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Kim Kardashian Thomas Humphries West

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Why does she give a shit what people are saying anyway? Maybe if she hadn't presented herself to the world over the last several years as an uneducated, vain, self absorbed, conceited, shallow and selfish twit, who complained incessantly about every aspect of her pregnancy and how horrified she was by her weight gain and who has gotten caught in the past photo shopping her selfies and fudging the truth about the realness of her reality show, people might not be suspect of her sudden embracing of a second pregnancy.  Didn't she pretty much lie outright with her story about the "leftover placenta segment" that nearly rendered her infertile? A story that was pretty much universally debunked as bullshit by almost any woman who knew anything about pregnancy and the danger of a piece of the placenta being left behind? It's an excuse to pose naked.. plain and simple, Kourtney did it and looked great, so Kimmy must do it too..

  • Love 6

You can be fine with kids and motherhood but hate pregnancy.  I have no problem admitting I HATED being pregnant.  It didnt stop me from doing it a 2nd time but I absolutely hated being pregnant and envied the woman I knew who basked in joy of being pregnant so I'm not going to fault Kim for that..but that selfie is ridiculous and she'll look for any reason to flaunt her fake naked ass. The sad thing is she a actually looks better nude than the way she looks stuffing herself into too small clothes. She still doesnt get that doing that makes you look even bigger and sloppy. I dont know why at this point she cant have her designer friends make custom fitted maternity clothes. Hell there are gorgeous, sexy maternity clothes out there you can buy off the rack if you go to the right stores and buy the right size.

Yes! To both statements, she looked beatuiful in that "selfie" and If i was Kim and had her seemingly unlimited funds I would damn near have everything custom made tailored to my body especially if all my 'friends' were high end lux clothing designers.

  • Love 2

Haha, Kim's in trouble with the US FDA (Food and Drug Administration).


NBC News, August 11, 2015, "FDA Warns Kim Kardashian About Instagram Drug Endorsement"

"An Instagram picture featuring Kardashian, morning sickness drug Diclegis and accompanying text promoting the drug's benefits garnered more than 450,000 "likes" but brought about a formal FDA warning letter for the drug's manufacturer.

"Part of the letter says, 'The social media post is misleading because it presents various efficacy claims for Diclegis, but fails to communicate any risk information..."

The article said Kim has taken the post down. The drug manufacturer, Duchesney USA, acknowledged that they paid her to promote Diclegis on her Instagram. [she also promoted it on her Facebook and twitter. TMZ said she'd deleted the post from Instagram and FB, but it was still on her twitter.] Duchesnay said they will cooperate with the FDA in making clear that the drug has risks.

So Kim might be required to post another selfie, giving the risks: "The FDA warning letter also requests Duchesnay offer corrections to the claims 'using the same media' for the same audience. That could mean a revised selfie for Kim's 42.4 million followers."


FDA website, letter to Duchesney USA.

The FDA website does not show a letter addressed to Kim, although the letter to Duchesnay specifically mentions the Kim Kardashian Instagram post.

Edited by Coffeecup

Please. Kim poses nude to prove it's Tuesday.

If Kim was some pioneer doing this to prove "pregnant is still beautiful" or some such thing, and it was about empowerment and such, that would have been lovely. But preggo celebs did that on Magazine covers decades ago at this point.  Kim doing it is just the usual. To get attention. To perhaps battle all the subtle digs that she might not be pregnant (although those went away about a month ago I'd say, even from the biggest conspiracy theory people). Etc.


It's SO carefully posed too.  She insisted on standing, not leaning, so she can't bend both legs at that perfect angle that makes them look a tiny bit sleeker, but she did it as much as possible.  I will say this--short of a HUGE conspiracy situation where she's extensively having her selfies post-processed THEN sent back to her to post under the guise that they're candid (note: such is NOT impossible--just ridiculous if it's true), then I guess her ass really IS that big.  Paper Magazine wasn't proof of course.

Yes! To both statements, she looked beatuiful in that "selfie" and If i was Kim and had her seemingly unlimited funds I would damn near have everything custom made tailored to my body especially if all my 'friends' were high end lux clothing designers.

On the relative scale of things, yes, she looks good in this.  Although to put the conspiracy hat back on a bit, it's no coincidence I think that she took the photo in such low light (you certainly can't see cellulite in that lighting). I AM assuming of course that the phone in her hand is a remote control--although for all we know its simply Kanye or some assistant with another cell phone camera across the room.

