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S17.E35: Episode 35

Tara Ariano

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Austin's face during Liz's speech about how he can't come between the love she and her sister have for each other was hilarious. Almost as hilarious as the twins snotting and crying all over each other. 


The jury house is definitely more interesting. Also, was I seeing things or did Becky's wine glass say "Queen of the RR" on it? Or something similar? Maybe they had crafts day or something. 

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Pleaaasssseee let Austin win! The time is ripe for a good old fashion double cross that would find Vanessa and one of her puppets on the block and dare I hope...Vanessa out of the house! I was so hoping to see Vanessa drop her egg and have to start again.


Shut up Steve...you sound so stupid talking about how you did this and you did that and were making big moves....you are the plaything of Vanessa...you're an empty vessel and she controls your strings.


Thank goodness the season is almost over so I can be spared seeing anymore of Johnny Mac playing his stupid character. I wish he had stayed gone...any of the three other coming back...even Shelli would have been better than watching his excrutiating act.


On a shallow note...the athletic short shorts the twins were in proved once and for all Julia has the better body. How Da'Vonne was calling either of them thickums is one of the great mysteries of the season.


Damn...it was so good to see James again. The show hasn't been the same without his good humored charm. I hope he gets asked back in a future season. If they can churn out loathsome players like Mike Boogie and Dan over and over again...why not bring back someone cool for once? I wonder if he and Shelli came to some sort of peace.


So coming full circle...please Austin and Liz...you seem to have a clue about Vanessa at last. It's time to burn that witch at stake!

  • Love 1

Pleaaasssseee let Austin win! The time is ripe for a good old fashion double cross that would find Vanessa and one of her puppets on the block and dare I hope...Vanessa out of the house! I was so hoping to see Vanessa drop her egg and have to start again.


Shut up Steve...you sound so stupid talking about how you did this and you did that and were making big moves....you are the plaything of Vanessa...you're an empty vessel and she controls your strings.


Thank goodness the season is almost over so I can be spared seeing anymore of Johnny Mac playing his stupid character. I wish he had stayed gone...any of the three other coming back...even Shelli would have been better than watching his excrutiating act.


On a shallow note...the athletic short shorts the twins were in proved once and for all Julia has the better body. How Da'Vonne was calling either of them thickums is one of the great mysteries of the season.


Damn...it was so good to see James again. The show hasn't been the same without his good humored charm. I hope he gets asked back in a future season. If they can churn out loathsome players like Mike Boogie and Dan over and over again...why not bring back someone cool for once? I wonder if he and Shelli came to some sort of peace.


So coming full circle...please Austin and Liz...you seem to have a clue about Vanessa at last. It's time to burn that witch at stake!

There is not anything actually wrong with being thick. Thick isn't fat.

Why is everyone falling for Vanessa's bullcrap? Her crying/upset mode is incredibly fake and she turns it off/ on like a switch, but never any real tears. I know Big brother is setting it up the viewer to be dazzled by her brilliant puppetry of the others, but I can't believe she not at all like this in real life too. How exhausting. She's not normal. 


And during Julia's interview with Julie, I don't buy that she approves of Austin being with her dear sister and thinks this relationship might go the way of the altar. I give it until halloween. 

  • Love 7

I enjoyed the whining, the crying and the bitching. I fast forward through the speeches, family crap, voting and interview.


There was a football game to watch damn it and it was far more entertaining then this season has been.


This seasson is why we cannot have nice things. The people are actually reasonably decent people. No homophobia, racisim, elitism or any of that bullshit. A good number of the players came to play and understand the game. But I am oh so bored and barely paying attention. Vanessa is owning this game. She is convincing people in mid-competition to do something that makes no freaking sense. She has everyone doing her bidding. Hell, the people she has doing her bidding have acknowledged that she is manipulating everyone. Steve and Austin have both commented on it and she is still getting away with it.


And yet I am bored. Probably because they do stupid shit like vote out Julia and not Liz. Probably because you have a few people who were not really there to play the game, I am looking at you Clay and Meg.


