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S02.E10: The Assassin

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I guess Eichorst had some free time available in his AirBNB schedule for the torture chamber, so why not toy with Dutch ?


Were the cops in this precinct completely unaware of the Strigoi ?  Because they certainly acted it like it.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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I need to watch the whole episode but that ?bookstore was gorgeous, I want to go there if it's a real place.  I did get a chuckle out of people apparently browsing during the vampire apocalypse? 

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Poor Coco. She should have listened to her instincts and stayed a way from Palmer. I can't believe her feelings for him are real.


So close Eph, next time maybe. Not looking good for Dutch. Eichhorst will no doubt torture her first giving them time to save her. I doubt the character is getting killed off. 


Abraham was focused tonight. He got his hands on the Lumen which looked like a bad graphic novel rather than an old powerful book.


Where are Quinlan and Gus? I would think that they would be watching Abraham's back as he tracked down the Lumen.


The wealthy of NY balking at paying for protection. Whoever is writing this knows them all too well. I don't know why Justine is bothering to protect themselves. Let them pay for their own private bodyguards.

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Were the cops in this precinct completely unaware of the Strigoi ?  Because they certainly acted it like it.

Yeah they're all "omg"; but since business is running and people are shopping and stuff, it wasn't a big deal before the vamps showed up personally?  Like letting Dutch get carted off somewhere, because that's what's done, I guess.

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No Zach gives this a few solid bonus points already 



I did get a chuckle out of people apparently browsing during the vampire apocalypse?

The vampire apocalypse seems to be nothing but a mild inconvenience to these people. Its like a little rain that creates traffic or something. 


Things do not look good for Dutch.


I like Norma and Fet as buddies. More of that please!


Where the hell has Gus been?

Edited by tennisgurl
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So what's the plan for Dutch? Is Eichorst going to kill her, or give her a fabulous makeover?

Maybe both.



I like Norma and Fet as buddies. More of that please!

I liked this too.  Very natural with each other. 


So no Gus and Quinlan?  Is there a reason we can't have them work with the other group?  You know Quinlan could make that shot. 

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Holy shit. Every time I think Eph can't get dumber, he impresses me with new lows. Even overlooking the fact that he couldn't wing a toy duck at a carnival booth, he still decides the time to off Palmer is outside a press conference that's crawling with civilians and police. 


Meanwhile, his annoying offspring is completely unattended at Fet's place, which the Master knows about in detail. I mean, I hate the kid, but Eph supposedly loves him, and yet he risks making the little brat a total orphan, providing Zach even survives that long.

Edited by Tippi Blevins
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Why the heck didn't Eph shot Palmer when they were spying on him? He had a clean shot.


If I've learned anything from watching NCIS, it's that a sniper shot through a glass window is considerably harder than one in open air.  Since his chances of success were probably dubious at best, waiting to not shoot through glass was probably actually a smart call.  There's probably other things to consider too like the distance and angle of the spy spot.  It was probably pretty close since the spy gear was working, but the angle might have been wrong for the shot to work and I think Palmer's office is really high up, so there would be considerable wind.  I mean, it's not like it was going to work anyway, but whatever.

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How did that police detective recognize Eph (after bumping into him) as the shooter ?  Eph was a long ways away, high up and wearing a hat.  WTF ?


The detective likely had Eph's photo his Stoneheart phone. He has to be working for Palmer and the Master. It is the only explanation for how he survived the hoard of strigoi when he went out the precinct doors.

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Cletus Musashi

So what's the plan for Dutch? Is Eichorst going to kill her, or give her a fabulous makeover?



Well Eichorst does have a lot of feelings to work out with the Master choosing Goth rock guy to be to be his vessel over him. Here Eichorst has been there the whole time, being his Trap Queen, thinking that it was all ride or die between each other....


Who else thought that Coco swallowing the Master healing goo was much less icky that other fluids she's been subjected to recently?


Eph, Eph, Eph, *bangs head against desk slowly* Seriously man? You are such a knob. You are so lucky Vassily Fet exists to come save your dumb ass.

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Well Eichorst does have a lot of feelings to work out with the Master choosing Goth rock guy to be to be his vessel over him. Here Eichorst has been there the whole time, being his Trap Queen, thinking that it was all ride or die between each other....



