 

  • Love 17


I am rooting for Adam. He will always be aubreys dad.

Yes, he will always be Aubrey's dad, unfortunately. What I mean by that is, unless he makes extreme changes in his heart, mind, soul, and puts his children first and foremost, I will guarantee that every girlfriend Adam screws with will come before those children, and when MTV is out of his life, so will his children. Not because of their mothers, but because of his choice to do so.


There is a good possibility I'm wrong, but I don't remember Kail ever just not working  or going to school except maybe right after Lincoln was born and then didn't she do some home/party sales thing like Scentsy?   Plus, Javi was bringing in a paycheck.  There was even a season or two when she was working and going to school - something none of the other TM2 girls have managed.  Of course Kail really didn't have anyone to bail her out after she and Jo broke up.  No Randy, or Barb, or Delta Dawn anyway.  


In reference to the bolded part, Kail went to live with her mother after she left Jo's parents' home.  That is when she stole her mother's flat screen after Suzie's boyfriend dared to lay down a rule about Kail needing to clean up after herself and to stop leaving dirty diapers to pile up. Kail couldn't handle following the rules. That was the same reason she was having at the Rivera home. What Kail then did was, she signed up for Section 8 Housing after claiming she was homeless and had endured abuse from her mother's boyfriend. The abuse claim never made it on screen and she never mentioned it on screen because frankly, she lied. Kail couldn't claim housing by saying she was just a person who couldn't follow rules and thus found herself without a home because she chose to leave both residences. She had to lay out a claim of abuse in order to get emergency housing.  It sounds so familiar to her claims that Jo had hit her and obtaining a temporary restraining order.


You are right about Kail working in the beginning. She was working at a part-time job. That is where she met Jordan. She later did work as a dental assistant.

  • Love 7
There is a good possibility I'm wrong, but I don't remember Kail ever just not working  or going to school except maybe right after Lincoln was born and then didn't she do some home/party sales thing like Scentsy?   Plus, Javi was bringing in a paycheck.  There was even a season or two when she was working and going to school - something none of the other TM2 girls have managed.  Of course Kail really didn't have anyone to bail her out after she and Jo broke up.  No Randy, or Barb, or Delta Dawn anyway.



In reference to the bolded part, Kail went to live with her mother after she left Jo's parents' home.  That is when she stole her mother's flat screen after Suzie's boyfriend dared to lay down a rule about Kail needing to clean up after herself and to stop leaving dirty diapers to pile up. Kail couldn't handle following the rules. That was the same reason she was having at the Rivera home. What Kail then did was, she signed up for Section 8 Housing after claiming she was homeless and had endured abuse from her mother's boyfriend. The abuse claim never made it on screen and she never mentioned it on screen because frankly, she lied. Kail couldn't claim housing by saying she was just a person who couldn't follow rules and thus found herself without a home because she chose to leave both residences. She had to lay out a claim of abuse in order to get emergency housing.  It sounds so familiar to her claims that Jo had hit her and obtaining a temporary restraining order.


You are right about Kail working in the beginning. She was working at a part-time job. That is where she met Jordan. She later did work as a dental assistant.

Thanks GreatKazu.    I kind of forgot about Kail moving in with Suze and Suze's boyfriend after she left Jo's parent's house.   I guess I really don't count Suze as a safety net  or someone Kail could really count on for help in general.    Suze was basically homeless [living in a motel] when Kail was pregnant with Issac and since then she's always seemed rather unstable to me, in and out of Kail's life and not someone Kail could really count on for help.   But you're right, Kail did stay with her for a while. 


I never really bought that Kail moved out of Suze's boyfriend's house because she wouldn't follow the rules, instead I looked at that situation as the one thing we saw on camera before she decided to leave.  I was even impressed at how she was able to find the resources to get herself and Issac out of there and into their own place. And once there she worked and went to school and raised her own her kid.  All as a teenager.  We know Suze is/was(?) an alcoholic and whatever was going on Kail felt the need to get herself and her child out of there.  I think she had a rough childhood and considering where she came from, has always made her child a priority.  Issac certainly  has always seemed to be happy and well cared for anyway.


