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Mark & Nikki: Touch That Window, Lose Your Hand

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The financial affidavit is rarely enforced.   He can divorce her tomorrow (if they got married) and the feds would not enforce the affidavit.   


In essence there is nothing wrong with a pre-nup.   He is right to protect what is his from before the marriage, even if he adds to the value of it through his own efforts after the marriage.   If he did nothing to add to the value but it just passively increased in income, it would be his separate property anyway and she would not be entitled to it under Maryland law.   Where I have the problem with it is, as others have noted, Nikki gets nothing no matrter how long she stays married to the creep.   She can never ask for alimony under it even if they stay married for 25 years.   Think about that.   There is no provision for even rehabilitative alimony (alimony for a set period of time) to let her go to school and get some skills/education to be self-supporting.   This is a guy who balked at buying a dress that was "just for her" he is not going to help her pay for an education that is really only to make her more self-supporting after she bails.  A pre-nup is like any other contract, it is supposed to benefit both parties.   What was her consideration for entering into the contract -- willingly having sex with him?   What is she getting in exchange for giving up the right to ask for alimony?   Bupkis.  


That said yeah it was for the DRAMAZ.

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"Make party" will go down as one of the funniest things ever said on this show. Who talks like that?

I think the prenup thing was all for show, drama, whatever.... because of the affidavit Mark had to sign in order to bring her here in the first place. He's responsible for her welfare, money, etc., for about 10 years. Whether they are married or not.

And he will be in diapers.    Bahaaaaaaa

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She has no license, the car must be in his name. She doesn't even have that.

He confirmed as much with his statements about how they are his cars. Yeah, Specimen. Every woman wants to take their man to the cleaners over a 95 Miata, Jetta, and business van. Idk what other vehicles he has. Just the ones we've seen. *eye roll*

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"Make party" will go down as one of the funniest things ever said on this show. Who talks like that?

I think the prenup thing was all for show, drama, whatever.... because of the affidavit Mark had to sign in order to bring her here in the first place. He's responsible for her welfare, money, etc., for about 10 years. Whether they are married or not.


The affidavit of support, with which I am too familiar having signed 3 of them, basically says the sponsor (Mark) has to support the immigrant (Nikki) to at least 125% of the poverty level until they have 5 years of Social Security credits, or citizenship.  That would lead a reasonabl3 person to believe that if they are able the immigrant must at least try to earn a living and if they can't get to 125% of the poverty level (around $12,000 per year now for one person) you must make up the difference.  A good 19 year old stripper can make much more than that in Maryland.  However, some divorce lawyers try to use the affidavit of support to set an alimony level, which is about all I've hear being done with it.  Fortunately it never came up in my visa wife divorces which also produced no children.


As for the case of Mark and Nikki, that may have been real, but it was basically a poker game.  Mark may not know it, but he was bluffing and she held the winning hand - but she folded.  It would cost him a tremendous amount of time, money, and lonely nights to send her back, and make no mistake about it, for a guy like Mark or myself she is very HOT!  She should have at least negotiated a better deal, but she doesn't have the mental skills.  She could have easily said "I want you to put in that I get $5,000 if we divorce, or $1,000 a month for a year." or something like that.  She could have gotten a deal that protected her a little and he could still protect most of his assets and get to continue sleeping with his hot little trophy wife.  He didn't go to all the trouble of going to the other side of the world and filing a K1 visa and waiting 6 months or more to throw it all away and start over for a few thousand dollars.  He is desperate, just like she is.

Edited by Steve
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Evolution on my thoughts on this couple:

1st - I know love is blind, but my first thought was "You are kidding me". And I immediately thought of those guys who go to Asia for sex tourism with children.

2nd- He started telling the story of the 4 kids in diapers and I saw that she seemed to like him, so I had a bit more compassion. Even though I couldn't see this working in the long run.

3rd- The clone of ex wife syndrome started to be very evident. Ten red flags.

4th- Don't touch my windows, my books, my house, don't have periods, don't get pregnant. One thousand red flags.

5th- Prenup: I'm not going to treat you like a real wife. You are here just for my own pleasure during my quality time years. Million red flags.