Eichorst needs a new friend....plus everyone has a girlfriend (Coco), worshipers (the master)...he needs someone to love, torture, makeover...hello Dutch his new girlfriend!!!!

Nora and Fet are slowly becoming kind of fun to watch together....my love for Justine grows by leaps and bounds...the mayor on the other hand...

Eph...words can not describe how over you I am...you had one job!!

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I need to watch the whole episode but that ?bookstore was gorgeous, I want to go there if it's a real place.  I did get a chuckle out of people apparently browsing during the vampire apocalypse?

Loved the book store porn. That would totally be me, gotta have something to read while the city is going to hell in a hand basket.

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I'm a bit confused. How much free will does Eichorst have? Palmer has complete free will, he just got healed by the Master, which I assume is similar to Setrakian drinking boiled worm juice. But Eichorst is a vampire. Does that mean it's impossible for Eichorst to have his own agenda or leisure time?

That jail cell sure was conveniently sized!

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I almost can't believe the entire assassin subplot ended up going the exact way I figured it would.  But sure enough, Eph can't shoot for shit and not only misses Palmer, but hits Coco instead.  Doesn't kill her though, so Palmer is able to convince The Master to make her a vamp, so I bet she really is regretting ever getting involved with him.  Meanwhile, both Eph and Dutch get captured after the world's worst escape attempt, and now Dutch is Eichorst new play thing.  Yep, I wouldn't want to be Dutch right now.  Granted, any of these bad guys getting their hands on you will probably end badly, but I feel like Eichorst would be the worst of the lot.  I can only imagine how he gets his kicks.


At least Eph got rescued by Vasiliy and Nora, because those two clearly know how to work together.  Forget about Eph and Dutch, you two!  Abe stays back and finds the Luman, only to get knocked out: probably from the book owner.


Justine is now getting to deal with rich New Yorkers, which has it's own sort of problems.  Because while the citizens of Red Hook are all for getting down and dirty to protect their city, telling millionaires and billionaires to hand over one percent of their earnings, is mind-blowing!  How dare she?!


I guess Zach was just left back at the house, which is always a good thing.  On the other hand, what have Quinlan and Gus been doing this entire time?

Edited by thuganomics85
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I was searching for this episode On Demand and realized. . . Episode 10? We're on Episode 10!?!?


Coco/Palmer sexytime (yuck), Setrakian chases a MacGuffin, Eph (unsurprisingly) screws up an assassination and Gus hangs out with a luchador. That took ten episodes? The only thing moving the plot forward is Councilwoman Justine. (I have no idea what to make of Quinlan. He made a couple of speeches and then wandered off to get a slice?)


I do like Nora and Fet working together and actually felt bad for Terrified Coco. And Eichorst was his usual charming self.

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I can't live without you Coco.

I'm nothing without you Coco.

I love you Coco!

I need you Coco!



I LOL every time Eldritch utters her name. It just sounds kinda ludicrous coming from his lips. Coco looked pretty dead at the scene.


Ugh!! Is Coco with Eldritch voluntarily? Girl you need to love yourself. Welp, at the very least I hope she gets that money! But part of me is thinking that she knows more than she is letting on and is working for the resistance some how. Fingers crossed!


Yah! to Nora tying her hair back and out of the way to go a huntin'


American Sniper you ain't Eph.


Tax those rich SOBs Justine.

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If Palmer is really cuckoo for Coco's puffs, you'd think he'd rethink his plan to become a vampire. He's going to lose the junk he only just started using for *shudder* sexy times. Plus, he's going to be all about The Master if he's turned and no longer care about romance, I'd guess. That's not even accounting for the idea that a megalomaniac like him would be unlikely to want to be part of a hive mind anyway, but whatever. 


Eph really puts the "ass" in assassin. In fact, he puts it in twice. He was barely bothered by potentially killing an innocent person.

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So, Eph has turned into Wiley Coyote and even abandoned the one constructive thing he did which was create the vaccine. Am I supposed to be rooting for him? I'm rooting for the rest of the vampire squad, but would be just fine if he and Zack went to find Kelly and recreate their not so happy family.

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Wow Eph, nice going. I did kinda like him and Dutch together though, they had a nice rapport. There was no annoying love triangle or annoying Zach, so I'd say this episode was an improvement!

Nora looked fabulous with her let's kill some vampires side braid. Her and Fet together are awesome.

