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S31: Stephen Fishbach

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His edit seemed to have two possibilities to me

1) the (Cochrane) nerd redemption edit where he does come from behind with some big move


2) We (show producers) don't like you, you pissed us off doing xyz and are out to get you


But now I'm not sure either is right. Seems like a failed redemption arc.

 Maybe they are just setting up his demise due to tunnel vision

on Joe and wanting to have a big move - like he should have moved on JT and didn't, but

his attempt to redeem history fails. 


although the other possibilities are simply the producers doing their standard stereotyping


"We need a nerd, a crazy woman, a jock, a beauty, etc."

Edited by marys1000
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Stephen's focus on Joe is going to be his downfall. He is another player who cannot let go of his past season and has not changed his game play enough. Joe has a better social connection with other folks and he will hear about any and all attempts to target him.


Stephen lacks any flexibility in his game.

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Stephen lacks any flexibility in his game.

No flexibility at all. And blinders. It would serve him right if he made FTC with Jeremy and then realizes that Jeremy is the JT of this season :-) Has he still not noticed that Jeremy's the one making the final decision?


Also, really, I expected him to know his classics. Ahab didn't have such a great ending, did he? Or is Stephen actually much more lucid that I give him credit for and already knows that he's doomed...?

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That would be ironic if It's Jeremy that Stephen should have worried about all season and not Joe. I'm trying to hard (and, spending too much time....LOL) trying to figure out Stephens edit. I know Survivor has its usal stereotypes but it does look like the editors have some storyline (edit) for Stephen for whatever reason. Maybe, they hated his analysis of the "edit" on RHAP and they said, "we'll show him". LOL!!!!

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I can't see how Stephen could be the new Cochran, because he's playing with a higher level of player than Cochran had in Caramoan (he had a cake walk to the million).  Even if he somehow got a miraculous redemption, which may or may not be coming.  Stephen has an uphill battle, and in a FTC, I think he would lose.  It would depend who he was against, obviously, and I don't think there are many people left he could successfully beat.  I agree that he needs to be focusing more on other targets (namely Jeremy) and stop his focus on Joe.  I don't think he is very good at reading the room, and while he may be plotting Joe's premature demise (at least wait until he loses the IC), everyone else may be scheming to get him out.  Jeremy seemed to take a fatherly approach with Spencer, when Spencer was opening his heart out, so I wonder if Stephen feels some connection to him that he doesn't with Joe.  Something where he doesn't either think Jeremy will betray him.

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We now know Stephen outlasteded Savage. Now, the question is will Stephen outlast Joe? I'm thinking Stephen goes just a little further than Joe. That said, I didn't think Savage would be going home the other night. #Blindside.

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Fishbarf has turned into one of the worst players this game has ever seen, IMO. 


At this point I think his main "chance" in the game is that he's kind of put himself into an Abbie position of being so annoying and so clearly incompetent that better players may now have flipped over to the side of keeping him just as a tool who could never win in the end. And those people are always playing for 2nd or 3rd place. 


It's irrelevant that he's basically right about the threat that Joe is. Aside from his seemingly constant inability to read people, the big problem here is his lack of awareness of the proper timing to act on Joe. You act AFTER Joe loses his immunity challenge, not before.


Again, this may not totally boomerang on him, only because his allies will hold him closer to keep his vote and his total lack of threat to make other alliances or be a threat from a jury vote at the end. But MAN... I almost can't wait for him to be back on his podcast so we can hear the lame excuses he makes and tries to act like he actually knows shit about this game. It will be both pathetic AND hilarious at the same time (and yes, I know how mean it is to say that).