  • Love 1


What is she going to do in 5-10 years when she can't pose naked anymore or post revealing selfies?


(I guess she can. But even her fans will be tired of this shit eventually. And she'll get that age criticism starting in a few years.)


I'm not a fan of Kim Kardashian and I've been sick & tired of her. I still don't understand why her taking selfies on a daily basis is newsworthy. As long as pure absolute crap like the Daily Mail (they suck on so many levels) are around & on the payroll, it will never stop.


I don't know what Kim will be doing in 5 to 10 yrs from now, but I'm certain that the Daily Mail will still be gushing about what a sexy & classy lady she is in her 40's. And how she is a great role model & a trendsetter in today's youth & society. Plus, she'll probably try to be in your face on some type of social media that hasn't been invented yet. 


Hopefully, North & Easton (the 2 kids that Kim will still probably ignored unless its to show off for the Daily Mail) will find ways to humiliate Kim.

Edited by Magog

Let's be clear - it isn't a "selfie" if someone else takes the picture.

Yes Love. That is why I said pose naked or post revealing selfies. Since she does both (pose naked for magazines or calenders or pornos or ads and post constant almost naked or sexy selfies in social media) which I acknowledged.

Back to the point of what I said. Eventually people at get bored of it or in few yrs the age shit will start. Even Pam Andersen went through this after she hit mid 30's. They are very similar in posing nude and porno "leaked" tape past and that sex symbol hype- except Pam seems nicer and less into $$, than Kimmy

What is she going to do in 5-10 years when she can't pose naked anymore or post revealing selfies?


As long as Photoshop (or the equivalent, I would guess the software is going to get even better) exists, she can pose nude. She can make her 50 years old body look 18, & probably will. 

Let's be clear - it isn't a "selfie" if someone else takes the picture.



Stupidly, it now appears to be common parlance that ANY photo taken with a cellphone is somehow allowed to be called "a selfie".


I think she's taking a selfie in a mirror, which is why it looks like someone else is taking the picture. She's not taking a picture of herself, she's taking a picture of her reflection, so technically, still a selfie.

I didn't know Kim could still shock me, but that nude preggo pic did. Not the nude part, that's boringly common for her, but the butt. I knew it was big however I somehow believed it was a lot of pading & angles. Oh my word that is a large ass. I actually felt guilty for a brief second because the comparison my mind immediately went to was a horse's hindquarters. I wonder if the size of it gives her back problems much like women who need breast reduction surgery due to back pain. It's just so big. *shiver* I wouldn't want that thing backing up to me in the dark.

  • Love 3


This is a 10-picture photo gallery of pregnant Kim walking around in her usual tight clothes. I do think she's really pregnant, but in photo no. 1 her baby bump looks totally fake. It looks like she turned a big salad mixing bowl backwards and taped it to her stomach. The edges of the round shape are too well-defined and the roundness is too perfect. The indentation of her belly button looks fake too.


This is a 10-picture photo gallery of pregnant Kim walking around in her usual tight clothes. I do think she's really pregnant, but in photo no. 1 her baby bump looks totally fake. It looks like she turned a big salad mixing bowl backwards and taped it to her stomach. The edges of the round shape are too well-defined and the roundness is too perfect. The indentation of her belly button looks fake too.

So are you really insisting then that her naked photo was fake? Admittedly it was in super-dim light, but you'd need some fairly complex prosthetics even so.


I like a good conspiracy theory as much as the next person, but sometimes a belly is just a belly.  About the only thing I find all that suspicious is that her ankles seemed relatively normal in that naked photo.


EDIT - Okay, I missed the part where you said "I do think she's really pregnant".  Sorry.  But if so, I'm not sure what you're saying is really going on here.  What does it matter if there are photos where they baby bump looks odd if we've concluded she's really pregnant?  Do we think she has a pregnancy stunt double or something?  That she's changing her bump profile for certain events/photo ops?  That she's subbing in old photos from last pregnancy or ones she prepped ahead of time before being this pregnant?  I don't get it.  It looks odd, sure. But SHE looks odd, even at the best of times.

