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"The View": Week of 09/14/15

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I HATE the tweets, with Raven interrupting everyone to read them, but I do get a delicious giggle out of Whoopi saying, "Keep tweeting us!" Hahahaha. I guess a part of her being taken to the woodshed was to stop screaming at the viewers, Don't call me, don't tweet me, because I don't care!


How she must loathe being on a short leash.  I, otoh, am loving it.


It is funny how last season it was all "Don't Tweet me. I don't care".  Now it's "Tweet Us".


Speaking of Tweets, I watched the first half of The Talk today and I don't think they have their Tweets anymore.  Ironic if The View is finally on the Twitter wagon, and everyone else has gotten off!


BTW, I didn't watch today. Turned it on for a minute, then turned it off, as just wasn't interested.

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I looked again at the show's facebook. Nurses are not letting up on Joy....multiple posts per minute are still being posted.

Joy will definitely be addressing this tomorrow....that ought to cheer Whoopi up.



But at least Joy has owned up to it--or addressed it (in the past), unlike other people *cough*WHOOPI*cough*Elizibitch*cough* who just ignore it or yell at the teevee for being called to task. Or are forced to address it.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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I looked again at the show's facebook. Nurses are not letting up on Joy....multiple posts per minute are still being posted.

Joy will definitely be addressing this tomorrow....that ought to cheer Whoopi up.

Remember when Kelly Ripa said Pit Bulls were "dangerous" & the Blogasphere exploded???  Did she apologize?  Absolutely not!!


However, I think Joy will apologize because she's that kind of person.

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Ok I get it now ..I think she was just making fun about the whole thing...the others mentioned the emails...the idiots Michelle and raven... So that made it worse..I think these things r stupid (yes whoop I said it). They should have disappeared long before now..especially the swim suit part..come on.

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Whoopi's name has always been announced without the "Goldberg", and Raven is announced as "Raven-Symone".

Nope, not quite. In the early days of the show they used full names for everybody. Then they switched to first names only for everybody for many years. Then last season when they had two Rosies they switched back to full names for everybody including Whoopi. Now it's a weird mishmash where only Whoopi's last name has been left off while they use the full professional names of all the others. At first I thought maybe it's because the new cohosts like Michelle and Paula aren't as well known so it makes sense to include their last names, but then they used Joy's last name and she is certainly well known. It looks weird and out of balance to me to have Whoopi different from the others. Just one more way of subtly setting Whoopi apart and separate I guess.


Edited by TribbleTrouble
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What was offensive about that  (nurses thing)?  No, seriously.    


That's what I want to know as well.  The one post I read on FB, from a nurse, started out with how she also has a stethoscope--and that's it's called a "Nurse's stethoscope" or something. And why is Joy being singled out? Because of her question? Michelle was the one who said anyone can read/talk about emails or whatever. Started to say what Miss Colorado does is wonderful, before she quickly veered into her "comedy" bit about how another contestant was "grinding" her violin.

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I think when a group of people has fought hard for something, and I'm related to enough nurses to know that there's a definite attitude of "she's just a nurse" that they are often confronted with, they get extremely sensitive when they feel they're not being credited with that hard-won whatever: whether it be a title, or respect, or being thought of as competent.


I can see why they might perceive Joy's comment of "why's she wearing a doctor's stethoscope?" as a slight, although I'm pretty sure it wasn't meant that way.


In an article I wrote once, I referred to Portia de Rossi as Ellen's partner, not realizing they had been recently legally married. Oh Em Gee, the wrath that rained down on me from lesbian readers incensed that I was "demeaning" their relationship. I saw their point, although being called names was unpleasant. They were married at a time when two women being married was still extremely new and controversial, and their fans demanded that their union be recognized. I believe the nurses are demanding that their competence be recognized, and poor Joy is the lightning rod.

Edited by ChicagoCita
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Thanks ChicagoCita--I understand now.


Honestly? Joy sounded truly confused. What she said wasn't said with snarkiness or mean-ness. But I can see how the nurses would take it that way.


