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The Pats are already in the playoffs and when they start they'll have Brady, Gronk, Edelman and that other guy whose name currently escapes me. I'm not crying any tears for New England, since the RB is a position Bill can stick any old back in and be fine. They signed Montee Ball to the practice squad anyways.

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Well the Pats have clinched their division ( thank you NY Giants) and are probably at the least just one win away from a first week bye for the playoffs (this week Broncos plays Steelers, and later Bengals and Broncos also square off)

I'd say the QB woes of the Bengals and Broncos looms bigger than the Pat's RB issues.

The other issue is if the WC contenders (Steelers, Chiefs, Jets) are stronger than most of the likely AFC Division champs. Bronco/Steeler game should be interesting.

Edited by caracas1914
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Watch Jackson rack up 500 yards in the next 3 games now. 


The Patriots could insert me in as a RB and I would probably rack up serious yardage in a game. I swear no matter how many hits that team gets, they more than likely come up smelling like roses. Either Brady, Belichick, or Robert Kraft were born with platinum spoons in their mouths, a four leaf clover in one hand, and a rabbit's foot in the other. Not that I'm hating on them or anything lol. 

NFL changing playoff officiating procedure


The NFL will have game referees in the playoffs consult with its director of officiating about the application of rules in situations not currently covered in instant replay reviews. Those situations will include the appropriate assessment of penalty yardage; proper administration of the game clock; correct downs; and any other administrative matter not currently reviewable.


But Dean Blandino, the vice president of officiating, will not be able to call a foul or change a call, "or otherwise become involved in on-field judgment calls that are not subject to the current instant replay system."

Communication on administration matters can be initiated by Blandino or the referee, the league said Wednesday. The changes were recommended by the NFL's powerful competition committee and approved by Commissioner Roger Goodell. Earlier this month, Goodell had spoken to the 32 team owners about the concept.


"The committee feels strongly that giving the referee and Dean the ability to consult with each other in certain situations beyond instant replay will further support officiating in the playoffs," said competition committee chairman Rich McKay, president of the Atlanta Falcons. "The officials do a very difficult job exceedingly well, and we think this adjustment in the playoffs will make them even better."


The NFL has had a rough season with its officiating, including notifying teams several times that calls had been missed or incorrectly made. Officials, who are part-timers, have also been doubted by team personnel, players and the media about their mastery of the encyclopedic rule book.


It is likely the league will look further during the offseason into how officiating is managed during games, with the competition committee playing a major role.

"We constantly strive to make our game progressively better for the players, coaches and fans," said NFL Executive Vice President of Football Operations Troy Vincent. "This change will assist our officials with an additional resource for clarity and consistency in game administration."


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The Patriots could insert me in as a RB and I would probably rack up serious yardage in a game. I swear no matter how many hits that team gets, they more than likely come up smelling like roses. Either Brady, Belichick, or Robert Kraft were born with platinum spoons in their mouths, a four leaf clover in one hand, and a rabbit's foot in the other. Not that I'm hating on them or anything lol.

Yes, there's something to that team (besides the repeated cheating). I remember Tom Brady winning his first Super Bowl with 3 no-name wide receivers. I don't think there were any superstars on that team, except maybe Adam Vinatieri. 


Which brings me to a question that's had me scratching my head for years. How did Tom Brady become so good? Mind you, I'm not a Patriots fan, but I can't help but respect Brady's talent on the field. He didn't stand out as a college player, had a laughable Combine experience, and even his first few years in the NFL as a back up weren't remarkable. I'm sure he worked very hard to improve his game during his years as a backup. But from my experience, hard work makes a player better but doesn't turn a so-so player into an elite quarterback. Did he grow 6 inches after college? Put on 20 pounds? Start meditating?


Contrast Brady to Aaron Rodgers who, even when he was Favre's backup, was always known to be a talented QB and always had the strong arm that he does now. Or other QBs like Peyton or Andrew Luck, who were treated like great quarterbacks starting in their college days and continuing into their NFL careers. And what about those QBs who were great in college (Matt Leinart, Ryan Leaf, RGIII, etc.) but seem to flame out once they got to the NFL either due to injuries or apparent lack of talent. Was their college success a lie?

