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9 hours ago, TeamGabi said:

Though Thomas has done everything in his power to redeem himself in the eyes of his family and friends, it’s still not enough for one person: Brooke. So when he pleads his case, she just doubles down, all but saying that her opinion isn’t like a hemline: It ain’t gonna change. 

So are we gonna get a scene where Brooke tells "It's not gonna happen,Thomas! NOT GONNA HAPPEN!" 🤣

9 hours ago, TeamGabi said:

Convinced that she knows best, Brooke seeks Liam’s help in ensuring that Hope remains safe


She's trying to team up with Liam? The same Liam who pissed and whine for months that Quinn bad and only piggybacked on Ridge's failed attempt to take her down? TF is he gonna do, bore Thomas to death lecturing on the benefits of veganism?

She'd be better off calling up Sheila or Deacon. Or buying Hope an 8 wk old chihuahua. At least the dog will nip at someone's heels (and that shit hurts, trust me!).


Edited by Anna Yolei
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Here are some spoilers from Bradley Bell via Soap Opera Digest. I didn't feel like typing it all up but here are the highlights:

Murder Mystery: "We're jumping into a murder mystery storyline . . . Someone dies, but it will turn into a very complex mystery, so there will be twists and there will be surprises. . .  Bill has a big storyline coming up and he will be involved in the story where someone is killed.  He's going to be very involved in this mystery storyline."

Thomas/Hope/Liam:  "Hope is battling and wanting so badly to feel that sense of complete understanding and forgiveness with Liam. . . .Thomas, with all his faults, has had one great character strength, which is he's been loyal to Hope. . . . Thomas is not giving up yet."

Finn/Steffy:  "For over a decade people were saying, 'Let's put an end to the Steffy/Liam/Hope triangle' and it's really happened."

Eric/Quinn:  "Eric and Quinn have a story that we're shooting right now. . . . Rena is going to re-emerge front and center as a new man enters her life and she fights again with doing the right thing. She wants to be the best Forrester matriarch that she possibly can be."

Carter/Zoe:  "Zoe is determined to win Carter back. . . . [Zoe] is going to enlist the help of someone very pivotal to get through to Carter."

I don't feel like typing up the rest: Zende and Paris grow closer, Brooke and Ridge disagree about their kids for the millionth time, Wyatt and Flo are incredibly boring (ok it doesn't say that, it says they may be moving towards a wedding), Shauna and Quinn's friendship is about to be tested.

Also from SOD, for the week after next:  "The lives of the Forresters, Logans, and Spencers become irrevocably changed."  (I assume it's a reference to the murder??)


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6 hours ago, CRT said:

Thomas/Hope/Liam:  "Hope is battling and wanting so badly to feel that sense of complete understanding and forgiveness with Liam. . . .Thomas, with all his faults, has had one great character strength, which is he's been loyal to Hope. . . . Thomas is not giving up yet."


Character strength? They say loyal. I say obsessive creep.

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Come to think of it, Thomas has never been the apex of a love triangle himself, has he? Creep tendencies aside, it's easy for a character to appear "loyal" when he's not given a 2nd choice. Just wait till he gets a second option fighting over him (either with Sally returning or Caroline returning from the dead or some other nonsense) and he'll turn into another waffling, loser Bell Boy the same as Wyatt did. 🙄

Edited by Anna Yolei
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48 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Whatever was supposed to happen didn’t happen. I fast forwarded to the end for nothing. LOL!!!!

If I read the spoilers correctly the murder mystery starts the week after next, so we can just sit this week out. LOL.

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55 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

If I read the spoilers correctly the murder mystery starts the week after next, so we can just sit this week out. LOL.

Thanks. I thought I read it was happening on Monday. Maybe, they meant next Monday.

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1 hour ago, Runningwild said:

Was it just me or did anyone else hear the faint sound of anvils dropping with all the talk of how wonderful Flo’s life is now?

