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S10.E14: A Storm Is Coming

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I loved the Beador's dinner scene. I give Shannon credit for sticking things out, as I know several people who wish they could have forgiven the affair their spouse had. I know that many people think their kids shouldn't be involved they way they are, but considering that one of the girls was the one who discovered the affair I think they are doing the best they can. I think they are using the show as a way to be open.

  • Love 9

I think it's possible that maybe Ryan agrees to all the Vicki visits because she pays for stuff? I was sort of wondering if they are a little over their heads in OK. Maybe they overestimated how much lower the overall cost of living would be and got into a mortgage that's a bit of a strain. Hence, Brianna going back to work. I also wondered if that was why Brianna felt the need to talk to her mom about booking a hotel instead of just doing it. Maybe she needs Vicki to pay for it? A decent hotel room in OC is easily going to be between $200 to $300 a night. Maybe that's out of their budget. It seemed like Vicki was buying the kids a lot of stuff and Brianna wasnt stopping her. Maybe their budget doesn't allow for a lot of extras and it bothers Ryan and Brianna more than they want to admit so Vicki's welcome as long as she's paying for new toys and clothes and dinners out. Could be?

I think the reason why Briana brought up the hotel was to let Vicki know that Brooks didn't have to leave Vicki's house for the visit...especially since he has cancer and she didn't want it hanging over her head if Brooks caught pneumonia or something else that could compromise his immune system 'traveling' or staying some place else.

  • Love 5

Word. I can't believe they thought they were going to get away with this scam. Vicki isn't as smart as she pretends to be. EDUCATION, Vicki! (As she so patronizingly said to the sushi girl).

Sadly, though, even though the con has been called out, I think both Vicki and Brooks will and can get away with denying it until their last dying breath. There won't be any smoking gun because of HIPAA laws, unless one of them confesses, which I don't see happening.


Unfotunately, I think you're right.  


There won't be a smoking gun but that doesn't stop me from hoping it becomes a major talking point at the reunion.

I did not understand why Megan's doctor did not do a needle biopsy. She said the doctor could feel the lumps and it was most likely an infection. My doctor does not operate that way. Any suspicious lump is biopsied. Any cyst is aspirated and the fluid is biopsied.


I don't think there were "lumps" (plural)  I believe it was a lump in her armpit.  That's happened to me a few times a long time ago.   The doctor attributed it to an infection likely caused by shaving and deodorant.

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 3

What I hate about Terry is that everything has a dollar amount attached to it. "We invested a million dollars". Everything is always, "look at me! I have money, lots and lots of money". Bite me, Terry.

I thought that was the whole point of these shows, to show how the rich live their lives. Everybody says they love these shows for that very reason and for the " house porn" and things like that but when they actually show those things, people complain about it.

  • Love 15

I did not understand why Megan's doctor did not do a needle biopsy. She said the doctor could feel the lumps and it was most likely an infection. My doctor does not operate that way. Any suspicious lump is biopsied. Any cyst is aspirated and the fluid is biopsied.



Especially with a family history !   I would insist my doc do a biopsy !

Obviously she is faking it because Meghan would demand the most aggressive care.  :)

  • Love 8

I think the reason why Briana brought up the hotel was to let Vicki know that Brooks didn't have to leave Vicki's house for the visit...especially since he has cancer and she didn't want it hanging over her head if Brooks caught pneumonia or something else that could compromise his immune system 'traveling' or staying some place else.

Does anybody really believe the Brooks cancer story? I have a hard time believing that Brianna is just showing concern for the treatment she doesn't think he's going through. I mean, I'm with her on this, but come on? I'm not sensing an overwhelming level of concern about Brooks fake cancer from anyone on the show. Even Vicki can barley remember that he's "sick". And you can't really accuse someone of faking an illness and then use the condition you don't think they have to support your argument.

Edited by FozzyBear
  • Love 4

I thought that was the whole point of these shows, to show how the rich live their lives. Everybody says they love these shows for that very reason and for the " house porn" and things like that but when they actually show those things, people complain about it.


I agree with you.


It's not just the complaints about the house porn that I find confusing.  It's the complaints about nearly everything and every one.  I often wonder why some people are watching if they hate all or most of the cast members.

  • Love 6

I still remember the look of glee Briana had when she announced her marriage to Ryan to Vicki so it's interesting now to see that she looks very miserable with her life. I don't think that the move is the only thing that has her down. She looks rough, and not in a 'I was up all night with the kids' way, more like 'What is my life?' way. Working for two hospitals with two kids under 3 plus an injured husband doesn't sound fun at all. I wonder if they have a nanny for the kids or if they go to daycare.


I am a sucker for expensive beauty products and spend way too much time at Sephora and the Saks beauty counter, but nothing about the Dubrow skincare line is appealing to me. I'd never even heard of evine prior to this show. I just checked and my cable provider doesn't offer the channel. I wonder how they doing with their sales.