Edited by Kromm

This is going to sound SO stupid and crazy, but here it goes: what if she's got some sort of perfect pregnancy belly dome that goes OVER her less than sublime actual baby bump? Basically like the reverse of spanx, where is pronounces the baby, but makes the bump look perfectly spherical.

It doesn't sound weird to me.  I actually think that's what Beyonce had (back when something in her dress popped up when she was pregnant).  


I tend to think they're wearing prosthetics just to fool papz into not really being able to tell how far along they are.

  • Love 1

Looking at the pic of her on the beach confirms that she really is pregnant, I guess.

We already saw her naked.  The only doubt there was that the lighting was dim.  But a fake belly would have been obvious on that too.


The other thing the beach photo seems to confirm is that her ankles aren't swollen to tree trunks this time (one of the things that seemed peculiar in the naked shot). 


It's so weird that Kim and Kris STILL insist on all black.  Maybe that's why Caitlyn is getting more attention now--she's not dressed for a funeral.

  • Love 2

It's so weird that Kim and Kris STILL insist on all black. Maybe that's why Caitlyn is getting more attention now--she's not dressed for a funeral.

To be fair, sometimes Kanye allows them to wear beige, grey and hunter green, plus those tannish/brownish/yellowish work boots. And Yeezus tees are always acceptable. Because black and white are the colors for visionaries and artists and beautiful people. Plebians wear colors because their personalities aren't glorious enough to demand attention.

  • Love 5

Instagram followers can be purchased. There are companies overseas who specialize in creating massive numbers of fake accounts to boost a celebrity's following. Think about it: if the Kardashians have so many legit fans why do all their product lines tank and their show has less than two million viewers per episode? Kim's book sold 32k copies. The numbers don't add up.

On a completely random note, where is Kanye? I get that he's busy, but I find it interesting he completely disappeared with this pregnancy the same way he did with North. All the pictures Kim posts of them together were taken months ago, they're not recent.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 4

Instagram followers can be purchased. There are companies overseas who specialize in creating massive numbers of fake accounts to boost a celebrity's following. Think about it: if the Kardashians have so many legit fans why do all their product lines tank and their show has less than two million viewers per episode? Kim's book sold 32k copies. The numbers don't add up.

On a completely random note, where is Kanye? I get that he's busy, but I find it interesting he completely disappeared with this pregnancy the same way he did with North. All the pictures Kim posts of them together were taken months ago, they're not recent.

She's knocked up, no reason for him to be hanging around town, his work is done.

  • Love 2

Just because Kim doesn't post everything on Instagram doesn't mean its not happening. If you look at who she follows though, she follows a couple of Kim and Kanye fan sites and they have pics of them taken together last week and the prior week. There was also a special concert last week Kanye had and the family attended that.


Rare photos of Kim wearing flat heel sandals, on August 3. Her poor feet must have been singing with joy: "Thank you!"


Heh, in one of the captions, they referred to North as "Norweezy." That's just funny. 


Edited by SailorGirl

Ugh I seriously hate defending Kanye, but I'm going to point out again he has NOT been MIA since the pregnancy was announced.  I dont know where this notion is coming from and Kim herself posted a picture of them together 3 days ago.


Just a few pics of them together the last 2 weeks

Last night:



At FYF Fest last week


Arriving at Kylie's b'day party


And you can see him in the background of one of the pics of North playing soccer



Rare photos of Kim wearing flat heel sandals, on August 3. Her poor feet must have been singing with joy: "Thank you!"

She still looks fucking ridiculous in that long coat and tight dress. Has she ever worn jeans and sandals? Or ballet flats? Do they not sell these things in Los Angeles?

  • Love 3

How are you acquaintances with all these designers, been a stylist, with the only real job you have is to be on tv and in pictures....and you don't know your proportions. This thick ass chokers she keeps wearing do NOTHING for her. The barely there bras that push her boobs out to the side instead of up....


She was always tacky, but this listening to Kanye shit has gone wayyyyyyy too far.

  • Love 2

So here's something I've been wondering ever since the "About Bruce" show. 

Kimmers always makes a big deal about how tiny she is when she's not pregnant and how upset she is about her size and weight when she's pregnant.


On the About Bruce episode, she makes a pointed comment to Caitlyn that one of her pieces of clothing is a size 14 -- in other words -- Shamu size (and since I and the majority of women in the US are a size 14, fuck you Kim). 