I sure hope so. I've said before I've never see a character so universally hated in fandom as Flo Fulton. Not Amber, not Maya at the peak of her Mean Girl crap with Rick, not Nick when he became an entitled fedora wearing simp after Brooke left him, not even Jessica Forrester and the largely failed teen scene in the mid 90s before the first legacy kids were SORASed. I daresay she's as hated as Jar-Jar Binks, except I've met people willing to defend him.

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2 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

I sure hope so. I've said before I've never see a character so universally hated in fandom as Flo Fulton. Not Amber, not Maya at the peak of her Mean Girl crap with Rick, not Nick when he became an entitled fedora wearing simp after Brooke left him, not even Jessica Forrester and the largely failed teen scene in the mid 90s before the first legacy kids were SORASed. I daresay she's as hated as Jar-Jar Binks, except I've met people willing to defend him.

I will say she was just another blonde on B&B. She was useful during the initial baby switch storyline but they really over extended her stay. The way the show ended today & very thick I might add I’m guessing she’s a goner. I guess it gives Shauna & Wyatt a storyline since they don’t have much to do. That said, I have no idea who would want her dead....now....at this point. 

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10 hours ago, ByaNose said:

I guess it gives Shauna & Wyatt a storyline since they don’t have much to do.

In all honesty, would Shauna be long for this show without her daughter as an anchor to the Logans? Like, what would even be the point when Shidge is done and John McCook has been largely MIA from the show due to his age, so there's no triangle possibilities? Surely, there are better uses for her salary, like a recast Nick with adult Jack in tow or another Taylor since HTy is unavailable for Reasons. Or bring Felicia in for some spice. Leslie Kay's still acting, no?

At least Flo seems to be done for, so I'll be happy w that W.

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11 hours ago, ByaNose said:

will say she was just another blonde on B&B. She was useful during the initial baby switch storyline but they really over extended her stay.

It begs the question of why they foisted this Logan connection in the first place. Typically people like Flo who engage in shit like this are written out the show for a reason, barring any  fan demand like what happened with Luke on GH or nearly all the reformed villains on Y&R.

But the key word is "reform.". They atoned for their heinous ways and no one powdered their asses or made excuses for them and they got better of their own accord, not because they found they'd hit the genetic gold mine lotto.

But there was no demand for her. She wasn't all that compelling on her own and the show is overrun with women characters as it is.

Edit: I will say for a brief two seconds it was nice to see Wyatt with two women who had no interest in his waffling ass brother, but that ship has long since sailed on that. Maybe Wyatt can be redeemed if he as a grieving would-be widower can form a connection with Paris or something or maybe go back to Katie in time for teen Will to throw a shit fit about his shit ass family. 

Edited by Anna Yolei
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So today, when Bill was talking to Liam and Wyatt about how great it is to have Liam staying with him. And how he wants to celebrate Wyat's engagement with both of them.

He mentioned that Liam has horrible nightmares and is sleepwalking.

What the hell? 

Whoever dies Wyatt or Flo, I think Bill is going to be afraid that Liam accidentally did it while sleepwalking and will hide the evidence and maybe frame someone else.

Meanwhile I will think that Liam is being framed.

By who you ask? By the obsessive creep named Thomas who has drugged Liam in the past.

Why? To stop from Hope and Liam from reuniting.

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2 minutes ago, nilyank said:

So today, when Bill was talking to Liam and Wyatt about how great it is to have Liam staying with him. And how he wants to celebrate Wyat's engagement with both of them.

He mentioned that Liam has horrible nightmares and is sleepwalking.

What the hell? 

Whoever dies Wyatt or Flo, I think Bill is going to be afraid that Liam accidentally did it while sleepwalking and will hide the evidence and maybe frame someone else.

Meanwhile I will think that Liam is being framed.

By who you ask? By the obsessive creep named Thomas who has drugged Liam in the past.

Why? To stop from Hope and Liam from reuniting.

I haven't even seen today's show, but I guarantee you that what you just wrote is better than what we'll see today, or in the next few weeks. Except that we'll actually get to feast our eyes on $Bill on the real, live show, & that's always a treat.