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I can not wait for him to get his torch snuffed.  Of course he would get the advantage.  But I hope he is blindsided by the very person he should be worrying about before he can effectively use it.  Everything Stephen did before this season is wiped out for me.  Now, when I think of him, I'll remember him as awkwardly trying to fit in with the cool kids by spouting poetry and classic literature while attempting to take out their perceived ring leader and his groupies.  Stephen is coming off as way too much of a character looking for screen time and Survivor infamy.  I get his has his RHAP KIA and his blog, but maybe he's looking for more.  I don't know if he's trying to be the next Cochran or thinking he'll pad his Survivor resume with this so-called "evolution" that'll be the guide going forward from now until Survivor's end.  Seriously, this is the worst evolution-it doesn't take a rocket scientist to pull in 3 girls from the bottom who have nothing to lose, and alienate a good chunk of people not in on the blindside while possibly blowing up the game of two people who were hesitant to go along with you in the first place.  One of whom you should be more worried about than the golden boy.  His alliance is flimsy at best, and could totally blow up on him.  I'm all for making moves when you can, but his just seem to be making them for the sake of making them.  People are more idiots that they aren't onto Jeremy.  In Stephen's case, I think he's overplaying and it will cost him, either by being booted (hopefully sooner rather than later) or in the end.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I agree.  He's getting such a weird edit.  On the one hand, he's shown agreeing with Probst about this evolution nonsense, so that makes it seem like he's got the producers' stamp of approval.  On the other, he's coming off as whining and obsessed with all things (and people) related to Joe.  Maybe the point is that Stephen had the tools to figure out this particular game on the island, but that his target was misplaced, and in using those tools, he ends up shooting himself in the foot?  Honestly, Stephen's "Joe, Joe, Joe" mantra is said in the same whiny tone as Jan's "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia" lament.


I feel like a couple of cracks may have developed tonight between Jeremy/Spencer, on the one hand, and Stephen on the other.  They did not seem enamored of Stephen's plan at all, but went with it for now. 


Lots of words continue to add up for me to eat if it turns out Stephen wins!

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He is one of the ones promoting it because Rob C has an audio book series called the Evolution of Strategy which spends many, many hours discussing every episode of every season of Survivor ever played. So it is something on Stephen's brain.

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If Stephen's downfall doesn't come due to his Joe obsession then I might have to change the way that I look at editing.  That has got to be the most lethal obsessions that I've seen on survivor since Brandon and Frank.

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There are people on this board who have done just that. The audio books are pretty popular. I don't think Rob would have continued on with them if the first bunch did not sell pretty well. I have not listened to them but the RHAP thread has questions form folks who were having trouble with the audio books and even folks who are paid Patrons.

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I do kind of see what they mean by this season being different.  There's no clear alliance boundary and no pagonging.  Everyone seems to know each other and be willing to work with each other more than usual seasons.  So we might see this every week, where what we thought were the "outs" people being brought in for a vote and then the 'blindsided ones' not being too upset and just reforming.  

I think this is one reason Stephen is getting more camera time this season.  He keeps pushing this theme, which is happening more than in the past, and that Probst likes.  Makes me think we'll see this through much of the remaining season.  


btw, I doubt this is a real evolution in Survivor.  To the extent it is taking place this season, it's mostly because of all those tribal shuffles, and the fact that this is an all-star season of returning players.  My guess is that if you take away either of those, evolution reverses course.   

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I agree.  He's getting such a weird edit.  On the one hand, he's shown agreeing with Probst about this evolution nonsense, so that makes it seem like he's got the producers' stamp of approval.  On the other, he's coming off as whining and obsessed with all things (and people) related to Joe.  Maybe the point is that Stephen had the tools to figure out this particular game on the island, but that his target was misplaced, and in using those tools, he ends up shooting himself in the foot?  Honestly, Stephen's "Joe, Joe, Joe" mantra is said in the same whiny tone as Jan's "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia" lament.

So basically we have a long-form ass-kissing of Probst (always a good way to get screentime) combined with huge in-game incompetence?

When he's back at Podcast central I'm actually thinking of calling into one of these shows for the first time ever. Not necesarily to ride his ass for incompetence (although that could be fun) but to seriously ask the dude how the entire thing he predicates his existence (and marketability) on now is seemingly so totally and elementally misunderstood by him. I wonder if he'll even understand that he's essentially the same as Abby now--that while he might be able to build it up in his mind that something he did got him this far in the game, that essentially like Abby he's the Goat. The one you drag along just for a vote, and ultimately because he's got no chance of winning even if you drag him all of the way. All of the (over)strategizing in the world dies in comparison to the box he got himself placed in.

