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S10.E21: Semi-Final Performances 1

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Sorry, but not sorry, I don't care for Drew Lynch. At all. To say I think he's using his stutter to distract from the fact that his material is not funny or original would be an understatement. In his pre-routine package, the stutter is so much more under control than it is onstage. It's still present, but it's about 80% controlled. Then he comes onstage and--irony of ironies--he has a debilitating stutter when his entire act is based on the premise of having a debilitating stutter. One might argue that Drew's more nervous onstage, and that's what's making his stutter worse, but I don't buy it. He's nervous enough to exacerbate his stutter while on national television, but not so nervous to shoot a package...that's going to be shown on national TV?

Like I said, I don't find his material or premises to be funny or interesting or relevant. Who calls their grocery store to pay a bill anyway?? The whole act was basically comprised of one joke--which boiled down to his trouble communicating telephonically with corporate customer service reps. Oh, I am laughing! I am in stitches! Where is the oxygen?!?

As far as laughing at his own jokes, I not only find that irritating, I find it kind of scary. Drew's laugh is positively maniacal. In addition to a stutter, does he also suffer from some form of Tourette's? Which--if he's got Tourette's or any other disability and he can work through it--more power to him. On the other side of the coin, you've got to be in control of your basic faculties if you're going to make it onstage. That's just a fact of life.

Speaking of facts of life, Drew would have been read for filth if he had been performing on another show, such as Last Comic Standing, and his reply to the judge's critique that he need not laugh at his own jokes with "I'll try to be less funny so as not to laugh at my own jokes." How arrogant. How beside the point. In the face of that remark, any of the judges on LCS--Keenan, Roseanne, and Norm--would have gotten serious and corrected him that it's not that he's too funny, it's that his laughter is unnecessary, and off putting, and they don't think he's getting it. And those judges are easy. Of course the AGT judges are super-easy. Especially if you've got a sob story. I think consideration of the sob story is condescending. Can you make me laugh? Can you entertain me? If not, make way for someone who can. It's show business. It's supposed to be cutthroat, not touchy feely.

Even as an unabashed Ira fan, I accept the fact that there was some criticism for him. I would just like to think that a puppet and human with a "disability" (Drew's term, not mine. I would consider a stutter a speech impediment, not a disability) would both be judged on their merits, and not their relative special circumstances, or lack thereof.

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Drew Lynch's performance suffered because of two things  - he started out laughing, before he even told a joke, and kept on laughing.   The second thing, is that his joke consisted of a telephone conversation in which one person in the conversation was misunderstanding the other because of the stutter.  Only - in performing the conversation, BOTH parties stuttered!   So the joke didn't work.  HIs act is cute. but a longer show full of jokes about a speech impediment?  No way that's going to work. 


Ira bores me.  He's cute, but who cares?  The magician with the bedtime story also bored me.   Just a version of a trick every magician does - I thought it fell flat.  The Craig lewis band was good, they're the only singing act I DON'T fast-forward.

 I like the mentalist act - I don't find HIM very likeable, but the act is good. 

Siro-A is very entertaining, much the way The Blue Man Group is. 

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Sorry, but not sorry, I don't care for Drew Lynch. At all. To say I think he's using his stutter to distract from the fact that his material is not funny or original would be an understatement. In his pre-routine package, the stutter is so much more under control than it is onstage. It's still present, but it's about 80% controlled. Then he comes onstage and--irony of ironies--he has a debilitating stutter when his entire act is based on the premise of having a debilitating stutter. One might argue that Drew's more nervous onstage, and that's what's making his stutter worse, but I don't buy it. He's nervous enough to exacerbate his stutter while on national television, but not so nervous to shoot a package...that's going to be shown on national TV?

I do think there's a different energy performing to a live audience than there is performing to a camera.  Filming in front of a camera also allows for multiple takes/line readings and the show can edit in the best takes and eliminate anything that trips him up too much. But even if he plays it up as a stage gimmick, I'm okay with it.  It's no worse to me than someone who goes on stoner like, or overly girly or super slow.  A lot of comedians adopt a stage persona. 


I didn't like him all that much during his audition but I've grown to appreciate him.  His little segments always seem to be building towards one or two jokes but those jokes have ended up landing for me. He wasn't calling the grocery store to pay his bill, he was in the grocery store talking to a bill collector on his cell.


I think my favorite act of the night was the bed time story. I  couldn't say why that was but I found it very relaxing.  I'm not terribly interested in any dancers left.  Or singers---at least not those who sang tonight.  My favorite part about the mentalist is Howie's reaction when he guessed what he was thinking of drinking. 


I'm sure whoever is behind Ira is doing an incredible job but tonight it just came off as boring. 

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I found Drew to be entertaining, but not vote worthy. The laughing at his jokes didn't used to bother me, but it seems to have gotten much worse. I don't think it is a deliberate part of the act though. I think he's just too amused by his own jokes and popularity.

Siro-A. I don't know if this will make any sense, but I was a little annoyed that I couldn't tell between the dancers and the screen dancers. Being able to do so allows me to see how great their timing is. Still the best act of the episode though. They got my votes.