Edited by trimthatfat
  • Love 5

I did watch that season but watched the clips again to refresh my memory.  Could Ryan have handled the situation better?  Absolutely!  Did we see everything that happened?  Probably not.  Is Judy "an elderly lady?"  No, not really.  At the time she was 64 and IIRC a self-professed pot head and proud of it.  I don't want to sound like I'm excusing his anger; it's obvious he has anger issues.  However, I cannot overlook this sentence from the first link:


"Ryan is a joint terminal attack controller with 11th Marines who is currently deployed on his fourth tour of duty in Afghanistan."


Four tours of duty in Afghanistan takes its toll on our service men and women so I'm not about to condemn Ryan for the incident with Judy, the pot head.


I just rewatched that Season 8 finale "couch" episode and am not inclined to give Ryan any slack or consideration for his rage against Lydia's mother. Before that episode, as I recall, we'd seen the polite Southern boy side of Ryan, the decent newlywed and enlistee. I don't care, as Vicki mentioned, how much stress he was feeling about his iminent return to Afghanistan, nothing excused the curse-laden and  threatening way he treated Lydia's mother. If his tours of duty are causing that much anger and rage, get a goddamn discharge, leave the Marines, and get treatment for your serious personality disorder..


What was also telling in this episode was the reaction of others to Ryan's rage-fueled attack. When Vicki finally confronted Brianna and Ryan upstairs, she was soft-spoken, wearing her infrequently-used kid gloves, seeming to give Ryan the benefit of the doubt. Brianna really took his side, both agreeing with him and trying to calm him down. The hero of the night, in my opinion, was Billy, who confronted him face on and really let Ryan have it once he'd learned what happened. "You keep doing this!" he yelled repeatedly, no doubt referring to other rage fests from Ryan that were not caught on Bravo cameras or sound recording devices. 


I imagine this is a continuing part of his behavior, even now that he's stationed in Oklahoma. His young sons have a very sick and angry role model for a father

Should be Working: I agree with you. Not only that I struggle to see what Lydia's mom liking to smoke pot has anything to do with Ryan's treatment of her. The two do not go hand in hand. Because she smokes pot sometimes it's ok to be treated like shit at a guests house?

Didn't Ryan get treatment for PTSD or something in that vain after that incident occurred? I haven't seen him enough to tell a difference in his behavior but all sign point to him still being a major asshole.

  • Love 10

I loved "Beador's Restaurant" ! The kids were adorable. If I had children that did that for me, I would be so touched. Too bad the parents are such weirdo's. David was zoned out as usual and Shannon, well, she tried to be happy. 

I thought it was cute, too. I think Shannon enjoyed it.


Should be Working: I agree with you. Not only that I struggle to see what Lydia's mom liking to smoke pot has anything to do with Ryan's treatment of her. The two do not go hand in hand. Because she smokes pot sometimes it's ok to be treated like shit at a guests house?

Didn't Ryan get treatment for PTSD or something in that vain after that incident occurred? I haven't seen him enough to tell a difference in his behavior but all sign point to him still being a major asshole.

I don't get what her smoking pot has to do with anything either. Since everyone else, including Vicki's brother, appeared uncomfortable with how Lydia's mother was treated, I have no doubt that Ryan was being a shithead. And again, like mama, like daughter - choosing winners for partners.

  • Love 10

I live in an older more historic part of Oklahoma City just northwest of downtown and it's common for homes of this type to have basements.  Not all of them do, and not all of them are watertight.  We're lucky, ours is finished with a built in bar, etc...it's like some retro tiki lounge.  Or could be....right now it's a glorified man cave/laundry room.  Anyway, there are basements in many homes in the downtown and immediate surrounding area.  In the 'burbs, they never have basements.  No new construction has basements.  People who can afford to custom build will have safe rooms installed if they are smart.  The garage in ground shelters are very common, but there have been problems with the last few storms having so much rain, that they have been filling up and people are in danger of drowning, or if they are built where the ground gets too saturated, they have been popping up like those coffins in the pool in Poltergeist.  


 I understand wanting to go downtown during a tornado warning, it would probably be safer in that area than anywhere else in the city just according to historical storm patterns, but it's the height of stupid to get in your car when you're under a watch.  What you do is, you get some wine (or whatever) and watch the weather porn on TV and play drinking games with the weathermen and whatever new words they've learned since last storm season.  It's a blast until someone gets hurt.  Then its the suckiest suck that ever sucked.  I could go into the politics of why everyone, especially Moore, doesn't have funding for shelters which are sorely needed, but I won't do that here.  But, what Brianna doesn't consider is that, if a tornado comes while you're feeding at Mickey Mantle and there is a shit ton of damage between you and your house, you are going to have to shack up somewhere else for awhile and you won't like it.  If it's spring, and the conditions are ripe for storms, you get where you need to be, preferably home, and you stay there.  Anything else is just careless, especially when you involve little kids.

  • Love 5

I agree with you.


It's not just the complaints about the house porn that I find confusing.  It's the complaints about nearly everything and every one.  I often wonder why some people are watching if they hate all or most of the cast members.