But, we then go on to hear about how Caitlyn stole one of Kim's (non-preggo, I assume) outfits. And one of the dresses that Caitlyn wore was a Michael Costello dress that was made for Kim, which was the explanation for why it was short on Caitlyn.

So, does that mean Kimmy is a dreaded size 14? If size 14 Caitlyn can wear Kim's outfits and a dress made for Kim, then that makes Kim a size 14.  As short and "curvy" as she is, it completely realistic. Could it be? Saint Kim is actually the same as the majority of women? The horror! And the hypocrisy of her judging other people on their clothing size when she herself is in Shamu size territory! 

Now excuse me while I waddle my size 14 self off to get some work done. 


*Edited for proper pronoun usage. 

Edited by SailorGirl
  • Love 2

Radar claims Kim is so unhappy with her weight gain that she's decided she'll never have another baby, unless it's by surrogate.


Mother Of All Meltdowns! Kim Kardashian Sobs Over Pregnancy, Vows She’ll ‘Never’ Have Another Baby

Posted on Aug 27, 2015

Friends and family are having a hard time seeing Kim Kardashian‘s pregnancy glow throw her storm cloud of tears!

RadarOnline.com can exclusively reveal that 34-year-old Kardashian broke down sobbing recently over her pregnant body, which is already starting to bloat, and her drastically fluctuating weight.

“Kim was desperate to do things right second time around and not put on too much weight, like Jessica Simpson did with her second baby, but already she’s gone over her rigidly planned weight gain program and she’s furious at herself,” an insider tells Radar.

“Her friends hate that she’s putting herself through this because she’s setting herself up for a tough time, but Kim hates her pregnant body with a passion,” continues the insider. “She is convinced she’s going to have an even worse time than she did with North.”

And after two she’s through having kids, says the source. “She told Kanye if he wants any more it will be via surrogate. She’s vowed she’ll never go through all this again.”

Kim must be a miserable life-suck behind the scenes. She's so obsessed with looking perfect and being the sexy porn star 24/7 that she can never just relax and have fun. She's only going to have every ounce of pregnancy weight injected into her ass and lips post-delivery anyways, so what the hell does she care?

  • Love 4

Kim's injected ass is likely a 14, so she probably has to buy dresses and jeans in that size and then have them ripped apart and tailored down to fit her lipo'd waist and chicken legs. With her proportions I can't see her being able to wear something without alterations.

I think that lardass is at least size 22, and I'm not trying to body shame her either. I've got a fat ass too, but I didn't do it to myself deliberately, for Pete's sake.

Radar claims Kim is so unhappy with her weight gain that she's decided she'll never have another baby, unless it's by surrogate.http://radaronline.com/celebrity-news/kim-kardashian-pregnancy-problems-refuses-another-baby/Mother Of All Meltdowns! Kim Kardashian Sobs Over Pregnancy, Vows She’ll ‘Never’ Have Another BabyPosted on Aug 27, 2015Friends and family are having a hard time seeing Kim Kardashian‘s pregnancy glow throw her storm cloud of tears!RadarOnline.com can exclusively reveal that 34-year-old Kardashian broke down sobbing recently over her pregnant body, which is already starting to bloat, and her drastically fluctuating weight.“Kim was desperate to do things right second time around and not put on too much weight, like Jessica Simpson did with her second baby, but already she’s gone over her rigidly planned weight gain program and she’s furious at herself,” an insider tells Radar.“Her friends hate that she’s putting herself through this because she’s setting herself up for a tough time, but Kim hates her pregnant body with a passion,” continues the insider. “She is convinced she’s going to have an even worse time than she did with North.”And after two she’s through having kids, says the source. “She told Kanye if he wants any more it will be via surrogate. She’s vowed she’ll never go through all this again.”

OMG, I wish this narcissistic woman would fall off the face of the earth. Edited by OnceSane
  • Love 2

I think that lardass is at least size 22, and I'm not trying to body shame her either. I've got a fat ass too, but I didn't do it to myself deliberately, for Pete's sake.

OMG, I wish this narcissistic woman would fall off the face of the earth.