Derek was the one with the Humpty Dumpty story, right? That went on way too long for a boring trick.

Oz was entertaining. Howie's reaction when Oz mentioned chocolate was great. Voted for him.

I like the motorcycle guys, though I imagine they'll be gone again. Still, I voted for them.

All the singers (including Ira) can go away. I know it won't happen, but I would not mind all the above staying and all the singers leaving.

Edited by Meushell
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We absolutely adore Drew Lynch and hope he wins it all.  He's charming, funny, modest, and despite a condition that would cause many to be miserable and to hide away from people, he seems to embrace and enjoy life.  I find his laughing to be infectious, and I completely understand it - part nervousness, part joy of living.  The sun is shining!  Laugh because it makes you feel good.  I laugh a lot as well, and fortunately for me, my friends and family find that one of most endearing qualities.  :)  We thoroughly enjoyed his routine last night and appreciate his sense of humor.  "There's no need to raise your voice. . . .  I'm trying to lower my voice."  It was awesome.  


Samantha Johnson didn't scream at me last night, so that was good.  Still love the opera singer, Arielle.  MFB was good but not great.  Craig Lewis Band was excellent.  Still have no idea how Oz does what he does.  I was a bit underwhelmed and yet still appreciated the magician's act.  I think it was gutsy to try something more low key, and his explanation for it makes perfect sense.  I also loved that he was able to do that for his children.  Motorcycle daredevils are amazing.  Siro-A was good, but it all seemed a bit much to me last night.  Benton Blount again good but not great.  


We started watching late, so we missed Ira.  I haven't been a fan, so I'm not bothered by that.  All things considered, we here enjoyed the show immensely last night.  Voted for Arielle, Drew, Oz, Derek, Melal Mulisha and Craig Lewis Band.  So it's guaranteed that at least one of our favorites won't go through.

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I'm afraid that at this point in the competition Drew Lynch's act doesn't work for me either. To be honest, between his unfortunate speech impediment and his constant giggling, I found it hard to follow what he was saying. I congratulate him for the way he deals with his situation and wish him good luck in life and all, but the AGT winner shouldn't be based on a sympathy vote.


For anyone who's interesting in knowing who Ira and his mom's humans are, I posted this link from a Portsmouth, NH, newspaper yesterday in the Live Results 3 thread and I trust it's OK to repeat it here:




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I'm not normally a fan of comedians that laugh at their own jokes but it doesn't bother me as much for Drew.  I wonder, though, if it's not so much that he thinks he's super funny as some sort of nervous tic that is exacerbated by his stutter. Like he intends to laugh a little but then he can't stop. The manic-ness of it is a bit off putting but I'm not sure how much of that he can really control.  That being said, I do find him funny.  I prefer Gary Vider to him but I thought Drew was one of the better acts last night.


CraigLewis Band might be my favorite of the many musical acts.  I think they are excellent and they are fun.  Mountain Faith Band  totally missed with their song choice again this week. I don't dislike the song, it just seemed like a really weird song to chose (and one that I imagine a lot of their fans have never heard of, though I'm not sure if that's a bad thing or not). It really showed how weak her voice is, she sounded so strained the whole time.  I want to like Arielle, she seems like a sweet girl and she has a good voice, but again with the song choice!  There are other opera songs!!!  And she needs to be properly trained before she ruins herself.  Samantha was fine, but I don't want her to go further just because she's a solo pop-ish singer and I don't like them in this competition.  


I think Oz is amazing, but he just bores me with his delivery.  I wouldn't want to sit through a full show of him.  Derek the magician's trick was cool but so slow.  I do get what he was trying to do though, show a different range of tricks, so I can appreciate that.  A whole show of slow story telling magic would put me to sleep but that mixed in with some faster paced stuff could work. 


I'm over Ira.  I was amused by him in the beginning but he's run his course.  To me he's no longer funny or quirky.  I enjoy the intro packages for him much more than his actual act.  Those are funny, the acts are a poor imitation of the Muppet Show.


The Metal Militia motocross guys are great at what they do but I still don't totally understand them as an act on this show.  They're probably really intense live though.


Siro-A was my favorite of the night.  I would watch a whole show of theirs.  They have a lot of different ways they can go and still be interesting.  

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I am sure some people vote for Drew as a sympathy vote.  We vote for Drew because we find him genuinely funny as well as the fact that we just plain like him as a person (at least what we've seen of him).  The 'sympathy' vote rarely gets people to win.  It gets them to the end as a show of appreciation for courage, but it rarely gets them all the way.  If Drew wins, it will be because of a lot of people like me who truly appreciate his sense of humor.  :)

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Ira's video package cracked me up - the actual act, not so much. I did laugh at "I think we just got ourselves 2 tickets to the Dunkin Save!" Ira honey, you are going straight home and will be nowhere near the Dunkin Save.


Mountain Faith Band sucks vocally.


I actually liked Samantha Johnson. I love that song and I like what she did with it.


Do the motocross guys really think people will vote for them now that they added fire? Okay.


Derek Hughes was an absolute snooze. "Back in California it's bedtime for my kids." His kids go to bed at 5:45?


