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S31: Abi-Maria Gomes


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Let's cease from armchair diagnosing a reality show contestant. We all know these shows are heavily edited and very frequently contestants are asked to exaggerate characteristics to make good tv. We can discuss Abi, obviously, but it's not fair to diagnose her in any way.

Thank you


In the first couple of episodes the editors seemed to have talking heads where the contestants talked about their second chance and Abi clearly felt that she wanted to change how she was viewed as a player and a person.  I don't really remember that much from her previous season but I get the impression that she has fallen back into very similar patterns of behavior? 

Are there any differences?  Will the editors at some point try to get people to address how they've done with changing their game play so far?  Has Abi totally forgotten her goals of showing everyone something different?  I wonder if it would even be possible.  If everyone did change their game play would the show producers want at least one person edited to show failure? 

Edited by marys1000
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Are you saying that because she's voting with Tasha and Andrew right now they've taken her into their original Bayon alliance for post-merge purposes?

How could Woo who has never been on Bayon and never voted with the former Bayons on Angkor also be in a Bayon alliance? I'm unspoiled. And so confused.

I'm not spoiled either. Yes, I'm saying that the reason Abi threw away her majority is because Tasha invited her into that alliance. That was the "sweet nothings" Tasha used on Abi to get her vote.

Varner mentions it as a reason he couldnt keep the majority in one of his exitintervuews. Probably the one with Rob.

The only reason I could see Woo being with them is Tasha likes him, and he did vote with them against Varner, just last week.

I'm crediting Abi for getting into the strong alliance, I'm not spoiled but Ta Keo is finished they are already down 6 to 10. They were never that strong as a tribe anyway, Spencer was next out the door so he can't count on them. Kelley flipped on him, but who knows where she stands, so she and Spencer could be together. Maybe Terry, Woo and Kelly could be together if they make the merge, but that's it out of the original group of 10.

That's a long explanation for why Abi has done well for herself in the game.

Edited by rose711
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Thank you


In the first couple of episodes the editors seemed to have talking heads where the contestants talked about their second chance and Abi clearly felt that she wanted to change how she was viewed as a player and a person.  I don't really remember that much from her previous season but I get the impression that she has fallen back into very similar patterns of behavior? 

Are there any differences?  Will the editors at some point try to get people to address how they've done with changing their game play so far?  Has Abi totally forgotten her goals of showing everyone something different?  I wonder if it would even be possible.  If everyone did change their game play would the show producers want at least one person edited to show failure?

I dint see Abi first season either, but Rob C seems to think she improved, at least at first.

Very few of these players have changed, so they aren't editing Abi as the only one who hasn't.

Ah, thanks for explaining, rose.  I guess I'm with Zuleikha thinking those sweet nothings may have been exactly that-- nothing.  Abi might be playing a strategic long game but it's hard for me to take her seriously because so far it looks like the goat strategy and that's never gotten anyone the win.  Unless 'the win' to the goat is 'most air time'.  


If the merge is soon enough that old Bayon/TaKeo loyalties still rule (over pre-show alliances, in addition to 'new tribe' ones), I think Abi and/or Woo will be low enough on a majority totem pole not to matter much, given how late they were to the Bayon party.  Though things change.  

Any contribution I've made to this or comparison to people I have known has not in any way been meant to diagnose Abi, just to share why watching her makes me feel so uncomfortable.

Same here and I guess it was kind of therapeutic to work out exactly why she was pushing those buttons, lol. And I also guess I took it as a given that my tacky internet analysis of some tv show scenes does not really qualify as a diagnosis. No offense intended.

Going with the idea she's mostly pretending, which would be fun, actually, have we ever seen keeping everyone off balance and frustrated work as a strategy for someone? I can only think of Russell grinning and burning people's socks. And I guess Phillip arguably crafted himself into the perfect goat. But I do like the idea that people only *think* Abi's the goat, she could just backfire on folks all the way to the end. At which point does the jury have to throw up their hands and say okay, you got us? Or is likeability an insurmountable issue for her? I know we haven't seen a lot of people much but is there anyone out there she could put herself in a position to beat? Who goats for the goat? Hee.

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Not really a pawn.  Abi's personal feelings are the only reason Shirin and Peih Gee were the targets.  Certainly emotion over strategy, but she drove those votes, one way or another.


Abi's feelings weren't why Shirin was a target. Shirin and Jeff's post-eviction interviews were consistent. The editing was deceptive. Jeff was with Shelter no matter what, planning to target Spencer. Shirin found out and went to Shelter to try and get Jeff out. Terry told Jeff, and that's why Shelter switched to Shirin. It was all about Jeff's feelings. Jeff drove that vote, not Abi.