I realize Kail isn't well liked around here and it's not like I'm a fan of any of these girls, but in my opinion, Kail started with the least of all four of them and managed to take care of herself and her kids pretty well.  Of course it's a low bar on this show, but six years later she's sober, never been to jail, and her kids are thriving.   That's not bad when you think of where she started.   

  • Love 8

I guess I really don't count Suze as a safety net  or someone Kail could really count on for help in general.    Suze was basically homeless [living in a motel] when Kail was pregnant with Issac and since then she's always seemed rather unstable to me, in and out of Kail's life and not someone Kail could really count on for help.   But you're right, Kail did stay with her for a while. 


 Kail started with the least of all four of them and managed to take care of herself and her kids pretty well.  Of course it's a low bar on this show, but six years later she's sober, never been to jail, and her kids are thriving.   That's not bad when you think of where she started.   

I am of the belief that Kailyn's background wasn't as she made it seem. It sounds good on paper, and in her book. Not saying living with an alcoholic was all sunshine and roses. I just believe Kail knows she gets a lot of sympathy with her tales and it is easy to manipulate people when you paint yourself as the victim.


Susie was also a help to Kailyn when she babysat Lincoln for her. Kail didn't tell Javi about it because Susie was drunk. Susie was also there backing up Kailyn when she went to the Rivera home on a couple of occasions, one of which was to gather Kailyn's things after Jo refused to hand them over after Kailyn tried to burn Jo for the money he loaned her. Kailyn promised to pay him back but, of course, she lied. Susie may not have been the most stable person but, she was someone Kailyn ran to time and time again when it was convenient for Kailyn. Susie may have lived in a motel at one time but, over a year later she was living in a fairly decent apartment with her boyfriend by the time Kailyn needed a place to run to after the drama she created at the Rivera home. It was such a nice place that Kailyn had a room for herself and Isaac.


Kail may not be a drinker but, she emulates her mother's behavior in many ways and they are not at all good behaviors.




I was even impressed at how she was able to find the resources to get herself and Issac out of there and into their own place.

The resources was obtaining housing that could have benefited a real victim of abuse and/or homelessness. Not a TM personality who earned at least a five figure sum at that time.


We agree on many things Cosmocrush on other topics but, I guess this is one thing we won't ever see eye to eye on. :-)




Kail's safety net was Janet Rivera, Jo's very own mom ... Until, of course, Kail disrespected her and burned that bridge.

Indeed. Kail's book title should have been "Burning Bridges".


The kids this season were the true stars who shined.

  • Love 7

Suzi also gave Kail a car (which she totaled). Suzi's a POS in a lot of ways (I say this as someone who was raised with an alcoholic parent), but I also think that Kail might imbellish the material situation as far as Suzi's support. We saw her give Kail a car, a place to live, back her up when she went to take on Jo, come to help her with the kids when Javi was away, etc.

I wonder if the whole Kail/Jo child support storyline is completely fictitious and created by MTV to give Kail a more interesting or "dramastical" storyline. Maybe that's why it makes so little sense?

I think it's cute that Chelsea has found someone who likes to talk with her in her baby voice/baby language. It might drive others up the wall, but if that's what they enjoy doing when they're together, great. They seem like a perfect match to me. Good for them.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 9

Yeah, Kail's actions are confusing me too. If she knew Jo didn't have a job, why on earth would she threaten to take him to court for a child support increase??? That don't make no sense.


Mystery to me as well. Here's the thing-- if there is a dramatic change in income, for more or less, CS can be recalculated as such. And, if Jo just doesn't have the money, he may OWE more, but not necessarily have the means to pay it --therefore, Kail would still be out money (?)

So my question to Kailyn would be, " Why now, Kail?" What has changed that you feel the need to go to court and incur the costs and time required? What, in effect, is the endgame? If Jo has the means to pay court- ordered increased CS and pays it, great. What if he doesn't?




He is paying child support,nasty ole Kail just wants him to pay more.


But this is why it is so bizarre.  He has been paying.  Kai wants an increase even though his only "job" (like herself) is the Mtv money I guess?  So why does she think she would get an increase?  .


