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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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I call bullshit on FJ -- Collins was not involved in the 1st Lunar landing.  He was part of the mission, but had nothing to do with the landing.  So glad that Alex came on and explained that the wording of the question sucked, and Ashley would be given another chance.



Wait, what?  When did that happen? Now that I can't check out the ladies' legs during the credits, I'm out as soon as the winner is revealed.  The question was



The first woman space shuttle pilot shares this surname with a man on the 1st manned lunar landing 26 years earlier


and although I didn't know the woman's name it stood to reason the answer had to come from "Iron Mike" Collins, the forgotten member of the crew. I guess they could have stuck the word "mission" in front of 26, but if you didn't know you'd still be guessing, and your only bitch would be that they gave you three choices to stab wildly at rather than two.

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Did she pronounce Harare wrong? I think Harar was okay though because an English speaking person may think this is how it is spelled if they never heard it and just read it. Alex said Yes and the corrected with "Harar-i" . I think they have not allowed similar mispronunciations before.


I am in my mid 50s (yikes) and watch with my sons ages 21 and 23. I seem somewhat smart when playing with them, but it has more to do with the questions are things that someone my age would know. My son does do very well on the geography and political history questions as he has a college degree in Political Science and follows all of that very closely and he is widely traveled. He knows his Africa and middle East!


I see they have so many questions about American Literature, especially best selling novels. I am very weak at those! I also do not know my British Monarchs so I would say that really hurts me. I know opera, Italian literature, Russian literature, nature, anatomy, music and bands (mostly because I'm 55), Italy, foreign language and I am good with the word problems.  Those damn monarchs! Also my mythology stinks too!

Edited by operalover
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I didn't get to watch last night because of a bowl game. That our team lost. Boo, hiss!

Oh my gosh.  I loved Johnny.  What a character!  And I got such a kick out of the way he answered some of the clues, as if to say, "What dummy doesn't know that!"  (Especially when he got that DD where the answer was Georgia!).  I was surprised he didn't wager anything for FJ but he was conservative on every DD too.

I loved his "What dummy doesn't know that!"  style, too. He cracked me up and was a surprisingly good contestant, although his pausing before clue selection drove me a little nuts.

I actually got FJ, for a change. And Francis Gary Powers.

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I couldn't decide if Johnny annoyed me or not!

I thought Georgia was a Kids Tournament question, but then I remembered all of the people on social media thinking that Russia invaded Georgia the state, when they actually invaded Georgia the country. I hope none of those people ever appear on Jeopardy.


I was on the jeopardy website earlier today though, and I noticed that this FJ question was up on the website this morning! I didn't know that they post them up there each day, and since I wasn't paying too much attention to the context of the clue on the website, I was surprised to see it pop up tonight when watching the episode.

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I liked Johnny.  He has the demeanor (and the resume) of a working class guy that a lot of people might assume was kind of stupid.  But I've known a lot of guys like that who were very smart and know a lot about the world, so it was nice to see them represented!  I feel somewhat bad for Eric, since he STRONGLY reminded me of someone I know in real life and don't like much, so I was rooting against him for that--which was entirely not his fault.  But if he got some retroactive bad luck, that was probably me!

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Because of holiday travel -- and a frustrating inability to find Jeopardy on the cable guide -- I binge watched last week's games earlier today. Too late to comment on those now but in today's game I really liked Jonny. His knowledge is solid and he was fun to watch. Hopefully he'll pick up the pace a bit when choosing clues. 


I agree but I thought the guy in the middle was just as bad with ringing in and not even having a guess - that really slowed things up too.

I can understand when contestants think they've got a slim chance of being right but not even able to guess?? That drives.me.nuts!

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I call bullshit on FJ -- Collins was not involved in the 1st Lunar landing.  He was part of the mission, but had nothing to do with the landing.  So glad that Alex came on and explained that the wording of the question sucked, and Ashley would be given another chance.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who objected to this.  I had no idea who the first female space shuttle pilot was, but I didn't consider Michael Collins as part of the lunar landing team because, as you say, he wasn't part of the actual landing.  I changed the channel before Alex came on to say that Ashley would get a second chance, but I am glad the producers did that.  She (like me) was really screwed by the phrasing of the clue.


But man, was that a crap game or what?  So many triple stumpers, so many wrong answers, and they didn't clear the board in either round.  Why couldn't I have had opponents like this?


Edited to note that last night's game was just as bad.

I got lots of TS's tonight:  How Green Was My Valley, Destroyer, Minuet, Fend, Orleans, Chicago and also Madrigal, which was a missed DD.


Did not get FJ.


Nice that Ashley will be back for a second chance.

I couldn't come up with minuet to save my life, although I'm well familiar with the dance, and I said motet instead of madrigal - I wonder if I would've been given credit for that answer.  And I was confused by the FJ clue because I thought it had to be the name of one of the men involved in the actual lunar landing and since Armstrong seemed a more common name than Aldrin, that's what I went with.

Edited by proserpina65
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Again with the archive rather than seeing the show ...


