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S10.E14: A Storm Is Coming

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Yea, not only did doing it on camera put Brianna in an awkward spot, but there was also a gentleman from the dealership standing right there. That's probably a lot of work to bring all those vehicles out there, I'm sure Brianna didn't want to seem like a spoiled brat. I mean, yes, she still could have said no. But I agree that Vicki doing it on camera was to lessen the chances of that happening.

I wonder what her monthly payments are this time.

Brianna had thyroid cancer.

Or DID she? #ShutUpMeghan
  • Love 15

I wonder what her monthly payments are this time.

Or DID she? #ShutUpMeghan

I love that they showed that clip again, Briana's gifted car that she had to make payments on lol.

While I don't love or hell, even like Vicki she's an ass most of the time, she can make me laugh. Ryan on the other hand gave me the creeps. Luckily I do not have to live with either.

  • Love 11

I feel sorry for Brianna. Like many people, she never had a good example of how marriage can work if the parties are both sane and loving. Her mother is off-the-charts controlling and narcissistic, as well as obsessed with money and uses it as a weapon. Yes, Brianna jumped into a marriage...but it is not surprising. I think she felt it was one way to get her "freedom" and also just to show Icky that by eloping, there were some things that were not up to Icky to decide, declare, etc...deep down, she may have wanted an engagement period, showers and a big OC wedding...but Icky, combined with her choice of spouse, prevented that by being who they are. I am sure Ryan pushed for the elopement and it probably did not take much for her to agree. She also has a certain neediness gene, Imo...look who she comes from. She was likely flattered that he wanted to marry her ASAP. And Icky likely affected her self-esteem alomg the way too. So none of it surprises me at all. Nor does the way her marriage appears to us outsiders.

I think Brianna would have been better off if she and Ryan had been posted overseas, far, far away from Icky. At least for the first several years of the marriage, to give it a proper chance away from her influence. If she is coming every month, not all that much has changed.

I don't think being overseas would have kept Vicki away....she could just hop on her broomstick and fly over. I am mean, but this woman

Is simply off the charts in her thinking and behavior. Imo, of course

Edited by tulip555
  • Love 13

And how on earth is this any better? I'm so confused right now.

 You think Ryan is someone that will harm Briana/sons soon if he hasn't already. I see a guy damaged by war that got help and has not repeated the same behavior since.  We are not going to change each others mind so, IMO, it is better to leave this subject alone and move on.

  • Love 4

I just don't see any evidence that suggests the reservations people have about Ryan aren't warranted. Just because it's not caught on camera AGAIN for all to see doesn't mean he isn't repeating his ragey ways.  I hope he isn't but the demeanor of Vicki and Brianna around him does give me pause and I feel is enough to still be wary of this man. I mean hell people call Brooks all kinds of things and make all kinds of assumptions and honestly I don't see the smoking gun outside of very human flaws, errors in judgment and stupid (not physical) drunken behavior. Ryan has some serious Sketch going on in his world so to me alarm bells and worry doesn't seem like much of a stretch. Acting as if Ryan's messy trail ain't no thing is more of a stretch to me. Just sayin'

  • Love 18

Brianna did not have cancer.  She had about 30 benign tumors in her neck, probably from the thyroid, and after her second surgery they removed the thyroid and the surrounding lymph nodes.  Her thyroid looked horrible but no cancer, so it was probably pre-cancerous.  Friend of mine had his thyroid looked at after his brother had thyroid cancer at around the age of 30, and yep, he had benign tumors and a precancerous thyroid.


I'm pretty sure they still get in trouble for affairs in the military.  Friend of mine was court martialed for it in 2003.  That, and he took top secret material and left it in his room, I guess to work on later, no idea why really.  The cleaners found it and reported him.  It didn't help that the woman he was having an affair with was a foreign national (we were on a base overseas) and he didn't report her for security clearance.  When you have that level security clearance you have to report every single non-American you have a relationship with. I don't know about lower levels of clearance like secret. So, if you have a friend who doesn't have American citizenship you have to report that, but you don't need to do anything about the guy who works at the gas station where you buy your gas.


 Anyway, if you're going to have an affair, besides just being morally wrong, how they can trust you not to hide stuff from the military as well?  That's why I suspect the punishment for affairs is still so high.