And probably because they are decent people who whine and gossip but are not really all that nasty to each other. There are hardly any fights and very little drama. I get the gossip and the bitching, it is easier to vote people out if you can find reasons and if you can villify them for doing silly things like trying to get you out. It sounds stupid to us but I can understand how being locked into a small place for months on end with a dwindling number of people leads you to see the world differently and you say some stupid things. I can even see the need to villify the people you are voting out because it makes it easier to kick people out and stay intact emotionally.


But there is no drama. And the lack of drama has not been replaced by a bunch of folks having a good time with each other. Stupid skits or something. Decent conversation. Mini frat house something interesting. Nope, just different cliques hanging out and chilling with some occassional pot ball thrown in.


So we got what we want. People who are not awful and prone to massive drama and we are bored.


There has to be some middle ground between racist/homophobic assholes who are drama prone and boring slugs.

  • Love 2

Ugh. I was naive and you guys were right. Liz stayed. 


Honestly, I feel like that was a waste of Steve's HOH. Yes, Austwins were "broken up". But Julia was not a strong player. Not only have they left ostensibly the best of the three in the house, but she also has a very strong ally. Whereas Julia could barely tolerate Austin. I get what Vanessa was thinking - if you're on the block with Julia, YOU are going home. But still. They had their chance. Don't whine next week. 


I mean, they basically let the twins decide who goes home, so they get what they deserve. 


Wow, Steve REALLY loves his mom, huh? I guess there are worse traits in a person. 


James must LOVE being the only guy in jury right now!


I really wished I had the feeds last night. Not just because I'm dying to know who won HOH, but because I could listen to that Irish music all night long. How on earth was Austin, with those thick, meaty hands, pulling so far ahead. I'm actually rooting for Vanessa? Lord help me.

  • Love 6

So much anger while watching this episode...


First: Nominees getting to decide which one stays and which one goes. What fresh hell is this?


Second: The other HGs compunding the fuckery by "respecting their wishes" and allowing the stronger player and the other half of a couple to stay in the house.


Third: Vanessa's three-part ultimatum to Liz and Austin. She can't just say 'I want your word that I'm safe next week if I give you my vote' - instead we have to hear her lay down her detailed point-by-point plan which essentially boils down to "I'm the decider" and watch Liz and Austin's jaws sag further and further open...


Fourth: The wailing, the sobbing, the gnashing of teeth, the sackcloth and ashes. She's going to spend a couple of weeks in a McMansion in LA, not taking the last walk to the execution chamber!



  • Love 6

I can only speak for myself, but this is my favorite season in years. But, my favorite parts of Big Brother are strategy sessions, not necessarily unprovoked personal drama.

I like the strategy sessions as well but they seem to have been lacking. Mainly, Vanessa telling people what to do and they end up doing what she wants. Honestly, I have not seen much more then that. Johnny sits around and does little to nothing. He has been willing to be a pawn how many times? Meg thought she was at summer camp and James was happy to play along with that. Jason and Dayvone did not seem to do a whole heck of a lot. Audrey flat out told people that there was an alliance of six and everyone not in that alliance laughed it off. Shelli and Clay got too wrapped up in the showmance and made themselves a huge, easy target.


And even with a drama less season they could find ways to have some fun together and be interesting. I liked the Whackstreet boys and the stupid Gronk parties. It at least forced the different parties together and there was some sense of something happening. Meg and James are on the block and they go and hang out in the have not room. Austin and Liz do their thing under the cover. Steve paces. Vanessa's flips out over everything.


There are ways to play a strong strategic game and be entertaining and this season has not been that for me.

  • Love 1

I can only speak for myself, but this is my favorite season in years. But, my favorite parts of Big Brother are strategy sessions, not necessarily unprovoked personal drama.


I too think this is an amazing season. Best overall cast since BB11 imo. I am personally much more about the drama than the strategy and I think this season has provided a lot of fun/interesting/entertaining drama. And it's had good/interesting strategy stuff, too. BB15 had a lot of the personal drama, but considering it hinged on racism it was hard to enjoy and the strategy that season was awful. Last season was just awful in every way. BB12 was boring as hell. BB13 and BB14 provided some good stuff, but overall this season is better I think.

