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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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2 hours ago, just prin said:

Hunter's on another message board, where he appears to be an extremely nice guy. One of his opponents also said that on yet another J board. (Yes, I need a life. But, hey, I'm older than shit, have a bad back and ya gotta do something! ;))

Ooooh interesting!  I'll try to be less judgmental when I see the show tonight.  Try.  Not sure if I'll succeed.  Because...buzzer pointing.

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Poor Beth -- she sounded like she was going to pass out.  From nerves, I guess?

Glad Sarah didn't win -- she was okay until she started picking clues at the bottoms of the categories first.

FJ was an instaget.

TS that I remember that I got were The Help (missed DD), Hindi, Drake Passage, Columbia River and Achille Lauro.  I could not believe Hunter's guess of Rainbow Warrior for an Italian cruise ship!  Ridiculous.

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I could not believe Hunter's guess of Rainbow Warrior for an Italian cruise ship!  Ridiculous.

Yes, that was ridiculous.  I couldn't remember the name of ship but I knew it wasn't Andrea Doria and certainly not the Rainbow Warrior.

The only ts's I remember getting were petrified wood and Tchaikovsky.  Instaget FJ.

Apparently they are letting Canadians on the show again, unless Sarah and the woman from Hamilton the other day were sill in the pool.

I liked Sarah, was hoping she would win, but it was not to be.  Beth was so tense and she clipped her words so much I sometimes had trouble understanding her.

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There were a lot of wrong answers tonight,

I'm baffled by the Tchaikovsky answer/question.  Did the clue not say "Symphonie Fantastique" ??  In which case, Hunter's response of Berlioz was correct.  The part about ending up in St. Petersburg fits Tchaikovsky, but SF was written by Berlioz. Perhaps they were thinking of Tchai's #6, Pathetique...which the writers are becoming...quite pathetic.

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5 minutes ago, Prevailing Wind said:

I'm baffled by the Tchaikovsky answer/question.  Did the clue not say "Symphonie Fantastique" ??  In which case, Hunter's response of Berlioz was correct.  The part about ending up in St. Petersburg fits Tchaikovsky, but SF was written by Berlioz. Perhaps they were thinking of Tchai's #6, Pathetique...which the writers are becoming...quite pathetic.

I thought it said "Pathetique", but my French ain't as good as Trebek's ;)

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22 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

I had never heard that quote by Marx ..... Karl Marx ...  before.

"workingmen of Europe" It's the Communist Manifesto. A spectre is haunting Europe =  the spectre of Communism. Workers of the world unite. Phrases like that.  

1 hour ago, Roaster said:

The final question in DJ (What is The Netherlands?  I never would have got that) put Hunter over Sarah and into first place.  

I just remember that the ABC islands north of Venezuela (Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao) were/are Dutch colonies. 

16 minutes ago, Trey said:

Beth was so tense and she clipped her words so much I sometimes had trouble understanding her.

She reminded me of Sadness from Inside Out ans even sounded like her too. I totally couldn't make out when she said emu and a few other responses. 

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The scores after the Jeopardy round were pretty underwhelming -- lot of wrong answers and TS.

Emu was a $2000 clue.  Really ?  I know they are limited by the category title (Australian wildlife), but that was pretty easy.

Sarah gave Hunter a run for his money up until the very last clue.  A for effort.  Getting pretty tired of these FJ cakewalks.  Even AT admits that the FJ clues have been easy as of late.

That guess by Beth for the ship as the Andrea Doria was pretty bad -- wrong decade, entirely wrong event.  And Rainbow Warrior was even worse.

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28 minutes ago, Prevailing Wind said:

Sorry to be obsessive about this, but I can't let it go.  WHY did the clue include the symphony's "name" in French?  Usually, it's just called "Pathetique" or Tchaikovsky's 6th.  Sticking "Symphonie" in front of it, with Alex's over-done Frahnch pronunciation was highly misleading.

I didn't think about that, but I agree that the writers shouldn't have had "Symphony" in French. I suppose they did it because of having the word right next to Pathétique. Maybe they should have written "the 'Pathetic' Symphony" with "pathetic" in quotes. 

Speaking of French accents, the other day Hunter had answered the creme brûlée clue, and the way he pronounced 'creme' made my ears hurt.

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I remember the Achille Lauro very well, I was in London at the time. No, I'm far from a world traveler, just happened to be taking a very rare international vacation during an international incident. I'll never forget watching the reports on the TV at the hotel.

FJ was such an instaget, I figured it had to be wrong. That "ads" category was infant tournament-level easy. 