I agree - I get out of the habit, and then let myself get sucked in, but it's too true.  I do want glam and beauty on these silly-assed shows.  Seeing cookie-cutter boring-assed small houses, miserable, small marriages between uninteresting people, hearing about relationships between nitwits, ugh. 


Every time I see Vicki on screen I am reminded that I meant to put down my very real but awful opinion about her loss of her mom.  Of course that hurts.   However.  I never liked Vicki's mom.  She was crass, loud, stupid, obnoxious, and raised heinous Vicki and drunkitty drunk drunk slob Billy.  She was a whinemonster in Italy on that trip Vicki forced on Brianna (before Brianna decided she was also on some level a Housewife).  I'm sorry she lost her but the fact that we're all mortal doesn't make me any fonder of any of Vicki's relations on this show.  (I'm sorry Brooks is? was? ill.  He's also slimy and pointless and stupid.  Like, a completely pointless human being.  It's hard to be that but he is.  Like a Margaritaville tee shirt that somehow has a circulatory system and a SSN.)

  • Love 7

The pot smoking doesn't have anything to do with it.  I used it as an additional flourish to counter the "elderly lady" description and point out that we're not talking about Mother Teresa.  Is it possible that Judy said something to provoke Ryan?  Yes.  Did Ryan overreact?  Yes.


My point is that I'm not about to condemn a United States Marine who served four tours of duty in Afghanistan for verbally losing his temper. 

  • Love 6

I did watch that season but watched the clips again to refresh my memory.  Could Ryan have handled the situation better?  Absolutely!  Did we see everything that happened?  Probably not.  Is Judy "an elderly lady?"  No, not really.  At the time she was 64 and IIRC a self-professed pot h

Four tours of duty in Afghanistan takes its toll on our service men and women so I'm not about to condemn Ryan for the incident with Judy, the pot head.

I have said on here before that I think he may have PTSD. I still think he does. That doesn't make his behavior OK, though, nor does it make it any easier on the people who live with him.  This is why so many families end up broken when someone has PTSD.

  Yes it's sad, but sometimes people have to make hard choices. And if he has PTSD, then, for the sake of himself and of his family, he should get help. People are known to hurt themselves or others, with untreated PTSD. He doesn't get to spend the rest of his life treating people like shit and having them excuse it,  "Because he has PTSD" .

I say all of this as someone with personal experience with PTSD

Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 20

I used to think that Eddie was a nice looking man.  This season, I think he looks like an exhausted chipmunk. 

Eddie is looking rough.  Perhaps this proves that Tamra is a succubus that is sucking the very life out of him.  


(I'm sorry Brooks is? was? ill.  He's also slimy and pointless and stupid.  Like, a completely pointless human being.  It's hard to be that but he is.  Like a Margaritaville tee shirt that somehow has a circulatory system and a SSN.)

This is my favorite description of Brooks ever - a Margaritaville tee shirt that somehow has a circulatory system and a SSN.  I will be laughing about this all day.  

  • Love 10

I'm a Marine that's served overseas during war time and even I think it's okay to call an asshole an asshole. His outburst was all kinds of wrong and that shit would have been seriously addressed had any of his superiors witnessed it first hand in person let me tell you. That was a disgraceful display of a Marine and that's not the sort of behavior we hold dear. Sure Marines take pride in their no nonsense, firm approach but we also value being respectful and in the situation he was in there was absolutely no reason to use such verbal aggression to a woman who posed absolutely no threat whatsoever. Tell you what Marines are trained to DEESCALATE volital situations in as calm and productive manner as possible so considering that just dealing with an "ill behaved" house guest sent him into such a tizzy to me tarnished his image as a Marine and I for one am ashamed to think that being a Marine would cause some to excuse his behavior.

Yes. This

  • Love 11

I have said on here before that I think he may have PTSD. I still think he does. That doesn't make his behavior OK, though, nor does it make it any easier on the people who live with him.  This is why so many families end up broken when someone has PTSD.

  Yes it's sad, but sometimes people have to make hard choices. And if he has PTSD, then, for the sake of himself and of his family, he should get help. People are known to hurt themselves or other with untreated PTSD. He doesn't get to spend the rest of his life treating people like shit and having them excuse it,  "Because he has PTSD" .

I say all of this as someone with personal experience with PTSD



I agree with you since I too have had personal experience with PTSD.  While it certainly does not excuse his behavior, IMHO the possibility that Ryan is suffering from PTSD should be taken into consideration.   Rather than expressing disdain for him because of it, I choose to hope he is able to get the help he needs and deserves.

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 3

Brooks and Ryan were both drinking to the point neither could drive (although I question how drunk Ryan was since he thought to record a conversation) and Ryan decided to record the conversation. I do think Ryan wanted to be more than a tenant at Vicki's and I also think the primary reason they moved into Vicki's is so Briana would have a PAID storyline. There is a reason Briana went back to nursing in Oklahoma and I think it is because the Evolution Media checks stopped. Briana found the perfect person because he can tolerate interim visits from Vicki, as long as she keeps the gifts coming be it a new Escalade or Evolution Media checks. Briana and Vicki know that they have to spark controversy to get the footage on the air. It just seems that Vicki is no longer willing to make their issues as public as she use to.