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I wish that had made it into the episode.  Although I guess there's enough of Stephen fumbling his way through the game that they can't fit it all in.  


I'm trying to understand, is this whole thing with sub alliances supposed to be the evolution?  Because those go back even to the first season.  Or is it just that there's no main alliance and people aren't afraid to flip flop.  Which, as others have pointed out, isn't surprising in a season like this that's full of returnees and numerous tribe swaps.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I just watched it and it has got to be the most embarrassing thing I've ever seen. Damn!



Wow. He even says it himself. "Are they seeing me as a Goat". I totally analyzed him as that without having seen that video!


I won't say those words passing his lips makes him self-aware though. Because he honestly has no idea. It's just part of a laundry list. spat out in a machine-gun crazy fashion.


Mostly what he comes off as is pathetic. Not just socially (in how he talks to people), but more specifically in how scattered, wishy-washy, nervous, tone-deaf, etc. he is. It's like whatever little bit of programming most people have in their heads to be able to read social situations is just absent in him, but also in compensation he just (badly) tries to intellectualize and analyze everything (because if he relies on how any of it feels to him, the data he's getting just confuses him even more).

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I went from being a Fishbach fan, believing this his early edit meant he was likely headed for heavenly redemption down the road where he took the bull by the horns and took over control of this game.  Then I quit thinking that when he continued to get a poor, incompetent edit and looked like he gave up in challenges.  I felt sorry for him, but after tonight, I hope he's the next to go.  He's got a serious chip on his shoulder about getting Joe out.  He needs to look at other possibilities besides Joe, and maybe not plot so heavily on one person before the IC.  Wait until they lose, otherwise you might put an unwanted target on your back.  I appreciate good game play, but I also think he's got a JT complex.  It's like getting Joe out means he wins.  At the very least, I wouldn't talk about it to people that are in an alliance with Joe and have no reason to flip, or want him as a shield.  Go to the people who need the numbers in their alliance.  I about died when I saw his look during TC tonight when Kelley whipped her idol out.  It almost struck me as a 'how dare you' kind of stunned.  Of course, he likely thought he was leaving at that point.  If he makes it to the FTC, I believe this time he'd fall apart.  Watching Stephen this season has tainted my view of him from Tocantins.


I agree with ALL of the negative comments about Stephen.  I would lay money on the fact that he reads all of the bigger websites (like PTV!) and is beside himself over his edit and what is being said about him. Probably pooped his pants when he saw his master plan to illustrate brilliance in strategy for his edit, has turned into the MOST pathetic characterization of any player, EVER. What he is obsessively spouting regarding the evolution of Survivor is not new or innovative. He reminds me of the George Costanza character from Seinfeld (along with all the anxious, neurotic behaviors set on "10") as he lays awake at night trying to come up with an awesome tagline for the game-play on the island and the best that he came up with is "evolution". He should have just yelled out "jerk store". He is not original, and as a point of perspective, Darwin almost got beat out by a competing researcher after he neurotically waited some 20+ years to publish his data. Darwin too, was a ruminater and neurotic.  Stephen's desperation is not entertaining. Cochran actually had redeeming qualities and did comes across as smarter in a more natural way. I would also bet that Stephen has practically scripted everything that he is trying to do in the game, including his "witty" Shakespeare quote. Of course, Stephen botches it up when put in the hot seat. Suggestions for Stephen regarding the game play this season: fluidity, ontogenesis, amplification, unfurl, metamorphose, genomic recombination, anything else, try to be original. Jeez. Varner, was more naturally witty and off-the-cuff. Stephen you are not that, stop trying. It rings false to 99.99999% of the population. 

