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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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Tonight's FJ was a challenge, but Mir was the only thing that came to mind.  I was sure I was way off, too (I'm bad with dates!), so I was pleasantly surprised. Chernobyl didn't even occur to me.


Me too then because I totally don't understand why we would anticipate something happening in 2001 that occurred 15 years previously.

You say 2001 and I automatically go to 9/11 so I thought maybe the answer was terrorism.

For FJ I guessed Y2K. Chernobyl was in the 1980's for God's sake!

AT stating that Chernobyl was the obvious answer -- was just plain stupid because of the date in the clue category and the clue itself (insurance purchased sometime in the 21st Century) and the fact that it was an accident, but don't most nuclear plants have insurance anyway.


I got Port Arthur and AC.

I was surprised that AC was a TS.


I thought FJ might be fallout from Y2K - it was all I could come up with.


That was my guess too. D'oh !

  • Love 3


And we could have gotten to the last clues, ALEX, if we didn't have to have a history lesson about the rings of Saturn.

As he went on I groaned "Now how many clues is this science lesson gonna cost us, Alex??" So. Annoying.


We didn't get yesterday's show but Claudia seemed a little dizzy to me, and it seemed like there were a lot of TS in this match.


I thought FJ might be fallout from Y2K - it was all I could come up with.

Same here. Forgot all about Mir...

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I liked Jen, too.  But I wondered how she thought the Olympics would've caused damage.


I knew Port Arthur because I've always adored Janis Joplin and also because I had a stalker in college who was convinced I was her and that her death had been faked by the government.  Which was now hiding me/her in plain sight on a college campus in Manhattan.  Then one day he just disappeared.


Y2K here as well, although I knew it was wrong.  I could've sat around thinking about FJ for ten thousand years and not come up with Mir.  It's true, you know what you know and not what you don't.

  • Love 6

I don't understand why Chernobyl was an obvious answer Alex expected someone to write down in a category about the 21st century. But someone did, so joke's on me, I guess.



Me too then because I totally don't understand why we would anticipate something happening in 2001 that occurred 15 years previously.

You say 2001 and I automatically go to 9/11 so I thought maybe the answer was terrorism.

I haven't the slightest idea why Chernobyl is even a reasonable guess, let alone an "obvious answer".

My mind also immediately went to 9/11, and then I started thinking of events related to that - maybe after 9/11 they took out insurance for anticipated damages from entering into a war, or economic downturn, or something of that nature, so I didn't end up coming up with the right answer, but Chernobyl happened in the 1980s!

Y2K never even occurred to me, since 2001 was past that and it was insurance for something they anticipated happening.



The "throat singing" clue threw me a bit - I had no idea it was Asian, I always think of it as Inuit.

Edited by secnarf
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Once again you needed your Italian. I got the DD Prima Donna and the TS Leopard. Il Gattopardo is leopard in Italian. I also saw the movie which was the most miserable movie I ever have ever seen. It's 3 1/2 hours- which is crazy in itself- but NOTHING HAPPENS!! There is this 30 minute ballroom scene where nothing happens except dancing. 

  • Love 1

I don't understand why Chernobyl was an obvious answer Alex expected someone to write down in a category about the 21st century. But someone did, so joke's on me, I guess.

When he said that he thought they would go for the obvious answer, I thought "Huh?  What obvious answer?".  I mean, I'm old and I remember Chernobyl happening, but couldn't have told you what year.  I guessed Mir crashing to Earth simply because I also remember when Skylab did that, but again, didn't remember that it was in 2001.

Me too then because I totally don't understand why we would anticipate something happening in 2001 that occurred 15 years previously.

You say 2001 and I automatically go to 9/11 so I thought maybe the answer was terrorism.

I liked Jen a lot. Olympics happen in even years, dammit!

I know there is someone here who was going to be very upset if they didn't get to the whole phonetics category.

And we could have gotten to the last clues, ALEX, if we didn't have to have a history lesson about the rings of Saturn.

