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S03.E13: The Enemy Within

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All they have to do is kill the new queen. No need to do anything about the rest of the infected people because (1) they are harmless without a queen, they will wander aimlessly or commit mass suicide, and (2) the infection isn't contagious.  The only one they need to worry about is Junior, who seems to think on his own.


Of course, they can't kill Queen E, because she is Barbie's daughter (he and the writers will forget that he decided she was a monster last episode). 

Edited by needschocolate
  • Love 2

All I know is, if I had to endure the God forsaken Pat Benatar song "Love is a Battlefield," the LEAST this show can do for me is fit in Rush's "The Enemy Within" from the awesome "Grace Under Pressure." :)


Even if Joe is singing it?


Maybe they will finally explain why they were all staring at the moon earlier this season.  Because I seriously doubt the Kinship aliens came from the moon.


I thought the purpose of having them all stare at the moon was to prove that Christine was able to control them.  She told (willed?) them to stare at the moon and they did.


Oh my, I just said that the writers actually had a purpose for something that happened on the show. How could I possibly think such a thing - they have never been shown to have a purpose or a reason for anything else they have written.  Heck, they don't even remember writing it half the time.  This heat wave must be affecting my brain. 

  • Love 5

No reason why the aliens couldn't have a base on the moon.


There's the fact that Christine mentioned to Joe two episodes ago that they had traveled hundred of thousands of light years to get to Earth.  I guess one of the meteors containing the eggs could have impacted on the moon, but there's been no report of a base by satellites.  And certainly no Domes.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 2

There's the fact that Christine mentioned to Joe two episodes ago that they had traveled hundred of thousands of light years to get to Earth.  I guess one of the meteors containing the eggs could have impacted on the moon, but there's been no report of a base by satellites.  And certainly no Domes.


Either yet another dropped plot point or some bs plot twist for the finale.

  • Love 1

There's the fact that Christine mentioned to Joe two episodes ago that they had traveled hundred of thousands of light years to get to Earth.  I guess one of the meteors containing the eggs could have impacted on the moon, but there's been no report of a base by satellites.  And certainly no Domes.


ottoDbusdriver, you are forgetting that you are smarter than the writers.  They have all sorts of wacky notions about the way everything works - acid rain, freezing temps, shrinking domes, oxygen, fires, bullet wounds, geneology, art, dead bodies, construction, first aid, birthing, butterflies...even the stuff they make up doesn't work the way they first decided it did.  For all they know, a light year is a measure of time and the moon is thousands of light years away because the moon has lit up the Earth for thousands of years. 

  • Love 6

 The only one they need to worry about is Junior, who seems to think on his own.


Unfortunately Junior thinks like an idiot.  One of the comic highlights of this show for me is that it doesn't matter whether Junior is brainwashed or indoctrinated or not, he's still a freaking idiot.  And seeing the pained look on Big Jim's face as he realizes that even if he rescues his idiot son from the hive, he's just getting back an idiot.

Edited by Dobian
  • Love 8

All I know is, if I had to endure the God forsaken Pat Benatar song "Love is a Battlefield," the LEAST this show can do for me is fit in Rush's "The Enemy Within" from the awesome "Grace Under Pressure." :)


Even if Joe is singing it?


Please tell me Joe did the shoulder shimmies too! Pretty please?  And that there's a gif. Otherwise, that was a missed opportunity.


Oh my, I just said that the writers actually had a purpose for something that happened on the show. How could I possibly think such a thing - they have never been shown to have a purpose or a reason for anything else they have written.  Heck, they don't even remember writing it half the time.

This show is reminding me of Heroes, when you could practically picture the infighting between writers over what direction to go. Something would be introduced, only to be snuffed out, or forgotten, never to be heard of again, once it was somebody else's turn to write.

  • Love 6

Unfortunately Junior thinks like an idiot.  One of the comic highlights of this show for me is that it doesn't matter whether Junior is brainwashed or indoctrinated or not, he's still a freaking idiot.  And seeing the pained look on Big Jim's face as he realizes that even if he rescues his idiot son from the hive, he's just getting back an idiot.


He is, and in 3 seasons, the writers never once gave us any reason to care about their so-called relationship.  Junior is a crazy emo with parent issues that the writers stopped trying to force him after they threw out the 4 Hands plot and he was left with nothing good or important to do for the series.