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16 hours ago, Roaster said:

Oh, poor Beth.  Need to learn to not buzz in unless you are resonably sure you know the answer.

Hunter did not have a spectacular game but he was the most self-disciplined.  The final question in DJ (What is The Netherlands?  I never would have got that) put Hunter over Sarah and into first place.  Add in an easy FJ and Hunter's streak remains alive.

I got that one because I know someone who once vacationed in Curacao in the Netherlands Antilles.  Without the name of the ship, though, I'd have had no clue either.

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I just read through the archive for last night's game, and I'm glad they include Alex's asides, because his comment about FJ being too easy cracked me up. 

Speaking of ridiculously easy -- the "ads" category.

I knew the Woody Guthrie song in the Washington category, but was just as stumped as the three contestants on petrified wood.

I didn't know Community, either.  Sorry, fans.

I knew Hindi and the Drake Passage, guessed correctly on Balmoral and Wagner, but couldn't come up with the name of the Achille Lauro.  I also missed quite a few they got, especially in the M"tertainment" category - Married With Children was the only one I knew (I really should have been able to guess Myst).

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They ruled Hunter wrong on the final question of DJ - about Swan's Way.  I was thinking maybe they were trying to not let him get into the lead and unfairly penalized him - they want a new champ.  Then after the commercial break they announce they have changed their mind and he was right - he just answered in French.

So Hunter is in the lead going to FJ - but he wagers $0!  What's up with that?  Was he anticipating a hard FJ after a string of easy ones?

  • Love 3

I wondered whether Hunter would be credited for the French title of Swann's Way. It depends on whether they were going to be literal about the category title and insist the answer must be "Blank's Blank", or whether they just wanted the information. If someone had said "The Rebellion of Shay," for example, would that have been wrong?

I thought FJ was tough. I don't associate the Humpty Dumpty rhyme with Lewis Carroll. All I could think of was Gentleman's Agreement and was pretty sure that was wrong.

I liked Hunter pretty well and am sorry to see him go. There was something about Liz that made her not fun to watch--too anxious and uncertain-sounding.

  • Love 5

Hunter was growing on me, so of course that means it's time for him to go.

I'm not sure I agreed with them giving him the credit for a French answer, but since he lost, I guess it doesn't really matter.

For FJ, the only thing I could think of was "Through the Looking Glass", and the only part of the clue that it fit was Lewis Carroll. I was sure it was wrong but couldn't for the life of me come up with anything else.

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I missed most of the J round and that  put me off for the rest of the game.  I was just watching rather than playing.  I did enjoy it, thought the DJ round was pretty good.

I did get FJ before the answer was revealed but after the think music ended.  I give myself credit but the show certainly wouldn't have:)    I don't associate Humpty Dumpty with Lewis Carroll either even though I know he shows up in Wonderland.

Congrats to Liz on her win.  I am okay with Hunter losing; I had nothing against him but I wasn't really taken with him either.

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That credit they gave to Hunter by the judges was bullshit.

So, if the category is National Capitals (we'll give you the capital, you give us the nation) and the Clue is Washington, D.C., if I answer "What is Etats Unis ?" or "What is Estados Unidos ?" would I be judged correct ? 

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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So, if the category is National Capitals (we'll give you the capital, you give us the nation) and the Clue is Washington, D.C., if I answer "What is Etats Unis ?" or "What is Estados Unidos ?" would I be judged correct ? 

In a similar vein, that backwards movie category was weird.  Would I have gotten credit for the fish movie if I had said, "What is swaJ?"  They want it backwards, by gum, I'll give 'em backwards!  On the first one, I said to the cat, "Dreams of Field."

Edited by Prevailing Wind
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My only ts I remember is Effrontery


They all had pretty funny looks on their faces for that one!  Like they're thinking, "Effing.....nerve?  Effing....gall?  What?!"

I knew it was Effrontery. 

But I would have ROFL if someone had actually answered "Effing Nerve"!

Edited by The Wild Sow
  • Love 2

Congrats to Liz.  Good game.  All three contestants were on the ball.  I call B.S. on them giving Liz credit for fork since the correct answer was pitchfork.  

I got Bartles and Jaymes.

I smugly screamed out Gone With the Wind for FJ and then realized I was in the wrong decade.  I wonder why Hunter decided to call it quits?  Betting zero and not even attempting an answer.  Strange.

  • Love 4

I smugly screamed out Gone With the Wind for FJ and then realized I was in the wrong decade.  

Not me; I'm a bit of a Cine-putz.  Movie and/or Oscar trivia is something I need to study, not in my general knowledge base.