Drew constantly laughing is SO ANNOYING. Why the heck did the crowd boo Howard over that?!


Benton was once again completely boring and forgettable.


Siro-A does not need subtitles, show.


Can we please ban "Nessun Dorma" from being sung on this show? Also, did you guys know Arielle is 12?


None of the acts really impressed me. There were way too many singers. I voted for Oz just because.


1. Oz
2. Siro-A
3. Drew
4. Craig Lewis Band
5. Arielle - I wanted to say Samantha Johnson but if she didn't make it straight through last time with the pimp spot, she's probably not making it through this time. I can see her being in the Dunkin Save if that's still a thing this time.

Edited by UsernameGoesHere
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I wonder, though, if it's not so much that he thinks he's super funny as some sort of nervous tic that is exacerbated by his stutter. Like he intends to laugh a little but then he can't stop.


I know enough about stuttering to know that's almost certainly it.  When you stutter, your mind is racing, so there are too many thoughts trying to get out at once and your speech center gets stuck on whatever syllable or sound you were making previously.  He might work better with a partner; that story could have worked well with someone at the other end, and maybe a visual graphic of a supermarket aisle that comes up in the background.


That said, I liked his main joke a lot.  Humor is often specific to people, so I think it's possible to not enjoy his act and still not cause holy water to boil in your presence.


Mountain Praise Band being lost for five hours in a subway might be true, but it pushed into stereotype territory.  There's a reason I usually fast-forward through intro clips, and that was it.  Other than that they seemed like nice people, but this wasn't a great choice of song for them.  It was enough of a night of less memorable singers that they might get through, though (being one of the five best of eight could happen). 


For Derek the magician, I used to do a variation of that trick as a kid, learning magic.  I wasn't good at it; he was as good as it gets.  (The dropped pieces and dropped piece at the end were a brilliant touch; it added a twist that made the story better.)


I think Ira and Miriam tried to re-create what worked last week--I think the phone call could have come just before the gunshot, and that would have given it a family-friendly feel.


As the judges even noted, Metal Mulisha doesn't translate well to TV, nor to a stage act.  Why they brought them back *to a TV show about stage acts* after saying that is anyone's guess.  I could see them working in Vegas, where the desert air would let them work outdoors a lot.


My picks to go through:  Siro-A, Derek, Oz, and after that I'm guessing--Derek, Ira, and Mountain Praise Band, with Ira getting the Dunkin save and Derek winning the judges' hearts one more time before getting a contract in Branson with Ira and the Mountain Praise Band together. 

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Years ago, one of my daughters had a doll that giggled.  That giggle was so infectious that when the doll giggled, we all giggled, If we made the doll keep giggling, we all kept laughing until out stomachs hurt.  I can see how some can find Drew's laugh to be maniacal, but I think, for a lot of (maybe most) people, Drew's laugh is very infectious.  I wonder how many people in the audience were just laughing along with him and not really laughing at his jokes.  I have heard that sometimes comedians try to have someone with a great/infectious laugh in the audience because it gets other people laughing and it gives the impression that the jokes are funnier than they really are, Drew may be his own "laugh plant"


For the record, I thought his set last night was funny, but not laugh out loud funny.  

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Derek was the one with the Humpty Dumpty story, right? That went on way too long for a boring trick.


Yeah, I was not liking the intro, about how MAGICIANS have these crazy hours and have to be on the road, and never see their families, etc.  It's like on other competition shows when women are "working moms!"  or 'Single moms!"  and they talk about how tough their life is, so they need to win a competition to prove that MOMS can do anything.  And they try to garner sympathy because they are raising kids while working and competing.   So now we have a magician who is a "WORKING DAD!"  who can't be around for his kids all the time.  Yeah, adults work, kids need to be raised, I've done it, you've done it, we all do it.  I'm tired of hearing about it. 

I get that he worked it into a  set-up for a trick, but the trick itself wasn't good enough to justify all that elaborate presentation - pajamas, bedtime story?  No thanks.  

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Oh, forgot to mention, Howie made some sort of weird comment last night. Anyone else notice? Mel told Drew that she wished his act would keep going. Then Howie made a comment to her about Drew's act taking a long time because he stutters. That was a very strange, maybe condescending, comment. Like he completely missed her point, then felt she needed to be told the obvious.

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I have strongly disliked Ira since its first appearance, but I object to that act getting the buzzer last night. It wasn't DIFFERENT enough from the week before? What about the singers who SING each week? Comedians who tell JOKES each week. Plus I can see a whole family going to see Ira's act, kids being entertained and an adult's attention being kept throughout. Yeah, it's a low-budget Muppets, but what's so different about every single singer or comedian or mentalist or magician ... there are dozens of those acts in Vegas.


So, amazingly, put me on the Ira train and STFU Howard, my ex-favorite judge.


I fell asleep before the bald singer guy but from reading here I didn't miss much. I did like the two singer guys, they are entertaining to watch plus sound good. Otherwise, I FF through all the singing acts. Or, fall asleep.