This show is reminding me of Heroes, when you could practically picture the infighting between writers over what direction to go. Something would be introduced, only to be snuffed out, or forgotten, never to be heard of again, once it was somebody else's turn to write.


It's Heroes later seasons without the goodwill from S1/disappointment onwards.  Writers who don't know what's going on, making plots/characters up, dropping subplots/characters, etc.

  • Love 1

Here we go -- let the craziness begin.


Queen E gives a Poor Man's Braveheart speech in front of the Kinship redshirts and Sam about the threat from within.  Umm, where was Junior for this speech ?  That's right, still unconscious down by the lake.


As Joe, Fivehead and Big Jim scavenge parts at the remains of the radio station, and while Joe voices his concerns about getting power and possible overheating issue, the Kinship redshirts show up pointing guns at them.


Meanwhile, Barbie and Julia are burying Eva in the forest when the Kinship show up.  Somehow, the Kinship redshirts seem to have pinpoint radar about where all the resistance members are, but Barbie and Julia try to cheese it out of there via a running gun battle where they shoot a couple of Kinship redshirts but quickly run out of ammo before being captured.  And Queen E introduces herself to dead old dad.


Junior wakes up near the misty lake, and looks at it longingly like he has never seen mist rise off a lake before.  Christine did say it was getting hot inside the Dome, maybe the water in the lake is starting to boil. </sarcasm>


All the members of the resistance are locked up in a massive jail cell at Town Hall -- ummm, where did this massive jail cell come from ?  It's not the makeshift cell they built for Joe, and it's not one of the cells in the basement of Town Hall (because they are pretty small), so where has it been hiding all this time ?  Did the Kinship build it just for them ?


Queen E's real name is Dawn.  Dawn ?  Really ?  Did she pick that herself ?  Was Palmolive taken ?  Now Big Jim is also commenting that Dawn has Barbie's eyes ?  Am I missing something ?  Because they look like Eva's eyes but with a lot of makeup around them.


Dawn cuts a deal with Joe to release Fivehead, Hunter and Barbie but Big Jim and Julia remain locked up since they have never been part of the Kinship so that he will continue work on bringing down the Dome.


Big Jim pleads for Dawn to get Indy for him -- since Indy is the key to everything -- but doesn't get an answer.  Indy will rescue them all.


Junior finally saunters back to Town Hall and asks a redshirt why he feels different -- since he doesn't know about the new Queen.  Dawn listens to Christine's recordings for an impromptu pep talk, when she is interrupted by Sam promoting himself as a candidate to be her Alpha.  But first, Sam relays that the military is surrounding the Dome and he knows a way out through tunnels in the cement plant to the next town.  Hold on a minute -- first was the cement plant part of the underground railroad or something, because why would it have tunnels going to the next town ?  Secondly, did any of the writers remember that the Dome contracted about 50 feet last season, and any tunnel they enter will have a 50 ft. gap in it ?  Really writers ?  Are you memories that short term ?


Eva thinks Sam's plan put hims to the top of the prospective Alpha short list and lays a kiss on him, but Junior is listening in outside the office door and he doesn't look happy about this.  But he just found out about the existence of Dawn like 30 seconds ago, is he going to lock her up in the bomb shelter now too just like he did with Angie ?  I think Junior still misses all the hotties that Christine promised him.


Kinship Kyle shows up with Indy and shoves him into the jail cell with Big Jim and Julia, and Julia is confused about the world ending and all BIg Jim cares about is his dog -- a dog he has had for about a week.  But there is method to Big Jim's madness as he has hidden the key to the jail cell in Indy's collar.  WTF ?  How did Big Jim have the foresight to know that he was going to be tossed in the clink ?  Let alone that he had the key on him to hide on Indy in the first place.


Julia pleads to Kinship Kyle for some water under the auspices that Dawn wanted them unharmed, and he falls for it.

In record time, Joe has moved all the solar panels to the remains of the radio station to power the transmitter -- and a bunch of fans to keep the transmitter from overheating.  Joe literally says "if it overheats, we're cooked".