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I can't believe I'm saying thing but I agree with Abi. Stephen looks like a serial killer talking a mile a minute. You know you are in trouble if Abi looks like the normal one. LOL!!! I think Stephen has over thought everything this season. That said, he's still there. He has the advantage and could make the Final 4. I've seen his Twitter and he's taking it all in stride since Episode 2. He realizes how manic he looks and I'm sure he is cringing quite a bit. His one main flaw this season has been his obsession with Joe. As a viewer, it's a little annoying. I think Jeremy is loving it though. Joe winning his 3rd II has taken all the heat off of him.

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I can't believe I'm saying thing but I agree with Abi. Stephen looks like a serial killer talking a mile a minute. You know you are in trouble if Abi looks like the normal one. LOL!!! I think Stephen has over thought everything this season. That said, he's still there. He has the advantage and could make the Final 4. I've seen his Twitter and he's taking it all in stride since Episode 2. He realizes how manic he looks and I'm sure he is cringing quite a bit. His one main flaw this season has been his obsession with Joe. As a viewer, it's a little annoying. I think Jeremy is loving it though. Joe winning his 3rd II has taken all the heat off of him.

Yes, but I contend that he's only "still there" as (at best) "first loser" (aka runner up). He's the Goat. Nobody who will vote wants him to win. Nobody who votes will reward him to win. In fact, he's in the kind of position that the only person he COULD win against would be someone even more disliked than himself. In other words Abbi. So he's in an impossible position. He could perhaps go to runner up, lose, and then somehow try to grab bragging rights from that, but... if he ever tries to sell himself to the world again as some kind of Survivor expert, EVEN if he does/accomplishes that, I think he's going to come off still like a total fool. All someone has to do is bleat like a goat on a call into his podcast to kill that boast. Some people might just like the money for runner up, I'm sure, but that's certainly not what's driving him either.

Just put Jeremy right next to Stephen. Everyone there KNOWS Jeremy is running Stephen's game. And in a way that makes Jeremy the far bigger target. But if Jeremy actually DID get to the end?  People would vote for him. Even the people on the other side from him would respect him enough to do so. But with Stephen? Not so much. They're all laughing into their hands behind his back every bit as much as WE are. Yes, it's mean to point that out, but that doesn't change that it's true.

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There's a nice and rather telling confessional in the first ep where Stephen mentions that being on a tribe 'with all these manly men' is his 'worst nightmare'. The confessional continues in voice-over as he is shown taking part in the shelter building:


'Either I'm going to be totally in charge of my tribe, or'...


weaving palm fronds he comments quietly 'This is a mess'


and back to the confessional footage: 'I'm going to dramatically overplay, and flame out really quickly.'


Looks like it's the latter.

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Boy, I'm not the biggest Stephen fan, but I can't say I find him as terrible as most people seem to.  I mean yes, he is playing badly, is sort of awkward and so on.  But I dunno, he's playing, at least.  This Wigelsworth move was bizarre to me, but better bizarre than boring, to me as a viewer.


Really he's reminding me of Lisa Welchel, and why I could never go out for the show: it's hard out there for an introvert.  Even an introvert who's pretty social like those two.  There's no escape from people on the island, and even if you manage to overcome the difficulty of being around people 24/7, the audience hates you!

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I think Stephen's a good strategist his social game is just horrific. I mean between that  above clip and what Kelly said, I can't imagine that he's endearing himself to the potential jurists with his conversational skills.  Hopefully future players take note and follow Jeremy's example of taking such an asset under one's wing.

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I think Stephen's a good strategist his social game is just horrific. I mean between that  above clip and what Kelly said, I can't imagine that he's endearing himself to the potential jurists with his conversational skills.  Hopefully future players take note and follow Jeremy's example of taking such an asset under one's wing.

IS he a good strategist?  I think he just SAYS he is, but isn't. He's very "forest for the trees" with his approach to strategy. He seems to have absolutely no grasp of the fact that what Survivor labels "Strategy" is typically fairly useless, and it's actually all Tactics. That may seem like an intellectual distinction, but it isn't really. When you have to come up with mumbo jumbo about "shifting sub alliances", all you're really saying is that Survivor is about thinking on your feet, with your gut, and based on analyzing things on the spot rather than gaming things out endlessly (which rarely correctly accounts for actual human behavior). 