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The refs just don't have the authority to call the game anymore, and that's why it's so bad.

I tend to think that Brady is just a smart player and was totally ready when the opportunity came up for him. Clearly, he benefitted from a coach who knew how to use his strengths.

Montana wasn't super regarded, no? He also got a coach who was ready to be innovative.

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NFL Network called it Mustard v Ketchup too, and I could not unsee it after that. And the first Thursday (aka the color blind one) was red elves v green elves (which I called Elf on a Shelf Bowl). It seems like these uniforms are much tighter (nice as a distaff alternative to the lingerie league) and more like long underwear. Or, if the teams play badly, Underoos.

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Obama had an end of the year press conference today, and during it Michele Tafoya went on an anti-Obama rant.


You can read the tweets here:







Now if you follow Tafoya on Twitter, you'll see that she supports conservative causes. She even campaigned for Al Franken's opponent in Minnesota, where she lives.


She discussed being political on Twitter recently with Sports Illustrated.




Personally, though, I find it odd...I don't want to know Kirk Herbstreit's politics, or Chris Fowler or Al Michaels' (had no idea he was a Republican, as pointed out in that article). Etc...


It just becomes a distraction from the game. Especially when your as passionately on one side as she is.

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N.Y. law professor files deflate-gate brief accusing NFL of fraud


New York Law School professor Robert Blecker, winner of Harvard Law's Oberman Prize for best graduating thesis, argued in a 34-page report that the NFL's investigation into Tom Brady's alleged ball-tampering was "infected with bias, unfairness, evident partiality and occasional fraud."


Blecker openly questions the NFLPA's failure to sufficiently attack the league on the so-called scientific data detailed in Ted Wells' initial investigative report. By now, you've probably read all there is to know about Exponent's flawed findings with regard to the PSI levels of footballs, but Blecker raises a little-discussed point about the difference between the two gauges used to measure the air pressure, which plays out like that bar game where you try to point out the differences between two similar pictures.


Like it or not, deflate-gate is going to extend beyond this season — one in which there's a real possibility Brady could win the league's MVP honor and take home an NFL record fifth Super Bowl title — and the more we learn about this now 11-month-long deflate-gate saga, the less trust we have in the league.


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I couldn't read the article because I couldn't get past the Yahoo! install screen so I may be off base but seriously, fuck that guy. Who is he to file a brief about deflategate? WHY is it not over? The less trust "we" have in the league? Who is we? Is trust in the league something you need for your livelihood? Why do I care what you think?

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I couldn't read the article because I couldn't get past the Yahoo! install screen so I may be off base but seriously, fuck that guy. Who is he to file a brief about deflategate? WHY is it not over? The less trust "we" have in the league? Who is we? Is trust in the league something you need for your livelihood? Why do I care what you think?

Is he a pissed off Brady fan? What a pile of shit. If you don't believe in the league then stop watching! The Pats still got their title and rings and hoopla- try talking to USC football and how much they gave up and got sanctioned for doing something not remotely close to deflategate.

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He's actually a non-Pats fan who was hoping the Pats were guilty. Reading the Wells Report he realized it was all a sack of shit.

Filing amicus briefs are things that happen to big cases. Supreme Court cases can get dozens of such on either side of a case by interested observers not directly related to the case.

Here's an interview with Blecker that came out a few months ago.

Edited by Fukui San
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The NFL has been acting in legal matters with impunity, and as many have pointed out here, have trampled all over due process. Punishments are arbitrary, and the league office is completely tone deaf to the rest of society. The deflate issue is just the culmination of this pattern. The NFL seriously needs to get knocked down a few pegs and get with the rest of civil (in the context of how we follow the rule of law) in this country. They also need to learn that the world will go on without football and people would actually find other things to do .


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Personally, though, I find it odd...I don't want to know Kirk Herbstreit's politics, or Chris Fowler or Al Michaels' (had no idea he was a Republican, as pointed out in that article). Etc...

It just becomes a distraction from the game. Especially when your as passionately on one side as she is.