I get a kick out of Drew laughing, it doesn't seem maniacal to me, it brings me more into his act. He's a decent writer (or, someone is) and his jokes always have a payoff. Last night's didn't work so well for me since both people on the phone had a stutter, plus why would someone try to call collections while shopping. Or EVER! for that matter! I didn't listen to the judges, I hate hearing the drivel they spout, so didn't know until reading there that he got raked for laughing at himself. Again: Doesn't bother me at all.

Edited by saber5055
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I have strongly disliked Ira since its first appearance, but I object to that act getting the buzzer last night. It wasn't DIFFERENT enough from the week before? What about the singers who SING each week? Comedians who tell JOKES each week.


Don't even get me started on the regurgitators who regurgitate each week...

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I have strongly disliked Ira since its first appearance, but I object to that act getting the buzzer last night. It wasn't DIFFERENT enough from the week before? What about the singers who SING each week? Comedians who tell JOKES each week. Plus I can see a whole family going to see Ira's act, kids being entertained and an adult's attention being kept throughout. Yeah, it's a low-budget Muppets, but what's so different about every single singer or comedian or mentalist or magician ... there are dozens of those acts in Vegas.

So, amazingly, put me on the Ira train and STFU Howard, my ex-favorite judge.

Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but I thought the judges weren't too fond of him last week either. They liked the simpler act. If that's the case, it makes sense that Howard would not like Ira doing the same as the week before.
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Drew was the first person I ever fast fowarded through mid act. Trying to imitate a two person conversation was just a big mistake. I didn't feel the weak "I'm disabled, that's funny" punchlines were worth sitting through that mess. I'm sure he'll go to the next round however.


Siro-A is probably the most ready vegas act that performed. They could easily do an hour show with variety and little fatigue.


Button and Faith Band have overstayed thier welcome. The woman in particular has a weak voice for this point in the competition. Ira is good at what he does, but the act is getting stale imo.


Samantha was good and I liked that she didn't rely on belting every note this time. However, I think Craig Lewis edged her considerably and will take her votes.


Oz had a simple, but effective trick. His presentation was weaker than Dereks, but I feel he'll impress more people at home.


Arielle still has to mature more, but has a lot of raw talent. Motocross guys don't translate well to television and will be knocked out again.  


Guessing: Siro-A, Drew, Oz, Craig Lewis Band, and (maybe) Samantha Johnson go through.

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Don't even get me started on the regurgitators who regurgitate each week...

HA!  too true!  And if you look up videos of him- he's been dong the EXACT same stuff for at least a decade - Swallow water, swallow sugar, bring up dry sugar.  Ring, lock, key, swallow it locked, bring up unlocked, or vice versa.   His act got flashier over time, but it's the same damn act he's been doing forever.  

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HA!  too true!  And if you look up videos of him- he's been dong the EXACT same stuff for at least a decade - Swallow water, swallow sugar, bring up dry sugar.  Ring, lock, key, swallow it locked, bring up unlocked, or vice versa.   His act got flashier over time, but it's the same damn act he's been doing forever.  


Yup, I thought his act seemed familiar so did a Google search on him and sure enough, he has been doing these same acts for DECADES...


I remember seeing him do something back in the 80's with a Rubicks Cube (I remember it grossing me out).


And he was also on Howard Sterns radio show in the late 80's, so Howard was already familiar with him.

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And he was also on Howard Sterns radio show in the late 80's, so Howard was already familiar with him.



Oh, just WOW to this. Howard ... I'm SO disappointed in you. And you buzzing Ira for not changing enough from last week. 


I guess I shouldn't get upset. I'm pretty sure AGT follows the agenda of all reality shows and the winner has already been scripted. Still, no need to be a snot to the clearly defined losers.

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Proudly and weirdly, I stand alone in my Ira and Miriam love, although marketdoctor is 100% correct in saying the phone call should've come before the gunshot. Hope they get through; won't be surprised if they don't.

A Boston Gal--I'm standing right there with you with love for Ira and Miriam Fennelbloom. I always give them all my votes. I think Ira's an acquired taste, and I can understand why many just write him off. The reason I like him is because I get such a kick out of the fact that someone went to such lengths to create such a specific character--an awkward, socially inept Jewish boy from Queens, who takes the form of a skinny, pathetic puppet--and then had the cojones to enter him into a contest called "America's Got Talent," with his "talent" being that he covers old show tunes. It's like it's so wrong it's right. It's like Ira and Mom are a joke in the most honorable sense of the word, and by being a fan of theirs, I'm in on the joke. That's why Ira always gets all my votes and I really hope he goes through, regardless of the fact that I found his act repetitive last night, and I do think there should be more discourse between Ira, Mom and the judges, and less singing; It doesn't matter, because I'm always engaged and entertained as soon as Ira hits my screen, by virtue of who he is.

It's a little like last season's Mat Franco (whom I personally loathed). The magic may have not been quite on point 100% of the time, but he was so likable (to the general audience) that they fell in love with him and gave him the win.

BTW, I'm ok with the gunshot. There's got to be something edgy about Ira, or I don't like him as much. I think he's at his best when there's something suggestive or ambiguous in the act, not when it's G-rated.

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I guess I shouldn't get upset. I'm pretty sure AGT follows the agenda of all reality shows and the winner has already been scripted. Still, no need to be a snot to the clearly defined losers.