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Yeah, I'm pretty much here for $Bill content and hopefully Flo's demise, but as fir how it plays out...eh.

I don't want another Thomas double cross though. This character has been pulled from the Adam Newman psychosis more times than I can count. I wouldn't mind him being an ordinary entitled rich brat like Steffy but these types of villianous stories aren't given to the first born son of a leading man. It's given to Paul Ryan, whose father was a megalomaniac and for whom having a less than savory side to him makes sense between than and his overprotective mother who made Stephanie look like Lorelei Gilmore in comparison. 

Thomas redemption arc 3.0 was not earned, but neither was this turn around obsession on Hope to begin with.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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4 hours ago, nilyank said:

Whoever dies Wyatt or Flo, I think Bill is going to be afraid that Liam accidentally did it while sleepwalking and will hide the evidence and maybe frame someone else.

Crap, if it's Wyatt or Flo dying and Liam is suspected then Quinn's ass will be lit on fire again vowing vengeance on Liam. Do not want!

But it does make a certain amount of sense if Liam did this (or is suspected); he could be repressing his anger at Flo for aiding in delivering the first and biggest crack being put into his marriage - facilitating the selling of Beth/Beth dying. He could also be repressing his anger at Wyatt for a whole bunch of crap but mainly for choosing Flo over family. Forget loyalty to Liam, Wyatt stood by the woman that sold is niece. Liam could also heavily resent that Wyatt and Flo are happy and have everything they could want while Liam is left in a dumpster fire of a life. Frankly, it's no wonder he's having issues. But of course instead of them having him go to therapy he's once again blacking out to be accused of murder.  Given he's had several serious head injuries I can see there being unknown damage contributing to it, but doubtful Liam would get the Thomas redemption treatment.

This show is never subtle. One week before the big death, they have Bill make the throwaway of Liam's sleepwalking issues. ::Eyeroll::

In the end Liam probably didn't do it but was up walking around and the killer thinks he saw him.  I wouldn't put it past the show that a crazed Vinny kills Flo- Maybe she saw him and stepped up to him to berate him about what he did to Hope and Liam with the paternity switch; Vinny pushes her off and she accidentally falls and hits her head; Liam is sleepwalking around and Vinny thinks Liam saw him do it, and frames Liam to help his boy Thomas out one last time. And THAT's how Vinny will ultimately go out when Bill gets his detective on and figures it out.

I will be hella pissed if Liam sees the inside of a jail cell for longer than either Flo and Quinn. We'll see.

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OMG, I just read the worst spumor. The person who's going to die--possibly--is


Douglas! Liam will be sleepwalking and accidentally hit Douglas with his car. Not sure if that means Douglas will be running outside around at night or if Liam will be sleeping hard during the day.

I was momentarily stunned when I read this, even knowing it's only a spumor. Would Bradley really have the stones to do that? I sure hope not. Flo is the one who needs to go and as best as I can tell the overall B&B fanbase seems fairly united on that front.

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Bradley Bell is a lazy hack, but he's no Jill Farren Phelps. After the backlash on BethGate, I can't believe he'd do something that nasty.

1 hour ago, CharlizeCat said:

OMG! That would be unthinkable. I have read that it's either: Shauna, Flo, Katie or Thomas. 

Phoebe's death gives Thomas plot armor. Katie is played by Heather Tom, she's not going anywhere, lol.

Both Shauna and Flo are fairly dispensable, especially Flo who fit into the show as well as Cousin Oliver into the Brady Bunch. I've heard it said on Reddit that Star Wars fans have embraced Jar Jar AND Rose Tico more than B&B likes Flo Fulton and that's a fairly accurate accessment. Even George Lucas had the good sense to neuter the Jar Jar shit in episode 2.

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That would make sense since wasn't their a spoiler that Hope is the one called to hospital to ID whoever it is?

But doesn't go with list of names that were given. Shauna is out BC nobody would care but Flo.

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Shauna is out BC nobody would care but Flo.

Wyatt might since she's his future MIL. Quinn might care too since they're longtime pals.