Of course, I stopped the DVR and went to my good friend Google, because I had no clue.  And as soon as I typed Best Pic..., the auto-fill function came up with "Best Picture 1949" so I can only assume that a whole lot of other viewers did the same!

Now, I have a small nitpick -- Best Picture 1949 comes up as Hamlet, which is certainly not from Lewis Carroll (plus it was written way earlier than 1947!)  All The King's Men won the Oscar *for* 1949.  *In* 1950!   The clue clearly stated it won Best Picture "in" 1949.  It didn't!

  • Love 3

Yes, the Oscar year thing is a perennial bugaboo in trivia contests - not just on Jeopardy!  What movie was Best Picture in 1972?  The Godfather?  No, The Godfather was Best Pic of 1972.  It didn't get the prize until 1973.  If you're playing pub trivia you have to guess what the judge is going rule.  The hard part is figuring out the judge's psychology, not knowing when a movie was released.

As far as Hunter's French response about Proust: Jeopardy is an English-language game.  Answers should be in English and if you answer in French, they should rule you wrong.  In Hunter's case, he did blurt out the English title Swann's Way.  I thought he should have got credit for it, but Alex ruled he took too long in answering.  Then during the commercial break they decided his French response was good enough.  In any case, there was no impact on the game results because of FJ.

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12 hours ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

I call B.S. on them giving Liz credit for fork since the correct answer was pitchfork.  

Yeah, at first I was thinking that 'fork' was the correct response because there are garden forks and pitchforks; however, you don't use a garden fork to move hay around. Alex should have BMS'd her. She certainly would have said pitchfork.



I got Bartles and Jaymes.

Me too! I think that's the only TS I got. I thought 'Happy Days Are Here Again' was going to be a TS. I was surprised it took so long for anyone to buzz in.

I expected Poland to be one of the countries in the Red, White flag category. BTW, can someone explain the flag of Japan to me re the dwarf star clue?


2 hours ago, Roaster said:

Yes, the Oscar year thing is a perennial bugaboo in trivia contests - not just on Jeopardy!  What movie was Best Picture in 1972?  The Godfather?  No, The Godfather was Best Pic of 1972.  It didn't get the prize until 1973. 

This always confuses me, too. Semantics and all. I have no problem saying that The Godfather was the Best Pic of 1972 because of the films in 1972, it was the best one, according to the Academy.



As far as Hunter's French response about Proust: Jeopardy is an English-language game.  Answers should be in English and if you answer in French, they should rule you wrong.  In Hunter's case, he did blurt out the English title Swann's Way.  I thought he should have got credit for it, but Alex ruled he took too long in answering.  Then during the commercial break they decided his French response was good enough.  In any case, there was no impact on the game results because of FJ.

Didn't someone a while back give the French title of Remembrances of Things Past, and it was accepted without an issue? For some reason, I think it was fine for Hunter to have used the French name of the first book (or however it went). What I didn't like was that Liz didn't get hers taken away. If she had given a wrong answer, she certainly would have gotten points back when Hunter was ruled correct. She shouldn't have been allowed to keep what she had because she obviously wouldn't have gotten it if Hunter had been ruled correct to begin with.

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I could have sat here until it was my time to be interred and not come up with the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus.  There are too many "wonders of the worlds" lists for me to keep straight, so that didn't help me. 

I didn't know the title of the decluttering book, either; instead of tidying up, my guess was "throwing stuff away."

I did get Bartles & Jaymes, though, and was surprised that was a TS.  I was reading the archive, not watching -- were the "and thank you for your support" commercials before their time?  But I'd still think "B&J" in a clue about wine coolers would lead to someone getting it.

The Swann's Way thing was confusing on the archive, but it reads like they initially ruled him wrong because he didn't give the English title in time, then later ruled him correct because he had given the French title in time.  I don't really have a problem with that, I guess, but it's weird -- why did he give it in French in the first place?  Trying to out-Alex Alex?

As noted, the wording of FJ was very frustrating - and wrong.  All the King's Men didn't win Best Picture in 1949, it won Best Picture of 1949 - at the 22nd Academy Awards in 1950.  I hate when they do that!  Especially since they got the Pulitzer part right.

Edited by Bastet
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So many TS in the DJ round.  It was painful to watch at times.  They went 1 for 5 in that Earth Science category, and the clues weren't even that tough.

Liz had a very weird pronunciation of metamorphosis -- I think she added an extra 's' because the way she pronounced it sounded like she pronounced it as 'metamorphsosis'

FJ was teen tournament easy.

AT's comment about FJ clues being easy continues.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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