I agree.


The judges just seem "snottier" than usual this year. Has me wondering if the producers have told them to "Simon Cowell" it up or something.


I mean, you don't X acts this far in the competition. The time to X them was before Radio City Music Hall. YOU let them through. The X'ing is just outright rude. Not like the X'ing holds ANY power at this point, so why do it?


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I for one hopes Derek Hughes goes far. He has enough range in his act where it would be a phenomenal vegas show for families. he very likable too.


I am not a fan of Drew peterson either. I found myself daydreaming and losing attention from his comedy.I agreed with Howard. He needs to lose the goofy laugh in-between jokes. Also, he needs a hairstylist. 


Samantha Johnson did a much improved performance this week over last.I wouldn't be disappointed if she made it through. 


One of my favorites of the night was the Craig Lewis band although the name confuses me. Are they a band or a duo?


Siro-A was great too.The dancers were pretty good, but the choreographer is the all-star. very creative!


Mountain Faith band was just okay. 

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He wasn't calling the grocery store to pay his bill, he was in the grocery store talking to a bill collector on his cell.


But who does that? Especially if you have a speech impediment that makes you hard to understand. It was a whole long convoluted routine to lead up to the "big" punch line about saying he was two weeks late while standing in front of the tampons. Which I'm guessing a lot of people didn't even hear, because he'd started laughing before he even got the line out. Tampon jokes? So much for being the family oriented comedy act.


And I think his "maybe I shouldn't be as funny" retort to Howard showed an arrogant streak that conflicts with his super nice, humble image.


I also didn't like Derek the magician lecturing the judges about pacing. The guy is super full of himself for someone who basically just does very standard magic tricks.


Craiglewis Band is the best singing act this year, but that's not saying much. For me, they have the American Idol oversinging affliction. Not every word needs to be drawn out to five or six syllables. And "A Change is Gonna Come," which became an anthem of the Civil Rights movement, was about something more important  than a reality TV show. Their comment about the song relating to their career bugged me.


Mountain Faith Band yet again takes a current popular song and bluegrasses it up. Yawn.


I will be sorry to see Ira and Miriam go. Yes, Howard, it was another big production number, but they are still doing something different than anyone else on the show. And you go crazy for Arielle, when every week she sings yet another overdone opera standard. I will miss Ira and Miriam. (and not just because I'm also from Queens.) I love their intro packages, and could watch a half hour weekly show done in that style. When they are eliminated (which I expect will happen) it would be cool if the humans behind the act could come out and take a bow.

Edited by bluepiano
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Mel B. seemed to be in a foul mood. The sunglasses and eye infection story made me uncomfortable watching her. She never smiled when the other judges teased her about it. I may be reading too much into it because of the pictures of her in the recent past with black eyes and rumors of spousal abuse.

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Morgalisa, interesting post. Just how does one get an eye infection anyway? I've been putting contacts in my eyes (spitting on them, falling asleep in them) for more years than MelB has been alive, yet I've never had an eye infection. And I, of all people, should have.


I missed a lot of contestant wise-assery it seems, by my habit of flipping channels as soon as the first judge starts to speak. So all the comments here are interesting, especially those about the clean-cut Drew. And yeah, tampon jokes are NOT family friendly.


I'm rooting for Ira. I know, I surprised myself!

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I have nothing against Ira and can see how people could enjoy the act, the same way I enjoyed watching The Muppet Show back in the day - which is why I don't enjoy watching Ira.  I feel like I have already seen it, and with more characters.  He needs to add a couple of grumpy men in the balcony or a French chef puppet, but he can leave out the egotistical pig. 

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But who does that?

I was just doing fact checking, not arguing that the actual story made it more relatable.  However, I will say that I've seen a lot of crazy ass things in public. 


And I think his "maybe I shouldn't be as funny" retort to Howard showed an arrogant streak that conflicts with his super nice, humble image.

And I thought it was just a joke.  Just like the self-deprecating "I can do an hour-long act with ten minues of material."


Morgalisa, interesting post. Just how does one get an eye infection anyway?

A virus or bacteria or injury or illness can cause it. I think some people are more susceptible. Eye infections spread at my work a few years ago.  It was bizarre but there's a reason people sometimes are recommended to stay home when they get pinkeye.

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I agree.


The judges just seem "snottier" than usual this year. Has me wondering if the producers have told them to "Simon Cowell" it up or something.


I mean, you don't X acts this far in the competition. The time to X them was before Radio City Music Hall. YOU let them through. The X'ing is just outright rude. Not like the X'ing holds ANY power at this point, so why do it?


Yes, and I am especially irritated that the regurgitator (that's a TALENT?)  gets praised, when, as we've all been discovering, he's been doing the same thing, has been on the "Any country's Got Talent" show numerous times, the judges have seen him, known about him.   at first I thought that other people do that same act, I KNOW I've seen a guy do that on late night TV shows.  No - it's HIM.   same guy, same trick, over and over .  


If anybody deserves to be X'ed, it's him.  Except he doesn't even deserve to be on the show in the first place.   