  • Love 2

Biggest surprise of the night: Austin's brother is seriously hot. Damn.


No matter how this season ends, it will definitely be one of the crazier and more entertaining seasons (even if the actual eviction order hasn't been all that crazy) but anyone other than Vanessa winning would just feel wrong. Austin, Liz, Steve, and even JMac are all perfectly capable players who I'd probably be fine with in any other season, but Vanessa has had more impact on this season than all of them combined. I'm not optimistic about her chances of making it to the end, though.

  • Love 4

Biggest surprise of the night: Austin's brother is seriously hot. Damn.


No matter how this season ends, it will definitely be one of the crazier and more entertaining seasons (even if the actual eviction order hasn't been all that crazy) but anyone other than Vanessa winning would just feel wrong. Austin, Liz, Steve, and even JMac are all perfectly capable players who I'd probably be fine with in any other season, but Vanessa has had more impact on this season than all of them combined. I'm not optimistic about her chances of making it to the end, though.

It seems like they're already foreshadowing the Vanessa win, what with Shelli's "she deserves to win" comment during the jury house segment.

See, I feel like this season has been too focused on presenting strategy, and we never really got to know any of the hamsters. Like when they did a home visit for… I think it might have been Steve, and they showed some of his footage where he was personally interacting with the other houseguests as his family talked about him and his awkwardness, I finally felt like, "OK, that's who this guy is." And that was WEEKS into the season. Also, I wouldn't mind strategy talks if they actually amounted to anything. More often than not, they show us an entire episode of "Who should I nominate? I should nominate those people." and then in the end, they nominate someone completely different, so the whole episode was a waste of time.


Speaking of wastes of time… WHAT THE HELL WAS UP WITH THAT EVICTION? Honestly, as soon as they brought Vanessa in second and she also voted to evict Julia, I realized it was going to be a unanimous vote to get rid of THE WRONG TWIN. As I tweeted immediately after it happened, did they get confused and accidentally vote out the wrong twin? Because why wouldn't you split up two alliances with one Liz? Oh, sure, let's get rid of the twin who can't win competitions and isn't very good at the game, and keep the one who is, and who is seriously aligned with another player (Austin). That makes TOTAL SENSE. 


And then during her good-bye interview with Julie, Julia made it sound like she and Liz had decided between themselves that Liz should be the one to stay and everyone agreed to that. WHY WOULD YOU AGREE TO THAT? 




Seriously, this show has gone downhill in the past few years ever since it became commonplace for people to be informed that they will be going up on the block and making sure they're okay with that before it happens as well as the entire house agreeing to vote together to evict someone in a unanimous or nearly-unanimous vote. IT'S SO BORING! You're supposed to surprise people with nominations! You're supposed to evict the people who could hurt your game! You don't just listen to the HoH and vote how they tell you… or God forbid, listen to THE NOMINEES and evict the one who asks you to!


I think they should just set fire to the house now and declare this entire season a wash. Nobody wins.

  • Love 10

They can't really foreshadow things like that though. Unlike some competitive reality shows, the producers don't know who will win. There can't be a "winners edit" here.

Well, that's true of course. It's not like Survivor or shows like that where the whole season is in the can - I guess what I meant was that they chose to throw in Shelli's comment to indicate to the viewers what the jury might be thinking about possible winners.

I am still completely dumbfounded at Vanessa laying out her three-part plan to Liztin while they both stood there, open-mouthed and blank-faced.


One would think that it's at this point when ANY of them says, "Vanessa is a strategic demon and an evil genius.  She literally has the rest of this season planned out baby step by baby step.  She makes us do things we know aren't in our best interests.  She makes weird crying faces but does not produce actual tears.  She talks so fast out of both sides of her mouth that she is impossible to understand.  Her green eyeshadow and beanies have hypnotic powers.  Perhaps it might be in our best interests to get her out of here like, last week."


Is Vanessa just that good or can the other HG's truly be that stupid?

  • Love 3

Is Vanessa just that good or can the other HG's truly be that stupid?