Barbie is helping to move the amethysts into the woods for some reason, and Dawn bitches about the redshirts not working hard enough in the heat (what with the calcification of the Dome preventing fresh air into the Dome and all).  Barbie tells Dawn to help out, but she pulls out a gun and shoots dead a redshirt for motivational purposes.  Dawn claims that she's a killer because it was passed on from her daddy -- leaving the possibility open that other things were passed along.


Sam and Junior get into a pissing match because Junior is upset by Sam abandoning him by the lake and messing with his chance to be Alpha.  Whatever.  So they get into a fight and Sam kicks Junior's ass -- but I thought Junior had superpowers, where did they go ?  Unfortunately for Sam as he is walking away, Junior impales him with a piece of rebar and Sam dies.  Finally.


Big Jim and Julia head to the bomb shelter and Big Jim's big stash of guns.  Where have these guns been all the time ?  Kinship Kyle followed them to the shelter and gets the drop on both of them.  After Kyle threatens to shoot Indy, Big Jim starts telling a story about playing baseball with Kyle's dad and look, there's a box of old trophies on the top bunk.  Where did those come from ?  Big Jim pulls out "the golden ball" while telling his story, throws the ball at Kyle which distracts him and Big Jim goes on the attack and beats Kyle to death with "the golden ball" all while screaming "not my dog !". 


Joe has now setup solar panels around the amethysts in the clearing as well as a trio of microphones in order to communicate with the radio station via, and I wish I was kidding about this, what looks like a Direct TV satellite dish.  As Dawn and Barbie discuss what will happens when the Dome comes down, too bad that Dawn doesn't know that Sam is dead and he's the one who knows where the tunnels are.  Dawn releases Barbie from her rule as a parting gift, but warns him that it's best that they don't see each other again.


Maybe it's just me but those pieces of amethyst look a LOT larger than the pieces that were shown after Joe broke up the lone surviving amethyst -- like twice as big, and they are much more jagged.


Dawn tells Junior that she plans to ditch all the members of the Kinship, go search for more eggs under another Dome, and maybe come back for these losers later.  As the Kinship surrounds the amethysts in the woods, Dawn whistles in order to activate all the amethysts.  Meanwhile, Big Jim has a sniper rifle trained on her, but I bet that super Flash-like speed will come in handy soon.

And Dawn informs Fivehead that she is the source of the 8th note in the amethyst circle since she was one of the four hands and she saw the pink stars.  FFS !!


Meanwhile, Junior walks off because he saw Big Jim in the woods.


How come everyone is so sweaty, but Dawn doesn't have a drop of sweat on her and her hair is bouncing and behaving ?


Hunter calls to tell Joe that transmitter is overheating and is "going to blow".  Really ?  Anyway, Hunter and Lily cheese it away from the remains of the radio station.  Before Eva can stick Fivehead inside the amethyst circle, Joe runs into the circle first and activates the circle.  Because of twu wuv.  And now that the circle is activated, Fivehead is deflected by some sort of shield surrounding the amethysts.


As Joe whistles the 8th note of the Kinship song, waves of purple energy emanate outwards from the amethyst circle and purple blobs start rising up (but what about the exploded transmitter ? Won't that kind of put the kibosh on the plan ?)


Barbie is running towards the cement plant when he runs into one of these purple blobs -- hey, why not ?  And as Big Jim and Julia watch the spectacle overhead, Junior sneaks up on them.


Finally there is an explosion of purple energy at the top of the Dome and from the amethyst circle that knocks everyone down -- Dawn and Fivehead, Big Jim and Julia, Junior, Lily and Hunter, Barbie -- and the Dome comes down.  They show a scene of the entire town after the Dome comes down -- you can see the outside of the Dome where the missile impacted (since everything is all burnt), you can see the gap where the Dome cut through Bird island and then contracted, and you can plainly see that there are no farms in the Dome footprint (it's almost all town), no sign whatsoever of the cement plant, and there is no airstrip in sight.  And there is no sign whatsoever of the military encircling the Dome.


Big Jim wakes up from the impact of the purple energy wave to see clouds above -- and no Dome.  First thing he does is pick up his rifle to kill Dawn, but Junior knocks him down.  As Big Jim restrains Junior, he sends Julia after Dawn who is getting away.  Fivehead wakes up to find broken amethysts all over the place and Joe is missing.  Somehow, a soldier is johnny-on-the-spot and takes Fivehead into custody.  So how long was everyone knocked out ? Because there are soldiers everywhere.