That's how I feel about acquaintances or co-workers. I don't want to know your politics. Because if I disagree with you, or if you're inappropriate in the way you express your political beliefs, it makes me like you less. 


With a news journalist, even a sports journalist, posting divisive comments on Twitter is just unprofessional. 

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This is my opinion and deflategate after months of this, and nots not likely to change regardless of how the court case ultimately ends up :

You have two sides who are arrogant, win at all costs bullies that will lie and do anything they can to win. I don't trust either side (Goodell or the Pats/Brady). I don't like either one of them. The two of them together currently account for about 90% of what I don't like about the NFL right now.

And in the end, I think the other owners goal was to at the very least drive a wedge between Goodell and Kraft. Mission accomplished. ANything beyond that in terms of actual punishment for Brady is inconsequential to the other owners.

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I hope the woman who lost her shit because her delicate flower was damaged by Cam Newton's dancing wasn't watching tonight's game. Because that Christmas chorus line was ummm, wow.

Ha! I was going to say the exact same thing. It's nice to know there are good waxing services in Arlington.

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What a terrible game by Beckham and im not even talking about his (lack of) production. He is completely out of control today and has been since the start. I'm shocked he hasnt been thrown out of the game (though there's still a full quarter left to play) and/or Coughlin, Eli, ANYBODY hasn't reigned him in somehow.

Given that this is really his first blip on an otherwise great start to a career, im trying really hard not to jump too hard on him. He let Norman get in his head and he completely unraveled and I guess that wide open drop in the 1st didnt help either but still. My God. After he (rightfully) gets ripped by all the pundits this week, I hope he learns that that shit is completely unacceptable.

I dont even know what else to say about this game. I mean, typical missed tackles, a couple of big drops, what else is new.

Edited by FuriousStyles
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I dont even know what else to say about this game. I mean, typical missed tackles, a couple of big drops, what else is new.

 Well thanks to Beckham, they just tied the game. Damn, this was a good comeback (down by 28) & game.


And they just lost 38-35. Cam Newton & the Panthers really have to earned that win in the 4th quarter. A great comeback by the Giants, but one too many mistakes by them doomed them.


The only silver lining for the Giants is that the Cowboys lost last night. 

Edited by Magog
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Well, crap.  The Giants didn't deserve to win, since they played like shit for so much of the game, but that was such a great comeback (and Beckham sure picked the right time to get his groove back) I really wanted it to happen.

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Wait, you guys actually thought the Giants were going to come back and win this game? I honestly couldnt muster up too much excitement during the comeback because the defense is just so abysmal. I knew they would give up a field goal. Im happy Odell got his shit together and redeemed himself a little bit with the big 4th down TD catch, but this is just another game among many this season where you're left wondering what if. What if Odell caught that pass in the 1st and ran it in, what if DRC catches the interception and runs it in. Everything else being equal, we could have won this game with one of the plays. But woulda, coulda, shoulda doesnt cut it. I just want the Giants to put me out of my misery. I cant remember being this infuriated with a team before.

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Yea, Odell was acting like my three year old when he doesn't catch the ball in the back yard and Cam's post game interview regarding said behavior was golden!

We don't call 'em the Cardiac Cats for nothing. Cam needs to take a seat though if we hope to have him in good shape for the playoffs and hopefully the Super Bowl

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It's really fascinating because you'd think that by going 13-0, 14-0, the Panthers would have it all wrapped up and think about whether to sit v going for the 16-0. But the Cardinals are *right* on their heels. It's probably a good thing for the coaching staff because they don't really have to deal with that issue. I think everyone would agree that getting the #1 seed is the goal, so sitting people doesn't factor in. 

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I don't approve of what Beckham did.   However, if Pacman Jones can beat Amari Cooper's head into the ground earlier in the season and not be ejected, you really can't eject any player for lesser hitting.   The League didn't even suspend Jones, just fined him.   


I don't believe in resting players at the end of the season.   The only time the Colts did well and won a Super Bowl was when they didn't rest the players at the end of the season.   Sure you risk injury.   But that can happen in the first game of the playoffs too.   What you do risk by resting players is they get out of rhythm.   THey are not used to playing in game time conditions.   Now you would think, "well they are professionals and they should be able to turn it on."   But they just don't seem to do it.  It takes a bit to settle back in and get the timing of game speed back.    