Normally I'm amused by Alex's comments, but yeah, this one was entirely on him.  The contestants did everything right as far as keeping the game moving was concerned.

  • Love 2

AT stating that Chernobyl was the obvious answer -- was just plain stupid because of the date in the clue category and the clue itself (insurance purchased sometime in the 21st Century) and the fact that it was an accident, but don't most nuclear plants have insurance anyway.

Maybe he meant it was the obvious stupid answer. Because except for it being in Russia, nothing else about it fit the clue.
  • Love 7


I haven't the slightest idea why Chernobyl is even a reasonable guess, let alone an "obvious answer".

Was Ukraine still part of the Soviet Union when it happened?  'Cause that's all I've got.  (I think it was, but I'm kind of wonky with dates after about 1865.)

Once again you needed your Italian. I got the DD Prima Donna and the TS Leopard. Il Gattopardo is leopard in Italian. I also saw the movie which was the most miserable movie I ever have ever seen. It's 3 1/2 hours- which is crazy in itself- but NOTHING HAPPENS!! There is this 30 minute ballroom scene where nothing happens except dancing. 

Wow, and I thought The Age of Innocence was boring!

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I only know about it from an episode of Frasier where Frasier and Niles have tickets to go, but have a conflict with walking the dog for their dad.  Niles explains in great detail the technique and they constantly call it Mongolian throat-singing.

That's how I knew it, too.

I guessed Y2K for FJ. When Alex said the correct answer isn't the obvious one, I thought he meant that Y2K was wrong. Chernobyl never even crossed my mind.

I felt pretty good about my game yesterday until FJ. I got most of the TS's, not that I can remember them now. I'm an Army vet, so the NATO category was easy for me. I really liked the movie category. Oh, yeah, I got Seven, which I think was a TS.

All in all, it was a pleasant game to watch without excessive jumping.

  • Love 4

I'd heard throat singing on the radio, but then I saw a great documentary called Genghis Blues, about a blind American guy who taught himself how to do it from listening to shortwave or something and then traveled to Tuva for a big throat-singing competition.  Sounds a little obscure, but it was wonderful.


Until some angel on TWOP taught us the correct term, I used to call women with vocal fry "Tuvan throat singers."

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Congrats to Sarah. I also liked Vivek who seemed to have a good breadth of knowledge.

I wish Sarah would have said to Alex, during her interview, "Yes, all the Medieval buildings I've visited are abroad, since the U.S. didn't exist back then, you asshat."

Man, I HATED that opera category! I was terrified every single clue was going to be someone singing an entire aria.

Another picture! Of Jackie Gleason, no less.

The only TS I got was Angelina Jolie (missed DD).

FJ was an instaget.

  • Love 9

The only other famous dentist I could think of was Roget of thesaurus fame, and I was pretty sure he wasn't American.  And then the "moved west" dime dropped, so it had to be Holliday.


Now I feel bad for mocking Claudia for her long story.  I like people who can have fun at their own expense.


Edited to say:  At least I thought he was a dentist.  Wikipedia doesn't seem to share that opinion.  Never mind.

Edited by Mondrianyone
  • Love 6

I had FJ before Alex finished reading the clue.


Man, I HATED that opera category! I was terrified every single clue was going to be someone singing an entire aria.

Another picture! Of Jackie Gleason, no less.


That opera category ate up so much time.


The clue accompanying the Jackie Gleason was so specific I'm pretty sure no one would have got it -- but toss in the photo, who needs the clue ?

  • Love 4

Anybody else add an "I'm your huckleberry" to FJ? Teenage me swooned hard for Val Kilmer in Tombstone.

Sarah wasn't a good interviewee. Alex (shockingly) was lobbing her questions she could expand upon and she kept giving short answers. Maybe she was worried about Claudia eating up time. Of course Alex went back to being a pompous ass during Vivek's interview.