Superjunior gets the upper hand on Big Jim but Big Jim whips out a knife and stabs Junior.  Then Junior pulls out the knife and goes to stab Big Jim but Indy comes to his rescue and knocks Junior off Big Jim (really ?), giving Big Jim the chance to grab the knife and he stabs Junior through the heart.


Holy cow !! The writers actually remembered the Dome gap as Eva tries to escape through the cement plant (even though the gap should be a LOT bigger), but Barbie has beaten her to the punch, crossed the plank, and weakened it so she can't escape.  But Dawn has superspeed -- why doesn't she cross at high speed because the momentum should carry her all the way over ?


Barbie tells Dawn that he will kill her to save humanity.  Sure, why not ?  But then Dawn tries to pull the "I'm your daughter" play but Barbie doesn't buy it and breaks the plank plunging them both into the gap.  Julia rushes in watching this all go down and appears concerned for Barbie, but with some incredible foresight, Barbie tied a chain to a post by the plank and climbs his way out of the gap.   Ta-daa !!!


The stupid thing is that Julia looks into the gap and can't see Barbie until his nearly all the way out -- WTF ?  Somehow, Barbie finds another plank to cross the gap and Barbie and Julia and ready to start their new life together -- only to be stopped by soldiers.

Cut to Big Jim being all weepy because he killed his son, sitting at the base of a tree stroking Junior's hair.  Umm, why isn't Big Jim in custody yet ?  And where is Indy ?


Barbie is sitting in an interrogation room with a military guy named Walker -- played by Dann Florek (Captain Cragen from Law and Order, and Law and Order: SVU) -- and he wants to see Julia.  Apparently they have been debriefed for days.  As Walker recites the notes from the debriefing, we get scenes of everyone that was trapped under the Dome being rounded up into an internment camp, stripped, hosed down and issued clean clothing.  Even Indy is in a cage.  Indy is alive !!!!  Junior gets stuck in a body bag and put in the morgue.


Since the military can't and won't let the world know about body-snatching aliens, Walker presents Barbie with a revised vision of his statement, and the military is pinning it all on a energy experiment gone horribly wrong by Aktaion and CEO Hektor was responsible but was "accidentally" killed under the Dome.  Anyone not showing signs of infection are free to go with restrictions, but the rest of the survivors are to be interred.


I'm forgetting -- where did Barbie lose his dog tags ?  Because Walker whips them out as some sort of way to convince Barbie to buy the lie.  Big Jim tries to waggle a deal to sign the deal.


One year later, Lily is driving a product placement Prius -- and Lily is blabbing on the phone to someone about some Congressman nonsense when she phones Hunter (who now works for the NSA) back on a secure channel about some detection, and Hunter tells her to call her boss about it.


Fivehead is now in the military and is on a firing range -- and she's wearing the same patches on her uniform that Walker had.

Barbie and Julia are trying to give a boost from their motorcycle to some tourists in their car.  And the woman kind of recgnizes Julia, but nothing happens.  But Julia starts talking about getting married like that lovely couple they just met.


Fivehead -- who is sporting dark brown hair now and looks like a bad wig -- goes rifling through the drawers of an office looking for a passcard.  Apparently Fiveheads last name is now Jenkins -- was Calvert-Hill too long ?  I'm surprised she didn't pull a Rose from 'Titanic' and start going by McCalister.


As Barbie and Julia sit around the campfire talking about the fish that got away, they discuss getting married.  And Barbie whips out an engagement ring and plants it on her finger but they interrupted by black SUVs pulling up around them.  Big Jim and Indy get out of one of the SUVs, with Big Jim in a nice suit.  So, was Big Jim the only one to waggle a big payday after getting out of the Dome.  They drive back to D.C. from the Grand Canyon as they enter Big Jim's congressional office (Big Jim points out that you can see the White House from here) where Lily and Hunter are waiting.   Wait -- how did Big Jim get to be a Congressman in a year ?  Is he representing Maine's newly created 300th district or some such made up bullshit ?


Turns up that Dawn has popped up on the radar on a store security camera in Omaha. Big Jim makes the validate point that unless you see a body, they ain't dead.