Peih-Gee was more related to Abi as far as we can tell, but again, it wasn't something Abi drove. If Peih-Gee and Woo had stuck with the plan of voting out Jeff, that's what would have happened. When Peih-Gee made it Abi or no flip, then Tasha/Savage agreed to vote Peih-Gee, but it's not like Abi made them choose Peih-Gee as a target in order to get her to flip. Abi was totally going along with what Tasha/Savage wanted, which was to vote out Abi's closest ally and the only person who appeared to actually enjoy being around her.


And this episode, we saw Abi want Woo out but have to vote Varner because Tasha/Savage wouldn't get on board with her. So I still think Abi's a pawn. A dangerous pawn whose loyalty can't be counted on, but a pawn nonetheless.

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Abi's feelings weren't why Shirin was a target. Shirin and Jeff's post-eviction interviews were consistent. The editing was deceptive. Jeff was with Shelter no matter what, planning to target Spencer. Shirin found out and went to Shelter to try and get Jeff out. Terry told Jeff, and that's why Shelter switched to Shirin. It was all about Jeff's feelings. Jeff drove that vote, not Abi.



But Abi's feelings are the reason Spencer and Shirin were on the block.  If Shirin & Co had managed Abi better -- if they hadn't laughed at and mocked her -- Jeff would not have had the opening.  Maybe Shirin made that later misstep, and put the target squarely on her back.  But even before that, the fate of either Spence or her was sealed. 


So I don't think the editing was deceptive.  A little incomplete perhaps: it didn't show us why or how the others chose Shirin.

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But Abi's feelings are the reason Spencer and Shirin were on the block.


Unclear because we can't know a thing that didn't happen, but based on interviews, I think Peih-Gee would have gone along with Jeff to Shelter and voted out Spencer. She liked Shirin, but she didn't trust Shirin/Spencer and felt closest to Woo and Wigles. The only reason she wasn't with Shelter in the first place was because of Terry. But even if the fight gave Shelter the opening, Jeff was still the driver of the vote and not Abi. My point was never that Abi wasn't needed for numbers; she always has been. My point is simply that Abi's getting used rather than being the one using.


Pawn or not, however you label it, Abi is in the best position of anyone from her original tribe as of right now. That was my point.
I just don't see how we can know that until Angkor's next tribal council (or the merge episode if Angkor avoid TC until merge). Tasha was already shown being sick of dealing with Abi and considering her unpredictable. Savage and Abi haven't been shown interacting at all. Meanwhile, we know nothing about the real tribal dynamics at new Bayon or new Ta Keo to know how successful/unsuccessful the old Ta Keo members are at breaking up the old Bayon blocks since the tribe's haven't been tested at Tribal Council yet. For all we know, Kass, Kimmi, Monica, and Ciera are totally aware of the Alpha alliance and have already been planning to try and pick up Ta Keo members to help them bust it. 
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 My point was never that Abi wasn't needed for numbers; she always has been. My point is simply that Abi's getting used rather than being the one using.


My point is she is neither.  She is, ultimately, an independent free agent.  "Pawn or mastermind" is a false dichotomy here.  She is doing what she thinks is the right thing, for her own reasons.  Others are working around her, like sailors riding the wind, and as we see, getting caught in the hurricane as often as catching a beam reach.  I don't think anybody's using anybody, as far as Abi is concerned, though plenty of people believe they're using her.  No, "She voted for Jeff, not Woo like she wanted," doesn't change that.


Agree we can't know till she next gets to tribal how "well-placed" she is, but I still think probably Woo before Abi, and I honestly think if she makes it to the merge she's probably in pretty good shape, because as I say there are a lot of big fish to fry on this season, and probably the same dynamic will continue, where other people are thinking "bishop to A6" and Abi is thinking "bluish-green" and whether this helps or hinders the others has nothing whatever to do with anyone "masterminding". She will never be anyone's Phillip Sheppard. 

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Going with the idea she's mostly pretending, which would be fun, actually, have we ever seen keeping everyone off balance and frustrated work as a strategy for someone? I can only think of Russell grinning and burning people's socks.


I think one could successfully argue that strategy didn't work for Russell in the long run.  :D


I think there is potential for a successful chaos game in Survivor, but I don't think we've seen a successful implementation of it yet.

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Oh, it totally didn't work, but I guess making the finals is *something*? Arguably. As Russell demonstrated, I just don't know how a chaos game gets past the jury.