Furthering my suspicion Briana is trying to hang on to a Evolution Media/Bravo paycheck is when the Briana said she would stay at a hotel Vicki asked the cameras go down and said she did not want to talk about it, Briana said she does want it on camera. I believe Briana was saying that Brooks should not be traveling when he is under going chemo-something that she is generalizing about as there are different rules for different patients. Briana claims that Vicki made it an issue when she moved Brooks into the "family home". I see no reason why Brooks does not go visit his children or move into a hotel. Who would want to be around Briana? http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-10/episode-1014/videos?clip=2898232

This clips indicate they need to again have RH with kids of late teen years-this ongoing drama with Briana and Tamra's son Ryan and figuring out how to get them a paycheck is boring. it makes no sense that Ryan would uproot his family and move to OC without a job and need mom to get pay for his housing.

Yes. All of THIS.

Is it weird that I'm more disturbed by Ryan's secretly recording Brooks than by anything Brooks said during the drunken conversation?


  • Love 2

I get the impression part of the 15 visits between Vicki and Briana are to give Briana a little break from the kids.  So it makes no sense to have the kids in a hotel and Vicki to visit them. It makes perfect sense to have a nice home where Grandma can cook and a beautiful yard for the kids to play in while mom goes shopping or to a spa or visit a friend.  I don't  think poorly of Briana for putting Brooks out if she and her mother have agreed to no Brooks around the kids.  I just don't think she needed to belabor the point. My guess is Brooks probably doesn't want to around when Briana is in town.  As far as the travel I think Briana was grasping for reasons.  There are many cancer patients who can't be around others after chemo and other arrangements have to be made. 


When Briana says she is working two jobs, would it be more accurate to say she takes shifts at two different hospitals?  If she has no one to watch the kids how much can she work?  I don't think Briana has to work is she doesn't want to-but I certainly don't get the impression she works full time. 

Sorry, but I can see Vicki telling Briana that she flew to spend time with the kids AND with Briana. I don't think Vicki would like it if Briana/Ryan went out by themselves without her.

But by the time of Vicki's visit to Brianna, hadn't Brooks had already decided that he was no longer going to do chemo treatments?  Or.....he really isn't a stage three cancer patient -- which is what I think that Brianna was trying to get said ON CAMERA.  As soon as the conversation turned from Brianna and her family staying in a hotel, when Brianna said "I would never throw a cancer patient out of their bed", Vicki wanted the cameras shut down.  


Interesting how all of this was juxtaposed with the other housewives discussing this same thing, in a roundabout way.  Eddie and Tamra saying that Brooks has never looked better or healthier, Shannon saying to Heather that she would support Vicki, no matter what.


I don't know if we will ever find out whether Brooks really does have cancer or not, unless Vicki announces it at the reunion, and states that is the reason for their break-up.  But, she will not do that because then, she would also be made to be a lying liar who lies, as she has said that she also went with him to his chemo appointments/doctor visits (which was it??), and that she was with him while he was so horribly sick afterwards.  

There is no way to tell when something was filmed unless it was filmed at a public event. It is possible that 1, this visit was filmed before Brooks decided to quit all chemo treatments or 2, that Vicki did NOT tell Briana because she knew Briana would question WHY he quit.


I was wondering the same thing.  Could it be that Brianna is doing per diem nursing work, at two different hospitals?  She could be working two 10 or 12 hour shifts at each.  Several hospitals in my area are now doing that, because it allows more flexibility with scheduling for the nurses, plus I believe it also cuts down on salary and associated expenses for the hospital.  Maybe if any posters here are ER or hospital nurses, they can speak more knowledgeably on this - I have only heard this from some nurses that I know in my area.


If that is the case (and we don't really know if it is), Brianna is not working any more hours than any other full-time working Mom.  


And, given Ryan's personality and past comments, I don't get a real "take care of the kids" vibe from him, even without his back surgery situation.  I get the feeling he would be the kind of Dad who would not change a diaper or do a night time feeding when the boys were babies.


I also think that Vicki, although a crazy, over the top person, loves her grandchildren and her children.  And, I'm sure that Vicki's fourteen visits to Oklahoma could have possibly been her way of helping Brianna.  I can totally see Vicki hopping on a plane to Oklahoma after a phone conversation with Brianna where Brianna may have complained of being tired, or sounded tired or frustrated, etc.  Also, fourteen trips to Oklahoma in one year's time equates to more than one trip a month. Wasn't there ANY way at all that Brianna and Ryan could have a date night when Vicki was there, or get together with other couples for a night out?   This is why I think that the reason they don't have friends is because Ryan (and, to some degree, Brianna, as well) are both just unlikeable people, and other couples don't want to be around them.

Again, I don't see Vicki wanting Briana/Ryan to out somewhere without her when she visits. And just because we have never seen Ryan change a diaper on camera does not mean that he doesn't/hasn't.


