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I had heard about the eyebrow raising seal of Whitesboro, New York a while ago through different media outlets. But I had no idea TDS was instigating this.

I wonder if it would have gotten so much attention if the name of the town hadn't been WHITESboro. That was just a little too on-the-nose. The combination of the seal plus the name = comedy.

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Poor Jeb. Ah, come on!


I don't know if I'd heard about gay people using adoption as a way to give their partners benefits and legal access. I wonder how many have. It's sad that now they're having so much trouble annulling that and getting married.


I saw Gad on Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee, and I was not impressed. Maybe he has a good standup.

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Donald Trump saying he could shoot someone and still not lose voters was sad yet pitifully true.  It's almost as if he is calling out his supporters for their blind ignorance.  

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I saw Gad on Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee, and I was not impressed. Maybe he has a good standup.


I couldn't tell if Trevor was familiar with him or not since their conversation was so lightweight as to be almost nonexistent: Morocco, South Africa vs North Africa, foreign languages, thanks for being here. Well, also Trevor insulted him by stressing, twice, that nobody here knows who he is.


I agree that Gad's episode of Comedians in Cars was pretty lackluster. I'd be curious to see his standup; I did like his joke about the East Coast vs West Coast answer as to why he's doing this.

Edited by lordonia
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I wish someone somewhere would call out Fiorina for the criminal she is. She is directly responsible for the murder of the people at Planned Parenthood from her nationally televised, deliberate fabrication of this whole video with the PP official. The PP killer was repeating her words verbatim. They showed a clip on the show of her *still* saying it in front of all those kids. Not only is the video widely acknowledged to be fake or deliberately edited *before* she went on her orchestrated khrushchev shoe moment at the debate, but a court just ruled that there is no evidence in the video that any of that happened. So, her whole premise has been legally refuted.


Yeah, it's terrible and sadly true that Trump could shoot someone and get away with it, and let's face it, he means shoot someone nonwhite, but this woman actually got people killed. I'm dumbfounded that she continually gets a pass at it.

Edited by ganesh
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I don't get Ronnie Chieng's comedy.  The "my daddy hates me" joke has yet to be funny, and hardly ever relevant.  


Also, I just have to say that I'm super eager to watch TDS tonight because I want to see what they say about the indictments handed down to the anti-PP lie/filmmakers.  Please do a sketch on it, please do a sketch on it, please do a sketch on it, Mr. Noah, please please please.  

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My screed about Fiorina made me forget about the marriage equality piece. This was another good example where the correspondent should have just played it straight. He did handle talking to the slippery slope guy in a funny way. And it was a good choice just to get out of the way and let that guy spew his vile garbage all over the camera. That guy was *serious*. The whole "but it is" exchange was well done because the guy was getting infuriated. 


The whole dad joke with the older men was just dumb though because it put a hole in their situation. He had to adopt his partner so they'd have legal medical rights? That's awful. It was funny when he pulled out the Playboy and they were like, "oh, hell no." Their part of the piece was just framed wrong.

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Donald Trump saying he could shoot someone and still not lose voters was sad yet pitifully true.  It's almost as if he is calling out his supporters for their blind ignorance.  

A coworker of mine contends that Trump is at this point trying to see how far he can go before his supporters throw up their hands.  I (wishfully) think it could be performance art.

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I thought Ronny inserted the dad joke because he was making a comparison between the way lgbt kids are rejected by their parents, and his own dad supposedly rejecting him for "not being good enough" despite that he's on tv and "doing everything right" -- in other words, his dad wanted him to be something he's not, and it doesn't matter that who he is is happy and successful and otherwise OK, because it didn't fit his father's unreasonable norms-- but maybe that's just wishful thinking and it's really just that he's stuck on that joke and everyone in the editing process still thinks it's funny and fresh for unknown reasons.


I didn't mind him playing around with the couple, though, and thought he did OK in the rest of the interview with the "I can't tell the difference between same sex peer relationships and rape of children and animals." Actually, I wanted Ronny to bring up that the difference is that two humans can have a peer relationship and can give consent whereas an adult with a child or non-human is an entirely different dynamic. I really wanted to see the interviewee's response to that.

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Carly Fiorina has blood on her hands with the whole PP shooting incident. Now there's this despicable act where she lures pre schoolers to a booth to explain abortion to them. Yet she struts around thinking her shit don't stink. The good news is that she's at a point in the primaries where you need a microscope to view her polling numbers. The sooner she's gone the better.