  • Love 4

Brianna did not have cancer.  She had about 30 benign tumors in her neck, probably from the thyroid, and after her second surgery they removed the thyroid and the surrounding lymph nodes.  Her thyroid looked horrible but no cancer, so it was probably pre-cancerous.  Friend of mine had his thyroid looked at after his brother had thyroid cancer at around the age of 30, and yep, he had benign tumors and a precancerous thyroid.


I'm pretty sure they still get in trouble for affairs in the military.  Friend of mine was court martialed for it in 2003.  That, and he took top secret material and left it in his room, I guess to work on later, no idea why really.  The cleaners found it and reported him.  It didn't help that the woman he was having an affair with was a foreign national (we were on a base overseas) and he didn't report her for security clearance.  When you have that level security clearance you have to report every single non-American you have a relationship with. I don't know about lower levels of clearance like secret. So, if you have a friend who doesn't have American citizenship you have to report that, but you don't need to do anything about the guy who works at the gas station where you buy your gas.


 Anyway, if you're going to have an affair, besides just being morally wrong, how they can trust you not to hide stuff from the military as well?  That's why I suspect the punishment for affairs is still so high.

Affairs are an illegal offense. That's why the punishment is so high. Basically because it's against the law/UCMJ. Misdemeanors and other infractions of the law that on the civilian side would be a slap on the wrist, fined or community service are very tricky when handled on the military side. It's always a big decision to take something to a court martial because once something reaches trial level then it's very possible you're Military career will be over if you are found guilty. There are so many levels of discipline in the military that if something goes to trial then it's usually serious since most want to avoid that extreme and would rather utilize the many official forms of discipline at their disposal. Restrict pay, restrict liberties, restriction to barracks. These are all real forms of acceptable punishments for infractions of the UCMJ. Trails aren't usually considered unless it's something that's straight up against the law that can't be handled with one of the other forms of discipline.

Edited by Sincerely Yours

I do know that his affair was part of the court martial, because my husband had first hand knowledge of it happening, in that he saw him visit her (he wasn't aware the guy was having an affair or who lived there otherwise he would have said something) and the military was all set to fly him back overseas to testify to that.  I'm aware that the court martial probably wouldn't have happened if he hadn't stolen secrets and also put him in a situation where he could easily blab.

I was raised by a narcissistic mother and I think Briana was too.  I think because Ryan is very assertive and doesn't seem to really care what anyone around him thinks Briana was in a way liberated by him.  Suddenly she wasn't under mom's thumb anymore and seeing how Ryan asserts himself showed her how to do it.  It can be incredibly oppressive being raised like that and intoxicating when you become free from it.  Problem is, she jumped from the fire to the frying pan



See, what bothered me about Briana's situation is that she felt the need to marry away from Vicki, versus doing what Michael has done and just going off on her own.  She's a grown woman with choices - a lucrative career and no student loan debt.  She could have moved anywhere to become a nurse, but she chose to stay in Orange County.  I wish she'd own some of her choices. 

When Seasons 2 and 3 had message boards on TWOP, this was talked about repeatedly. Unfortunately, TWOP and FORT allegedly bowed to pressure from George Peterson and swept all RHOC comments. Vicki's reasons for disliking Colby were spoken of often. By the other cast members, especially Lauri Waring.



I would be embarrassed to admit how many times I've seen the early season of RHOC, but I never remember Vicki saying anything negative at all about Colby, unless it was said outside the show.  Not saying it didn't happen, but I am surprised. 

  • Love 5

Aren't we getting way OT here?


As far as we know Ryan hasn't done anything or even lost his temper since the incident with Lydia's mother and the couch so I don't understand where this discussion is going.  We can speculate and go around in circles forever about what's happened off camera but I'm only interested in what we see on the show.  I don't have the time, energy or interest in trying to dig up more gossip.


Unless and until something is shown to prove that Briana is unhappy or that Ryan is "raging" let's just let the story unfold.  I hope they're happy and get to live far, far away from Vicki forever.

  • Love 11

Aren't we getting way OT here?

As far as we know Ryan hasn't done anything or even lost his temper since the incident with Lydia's mother and the couch so I don't understand where this discussion is going. We can speculate and go around in circles forever about what's happened off camera but I'm only interested in what we see on the show. I don't have the time, energy or interest in trying to dig up more gossip.

Unless and until something is shown to prove that Briana is unhappy or that Ryan is "raging" let's just let the story unfold. I hope they're happy and get to live far, far away from Vicki forever.