6th- Wedding: real small, don't bring your parents, no big dress (even though he teased her to try one and then refuse to get it). let's get over with it, I've done it before. Ugh!

7th- Hope moment: when the lawyer talked to her and gave her a reality check.

8th- Disappointing moment: when she signed the papers, even though she can feel something is really wrong here.


Go home kid. Be happy.

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Just a thought....the tv show adds a whole other "layer" to the situation


I have long "advocated" that most reality shows start out innocent the first season and go downhill as fameseekers and wannabes

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Nikkie gets paid by tlc when and IF they marry

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I don't understand why the lawyer didn't explain to her that they could have included a few stipulations in the prenup. I understand he ddoesnt want her entitled to half his asset if she leaves him in a few years- I have no problem with that. But there should be a clause that if they are together in 5, 10, 15, 20 years then she gets a bit of something. Maybe the lawyer did explain that to her but they didn't show us that. The lawyer should have drafted something more fair to her. It was not all or nothing, there was a middle ground. Then this is "reality" TV so who knows what the real story is.

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oh god, I just had a horrible thought--what if he pressures her to get her tubes tied? I wouldn't put it past him.

She needs to protest this with everything she's got. Even if she stays with him his entire natural life, it is very possible that she will still be of childbearing age when he is gone. He should NEVER be able to force that on her. Edited by gardendiva
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Those babies are adorable.   The ones on the end have the exact expressions I would use if dealing with Mark "Who the hell are you?"  "What the Fuck?"

the two in the middle make me almost want to have a baby!

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I don't understand why the lawyer didn't explain to her that they could have included a few stipulations in the prenup. I understand he ddoesnt want her entitled to half his asset if she leaves him in a few years- I have no problem with that. But there should be a clause that if they are together in 5, 10, 15, 20 years then she gets a bit of something. Maybe the lawyer did explain that to her but they didn't show us that. The lawyer should have drafted something more fair to her. It was not all or nothing, there was a middle ground. Then this is "reality" TV so who knows what the real story is.

People keep saying half, and maybe its that way where he lives.  But at least here in California, the money each party comes into the marriage with is their separate property and the community starts when the marriage actually starts.  So, if he earns money working while he is married, that is the community property and she would get half of that.  So, if he used money he made while married to her to improve the property that might make a difference.  But if the house is paid off, it would be totally his.  As would all his money that he got before the marriage.  If he paid into a retirement account with funds he made during the marriage she would be entitled to a portion based off of what was paid into the account during the marriage.  But this idea that she would walk away with half if she divorced him in a few years doesn't seem logical to me.  Although perhaps I misunderstood the concept of community property, and maybe he doesn't live in a community property state.

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She needs to protest this with everything she's got. Even if she stays with him his entire natural life, it is very possible that she will still be of childbearing age when he is gone. He should NEVER be able to force that on her.

He would be a fool to do that.  He should have already had a vasectomy if he doesn't want to have any more children.  Its a much easier procedure and it doesn't involve giving someone a tiny bit of hope and then yanking it away.  I don't understand why he hasn't done that already.  


I just wonder if he wasn't painting a much rosier picture for her in the Philippines.  Another poster said that sometimes girls looking to get married to an American will juggle a few different men so that they have a better chance of success.  If thats what Nikki was doing and Mark knew he was up against a number of men, he may have been working double time to "sell her" on this vision of how amazing life would be in the US with him.  Now that he knows he isn't in competition and he has her here, he may have dropped the act.  If her life was bad before coming here, it would probably be even worse upon going back.  They have already filled whatever job she had, if she doesn't have family to lean on it would be very difficult.  Especially if her family was disappointed that she wasn't able to help them.  And she would have to start the process all over again.

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Nikkie gets paid by tlc when and IF they marry


I certainly hope that isn't how this show works.


To begin with, it is pretty reprehensible to put pressure on people like that to get married (not that TLC is really opposed to being reprehensible or anything).  If you are on the fence about going through with the wedding, it is awful to think that financial incentives might tip the scales.  And it is really unfair .... if you do your job and let them tape you and they use you on the show (or even on their website), you should be compensated.  You provided a story for TLC to use.  If they don't like the ending, well, tough noogies.  You shouldn't not get paid over it.