Fivehead uses the passcard she stole to access a secure room that contains the morgue with Junior's body.  Then she enters another hallway where all the survivors from Chester's Mill are being held. She finds Joe in one of the cells and she tries to communicate with him but gets no response.


Cut to 3 kids pointing at something on the ground in front of them as Dawn walks up to them.  She tells them to leave and as she walks away the camera pans down to a intact egg sitting in the sand.




Funny thing -- no mention at all about the connection between the Dome and monarch butterflies.

  • Love 7

Queen E gives a Poor Man's Braveheart speech in front of the Kinship redshirts and Sam about the threat from within.  Umm, where was Junior for this speech ?  That's right, still unconscious down by the lake.


Her acting was even worse than the wig and this was supposed to be the new main villain had there been another season?  Thankfully it got cancelled.


The only good is that they finally got rid of some bad characters, but still the ending was just as badly saccarine cheesy like I expected it would be, as well as a lame climax and an awful attempt at a cliffhanger.

  • Love 4

This has been "Waste of Time Theatre".


Only caught the last twenty minutes, but the gist I got was the dome came down, everybody but most of the main cast are put in a secret military facility, Big Jim comes out standing pretty (with doggie as First Dog), Barbie and Julia camp on the shallow grave of Julia's first husband (who tricked Barbie into killing him), Fivehead become G.I. Jane, Hunter and Other Girl are working on the Dome Underground, Joe is in a rather fetching undergown, and Bad Wig is a kindergarten teacher.  Oh, and Junior's finally dead. 


No point to "The Monarch", Big Jim gets away scot free, Norrie has no one left in her life except a Bubble Boy, Hunter would be better of on Agents of SHIELD,  Julia would still be a great Jean Grey, and Barbie  is going to be on Childhood's End this December (SyFy Channel).  Maybe Dean Norris and Michael Chiklis could get together and do a cop show, like as twin brothers or something.  Even thought we rag on Norrie's actress's large forehead, she still has a nice face and can act a little.  I wish her well, along with Joe's actor (and his adam's apple).  Maybe they can turn up on Arrow or The Flash or something.


Well, that's all everyone.  This show was no Jericho, but, then again, what is?


At least we have Fear The Walking Dead to rag on, what with Dull Surprise Madison and her junkie son and bitch daughter.

  • Love 5

So Big Jim killed his son and Barbie "killed" his daughter.  Such great parents on this show.  


I can't imagine anyone believing the dome was some kind of energy experiment.  That is a lame cover story.  When Barbie got out of the dome last season, people outside referred to the dome as one of the biggest things to happen in the world.  That kind of thing would get a lot of scrutinization.   No one would believe it was all the fault of some guy who is conveniently dead.  Especially not the families of all the kinship impacted people being held by the government.


How did everyone know right away the dome was really gone? It's invisible, right? And how did the military know right away and get in their to swarm the place?


But considering how awful the writing was on this show, this was a pretty satisfying conclusion. 

  • Love 1

Highlight was easily Jim killing the one dude for threatening to shoot Indy.  What made it even more awesome was Julia wasn't even freaked out about it, but more just wanted him to hurry up.  Even she knew that was punishable by death.  I'm damming them with faintest of praise, but the Jim/Julia team-ups was really the only moments I got a kick out of this season.


What the fuck are you doing here, Dan Florek?!  Wasn't be stuck on Law & Order: SVU for years punishment enough?  He at least tried to inject something in here (he certainly would have been a better antagonist then the lame Christine/Eva duo), but that appearance was so random.


At least there was a body-count, and it happened to the annoying ones.  First, Sam gets his courtesy of Junior (from behind of course, because Junior is a wimp).  And then Junior himself meets his end at the hands of Daddy Jim himself (with an assist from Indy!  Jim's new and much better son!)  At least Jim cried briefly over it, but he seemed to get over it pretty quickly still.  Had it been Indy, he would have had a funeral pyre and lit candles every night following that potential tragedy.


Of course, there was all obvious fake-out deaths like Joe (sacrificing himself to bring down the dome), and Dawn, whose "death" was the worst.  If Barbie always intended to kill her, why did he have to be so elaborate about it?  Your telling me he couldn't find a gun or weapon, and make sure she was dead, instead of just knocking her down a hole?  When did Barbie become such an idiot?