I think they brought him on, knowing exactly what tricks he was going to do, and they're already decided when he's leaving the show.   He's an act that they call on to rev up interest, there's no way in hell he's going to win, and he (and the judges and producers)  know it.  The fact that he's there makes me not believe in the show at all 

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I still liked Ira and Miriam. I love they keep carrying the joke through in the intro packages by having all the other people be puppets, instead of regular humans. Thanks for that article Tominboston. Surprised neither of them are from New York, or Jewish, but working on Avenue Q explains so much. But there have to be more than two of them, last weeks number has a dozen mermaids in addition to Ira, Miriam and the dancers.


On the West Coast so haven't seen the results yet. Sad sack country singer was terrible. Mountain Faith Band always sucks, although I might be biased since I loathe bluegrass. Drew wasn't funny and the laughing was intensely annoying. Little Opera singer will go through, along with Craig Lewis Band. Drew may get the 'plucky disabled performer' vote. Anyone remember Geri Jewel? She was actually funny.

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Yes, and I am especially irritated that the regurgitator (that's a TALENT?)  gets praised, when, as we've all been discovering, he's been doing the same thing, has been on the "Any country's Got Talent" show numerous times, the judges have seen him, known about him. 


Out of curiosity I looked up how many times he has been on television....just, wow:


"Tonite With Jay Leno" (USA) (x6)

"Late Night With Letterman" (USA)

"Arsenio Hall Show (USA)

"Howard Stern Show" (USA)

"Incredible Sunday" (USA)

"Thats Incredible" (USA) (x2)


And that is just on American TV.


I remembered him and the Rubicks Cube trick from Thats Incredible (showing my age there).


But come on AGT...this show should be about AMATEUR talent, not someone who has been on Jay Leno SIX times...though I guess they never specifically said this show was purely for amateurs, I just assumed.

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Oz, Derek and CL Band were my favorites last night. Everyone else can go home. If I was a judge I would have buzzed Benton right before he sang just for his stupid intro package. I'm so sick of Benton talking about how they are "barely making ends meat" and "have to be away from their kids"  when in reality they can't be that hard up for cash because baby 2 is on the way and you are right now in the middle of a competition where you won't make any money unless you win. People everyday struggle with money, feeding and providing for their children and you know what they do? They get a damn job!! It's just so damn selfish and I highly doubt his wife is thrilled with being left with a young child with another one on the way. I can't stand people that try to pawn themselves off as the "everyman" when in reality they aren't. Drew I just can't get into because I don't think that his jokes are that good and I also can't understand them most of the time. I think it's sweet that he reaches out to others with the same problem and I think it's brave of him to put himself out there(he would be a great motivational speaker) but at the end of the day I just don't see him as being a hit in Vegas. 


ETA: I am no longer impressed with the kiddie opera singers. Most of the time they aren't that good and it also no longer is amazing or surprising to me. It's time to move onto another trope. 

Edited by Dancingjaneway
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Ira: Yeah, I wish they'd make this more of a comedy act than a music one. I still find him very entertaining but I think his journey should come to an end here.


Mountain Faith Band: Bored.


Metal Mulisha Fitz Army: Is it just me, or does the number of guys they know that die doing this get higher every week? Same criticism as always: it doesn't translate well to TV. If you can't do it on the stage, it shouldn't be on the show.


Samantha Johnson: Well, I see she's not a pet anymore, getting shoved in fourth (probably from being part of the Dunkin' Save in the quarter finals). Fine, I guess, but I'm not rooting for her.


Derek Hughes: I loved it, especially the bit where he dropped the one piece. When I first saw it, I was afraid it was going to mess up his trick, but then the fact that it was actually part of it made it so much better.


Drew Lynch: This wasn't his best set, and the laughter is kind of annoying (again, though, he might not be able to help it). But dude is getting, as my dad would say, a little big for his britches.


The CraigLewis Band: These guys are awesome, the only singing act I'm genuinely invested in (except maybe Alondra Santos).


Oz Pearlman: I love him.


Benton Blount: How is this guy still here? He's so dull! And it's not America's responsibility to make sure you can afford to take care of your second kid. Y'all can't possibly be that poor.


Siro-A: These guys are so slick, I could totally see myself going to their show.


Arielle Baril: Nice girl, fine voice, but I'm not invested.


My picks: Derek Hughes, Drew Lynch, The CraighLewis Band, Oz Pearlman, and Siro-A.


In case anyone is wondering, Mel's eye infection is real.




It doesn't gross me out, but if you think it'll make you queasy, don't click on the link.

Edited by helenamonster
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Yes, and I am especially irritated that the regurgitator (that's a TALENT?)  gets praised, when, as we've all been discovering, he's been doing the same thing, has been on the "Any country's Got Talent" show numerous times, the judges have seen him, known about him.   at first I thought that other people do that same act, I KNOW I've seen a guy do that on late night TV shows.  No - it's HIM.   same guy, same trick, over and over .  


If anybody deserves to be X'ed, it's him.  Except he doesn't even deserve to be on the show in the first place.   

