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49ers are going back to the bottom of the league where they had been from the last 15 years prior to Harbaugh taking over. That was one of the stupidest moves in history, getting rid of Harbaugh. NO ONE apparently wants to play for the new group of coaches, they are fleeing that team.

If I liked the 49ers I would be livid. As it is, I don't care for them much, so I rather enjoy it.

Gore rumors are all over, before he was definitely an Eagle, now its up in the air.

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Frank Gore may be going to the Eagles, Patrick Willis is retiring and there are rumors that Kaepernick is up for trade.  The 49ers are in a shambles.


And now Bruce Miller has been arrested for spousal battery. And Justin Smith is thinking about retiring.  And Mike Iupati and Michael Crabtree have left.

Edited by Rick Kitchen
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Now Gore is going to Indy, deal fell through with Eagles


I wonder if he sees what Kelley is doing and wants no part of it


Seems like Philly and San Fran are trying to dismantle contending teams

Now Gore is going to Indy, deal fell through with Eagles


I wonder if he sees what Kelley is doing and wants no part of it


Seems like Philly and San Fran are trying to dismantle contending teams

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Jimmy Graham (Saints) and a fourth round pick is being swapped for (Seattle) Pro Bowl center Max Unger and a first round pick (31st).


Sam Bradford(Rams) is being traded for (Eagles) Nick Foles and an undisclosed pick.  

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Haloti Ngata traded to Detroit for a 4th and 5th rounder. I'm sad that he won't be a Raven any more, but this is about as good a deal as they could get, given his contract situation.


Brandon Williams already stepped up, it's time for Timmy Jernigan to take over as a starter. Still a big hole to be filled, but there are guys on the roster who can do it.

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I do not understand the Foles for Bradford trade.   What is the upside to Bradford who has not played a full season in 2 years?   What is Chip Kelly trying to do?   Set himself up for the first pick in 2016?

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Get rid of as many players from the Andy Reid Era as possible? I am not as enamored with Foles as some Eagles fans ,I think they were winning last year in spite of Foles not because of him. As my dad said either this will be an incredible success or failure unlike anything else.

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The theory is that the Eagles will deal Bradford to the Jets for their first rounder and take Marcus Mariota. I don't know what's happened to Mariota since January, but he's fallen quickly down the draft board.

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I think something like that makes sense. All the moves do seem crazy so something bigger must be happening (I hope). Kelly got control of all the roster decisions this off season so this is all on him. I wonder if people are concerned that Mariota if only fit for a Oregon style offense.

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So much for that theory, the Jets just traded for Ryan Fitzpatrick and I assume they'll try to pretend he's a starting qb.

Honestly I don't know what Kelly is trying to do in Philly. Since his arrival he's unloaded three of the team's biggest playmakers (Desean, Lesean and Maclin) and hasn't really added anyone to make up for those losses.

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The sports media here in Philly has pretty much already lost it. Sports talk radio has been hilarious, you would think all of them had lost a family member or something. Everyone was convinced that Kelly was wheeling and dealing to get Mariota, and then he straight up said today that mortgaging the future to get Mariota is insane.


Maybe he's copying the team across the street. The Sixers.


My coworker and I have a running gag that we're going to split a Sixers season ticket package in 2025 or so.

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As a 49er fan Chris Borland's decision to retire is another blow that's gonna make what looks to be a dreadful season that much longer. However not only do I respect his decision, I applaud it. Football is a risky game. If you don't believe the risk is worth it 100% heart mind body and soul, take your helmet and pads off, turn in your playbook and walk away. That takes courage. This young man has other interests and career aspirations he plans to persue and I wish him all the best.   

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Sam Bradford(Rams) is being traded for (Eagles) Nick Foles and an undisclosed pick.


I've long wondered what kind of career Bradford would have if he could stay healthy for more than five minutes, but I think that ship has sailed.  Shame, because his accuracy at OU was really something to behold.

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Actually he plead guilty in Louisiana and got 20 years.   The other states where he plead guilty (AZ - 9 years, Nevada - 8 years, CA - 20 years with a 50% min + time served, in other words 9 years) will run concurrently with the Louisiana sentence.   Louisiana does not allow for good time off for serial rapists.   He  is doing the 20.   I can live with it.   Should have been life, but I am okay with a plea deal to saves the victims from having to recount their experiences for the world to dissect and criticize.

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I do not CARE what Tom Brady does on vacation or who he is hanging out with. I really and truly do not. And I can't believe he didn't get an earful from Bob Kraft about the cliff-diving.

On an unrelated note, is it because I'm a female, that I find the Werner ladder ad that has Ditka growling "What? Are you afraid of heights. Get up there cupcake!" to be rather tone deaf?

I know Ditka is supposed to be a grumpy old man character but I didn't realize that was the most effective way to help someone overcome a fear. I think it's the word cupcake I object to, TBH.

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I love, so much, that Winston and now Mariota are politely declining to attend the draft in person. It gives me hope Winston is turning a corner (baby steps, people, baby steps) and that Mariota wants to be in Hawaii for the draft--but is fine with cameras following him there--reinforces everything positive I've heard about him. The draft and the show its become has gotten on my nerves increasingly over the years, but Johnny Manziel doing his damn dollar signs on stage after being picked 22nd really pushed me over the edge.


ETA: So yeah, it's unsurprising to now see that Winston might now attend and that "there’s been a lot of pressure for people trying to get me to come to the draft." I agree w/ you, Minneapple, that there's likely to be some choice words from the crowd if he is there.

Edited by hendersonrocks
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I'm guessing Winston has been told by his agent that he shouldn't go because it might not be fun to hear what the audience has to say when he's chosen.