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The clip of him crying again in the upcoming episode should be cringe worthy TV.

I agree that his talk of voting-blocks and and the evolution of the game is mostly an exaggerated talking point.

It reminds me of something an English Major would say in a classroom.

He has spent too much time talking about Survivor on podcasts, and it has hurt his game. It hasn't helped it.

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Boy, I'm not the biggest Stephen fan, but I can't say I find him as terrible as most people seem to. I mean yes, he is playing badly, is sort of awkward and so on. But I dunno, he's playing, at least. This Wigelsworth move was bizarre to me, but better bizarre than boring, to me as a viewer.

Really he's reminding me of Lisa Welchel, and why I could never go out for the show: it's hard out there for an introvert. Even an introvert who's pretty social like those two. There's no escape from people on the island, and even if you manage to overcome the difficulty of being around people 24/7, the audience hates you!

I loved Lisa and do not like Stephen and I was honestly struggling with myself the other day because I honestly couldn't figure out why I have such a difference in opinion about the two.

But the truth is, Lisa didn't mask her insecurities she was completely open about them and she was a sweet soul (at least on TV), to boot.

Stephen doesn't hide his insecurities either but he also massively projects and schemes at times, I think, to hide the fact that he has made no true bonds with people. I can't imagine Lisa saying an unkind word about anyone and that is all that Stephen has done and really all because of his obsession with Joe.

Lisa had an inward struggle with herself that I could truly identify with. It seems to me that when Stephen feels insecure he lashes out against those that he sees aligning with the person that he is identified as the "enemy". What he doesn't see, which kills me because he seemed pretty self-aware in his first two episodes is that his greatest enemy right now is himself

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Stephen is playing like Shirin did, too fast, trying to make too many moves and little social game. He is so desperate to build his resume that he is just over thinking the importance of a big move.


People earn jury votes through some combination of their challenge prowess, leading an alliance, good idol play, great social play or masterminding some massive move. 


Stephen has shown that he is not going to get votes through challenge prowess, good idol play, leading an alliance or good idol play. He is left with masterminding some massive move and he is totally focused on that. The problem is that the way he is doing comes off as desperation at best and obsessive at worst. Everyone knows what he is doing and why he is doing it so it really is not going to earn him all that much credit.


And the real truth is that Stephen is going to suck at a final tribal if he makes it that far because he lacks real social skills. He cannot find a way to just chat with Abi, Kelley and Ciera. It is amazing watching him screw that up so badly.


He has no chance of winning and I think he knows that which is a part of the reason he is getting so upset out there. I honestly do not think there is a way for the Producers to hand a season to Stephen the way they did Boston Rob and Cochran he is that socially awkward.

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I can't even think of someone Stephen has said unkind things about. Has he made fun of Andrew's arrogance or something? I'll take that over Lisa's phony miss perfect act.

It seems like he's made enough bonds with people to be safe this far and to pick this week's boot.

This week he was making catty remarks about both Kelly and Joe talking about their "arrogance"...

I didn't see Lisa's as a "phony Miss Perfect act" but obviously MMV and this wouldn't be the thread for it anyway.

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I also didn't recall Stephen saying anything unkind about others in the cast, so I was surprised when you mentioned this example and scanned through the episode to find it.

Stephen's quote was: "They have a sort of shared arrogance about how awesome they are." I didn't hear anything "catty" in his voice; it was stated in the same tone as his description of a sister-brother or aunt-nephew relationship forming between Kelly and Joe, and how that bond created an additional threat. On top of that, the editors made a direct cut from Stephen to Kelly on the beach with Joe when she said, "People want me gone just as much as you" -- it was as though the show wanted to provide evidence of Stephen's assessment. From my perspective, the editors are treating him as something of a narrator.