I think they brought him on, knowing exactly what tricks he was going to do, and they're already decided when he's leaving the show.   He's an act that they call on to rev up interest, there's no way in hell he's going to win, and he (and the judges and producers)  know it.  The fact that he's there makes me not believe in the show at all 



Out of curiosity I looked up how many times he has been on television....just, wow:


"Tonite With Jay Leno" (USA) (x6)

"Late Night With Letterman" (USA)

"Arsenio Hall Show (USA)

"Howard Stern Show" (USA)

"Incredible Sunday" (USA)

"Thats Incredible" (USA) (x2)


And that is just on American TV.



I find the whole "He's been on TV before, thus this whole thing is a fix" notion quite silly. If we are to start eliminating contestants based on how "professional" they are, then we'd have to get rid of about 80% of them.


Everybody loves Paul Zerdin, but he's appeared on the Royal Variety Performance 3 times (something considered a PRIZE for the winner of Britains Got Talent), won various other talent competitions AND has professionally produced DVD's out. Piff already HAS his own show, is part of the magic circle AND has appeared on Penn and Teller. Myq Kaplan has appeared on all kinds of Late night talk shows (Letterman, Conan etc) and has multiple comedy specials out. Derek Hughes has been on TV loads of times, he was a professional coach for celebrities on Abracadabra, has acted in sitcoms and shows like Angel and CSI, been on Jay Leno, produced his own shows AND even been an extra in Captain America and Adam Sandler movies. 


Siro-A have toured the world for over 12 years, have won more awards than anyone could possible count and have appeared on other talent shows like BGT before. Same thing with Freelusion (also on Britains got Talent). Uzeyer has been doing his act for over 20 years now, has travelled across the globe, been part of some of the most prestigious circuses, been on TONS of TV shows and even performed as part of Cirque du Soleil. The people behind Ira are known broadway stars, behind some of the most critically acclaimed musicals like Avenue Q.


Benton already has multiple albums out and tours across the world. Daniela Mass has won over 20 singing competitions and even composed songs of her own that have become anthems for various big events. The CraigLewis band have appeared on Oprah and been a part of Tyler Perry musicals. Alicia Michilli already has an album coming out and has been performing wit Keb' Mo' for quite a while now. Alondra Santos has been singing these exact same songs on various other talent shows like The Voice.


The list goes on and on and on... This show likes to play the "We've never seen anything like this before, I'm so glad we discovered you" card because it makes for good TV, but don't be fooled...most of these people have had LONG careers before AGT ever came along. 


At the end of the day, this show has never been about discovering people who woke out of bed 2 weeks ago and found they could yodel like a pro. It's about bringing talented people together, those who have been performing for 30 years and those who just started a week ago EQUALLY, and showcasing them to the rest of America, who usually would not check out opera singers, magicians, comedians etc. It would be silly if Lady Gaga auditioned, but none of these guys are a household name like her. They are semi-pro's and quite known within their respective circles, but 98% of the people who tune in to AGT have NEVER heard of them before. And it's to these people the show is aimed at. 

Edited by Frankenstein123
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Frankenstein, I get what you're saying. My biggest objection to the regurgitator is that he's been doing the SAME act all these years, and that he's done that act on other country's "got talent" competitions, the same franchise as AGT. I don't think competitors should get to travel all over , following the franchise and competing for different countries. Pick a country to represent, and if you lose, walk away.

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Putting aside the "same act" argument for a moment, with regards to the Regurgitator, have we figured out whether it's an illusion/sleight of hand dealy or is he truly swallowing these items? Or some combination thereof? I know it shouldn't make a difference, entertaiment-wise, but I admit I'd be more impressed if it was for "real".


Then again, I impress easily.

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Putting aside the "same act" argument for a moment, with regards to the Regurgitator, have we figured out whether it's an illusion/sleight of hand dealy or is he truly swallowing these items? Or some combination thereof? I know it shouldn't make a difference, entertaiment-wise, but I admit I'd be more impressed if it was for "real".


Then again, I impress easily.

People have been trying to figure him out for years, but haven't really managed to. The most popular sentiment seems to be that he never FULLY swallows everything, but uses a combination of hiding things in his throat/mouth and sleight of hand. The pool ball/light bulb never fully go down, but are hidden in his throat (he tries not to talk much when he swallows big objects as you can clearly tell his voice has changed)...yet at the same time some items COULD be swallowed as a whole, while others are simply hidden in his mouth. There must be some sort of a physical abnormality that allows him to do all of this. He is probably using this in combination with sleight of hand magic (ring goes into lock before he puts it in his mouth)


As for the "same act" bit...Paul Zerdin, Piff, Alondra, Siro-A, Uzeyer etc have also been doing EXACTLY the same routines on AGT as other shows. However I do agree that The Regurgitator having appeared in like 6 different "got talent" shows has made his act quite stale for those who HAVE seen them and it's getting a bit silly by now. Still, like I mentioned earlier...most people are seeing him for the first time so he's still "new" to them. 

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Putting aside the "same act" argument for a moment, with regards to the Regurgitator, have we figured out whether it's an illusion/sleight of hand dealy or is he truly swallowing these items? Or some combination thereof? I know it shouldn't make a difference, entertaiment-wise, but I admit I'd be more impressed if it was for "real".