I have nothing but utmost respect for nurses. I've been very fortunate with nurses on my Oncology team, and the ones who helped me pre- and post-surgeries.  But like with all professions, there are a few that I wish would do their job. But this isn't the place to rant about the one or two bad experiences I've had.


I'm hoping Joy won't play it off as a joke, because she wasn't joking--she asked an ignorant question at worst.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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The elephant in the room with Carly Fiorina is her new ad about being 61 and loves her wrinkles...she fails to mention the amount of work she has had done to that face which is what I think Trump's remark was aimed at!  LOL  I was hoping Michelle/Joy might have put that out there!

This comment made me laugh because it's true that Carly Florina has had a lot of facial surgery and/or botox. She probably should have said that she was proud of all of her wrinkles, even though you can't see most of them anymore! I do admire her for standing up to the great Bloviator (Trump), whose looks are really scary. They are both Republicans who have to toe the party line supporting less rights for women, as Joy pointed out, so her commercial wasn't too effective in that respect anyway, if you know where she stands about abortion rights and Planned Parenthood.

Edited by Kenz
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I still don't see the "horror."  it was a throw-away comment that really meant no digs or harm.  I think it is personal hypersensitivity on behalf of anyone who went nuts over it.  Nurses are total rock-stars.  Anyone who has ever been in hospital will agree with that.  I was hospitalized in January and without a shadow-of-a-doubt, the physicians would breeze in and out, appear semi-interested/rushed, but the nurses were completely amazing.  Stay dignified and above it, nurses….don't whine about  a passing comment.  

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I am a nurse, I didn't catch the actual comments initially and I was upset to read that Joy had minimized nursing, but when I actually saw the clip, it was more Michelle who was offensive.

To catch people up miss Colorado gave a monologue as her talent for the pageant, Michelle brought up why she put on a nurses uniform and read her emails, and Joy commented why is she wearing a "doctors stethoscope".

I did not see the actual pagent so I can't comment about the monologue, but I basically feel like it's a "to each their own" sort of thing. I don't really feel like Michelle's tone was called for and she was ridiculing the girl in the pagent, but unless I missed something she didn't really seem to be dissing "nurses" as a whole (don't hit me!). And honestly I'm not sure why Joy is getting the brunt of the attack because while her comment was ignorant because stethoscopes are not for any particular profession, and nurses use them just as much as doctors, I've never heard of it referred to as a "doctors stethoscope", but I don't know if it was truly offensive (again don't hit me nurses).

I think it just comes from the culture of being "just a nurse", I know I hear it all the time. I'll tell a patient something, and they don't care because I'm "just a nurse", but if the dr comes and verbatim says the same thing it becomes the gospel. I'm not going to say nurses do more than doctors because our jobs a different and we depend on each other, but it can get really frustrating to handle a majority of the direct patient care, but be overlooked frequently.

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This show is basically known for not supporting other women, spewing massive amounts of misinformation and being rude.  BUT,  I watched the clip and read the complaints and I'm sorry but  I think this is much ado about nothing - especially in the context of an effing beauty pageant for crying out loud.   Michelle makes fun of a nurse "reading her emails" as a talent, which come on and Joy, asks why the girl is wearing a doctor's stethoscope instead of just saying stethoscope and this is what everyone decides to get outraged about?   Really?   After all the crap I've seen on this show, this seems like an odd thing to decide to get worked up over to me.  I agree with Matcha, everyone already knows nurses are rock stars.  The joke is the beauty pagent.  


Here is the clip of the show: 



On Monday’s “The View,” co-host Michelle Collins poked fun at the monologue, saying Johnson “basically read her emails out loud — and shockingly did not win.” Collins adds, “She helps patients with Alzheimer’s, which is not funny, but I swear, you had to see it.”


But the comment from “The View” that is earning some backlash online comes from Joy Behar, who quips during the segment, “Why does she have a doctor’s stethoscope around her neck?”



