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Kim Kardashian Thomas Humphries West

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Apparently Ray J is talking about  what sex with Kim was like, & he's claiming she would stop to fix her makeup during sex. I don't care what she says, that sounds completely Kim to me. She say he's a liar.


Kim and I had fun times — marathon sessions. But she didn’t like getting sweaty and would stop to do her make-up if she did,” he remarked, according to the outlet. “She liked to look dope during sex, the right lighting, setting the mood. She was wild — there was a red Louis Vuitton trunk of sex toys

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I don't know whether Ray J is lying or what but am I the only one that didn't think the stuff he said was that bad.  The whole world has been privy to Kim's naked ass and many intimate details of her life, I dont think he said anything all that shocking though $100,000 a year on thongs is a bit disturbing.

  • Love 6
11 minutes ago, GaT said:

Apparently Ray J is talking about  what sex with Kim was like, & he's claiming she would stop to fix her makeup during sex. I don't care what she says, that sounds completely Kim to me. She say he's a liar.

I believe him, but I don't think she enjoyed any of it. It was all just a performance to her. And a fucking BORING one if the tapes are reflective of their usual sex life.

Edited by DangerousMinds
  • Love 7
27 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

I believe him, but I don't think she enjoyed any of it. It was all just a performance to her. And a fucking BORING one if the tapes are reflective of their usual sex life.

Kanye got all pissy about Drake and the other guy talking about fucking Kim, but when  Ray J  talks its radio silence. Because the evidence is on film? Or because he’s bragged how he watched It tons of times?

i kinda like that Ray J (jerk that he is) spews this stuff every couple of years, keeps Kim from forgetting her “roots” and puttimg on airs. 

  • Love 11

Since Ray J brought it into the news cycle again, check this out. There's a vid on HuffPo and YouTube called Grandmas Watch Kardashian Sex Tape. The comments are graphic and maybe violate community standards here so I edited to remove the link. "What is her problem? She's just layin' there." LOL

Edited by suomi
  • Love 4
54 minutes ago, suomi said:

Since Ray J brought it into the news cycle again, check this out. There's a vid on HuffPo and YouTube called Grandmas Watch Kardashian Sex Tape. The comments are graphic and maybe violate community standards here so I edited to remove the link. "What is her problem? She's just layin' there." LOL

Kanye makes her work at it, gotta balance on that sink you know!!!

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For 29-year-old Justin (@_whitegirlsevolving_) and 35-year-old Reynaldo (@dailythickpawgs) white-girl butts like mine have become an actual business. At first, both of them were merely curators of internet hotties. But the Instagram Ass Economy proved to be a boon for them — same for the sizable increase in white-girl demand for big butts. After a few years of reposting pics then, their Instagram accounts got big enough that women were paying them for placement there. With 307,000 and 148,000 followers respectively, being shared on @_whitegirlsevolving_ or @dailythickpawgs brings these women new followers, and in turn, new opportunities for modeling, OnlyFans and premium Snapchat customers and sponsorships.

Renaldo and Justin do reposts for $10 to $100 each. The prices range depending on how many photos are shared, if they’re posted on the grid or in the story and other levels of promotion. Justin says he gets about 10 requests a day. “On a good picture, something that gets 7,000 likes or more, [the girls in the picture] average around 1,500 new followers. On a post that gets 3,000 to 5,000 likes, it’s about 500 to 700 followers,” he claims. For girls who care about their follower count — I’ll admit that I’m one of them — that’s not a bad deal.

Neither Reynaldo nor Justin make enough from their Instagram accounts to quit their day jobs, but it’s a nice stream of extra income. Not to mention, they’re getting paid to do something they love. “I like clear, good quality photos, pretty girls, big butts, not too small not too big, it’s gotta be perfect,” Justin explains. His specific taste is largely the Instagram fitness model type, where the booty is big mostly in proportion to the girl’s tiny waist. (Of course, she’s toned all over.)

Reynaldo’s preference, as his Instagram handle suggests, is pawgs, or Phat-Ass White Girls. There’s not a certain measurement or size for what defines a pawg in terms of ass size, but Reynaldo believes a pawg is determined by her “thick thighs and round butt. Thicker women can fall into that category because to be considered a thick pawg, you need to have some meat. Don’t get me wrong — there are some slim pawgs out there, but the booty cuff is what’s most important when it comes to a nice ass. It’s what makes the booty stand out.”

22 hours ago, vast wasteland said:

Reynaldo’s preference, as his Instagram handle suggests, is pawgs, or Phat-Ass White Girls. There’s not a certain measurement or size for what defines a pawg in terms of ass size, but Reynaldo believes a pawg is determined by her “thick thighs and round butt. Thicker women can fall into that category because to be considered a thick pawg, you need to have some meat. Don’t get me wrong — there are some slim pawgs out there, but the booty cuff is what’s most important when it comes to a nice ass. It’s what makes the booty stand out.”