No one knowing where Good Times or The Good Wife was set surprised me (I knew Chicago for the former, and even though I've never seen the latter I had the sense it backed me up).  Washington D.C. was even more surprising, given Murphy Brown.  That was a top 10 hit for how long?  Was this a "before your time" moment from Alex?


Same with Frank Capra as the director of It Happened One Night.  (Edward Albee, I knew, but wasn't surprised none of the contestants did.) 


No one knowing platinum as a "silvery" precious metal?!  "Fend" was also surprising as a TS, but less so.  "Destroyer" also surprised me.  Louis XV = Orleans as a TS didn't blow me away, but I'd have thought one of them would come up with it.  I blew it on the Cossacks, too, though.


I came up with Wal-Mart, but might have joined the rest in not knowing it under game conditions, as the "numerically" part of the clue initially threw me off to thinking about a number in the company's name/stock symbol; just me not paying attention to the wording, but maybe their minds tripped them up in the same way.


I failed on McDonald's, though.  And I didn't get "convoy," associating that with trucks, not ships (damn you, C.W. McCall and Smokey & The Bandit).  I also knew very little about animated movie characters (no surprise, as I've never been much into them as a whole), coming up with only Jessica Rabbit and Thumper.


As for FJ, I'm a space program nut, so I instantly knew Eileen Collins as the first female pilot (and shuttle commander), but the wording of the clue did give me pause since I also knew Michael Collins did not land on the moon during that historic voyage. 

Some of these I got and some I didn't, but I knew convoy from my extensive reading about the Napoleonic Wars at sea.  So thanks, C.S. Forrester and Patrick O'Brian!

And the only German astronomer I could think of was Kepler.


For me, it was a wild guess which was accompanied by the comment "I'm sure that's wrong".  Imagine my surprise when it was correct.  Heck, I even got the 'Johannes' as his first name.  Science is a real  hit-or-miss category for me, but every once in awhile I stumble upon the right answer.

My son really liked Jonny. My husband and I, on the other hand, found his pausing before every question and picking a new category to be INFURIATING. Oh it drove me absolutely nuts. I so did not want him to move on.

I'm with you on this one.  Plus, to me, he just seemed so wishy-washy.  He can be a one-and-done contestant as far as I'm concerned.

Edited by proserpina65
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Johnny's hesitation before picking each clue drove me nuts tonight. I'm not sad he was a "one and done."


I'm happy that Ashley got that second chance and that she won, but I would have been happy with Sandro winning also. I wondered if the FJ category would give him an advantage, since he'd lived in Africa. I was surprised that he didn't get it. I had never heard of the kudu, but according to the info on Wikipedia it wasn't a bad guess. I did wonder how "wildebeest" describes its appearance.


I got quite a few of the TS's tonight: page, haunted house, Gangs of New YorkIn the Name of the Father, and the Byzantine Empire.


I was amused to learn that England has Pringle's. I wondered what they call them if they're not allowed to call them "crisps," and apparently they're just Pringles. They have a "Prawn Cocktail Flavour" that sounds tasty.

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Glad they brought back Ashley so quickly -- and she's our new champ.  Johnny did ok, but he kept getting beat on ringing in.


The Kiwi dollar coin DD was ridiculously simple.  I thought the DDs were supposed to be MORE challenging than the regular questions.


I missed on FJ -- I guessed Pronghorn antelope.


Sandro's FJ answer of kudu wasn't a bad guess -- I like the antlers.  




ETA:  Pringles are only 42% potato -- I did not know that.  I guess I never read the ingredients list before.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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I thought it was dik-dik, too.  But I kind of had my doubts they would end the year with that as the answer to FJ.


Johnny also reminds me of John Fiedler from the old Bob Newhart Show.  And someone else who I still can't dig out of my brain.  This may become my life's work if I'm not careful.


Happy New Year, all!

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Johnny's hesitation before picking each clue drove me nuts tonight. I'm not sad he was a "one and done."


I'm happy that Ashley got that second chance and that she won, but I would have been happy with Sandro winning also. I wondered if the FJ category would give him an advantage, since he'd lived in Africa. I was surprised that he didn't get it. I had never heard of the kudu, but according to the info on Wikipedia it wasn't a bad guess. I did wonder how "wildebeest" describes its appearance.

I think wildebeest describes its appearance as a "wild beast".

I was also surprised Sandro didn't get FJ, but maybe there weren't many wildebeest where he was or he only ever heard one name for them.


I liked Johnny but his slowness definitely irritated me.


I wanted Sandro to win, but I liked Ashley as well.

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Too bad Jonny didn't win but I was also rooting for Sandro, who was up against not one but two competitors who had experience on the show and practice with the buzzer while he had not.


I also loved how he corrected Alex twice during his interview, in reference to Botswana's closeness to South Africa and its being dangerous. His accent gave the burns an elegant touch.


Happy New Year, Jeopardy Fam!

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I couldn't quite forgive Ashley for "prescriptionist"

I thought she knew that wasn't right but was frantically searching her mind for the right word.


It was a pretty good game; I liked both new contestants better than Ashley but it's still okay that she won.


I did get FJ - something I remembered from my long ago history classes.

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