What the fuck is wrong with these homophobes who want to deny gay couples the same basic rights and benefits as straight couples? The Supreme Court says you lost, asshats. And as for God, SEPERATION...OF...CHURCH...AND...STATE!!! Double whammy. Now move it or lose it!

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It infuriates me that Fiorina has gotten a massive pass on her involvement in PP. If she just drops out of the race and goes away, then she definitely won't get called on it. If she hangs around, maybe someone in journalism will act like they're journalists and ask her. 

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When Trump was talking about shooting someone in the street and not losing any votes, I thought for sure we were either going to get 1) a "Trump = African dictator" callback, or 2) a "Okay, so you could get away with shooting someone, BUT... (insert "Donald Trump Wants to Bang His Daughter" reference.)"


Fiorina is just awful, and her actions in that story are CRAZY.  Who does something like that?  Ugh, awful.  I liked the reiteration that she clearly doesn't care about the well-being of children AFTER they're born.  (Also, I loved Trevor saying the dad was confused because he "always thought Timmy was pro-choice.")


The idea of Jeb Bush mailing people videos because he thinks that's how going viral works was so funny to me.


I think Ronny was absolutely the wrong person for that field piece.  Nearly every scene of him with the couple was just painful with the endless, unfunny "dad" jokes.  I thought the basis of the story deserved a much better piece than it got.  That said, there was no screwing up Mr. Homophobic Asshole, because he was just stunning in his awfulness as soon as they pointed the camera at him.  God doesn't "say" there's such a thing as same-sex marriage, so there isn't?  WTH?  And what was that shit about comparing loving a same-sex partner to being a "McDonald's sandwich?"  For me, Ronny's best moment was when the guy said a grown man shouldn't adopt another grown man and Ronny cheerfully agreed, "Right!  They should've just let them get married instead!"

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Jessica Williams is a national treasure.


I was finally able to watch Thursday's episode a short time ago, and that is exactly what I said aloud at the end of Jessica's Whitesboro piece.  It was fantastic from beginning to end, but I think may favorite part is when she just sputtered at the mayor near the end, because what he was saying was so utterly stupid she could not formulate words in response.  All the looks at the camera were great, too.

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I think Jeb Bush is just chicken.


I don't get why anyone isn't called on the "slippery slope" canard about marriage equality. Where does that come from? Are there real examples of it happening? 

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Some good lines in the ISIS story.  I especially liked the bit about dating a "bad - no, REALLY bad... he's evil" boy, the "catfished by SEAL Team SIX" thing, and pointing out that America would be attacking with guns, not kitchen tiles.  Although I thought it was really weird that they just kind of glossed over the fact that women were being sold.


I think my favorite part of the town hall story was Martin O'Malley being asked who his supporters should vote for after he loses and Trevor's reaction to it.  Poor O'Malley.  Hilary's subtext subtitles were fun, too - I loved "They're laughing, I win."


DeRay McKesson is amazing (if you haven't checked out the extended interview on TDS website, I recommend it.)  I thought the way they set up it up was smart, spending a lot of their time responding to arguments made against BLM.  DeRay's clear, succinct rebuttal to every comment (most of which I've heard way too many times) was just wonderful.  In reference to the Black Lives Matter/All Lives Matter thing, I especially loved his comparison to someone shouting, "What about colon cancer?!?" at a breast cancer event.  I also liked that Trevor brought up white people who may want to get involved and help, because I think that "I don't know if this is my place" reaction is probably a common one. 

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I thought it was a great show. My guess is that they didn't feel like we needed to have it pointed out to us just how horrible it is that women are being sold. Just pointing out that it's happening is enough to get my outrage meter on its highest setting, no need to also tell me that it's super bad to do it. Trevor's glee at the thought of Seal Team Sixing them, to me came across as a pretty strong statement of censure.

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The catfishing could work. At some point, the ISIS person intending to marry the woman has to fly them there, somewhere to meet. You could start just capturing them left and right if you played it right. 


I always thought the phrase should have been Black Lives Matter [Too]. That's how I read it. Because it came out of all the black people getting shot by cops. "Well, we (white people) matter too. All lives matter" "Yes, you do, but you aren't getting seemingly shot by cops all the time." It doesn't seem that difficult of a concept to grasp. The cancer analogy was funnier, but it fundamentally boils down to context. 


That's the typical response to any racial issues though. I've seen it on my FB feed. "Why aren't they saying all lives matter?" If black people have a dating web site, why is it bad that white people have one? The Oscars are racist against whites. I think it's largely ignorance of a larger picture, while of course some people are just racist.