I don't know. I was wondering the same thing. I think we may be okay discussing cancer and Ryan because this episode was about cancer and Brianna's family. Ryan always acts like a tense control freak including in this episode so that does bring up his earlier behavior which this forum is too new to have been previously discussed. Since nothing "happened" in this episode I don't know what else to talk about!

  • Love 4

I don't get the point of Ryan moving back and showing it on this show. I hope that's basically all we'll see of him, aside from the occasional visit with Tamra's grandbaby and maybe, let's hope, news that he got a job somewhere. If they dare to show us some horrendous Ryan and his babymama wedding, I will -- well, I'll probably watch it totally to snark, but I'll also say that the RHoOC is over and done. Because really, if they have to scrape that hard on the bottom of the barrel?

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 5

I think people take different things from episodes. Obviously. I for one think Brianna's and Vicki's demeanor as well as comments that are made by them is enough to comment about her life with her family in this new environment which includes Ryan. If subtle behaviors or details bring up questions for me or others then that's what's being addressed and discussed. Some of us don't need blaring displays of crazy to be permitted to post on an episode. The state of Brianna, things she's mentioned in this episode about her and her families life there bleeds into how her family is doing in the new home. How the family is doing and what contributes to the flow of the family which includes her family dynamic. Brianna's new life in OK is part of the episode as well as how she's coping as well as what Vicki is doing with the change. That segment in wrapped up in Brianna's family, children, new home and yes husband so speaking on any of these related things I feel are not OT.

  • Love 7

I don't get the point of Ryan moving back and showing it on this show. I hope that's basically all we'll see of him, aside from the occasional visit with Tamra's grandbaby and maybe, let's hope, news that he got a job somewhere. If they dare to show us some horrendous Ryan and his babymama wedding, I will -- well, I'll probably watch it totally to snark, but I'll also say that the RHoOC is over and done. Because really, if they have to scrape that hard on the bottom of the barrel?


I was just wondering if anyone knows, do the children and other family members shown with the housewives get a paycheck? Then I wonder how much that could be? I wonder if Ryan moved back because he either couldn't find a job up north, or, Tamra wants her own show so she figured if he moved back she could use his family, her mother and Cut Fitness into a pitch for a show? I don't need to see anymore of Tamra and her family than I already do. 

  • Love 3

I was just wondering if anyone knows, do the children and other family members shown with the housewives get a paycheck? Then I wonder how much that could be? I wonder if Ryan moved back because he either couldn't find a job up north, or, Tamra wants her own show so she figured if he moved back she could use his family, her mother and Cut Fitness into a pitch for a show? I don't need to see anymore of Tamra and her family than I already do. 

The question about families/husbands/children getting paid by Bravo is a question that most of us have asked but I don't ever remember a definitive answer about it. I know that Tamra's son Ryan, tweeted something about laughing while they make big money (something like that) but I am not sure that meant HE was actually getting a paycheck or that his mother was. Alex (NY) said that just the HW's are paid, and when all the controversy happened on NJ with JTG/Penny, he claimed they were never paid a dime and I believe that TeresaG has said that Joe/daughters do not get paid either. I just don't see Bravo paying everyone but I do think the HWs that have family willing to film may get paid more than those that don't but again, I am not sure about that. Bravo is very secretive about the HW contracts, who they pay, how much they pay each HW and how they are paid (per episode, hours filming,  family, home, trips, ect)

  • Love 3
Unless and until something is shown to prove that Briana is unhappy or that Ryan is "raging" let's just let the story unfold.  I hope they're happy and get to live far, far away from Vicki forever.

Brianna may be very happy with Ryan, but she made it perfectly clear on WWHL that she hates living in OK. So, I think she'd move back to O.C. in a heartbeat, no matter the proximity to Vicki.

Edited by jaync
  • Love 7
I just have to mention that Heather was doing a "bit" from the movie Dave, it was the tour guide "And we're walking, and we're walking, and we're stopping. Keep up people!" or something to that effect.

Editing to say I too would have thought it was completely weird that she was speaking to them that way if I didn't know the reference!


I got it and found it hilarious. I also loved at the end when she joked about having someone come to carry the women out. 

  • Love 5
I was very disappointed in Vicki's immature behavior when she went in to the storm shelter with little Troy. Vicki carried on needlessly which is a shame since that is supposed to be a safe place in the event of a tornado, Troy may think of it as a scary/bad place now because of her actions.


