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It's only the end of the third quarter, but I am loving this Eagles/Patriots game!!! 

I never thought I'd root for the Patriots, but it happened (Cowboys fan here). Was Tom Brady on something in the first 1/2? He threw the ball to an area where there were 3 Eagles but no Patriots! In the second half (fourth quarter really), he was back to his usual self, but his receivers started dropping balls. Oh, well. 





I typically put up the highlight show on NFL Network on a browser while I'm working. I have the sound off. They were showing Carolina and they scored. Newton wanted the ball, but the ref wouldn't give it to him and threw it to the ball guy. I mean, you guys aren't doing so well this year as it is. I mean, come on.


He ended up ripped it out of the ball guy's hand and gave it to a girl in the stands but still.

That scene was hilarious. I guess the NFL discourages players from giving away balls because they're...expensive? I can't imagine it costs much for the teams to buy them in bulk. 


The ball ball boy did try to keep the ball away from Cam, even as Cam begged for the ball. When the ball boy wouldn't give it to him, Cam just walked over and took it from him. He was so much taller, all he had to do was reach over and grab it out of the ball boy's outstretched arm. I feel bad for the ball guy--his friends will never let him live that one down. 

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Just an FYI -- every football used by the NFL is handmade by the Wilson Company right here in the good old US of A.    Have no idea of the cost, but yeah, give the kid a football.   The PR for the League as a whole could use the shot in the arm.   Because you know the headline is not "Newton tries to steal football" it's "Ref refuses to give football to Fan"  

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I actually sympathize with the ball boy. His (probably shitty paying) job is to keep track of the footballs, not hand them over to players so they can celebrate. He wasn't trying to ruin Cam's celebration, he was just trying to do his job.

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I'm from Boston (although I live on the West Coast now) and the fans can be pretty obnoxious. I've attended a half dozen Pats games at Gilette, and I've never seen the fans boo like that, that was just disgraceful. It's like we can't admit there are days when the team is just off and the other guys play better.

Last night our special teams sucked, the defense sucked, the o-line sucked and the receivers were acting like the ball was covered in Crisco. Brady was out of sync and the play calling was terrible. That about sums it up.

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He wasn't trying to ruin Cam's celebration, he was just trying to do his job.


It's not on the ball guy to make sure Cam gets the football, but he asked him for the football and he wouldn't give it to him. Give me a break. Literally everybody who has watched more than 5 minutes of football knows Newton gives balls to kids. 

When there's a milestone (50th TD pass of the season, 100th TD catch, etc.) they always save the ball for the players. 

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I watched that entire Giants game yesterday, unfortunately.  I think Coughlin and Reese need to go after this season but won't blame Coughlin for going for a TD in the fourth quarter.  Even if they hit the FG, they would have been up by only 13 points and with the way this season has gone (in which the Giants have six losses by a combined 18 points, not counting the Eagles game) I truly believe the Jets would have scored two touchdowns and beat the Giants with one second left on the clock.  That's how unable the Giants have become to close out a game.  If they had gotten that TD on the 4 and 2, 17 points would have been a big enough margin for them to win the game by.

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It's not on the ball guy to make sure Cam gets the football, but he asked him for the football and he wouldn't give it to him. Give me a break. Literally everybody who has watched more than 5 minutes of football knows Newton gives balls to kids. 

When there's a milestone (50th TD pass of the season, 100th TD catch, etc.) they always save the ball for the players. 

But in the end it never should have been on the ball guy to give Cam the ball. The ref was being a blatant asshole by not letting Cam having the ball. 


This was also the first time I've seen Coach Ron Rivera visibly upset. Usually he's very composed on the sidelines. 


Sean Peyton always comes across as such a brat on the sidelines. 

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I know I sound like a Grinch, but I have no problem with players giving fans the ball, or celebrations in general. My point is that Cam is not the only player who celebrates. So if ball boys and refs give him a football, they should do the same with everyone else. Including Antonio Brown. Even though he might decide to hump a goalpost with it.

Edited by xaxat
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Suck it, Tom Brady.

Local sports writer Jimmy Kempski opines, "Tom Brady's tears taste like unicorn meat marinated in rainbows."

I swear, I almost joined Twitter just to retweet this forever.


I want to marry that tweet and have a dozen of its babies!

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It's not on the refs or whomever to make sure each player who scores gets a football, but when the player comes up to you and asks for the football so he can give it to a kid in the stands, then just give him the ball. It's not like it was 10 minutes later. They scored and Cam went over to the ref and asked for the ball. It's just being mean. 