There was no white couch.  He is rude and raging and scary. 

It was pretty bad behavior and it was caught on tape.  http://www.realitytea.com/2013/08/09/ryan-culberson-blames-editing-for-his-behavior-towards-lydia-mclaughlins-mom-on-the-rhoc-season-finale/  Far worse than Brooks and Ryan lied according to Judy who would know if she drinks red wine.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dMHnTAHpxg  The fight with Judy

Then there is this when Ryan gets caught flat out lying.  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-8/episode-818/videos?clip=2667409


So I don't think this is minor to me it is on par with the Brooks recording in the "how dare he" department.  Ryan does not see things as other do and he was picking on an elderly lady.  The woman did not get in his face and he is basically delusional and dangerous.  Lucky Briana gets to have him all to herself in her beautiful home in Oklahoma.

Right, lying about the fact Judy was drinking white wine and not red wine is far worse that telling a guy to smack around his wife. Righttttt, NOT!


She met him on line, met and married him within a short time frame,  Briana had a uniform Jones in her single days.  Ryan had an incident with  former flame and she requested a restraining order  http://news.lalate.com/2013/08/19/ryan-culberson-restraining-order-documents-strike-rhoc-exclusive/  apparently Ryan is a line dancer.

The restraining order was not due to any physical violence to or against his old gf. Ryan has never been charged with DV.


I just rewatched that Season 8 finale "couch" episode and am not inclined to give Ryan any slack or consideration for his rage against Lydia's mother. Before that episode, as I recall, we'd seen the polite Southern boy side of Ryan, the decent newlywed and enlistee. I don't care, as Vicki mentioned, how much stress he was feeling about his iminent return to Afghanistan, nothing excused the curse-laden and  threatening way he treated Lydia's mother. If his tours of duty are causing that much anger and rage, get a goddamn discharge, leave the Marines, and get treatment for your serious personality disorder..


What was also telling in this episode was the reaction of others to Ryan's rage-fueled attack. When Vicki finally confronted Brianna and Ryan upstairs, she was soft-spoken, wearing her infrequently-used kid gloves, seeming to give Ryan the benefit of the doubt. Brianna really took his side, both agreeing with him and trying to calm him down. The hero of the night, in my opinion, was Billy, who confronted him face on and really let Ryan have it once he'd learned what happened. "You keep doing this!" he yelled repeatedly, no doubt referring to other rage fests from Ryan that were not caught on Bravo cameras or sound recording devices. 


I imagine this is a continuing part of his behavior, even now that he's stationed in Oklahoma. His young sons have a very sick and angry role model for a father

He was diagnosed with PTSD and underwent treatment in OK. He served 4 tours of duty of active combat in an active war zone, he was on the front lines, not behind some desk. His behavior towards Judy was wrong but he did get help and there has been no mention of any other aggressive behavior towards anyone else since and had there been, the Military tends to cut them loose in a heart beat now and that he is still in the Marines, I think the treatment helped him.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 8

Is it weird that I'm more disturbed by Ryan's secretly recording Brooks than by anything Brooks said during the drunken conversation?


No, I have felt this way from the second the tape was revealed. What sane, reasonable person does that? To their own mother? And then makes it public? It's Meghan levels of overstepping boundaries.

  • Love 5

Sorry, but I can see Vicki telling Briana that she flew to spend time with the kids AND with Briana. I don't think Vicki would like it if Briana/Ryan went out by themselves without her.

There is no way to tell when something was filmed unless it was filmed at a public event. It is possible that 1, this visit was filmed before Brooks decided to quit all chemo treatments or 2, that Vicki did NOT tell Briana because she knew Briana would question WHY he quit.


Again, I don't see Vicki wanting Briana/Ryan to out somewhere without her when she visits. And just because we have never seen Ryan change a diaper on camera does not mean that he doesn't/hasn't.


Right, lying about the fact Judy was drinking white wine and not red wine is far worse that telling a guy to smack around his wife. Righttttt, NOT!


The restraining order was not due to any physical violence to or against his old gf. Ryan has never been charged with DV.


He was diagnosed with PTSD and underwent treatment in OK. He served 4 tours of duty of active combat in an active war zone, he was on the front lines, not behind some desk. His behavior towards Judy was wrong but he did get help and there has been no mention of any other aggressive behavior towards anyone else since and had there been, the Military tends to cut them loose in a heart beat now and that he is still in the Marines, I think the treatment helped him.

I'm sure he needs continued treatment.. It doesn't just go away.

  • Love 8

Lol Icky will do her Shakesperean death scene on camera but not discuss hotels? Ha ha.