Quinlan, for someone who is supposedly awesome, you sure are off screen a lot. Please come back, we need you.

Also, what happened to Nora's mom? Did she die and I just completely forgot? I honestly cannot for the life of me remember what happened to her

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I think it's time for me to give up on this show. I hate Eph. The Master is not scary. Everyone is so unbelievably inept I wind up more frustrated with each episode, and Fet is the only character I care about anymore. Even Abraham keeps screwing up. I think I'm out.

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Oops, our trio broke into the bookstore, it was not open (my bad!)  I still want to go there (without vampires).  Yay for book porn!


Liked the groups much better - Dutch/Eph worked together well; their vibes matched IMO and Nora/Fet were having fun ("Gotta respect a guy who keeps the party going", heh) with Setrakian being Setrakian.


Things don't look good for Dutch.  I doubt anyone's come out of Eichorst's dungeon/playroom in one piece. 


The Councilwoman plot is interesting but where is it going?  I assume she's going to "disappear" or "have an accident" soon. 


Eph just sucks with his half-assed plan when he doesn't know what the F he's doing.  Now there's another immortal person running around, plus Nora & Fet had to take off to rescue him, leaving Abe to get bopped on the head.  What happened to the science part?  No mention at all of Zach, I guess they just left him on his own to be tracked down by undead Kelly?  Not that I missed him or anything. 


I liked the Palmer/Eph face-off.  Well done sniping at each other guys!


I did laugh at Eichorst's smirking "She took a bullet meant for youuu" and the whole "divine essence so you can keep fornicating with your secretary??" to Palmer.  Gotta give some back after Palmer taunted him about Boliver. 


CoCo might be interesting now.  Maybe she will off Palmer and take control of his business with Eichorst's help or something.  The Master helped her for some reason, I doubt loyalty to Palmer.  Hmm.

Edited by raven
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Stopping a silent conspiracy setup by an ancient foe can be easy. If Eph were as solid as we want him to be he would be in the Master's employ. We have a group of imperfect people who screw up a lot.

Coco's true motives should come to light if the Master can read her thoughts. If she gas daddy issues she dumps Palmer for the Master.

I don't understand how Eichorst retains so much of his personal behavior unless it brings the Master some level of enjoyment to feed on dark emotions.

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Eph has already shown to be a poor sniper but a better scientist.  I liked the science aspect of the show, and it seems like Eph is being moved into doing action stuff because everyone else is, and he doesn't have to be.  Plus, even thought I don't like Zach, it's weird that there was no mention of him at all, after we spent so much time with Kelly trying to get him. 


I think the Master made Eichorst the way he is (somehow) because he's so useful.  He puts on the human face and I guess the Master doesn't want to do that, but he needs EIchorst out there, presumably.  We don't know the Master's ultimate goal, why he bothers with Palmer at all for example, but he needs those human interactions to help get him to that goal.  I assume that's why he "helped" Coco, or maybe he was just bored.

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No one else was rolling their eyes at the surgery in Palmer's office? A woman gets shot/near dead on the UES and is taken to an office for surgery??

She is then recovering with no tubes or any visible life support before the master came??  I know we need to suspend disbelief because of vampires and such but come on.

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No one else was rolling their eyes at the surgery in Palmer's office? A woman gets shot/near dead on the UES and is taken to an office for surgery??


At first I did, but then I remembered that pre-transformation Palmer had an entire hospital's worth of equipment keeping him alive there. Weren't they talking about doing transplant surgery at one point?

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Why the heck didn't Eph shot Palmer when they were spying on him? He had a clean shot.

I know, I know -- that would have prevented endangering others and an elaborate get-away attempt.


No.It was just TOO far for a Mauser rifle...

Why don't you get yourself a Barrett M82, Eph? The chinese guy owes you a lot for saving his life..


I hope Dutch stays in the picture, too soon to get rid of a character like that.

Edited by ttgreif
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So one more dumb thing I noticed while watching this episode....while Fet and Nora were driving through the streets, even though it is supposed to be either late fall or early windet (see how all our heroes are bundled up, Dutch rubbing her hands together for warmth, etc), if you look past Nora you can see people walking the streets clearly dressed for summer. Oh god this show sucks.

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Why would Eichorst leave Eph at the police station, and take Dutch away to his iffy guest room? 