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Longest streak of one possession MNF games since 1974.


First game won by Dallas with a QB other than Romo since 2010 (hello Jerrah, Find. A. Backup. QB).  


What a night.   The NFC East makes no sense this season.

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That was a much needed win for the Cowboys. I am glad to see them get it. Granted Matt Cassel didn't play well but they still managed to pull things out in the end.  He finally decided to throw to Dez towards the end and McFadden came through for them. It's interesting that they are only 1 spot out of the lead in their division.

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That game was brutal.  As is the entire division.  And whichever team "wins" the division gets to host a playoff game.  That's just wrong. 

Seriously. Until this year I have always thought that a division winner should host a playoff game even if they are .500 or under, but the combo of the NFC East and AFC South is making me seriously rethink that stance. Brutal. Though at the same time goodness knows neither division's wild cards are exactly tearing it up. I guess this is the "parity" the NFL has been wanting...ick.

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As a Giants fan, this has been one strange football weekend. First I thoroughly enjoyed an Eagles victory, then I had to hold my nose and root for the Cowboys.

Lmao...that was me last night. Like I cant't believe im forced to root for the Cowboys. Though every year this division comes down to the last few games of the season where one team needs another to beat another.

I think 7-9 wins the division. Wouldnt be surprised if there was a 3-way tie at the end of the season and they have to go to tiebreakers.

A part of me giggled when Desean lost the ball on that punt. I *still* get flashbacks of him running it on us in the Meadowlands when he still played for the Eagles. I hate him (and secretly want him on my team). Which is why I had a similar face as Dez when Desean caught the touchdown to tie. Like hats off to you sir.

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Mojoween, rest assured your nightmare is not coming true anytime soon.    The Pats and the Ravens might get there someday again.   The Cowboys -- not bloody likely.   Especially with Jerry as the owner, a QB who is made of glass, and no decent back up.

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Furious, I flashback to that DJax punt return too but for different reasons than you! I still get chills if I pull that up on YouTube (which I frequently do in a shitty season like this when reasons to cheer the Birds are few and far between.) When I saw Desean doing the same "bring it to me" hands that he did vs. the Giants, I just knew he was trying to recreate the 2nd Miracle @ the Meadowlands. Unfortunately, last night's attempt was a big, fat FAIL.

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You know, I can remember the time when Redskins tickets were actually a sticking point in divorce settlements in the DC area because both sides were fighting for them.  I'm guessing it's not that big a deal nowadays.  

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You know, I can remember the time when Redskins tickets were actually a sticking point in divorce settlements in the DC area because both sides were fighting for them.  I'm guessing it's not that big a deal nowadays.  


They still may be - neither side wants to be stuck with them...

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I feel like this whole NFL season has been one big dumpster fire. Between the officiating, the injuries and the crappy divisions it can't be over soon enough.


I was live blogging the game last night (I left at halftime), and someone asked are these the games we'll allegedly be missing in July.

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How is it that the Baltimore Ravens can lose half their roster to injury, including their previously impervious QB, have an absolutely appalling season where nearly every single bounce of the ball goes against them, where their defence is historically bad and they somehow conspire to lose game after game that they could have won... and they're still only third in their division?


It really makes you appreciate how bad the Cleveland Browns are. Because they still manage to outdo everyone in the calamity stakes.

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How is it that the Baltimore Ravens can lose half their roster to injury, including their previously impervious QB, have an absolutely appalling season where nearly every single bounce of the ball goes against them, where their defence is historically bad and they somehow conspire to lose game after game that they could have won... and they're still only third in their division?


It really makes you appreciate how bad the Cleveland Browns are. Because they still manage to outdo everyone in the calamity stakes.


I always feel bad for the Factory of Sadness.


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How is it that the Baltimore Ravens can lose half their roster to injury, including their previously impervious QB, have an absolutely appalling season where nearly every single bounce of the ball goes against them, where their defence is historically bad and they somehow conspire to lose game after game that they could have won... and they're still only third in their division?


It really makes you appreciate how bad the Cleveland Browns are. Because they still manage to outdo everyone in the calamity stakes.

Because out of all the Browns teams in the world, they are the Cleveland Browniest.

(Watching a Charlie Brown Christmas right now)

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Regarding LeSean McCoy and his recent public comments, it seems that people fall into two camps: 1) he's right, and Chip Kelly is racist or 2) he's an idiot. I think it could be a little of both.