Icky's performance during the storm prep in OK was a classic example of her egomania and ridiculousness. And of course she had to toss "I want my mommy" into the mix. I just can't take a word out of her mouth as being honest or real in any way. She is completely full of sh*t. Everything is worse, harder, etc for her. Also Brianna needs to get over "my family home" crap when referring to Icky's house. She has her own family. My oldest sister has been out of the house for almost 45 years and she still seemed to think her old room was "hers" right up to my parents' deaths and beyond, now that two of my brothers live there, lol. (They inherited it for their lifetimes because one of my brothers requires care and the other provides it.) anyway...just anothe reason for Brianna to get under my skin. But I can cut her some slack, for having Icky as a mother. And what a surprise for Icky to use money/cars to try to fix things.

Tamra and her God thing is beyond my comprehension. I can't see it as anything but a storyline. Cynical, yes but I just don't get it. She does not want to be a "better version" of herself. She wants to maybe look like she wants it, but I can't even figure out who she is trying to impress here-God, lol? Eddie could care less. But she is conveniently out of storylines, other than her trashy son and fam back in picture to suck up money. Love how she says date night is all about her and Eddie and immediately launches into talking about Icky and Crooks. Eddie's speech was the best ever. How does Tamra turn a gift into a loan? Oh, she doesn't, she just lies to her husband again. Doesn't he watch this show? Did he just find out she lied last night when we did? Good grief, what a solid marriage.

Poor Meghan, trying so hard to interest Jim in her health issue. He actually responded better than I expected, for him, lol. And not everyone would want to know if they are a cancer risk or anything else that could curtail their life. Her way is not the only correct way. Also, she needs to stop wearing those headbands.

Heather's only storyline is being rich and finding new ways to spend it. And 88 million viewers having a channel on their dial does not = 88 million viewers lol. BTW how much is their skin cream? Affordable to her is not exactly specific.

The Beador dinner was a cute idea but kinda pathetic for those kids. She should have worried about them before she dumped their specific issues on them.

I agree with ALL OF THIS.

  • Love 2

I'm sure he needs continued treatment.. It doesn't just go away.

I agree and although I haven't read that he still gets help, the Military tends to cut those that don't now. So I suspect that he is in a PTSD support group with ongoing help. That Ryan's behavior was SO public and the outcry against him SO loud, I have no doubt that they are keeping close tabs on him and his family. I also suspect that is why he was stationed in OK and not on the West Coast somewhere closer to Vicki/family.


I will cut the guy some slack in this until we see that he has not changed and is still aggressive towards others, especially Briana and their sons and I have not seen that at all. My father was much like Ryan, everything in it's place, the way he liked it, he could bluster, yell, swear, and get all sorts of OTT in his behavior yet he never once hit anyone, in anger or not (our Mom was the one that spanked us, not our Dad). He was all "talk", gruff on the outside but total mush on the inside. Oh, and he was very protective of our family and our privacy. My father saw active combat in the Korean War and I suspect that he also suffered from PTSD the rest of his life.

  • Love 8

Unfotunately, I think you're right.  


There won't be a smoking gun but that doesn't stop me from hoping it becomes a major talking point at the reunion.


I don't think there were "lumps" (plural)  I believe it was a lump in her armpit.  That's happened to me a few times a long time ago.   The doctor attributed it to an infection likely caused by shaving and deodorant.


And isn't it usually the case when you have breast cancer, the lympth nodes under your arms aren't always painful like they would be with an infection?  I'm sure there are probably tell tail signs that a Dr. would look for without going straight to a biopsy? 

  • Love 1

With all these posts about Ryan's PTSD diagnosis and his ongoing PTSD treatment, I'm going to go out on a limb here and argue that the behavior we saw in that Season 8 Winter Wonderland finale was not classic PTSD symptoms, but rather a case of a mean-spirited, angry asshole who takes pleasure in pushing defenseless older women around. There was no disassociative state, no waking nightmare, no pulse-pounding anxiety attack, no sudden flashback to grisly wartime scenes evident. Just an aggressive and  pissed off jerk who found a slightly spacey lady lounging on Vicki's couch who teasingly threatened to sprinkle him with fairy dust and thus went off on her like a rabid pit bull (my advance apology to pit bull owners). In his house (or so he claimed).


So we know Ryan's an asshole of the first order. And he might also have developed PTSD in Afghanistan. Or he might be using that diagnosis to explain his disturbing personality traits. And if that's the case, then more's the pity for those who are truly suffering from the real thing.

Edited by Should Be Working
  • Love 20

With all these posts about Ryan's PTSD diagnosis and his ongoing PTSD treatment, I'm going to go out on a limb here and argue that the behavior we saw in that Season 8 Winter Wonderland finale was not classic PTSD symptoms, but rather a case of a mean-spirited, angry asshole who takes pleasure in pushing defenseless older women around. There was no disassociative state, no waking nightmare, no pulse-pounding anxiety attack, no sudden flashback to grisly wartime scenes evident. Just an aggressive and  pissed off jerk who found a slightly spacey lady lounging on Vicki's couch who teasingly threatened to sprinkle him with fairy dust and thus went off on her like a rabid pit bull (my advance apology to pit bull owners). In his house (or so he claimed).



That only describes PtSD in it's worst case. Lots of  people with PTSD never disassociate or have flashbacks on a regular basis. 