I rewatched last night and that was what I was coming here to post about. She is so ridiculous! The kid lives in a tornado zone. He needs to be comfortable with going down there, but she had to act all hysterical about it. I have a few fears myself, spiders were a big one. I made sure when I had kids to try and tone it down, so I don't pass my fears onto them. And you know what? They really don't freak me out much anymore, and I'm kind of in love with this orb weaver who makes a giant web on our porch every night. 


Would Vicki ever act that way, though? NO. It's all about her. She wants someone to protect her and comfort her. From a non-existent tornado. I give up.



And THATS why Briana don't wanna go to the house. Because she knows Brooks isn't anywhere doing any work. She would have essentially kicked him out of the house. And Vicki SAYING he's away on work doesn't mean anyone with any sense would actually believe that.


Right. Vicki was lying through her teeth. And then come reunion, she could be all - "Brianna won't have him there, so I had to kick the cancer patient out of his room and make him go stay in a hotel". Brianna has been dealing with Vicki's crazy antics for decades now. She knew what was really going on.

  • Love 12

Brianna may be very happy with Ryan, but she made it perfectly clear on WWHL that she hates living in OK. So, I think she'd move back to O.C. in a heartbeat, no matter the proximity to Vicki.

I agree, Briana does NOT like OK at all.


I rewatched last night and that was what I was coming here to post about. She is so ridiculous! The kid lives in a tornado zone. He needs to be comfortable with going down there, but she had to act all hysterical about it. I have a few fears myself, spiders were a big one. I made sure when I had kids to try and tone it down, so I don't pass my fears onto them. And you know what? They really don't freak me out much anymore, and I'm kind of in love with this orb weaver who makes a giant web on our porch every night. 


Would Vicki ever act that way, though? NO. It's all about her. She wants someone to protect her and comfort her. From a non-existent tornado. I give up.






Right. Vicki was lying through her teeth. And then come reunion, she could be all - "Brianna won't have him there, so I had to kick the cancer patient out of his room and make him go stay in a hotel". Brianna has been dealing with Vicki's crazy antics for decades now. She knew what was really going on.

I am TERRIFIED of thunder storms and a Tornado warning can and has put me close to the edge (lol) but my son never realized that until he was an adult . I now watch his daughter, my Granddaughter, and she has no idea how terrified I am and she, herself, has no fear of them at all because I refuse to react when she is around. Vicki's need to put herself and her feelings/needs/wants before her children or her grandchildren astounds me and is something I will never understand. 

  • Love 9
I would be embarrassed to admit how many times I've seen the early season of RHOC, but I never remember Vicki saying anything negative at all about Colby, unless it was said outside the show.  Not saying it didn't happen, but I am surprised.


Vicki had commented that she didn't think Colby was good enough for Brianna. She thought that Brianna should be with someone that wasn't going to be a fire fighter. Vicki thought that was a very low level career and not lucrative enough for Brianna. Vicki put down Colby many times. 

  • Love 4

I'm sure it was! Nothing is crazier than what we can dig up on these house wives. Apparently Meghan is very good at getting the scoop too! I used to post on the Bravo boards...that was my introduction to message boards. I don't remember

much about Colby, but I'm not surprised Vicki wasn't pleased, she's something else...

Messy stuff about Tamra, Lori Warings new husband George, Gretchens past, Slades past, Tammy's ex husband Lou, Lynn Curtains mess, Peggy Tanous, Jim Bellino, etc. Long before Brooks, there were so many skeletons discovered in the OC closets. Eddie has a strange past too and his own sister is the one talking to the tabloids! Shady.

I'm not sure what the truth is with Brooks, but I don't get how he attracts all these ladies, does anyone think he's a catch? But...I do remember there was a story about him on 20/20. That made me think there's legitimacy to Brianns concern about Brooks.

Bravo just posted again that Meghan used to be on another reality show..and once again, only Say Yes to the Dress was mentioned and her season on Resale Royalty was buried. Why is that?!! Are they trying to hide this info? As it is, we all know Jim Edmonds 2nd wife was almost signed to RHOC.

I believe he, Brooks, was on 20/20 about child support/deadbeat dads. Wasn't he jailed/arrested because he owed big money in back child support and Vicki not only bailed him out but also paid the back support he owed?

  • Love 3

I believe he, Brooks, was on 20/20 about child support/deadbeat dads. Wasn't he jailed/arrested because he owed big money in back child support and Vicki not only bailed him out but also paid the back support he owed?