I can see how that word being used to describe Kelly and Joe would rub their fans the wrong way (and there are plenty of Joe fans who don't like Stephen specifically for targeting Joe as a threat), but I didn't hear it as unkind due to its delivery. If there are other examples, I'd be happy to reassess them, because I know I've been astonished by the vitriol for Stephen all over the internet.

Perhaps catty was the wrong adjective to use but I stand by my statement that it was unkind. Listen, I am a Joe fan but I don't know for a fact whether or not that is an accurate statement to describe him. Kelly, in addition, from what we have heard and seen definitely does not seem to fit that description.

Do I think he is a bad person? No. Do I think he has played this game badly in his desire to escape his own ghosts? Absolutely.

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The word I used in the episode thread yesterday to describe Stephen's tone when he walked up to kelly/joe, was "disdain". Earned or not, accurate or not, I did also hear a dismissive tone there.

Yes...disdain is a perfect word for his tone. I completely agree.

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Stephen is a good example of why superfans can make terrible players; they've played the game in their heads so many times and for so long, probably imagining how they would have won every previous season and what they would have said at the reunion and on The Early Show the next day (back when Survivor was popular enough that CBS would devote an hour of its morning news show to the finale and winner), that once they make it on, they're completely afraid of not living up to the image of themselves they've created, even if they're first-time players and are the only ones aware of that image. They get anxious, weird, and/or controlling and can't roll with all the vagaries of the game and the fact that other players have their own strategies (or sometimes not). Cochran is a good example of this too; he was so anxious in South Pacific that he torpedoed his own game, but came back in Caramoans pretty relaxed about it and won. Stephen is basically the opposite. He was a little angsty in Tocantins but calmed down once he got in with JT and Taj. Now after so many years of analyzing the game for the podcast, he feels like he has even more to prove than the average person, and it's made him freak out early and often. He seems to think that not winning the game will be so humiliating for him, instead of just being that he didn't win the game, exactly like the 18 other people who won't win the game. The guy seems to be scrambling all the time, even in confessionals, as if the TV audience is another player that he has to convince. It makes me feel sympathy for him because it has to be hard to have all your insecurities displayed like that, but at the same time it makes me want to Moonstruck Cher slap him and tell him to snap out of it.

Edited by fishcakes
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IS he a good strategist?  I think he just SAYS he is, but isn't. He's very "forest for the trees" with his approach to strategy. He seems to have absolutely no grasp of the fact that what Survivor labels "Strategy" is typically fairly useless, and it's actually all Tactics. That may seem like an intellectual distinction, but it isn't really. When you have to come up with mumbo jumbo about "shifting sub alliances", all you're really saying is that Survivor is about thinking on your feet, with your gut, and based on analyzing things on the spot rather than gaming things out endlessly (which rarely correctly accounts for actual human behavior). 

Yes, I actually think he is. He has a good instinct for the game and what does and doesn't work.  Yes, admittedly in this game he's overcorrecting and the other aspects of his game leave a lot to desire, but when it comes to coming up with successful plans that aren't entirely obvious, he's pretty good at that.


I think the point of his mumbo jumbo was to say what you did but to pretty it up so he won't alienate others left outside of the vote.

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Well yea, he wound up with the one person that seems willing to listen to him.  He definitely lucked out with all of the tribes that he was on.

That being said, I do wonder if he would've been too awkward for Shireen.

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I knew he wasn't going that first hour.  They were making it too obvious with the editing.  Never expected Jeremy to save him with an idol, though.  Great way to keep your ally in the game, bad way to increase the target on your back and prove Ciera right.


So happy Stephen is gone.  He over thought this game so much and didn't seem to get out of his tunnel vision with his plans.  He was never going to win, and the only reason I would have liked to have seen him in the end was to see him lose to Jeremy.  He was good for comedic value, but that wore old when his obsession with Joe took over.  Also glad his advantage failed to benefit him.  It was JT/Stephen all over again with him and Jeremy.  I got a bit worried history might repeat itself in the end. 


So did he basically vote himself off?

Edited by LadyChatts
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