But the main reason I don't think TLC should withhold payment when someone decides not to go through with the wedding is because it would provide some lovely drama. Who would not have loved to see Mohammed leave Danielle at the altar?  The whole thing with them was a big build up to whether he would go through with the wedding or not.  Why would TLC be opposed to having such an ending actually materialize?  I should think they would LOVE it, rather than withhold payment over it.


I know I would pay cash money to see Nikki tell Mark to kiss her ass and fling his little zip tie in his face.  I doubt it will happen, but if it did, no way should TLC not pay her over it.  She should get a BONUS! 

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^^I just don't see what TLC gets out of a wedding at the end besides a follow up show.  I think TLC would love it if an engagement went off the rails because it would be so much more drama.  Oh man.....now I really want to see Nikki fling that zip tie ring in his face.  I wonder if the grand man will actually bestow his little lady with at least a gold plated ring at the wedding.  Barf.

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I wonder if the grand man will actually bestow his little lady with at least a gold plated ring at the wedding.  Barf.


I can totally see Nikki standing on the beach in her $10 wedding gown and dollar store flip flops, with Mark bestowing a 24-karat gold electroplated piece of crap on her ("It's 24 karat gold, Nikki! Smile!!!").  Nothing but the best for his songbird.


Fly away, Nikki !!!  While the cage door is still open, fly fly BE FREE!!! 

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Mark is a cheapskate but I believe that he would pay for Nikki's ticket home if she backed out. If she refused to marry him he would really have no choice.


Would he have no choice? I wonder. 


Surely K1 visa weddings have not come off before and the non-American party has wanted to go home but not had the funds to do so, with the American either refusing to buy them a ticket or being unable to do so.  What happens in that case?   Do they just get deported back to where they came from?  


Because I could totally see Mark doing that to Nikki if she called things off.   I would be surprised if he would buy her a ticket under those circumstances, actually (assuming there was no law saying he had to).   I think he is that cheap.  And that petty.  And that selfish.

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She did mention (sadly and kind of questioningly) that her family couldn't come to the wedding in Hawaii when they were looking at the dresses online.  So I guess she has one.


She also claimed on one of her online profiles that she was a student at a university in Cebu, so, unless she was lying, she has some brains and had some financial resources. 

someone had mentioned a "technical school" on her profile.  My parents are from another country, but in their country "technical school" is really high school.  


Edited by RCharter
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someone had mentioned a "technical school" on her profile.  My parents are from another country, but in their country "technical school" is really high school.  



I looked it up when it was posted and it was a real college (I think it was Cebu Technical University--sorry if I got it wrong), ranging from associates to graduate degrees.  Mostly education and technical stuff, so nothing highly academic, but degrees that can get you a job. Its mandate, according to Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cebu_Technological_University


"The university is primarily mandated to provide advanced professional and technical instruction for special purposes, advanced studies in industrial trade, agriculture, fishery, forestry, aeronautics and land-based programs, arts and sciences, health sciences, information technology and other relevant fields of study. It is also mandated to undertake research and extension services, and provide progressive leadership in its areas of specialization."


They finish high school at 16 there. 

Edited by WhoAmIReally
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But at this point in the show why can't she go back home? Wouldn't TLC fly her home? I think they would eat up the drama of one of the participants backing out and going home.



Like many other shows there is one expected outcome and that is the only acceptable outcome to TLC. The moment one of these couples appears on my tv for this show i know they got married. It's just one of those things. While production may give them lines to read and set up scenes, that's one guaranteed thing about this show. If they are on your screen they are getting married. 

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I have long "advocated" that most reality shows start out innocent the first season and go downhill as fameseekers and wannabes

sign up




Except this show was never innocent. It was production driven from the start. TLC ranks right up there with Bravo in that regard.

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First season one couple flopped....tlc put their story online....at the time I think it was said they would only pay after wed in futture


we don't know for sure....they may start out with even more couples and it falls through?


is there any proof tlc won't pay for return ticket? or that us partner would not have to pay?