Then again, I impress easily.

I linked a video on one of the other threads that showed a glimpse of the lightbulb  trick.  He "swallowed"  a light bulb.  But in a camera shot, you could see that it was still in his mouth.   Maybe he has items like lightbulbs, rubiks cubes, made for him that flatten, so he can hide them in his mouth.    I also think he looks like he has no teeth other than the ones in front.  


here's a video showing the ring/lock trick and how it was done: 

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I definitely see your point Frankenstein (heh, no clue why, just typing that gave me a chuckle).


I guess I just didn't realize how well traveled these people are. I didn't realize Siro-A has been out there THAT much. Would figure they would be a little more polished than they are in that case.


And yeah, I saw that clip where you can clearly see the light bulb in the back of his mouth.


It has to be a combination of sleight of hand and being able to hold things in the back of his throat. He obviously doesn't have fingers in his stomach, so it is physically impossible for him to swallow a lock, key and ring and manipulate them to put the key in the lock, unlock it, place the ring on it, lock it and take the key out.


He IS very good at what he does. He is good enough people have been speculating on how he does it for decades now. But It is just like others have said, having seen his act before, it just doesn't wow me. But, others haven't seen it, so again, I do see peoples point on that.

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Good video, backformore, although I almost didn't watch it because this guy makes ME want to barf. But now that I know he isn't really "regurgitating," I can watch for the slight of hand.


Gosh, he was YOUNG on Maury's show. That must have been 70s, maybe 80s, based on that woman's hairdo.

Edited by saber5055
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I definitely see your point Frankenstein (heh, no clue why, just typing that gave me a chuckle).


I guess I just didn't realize how well traveled these people are. I didn't realize Siro-A has been out there THAT much. Would figure they would be a little more polished than they are in that case.


And yeah, I saw that clip where you can clearly see the light bulb in the back of his mouth.


It has to be a combination of sleight of hand and being able to hold things in the back of his throat. He obviously doesn't have fingers in his stomach, so it is physically impossible for him to swallow a lock, key and ring and manipulate them to put the key in the lock, unlock it, place the ring on it, lock it and take the key out.


He IS very good at what he does. He is good enough people have been speculating on how he does it for decades now. But It is just like others have said, having seen his act before, it just doesn't wow me. But, others haven't seen it, so again, I do see peoples point on that.

Heh, there are certain sentences in life you never expect to write and "I definitely see your point Frankenstein" is one of them.


I find him quite entertaining, despite seeing him on a thousand other shows, but he definitely needs to spice things up soon. My guess is, he will do the whole "swallow the goldfish" act next.

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I don't get the appeal of Drew Lynch to the voting audience or the judges.


His stage stutter is so pronounced that it takes forever for him to complete the jokes. I don't find that funny. It's just slow and boring. And why is he giggling all the time – before, during and after the jokes?  


I admire his courage, but the show isn't America's Got Courage.


I also don't like the fact that his stutter was much less pronounced in the pre-performance package. Is he exaggerating it for his act? That's also not funny.


And also ...


The Mountain Faith Band musicians are great, but their singing, especially by the lead singer, is terrible.


And one more thing ..


Isn't it obvious that The Regurgitator isn't really swallowing and barfing things up? It's not physiologically possible to do that.  It does look like he's removed or filed down a lot of his teeth, apparently so there is more room in his mouth to store the things that he pretends to swallow.


ira and his Mom were much funnier during the packaged bit than during the show. If they want to do a huge production number, they have to change it up a bit ... change the lyrics or interject comedy or something. Just straight singing and dancing brings little new to the table. That they are puppets is not enough.


The Craig Lewis Band knocked it out of the park.  I wasn't even watching TV. I was listening from the next room and it got my attention. By far the best act of the night.

Edited by remotecontrolfreak
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It took a rewatch to notice, but Mountain Faith Band used a gender-change again.  Since it was changing "she" to "he" this was more subtle (and the theme "don't worry about it" was part of the song's hook, so I didn't.)  It didn't fit the lead singer's voice; I'm not sure how much of the song choice was theirs.  They seem like nice people, so I wish them well.  (With a little wondering if there's ever an opening intro. where someone talks about their hobbies of torture and buying 37 items in the express lane, or building sculptures for people who drive alone but want to use the carpool lane.)

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ira and his Mom were much funnier during the packaged bit than during the show. If they want to do a huge production number, they have to change it up a bit ... change the lyrics or interject comedy or something. Just straight singing and dancing brings little new to the table. That they are puppets is not enough.



I liked the personalities from the beginning and the puppeteers are clearly talented, but the act itself has always seemed a bit half-baked. Their behind the scenes and intro skits were always much better than the actual act and it feels like they never really figured out what to do once they actually had to perform on stage. I feel like they could have gotten much further had the act JUST been sketches. Just set up an elaborate comedic sketch on stage, perform it with puppets and have it be funnier than the comedians, BAM finals. They clearly had it in them based on all the intro videos. Or if you are going for the musical route, try to do something original, like a comedic song with original lyrics not just "Heres a puppet singing that song you once heard..LAUGH DAMN YOU!".

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