Shauna, Flo, Katie or Thomas. 

Hmm, I don't why Hope would be the one to identify any of these people. Maybe Thomas but why wouldn't Ridge or Steffy be the first called? And if it's Katie, why wouldn't Brooke or Bill be the ones to ID her? Heck, seems to me like even Donna would go to hospital before Hope. If Hope's rushing to make the ID must that must mean it's one of the kids, Brooke, or Liam.

Perhaps more than one person will be involved but only one ends up dead. "Murder" is a pretty specific word to have been used in the spoiler though so that spumor I mentioned upthread seems utterly unlikely. Good lord, no one would murder that person.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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45 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Maybe Thomas but why wouldn't Ridge or Steffy be the first called?

I can see Thomas having Hope listed as his first contact/emergency person due to Douglas. If anything happens to him, Douglas’s co-parent is the one that needs to be immediately notified.

Bill is supposed to be covering up the crime which puts me in the mind that he thinks Liam did the crime. The only other person he’d cover for is Katie, Will, Justin, or Brooke. Yeah, I know I didn’t mention Wyatt. 😂

If Hope is called it could be that the person killed is thought to be Thomas but ends up being Vinny. Thomas has been sporting similar hair and styled like Vinny so it’s possible for the cops to make the mistake same as the killer.

I’m gonna say Justin killed Vinny thinking it was Thomas. Hope is called because the cops think Vinny is Thomas (Vinny totally is the type to have a fake ID that has his photo as Thomas Forrester😂 or maybe he stole it from Thomas) Bill is covering up the crime thinking it’s for Liam but it’s actually for Justin but when the heat closes in on Bill, Justin is forced to stay quiet or confess to save $Bill. Or maybe the cops do end up going after Liam, Bill figures out it was Justin and he’s caught between turning Justin in to save Liam or staying quiet since he ‘owes’ Justin so much. I’d love if Bill actually turns him in but lets Justin get a head start in going on the run. If that happens I need some tearful Donna and Justin good-byes because they’re owed that much. 

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Wyatt might since she's his future MIL. Quinn might care too since they're longtime pals.

But they're selling this as epic will affect the Logan's/Spencers/Forrester's doesn't sound like that would be her.

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Wow, I really like that proposed scenario with Justin. It would great to see him in a front burner storyline again.

I had to laugh at Vinny being mistaken for Thomas though. He and Thomas are similar from the neck up but Vinny is a relatively slight guy compared to Tom. Thomas has that body. That body. Body. 🥴

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Phoebe's death gives Thomas plot armor.

Maybe not. I read elsewhere that Matthew Atkinson's contract is up. What if he wants out?

But, the last time we were told Thomas would die it turned out to be a big pile of b.s. Maybe this is Bradley's way of playing hardball in contract renegotiations, i.e., he makes it look like their character is going to be killed off. Whatever, the guessing about which character it'll be sure has generated a lot of discussion on the interwebs.

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23 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I had to laugh at Vinny being mistaken for Thomas though. He and Thomas are similar from the neck up but Vinny is a relatively slight guy compared to Tom. Thomas has that body. That body. Body. 🥴

Seated or in recline with their back to the assailant would be the more likely circumstance. Like if Vinny stole Thomas' car and Justin or Liam saw the car and the glimpse of dark brown tresses of the driver, they'd assume it was Thomas and could give chase and in a bit of irony, run him off the road where Emma died.  Or if the assailant is drunk, under the influence of ambien or sleepwalking (which is what they seemed to be trying to set up for Liam) the mistake could be made if it's not the car scenario.

