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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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What the HELL was Alex going on about Xmas at the top of the show?  Are they letting him self-administer his knee pain meds?

I am on pain meds too, so maybe that's why I understood him and agreed with him. What he was saying was that when you're a kid it takes forever for Christmas to arrive, but as an adult it comes so quickly. He said it seems like last Christmas was just two months ago.



Pay roads are toll roads here, also. And toll roads are called turnpikes all over Google, carpe. I called foul, too, and, if I were the ex-champ, I'd sue! ;)

I think it was because toll road consists of two separate words, and the category was eight-letter words. I could be wrong, and please correct me if I am.


I had more of a problem with hardwood being accepted, but there ya go. 


Did the contestant interviews seem long to anyone else? I had no idea what the contestant was talking about when she described dressing up as broccoli. First she was talking about kids and then she was talking about gas. There were three of us watching together, and we were all completely confused by that interview.


And then there was a long story to basically say that Matthew Broderick thinks the ex-champ shouldn't walk around NYC in heels. Alex's response was funny, because I thought the same thing about Sarah Jessica Parker's heels.


We also had a NY Times category, which always seems to take forever. I had a good game playing along, but watching it wasn't much fun for me. I was surprised no one guessed Taj Mahal for FJ. My mom was insistent that was the answer until I pointed out they were looking for an ancient wonder. I didn't have a clue, but I knew Taj Mahal was wrong!

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I am on pain meds too, so maybe that's why I understood him and agreed with him. What he was saying was that when you're a kid it takes forever for Christmas to arrive, but as an adult it comes so quickly. He said it seems like last Christmas was just two months ago.

But it was so weird - not apropos to anything dealing with the show...just out of nowhere he complains about Xmas coming around too quickly.  If it were part of the increasingly excruciating contestant interviews, it might have made more sense, but to just make that announcement at the start of the show was bizarre.

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Every so often Alex has these out-of-left-field intros that leave me shaking my head. I guess he doesn't think he can just start the show; he has to come up with some observation about... something. I think we should make a drinking game out of it. One shot for an intro relating to the show. Two shots for a non-sequitur.

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I was surprised no one guessed Taj Mahal for FJ. My mom was insistent that was the answer until I pointed out they were looking for an ancient wonder. I didn't have a clue, but I knew Taj Mahal was wrong!

I said Taj Mahal as well, but then I realized that the clue specified that the place was in ruins, which the Taj Mahal definitely isn't.

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I feared the champion was doomed when the first home ice clue was Joe Louis and she couldn't hit the buzzer in time. Not to get the Red Wings when your hometown borders Detroit is a portent of doom. Did anyone else fund the new champ slightly scary? Clearly knowledgeable and I liked her interview story but she looked like she would cut you if she had to. :-)

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Too bad Chandreyi is so humorless (and scary looking!) because she seems very smart.

Was anyone else screaming Goshen and Angler at their TV?

Good game but relatively easy.

I've, luckily, never seen Frozen and FJ was an instaget.

They've been the Arizona Coyotes since June 2014. Not Phoenix Coyotes.

Didn't Alex pronounce Gila with a hard g? I thought it was pronounced hee-la.

  • Love 4

Too bad Chandreyi is so humorless (and scary looking!) because she seems very smart.

Was anyone else screaming Goshen and Angler at their TV?

Good game but relatively easy.

I've, luckily, never seen Frozen and FJ was an instaget.

Didn't Alex pronounce Gila with a hard g? I thought it was pronounced hee-la.

Yes, I was surprised no one knew "Land o'Goshen" and The Compleat Angler, although I wonder if the latter is one of those things that turn up a lot in clues, but which no one has actually read. If I'm mistaken about this, I'd love to know what your experience with the book was.


Chandreyi is pretty intense, but I thought she showed some humor in the interview when she told the story about her parents taking her to the Black Forest and telling her it was America. I thought she would struggle with the game when she said "hot potatoes" instead of "hot cakes" right at the beginning, but I'm glad she found her stride.

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Yes, I was surprised no one knew "Land o'Goshen" and The Compleat Angler, although I wonder if the latter is one of those things that turn up a lot in clues, but which no one has actually read. If I'm mistaken about this, I'd love to know what your experience with the book was.

My Dad had a copy of The Compleat Angler and he read it and referred to it occasionally. I remember leafing through it idly a couple of times as a kid. I've never known anyone else who's read it.

Chandreyi is pretty intense, but I thought she showed some humor in the interview when she told the story about her parents taking her to the Black Forest and telling her it was America. I thought she would struggle with the game when she said "hot potatoes" instead of "hot cakes" right at the beginning, but I'm glad she found her stride.

I thought she was going to be weak since she seemed to have trouble with the language, especially with that hot potato answer.  But after that she came on strong, and I couldn't help but be impressed that she knew The Mystery of Edwin Drood.  She is one smart lady.  And I loved the Black Forest story. 

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Too bad Chandreyi is so humorless (and scary looking!) because she seems very smart.

I know. She's the anti-Teresa (who I really liked, she knew a lot of hard, random things and looked like she was having a blast.) This one looks like she's getting an anal probe while she's playing. (Although in the post-game chitchat she seemed more engaged and warm).

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Okay, so after a short run of champs who were fine, the new one, while not hateable in a Matt or JOSH!!!!! kind of way, is someone who cannot be gone soon enough for me.  I'd like to think that it's simply her humorless demeanor and slow clue selection which bugs, but although it's probably culturally insensitive and prejudiced of me, I'm also finding her accent annoying.  (Accents don't usually bother me, so maybe it's just leftover annoyance at how cliched and boring Indian Summers was on PBS.)  At least that's something she can't help.  The slow clue picking can be changed, and hopefully for the next game.