I listened to Herm Edwards's rant on ESPN, and he called Shady an idiot because McCoy took his personal and professional frustrations about being traded and turned them into a media circus. And I totally agree with him. I also listened to McCoy's comments about not planning to shake Chip Kelly's hand, and he sounded like an idiot because he said, almost in succession, "I don't have anything to say to the man, we don't have a relationship" and "I don't dislike him. We're fine." I think what he was trying to say but couldn't articulate was that things ended badly between the two of them, and he wasn't willing to pretend everything was okay between them just because he was returning to Philly. And he could have also meant that they'd never had a great relationship when he was on the Eagles, so to be extra-friendly with Chip on Sunday would be phony, and he didn't want to do that. 


But I also think that there may be to some truth to McCoy's claims that some of Chip's claims about needing a certain "culture in the locker room," could have something (not everything) to do with race. It's well known in the Philadelphia area (and maybe throughout the NFL) that Chip Kelly treats the Eagles much the way he did when he coached college kids. He's concerned about what kind of food the guys eat, what time they go to bed at night, etc. And those things are indeed important. But when you're dealing with grown men (in their 20s and 30s) and not 18-22 year old young men, the way that message is received and perceived might be different. And maybe some black players felt that Chip had a plantation mentality and was treating them like his property, not his employees. And maybe they were vocal about it. 

--I don't think Chip traded away "all the good black players," as McCoy claimed, but it's possible that hot-head DeSean Jackson and Shady McCoy, among others, were outspoken about their desires to do what they wanted to do. And maybe Chip didn't like that. 


--I do agree with McCoy in that someone in the Eagles organization, whether it was Chip Kelly, the owner, etc. should have addressed Riley Cooper's racist comments head-on and said they don't accept that kind of behavior, etc. Instead, they relied on a few players saying  that things were "cool," in the locker room and that there wasn't tension between Riley and black players on the team (or players in general). Maybe that's true, but the Eagles let those few players go on camera and speak for the entire organization. I think those supportive comments about Riley Cooper should have come from leadership, not players. And I don't see how Chip Kelly can say he cares about unity on his team when one of his premier players is dropping N-bombs in public. Again, this could have and should have been addressed head-on. 

Edited by topanga
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I'm giving an eye roll to Chip Kelly being a racist. This isn't the 1940s. You wouldn't last long as a head coach in the NFL or College if you hated black people.

As far as his micromanaging, I read an interesting article regarding why Trent Richardson bombed out of the NFL. One of the reasons given was he had difficulty transitioning from the college environment where his life was laid out for him 24/7, to being in the pros where he was expected to take responsibility for himself. Chip is probably used to hand-holding his players, not understanding that grown men in their 20s and 30s aren't going to appreciate that sort of thing.

As far as trading away the good players, the Eagles were willing to let McCoy and Jackson go because they figured they had a superstar in DeMarco Murray. Unfortunately, they bet on the wrong horse. It happens all the time in this League, it's got nothing to do with racism.

Edited by BitterApple
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I'm giving an eye roll to Chip Kelly being a racist. This isn't the 1940s. You wouldn't last long as a head coach in the NFL or College if you hated black people.

As far as his micromanaging, I read an interesting article regarding why Trent Richardson bombed out of the NFL. One of the reasons given was he had difficulty transitioning from the college environment where his life was laid out for him 24/7, to being in the pros where he was expected to take responsibility for himself. Chip is probably used to hand-holding his players, not understanding that grown men in their 20s and 30s aren't going to appreciate that sort of thing.

As far as trading away the good players, the Eagles were willing to let McCoy and Jackson go because they figured they had a superstar in DeMarco Murray. Unfortunately, they bet on the wrong horse. It happens all the time in this League, it's got nothing to do with racism.

I agree with your comments about micromanaging and about DeMarco Murray. 


I don't want to get into a discussion about racism in the NFL, but just because we're not in the 1940s, racism still exists. Even among people who work side-by-side with people of other races. 

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I don't believe Chip Kelly is a racist either.   He's just a control freak.    He doesn't care about the color of a player's skin.   He cares about complete buy in to his program.   You either support him 100% with no dissent, not even "hey coach, we have run a post route before you know" or you are out.   That's it.   It's not even my way or the highway.   It's "You love me or you hate me" there is no middle ground and if you hate me, you are gone.

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As far as his micromanaging, I read an interesting article regarding why Trent Richardson bombed out of the NFL. One of the reasons given was he had difficulty transitioning from the college environment where his life was laid out for him 24/7, to being in the pros where he was expected to take responsibility for himself. Chip is probably used to hand-holding his players, not understanding that grown men in their 20s and 30s aren't going to appreciate that sort of thing.