Melvin Gordon said that he and Amari Cooper tried to get Mariota talking during Heisman week and he's just this really quiet, almost shy guy.

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Winston said he didn't want to go because his Grandma couldn't travel.   On the other hand, he probably didn't want to be embarassed like Aaron Rodgers if he slips out of the top 10.   But then with Winston, he does have to show he is committed to being an NFL player not just collecting the money.   Showing up for the draft is a step in showing he is committed.   


But yeah, it is a dog and pony show.   Made bigger by the FIRST EVER DRAFT OUTSIDE NYC IN 50 YEARS.   Yaaay?    

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I'm disappointed the draft is going to be in Chicago because nothing will compare to rowdy Jets fans. I mean, the commish will be booed regardless but I don't feel the Bears fans are going to bring the oomph to it drunk New Yorkers will.

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But then with Winston, he does have to show he is committed to being an NFL player not just collecting the money.   Showing up for the draft is a step in showing he is committed.

The only one who should be committed is any NFL or team employee who thinks this way.

This isn't training camp, mini-camp or even the combine. It's a game show, and a dull one at that.

The NFL is far too self-important.

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Yikes; someone get that writer a thesaurus and a dictionary; the former so he can learn a word other than incredibly, and the latter so he can learn the actions of Nebraska and the Rams don't qualify no matter the synonym used.

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Life with no parole because he acted with extreme atrocity or cruelty.   Yeah driving your supposed friend to an isolated location then shooting him in cold blood would count.


Clearly the "I was too high to shoot" defense failed.  

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I think the defense admitting near the end that yeah Hernandez was at the crime scene but he absolutely did not kill Lloyd nor did he know what was going to happen was a fatal mistake. There is no way, given the fact that Hernandez is the one who contacted Lloyd, he was the one driving the car, and he was in essense the "ring leader" "top dog" whatever you want to call it of the group that he didn't know what was going on.  The other two guys are followers, they aren't going to kill a guy (who happens to be his fiance's sisters boyfriend) without "permission".  Another thing that messed them up was Robert Kraft saying that Hernandez told him he hoped the time of death was made public because he was at the club at the time.  Well duh, how does Hernandez know what time Lloyd died if he wasn't there?


I am so happy with this verdict.  Justice for Odin Lloyd's family, and a sick, narcissistic a-hole gets put away.  

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What's the deal with the delay on that thing? It's not like they have to work around an ongoing criminal investigation. Did the Patriot ballboy decide to lawyer up? 

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The league accomplished what they wanted regarding Deflate-gate.  Delay until after the Superbowl and hope everybody just forgets about it.  The Superbowl itself ended in such controversial fashion, it really overrode the whole deflate-gate stuff.  I would actually be surprised if there is any punishment or acknowledgement of wrongdoing.

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All that accomplishes is making me dislike Roger Goodell even more.


And the Patriots, once again, are allowed to break major NFL rules with few--and in this case, probably NO--consequences.

All I have left is my sheer glee that the Patriots lost twice to the NY Giants in the Super Bowl--and I'm not even a Giants fan.

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I AM a Giants fan and I'm going to live on that high forever.

I saw a funny tweet today that said in essence "After review of the case, Roger Goodell suspended Aaron Hernandez for one game."

I am flabbergasted the media finds it a fascinating story that Hernandez is going to spend life in jail that is one mile from Gillette Stadium. Who cares? It's not like he's going to take day trips to watch football games.

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But on game days he can hear the crowd.   And be reminded again of what he threw away.    All he had to do to keep the millions was NOT shoot people.   Not that hard a thing to do.  People don't shoot people every day.   But he just couldn't help it.   So now he gets to spend the rest of his life listening to the crowd cheering other people who have phenomenal talent, are making millions, and didn't shoot people.

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But on game days he can hear the crowd.   And be reminded again of what he threw away.    All he had to do to keep the millions was NOT shoot people.   Not that hard a thing to do.  People don't shoot people every day.   But he just couldn't help it.   So now he gets to spend the rest of his life listening to the crowd cheering other people who have phenomenal talent, are making millions, and didn't shoot people.


Yep. It's just a rather conveniently handy shortcut of demonstrating just how much of a complete fool he has been. Aaron Hernandez will be settling down to spend the rest of his life in prison, while his ex-teammates collect their Super Bowl rings. The more I read about him, the more he seems like a nutjob thug who fell ass-backwards into a sport that could make him millions. And he still couldn't stop being a thug.


I've seen those Star Wars helmets before. They're pretty great, but I'm annoyed that my Ravens got lumped with Palpatine's ugly mug. It's quite evident that the Patriots should be the ones that have the Emperor's face. They are, after all, the Evil Empire, and are headed by the Sinister Hoodie.

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Yep. It's just a rather conveniently handy shortcut of demonstrating just how much of a complete fool he has been. Aaron Hernandez will be settling down to spend the rest of his life in prison, while his ex-teammates collect their Super Bowl rings. The more I read about him, the more he seems like a nutjob thug who fell ass-backwards into a sport that could make him millions. And he still couldn't stop being a thug.


I've seen those Star Wars helmets before. They're pretty great, but I'm annoyed that my Ravens got lumped with Palpatine's ugly mug. It's quite evident that the Patriots should be the ones that have the Emperor's face. They are, after all, the Evil Empire, and are headed by the Sinister Hoodie.



If you stare long enough at the Patriots helmet, it begins to look just like Belichick. : )

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My friend just told me that Tebow signed a one year deal with the Eagles.

Say it ain't so, Joe! I cannot handle that media annoyance. He had another job, why was he plucked back into the league? [/supreme whining]

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