Brooks was arrested not once but twice for being a deadbeat dad and a third time for a DUI.   I don't know if Vicki paid his bail and/or back support payments or not but she did write a letter to the judge on his behalf two months before she filed for divorce from Don.  It's all very easy to find with a simple search.  I  picked the first one on the list to post here.



Edited by AnnA
  • Love 7

I was just wondering if anyone knows, do the children and other family members shown with the housewives get a paycheck? Then I wonder how much that could be? I wonder if Ryan moved back because he either couldn't find a job up north, or, Tamra wants her own show so she figured if he moved back she could use his family, her mother and Cut Fitness into a pitch for a show? I don't need to see anymore of Tamra and her family than I already do. 

This is how I understand it-minor children do not get paid but adult children do get paid.  The Manzo children, Ashlee for several seasons on NJ, then Briana got caught up in the pay cycle and never fails to trash her mother, Ryan did instagram about all the money he makes and how fake things are.  I think his CUT Fitness wages are really Bravo money. I am going to wager a guess that Brooks gets paid.  Part of the advantage to this is of course taxes-if Bravo pays the dependent directly the RH saves on taxes and my guess is old lady Waddle (Tamra's mom) is probably getting a check or a beaver lift or something for being on.


Because this show is knocking back the ratings there is plenty of cash

  • Love 1

I believe he, Brooks, was on 20/20 about child support/deadbeat dads. Wasn't he jailed/arrested because he owed big money in back child support and Vicki not only bailed him out but also paid the back support he owed?

She did not pay.  Are kidding this is Vicki-it would have been sky written across the sky had she done so.

Really? It gets good ratings?

Twice what NY gets and is just behind Atlanta.  Go figure.

  • Love 1

We need y'all to please agree to disagree and to stop calling each other out. Less "you" more "I" in your posts please. "You're wrong. I think Blankity Blank is true" is nasty. "I think Blankity Blank is true" says the same thing without calling out another poster. 


Also, please stop with the conspiracy theories about other sites. For one thing it's totally off topic. Thanks. 

  • Love 12

She did not pay.  Are kidding this is Vicki-it would have been sky written across the sky had she done so.

Twice what NY gets and is just behind Atlanta.  Go figure.

Ok, Thanks. I thought I read that she paid the back child support but I wasn't sure hence the question mark. Although, I am not sure that Vicki would want that info out, paying the CS for him, because of what she said about Slade/Gretchen. LOL

  • Love 2

Yes! to all of this!!


Ugh! Meghan trying to chop onions...I think she's the one person that could learn a thing or two about cooking from Adrienne Maloof.  Thank goodness she didn't lose a finger and champion a prosthetic finger charity, tho it would be funny if she threw it at Vicki, "giving her the finger" so to speak. I could totally see her doing that.


How much do you want to bet the whole tornado "scare" was an excuse by production (along with co-conspirators Brianna and Ryan) to lock Vicki in the shelter?   I'm starting to think the production team has learned creative ways to have fun while filming the most difficult, or obnoxious hw's.  Good for them.  I can't imagine having to work with these women.

Megan is part lizard she'd grow another finger. I tell you there is an alien under that faux-human exoskeleton. Freaky!

I jus want you all to keep talking about stuff so I can stop writing my paper on anglo-Irish relationships in the late Medieval Era.  Brooks, Briana,The military , fake cancer are good distractions

They sucked.

There I wrote it for you and you can come play.

  • Love 9

A couple of things about Briana.  First off she lived nearby Azusa Pacific when she went to nursing school away from her mother.  She did not work she went to school-so who made the payments on the Benz?  Same with Michael-Vicki paid for his schooling and vehicles.  Maybe Vicki had a five year payment plan on the vehicle but Briana made the payments out of the allowance her mother gave her.  I doubt the payment was $499.00, more like $349.00-but how would she know-she never made a payment.  So I think Briana is being a little coy.  I don't know many circa 2005 college students that made $500.00 a month car payments.  I mean the car was a small C-class Mercedes.