Here is the clip of Miss Colorado's "talent" 


Edited by Cosmocrush
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I followed Whoopi on Twitter a long while back.  She hardly ever tweets but today she tweeted, "Thanks for watching today."  Also promoting her YouTube whatever and another tweet promoting her book.


Yep, I'd say somebody had a meeting with her.

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I followed Whoopi on Twitter a long while back.  She hardly ever tweets but today she tweeted, "Thanks for watching today."  Also promoting her YouTube whatever and another tweet promoting her book.


Yep, I'd say somebody had a meeting with her.

100%.  Sudden, overall attitude adjustment.  The thought of total loss of income will do that to most.  

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I followed Whoopi on Twitter a long while back.  She hardly ever tweets but today she tweeted, "Thanks for watching today."  Also promoting her YouTube whatever and another tweet promoting her book.


Yep, I'd say somebody had a meeting with her.



Let me get this straight: Ol' "Don't tweet me, I don't care" actually invited tweets and tweeted back?   She actually closed the show with the original signoff?   And let other people talk?     Hey, I think I just saw a pig fly by my window!   If this holds, I might have to check it out. 

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The nurses vs. Joy is so stupid. Joy is not anti-nurse. Just like there's not much pro-women thing going on in Fiorina's ad, there's a lot of insincerity in this thing against Joy.  Nurses, teachers, Joy's on your team. Trump sure the hell is not. 

Edited by merriebreeze
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I stand behind my statement that Joy is still lost in the 90's.  While she has political knowledge, she truly does lack  in  other areas.  Many times I saw her lean to Whoopi and ask, "Who's that?" during pop culture discussions, not that Whoopi always knew the answer, either.  I'm not in the medical field, but maybe in the good old days doctors and nurses didn't have the same types of stethoscopes, not sure.  Either way, I continue to dislike her because she is mean-spirited.

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This entire situation makes me laugh

The nurses vs. Joy is so stupid. Joy is not anti-nurse. Just like there's not much pro-women thing going on in Fiorina's ad, there's a lot of insincerity in this thing against Joy.  Nurses, teachers, Joy's on your team. Trump sure the hell is not.

It's so funny to me. Anti-nurse, haha, anti-seatbealts. My DVR malfunctioned so I couldn't watch it today but I saw Joy trending on Facebook. I love nurses, and I see their point. I always think they probably know more than the doctors. But Joy is fine, chill out, have a glass of pinot and go to bed.

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The whole stethoscope thing. I'm a bit younger than Joy. I worked as an Xray tech in hospitals on the east coast in the sixties. Nurses wore caps and nurses uniforms and wore white stockings and sensible white nursing shoes. And they didn't wear stethoscopes around their necks. They folded them into the pockets of their uniforms.


Now nurses wear them around their necks and wear scrubs. Half the time you don't know if they are RNs, LPNs, CNAs, etc etc unless they have a name tag that says RN or whatever. A lot of scrubs don't have big pockets like nursing uniforms did so they dangle the 'scope around their neck. But when Joy was younger when I was younger, nurses didn't dress like that and even now when I see a nurse in scrubs with the stethoscope around the neck it looks "abnormal" to me. In other words, it stands out.


And it probably is the same for Joy too. And so she referred to it as a doctor's stethoscope. Back in the day, when you went to see the doctor in his office, the doctor did the stethoscope deal more often than the nurse.


I think it is a generational thing perhaps. She wasn't knocking nurses. She just didn't understand why the stethoscope was draped around her neck for a monologue. And honestly, maybe the stethoscope around the neck is the new substitute for a nursing cap. They all wear scrubs now. Makes the hospitals look like one big operating room...

Edited by maryis1
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The nurse thing is just really pathetic grasping at straws. I understand why nurses don't like to be minimized, but it clearly wasn't that. Even in regards to Michelle, it was more about mocking beauty pageants than anything.


I stand behind my statement that Joy is still lost in the 90's.  While she has political knowledge, she truly does lack  in  other areas.  Many times I saw her lean to Whoopi and ask, "Who's that?" during pop culture discussions, not that Whoopi always knew the answer, either. 