Not everyone with PTSD is walking around like they are an unsub on Criminal Minds 

Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 9

Eddie is looking rough.  Perhaps this proves that Tamra is a succubus that is sucking the very life out of him.  



I agree.  In addition to looking like he hasn't slept in years, he is looking chunky for someone who works out constantly. Yeah, I know -- could be muscle, but his face looks like a bloated mess.  


He looks about as worn down as Katie Holmes.  Selling your soul to marry the devil to improve your finances and exposure wears on you I suppose.

  • Love 11
I think the phone call recording was just the final straw that broke the camels back for Brianna about Brooks. He first revealed/sold info about her pregnancy to the tabloids, which is why she then refused to have anything to do with him and I don't blame her. Brianna wasn't as hard lined against Brooks in the beginning, she disliked him yes but was not refusing to be around him until he revealed the private information, it was Michael that initially dislike Brooks and wanted nothing to do with him at all.



It's totally wrong and inappropriate and yes, if I were Briana, I wouldn't want anything to do with the guy either.  However, I sure as hell wouldn't be telling my mother who she can and can't have in her own home when I'm almost 30 years old.  Briana needs to wake up and smell the coffee and just learn to let her mother be.  Briana and her mother have no boundaries, and I don't believe they have for quite some time.  When did Michael say he didn't like Brooks? The only time we saw any early interaction between the two was at the Wines by Wives Launch party (womp womp) when Brooks started to talk about Briana and Michael said he "didn't want to do this right now" or some such.  Other than that, he seems to keep Brooks at arm's length and basically accept his mother for who she is, all the while withholding his home address from her, lol!

  • Love 2

Yeah, Tamra and the whole born again Christian thing is just ridiculous. Granted, I can't see in her heart but I don't see any outward manifestations that she's turned her life over to Jesus so to speak. Maybe she's waiting for the baptism to really give it her all. Can I get an amen?

I totally agree with Eddie about Ryan. (Just realized there are two Ryans now). Why should they be bankrolling them? Maybe tamra feels responsible for helping out since she was pushing them to move to the oc. But having them near isn't doing Ryan any favors. He'll never learn to be a man. Why Sarah ever thought it would be a good idea to procreate with this guy is beyond me. But it just seems par for the course.

I thought Meghan seemed a bit disappointed she wasn't going to get more of a story line since she doesn't carry the gene and probably just has a swollen lymph node. I don't think Jim could be any less interested in her if he tried. No sympathy from him. Even my husband was like, that dude doesn't like his wife very much, does he? And wtf on that headband? Especially when it is so tight it pushes her hair up on the sides.

Don't briana and Ryan live kind of far from the base? There might not be too many military families where they live. I'm not sure many NCOs could afford that neighborhood. Maybe Ryan is an officer, I don't know. I don't really care about the car. But I thought they had two good sized vehicles. Not sure how that helps. I'd rather mom pay for a house cleaner or therapy for Ryan. Don't care if brooks has cancer or not.

I like Shannon. Even though she sabotages herself she is aware she is doing it and I can see her kicking herself mentally for not being "stronger". But I love her goofy side and that she's not afraid to put it out there. I really wish her happiness even if that doesn't include David I hope she can accept that. She still has a lot to offer and life to live. I would make one suggestion for her and posture and the way she carries herself. It makes her look defeated and older than she is. As far as her drinking, I've been tempted to order grey goose when I go out just to see why it's her signature drink. Happy Shannon is just delightful.

Heather-I just can't get excited about her house, or her, or her husband, or her kids. Only coco looks like her and that child is going to be ruinrt as we say in the south. I had a hernia with my second child and I didn't get a tummy tuck out of it. I didn't think family was supposed to treat other family members.

  • Love 9

Don't briana and Ryan live kind of far from the base? There might not be too many military families where they live. I'm not sure many NCOs could afford that neighborhood. Maybe Ryan is an officer, I don't know. I don't really care about the car. But I thought they had two good sized vehicles. Not sure how that helps. I'd rather mom pay for a house cleaner or therapy for Ryan. Don't care if brooks has cancer or not.



Ryan is an E6. A Staff  Sgt with maybe 3 years time in grade

Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 3

In response to above QUOTE by Maharincess.

I believe that some of us want to view The rather wealthy to The golly, gee whiz incomprehensible wealthier behaving as normal as possible in their as normal as possible habitat. That differs from the incessant LOOK, LOOK AT ME, you poor, but haha, not us peasants.


Edited by BookElitist
  • Love 2

I'm sorry, but I was really bugged when Briana fought against keeping the endless Brooks discussion off camera.  She even kept her mic on when she was finally cajoled back into the house to discuss it privately minus the camera.  Is she an OC housewife-in-training, or is she trying to humiliate Vicki on camera via her hatred for Brooks, to change the public's opinion about her and Ragey Ryan (whom I want to punch every time they show his face.)?


I don't understand why Vicki, who films everything including her reaction to her mom's death (which she could've requested kept off the air) would be so desperate to keep the convo off camera?  I think she's more worried about protecting Brooks more than she is anything else in her life.  