There's a Maya Angelou quote: I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. That seems like the inevitable chaos downfall but maybe my imagination is too limited! Sandra does have a touch of chaos to her game but always escaped really having it pinned on her.

Hee, what about Sandra vs Abi-Maria in Survivor: Third Time's the Charm?

I noticed Joe wished her a happy birthday.  Also, not that it means anything, but Jenn/Max are doing power rankings for EW this season.  Jenn has Abi ranked dead last for this week and says she wants her off her TV-but then goes on to say that she thinks she's lovely in person, but is basing her decision on the edit she is getting.  She also says that of course, she's never played the game with her.  I can see where Abi left a bad mark with her Philippines cast mates, and believe she was sincere in owning up to that (though I think R.C. might be pathetic in her grudge against her).  However, this season, so far, the people to have talked trash about her where the ones getting burned by her.  And the very people who could have turned the tables and voted her out, but got outplayed by her.  Yeah, Abi may be a pawn, but I have to believe she knows what she is doing in her portrayal.  She may figure it'll carry her to the end, or that she is giving viewers what they want.  Kass is so far completely different and way more mellow than she was on Cagayan.  PG admitted she was much different, personality wise, than she was during China and hoped the fans were disappointed.  In thinking about it, I would still prefer to watch Abi and her antics each week than some of the other people left.

Edited by LadyChatts

I find a character like Abi very repetitive after a certain point, especially since the editors go overboard turning her into her absolute shrieking harpy with zero good points so can we get a dozen, "She's horrible," confessionals from the other castaways while ignoring everything that's going on. It's not really just a problem with Abi either, it was a big problem with Phillip, Brandon, Shamar, NaOnka, etc. I prefer complexity in my survivor and these ultra-negative characters really don't encourage that from the editors. 

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I prefer complexity in my survivor and these ultra-negative characters really don't encourage that from the editors.


I'm not fully following this last sentence.  I feel that editors, in part, are responsible for the overly negative characters we see on the show.  I truly don't think that there is nothing else someone like Abi gives them, it's just that the editors have decided she'll be the villian and that's all that we see.


ETA:  I just reread your post, I think we are close to the same page.

Edited by pennben
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I think R.C. might be pathetic in her grudge against her


I never thought she was pathetic (love her actually, seems so cool and fun), but I did think it was a bad look for her. Not anymore, I get it now. 


I hope Abi's voted off soon so I can like her again, I have no doubt she will be delightful in her exit interviews, she will never get another vote from me to return again, but I'll listen to any podcast she's on (Dan Foley and Corinne are two I won't listen to under any circumstances, Will too if he ever decides to crawl out from under his rock and do them).


Today is Abi's birthday, here's hoping she has a good one.


Did you get her anything?

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I agree that Woo's story about his mother was sincere and Abi seemed genuinely sympathetic while he was telling it.  It was after he left and she thought about it for awhile that she muttered the bit about her grandmother and aunt having the same problem with a bad outcome.  I think it can sometimes be very hurtful to hear someone talk about the same thing your loved one had, be it heart trouble or cancer, and imply that their mom lived while others died because, (1) their mom was more of a "fighter," or (2) their mom loved her family more.  It's not intentional but it hurts.


I think Abi started from that hurt and then remembered that the next vote will probably be between her and Woo and decided to try to undermine Woo to Tasha.  There's no telling if Tasha was buying it or not but she was laughing along with Abi's joke about telling her tendon-transplant story.

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Call me a cynical bitch, but I don't believe that Abi's grandmother was an actual candidate for a heart transplant and didn't get one, and that her aunt was one as well.  On the same season that Woo tells a story about his mother's heart transplant and

Terry leaves because his son needs a heart transplant.


I mean, I would certainly believe that her grandmother and aunt died of heart disease, as did many members of my (and probably all of your) extended family.  I just think she was hurt about anyone else getting sympathy and used a bit of hyperbole.


Blame the editors!  They hate her!

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Well, cooksdelight, fewer than 10% of people who can benefit from heart transplants each year get them because very few hearts are available.  Become an organ donor, people!


Those that do get them are generally chosen because they are young and/or don't have (m)any other medical problems.  I'm guessing Woo's mother was still relatively young, given his own age.  And then there are those who get them b/c they are rich (like Dick Cheney.)  Until very recently, they were generally not given to elderly people at all.

Edited by Special K
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Not only become an organ donor but make sure your loved ones know that you are one and that you want your organs donated. Families can sometimes stop the process.