I can get the some people don't want to deal with these issues and want to go on and live their lives, but by and large those kinds of people just haven't been in a diverse environment and have a rather provincial attitude about it all. If you're not getting that there's a lot of people in this country who aren't getting a fair shake because they look different than you, then you're kind of stupid. You don't want to do anything about it fine, but don't go publicly deriding the problem. 


I liked Clinton's answer: they've been at me for years; I'm certainly not going to let a little shit like you rattle me. Are all "your friends" going to vote for Bernie in the primary? Good for you if you are, but typically, it's unlikely. Maybe this year is different. 


Obama certainly doesn't get nearly the amount of respect he should as holding the office of the presidency, but Clinton's been taking it a lot longer than he has, in terms of the political arena. 

Edited by ganesh
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(Also, I loved Trevor saying the dad was confused because he "always thought Timmy was pro-choice.")

That was such a great line. I loved it, too.


Really enjoyed last night's show. The whole ISIS bit was hilarious. 'Jihotties' is just amazing. Also loved Trevor's version of the online profile. 'No fatwas.'


The satellite image of a giant mattress made me laugh, as did the graphic "The ISIS Plight." Then of course the video of terrorists training. "Wheeeee!" It was all wonderful.


Sanders doing "Anaconda." *shudder*

Edited by peeayebee
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I think Ronny was absolutely the wrong person for that field piece.  Nearly every scene of him with the couple was just painful with the endless, unfunny "dad" jokes.  I thought the basis of the story deserved a much better piece than it got.


This was my feeling too.  One or two dad jokes probably would have worked but he just kept going and going and going.  The couple should have been played straighter (yeah, okay) than they were because it's already the height of absurdity that for years we forced grown adults to adopt each other in pseudo parent-child relationships just to be allowed legal protections for each other.  I know there are people who think Ronnie is funny but I'm not one of them and he mostly feels like a weak link in what is otherwise a pretty good lineup of correspondents right now.


I don't normally watch much of the interviews but I did like the DeRay McKesson interview.  It may not have been groundbreaking stuff but Trevor did a nice job hitting all the bullet points of criticism that are usually leveled at Black Lives Matter.


Carly Fiorina is a monster and the most awful unrepentant kind.  Considering that most schools and day cares have pretty strict guidelines that parents have to sign off on for their kids' images to be used at all, she probably cost at least a few people their jobs and she just doesn't care any more than she cares that she's been blatantly lying about Planned Parenthood for months or that those lies got actual breathing sentient people killed.  But way to prove with a nice visual that you and your ilk really aren't concerned at all about "innocents" once those innocents are born.  At least we should hopefully hear less of her screeching after Iowa is over.

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ISIS is having problems? AWWWWW, poor widdle murderous monsters. I hope they continue to get what's coming to them, like a SEAL Team Six catfishing, as Trevor suggested. I too laughed at all the titles like "jihotties" and "no fatwas".


I've seen a lot of disturbing photoshop images on TDS over the years. But the one last night of Bernie Sanders doing Nicki Minaj's Anaconda might have been the most stomach turning one yet, which is saying something. I can only imagine the graphics guy who had to do that was curled up in a ball afterwards, crying out loud "WHYYYYYYYY?? WHYYYYYYYY??"

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I'm wondering how the fact that ISIL is running out of money and support material (oil, etc.) as Trevor discussed in the opening fits into the narrative that they have Americans by the throat and are days away from wiping out the country that the GOP seems to be pushing. 

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I'm not a huge fan of even Hasan but Ronnie makes me all ragey after a little bit and this last time was such a huge miss just in terms of tone let alone his adding his own 'style'.


I really wish some of the parents would go after Fiorina.  Aren't there laws about putting your face on camera like that even for adults?  Let alone children who I thought had even greater protections.  I know that legally it is probably too costly but I still would think there might be some lawsuit ambulance chasing lawyer willing to see if he can cut a piece of her HP golden parachute.  i loathe that woman so much.


The bit about Bush was funny in that there is such an expectation on that family's part that existed even back in 2000 with Bush II.  They have this expectation that simply being a Bush is what it takes.  When voters clearly didn't think the first set a lasting precedent despite putting his dumbass into the White House twice and I think even a lot of those wised up after eight years of Feet in Bath painter (I still laugh when they tried to sell him as an intellectual by claiming he had a book by Camus on the bedstand -- yeah, to keep the Archie comic book's cover from curling).  And Jeb is supposed to be the smart one of his generation.  Yeah. He's "likely" to be able to do the job. 