Anyway though, the dome does go down, and everyone gets a happy ending.  Jim is now in Congress (Ha!  Although, I'd probably still vote for him over some of the actual Congress members...), Lily is working for him now, Hunter is dating her (and working in the NSA), Julia and Barbie are all lovely dovey, and Norrie joins the military, complete with the worst wig I have ever seen.  That's bad, y'all.  I mean, this is the era of Elizabeth Keen's bad wig on The Blacklist and Eph's hair on The Strain.  It takes talent to beat both of those crimes against hair.


But wait!  Joe isn't dead!  And neither is Dawn!  She's out about and it looks like she's trying to find more eggs and will attempt to bring down another dome!  Oh, no!  Who will be the victims?  Maybe CBS is just going to have the dome crossover to one of it's other shows.  Maybe it will take Eva a few years, and will come down over Halle Berry and the hybrids over Extant.  Or maybe it will drop over the Zoo-crew.  Or maybe one of it's fall shows, even.  Dome comes over to Scorpion, and Walt and the geniuses need to figure out how to destroy it.  Or Person of Interest, and we get a Dome vs. The Machine showdown that I never wanted.  Or Elementary, giving us the Sherlock and the case of Dome story-line I'm sure no one wants.  Anything can happen!


Fare thee well, Under the Dome.  You were never "good", but I at least enjoyed aspects of you on an entertainment level in past seasons.  This season though was horrid, and I'm glad it's done for.  I just hope the actors move on to much, much better things.  At least Dean Norris had fun, but Mike Vogel and Rachel Lefevre are people I normally like, and it was just embarrassing to see them try to make this work.  Good luck on the next show, you two!  


And Indy!  Someone sign that dog to another project, stat!  MVP of the season!  Maybe even series too!

Edited by thuganomics85
  • Love 6

Highlight was easily Jim killing the one dude for threatening to shoot Indy.  What made it even more awesome was Julia wasn't even freaked out about it, but more just wanted him to hurry up.  Even she knew that was punishable by death.


Either that or this was when they already knew the series was ending and they wanted to get the filming over and done with.  Good for Jim though, Indy is his real family, most useful and competent character by far.


So Big Jim killed his son and Barbie "killed" his daughter.  Such great parents on this show.


Both of them got away with other crimes as well, brushed completely under the rug.

  • Love 3

I have to say this was the longest most boring episode ever. The last ten or twenty minutes felt like it took forever to end. I think they just like adding random numbers to random words for plot points


falling stars

1 egg

1 monarch

4 hands

7 amethyst

8 song notes


I feel like it's halfway to a song... Also did they just decide to mix up a bunch of animal metaphors for this alien Kinship... They go from Queen which is an insect thing to Alpha which is a canine thing to the Lifeforce which is a purple blob ? I'm confuzzled.

  • Love 6

I know this show basically went to crap.

There were a lot of things that could've been a lot better. I knew we weren't going to get all of our questions answered for 2 reasons. 1: They didn't know if this was going to be a season finale or series finale. And 2: This is a show about aliens. You normally don't get everything answered in a show about aliens. (Unless you're watching Falling Skies.)

When I heard that this was going to be the series finale, I was a little relieved. Ava + blonde hair= Queen Dawn is laughable. But then as I watched the episode, I found myself wanting maybe 1 more season just to be able to get an ending. Not that I wanted to see it but I liked the idea of Ava having to find other eggs & start all over in another town with another dome. I would've liked to see Barbie, Julia, & company try to stop her with the military on their backs. I also wanted to see if they could've saved Joe.

I know I'm probably the only one who felt this way & you all probably think I'm stupid.... but I just wanted an ending to maybe get a few loose ends tied up.

  • Love 2

I have to say this was the longest most boring episode ever. The last ten or twenty minutes felt like it took forever to end. I think they just like adding random numbers to random words for plot points


falling stars

1 egg

1 monarch

4 hands

7 amethyst

8 song notes


I feel like it's halfway to a song... Also did they just decide to mix up a bunch of animal metaphors for this alien Kinship... They go from Queen which is an insect thing to Alpha which is a canine thing to the Lifeforce which is a purple blob ? I'm confuzzled.