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I like the new champ - I've seen other contestants who were pretty grim during the game but were happy enough otherwise.  I think it's just concentrating on the game.  And she certainly knows a lot.


I did not get FJ since I've never seen Frozen.

I might like her better if I watched the interview and after FJ bits, but since I'm having to tape Jeopardy at watch it much later, I fast forward through those bits.  I'm probably doing her a disservice; if she lasts into next week, I can start watching live again, and perhaps my opinion will change.


I've never seen Frozen, but I work with people who have kids so I've heard about it.  Whether I wanted to or not.

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Markus' hair is going to drive me insane! I almost reached through my TV screen with a handful of extra hold mousse to slick down the right side of his head.

Three good contestants and a good game, although I was screaming U.S. Marshals at one point and no one listened.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Yes, Markus was on the right track with the witness protection program.  (Marshal Marshall Mann, anyone?)


Well something about Markus bothered me, too.  Not sure it was the hair.  He was very quick on the buzzer, though.


Merry Christmas Jeopardy people!

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Three good contestants and a good game, although I was screaming U.S. Marshals at one point and no one listened.

Me too, but they never hear us.  They should listen more carefully.


Instaget FJ.  Mr.Trey didn't think Armand Hammer was a real person. 


I thought Markus's hair looked odd! Glad it wasn't just me who thought so.


Merry Christmas to all!

Edited by Trey
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I was taught from elementary school that if you follow the two stars on the side of the Big Dipper's "spoon", it'll lead to the North star, which is also the tip of the Little Dipper. So, I was surprised Polaris was a TS, especially since they were able to answer some of the harder questions in the category - they obviously knew a bit about the constellations.


I had never heard of Armand Hammer, although the name made me laugh. It seems to be in a similar vein as naming your kid "North West".

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I liked Markus, spiky hair and all.  Don't think he will last long, but he's ok.  I thought it was weird though when he put down his signaling device after he got an answer wrong on a regular question (did he think it was a DD ?)..


I thought that 'Santa' category was timely, but WAAAAY too easy.  Found in Germany was pretty easy too.


I had never heard of Armand Hammer, although the name made me laugh. It seems to be in a similar vein as naming your kid "North West".


Though I'm pretty sure you have heard of his products.   :)



Merry Xmas everyone !!!!


ETA:  I was waiting for Alex to ask Cherenyi for more information on FJ, and was hoping she would say Armie Hammer, Mike Hammer, or maybe even Kit Hammer.  :)

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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Because I am a merciless and vengeful judge (well, I'm not a judge at all, but if I were), I wouldn't have given Chandreyi credit for a right answer in FJ.  Armand Hammer's parents didn't name him Hammer--that was just the surname they had to work with, so that part was a given unless they changed their family name when it came to him.  They named him Armand Hammer.  The clue about the Socialist Labor Party symbol doesn't make sense without his whole name.  Fortunately, it didn't make any difference as to who won and lost.  But it's the principle of the thing.  Isn't it?


Merry Christmas to all of you!




My issue with Markus is that I felt his story was lacking something. It seemed like there was going to be more to it than what we got. Nothing against stay-at-home parents, it just kind of petered out.


I thought so, too.  I kept waiting to hear how his decision to be a stay-at-home dad was a crisis of conscience.  I think he might not know what that means.  He did know a lot of other stuff, though!

Edited by Mondrianyone
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I had never heard of Armand Hammer, although the name made me laugh. It seems to be in a similar vein as naming your kid "North West".


I'd heard of him and always wondered if his parents were clueless or punny.* Now I know.


His great-grandson is the actor Armie Hammer.


*I used to babysit for a little girl named Robin Banks. It wasn't until she was six months old that her parents realized that they'd named her a pun. They immediately changed her first name, and Robin became her middle name.

Edited by ChicagoCita
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Yes, I was surprised no one knew "Land o'Goshen" and The Compleat Angler, although I wonder if the latter is one of those things that turn up a lot in clues, but which no one has actually read. If I'm mistaken about this, I'd love to know what your experience with the book was.


I don't remember if I ever read that, but I learned of it in an English Lit class. The spelling of 'compleat' stuck with me, so I easily remember the title.


Re Chandreyi's first game, I thought she'd have continuing problems with English idioms, but she quickly showed her range of knowledge. I was impressed and liked her just fine, though I was sad to see Theresa go. The one TS I got was "happy as a clam," and coincidentally that's how I felt when I got it.


I didn't know that 'hotmail' came from 'html.' Cool.


FJ was too easy. 


Re last night's game, I did get 'legend,' thought I tend to think of that as belonging on a map.


I figured out Armand Hammer at the last minute. I had misread the clue and thought they were looking for a socialist person, not symbol.


I enjoyed Christina's story about registering for car parts for their wedding.


Merry Christmas, all!

Edited by peeayebee
  • Love 3

Because I am a merciless and vengeful judge (well, I'm not a judge at all, but if I were), I wouldn't have given Chandreyi credit for a right answer in FJ.  Armand Hammer's parents didn't name him Hammer--that was just the surname they had to work with, so that part was a given unless they changed their family name when it came to him.  They named him Armand Hammer.  The clue about the Socialist Labor Party symbol doesn't make sense without his whole name.  Fortunately, it didn't make any difference as to who won and lost.  But it's the principle of the thing.  Isn't it?


Good assessment of the FJ clue and completely agree -- it definitely needed the first name to be ruled correct.  Otherwise, I might have though that M.C. Hammer died in 1990 (though maybe it was just his career).  :)

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