  • Love 1

The question about families/husbands/children getting paid by Bravo is a question that most of us have asked but I don't ever remember a definitive answer about it. I know that Tamra's son Ryan, tweeted something about laughing while they make big money (something like that) but I am not sure that meant HE was actually getting a paycheck or that his mother was. Alex (NY) said that just the HW's are paid, and when all the controversy happened on NJ with JTG/Penny, he claimed they were never paid a dime and I believe that TeresaG has said that Joe/daughters do not get paid either. I just don't see Bravo paying everyone but I do think the HWs that have family willing to film may get paid more than those that don't but again, I am not sure about that. Bravo is very secretive about the HW contracts, who they pay, how much they pay each HW and how they are paid (per episode, hours filming,  family, home, trips, ect)



This is how I understand it-minor children do not get paid but adult children do get paid.  The Manzo children, Ashlee for several seasons on NJ, then Briana got caught up in the pay cycle and never fails to trash her mother, Ryan did instagram about all the money he makes and how fake things are.  I think his CUT Fitness wages are really Bravo money. I am going to wager a guess that Brooks gets paid.  Part of the advantage to this is of course taxes-if Bravo pays the dependent directly the RH saves on taxes and my guess is old lady Waddle (Tamra's mom) is probably getting a check or a beaver lift or something for being on.


Because this show is knocking back the ratings there is plenty of cash

Thank you!

  • Love 2

They sucked.

There I wrote it for you and you can come play.

That's pretty much my thesis. Funny enough,  It's the same thesis I I have for the paper The Position of Women in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties.


I'd still rather be a woman in the Shang or Zhoe Dynasty than be  any of the RHOOC ladies. Confucious reportedly said. The woman with no talent is the one who has merit, So, clearly our housewives are full of merit.

  • Love 4

Yes, common sense, I agree. However... Meghan believes her way is always the correct or right way. She's acting like a Know It All. Sorry, Meghan, leave that title to Bethenny or Heather on RHONY. Not everyone makes the same choices or decisions. Even physicians don't agree on the best treatment for every cancer patient. That's what the issue is with Meghan. She's the Nelly Olsen of RHOC. Who is she to question how someone decides to deal with their illness?!!


That's how I see it too.  Serious illnesses are never one-size-fits-all.  Patients and their physicians make all kinds of decisions based on several factors, including past medical history, other existing conditions, personal preference, etc.  Even a highly-trained and experienced medical professional would hesitate to make blanket statements the way that Meghan throws them around.  And - despite her being "the only one who has dealt with cancer" (or whatever nonsense she said)  - she is in no way qualified to preach & pontificate about what other people should do.


It's even more annoying because it's clear that she's not coming from a place of caring.  She's doing it to poke the bear, stir up controversy, and keep herself relevant.  She barely knows Brooks and couldn't give two shits about him.   The more she talks, the more shallow & stupid she seems.

  • Love 18

Meghan think-"everyone is thinking what I am saying," this thought process is what makes her dangerous. http://www.people.com/article/real-housewives-orange-county-meghan-king-edmonds-says-brooks-ayers-faked-cancer  These shows are for entertainment and the idea that someone needs to produce medical records is bordering on an epic fail.  Once he produces a record, then it will be need more records, or it wasn't Stage 3 it was something else.  I know the producers don't want medical records produced-didn't work for Aviva but I just have an uncomfortable feeling this is going to blow up.  At this point there is no way to bail Vicki out if it is fake. So if the producers want to get rid of Vicki great way to take her out.  Problem for Vicki who would want to trust her to invest their money if she was easily conned by Brooks?


Brooks worked in the health insurance field for a number of years and it would be so easy to produce any number of medical billing records with his diagnosis and even easier to fake it.  The forms are easily downloaded off the internet and any provider's name and ID number could be used-because the exposure to Meghan overstepping exists once she tries to authenticate-then she hits a HIPPA wall.  If a form isn't enough a letter on an MD's stationary would suffice-how far is Meghan willing to go?  She and Jim are now setting up the perfect fallback position-all Brooks had to do was present medical records.



Next year will be insight in treating Meghan's various personality disorders.

  • Love 8

That's how I see it too. Serious illnesses are never one-size-fits-all. Patients and their physicians make all kinds of decisions based on several factors, including past medical history, other existing conditions, personal preference, etc. Even a highly-trained and experienced medical professional would hesitate to make blanket statements the way that Meghan throws them around. And - despite her being "the only one who has dealt with cancer" (or whatever nonsense she said) - she is in no way qualified to preach & pontificate about what other people should do.

It's even more annoying because it's clear that she's not coming from a place of caring. She's doing it to poke the bear, stir up controversy, and keep herself relevant. She barely knows Brooks and couldn't give two shits about him. The more she talks, the more shallow & stupid she seems.