That's because the lame climax didn't even take that long, much of the time was wasted on the government exposition dump.

  • Love 1

I know I'm probably the only one who felt this way & you all probably think I'm stupid.... but I just wanted an ending to maybe get a few loose ends tied up.


Even though I'm super glad it's done with, there will remain a part of me that will forever wonder if those other aliens that the Kinship was running away from were trying to do the universe a favor by exterminating those weird Kinship aliens. They are not only completely indifferent to murdering members of their own collective for little gain, they also seem heavily reliant on a 16 ? 17 year old boy to complete their master plan.

Edited by wayne67
  • Love 3

I know I'm probably the only one who felt this way & you all probably think I'm stupid.... but I just wanted an ending to maybe get a few loose ends tied up.

I would have liked an ending, but IMO it should have come at the end of the first season as a "one and done."


Now, because they kept trying to milk it and would even have tried to go for a fourth season had it been allowed, we are left with the loose ends of Dawn not being killed after all (thanks to Barbie's stupid attempt to kill her with a James Bond villain method instead of just shooting her) and Joe needing to be "saved."  I hate that.  The loose ends wouldn't even be that bad if the show weren't so stupid.  I watched this show for 3 summers and the reason for the dome turned out to be alien eggs/cocoons/Melanie/Christine/Dawn/amethysts?  Just ugh.


I can't believe 2 of the most annoying characters, Sam and Junior, got killed.  At least I got the satisfaction of watching them get shanked on camera!  Too bad it came too late to make this season slightly more bearable.  Sam should have been killed at the end of season 2 or the very beginning of season 3, and Junior needed to die way back in season 1.  I'm really not sure what was up with that character or why the writers kept him for so long.  I have no doubt that had they gotten a fourth season, Junior would have popped back out of that morgue drawer somehow.  Happily, that will never happen.  Suck it, writers!

  • Love 4

So am I guessing that Angie didn't come back upon the Dome coming down?  Nor the fat girl Big Jim killed at the end of season one or Linda, the cop, who got killed by that car when the Dome got magnetized at the start of season two?  Because I thought that that's what was implied would happen once the Dome did come down.

  • Love 2
What made it even more awesome was Julia wasn't even freaked out about it,

"Jim, he's dead."  Julia, you were sooo close to Star Trek immortality.


There's the fact that Christine mentioned to Joe two episodes ago that they had traveled hundred of thousands of light years to get to Earth.


When your space ship is a Prius, these things take time.


Well, that was about craptastic.  I would have been more surprised to see the final egg in the shape of an anvil for all the hints they left along the way.  Of course, from the shallow end of the pool, if that's the way the Kinship dresses their women, I might just sign up. 


Joe.  Never, ever, EVER walk away from your victim without turning back to look at him.  Thousands of actors, innocent and guilty alike, have been done in by that very lapse in judgment. 


Once again, Jim for the goal:  "On the plus side, she has your eyes."


I will give props to TPTB for at least showing a part of the bomb blast on the side of the dome.

  • Love 2

"my name is Dawn" - of effin course it is. What else would an alien queen be named? I guess it's classier than Amethyst

"Didn't it ever occur to you that the reason you hallucinated the life you sid in the coccoon was so your darkness could get passed on to me...." NO IT DID NOT! Because that makes no sense!

I really wish they'd let 'fans' write the finale. I think we could have really written something special

Edited by marieYOTZ
  • Love 3

I can't believe 2 of the most annoying characters, Sam and Junior, got killed.  At least I got the satisfaction of watching them get shanked on camera!  Too bad it came too late to make this season slightly more bearable.  Sam should have been killed at the end of season 2 or the very beginning of season 3, and Junior needed to die way back in season 1.  I'm really not sure what was up with that character or why the writers kept him for so long.  I have no doubt that had they gotten a fourth season, Junior would have popped back out of that morgue drawer somehow.  Happily, that will never happen.  Suck it, writers!


Good riddance, neither character have done anything substantial at all this season and they should've been killed off sooner.


They tried to force Junior on us back in S1, but Britt Robertson (sp?) wanted to leave this drek for good reason and her character got axed, so Junior's character was left meandering and whining about his family issues.  Both his mom and Melanie were brought in only to be killed off later on and with the 4 hands plot going nowhere, even with the crystals/whistling nonsense, Junior had nothing important to do, whereas even Joe and Norrie got to bring down the dome.