I think it's a mixture of both. I think Vanessa is very good at laying out deals that sound good to all parties, and she's very good at pleading her case. She is able to frame her arguments in a way that makes it seem like she's looking out for their best interests, while simultaneously putting herself in the best position possible. And, they all know this. They know that she's played a hell of a game and they know she's extremely intelligent and manipulative. But, they still get sucked into it. Plus, there's really not a lot they can do about her anyway, right now. With a twin gone, there is one pair vs. one pair, and then there's Vanessa. 

  • Love 3

Of course they voted out Julia. Of course. Can anyone please answer in the feed vs episode thread how the rest of the conversation went when Vanessa was telling Steve that she would vote however he wanted? I'm just wondering if he actually wanted Liz to go and Vanessa did her mind control thing and make him think he wanted Julia? I just don't understand why HE would choose that. Of course you can't trust Vanessa to keep her word, but did he not even try to push for Liz if he "knew" Vanessa would go along with that??

I agree. Vanessa is decent. She is a good manipulator and has a way of really turning bad situations around in her favor. However, a lot of the other houseguests are either idiots or scared. Some are both. 

I think she's more than decent, tbh. She has literally been the person behind practically every single eviction since Week 3. Even this week, if Vanessa had decided she wanted Liz gone, despite the twins' wishes, it would have happened without a doubt.


But not only power moves, Vanessa is also great at planting seeds and watching them flourish. She's the reason why Shelli stayed over Clay. She's the reason why Steve couldn't go through with evicting Julia over Meg. She's the reason why James left unanimously over John last week. She worked that shit for an entire week. She made James the devil, she made John an innocent dumb dentist who loves being workout buds with Austin.


I'm not saying that having naive HGs hasn't helped her, because it absolutely has. But, the same can be said for anyone who wins this show IMO. Luck and the variety and mindsets of other HGs is a huge factor in this game. And, I also don't think Austin, Liz, or Steve are dummies. They're very good at this game. 

  • Love 3

There are pros and cons to every game decision and Vanessa is good at spotting them all and pushing whichever points are in her benefit.


Just because Julia doesn't have Liz's track record doesn't mean she can't win future comps and Vanessa knows Austin would care a lot more about Liz going than Julia and would hold her responsible. After seeing his beast mode in Bowlerina, Vanessa may have realized that keeping Julia may not have been her best choice. Her point about who she'd rather be on the block with is also a good one with so few players left; even if an ally is HOH, she could be stuck being replacement nominee.

  • Love 1

There are pros and cons to every game decision and Vanessa is good at spotting them all and pushing whichever points are in her benefit.


Just because Julia doesn't have Liz's track record doesn't mean she can't win future comps and Vanessa knows Austin would care a lot more about Liz going than Julia and would hold her responsible. After seeing his beast mode in Bowlerina, Vanessa may have realized that keeping Julia may not have been her best choice. Her point about who she'd rather be on the block with is also a good one with so few players left; even if an ally is HOH, she could be stuck being replacement nominee.

I can't even begin to imagine the internal monologue that goes on inside her head when she plays poker...

Is Vanessa just that good or can the other HG's truly be that stupid?

You say that like the two are mutually exclusive. :)

Vanessa is pretty good, but IMHO she comes off looking like much more of a mastermind than is warranted due to reactive gameplay by the other HGs. And it's not because they're stupid - well... not necessarily because they're stupid :) - but because, unlike V, the other HGs are not practiced in the art/science of strategic thinking.

By that I do not mean they CAN'T think strategically - but rather they have much less experience in their own strategic thinking process than does V, and therefore correspondingly less confidence in their own strategic conclusions. I think in many cases they have semi-intuitive hunches of what would truly be the best strategy for themselves as individual players - but they aren't very well-versed in either verbally or mentally articulating these strategies to themselves or others. In contrast, Vanessa is - which makes her strategic discourses much more rational-sounding to the other HGs.

Her arguments, simply put, sound like they make better sense - so the other HGs frequently go along with her machinations, even when those maneuvers don't necessarily serve their own best interests.