I don't think she's lacking in much of anything, personally, but I'm sure she is disadvantaged by her age the same way everyone is at some point. Thankfully, it's The View and all ages are welcome. What's sad is Joy still knows more about current issues/pop culture than Michelle or Raven. Whoopi, too, who's 10-20 years younger than her. LOL

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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Now my Facebook feed is starting to fill up with graphics about "Nurses Stand Together, Boycott The View."


I sympathize with the nurses and their feeling that they don't get proper respect and credit, but I think it's an over-reaction.


With all the war rooms TPTB have had over the past few years on how to "make sparks," who knew a throwaway question by Joy about a "doctor's stethoscope" would ignite some?

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Now my Facebook feed is starting to fill up with graphics about "Nurses Stand Together, Boycott The View."


I sympathize with the nurses and their feeling that they don't get proper respect and credit, but I think it's an over-reaction.


With all the war rooms TPTB have had over the past few years on how to "make sparks," who knew a throwaway question by Joy about a "doctor's stethoscope" would ignite some?


I agree. Mine too. My facebook. Nine out of ten of them I would imagine didn't see the show except for the "incident." I can just imagine Joy saying "What the fuck are they talking about?" It's like when they changed from comedienne to comedian for all comics. Comedienne was supposedly denigrating because it singled out women. The whole stethoscope dangling around the neck thing comes off as pretentious. But, hey, that's just me... And I know that there are people who will disagree with me. Did she have her name badge on? Her nursing pin? I don't think so. Just the damn stethoscope.

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Nobody who likes their wrinkles goes out and gets Botox. And the way Carly's face looks, you can tell she's has the proceedure done REPEATEDLY.

I don't know who she thinks she's fooling.

By the way, Carly has no room to play victim on being criticized for looks. When she was running for Senate in California, she made fun of Sen. Boxer's hair, calling it "so yesterday".

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I'm a bit younger than Joy...but go to the doctor once or twice a year. The nurses (or aids?) wear then. So I am surprised.

But I think Joy will make it okay tomorrow. May have been a joke or ignorance or lack of thinking.

One thing is for sure - it will be a better "apology" than Whoopi ever gave and Joy won't say "DON'T TWEET ME!!!"

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I love nurses. If I never had to see a doctor again and could only see nurses I'd probably be more diligent about seeking medical attention. However, this ego thing about being hurt by Joy's comment is a little ridiculous. Try working for the government. Between the names we are called and the stuff we are accused of, you'd think we were all out slaughtering families. Tougher up people! Joy simply asked a question.

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I can't stand when anyone wears a stethoscope around their neck (Doctor, Nurse, Aide, I don't care). It is a piece of equipment, not jewelry. Room to room, patient to patient. How many  of us have had a person clean theirs before using it? I  bet not many.

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I just saw the hashtag nurse stuff about wanting The View cancelled on FB. Geeze you would have thought someone said something truly awful about nurses like they are nothing compared to Dr's or some other nonsense. What Joy and even Michelle said isn't going to bring down the whole nursing profession but this reaction sure seems like it might. I totally get that most nurses probably feel undervalued, taken for granted and etc. especially since my Nana was a nurse. I guess maybe these nurses took the comments like stay at home parents do when people assume since they don't leave their homes that they must not being doing much work.

Hopefully this will all blow over soon. With the group they have this year these comments will probably seem tame by the time the season ends.

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I love nurses, too, my sister-in-law is a nurse practitioner and worked really hard to get there,  but I didn't think either Joy or Michelle were making fun of nurses at all.  They were making fun of talking about your job and calling it a "talent."  Come on. 2014's winner was a med student but she did a Ballywood dance as her talent.  Most of these women are there for the $50,000 scholarship to further their education in some serious area, so they could probably all talk emotionally about their chosen field.  The whole idea of a "talent," whether it's baton twilling or tap dancing has always been to show that these supposedly all-American women are well-rounded and have interests beyond work or school.  Talking about your job, however noble it may be, is kind of a cheat, because any of them could have done that and saved a lot of time in piano practice purgatory.