My friend who came here years ago on K1 told me they got married in first weeks as it would speed up

things - I do think the show draws it out for drama

Most  couples were a couple..only Nikki and Mark were the moden day rmail order bride met one time deal


Get her tubes tied? IMHO that ventures into fan fiction fantasty


I think it is more likely Nikki is using this to get some money (tlc) get her big ugly mouth on tv

maybe she hangs to use the exposure to find a better sugar dad hubby

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^^So the theory is that Nikki purposefully met a man at 16, waited three years for him to ask her to come to the US and marry him all in a scheme to get money out of TLC?  That is certainly a long term strategy that could have gone wrong at any point.  


I think its much more likely that Mark thought he would be a worldwide envy showing off his hot, young bride to the world.  And men everywhere would be jealous of him.  Since he doesn't see how gross he is, I doubt he thought the rest of the world would find him icky.  He would tell the world about how he was left with 4 kids in diapers, so people would feel sorry for him.  Mark wants his arm candy....and men get arm candy to show it off to the rest of the world.  What better way for Mark to do that then to go on national TV and show the world how he, a specimen, nabbed a 19 year old hottie.

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Would he have no choice? I wonder.

Surely K1 visa weddings have not come off before and the non-American party has wanted to go home but not had the funds to do so, with the American either refusing to buy them a ticket or being unable to do so. What happens in that case? Do they just get deported back to where they came from?

Because I could totally see Mark doing that to Nikki if she called things off. I would be surprised if he would buy her a ticket under those circumstances, actually (assuming there was no law saying he had to). I think he is that cheap. And that petty. And that selfish.

I'm curious to know what would happen too? If she gets deported, how does that work? I googled it but couldn't really find an answer (I didn't look that hard though.)

I think Mark would pay for her ticket just so he could be done with her and move on to the next girl. Mark's a douche but I doubt he would kick Nikki out and leave homeless and penniless in a country that she's illegally in. Especially not with TLC's cameras rolling.

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According to Elise's post, Specimen and Nikki didn't meet in person until December 2014. I'm assuming they chatted online for all the time before. I just can't see her waiting from 16-19 to come stateside with the Specimen or to collect a check from a TLC show that may or may not have continued. Shows get cancelled all the time. Exposure? I doubt that, too. She hasn't expressed interest in becoming a model or actually doing anything. She hasn't mentioned her family but once, so I can't say she's planning on bringing them over and sending back money. I don't know what her goal is. I suppose being stateside could be a goal, but IDK.

Elise felt compelled to dispute rumours about Nikki living in L.A. and previously being married. I still have my doubts because a photographer said that Nikki works for/with a few agencies in L.A. He/she has no reason to lie to someone who wants to book her for a shoot/job, though.

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I'm curious to know what would happen too? If she gets deported, how does that work? I googled it but couldn't really find an answer (I didn't look that hard though.)

I think Mark would pay for her ticket just so he could be done with her and move on to the next girl. Mark's a douche but I doubt he would kick Nikki out and leave homeless and penniless in a country that she's illegally in. Especially not with TLC's cameras rolling.

I think he is exactly that sort of douche.  


However, I think it may be more trouble than its worth to him.  If he kicks her out, she still knows where he lives and so she can come back at any time loudly demand help from him while pounding on his front door.  She could go to his neighbors and tell them about how he kicked her out without so much as a penny and make his neighbors think poorly of him.  She could go to his business clients and do the same.  She can cause a lot of trouble for him, and I don't know if that affidavit of support would require him to support her enough to send her back if it didn't work out.  It would be silly for the US government to require a person to prove they made enough income to support a person, and knowing they made that much, agree to foot the bill for sending someone back via deportation.  So, it may be the one time the federal government does enforce the affidavit of support in which case, Mark would again be on the hook.  Its just much easier for him to get on Kayak and find her a flight back home.

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RCharter-That's exactly why I think he would buy the ticket. Not because he's a nice guy but because Nikki could be a real pain in the ass for him if she stays. I don't think he wants that kind of trouble.

I actually wouldn't be surprised if he had another girl on the backburner just in case things don't work out with Nikki. He strikes me as the kind of guy that's always planning ahead and plotting his next move.