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Well, that may have been the last home game ever for the San Diego Chargers. As a longtime San Diego resident I am verklempt, more so because the Chargers won this one - thankfully. I feel so bad for some of my friends who are much more into football culture than I am and their frustrating wait to see whether they will have a local team to root for after this season. They feel totally screwed by the owner of the Chargers and the local politicians.

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I don't believe in resting players at the end of the season.   The only time the Colts did well and won a Super Bowl was when they didn't rest the players at the end of the season. 


That year the top two seeds in the AFC were the Chargers and Ravens, so the Colts couldn't really rest because they were fighting for 3rd seed. Most of those other years when they would rest players the last couple of games, they had the bye.

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In the first half of Denver/Pittsburgh the Broncos were scoring at will. I was wondering what Payton was thinking. "Yeah! We're ahead! Oh, wait. That puts me one step closer to never playing another down."


The league is putting out a lot of "last game in. . ." but I don't see it happening next season. Where is(are) the teams(s) going to play while waiting for a new stadium? The Rose Bowl and Coliseum aren't up to league standards and from what I can tell, no one is talking about spending money to make those single season upgrades.


Where else is there? A parking lot? Pepperdine?

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Hell of a comeback by the Giants but once again, they blow a game in the last second.  That's like four times this year.  I think a change has to be made.  The last eight season, including the two Super Bowl seasons, have seen the Giants in desperation mode to end their season.  That needs to stop.


Odell's never acted like this before.  I think he was overly aggressive and way over the top today but these things happen once and a while.  Either Coughlin or Eli though should have told him to get a grip because his antics became over-the-top quickly.

Edited by benteen
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Assuming Cardinals win tonite Panthers are still playing for top seed next week, I believe. So it may only come down to a one week decision to rest starters

I think they should go for 16-0, if they have the chance. The Colts had a chance in 2009 and would have done it, in my opinion, didn't finish it off. Then they made the SB and lost. Many of the Colts players did not like that coaching decision. I know Jeff Saturday and Manning did not like the decision.

If you have a chance for history you do it.

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Holy crap ESPN is doubling down on OBJ and doing everything but calling him a thug. Their FB page says he should be fined and suspended and is despicable. I guess Norman didn't do anything wrong the whole day.

Yes, I understand that OBJ's headshot was egregious, but Norman was not an alter boy starting with the second play of the game.

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It's one thing if he did it once, but it was multiple times. After his second cheap shot he should have been ejected. If it was a less known player, or an Oakland Raider, he would not have been playing the rest of the game. So glad the Giabts didn't end up winning that game.

If the Cards and Panthers win their playoff games, that NFC championship game has the feel of a Super Bowl. They both are playing so well. Palmer has been on fire, and if it wasn't for a lot of drops by the WRs, the score tonight would have been even more lopsighted.

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I don't know who pissed in Odell Beckham's Cheerios this morning, but he was acting like an obnoxious brat. I loved how he was posturing and prancing on the sidelines after the comeback only to have Cam Newton tear down the field like a boss and set up the game winning field goal.

Edited by BitterApple
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Odell's actions were so out of bounds yesterday, I would have no problem if the league decided to suspend him for the next game. As much as we need him to even have a shot at winning the division, I think this is far more important to his (and the team's) progression in the future.

I mean if he's so caught up jarring with "the defender" as he called Norman, that he doesnt even know what play is being called, that's a problem.

Probably the only thing that saves him from suspension (but not the fines) is that this really is his first time acting like this.

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I loved the reaction shot of Jared Allen laughing his ass off and pointing at Beckham after he finally got flagged.


ETA, is this the first game where Cortland Finnegan wasn't the biggest shit stirrer on the field?

Edited by xaxat
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From what they said this morning, this isn't his first time. He's been fined three times for kicking and punching. Also I can't forget most recently, two or three games ago, when he cost the team 15 yards because he kicked the ball in frustration. His immaturity has been on display for awhile, it seems, but was overlooked by his talent.

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