Ditto on this post DebbieM4. Thanks! :-)

Yes, common sense, I agree. However... Meghan believes her way is always the correct or right way. She's acting like a Know It All. Sorry, Meghan, leave that title to Bethenny or Heather on RHONY. Not everyone makes the same choices or decisions. Even physicians don't agree on the best treatment for every cancer patient. That's what the issue is with Meghan. She's the Nelly Olsen of RHOC. Who is she to question how someone decides to deal with their illness?!!

So very true IKnowRight. Perfect description Meghan is playing the role of Nelly Olsen from LHOTP, lol!


Edited by talula
  • Love 3

I think people take different things from episodes. Obviously. I for one think Brianna's and Vicki's demeanor as well as comments that are made by them is enough to comment about her life with her family in this new environment which includes Ryan. If subtle behaviors or details bring up questions for me or others then that's what's being addressed and discussed. Some of us don't need blaring displays of crazy to be permitted to post on an episode. The state of Brianna, things she's mentioned in this episode about her and her families life there bleeds into how her family is doing in the new home. How the family is doing and what contributes to the flow of the family which includes her family dynamic. Brianna's new life in OK is part of the episode as well as how she's coping as well as what Vicki is doing with the change. That segment in wrapped up in Brianna's family, children, new home and yes husband so speaking on any of these related things I feel are not OT.

I agree wholeheartedly. Brianna has been an important part of Vicki' s

saga through most of years this show has been on.

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Meghan think-"everyone is thinking what I am saying," this thought process is what makes her dangerous. http://www.people.com/article/real-housewives-orange-county-meghan-king-edmonds-says-brooks-ayers-faked-cancer These shows are for entertainment and the idea that someone needs to produce medical records is bordering on an epic fail. Once he produces a record, then it will be need more records, or it wasn't Stage 3 it was something else. I know the producers don't want medical records produced-didn't work for Aviva but I just have an uncomfortable feeling this is going to blow up. At this point there is no way to bail Vicki out if it is fake. So if the producers want to get rid of Vicki great way to take her out. Problem for Vicki who would want to trust her to invest their money if she was easily conned by Brooks?

Brooks worked in the health insurance field for a number of years and it would be so easy to produce any number of medical billing records with his diagnosis and even easier to fake it. The forms are easily downloaded off the internet and any provider's name and ID number could be used-because the exposure to Meghan overstepping exists once she tries to authenticate-then she hits a HIPPA wall. If a form isn't enough a letter on an MD's stationary would suffice-how far is Meghan willing to go? She and Jim are now setting up the perfect fallback position-all Brooks had to do was present medical records.

Next year will be insight in treating Meghan's various personality disorders.

I agree with everything except the inclusion of Jim. So far, it seems he's telling Meghan it's not her problem and to mind her own business. Everyone has the right to make their own decisions, etc.

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Like many other posters, I think Eddie's comments to Tamra regarding Ryan were completely appropriate. But I think Eddie is kidding himself if he thinks we believe that he is self supporting, much less capable of supporting "another man's family." Eddie may work hard at Cut Fitness, but I doubt that the place breaks even, much less turns a profit. The Judge's lifestyle is funded by Tamra's Bravo check. Period.

  • Love 13

Ok, Thanks. I thought I read that she paid the back child support but I wasn't sure hence the question mark. Although, I am not sure that Vicki would want that info out, paying the CS for him, because of what she said about Slade/Gretchen. LOL

Isn't this where the lawsuit over Vicki's Vodka enters the picture?

Ditto on this post DebbieM4. Thanks! :-)So very true IKnowRight. Perfect description Meghan is playing the role of Nelly Olsen from LHOTP, lol!la-peste-.jpg

Does this mean someone's going to get pushed down a steep hill in a wheelchair?

Like many other posters, I think Eddie's comments to Tamra regarding Ryan were completely appropriate. But I think Eddie is kidding himself if he thinks we believe that he is self supporting, much less capable of supporting "another man's family." Eddie may work hard at Cut Fitness, but I doubt that the place breaks even, much less turns a profit. The Judge's lifestyle is funded by Tamra's Bravo check. Period.

I couldn't help but notice Eddie was wearing a CUT Fitness tshirt during Tamra's visit to her "pasture" this week. Pretty sneaky, bitch!
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