MA's Thomas is super popular and successful as this darker Thomas than PF's (to their surprise I think). The show got lucky that they recast with an actor that made Thomas work in spite of the writing and after PF who was pretty well loved as well.  Granted it seemed like they were setting up Thomas to take a dirt nap in the cliff fall and then dip in the vat of acid but it's pretty telling that it's only now that Liam is not getting the hero edit and his sins glossed over as they were in the past with both his women really looking at him with eyes wide open with other options for love interest ready and waiting.  In spite of Thomas' sins, there is a serious Thope contingent ready for them to get a true forbidden/taboo romance. If they hadn't given us a shortlist of who would die for us to mull over, I'd seriously think Liam was the one who was gonna bite it with SC coming back as Liam's unknown twin since he may not want to leave the show and the show doesn't want to lose him but they do want to shake up the canvas and Liam dying would affect all the families as he's a father to a Logan and Forrester and is a key Spencer legacy son. I wouldn't be surprised if Liam's death still somehow played out given that we had no clue Aly was a goner until it actually happened and the actress posted her good-bye on social right after her last episode.

Edited by TobinAlbers
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I dunno, I know Thomas as a character has gotten majorly shafted throughout the years, but I just reeeeeaaaaaaaaaally can't see them killing off Ridge's first born son. Killing the only child of the "lesser" Forrester son is one thing, but...

Thope isn't my jam at all, but I can't deny they have chemistry and there's clearly a demand for it, if only in a "at least is not Liam yet *again*" sense. They'd be fools not to capitalize on that. That, and if he got bumped off, how could they possibly wave off Taylor's lack of presence at her own child's funeral?

Still got fingers crossed for Flo, though.

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My mom's new theory is that Finn killed Vinny as Vinny WAS telling the truth that he didn't switch the paternity results and could prove it.  He confronts Finn to tell him that he isn't the father, Finn freaks out and began beating Vinny up, Vinny manages to get away with Finn in pursuit and runs away from Finn and into Liam's car.

The motive makes sense and with Liam 'luckily' hitting Vinny, Finn's secret stays hidden AND he gets rid of Liam by him being sent to prison.


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1 hour ago, TobinAlbers said:

My mom's new theory is that Finn killed Vinny as Vinny WAS telling the truth that he didn't switch the paternity results and could prove it.  He confronts Finn to tell him that he isn't the father, Finn freaks out and began beating Vinny up, Vinny manages to get away with Finn in pursuit and runs away from Finn and into Liam's car.

The motive makes sense and with Liam 'luckily' hitting Vinny, Finn's secret stays hidden AND he gets rid of Liam by him being sent to prison.


Great theory! And if Finn shows up tomorrow near the scene of the crime, then it might be on the nose!

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53 minutes ago, Crashcourse said:

If Vinny didn't mess with the test results, then why didn't he show proof when he was in the lab with Finn and Thomas right there?

Either he didn't have proof at the time or the tag team of Thomas and Finn beating on him made getting the hell out of dodge more urgent.  Thomas was acting as if he wanted Vinny to have messed with the results and Vinny had denied it several times -then Finn comes in and begins beating him up wanting him to admit he did it and Vinny finally just gave them what they wanted since honestly they were both acting crazy out of their minds.

Also maybe Vinny did *think* he messed with the results which is why he bolted; then he goes to a hacker friend to ask them to break into the computer system to cover up his crime and when they access the file, they tell him that he actually didn't change anything and that the results were indeed no match to Finn.

Vinny shows up at the hospital thinking he can get his job back as he can honestly say that he didn't change the results; Finn sees him and confronts him and Vinny preens that he didn't change the test results and that Finn isn't Steffy's baby daddy. If he doesn't believe him, do another test and then everyone will know.  Finn is nervous that Vinny is this confident and follows him out of the hospital into the parking lot/follows him in his car where he tries to run him off the road/shut him up.  Vinny's car crashes but he escapes and takes off on foot when he sees Finn following him. He's running to get away from him when he runs/tumbles down the road from above and onto/into Liam's car.  The way the body impacted Liam's car it was like he was dropped/ran into it.

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Well, good for her. I have said this before, why do the crappiest actors get offered prime time roles? Zencole springs to mind. Agreed that Flo should go by the way of Zoe. I wonder how the show is going to write her out? That means the Quarter SL is going to speed up as right now, the only thing I can think of is that Zoe catches Quarter and flips out and leaves town. Too bad it wasn't Zoe who was the victim of the *cough* murder mystery. 