For all the other grannies out there:

Screen Shot 2018-11-07 at 12.59.00 PM.png

Edited by OldButHappy
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On a serious note, I hope everyone is safe, but on a snarky note, I don't think Kim would be mad if the place burned to the ground. The house is an eyesore and it would give her the excuse to move back in with Kris. 

Aaaaaannnd, my opinion is confirmed. Kim can't be too stressed about the fire if she's making time for Botox:


Edited by BitterApple
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And wasnt  Kanye up at some video shoot the other night where shots were fired . He’s been hanging out with some tough trade lately.

Kim only  returned from being out of town a couple hours before the evacuation notice... was Kanye anywhere near the house? He couldn’t make a decision to tell the nannies to get the kids out of the house and check into a hotel somewhere safe? 

5 hours ago, BitterApple said:

On a serious note, I hope everyone is safe, but on a snarky note, I don't think Kim would be mad if the place burned to the ground. The house is an eyesore and it would give her the excuse to move back in with Kris. 

Aaaaaannnd, my opinion is confirmed. Kim can't be too stressed about the fire if she's making time for Botox:


I wonder if insurance would even cover what they invested in it? 

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, howmanywords said:

Even if Kanye wasn't at the house how do we know he didn't direct orders by way of phone? He couldn't have been very far because when Kim said she was just getting back from out of town she was with Kanye and North beforehand. And seriously does it matter WHO arranged getting everyone out safe? 

I think regardless of Nannies and security, your kids should be the top priority of parents in these emergencies. Fires of that nature are notoriously unpredictable. And kids scare easily. The fires weren’t a surprise, if both parents werent going to be at the house, then they should have gotten the kids moved elsewhere. The kids are their first responsibility, move them to a safe place first and then do whatever. 

  • Love 4

Oh Kim.  What a condescending way to speak of your husband.  Plus your convoluted explanation is so garbled as to be unintelligible.  Pure Kardashian speak.




Kim Kardashian-West spoke with CNN's Van Jones Wednesday and addressed her husband's controversial support of President Trump.

Once again standing by Kanye West, Kardashian explains that her husband doesn't support the "politics," but simply enjoys Trump's "personality." 

"He just happens to like Donald Trump’s personality — but doesn’t know about the politics,” said Kardashian during the Criminal Justice Reform Summit. 

“I know it’s very confusing because when you see someone wearing a red [“Make America Great Again”] hat, you would think that they are supporting that. But he’s just fighting for free thought and for the freedom to like a person, even if it’s not the popular decision," she added. 

West's support of the President came under fire after the rapper appeared at the White House last month and called Trump "a hero." 

Many have questioned the rapper's support of a President whose policies are polarizing and anti-minority. However, Kardashian told Jones that his views have been "misconstrued" and "he's not the best communicator." 

"He definitely needs a translator," Kardashian said. "I know his heart, and I know that one day what he's been trying to say will come out." 

31 minutes ago, Aw my lahgs said:

He’s broke as a church mouse. That family is his bread and butter. He needs them.

I think he’s okay financially, certainly not on their level but he’s invested his money. Kris needs him on the show and he’s a good enough business man to negotiate a good deal for himself. More power to him. At least he hasn’t ended up like Lamar. ( he’s come close!!!) we are hearing less and less of him going on benders and acting the fool. I hope it stays that way. He reminds me in some ways of a close friend so I guess I gave a soft spot for him. 

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So Kim tells Ellen that Kanye doesn’t always like the sexy pics she posts. That he thinks she goes overboard. But sometimes she “just can’t help herself” “she just looks soooo goood”

These two are heading closer and closer to a divorce. First she feels the need to clarify or translate his remarks and pretty much says he’s not smart enough to understand the impact his words have. And now even worse, in her world, he’s trying to control her.  I think it was right about that point in their relationship that she decided to dump the Hump. 

She’s said she intends to post naked selfies til she dies. Now he wants 7 kids and to move to Africa and is pissed that she gives more attention to the kids than to him. I don’t think that’s what she signed on to this marriage for and I think she wants out. 

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People Aren’t Happy That Kim Kardashian And Kanye West Rented An Entire 747 Just For Themselves


Kim and Kanye recently took a trip to Japan. Poor Japan. First Godzilla, now these two monsters? Kim kicked off their trip by posting a series of Instagram Stories in which she showed off how they got to Japan.


People on the internet thought that flying private in a plane that guzzles fuel and could carry the population of a small village was gross.


Paige Flugge@Paigeyyybabyy

Kim Kardashian posted on her story about flying on a private 747.
All I’m thinking is what a waste of jet fuel, resources, environmental harm, etc etc etc.
Smh. So obnoxious and unnecessary.