Yeah, but I feel Jo is paying his fair share.  Jo is supporting Issac.  If Jo was not making consistent monthly payments Karl/Javi would be crucifying Jo on social media all over the place.  They are not doing that though (so Jo must be current).  Kail/Javi are saying that Jo does not have a job right now.  So what.  As long as Jo pays his monthly CS, Jo having a job at the moment is a non-factor, a moot point.  


Jo is fulfilling his monthly obligation to pay CS for his son, payments determined by the state.  Didn't Kail/Jo go to court to get a visitation schedule and CS set up (or am I wrong on this?  I just assumed when Jo/Kail had a visitation schedule set up monthly CS payments were set up as well).  It is none of Karl/Javi's business why Jo is not employed at the moment.  HE DOES NOT OWE THEM AN EXPLAINATION, PERIOD.  When Kail hires an attorney, that attorney will tell her as much.  If Jo is in arrears RE:  child support then he has to answer as to why he's not employed and show proof as to what he's currently doing to gain employment.  If Jo is current on CS then he has the right to tell Kail/Javi to fuck straight off.  It is none of their business.



The Jo CS/Unemployment situation is very confusing. Why would Kail seek more CS when she knows Jo is unemployed and possibly wouldn't have it raised because of that fact? I can only guess that Jo either has some serious savings, got a decent amount of money from his parents, or has some under the table money coming in (or all three). Maybe Kail suspects he has unearned income and she feels she deserves her cut.

Just to answer the questions about Kail pursuing a child support increase, and why she is choosing now-- my understanding is that she didn't initiate CS discussions out of nowhere; she received a letter stating that it was time for a review of child support since there hadn't been a change or a review in x number of years. (I don't recall the exact wording or number of years)

She was telling someone (Javi I guess?) and then later Jo about the letter, and in each of those conversations she made the point about how his support didn't even cover tuition, etc. The child support revision letter came up; she agreed that it was time, and Jo agreed but wanted to do it out of court. We all know the rest ...

  • Love 2

He is paying child support,nasty ole Kail just wants him to pay more. So if he gets a job, he would be required to pay more, so of course Kail is pushing him to get a job. For that reason alone, I hope he doesn't get a job on the books.

So the big mystery is how is Jo paying for everything? This Teen Mom gig is not enough to get a mortgage. No bank would lend to someone with only that for income. It's too unstable. If he paid 300,000 in cash, was that the money he earned? how does he support himself?


I think that conversation was edited to seem out of context. I agree with other posters that Jo must have some sort of income, maybe from his parents, savings, or under-the-table work. He could be doing something inconsistent, like buying and seeking cars online, where he doesn't get a steady stream of income, but has some income. He also did move to a whole new state, and is trying to get settled. Maybe he is having money problems at the moment, and maybe he doesn't understand the way CS works. Maybe he was scarred and scared from his last encounter, the court dates, the lawyer fees etc. that he just doesn't want to do it again.

He seems super concerned that CS is going to nab him for a high amount, so maybe he has a high amount of cash in savings and doesn't want to lose his nest egg. His point about a 9-5 seemed to be more that it wouldn't give him the flexibility to spend all his time with Isaac, something he wants to do exclusively, especially with a new baby coming. He mentioned about not being able to be present on his week with Isaac because he was at a job.

Kail thinks he is ballin because he could afford to buy a house in her neighborhood, and wants a bigger cut because the more she gets from Jo, the more of her own money she can spend on her nasty tattoos, vacations, and scarves. Of course she wants him to get a job! She probably also wants to go through court because she then automatically gets to see his financial breakdown, something that she can't see otherwise.

Kail pushing for court may actualky slap her in the face. The fringe benefits that she is choosing for Isaac should not be Jo's responsibility, I.e. Private school, designer clothes etc. While Jo/Vee's new baby shouldnt matter to Kail, it does even the scales somewhat making them both 2-kid households. Kail makes more than Jo, and the custody issue may also be re-aligned to a 50-50 style. The Judge will take a look at all circumstances, and she may end up losing in the end.