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1 hour ago, Crashcourse said:

Well, before Zoe leaves the show, I hope she finds out about Quinn and Carter, she tells Eric who finally divorces Quinn, and Carter's COO ass gets fired.   

Who will handle Eric's divorce if Carter is the other man? Forget being COO. Carter's main job has been either marrying couples or getting them annulled/divorced.

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I'm happy for Kiara Barnes and I hope she and the show do well. My only hesitation is that this reboot is going to be on FOX. I'd rather see it on ABC since that's where the original was. I fear FOX won't respect the show's history and that's why fans of the OG Fantasy Island will hate on it. Oh well, at least it's not the CW...

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Spoilers for the week of April 26th https://soaps.sheknows.com/the-bold-and-the-beautiful/spoilers/597896/bold-beautiful-spoilers-april-26-through-30-2021/

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Monday, April 26:

When Hope makes a welcome request of Liam, we have to wonder if she’ll invite him to move back into the cabin… and out from under Bill’s watchful eye and rather rage-y countenance. If so, that’s the very definition of an offer he can’t refuse, right? Really, Hope?

In keeping with his over-the-top mood of late, Bill gets mad when Deputy Baker interrupts a moment between him and Katie. On the plus side, at least Bill will be getting a moment with Katie. What is so great about a moment or any stretch of time with Katie?


Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Tuesday, April 27:

Break out the honey! When Donna cozies up to Eric as he opens up about his troubles with Quinn, will the former married couple’s old feelings for one another begin to resurface? I was hoping for Donna/Carter or a returning Justin, but I'm okay with this, I guess.

When Hope and Liam make their latest momentous decision about their relationship, we have to assume that they’ll be giving their marriage the old college try once again. But will his overwhelming guilt about Vinny’s death torpedo the reunion before it even gets off the ground? It should be Hope being sick of Liam's shit that prevented a reunion in the first place.

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Wednesday, April 28:

We didn’t think we had to worry about Bill tipping off the authorities, and yet we have to wonder if suspicions will be raised when the overprotective father interferes during Deputy Baker’s interrogation of Liam.

After Hope shares her joyful news, Brooke plays a familiar record, voicing her concerns about Thomas. Lord knows she still doesn’t trust the guy; will her worries about how he’ll react prove to be valid?

Is the sun gonna come up tomorrow?

Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Thursday, April 29:

When Zoe apologizes to Paris, her remarkably forgiving younger sister offers to help her win back Carter. Will her efforts be successful… or has Carter’s attention already been diverted to someone totally unexpected? 

It’s no secret that Dollar Bill never met a handle that he wouldn’t fly off, but will Wyatt sense that something isn’t quite right when his father becomes irritated by an innocent question about his car?

If Wyatt gets his head bitten off by $ Bill, I'm okay with that.


Bold & Beautiful spoilers for Friday, April 30:

Be sure to have tissues on hand for a touching father/son moment as Ridge comforts Thomas after viewing Vinny’s memorial tribute. Was there more to the Vinny/Thomas relationship than shown? 

We can only hope that Ghost Vinny will return when Liam struggles to maintain some semblance of normalcy with Hope while being tormented by thoughts of the young man that he killed.

I would watch Ghost Vinny and Hopequinn all day any day over the fools currently onscreen.

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4 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Be sure to have tissues on hand for a touching father/son moment as Ridge comforts Thomas after viewing Vinny’s memorial tribute. Was there more to the Vinny/Thomas relationship than shown?

The wording of that spoiler is weird to me. It sounds like the memorial is going to be on TV or something. But yeah, of course Vinny and Thomas were each other's first love. Everyone knows but that darned Bradley won't let us have this one simple thing. 😌

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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I sure hope it wasn't some "Vinny was in love w Thomas" stuff because I sure as hell don't want have to get into Bury Your Gays™ discourse in this fandom. I've had this discussion too many time in other corners and frankly I'm burned out on it and the trope.

It's absolutely lazy as shit to pull this after the character is dead and villainized.

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