Hanne Borris@HanneBorris

I’m missing the connection. @KimKardashian and @kanyewest donate 500000$ to wildfire relief efforts, but take a 747 airplane privately. Will someone explain to them how the climate crisis work? Please?


@KimKardashian @kanyewest renting an entire 747 for themselves is so unbelievably wasteful it makes me sick. Leaving a much larger carbon footprint than they need to. You have the power and wealth to travel sustainably, and instead you do the opposite.For what? An instagram flex?


What all those Twitter haters are forgetting is that Kim and Kanye needed to upgrade from their sad, tiny little chartered jets of trips past to that 747. The 747 is big enough to transport both their egos. Plus, it’s a safety issue. I’m sure Kim and Kanye dangerously decrease the cabin pressure with every dumb sentence that leaves their mouths.

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People Magazine noting the President flies on an even larger 747 is ridiculous. The President travels with a massive entourage including support staff, security and media. It's not even remotely comparable to two self-absorbed twats leasing an unnecessarily large airplane just because they can. 

I generally have an attitude that rich people can spend their money however they choose, but this is just so obnoxious. I guess when you have nothing of real substance in your life, bragging about material things is the only thing you can do.

  • Love 20
1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

People Magazine noting the President flies on an even larger 747 is ridiculous. The President travels with a massive entourage including support staff, security and media. It's not even remotely comparable to two self-absorbed twats leasing an unnecessarily large airplane just because they can. 

But Kim worked out with her trainer on the plane! That makes it totally OK, bible.

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In the video Kim posted she made it sound like this was Kanye's idea, to fill his fantasy of a "floating Yeezy office". Even Kim seemed bewildered/fascinated at the level of obnoxiousness one could reach while at the same time yet gloating.

Just saw that Kim and Kris will be on John Legend & Chrissy Teigen's Christmas special on NBC tonight.

  • Love 3
14 minutes ago, howmanywords said:

In the video Kim posted she made it sound like this was Kanye's idea, to fill his fantasy of a "floating Yeezy office". Even Kim seemed bewildered/fascinated at the level of obnoxiousness one could reach while at the same time yet gloating.

Just saw that Kim and Kris will be on John Legend & Chrissy Teigen's Christmas special on NBC tonight.

How convenient for Kim!  She can have extravagant stuff and show it off as long as she can blame it on Kanye. I bet she’s hoping his next whim is a honking big shiny diamond ring!!!

  • Love 9

Rare Form of Blood Cancer Linked to Certain Type of Breast Implants Used by Thousands of Women

Rear view: the big business of bottoms


It’s not just cosmetic surgeons who claim they can empower women. For those who felt their bodies had been dismissed and sneered at for decades, but now find their arses the height of fashion, the big butt trend has been sold by the body positive movement as a step towards a more diverse body acceptance. But… can body trends ever be a good thing? “The move towards bigger bums isn’t a good thing,” says Orbach, “It’s a thing. What may at first seem to mirror some women’s previously excluded experience simultaneously excludes other women, which would be OK if commerce weren’t riding on it and suggesting that big bums are the solution.”

While fatalities are the most headline-grabbing result of Britain’s new pursuit of the bigger bottom, the implications of a changing obsession are less shocking, and more depressing. A realisation. Women will never be comfortable in their bodies, because the goal posts of what is acceptable keep shifting. We are encouraged to remain constantly at war with ourselves, shrinking, growing and utilising all the evolving technology that claims to alleviate the same anxiety that, simply by existing, it continues to feed us. And, to do so – to try and create your own Kardashian butt – is a rational reaction in 2018. The alternative is to be irrelevant, unbeautiful, and therefore, unseen.

“Bodies and the surface are not our only calling card,” Orbach adds. “We are not brands, but people who can contribute and challenge and dare to live from our unique bodies, not facsimile ones.”

The bottom line

The costs, risks and significant rise of the Brazilian Butt Lift

• A Brazilian Butt Lift, or BBL, is the colloquial term for buttock fat grafting, an elective cosmetic procedure which can cost up to £8,000 (in the UK) and involves removing fat from one part of the body via liposuction and transplanting it via injection into the buttocks, for a fuller effect.

• The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) said it was the most dangerous cosmetic procedure to undergo. Gerard Lambe, consultant plastic surgeon, explains: ‘It has the highest death rate of all procedures due to the risk of injecting fat into large veins in the buttocks, that can then travel to the heart or brain.’

• In the past five years, plastic surgeons have seen a 150% increase in the BBL business in the UK.

• In the US, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery has tracked a 26% jump from 2016 to 2017, making BBLs the surgical procedure that has seen the second most significant increase in that period – 33 people in the US have died after the surgery in the past 5 years.