LOL - now that you say it, it wouldn't surprise me either to find he has another "songbird" waiting in the wings.  I'm sure he has another zip tie ready to propose or kidnap her with.

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Additionally I believe there is a certain level of love for both of them, Nikki is in love with the idea of being in love and being resuced from a life of Karaoke bars and being able to live the American dream (which she has no idea it is not just handed to her, actual work has to happen) and Mark is in love with the idea of a young girl looking up to him and being in his bed, neither reason is good enough to make a marriage work for them.  It's just not realistic, IMO. 

Edited by ParkCirclegirl
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I think its much more likely that Mark thought he would be a worldwide envy showing off his hot, young bride to the world.  And men everywhere would be jealous of him.  Since he doesn't see how gross he is, I doubt he thought the rest of the world would find him icky.  He would tell the world about how he was left with 4 kids in diapers, so people would feel sorry for him.  Mark wants his arm candy....and men get arm candy to show it off to the rest of the world.  What better way for Mark to do that then to go on national TV and show the world how he, a specimen, nabbed a 19 year old hottie.


I believe you're overthinking this.  As an older man who has married a much younger, cute woman I can assure you that for me (and most men) the motive is not what other people think about us.  The motive is that cute young women get us very excited sexually.  If this was some bizarro world where marrying an old fat woman made other people think that I am a total stud I would still prefer the cute young thin woman because I'm doing it for myself.  At this point in my life what other people think about me as a babe magnet is irrelevant to me.  I just want the babe.

Edited by Steve
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I believe you're overthinking this.  As an older man who has married a much younger, cute woman I can assure you that for me (and most men) the motive is not what other people think about us.  The motive is that cute young women get us very excited sexually.  If this was some bizarro world where marrying an old fat woman made other people think that I am a total stud I would still prefer the cute young thin woman because I'm doing it for myself.  At this point in my life what other people think about me as a babe magnet is irrelevant to me.  I just want the babe.

In your case, no doubt that is the truth.  However, I think people that go on a reality show, go on a reality show to be seen.  There has to be some motive behind "sharing your story" with the entire world.  Which opens you up to praise and envy or ridicule.  But either way, there is a motive for a person to share themselves, or their story with the world.  In Mark's case, he thinks he is going to be envied by his peers, namely, other old pervy men.


I do feel sort of bad for men that have gotten to a certain age, but only see their mate for their value in getting them sexually excited.  I think once you hit a certain age, its odd for "sexual excitement" to even be the top priority.  I think its important, but then again, as I've gotten older there is so much more that I find attractive beyond looks.  To the point where I can realize that there is physical beauty in some people, but I don't even think it would be a sexual turn on if they were stupid or had a crappy personality.  I remember watching a story about these men who went to Eastern Europe to try to snag a young, hot bride.  Most of them were the saddest "specimens" to hit the scene, but the one that seemed the most reasonable, and honestly the best looking of them ended up coming back to the US and dating a very attractive women that was his age.  They had been friends for a long time and they just ended up getting together.  

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I've never gotten the feeling that Mark has that much of a sex drive.  He's never pawing her or ogling her.  When he kisses her, he looks disinterested.  I think he wants a pliable, happy companion to grow old with.  He made a terrible choice. He thought he could relive his lost youth and do the fun things he missed out on by finding someone young, healthy, and active (and not tied down with kids).  To be honest, they're so angry with each other at this point, I doubt they're having sex.  The whole thing was a big failure.


I agree he would buy her a plane ticket to get her away.  I googled and the prices range from around $700 to $1100 one-way to Cebu from Dulles in January.  Not too much money for some peace of mind. 

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I can understand a young girl from who is from poverty or just wants to come to the U.S. marrying a much older man. But, and its a big but, it would have to be a very very rich old man.

         I have seen a Lisa Ling special where she follows these old guys to somewhere like Colombia. One of them who they showed at home was not attractive, middle aged and lived in a very average tiny house.   Recliners and frozen dinners.   No thank you.  Typical story of divorced twice and he says that these foreign women have better values and are family oriented which really means he wants a submissive woman who will cook, clean and have sex anytime he can manage it.

      No woman wants that, but someone who is very poor and desperate can be taken advantage of and that disgusts me.