I'm also thinking the reason Leah wanted to meet Corey alone is because she thought she could bat those raccoon eyes, flip her Dollar Store extensions and convince him that Miranda is the cause of them not being able to agree that she's the most awesome mom to ever have children. In her twisted mind, she believes Miranda is the only reason Corey called her out for being a dope fiend and endangering the lives of the girlses.


I'm also really confused by the Jo thing. It just don't make no damn sense.


It's nice to see Jenelle and Nipples abusing the legal system. Doesn't everyone get a restraining order every time they have a fight? Mr Lovesnark and me have been married for 30 years and have minor disagreements a couple times a year. Next time he says something I don't agree with, I'll trot down to the courthouse and get a protective order so he won't be able to bother me for a few days. Jenelle never disappoints, does she? The way she told Nipples to just drop the Roll inside the door, you would have thought she was talking about a UPS delivery. She couldn't even drag her ass off the couch to greet the little guy.


From Miranda's POV, she probably wanted to also be within hearing distance to get firsthand what is going on. Corey, for all his love for her, might not be the best person to recount a story because his emotions are so twisted up, or he plain forgets. Due to her law enforcement background, Miranda probably wanted to be present to also serve as a witness, and see the 'new Leah' with her own two eyes in case something came up down the line in court.

Notice when Leah was picking up the twins at the drop off spot, Dawn was present? I think that's why Corey barely said 2 words in that scene, since all of Mama Dawns shenanigans the whole month.

Leah, the narcissistic airhead that she is, tells her posse that Corey barely picked up the phone so she could talk to the girlies while she was gone. She didn't even ask how the girls did in her absence, and her brain didn't compute that her phone calls probably made the girlies more upset which is why a concerned, responsible parent would remove the offensive thorn and ignore her calls.

I think Evil Twin is that way because it's the only way she gets any attention from coked out Leah. When she acts out or is mean to Ali, Leah yells at her, which is the only attention the girl ever gets from her mom. Negative reinforcement is still attention. Sad.


I have always wondered why Miranda quit her job.

In addition to the stressful law enforcement part, it could be to help gain full custody. Leah's claim is that she is a full time SAHM, and Corey since he works can't provide that. But if Miranda is home she can help out until Corey gets home from work. It's all about the end-game. I hope Corey and Miranda keep trying to get full custody for the girls sake before Leah screws them up any more.
  • Love 5

Javi went on social media and posted it was none of our [the viewers] fucking business about his military life and his private life. Says the guy who gets paid by MTV to be on a television reality show.

There is a photo of Kail's new living room at her new home linked on her thread. There is a photo on the wall and I think it shows Javi in his formal uniform.

When Javi first came around, I thought he was a nice guy and would be good for Kail and Isaac. (Not as a Jo replacement, but just a supplement, so-to-speak, lol ) Now, I really cannot stand him. He thinks he's some fucking super star, and I can't wait until he is disavailed of that notion.

*edited bc "ice" guy and "nice" guy aren't the same*

Edited by Scorpiosunshine
  • Love 7



Kail may not be a drinker but, she emulates her mother's behavior in many ways and they are not at all good behaviors.


We agree on many things Cosmocrush on other topics but, I guess this is one thing we won't ever see eye to eye on. :-)


Indeed. Kail's book title should have been "Burning Bridges".


The kids this season were the true stars who shined.

Wait, Kail has a book?  Sheesh, I forgot about that - she went on some book tour with Amber right?  I guess some overzealous book editor got to a bunch of the Teen Moms.  Well, I hope the girls at least got a good percentage.  When this MTV fame goes I have a feeling it's going to go fast.


Kail's behavior does echo her mother's sometimes.  It's cringe inducing.   And, we can agree that the kids were the true stars this season.  ;-) 

  • Love 1


Just to answer the questions about Kail pursuing a child support increase, and why she is choosing now-- my understanding is that she didn't initiate CS discussions out of nowhere; she received a letter stating that it was time for a review of child support since there hadn't been a change or a review in x number of years. (I don't recall the exact wording or number of years)

She was telling someone (Javi I guess?) and then later Jo about the letter, and in each of those conversations she made the point about how his support didn't even cover tuition, etc. The child support revision letter came up; she agreed that it was time, and Jo agreed but wanted to do it out of court. We all know the rest ...