• About one in every 3,000 BBL patients worldwide has died of a pulmonary fat embolism. Twice as many developed chronic or serious complications.

• Nearly 320,000 BBL procedures were performed globally in 2015, according to the International Society of Aesthetic and Cosmetic Surgery, a 30% increase since 2014.

I would not wish ill health on any one, but I do wonder at the long term effects of body alterations.

Edited by vast wasteland
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Kim Kardashian Knows Kanye West's Empty 747 Jet Was 'Unnecessary and Extravagant': Source


“He feels very inspired and creative at the moment, so she wants to be supportive,” the source says. “She is aware of the 747 backlash—it wasn’t her idea. And again, she is trying to be supportive of Kanye. She realize it’s seen as something unnecessary and extravagant, but she isn’t making any excuses. They have a different lifestyle and she doesn’t expect other people to understand.”


Edited by vast wasteland
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On 12/1/2018 at 1:09 PM, vast wasteland said:

This is the second time Kim has thrown Kanye under the bus due to public backlash yet disguised it with words like 'being supportive'. It doesn't matter if it was his idea, she was the one publicizing it so that all of the world could fawn over their extravagant living. She can try to downplay her role in arranging the plane but she sure was pimping out their travel style while posting insta stories. Look, I think the a plane that size is obnoxious but at least own it. Kim is a diva who is obsessed with fame, money, and luxury but she still tries to push this idea that she's a really humble person and she's not all that humble and she's not all that nice.

  • Love 14
10 hours ago, iwasish said:

And her trip back to Paris... she’s all concerned and nervous about returning to the scene of the crime and Kanye couldn’t care less about her feelings, “ stay home if you want” I’m going to support my bro. 

Call me cynical but I believe that Kim was enjoying every moment of the attention she was getting from her "brave" and dramatic post-robbery return to Paris. As for Kanye, no matter what else I may think of him, I believe that he truly loves Kim and was so severely traumatized by her robbery ordeal that it was one of the direct causes of his mental breakdown and hospitalization.

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On 11/5/2018 at 7:53 PM, DangerousMinds said:

I believe him, but I don't think she enjoyed any of it. It was all just a performance to her. And a fucking BORING one if the tapes are reflective of their usual sex life.


On 11/5/2018 at 8:27 PM, iwasish said:

Kanye got all pissy about Drake and the other guy talking about fucking Kim, but when  Ray J  talks its radio silence. Because the evidence is on film? Or because he’s bragged how he watched It tons of times?

i kinda like that Ray J (jerk that he is) spews this stuff every couple of years, keeps Kim from forgetting her “roots” and puttimg on airs. 


On 11/5/2018 at 10:51 PM, suomi said:

Since Ray J brought it into the news cycle again, check this out. There's a vid on HuffPo and YouTube called Grandmas Watch Kardashian Sex Tape. The comments are graphic and maybe violate community standards here so I edited to remove the link. "What is her problem? She's just layin' there." LOL

A little late in this reply but Kim is the type of woman who has no idea how to enjoy sex but is desperate to always be thought of as desirable and sexy. True sexiness Will always be out of her reach. Look at when she tried to dance with Prince...total failure.

  • Love 9

“He feels very inspired and creative at the moment, so she wants to be supportive,” the source says. “She is aware of the 747 backlash—it wasn’t her idea. And again, she is trying to be supportive of Kanye. She realize it’s seen as something unnecessary and extravagant, but she isn’t making any excuses. They have a different lifestyle and she doesn’t expect other people to understand.”

They have a different lifestyle and doesn't expect people to understand?  People understand plenty.  It's Kim and Kanye who don't understand.  And at the very least can they should understand that their BUSINESS relies on the the public.  Perception matters.  Or at least it should.  

Looking at the latest pictures, from last night and this morning, I'm going to guess that Kanye is back on his meds. He looks out of it again, glazed over.  He does not look good.  Neither does she.  But he looks...bad.  I know it shouldn't matter, but if you were ask me, it looks like the lifestyle is taking a major toll on him and when you combine that with the medication, nothing good can come of any of this.  I feel like Kanye is going to wind up institutionalized.  

  • Love 9

I thought Kanye actually looked like he was enjoying himself especially the videos from before they got to the fashion show. Even after he was smiling and laughing. The outfit was ugly and hideous but what else is new? If anything is taking a toll I think it's work. He has a lot of half assed ideas but I give him credit for always working between recording, producing and working on Yeezy he does a lot of shit. 

4 hours ago, howmanywords said:

I thought Kanye actually looked like he was enjoying himself especially the videos from before they got to the fashion show. Even after he was smiling and laughing. The outfit was ugly and hideous but what else is new? If anything is taking a toll I think it's work. He has a lot of half assed ideas but I give him credit for always working between recording, producing and working on Yeezy he does a lot of shit. 

Kim...I...I just can't

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