I thought the interview in regards to Black Lives Matter was extremely well done.  Before the election really kicks in, they need to get more of that tone into Trevor's interviewing style so when the big guns come on he has the whole sharp and succinct down better.  I was never that big of fan of Jon's in terms of interviews since even toward the end of his tenure I watched guests actually take it on themselves to steer the interview back on track.  I thought Jon never quite got it despite being earnest and often a fun host with guests.  He could muddle with the worst of the morning news show hosts, 

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I'm going to be really mad if Fiorina gets away with all this.

She's going to drop out of the race and then get tons of TV gigs.

I assumed she's positioning herself as a potential VP candidate if Hillary gets the nomination. "Well, WE'VE got a woman too!" Ugh.


I know Trevor doesn't cover Fox News as avidly as Jon did, but I feel like the whole Trump/Fox brouhaha will be too much for them to resist.

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I loved that takedown of those people who were making those Planned Parenthood videos.  And I am glad Trevor ran clips of those lying Republicans too.  No, Huckabee, what Planned Parenthood does isn't criminal.  No, Carly, there are no "baby parts" from fetus that are alive being sold.  And I am still waiting for the media to call out these lying Republicans on this issue.  I did love the line about that's how she fired those people at HP though.  :)


I even liked that mini skit by Jordan.  Just a good show from top to bottom once again.

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I want Trevor to have Meryl Streep as a guest.  And then I want them to stage a Battle of the Accents.  


And holy quacamole!  I knew that Jerry Seinfeld went to the same college, but for some reason, I never realized that he Seinfeld is close enough to my age that I'm pretty sure we went there at the same time.  We might have been in the same SOC 100 class. I don't know why I care about that, but I'll take my proximity to fame where I can get it.

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Loved last night's show.  LOVED Trevor comparing Trump backing out of the debate due to the "harmless," "lightweight" moderator to videos of big dogs being afraid to walk by cats.  Talking about his "many billions of dollars" in a sympathy card cracked me up, and the fact that Uganda's president was a no-show at his debate just last week was too perfect.


I thought the Planned Parenthood story was great.  Trevor seemed so delighted, and I like that he kept emphasizing how heavily the deck had been stacked against PP and how unlikely the happy outcome was.  Also, for real - a "rogue jury" is one who doesn't do exactly what the prosecution tells them?  Nice logic there.  I loved the grand jury not indicting the cop ham sandwich.

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I get the point of the Trump monologue was to go with the punch line of the African dictator, but I think that missed the real point of Trump bowing out. He's not afraid of Kelly, who is hard to feel bad for in the first place, it's a political move. He's leading the polls with a week or so till the caucus. Her agenda is written all over her face. Trump isn't going to stand there and have to take her deal, not that the questions aren't valid, but he's also going to be hit hard from everyone else. Why bother? He doesn't need it. 


Let's face it, turning the debates over to the networks gives them the power to frame the narrative. None of the moderators are impartial because they're asking questions for ratings and sound bite moments. None of the moderators are journalists for the most part. The parties don't want to go on PBS because they're going to be asked actual questions and held accountable to their answers. Everyone just wants to put on a show.


I thought the PP piece was weakish, but I get the point. I'm still infuriated about Fiorina. They actually showed her bit that led to the PP people being killed and didn't say anything! I just don't understand that. The rhetoric on this false PP narrative spun way out of control and got people killed!

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I've thought the same thing about the latest dustup about Trump backing out of the debate.  Why should he bother at this point?  He's got a massive lead in the polls and he's already said every offensive or ridiculous thing he's wanted to say.  The networks need him for ratings way more than he needs them and Megyn Kelly, who's really hit or miss about whether she's an actual journalist or a Fox mouthpiece, is a convenient out for him.  Trevor really should have been savvy enough to pick up on that.


The utter glee at the Planned Parenthood decision was infectious and I quite liked the Seinfeld interview.  

Edited by nodorothyparker
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Oh yeah. The network def needs him way way way more, and the candidates need him way more in that debate too. The problem is, and again, Trevor glossed over, is that her screed against Trump was more about the establishment gop trying to attack Trump than it was about any "war on women." Trump has said terrible things and should be called on it. But if we're talking about a "war on women," then why didn't she go equally after actual sitting senators who voted to defund planned parenthood. Are the moderators also going to go after the candidates tonight about spreading the false narrative about PP too? Probably not. Their voting record on gender equality is abysmal. 