Kail says a lot of things. Whether they are true or not is a different story.


Kail talked about receiving a letter. I didn't see her show a letter to Jo. I would think Kail's attorney would have sent a carbon copy to the last attorney on file for Jo. They would have that information from his child support court case when the last hearing took place. To date, no word on any court matters pertaining to this CS issue. I don't expect Jo to say anything about it publicly, but Kail has not put anything out there about it. Not directly and not through her "source". Kail talked to Javi about sending Jo a text of a photo of the school banner. Funny, she never mentioned that text when she confronted Jo about not attending the school graduation.



Wait, Kail has a book?  Sheesh, I forgot about that - she went on some book tour with Amber right?  I guess some overzealous book editor got to a bunch of the Teen Moms.  Well, I hope the girls at least got a good percentage.  When this MTV fame goes I have a feeling it's going to go fast.

Girrrrl, she just put out another book - a child's book! It's about love and bubblegum. Inspired by Isaac.

When Javi first came around, I thought he was a ice guy and would be good for Kail and Isaac. (Not as a Jo replacement, but just a supplement, so-to-speak, lol ) Now, I really cannot stand him. He thinks he's some fucking super star, and I can't wait until he is disavailed of that notion.

Got that right.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 3

What is wrong with these people? I don't understand why Leah and Kail are so possessive with their children. They should be thrilled that the dads love them and want to be involved and want more time with them. I was a child of a nasty divorce where my brother and I were used to manipulate and hurt the other parent and it was horrible and painful for us. We loved both parents and wanted to see both of them. I'm sick of Leah and Kail acting like they have some special right to them that the fathers don't. Stop being so selfish and think of your kids. It's not about you.

I give Chelsea a pass because Adam is a petty criminal who brings nothing to the table. I would not want my child to spend time with him alone.

Also why on earth do these people feel compelled to run off and have more kids? Kudos to Chelsea for knowing one is more than enough right now.

  • Love 8
He seems super concerned that CS is going to nab him for a high amount, so maybe he has a high amount of cash in savings and doesn't want to lose his nest egg. His point about a 9-5 seemed to be more that it wouldn't give him the flexibility to spend all his time with Isaac, something he wants to do exclusively, especially with a new baby coming. He mentioned about not being able to be present on his week with Isaac because he was at a job.


I interpreted not wanting a 9-5 to mean that he wants to be self employed. For many people, just the phrase 9-5 intimates working for someone else. While I think it's nice that Jo wants to spend time with his son, saying that a job will get in the way is a bit unrealistic. I mean for the millions and millions or parents out there, even those who only have partial custody, people need to work to provide necessities of life and that takes them away from being parents 24/7. Maybe if Jo had secured employment before he moved, he would have been able to take time off both to spend with Isaac and when the baby comes. He would probably qualify for paternity leave, and while unpaid, he won't be getting paid with no job, and at least he would have a job to go back to. I wonder what he and Vee are doing about health insurance if neither of them are planning to work for a while. Scary thought. 

  • Love 4

The Jo/Kail storyline just makes my head spin. I see a lot of comments about how Kail is this and that but there is one thing she cannot do and that is make Jo say things. I like to look at these people on their own behaviours, not against each others behaviours. So that is exactly why I am baffled by what the hell Jo is doing right now and what is up with this whole child support thing.

Jo is no pushover and when it comes to money he will be the first one to say (as he has done before) that he feels he is paying enough. He will also be the first one to say that he shouldn't be paying for expensive stuff Kail decides on. So since Jo is no fool in that sense. I am wondering WHY he agreed to increase childsupport outside of court if he has no job. Why on earth he thinks he will have to pay 3000 a month if he doesn't have a job and does go through the court. Why does he trust dealing with Kail more then the courts. What is it that they both seem to know but we don't. If Kail is really sure of it that he has no job and no money, then there is no way that girl will want to go to court since she knows she will lose and get a decrease and maybe even less time with her son. Since she is still willing to do that I wonder why. She also said in the conversation with Jo that he has to pay more on top of what he already ows? I don't know what that is about but Jo didn't counteract that. I just have no idea what is going on with them. The fact that he has no job doesn't matter if he pays his childsupport but why is Jo acting so weird about it..'no I dont want a 9 to 5 since I want to spend time with Isaac'..Huh?? I also think Jo is incredibly stressed out. I don't know what is up but maybe some things will be clarified next week. Javi needs to butt out though. I feel Kail and Jo are much more prone to get to something if he just shuts up. He is just egging her on, just when she kind of seems to do the smart thing for once and takes a pause and doesn't react immediately he comes in with the manipulation games.