       I saw another similar show with a sleaze like Mark and also the old ugly fat guy. There is always an old ugly fat guy.   

        These guys might claim they do not care what other people think, but they do.   Because they know that everyone knows exactly what the deal is and they lead a very shallow inauthentic life.

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I can understand a young girl from who is from poverty or just wants to come to the U.S. marrying a much older man. But, and its a big but, it would have to be a very very rich old man.

         I have seen a Lisa Ling special where she follows these old guys to somewhere like Colombia. One of them who they showed at home was not attractive, middle aged and lived in a very average tiny house.   Recliners and frozen dinners.   No thank you.  Typical story of divorced twice and he says that these foreign women have better values and are family oriented which really means he wants a submissive woman who will cook, clean and have sex anytime he can manage it.


      No woman wants that, but someone who is very poor and desperate can be taken advantage of


and that disgusts me.

       I saw another similar show with a sleaze like Mark and also the old ugly fat guy. There is always an old ugly fat guy.   

        These guys might claim they do not care what other people think, but they do.   Because they know that everyone knows exactly what the deal is and they lead a very shallow inauthentic life.

I think for many of these guys, its all about "getting a deal."  Like you said, an old dude with plenty money can find a young, pretty girl to stay home and cook for him in America...no problem.   100% agree with the bolded.  No girl is checking for some poor, ugly, old man who acts like an asshat unless she is poor and desperate. 

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It might not be anyone's first choice but the one unwanted man as a husband is better than serving sex tourists until you are too old and hope that your extended family allows you back as an auntie.

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It might not be anyone's first choice but the one unwanted man as a husband is better than serving sex tourists until you are too old and hope that your extended family allows you back as an auntie.

And thats what makes me so sad....that those would be the choices that any young woman has to face.  Mark, or sex tourists....what the heck kind of choice is that for a 19 year old girl?


And if she had a few dudes she was talking to at the time because she wanted to get out he is an even bigger asshole because he probably went there and sold her a very rosy picture to get her to settle on him and stop pursuing other men.  But at this point, it seems likely has lost those other prospects, she lost whatever job she had in Cebu, and if she goes back she will have to start again from scratch.  And for someone who is trying to leverage her youth, every year counts.

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We have no idea that Nikki was serving sex tourists.  She claimed she was a university student and karaoke singer.  I looked up some info on karaoke bars, and, apparently, they are not all dens of sin.  Some are recommended for families on tourist websites and are on the level.  I don't think we should assume she's a whore.  That's unfair.


There are guys who want women who are more mature and will be more to them than sex slaves.  She should be able to get guys for another 15 years or so.  The woman I mentioned earlier (on this thread?) who married the friend of my ex was 32 and had no trouble finding a guy.  He treats her very well. 

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There are poor young women in the us too..probably lots working at Walmart or Micky D


Yes there are but honestly, poverty in a country like the Philippines are a lot different than poverty here. It's worse. And very sad to see. I grew up in South Africa. There are areas that are first world but then there are areas that the poverty is horrific. I haven't seen anything like it here in the States. If Nikki came here to escape her life I can understand her reasoning. Doesn't mean I agree just that I understand. I've taken Americans and Canadians to South Africa and Mozambique and they are always shocked when they see how a part of those nations live. I know it's not the Philippines but they have the same type of poverty. Those girls would give anything to have a job at Walmart or Micky D where they actually earn a salary and do not have to sell themselves just to get a meal for themselves.

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All the couples give me the shudders but no other couple creeps me out like Nikki and Mark. My son is in Colombia, S. America and he told me that a girl is considered 'of legal age' at twelve. He has had mothers stop him on the street trying to sell their daughter to him to bring back to the U.S. Sometime truth is stranger than fiction and we should thank our lucky stars we live in more civilized countries.

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I don't think Nikki decided to be on TLC at 16...she may have had Mark and others online, "expoloring" possibilities...


I think when he got the idea of 90day show that made her more excited hoping for opportunities


Note Mark said about her modeling etc, she would keep that money...

now...yes we never heard that before did we? BUT maybe she has spoken of that dream and producers do not show it?