  • Love 5

I like opera, but I too was annoyed at those singing clues, since the contestants didn't need to hear any of the aria to know the answer. Fortunately they weren't all like that.


I thought Vivek was going to make it a runaway when he ran that sports category, but was pleased when the game turned out to be close.


I don't remember anything about last night's interviews. What was snarky about them?


Got FJ, but didn't realize Doc Holliday was that famous, unless you're a fan of Westerns.

  • Love 1

CARPEDIEM54, ON 24 MAR 2016 - 8:39 PM, SAID:

Man, I HATED that opera category! I was terrified every single clue was going to be someone singing an entire aria.

I came here hoping for some good opera snark. This'll do fine.

Ahem, I beg your pardon!


I was hoping for a complete aria 


(note my user name)

Edited by operalover
  • Love 5

...just catching up, was a couple of days behind and, ugh, those opera and soap opera categories! At least not every clue took forever in the opera category, but that soap opera nonsense. Those actors seemed to read extra *s l o w* on purpose. I hope that was a one-time experiment. They keep coming up with new time-wasting ways to give clues. Even though we complain about it! You'd think they'd listen to us loyal fans.


More phonetic alphabet!! That was kind of a weird category as, if you know all the words, you don't even need the clues, just the letter. I also know that a category like that has a more limited application than most, as there are only so many letters. But so what? Where else can I go to get an occasional phonetic alphabet fix? Thanks J!


I guess they need a new category, " Who's this?" and just show pictures.



Like on SNL Celebrity Jeopardy! Name a color, any color, and you win!

  • Love 5

Man, I HATED that opera category! I was terrified every single clue was going to be someone singing an entire aria.


I loved the category because I love opera, and I ran it, but I'm glad that every clue did not include a performance.  That would've taken far too long and the contestants probably wouldn't have cleared the board.  Although I'm not complaining about getting to hear Placido Domingo.  Man still has the pipes.

  • Love 4

To be clear, I don't hate opera or opera singers. I hate the time wasted on those types of clues. ;-)

yeah I know! I can't stand when there is a long drawn out question, by a live person they taped, when the FINALLY get the actually question, it is something really stupid that you did need the whole rigamarole to ask! Like those ones they had Dr. Jen Arnold do. "if a person is faints, and then falls on the floor, which is made out of hickory oak laminate material, and they hit their head, called capo in Italian, pronounced Ca-Po, and  ambulance comes, there is a loud sound coming from the ambulance which is coming from a sound system we usually refer to as" what is a siren?

  • Love 8

Why won't this site let me "like" Mondrianyone's post? Hmmmph!


Probably because it's waiting until we have a "Slap This Poster" icon instead.  That's what I really deserved.


Being wrong about Roget made me go looking for famous people who really were dentists in another life.  Amazing what I found, in case anyone is interested:  http://www.dentalbuzz.com/2013/01/08/famous-people-you-didnt-know-were-dentists/


Zane Grey was a surprise, as was Miles Davis's father.  But my absolute favorite was Uncle Joe from Petticoat Junction, who I always loved because something about him reminded me of my father.  I'd've been a little nervous letting him drill into my teeth, though.

  • Love 3

I can't believe Richmond, VA was a TS.  I also got pall, based on the word pallbearer.  It was a total guess, but it seemed like the logical thing.  I was a little surprised that the guy didn't think of it.


FJ was an instaget.


And Alex's pronunciation of Camus never fails to amuse me -- just like his pronunciation of genre.  I have become unable to say "genre" except as Alex says it.

  • Love 3

I got ballistic, Yom Kippur, and Cory Booker.


I didn't get FJ. My lame guess was a stop watch, though I figured that was invented long ago. Why was this supposedly an easy FJ?


I liked when the guy was trying to come up with a 4-letter word for casket and said, "What is boxx," drawing out the last sound. Even when he explained to Alex what he was doing, I laughed.


And he did really well in the Words that Should Rhyme. I did 0 for 0. I don't know if it was tough or if I just had had too much to drink.

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