In the US there are very specific protocols that are suppose to be followed and people are placed on waiting lists. People on the transplant list die all too frequently. But the same process does not exist in other countries. There is no reason to doubt Abi's comments. If she said that happened, it happened. I think she might have been able to handle it more smoothly, perhaps saying she understood because her family had been in a similar position. Her response was a bit abrupt and felt unfeeling but she is a bit more blunt as a person and I doubt that she was trying to take anything away from Woo she just does not have a delicate touch.


Edited to add CD: It cannot be a mandatory thing because there are religions that would object to the process. I believe that the Catholic Church was opposed to the idea for a while but I might be remembering that wrong. Reading on this now and the sites I am reading are confusing as all hell and gone. It seems like the Catholic Church is ok with donations while alive but worried about the ethics of donations at the time of death. Apparently part of the issue is when is someone actually dead. Medical science says brain death but that is not what the Catholic Church sees as death because the body can continue to function in some circumstances when parts of the brain are dead. Until the body has ceased to function on its own, organs cannot be donated and at that time, as I understand it, many organs have been harmed and are not usable transplants.


Any way, that was al ong way of saying they can't mandate it for religious reasons with the one example I was raised with.

Edited by ProfCrash
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The editing staff really does not like Abi-Maria.  The whole post-Woo's story segment was designed to throw shade on Abi (And maybe just a little on Andrew as well.)


Yep, Probst reinforces this notion that Abi must be awful, cause, golly she doesn't think like good-hearted Probst:



. I generally see the good and believe they’re being honest. So maybe that makes me a good target to get blindsided on Survivor. Abi sees the world very differently and so she was alarmed and offended.


Also, Probst will not have Savage challenged, I tell you, if you didn't like Andrew's story, it is because you lack true love:



Here’s a different example: The Savage story about meeting his wife could work in reverse. Here is a guy who was genuinely sharing, in a vulnerable moment, how much he loved his wife. He wasn’t intending to brag, but to others who maybe don’t have that kind of love affair, they might hear it and resent it and equate it to the same thing as having millions of dollars in the bank.  And in that case it could work against Savage even though his intention was to create bonds through sharing.  That’s why this game is tough to play. It’s almost impossible to play a perfect game.

Edited by pennben
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Abi now makes me think of a small girl who just got a baby brother and cannot stand it that he's getting attention - any attention - because by right all attention should be on her, always.


When Tasha talked briefly with Woo last time, she was fuming, and if looks could killed, these two would have now gone "to a better place" (thanks for the laugh, Savage!).


This episode, it's Savage's turn to interact with Woo by liking what he shared - "Great story, Woo, la vie est belle, etc.". Time for Abi to throw a tantrum so as to get back to her rightful place, centrestage. And to try and throw some dirt Woo's way, although she misread her audience (Tasha was excellent there too! caught completely off guard but adjusting well enough to not feed Abi's paranois).


She really cannot stand not being the main focus, can she? 


Actually, this tribe looks very much like a family, with two parents, one more involved with the kids than the other, and independant college age son and a difficult teenage daughter. At the end of the day, the parents have some alone time, joke about how tough the day/week was, hug and tell each other that they couldn't have done it without the other. Fade to black.  

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Abi now makes me think of a small girl who just got a baby brother and cannot stand it that he's getting attention - any attention - because by right all attention should be on her, always.

Most spot-on description of Abi I've seen.


Actually, this tribe looks very much like a family, with two parents, one more involved with the kids than the other, and independant college age son and a difficult teenage daughter. At the end of the day, the parents have some alone time, joke about how tough the day/week was, hug and tell each other that they couldn't have done it without the other. Fade to black.

LOL! This is perfect.

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I think the title of this thread should be Abi-Maria Gomes and her tendon.  We really should give credit to someone else's tendon.  



decided to try to undermine Woo to Tasha.  There's no telling if Tasha was buying it or not but she was laughing along with Abi's joke about telling her tendon-transplant story.



Tasha was definitely not buying it!  One of the highlights was Tasha's face during this exchange.  She was doing everything she could to sidestep out of it with her eyes and umm hummms.  It was funny.  Her confessional that followed said it all.   Tasha knew she was just trashing Woo, again.  It was very transparent.  


Why bring up her families heart history?  Attention.  I had a worse situation, they died!  

The way people react when she talks is gold. If people were buying what she's selling, I'd be annoyed by her but it's just so funny to see the faces people make and the ridiculous things she says that at this point she doesn't bother me yet. In fact, I would love for every master manipulator on a reality show to have their own Abi to deal with.

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In fact, I would love for every master manipulator on a reality show to have their own Abi to deal with.