  • Love 3

The whole reason about putting Liz/Austin over Liz/Julia was because Liz is the stronger competitor and they wanted her out over Julia.  They are given the opportunity to vote Liz out, and the TWINS decide that Liz should be the one to stay...because she is the stronger competitor. Of course, the houseguests all do as the twins wish because no one wants to upset anyone else.  Julia even said in her exit interview that is the reason Liz needed to stay. 


This is not Big Brother.  I've not seen strategic game playing this season, I've seen one player running the whole game by crying, bullying and talking in circles to confuse everyone.  Maybe that's her strategy.  I have found the whole season to be aggravating and uncomfortable.  I yearn for the first few seasons of Big Brother where the HOH did not require permission from those they were wanting to put up on the block, where the houseguests played to win the game for themselves, not for one person.


It's funny how we, as viewers, can feel so differently about this season.  some think this is the best season ever,  some feel the way I do.  I really wonder if any of these players have actually watched Big Brother.  Yes, they are good about spitting out stats, comps and players, information you can get by studying Wikipedia.  What these people are playing is not what Big Brother started out as.  A few treated this as a summer vacation, I have no idea at all why Meg even applied, how was she chosen?  We saw Austin & the twins do nothing the first few weeks but lounge in the hammock.  He keeps saying how he has worked so hard at having to keep himself & the twins safe.  I sure did not see that.


Twins or not, the drama over one of them being voted off and being sent to a luxury mansion for a couple of weeks was ridicules.  I was honestly waiting for an announcement that one of them was terminally ill with the way they were bawling out by the pool and with their pre-voting speeches. 


I could not believe the demands made by Vanessa. Of course, Liz said she was not going to abide by it, but we all know she will because none of these people want to go against one another because God Forbid should they get 'blood on their hands'. 


I pity whoever ends up marrying Steve, she will have some tough competition with her mother in law!


I do not know who I want to win the next HOH.

Edited by alegtostandon
  • Love 3

Bravo.  I feel the same way and feel like Vanessa is bullying everyone to play her way to get her to the end.  Yes, it may be her strategy and yes, some feel she is a great player for how she is playing the game.  But I see this as the rest of the players being sheeple and doing whatever she says and believing she is out to protect them.  It's like they are not playing to win for themselves.  Steve appears to be terrified of Vanessa.  I long for the Big Brother with Evel Dick and Dan.  I wonder if Liz will do as she said and not follow along with Vanessa's wishes, as she said in the this episode. I am kind of disappointed with what I've seen so far in some ways.  

Edited by Thorkim

I gave out a knee-jerk 'Whaaaaa?!!??!?" outloud when they voted off Julia because Liz said so (and Vanessa decided it was okay). Leave the stronger competitor and leave the two most-bonded people still in the game with five people left. Seriously? I know others have said it too but did that seriously just happen?


We got yet another "Here's who you should vote for/nominate and why" summation from Vanessa, the way she has gotten every HoH to do her bidding when it comes to noms and votes. "I'll give you the pros and cons for both."


You know she has all machinations planned for each week and moment by moment is calculating what the best outcome for her is. Then she's getting other to agree. We saw the encapsulated version of it getting Julia to take on Austin in the comp.


The best example to show how calculating she is was her putting forth the most ridiculous "agreement" ever laid out on Big Brother. Her 15 point plan for her complete safety next week and best alignment to keep influencing the game's course was unreal. Yeah, nobody would ever actually agree to such a deal but it just goes to show you how intense she is. It's crazy.


That HoH comp looked like sheer hell, and I mean having to listen to that looping music for hours. That really was a much longer path for each egg than they've ever done as well so you know it's going to stretch on for hours. I think they're being brainwashed; when they hear that music again outside the house they will all switch on  and proceed to take out their desired target.

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 1

I also find this season hard to watch and I don't much like the people or find the game entertaining.  I don't know or care if Vanessa is playing a great game because when she talks, my brain goes elsewhere out of self-preservation, she's so grating to me.  A lot of people complain about last season and Derrick's domination but I enjoyed that one a lot more, and didn't mind Derrick at all.  

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