As for Same, axing Angie is the only thing he did and since the other original 4 Hands got killed, he too was left hanging with nothing to do.

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I would be so into a series about Big Jim, Freshman Congressman.

The whole key in Indie's collar thing--was it a magic collar that produced keys for random places on demand, or was it a giant key ring where Big Jim kept dozens of emergency keys?. I would be so into a series about Indie and his magic collar too.

What a stupid season. Day-old Dawn is just icky, Marg Helgenberger will have this awful role and acting following her around the rest of her life, and silly whistling Joe just made me laugh. I hope Stephen King got a boatload of cash out of it.

Edited by MakeMeLaugh
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Yeah, this was pretty awful It's clear that the writers/producers didn't give a crap, they didn't even bother to do any kind of re-write to clean up loose ends once they knew the series was cancelled, They just left the season cliff hanger episode in there to say F-You to all the viewers and CBS. In fact, I'm pretty sure those three little kids shown at the end WERE the writers for this episode. Nothing in it made much sense, from moving all the amethysts, the Indy's magical key collar, to stupid whistling, and Barbie's magical safety chain. It was just bad.

  • Love 4

Norrie's "Moe Howard" bangs had to have been a response to her "Fivehead" nickname.


"He's having a heart attack!", Big Jim "cough. . cough. . "


Barbie's gone! No, he grabs a chain and crawls out!


Shitty Subarus need jump starts unlike awesome Priuses.


I'm convinced Indy is running everything. That means the human race is in good hands.


I was entertained in an unintentional comedy way. Even though I'm pretty sure it was intentional on the writer's part.

  • Love 3

This was seriously awful - probably the worst series finale of a show that I've ever seen.  I've watched series finales that I didn't like because I didn't like where the characters ended up or I didn't understand/like where the story ended up.  But this UtD series finale was just bad all around - bad writing, bad execution, bad acting.  It's like everyone just gave up and went through the motions of wrapping up this show.  


Yet they still kept in the teasers as to new storylines that would've continued into next season (if there had been a new season) with Big Jim(!) leading the survivors to find Dawn, Nori (in disguise?) going military to find and rescue Joe, and Dawn planning to start up another Dome - not to mention Barbie's interrupted marriage proposal to Julia! (rme)

Edited by tv echo
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I caught the last thirty minutes.  It took for freaking ever to end.


Dean Norris is the only reason anyone can stand Big Jim Rennie, unrepentant murderer and the state's best used car salesman. When Jim was talking about how The Military/The Gov'ment would need a person who could sell a good story, I yelled, "Not everyone was in Chester's Mill when the Dome came down! People remember what a shit you are!"


Also, Hunter- now with the NSA- couldn't keep track of Norrie? Like, with his facial recognition software that could pick up Dawn?! Shut up, Hunter.


Congressman Big Jim needs specs if he thinks that the simple band with chips dotted along it equals "a rock".


The two that I wanted to survive, Norrie and Indy, did. 


We were told it was a "limited series"; we just didn't understand their use of "limited."

  • Love 2

It took for freaking ever to end.


Exactly, the main climax didn't even take that long, they just blabbed on and on about pointless exposition that didn't even matter in the end.


It's like everyone just gave up and went through the motions of wrapping up this show.


They certainly did, it was more obvious than ever this season, especially in the last few episodes where they probably knew by then during filming.

  • Love 2

I watched the show last night for the first time since the first season. BIG. MISTAKE. I'm pretty sure it killed off the brain cells that I used to use to do long division.


Wow how could any of that make sense to you since you missed two whole seasons?  Actually, it probably made a lot more sense after skipping over all the other stuff that happened.

  • Love 2


Wait -- how did Big Jim get to be a Congressman in a year ?  Is he representing Maine's newly created 300th district or some such made up bullshit ?

He probably got appointed when somebody else stepped down (probably not entirely voluntarily).


I think the analogy the writers really wanted with the signal amplification was that of a laser.


I'd make fun of the way the ending seems to be so optimistic for a continuation if it weren't for the ads I'm seeing for a Heroes reboot.

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