Although if that article is right, Richardson is a great example of why maybe 10% of NFL players probably still need that hand-holding no matter how old they are. Johnny Manziel, another case in point (even if he wasn't handheld in college).
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I said the same thing about Manziel. If you're a team investing millions in a player to perform and you're not giving them the resources they need, that's kind of on you. Now, you're expecting adults to behave like adults and be professionals. That's reasonable. But 21, 22 y/o barely qualify as adults beyond the legal requirement. And, really, since football is such a "mental game" and you need so much "mental toughness", which I kind of question, but still, then you need to give players mental health resources too. You mean to tell me that the Browns had *no idea* Manziel was going to be a problem? 

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I don't think Chip Kelly is a racist, but I do think he was totally oblivious to the locker room dynamic of coaching African American men. 


Football players are used to coaches telling them how to play the game, but , with things like sleep monitoring and his nutrition program, Chip was trying to tell them how to live their lives. Chip treated the men on his team like the kids he coached in college. Black men have worked for centuries to be treated like men, and a white man telling black men (especially with Chip's my way or the highway attitude) how to live their life is going to rub some of them the wrong way. Even if they are being treated the same as their white counterparts.


Much like the NBA dress code, which also had racial overtones (Allen Iverson attacked it saying "I'm a grown man."), I think the kind of stuff Chip was trying to do will  eventually be accepted by the players, but Chip was the wrong person to be the pioneer.

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This conversation about Chip Kelley is interesting. I don't think he's a racist either.  I do think he may be a bit of a stiff that is set in his ways and that may have rubbed some of the players the wrong way. He may have a sort of air about him, that just didn't set well with some of the players, in this particular case the black players. I think he may have a hard time relating with some of his players.


Plus I think that LeSean is still hurt that he was traded away from the Eagles, and also that Jeremy Maclin and DeSean Jackson departed from the team. Maybe he had intended to be on the Eagles for the duration of his NFL career.


I think it may be best if LeSean stops venting so much about Chip in the public.. (Unless he truly believes he's a racist). I'm with Herm Edwards on this one. It's water underneath the bridge at this point and LeSean is on a better team. The Bills have more talent than the Eagles currently do and he has a coach that truly does care/get along with his players. Rex is a player's coach, and does an excellent job of relating and engaging his players. He can reach the nice guys (Tyrod Taylor) the "bad boys" (Richie Incognito, IK Enempali) and he supports the young players as well (Sammy Watkins)


If I were LeSean I would just focus on my current team and let the stuff with Chip Kelley go. Unless Chip Kelley truly is a racist or something else really terrible.

Edited by Jx223
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As far as trading away the good players, the Eagles were willing to let McCoy and Jackson go because they figured they had a superstar in DeMarco Murray.



Except Kelly released Desean and traded Shady (for a broken-down LB!) before the Murray signing landed in his lap.  He wanted Frank Gore but Gore didn't have any time for Chip's "sports science" nonsense so Chip signed injury prone Ryan Matthews.  In hindsight, his GM moves have been absurd because Matthews is always injured and Murray is a terrible fit for the offense.  Shady's running style was a benefit with our sometimes suspect O-line.


But as someone who listens to Philly sportstalk radio everyday, I can tell you that Chip gets the side-eye from a lot of Black players just because Riley Cooper is still on this roster.  I wasn't one that called for his release after his unfortunate "N word" video but I can understand why his Black peers take issue with the fact that he's here and DJax and Shady are gone.  Cooper was only successful when Desean was here drawing double coverage.  He's invisible now but he's still on the team.  The Black true game-changers?  Gone.  That doesn't make Chip a racist but it sure paves the way for speculation--especially with players that have huge egos.

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Good game last night.


Chip Kelly isn't a racist either, just a control freak.  When he thinks you aren't a fit for his system, he doesn't want to deal with you no matter how you perform.  Nick Foles is an example of that.

Edited by benteen
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Bad news for on-line fantasy sports...




A state judge has barred daily fantasy sports sites DraftKings and FanDuel from doing business in New York.


The order issued Friday by state Supreme Court Justice Manuel Mendez also denied attempts from the country's two biggest daily fantasy sports to block the state's attorney general enforcement action.


Eric Schneiderman [NYS AG] has called the games illegal gambling based on chance, not skill. His office sued the companies in state court to force them to stop.The companies argue their games are based on skill and are therefore lawful.


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