I will have to say this. Their kids seem to be best behaved of all of the kids. Aubree is just a smarter version of Chelsea in the making so cute now..not so cute later.

Edited by TM2
  • Love 4

I wonder if the whole Kail/Jo child support storyline is completely fictitious and created by MTV to give Kail a more interesting or "dramastical" storyline. Maybe that's why it makes so little sense?

I am beginning to think the same. None of it makes sense and they haven't gone to court yet. Makes me think that both are pulling some kind of hoax.
  • Love 2
I'm on the fence about whether Miranda should have been at the meeting, but it was strange as hell for her to be there, but at a separate table. Like, go or don't go, but don't sit 5 feet away glaring at them. That's just creepy. I also agree with whoever thought Leah wanted to try and seduce Cory. I think that's what Miranda thought too, hence her own stalker table. Funny thing is I think the one who would find that scenario laughable is Cory.


I agree with this. I can see justifiable reasons both for Miranda being there and NOT being there. There was a time when Leah was all about co-parenting with the step-parents. Now that Germy has left the scene, she's so against it. But yea, Miranda watching from another table was just AWKWARD. Either go and sit with your husband or stay home. 


I think Evil Twin is that way because it's the only way she gets any attention from coked out Leah. When she acts out or is mean to Ali, Leah yells at her, which is the only attention the girl ever gets from her mom. Negative reinforcement is still attention. Sad.


This is exactly why Gracie behaves like she does, and it's so sad to me. Addy is the baby and Ali has special needs. Gracie is essentially the middle child. But it's even worse in a house where her mother cares more about dick and drugs than her kids. We've already heard things that lead me to believe Gracie is part parent (she makes toast in the morning, she's worried about changing Miranda's baby's diapers), so she's also probably resentful of that. Even though she's way too young to have the ability to convey that. A quick glance might make one think, "Jeez, what a brat", but my heart just aches for her. 

  • Love 8

Is moving on ceremony some sort of northern term thing? I don't think someone would know wtf that is and back when Jo was a kid they didn't have graduations for every little thing so he wouldn't have even thought about it.


If Jo were 60, I'd buy this logic. But it wasn't terribly long ago that he was a kid, and this "celebrate everything" approach has been happening for quite some time. I grew up in Pennsylvania, maybe an hour away from Jo and Kail, and I'm about eight or nine years older. I very distinctly remember having a graduation ceremony when I was in preschool. I thought it was absurd (I was very advanced for my age when it came to cynicism), but lots of other kids were incredibly excited. I have a rather vivid memory of a little girl tearing around the playground, telling younger kids, "Do you know why I'm wearing this dress? Because today's the day we graduate!"


I don't think that the ceremony would have been totally out of Jo's familiarity.


I was incredibly impressed with Jenelle admitting that Jace would be in foster care if it weren't for Barbara. That was a rare moment of self-reflection for her, and it gives me just the slightest bit of hope for her.


I wish Chelsea would cool it on the "new family" stuff, but she is adorable with Cole.


Oh, Leah. The fact that having a schedule was a revelation speaks volumes about what life has been like for those poor kids.

Edited by lisalionheart
  • Love 3

I agree with this. I can see justifiable reasons both for Miranda being there and NOT being there. There was a time when Leah was all about co-parenting with the step-parents. Now that Germy has left the scene, she's so against it. But yea, Miranda watching from another table was just AWKWARD. Either go and sit with your husband or stay home.

It was weird too because Miranda and Corey's conversation made it seem like they knew Leah didn't want Miranda there but decided to go as a united front and then Miranda ends up sitting at another table. It was yet another instance where I felt like we missed something.
  • Love 1

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