Brianna has her own issues and her own manipulation game, but I think she wanted the discussion on camera because she knows how Vicki will spin it.  I truly believe she'd make her own kids look like the assholes to protect Brooks.  I know she loves her kids, but she's one of these women (IMO) who are more worried about having romance in their lives than anything else (well, maybe money).

  • Love 11

Someone was asking if Brianna lived in Moore since we've had bad luck with tornadoes. She actually lives in Choctaw which is a nice suburb, but more small town than Moore, Norman or OKC. Tinker is a huge base. My hubby was in the Air Force for 26 years and he was stationed at Tinker when I had my son. There were a ton of Mommy and Me type groups that were available, as well as the ubiquitous Bunko parties for military wives :)

Also, for whoever was asking why the choice was the storm shelter or going to Bricktown for dinner for some reasons tornadoes never hit downtown...or they haven't in the 41 years I've been alive. My Granny always said it was because of the river, but I'm no Gary England (a famous OK meteorologist) so I have no idea if that's true or not.

The garage storm shelters are super convenient and super easy since we can't have basements here. When I was a kid most storm shelters looked like the one Dorothy had in the Wizard of Oz. With it in your garage, it means you don't have to run through your yard in the hail and wind if you have to get into it. Of course, Vicki and Brianna were being way more dramatic about any it than they needed to be.

I lived in Moore for the May 3rd tornado which was the strongest in recorded history and the May 20th tornado a few years ago that took out practically half of the city. I've never in my life heard of anyone sitting in their shelter for 12 hours. You also register your shelter with the city, so if for some reason you are trapped they send the fire department to come and dig you out.

Just a little OK knowledge for some background. I so rarely have any knowledge that is useful in the Real Housewives Universe! lol

Thank you for explaining that. I'm extremely claustrophobic and my first thought when I saw their shelter was getting trapped in there. Having something fall on the door so you can't get out.

Just the thought made me feel anxiety.

  • Love 3

Then I'll gladly do it for you. Ryan has shown himself to be a controlling, rage-filled jerk who terrorizes women at the drop of a hat (or a pair of feet on a couch) without any provocation. While his tours in Afghanistan probably exacerbated his anger and control issues, I suspect they've been there for a long time, before he enlisted.

I have no problem respecting and honoring the brave servicemen who have risked and given their lives in places like Afghanistan. But I wouldn't lump Ryan into this group or try to use his tours there to in any way justify his inexcusable treatment of women back here in the states.

Then I'll gladly do it for you. Ryan has shown himself to be a controlling, rage-filled jerk who terrorizes women at the drop of a hat (or a pair of feet on a couch) without any provocation. While his tours in Afghanistan probably exacerbated his anger and control issues, I suspect they've been there for a long time, before he enlisted.

I have no problem respecting and honoring the brave servicemen who have risked and given their lives in places like Afghanistan. But I wouldn't lump Ryan into this group or try to use his tours there to in any way justify his inexcusable treatment of women back here in the states.

He was part of a CNN story so the five day plan was great and a cure all.

He never claimed he was "cured" or that he was done with therapy/help and no one else has said otherwise for that matter either. I don't get why it is so hard for some to believe that he does in fact suffer from PTSD after 4 tours in an active combat zone on the front lines, many of our Military develop it after 1 tour, let alone 4 tours, OR that he is doing better after getting help. We have seen no evidence that Ryan is still exhibiting the same rage and anxiety/paranoia as before the diagnosis of PTSD.

  • Love 5

I don't know if Ryan is accompanying his family after his MAJOR back surgery but it did occur to me OC more so than any franchise likes to round up a lot of the supporting cast for the finale.  It would seem they are nearing the end of the season about the time Briana is visitng.  I am wondering if Briana is coming out from Oklahoma courtesy of Bravo and that is initially why she suggested staying at a hotel-on Bravo's dime.  Since it is the 10th season it would not be surprising to see everyone who every starred on the show at the finale.  I don't think this party/fight at Shannon's Monday is the last hurrah.  They have to have a party where Tamra and Vicki once again dissolve their friendship or agree to try and repair so the Reunion is three parts..

  • Love 1

I did not understand why Megan's doctor did not do a needle biopsy. She said the doctor could feel the lumps and it was most likely an infection. My doctor does not operate that way. Any suspicious lump is biopsied. Any cyst is aspirated and the fluid is biopsied.

I thought she indicated the bump was in her armpit. I have gotten those before and I was told the same thing-probably an infection from shaving. They said the same thing-monitor it and if it got any larger go back.

  • Love 4

I thought the first few episodes of the OC this season were pretty boring but now......not so much! I'm especially looking forward to the "consider the source" confrontations next week. I'm sure Brooks was talking about Tamara but wasn't it Vicki who first told Tamara what Jim said to Brooks? If Brooks was referring to Vicki with his "consider the source" remark she will go ballistic and I'll be on my knees like Melissa Gorga saying "Thank you Jesus."

  • Love 3

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