I don't think Mark just thought up the model idea....she must have shown him her little portfolio...

at any rate I do think the show and dreams of fame made her accept when they finally met dec 2014


The other  couples all had time together....even Mel visited Devar 7 ? times

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I've never gotten the feeling that Mark has that much of a sex drive.  He's never pawing her or ogling her.  When he kisses her, he looks disinterested.  I think he wants a pliable, happy companion to grow old with.  He made a terrible choice. He thought he could relive his lost youth and do the fun things he missed out on by finding someone young, healthy, and active (and not tied down with kids).  To be honest, they're so angry with each other at this point, I doubt they're having sex.  The whole thing was a big failure.


 Agree. IMHO, I think his dysfunction is that he wants to live all those younger years that were "stolen" from him when he became a single Dad. In some weird way he believes he is entitled to ,idk, indulge? in a relationship with a teenager, without any major responsibility (like kids or having financial responsibilities if it doesn't work).

I think he would pay for her ticket opposite leaving her in the streets... but that's it.

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Didn't someone post a link to a tweet or something he made while in the Phillippines, saying he was there and ready to meet?  (I may be hallucinating this, because I weirdly think about this show before I go to bed.)  If this is true, I wonder if he had a bunch of girls he wanted to met in person and had been in contact with, and Nikki was either the best of the bunch or the only one that showed up, so he ended up with her?  I'm not convinced he really wanted someone so young--I bet if a 20-something had shown some interest while he was there, he would have preferred someone a little older.  I've always gotten the feeling that he feels a little awkward around her--he talks to her exactly like he would talk to a daughter, not a wife. When he was having the conversation about the pre-nup, he especially seemed like a Dad trying to convince his daughter to make something of herself while he provided food and shelter--like the daughter could live in the basement as long as she got a job or went to school, or otherwise she'd be on the street.  Not that he said that, but that was the vibe.  Like he was trying to crack down and dole out some hard love to a kid.  He has no idea how to interact with Nikki, partially due to the fact that she acts like a pouty teen (which she is), but she's supposed to be a wife.  Very weird for both of them.  Tell me if I'm crazy.

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All the couples give me the shudders but no other couple creeps me out like Nikki and Mark. My son is in Colombia, S. America and he told me that a girl is considered 'of legal age' at twelve. He has had mothers stop him on the street trying to sell their daughter to him to bring back to the U.S. Sometime truth is stranger than fiction and we should thank our lucky stars we live in more civilized countries.

This is very interesting- I had guessed something similar regarding Nikki.  Somehow, maybe because she's so young yet she's so sure that this is the right thing and sleeping with Mark is not a problem and a "beautiful thing," I got this feeling that she was brainwashed into believing this.  In societies like Nikki's older women teach their young daughters to use their youth and beauty to snag a man who can give them a better life.  It's a way of thinking that women from prosperous countries misunderstand, but in a world where women have very little power or opportunity, the only way they can make anything of themselves is through their physical appeal and willingness to sleep around.  

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She will be grateful, my hair is as dry as the Sahara and there is no shampoo, no treatment, not a thing that will change it.  Its easier to take the grease out of hair than it is to put it in.


And you're right, if she was materialistic, she would be like Daya, demanding a  big, flawless diamond ring.  I can't remember if Daya was from Thailand or the Phillipines, but I do remember that she seemed to think the flaws in the ring meant that Brett somehow valued her less.  Perhaps these are just different cultures than the one I have grown up in.  I don't think Daya was a golddigger, because I don't think Brett had much gold, but she made much ado about that ring.  Nikki doesn't even say anything about that.

Take a very ripe avocado, mash it up really good,coat your hair with it, wrap in plastic, or shower cap, leave on all day, rinse out,shampoo, rinse with 1/2 cup vinegar in 1 liter warm water.Let dry naturally, do this every few days-worked for me.

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Take a very ripe avocado, mash it up really good,coat your hair with it, wrap in plastic, or shower cap, leave on all day, rinse out,shampoo, rinse with 1/2 cup vinegar in 1 liter warm water.Let dry naturally, do this every few days-worked for me.

Thanks, I'll try it.  I've been using coconut oil, but I've heard avocado is good too.  :)

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