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The winner of Miss America 2015 (last year) Kira Kazantsev sang "Happy" and did some cup routine on the floor. 

The winner of Miss America 2014 Nina Davuluri  did the Bollywood dance. She got so much backlash from people for winning. I imagine she and Vanessa Williams probably shared some similar experiences. The social media backlash Nina received was shameful.

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The backlash against Nina was really disturbing.


Yes, it was. So many comments I read, accusing her of being a terrorist, How "Miss America" was no longer about Muricans, and that the pageant needed to "take back America" and that she was an Arab/Muslim, to boot!


All wrong of course, spouted by the racist, bigoted maroons. She was and is an American citizen and of East Indian descent. I loved her dance.

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The backlash against Nina was really disturbing.


Really, and she was such an ideal Miss America! She was going to be a doctor but still fun loving and proud of her heritage as demonstrated by  the dance.  Still, there was backlash when Vanessa Williams won, too, which seems hard to believe, now. That's the reason I watch it every year, because, weird and contradictory as the pageant is, it is a good barometer of where our culture is, regarding women.  We've come a long way from Miss Americas who talked about their dreams of being the perfect housewife to law students, and our idea of "American" beauty has thankfully broadened to include all ethnic types.  There's stilll a lot of silliness about it though, as the John Oliver monologue points out.

Edited by JudyObscure
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They are talking about the debates tonight.... I really want them to ask Trump....

You say you want to be a President to bring jobs back to America.... how can we believe that when most of the products your companies produce are produced overseas??


Using a term made "famous" by Raven.....


Why are the ladies of the view all on Donald Trump's jock strap??

Edited by RogerFromOhio
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Twice Raven was asked what she wants to see from the politicians..... all she can come up with is she wants to be entertained because they are on her TV.... but she needs to understand that they are on her TV to inform her.... but It must be said Raven.... if you want substance from the candidates.... you need to come up with what you want to hear.

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I can't stand when anyone wears a stethoscope around their neck (Doctor, Nurse, Aide, I don't care). It is a piece of equipment, not jewelry.


And in this case, it wasn't anything more than  a prop!  Pffft. 


Somehow, I honestly didn't even know Miss America was still on TV.  I thought it went away years ago (I knew it existed, just not on TV)   Seems like we are backsliding. 


As far as the show goes, I'm thinking Whoopi is probably delighted not to be in the middle of it. 

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Michell brought up the Nurse "scandal"

Joy said she just wasnt paying attention..... they were talking about a beauty pageant and there was someone on the screen in scrubs.... she thought it was a costume and didnt realize she was a nurse.


And Whoopi's comment was quite telling..... I dont know what happened I wasnt here... evidently she wasnt watching either.

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I can't stand when anyone wears a stethoscope around their neck (Doctor, Nurse, Aide, I don't care). It is a piece of equipment, not jewelry. Room to room, patient to patient. How many  of us have had a person clean theirs before using it? I  bet not many.

Well- one of the latest medical equipment trends I've seen is disposable blood pressure cuffs (Yale New Haven)- There are probably disposable covers/ parts for stethoscopes already in use too

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Good for you Paula.


The 3 comedians at the table were HAMMERING the guest who put out the fat shaming video...... and Paula called them out and said... just a few minutes ago you said there is no line in comedy... why are you so critical now.


they all 3 scolded her.... the guest (not sure what her name is) handled it very well I thought

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And in this case, it wasn't anything more than  a prop!  Pffft.



I'm still a faithful Miss America pageant watcher.   I was happy that there was some better talent this year.  Although I know and love many nurses, I didn't think this particular "talent" was enough to get the contestant to the top five (seven?).  It was a nice little "story," but certainly not talent.  Still...she had to start at some local pageant and work her way up.  Obviously mine is the minority opinion.   Michelle did ridicule the violinist's talent...wrongfully.  The woman played very well, composed her selection AND all the music for the orchestra.

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