Because Dutch has actual hair that he can style. What's he gonna do with Eph, stick a wig on him?

We've seen how well that works.

The plan was already underway for vampires to raid the station and turn Eph.

Perhaps Mastervar was even going to make a personal appearance right afterward.

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If Palmer is really cuckoo for Coco's puffs, you'd think he'd rethink his plan to become a vampire. He's going to lose the junk he only just started using for *shudder* sexy times. Plus, he's going to be all about The Master if he's turned and no longer care about romance, I'd guess. That's not even accounting for the idea that a megalomaniac like him would be unlikely to want to be part of a hive mind anyway, but whatever. 


Eph really puts the "ass" in assassin. In fact, he puts it in twice. He was barely bothered by potentially killing an innocent person.


Okay, I'm still laughing at "cuckoo for Coco's puffs" hours later. Awesome! And, ew!


I'm embarrassed that I'm still watching, but yeah. Still here. But the story choices on this show are just crazypants. I don't get them. We spend interminable minutes on badly acted "relationship" moments that I guess are supposed to be moving, but they're so inconsistently written that I have trouble figuring out what I'm even supposed to learn about the characters (all the Gus/diner, Eph/Nora, Eph/Zack, Abe/Eichorst, Palmer/Coco scenes and more).


And I just can't take Palmer's "romance" with Coco seriously (and am sick to death of seeing stories of mummified old men romancing hot young ingenues anyway since it's a constant and regrettable cultural trope) and yet the show seems to feel like it's playing out a tragedy on the level of "Romeo and Juliet" for us or something. It could have been salvaged if we saw Palmer regret his evil actions or alliances, or if Coco had a secret agenda/vagenda, but the entire relationship's been ridiculous (especially her not running away from the relationship because he was allying himself with very bad people, but rather because he wouldn't tell her all his corporate secrets -- I mean, what is she, 12?). 


Yet we get a genuinely interesting and enigmatic new character in Quinlan early in the season and he's barely to be seen. I just don't get it. The character and actor instantly energized the show and those around him, but he had one measly confrontation with Abe and Fet then split, and now we've just gotten a few inexplicable and stupid scenes with Gus and that's it. I don't think Gus's disconnect works -- I wish he and Quinlan would just join the Scooby gang already.


And man, the acting continues to be so very odd, which makes me wonder about the direction. For instance, Mia Maestro plays every single scene with Nora as if she's so teary, gooey, warm and loving to the entire planet that she's practically hugging the scenery and emoting little hearts from her eyes. She's a capable actress, but it's just so over the top and constant. Meanwhile, Zach, whom Nora is usually grabbing, hugging, and weeping over, looks like he wants to either kill her or flee (when the kid playing him bothers to act at all). The fact that the kid has a mean, pinched face (and plays most of his scenes as if he's been told to LOOK ANGRY, NO, LOOK SUSPICIOUS!) doesn't help. Meanwhile whenever we have other characters together, like Eph and Dutch or Nora and Fet, there's this weird flirtatious vibe and it feels like the show's playing with different potential hookups at any time, just 'cause. 


For me, Quinlan, the Congresswoman and Eichorst (whom I love far more than I should) are the only reasons I'm still watching. The actors are just so good, and so genuinely charismatic, that I find myself paying attention in their scenes. I would add Abe to this list too, but he's gotten tiresome lately (mainly because he's so inconsistently written lately that he's like a cat chasing a laser dot). I like the Congresswoman (and kudos to Samantha Mathis for making her a genuinely kickass, strong, complex woman and not the villainous witch I was fearing she would be) but I worry for her longevity.


But yeah. I'm still watching. And I can't wait to see what Eichorst does with Dutch's hair! 

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I love this pairing! and I'm so disappointed that authors changed the character of Coco in the last few episodes. I mean, she appeared as a kind, sweet, altruistic woman. And then SUDDENLY became a selfish villain. I hate the writers for such bad work on her character =(.

I have a theory about the strange behaviour of Coco at the end of the season. Her brain was dead, right? What If white blood is not just healed her mind, but took complete control over it (not immediately, some time after she woke up)? And all this time it's the Master, the one who spoke with Palmer using Coco? He tested Palmer's fidelity, and when Palmer failed this test, Master killed the one whom Palmer loved (maybe freeing her mind before kill her, so her fear was real). What do you think?

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