Me too!  I love all the wildcards this game has to offer, because watching how the other tribe members deal with them tells me more than a dozen challenges.  I loved Secret Agent Phil for himself, but also to see the way Rob gave him work to do and kept him close. I can still see Tyson gently telling Coach that it would be best not to wear the feather to tribal.  Now we get to see Tasha shine in her scenes with Abi. If the show comes down to  Tasha and someone else those scenes will go in her favor with me.


What I want most at this point is a merge that will put "I'm not used to other people's opinions where they aren't welcome" Kimmi up against, "I never had an opinion I didn't share,"  Abi.  

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People who played with Abi in the Philippines declined the opportunity to play this season because they did not want to play with Abi. Apparently it was more then just RC. They brought up quotes from the Philippines discussing how bad Abi was that season. And Denise sees that this season is Abi back to being Abi.


I love Denise, but I'm having a hard time coming up with anybody else they possibly could have asked from the Philippines besides RC. Skupin, Malcolm, Denise and Penner are ineligible, Pete obviously doesn't have a problem with Abi, Carter and Artis probably wouldn't be asked, and Jeff was only with her for 6 days. I guess Lisa Whelchel? But I imagine if she were to decline it would be for other reasons.


I didn't meet Abi at any type of "fan" event, and I am her friend first and foremost. She donated to me the clothes she wore during her previous season -- the green flowery off-the-shoulder dress, her boots -- to auction for the American Cancer Society. Skupin gave me a whole bunch of stuff... signed t-shirts, autographed book he co-authored, DVDs he signed of his ministry. Both very nice, generous people. She and I became friends as a result, I took her out for lunch for her birthday... it pains me to see people calling her crazy, and Denise's remarks are really wrong... but, to each his own.


Reality TV is like a laser, whereas real life is a floodlight. A television show will inevitably zoom in on whatever unsavory traits a person is willing to expose to the camera. I don't think Abi is a bad person, and I don't think she's crazy. But unless she's acting, she definitely has a streak of self-centredness and lacks self awareness moment-to-moment (versus self-awareness in hindsight, which I do think she has). I appreciate your friendship with her, and don't doubt that she's great face-to-face - she won me over last year post-show. But anybody who is filmed 24 hours a day for 39 days is going to show their dark side at some point, and it just so happens that hers is really not my cup of tea.

People who played with Abi in the Philippines declined the opportunity to play this season because they did not want to play with Abi. Apparently it was more then just RC. They brought up quotes from the Philippines discussing how bad Abi was that season. And Denise sees that this season is Abi back to being Abi.

IMO anyone who would pass up a chance to play Survivor and have a chance to win a million dollars because they might have to spend time with an annoying person is incomprehensible.  I've worked with people far worse than Abi day in day out for years for minimum wage.  If Denise is saying this, I think she's even more full of herself than I suspected.  It's not like Abi's a racist, or threatening to beat someone with her own prosthetic leg, or saying she doesn't "have time," to play with a deaf girl.

Edited by JudyObscure
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If Denise is saying this, I think she's even more full of herself than I suspected.


I'm not sure I get this, she won the season, so she wouldn't have been eligible to return anyway, she's just repeating what others told her. I get not wanting to come back and play with someone that's so crazy out there, I would never play now, even for the off chance at a million dollars, even without someone as nutty as Abbie out there, makes sense to me.

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Great post.  Exactly.  Somehow Survivor really pushes her insecurity buttons => paranoia....whatever psychobabble in a narrow and extreme way

I agree, this definitely can happen.  A good friend of mine, who has never been to me anything but considerate, helpful, dependable in a crisis, someone I could ask anything of in a pinch -- i know from other people, and even from her own words, that she is not that way with everyone else.  She can be petty, vindictive, and unpleasant.  Just because I have never seen that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.  Just separate experiences.  Humans are more complex and multi-dimensional than we want to think sometimes. 

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IMO anyone who would pass up a chance to play Survivor and have a chance to win a million dollars because they might have to spend time with an annoying person is incomprehensible.  I've worked with people far worse than Abi day in day out for years for minimum wage.  If Denise is saying this, I think she's even more full of herself than I suspected.  It's not like Abi's a racist, or threatening to beat someone with her own prosthetic leg, or saying she doesn't "have time," to play with a deaf girl.

Denise wasn't even eligible to come back, like has been said.  I don't know of anyone from Phillipines who was asked to play again besides RC.  But I'll listen to the Denise RHAP podcast and hear it for myself.  It seems like if others told them 'no thanks, not with Abi', Jeff would've mentioned it in this article.


Edited by Guest

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