Some other site is telling us she needs to have her uterus removed after delivering this baby... it goes into detail about her placenta problems with North and how life threatening her condition is, but she's broken hearted because she'' never have a third child. I hope this is all being filmed for next season... I love to laugh at her ugly cry face. Edited by OnceSane
quoted post was edited
  • Love 4

Kim's injected ass is likely a 14, so she probably has to buy dresses and jeans in that size and then have them ripped apart and tailored down to fit her lipo'd waist and chicken legs. With her proportions I can't see her being able to wear something without alterations.

That's the thing though this is a woman who is personal friends with top tier designers. If she would use her brain a little and not be so stubborn I'm sure she could have gorgeous maternity clothes that could be, not even tailored but actually custom made to fit her body as it changes. Considering how badly she's dressing and how ill fitted everything she looks it almost appears as if she's just buying off the rack or she refuses to admit things need to be altered. Even in standard maternity shops or stores that sell for plus size figures you can get clothes that are made especially to fit odd sizes and I have no doubt would look better than the stuff she's currently wearing.

  • Love 1

That's the thing though this is a woman who is personal friends with top tier designers. If she would use her brain a little and not be so stubborn I'm sure she could have gorgeous maternity clothes that could be, not even tailored but actually custom made to fit her body as it changes. Considering how badly she's dressing and how ill fitted everything she looks it almost appears as if she's just buying off the rack or she refuses to admit things need to be altered. Even in standard maternity shops or stores that sell for plus size figures you can get clothes that are made especially to fit odd sizes and I have no doubt would look better than the stuff she's currently wearing.

I think you may have forgotten Kim's designer-made-specially-for-her couch dress from the last time she was pregnant. 

  • Love 2

Some other site is telling us she needs to have her uterus removed after delivering this baby... it goes into detail about her placenta problems with North and how life threatening her condition is, but she's broken hearted because she'' never have a third child.  I hope this is all being filmed for next season... I love to laugh at her ugly cry face.

Does this idiot not know what an IUD or tubal ligation is?? Why go to the extreme of a hysty? She'll go straight into menopause, and that will not be a pretty sight.

Wow, what a difference three years can make!


As far as the weight gain, not having more children, etc: I have to wonder how much of it is being fed to the tabloids for show/publicity purposes. I say that because not all that long ago (I'd say less than a month), she was in New Orleans and instagramming shots of the beignets she was eating (twice in a day). If you're unfamiliar with a beignet, it's a delicious deep fried pillow of dough served with about a box worth of powdered sugar. Now I don't count calories and I do love me some fat and sweets, however, when I go for beignets (which is basically when we have company), I usually stick to one or two (three per order). Two stops in one day would put me in a diabetic coma.


I bring this up because multiple stops at the beignet place (and Instagramming them) is not the behavior of someone who's trying to minimize pregnancy (or any other) weight gain. I'm not criticizing her for eating them, but I have to believe any angst over pregnancy weight gain is at least somewhat manufactured. Kim ain't the sharpest tool in the shed, but even she knows that eating crap like that is going to make her gain extra weight.


My feeling is enjoy your pregnancy as much as you can, and if eating makes you feel better and gets you through the nine months, go for it, as long as you're safe. For someone like Kim, it's especially easy because after she delivers, she doesn't have the reality of day-to-day life that can impede losing pregnancy weight. With the money for a personal chef and endless hours to work out on any given day, there's no reason why she wouldn't drop her pregnancy weight relatively quickly compared to the average person. And of course, the inevitable plastic surgery will hasten the process.


So I think it's a lot of bs, so she has something to talk about during and after pregnancy ("people are so mean!").

  • Love 3

Kim's prime was in her Reggie Bush days. She's screwed up her face and body with too many procedures and she's hit the point of no return. Even though I'm not a fan of her I always thought she was attractive but now she just looks disfigured and cartoonish.

FWIW, I think the hysterectomy talk is complete bullshit. If her pregnancy was truly that high risk she wouldn't be flying all over the place and killing her feet with ridiculous stilettos, she'd want to remain close to her OB and take it easy. She just needs to create drama since Kylie has taken over as Kris' Chief Ho.

  • Love 8

Keep in mind this is Radar who is known to make random bullshit up and has flat out lied before.  If it was TMZ IMO it would be more believable that the family was feeding lies to the press. As annoying as her nude selfie was I thought the words she put alongside the picture were pretty much the truth which was basically she doesnt care what people think or say and that she will accept and love her body as it goes through changes and she gets bigger.

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