I think he wanted to end with the African dictator punch line, and worked back from that. It's funny and it's true, but there's a lot more going on to this particular issue that they could have worked with. What I thought was kind of funny was that we were saying it's too bad the African dictator piece didn't air a few weeks ago instead of a month and it would have had more legs. 

The other thing that's being missed is that for one of the debates, he said he wouldn't attend unless it was cut from 3 hours to 2. So, you've already established that candidates have a say. Complaining about it now doesn't wash. Paul backed out of the last debate too iirc. 

I don't like these people, but unless they signed a legally binding contract to appear in every single debate, then it's their prerogative as to whether they want to attend or not. The singular goal of any candidate is to secure the nomination. That's it. 

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Oh Roy, I already love you. Fanboying about Golden Girls wasn't necessary. Though it was very much appreciated and now I know what we can talk about if we ever meet (I have a hard time choosing between Dorothy and Blanche for favorite too!)

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"...Just not THAT room!"


If I had just cast a white actor to play Michael Jackson, I would NOT be announcing it right now.  Who dipped their toe into the current climate of representation in movies and thought, "Yep, let's get the word out on this Joseph Fiennes business"?  The thing is, anyone playing MJ would need tons of makeup and probably some prosthetics anyway, so why couldn't they have just done that on a Black guy?  But I got a kick out of Trevor deciding he'd have been okay with a Meryl Streep MJ casting.


As far as the Republicans trying to decide which leading candidate they hate less, I'm not sure if it's more funny or depressing.  How does a shitstorm like this even happen?  I liked Jordan and Hasan's flip-flopping over who was worse, especially deciding which fatal illness each candidate could better be compared to and ultimately deciding they'd take bone cancer over either.  I also liked Hasan pointing out that, while either would definitely nuke someone, you at least knew Cruz would nuke a different country.


I enjoyed Advertisement Tonight, although not as much as the first time.  The critiques here were much more basic, although I laughed at the voting-group-specific music choices on Bernie's ad.


Really liked the interview with Ryan Lizza.  I can hardly imagine how bizarre/unnerving it must be to actually attend Trump rallies, and I thought the Grateful Dead analogy sounded really apt.

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I also liked Hasan pointing out that, while either would definitely nuke someone, you at least knew Cruz would nuke a different country.


I liked that piece, and that was my favorite part.  "Oh, President Ted Cruz will nuke somebody.  But at least you know it will be another country.  Donald Trump might nuke Iowa because someone insulted him on Twitter."

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He said, Idaho, actually. I was like, "please, no." I barely got here, and it's my first house!


I enjoyed Advertisement Tonight, although not as much as the first time.  The critiques here were much more basic, although I laughed at the voting-group-specific music choices on Bernie's ad.


I think they thought of the punchline "blacker than black" and worked back from that. It was funny to see them both doing that weird dance. 

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I enjoyed the Ryan Lizza interview but there is a part of me, knowing it will never happen of course, that wants the media to stop and look at what they are doing.  Here is a man that calls them scum and sleeze and yet probably would fall over dead if he didn't have them to perform for.  It's not the crowd that he wants.  It is the attention of the media that gives him the grander stage to prate and prance on.  So how about one day, just one, simply not showing up.  Have him point to the 'cage" to deliver his line and all that is there is a crumpled coffee cup and a empty fast food to-go bag. 


It's a bit like the guy calling his wife a whore every time they have sex.  It is a bit scary how close he is still and how the Republican leadership is unable to counter him.  It seems at least in small part to be the legacy of the Tea Party.  Even before that fringe had been the tail wagging the dog all too often.  But the sharp veer to right in primary season always at least pretended to correct itself.  What does happen if he gets the nomination?  Can he face having a lackluster party behind him?  Can he face losing a general election because I don't think the 60% that skew moderate to progressive and put Obama in office will either vote for him or not turn out to vote against him  Is his exit strategy a sudden claim on Inauguration Day claim he did hostile takeover just so Democrats would win?  Sort of the empty chair defense. 


Mario Rubio really has no substance whatsoever.  Loved Trevor and Roy and the Sanders ad and changes of music. 

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And yet even their "rogue jury" had no women with speaking roles.




Thanks for this. I came here because I was wondering if anyone else had noticed that TDS has not had a woman correspondent or guest on in days. It's great that they're talking about gender issues... but give me a break. It's 2016. How would you expect the audience to react if it was a show with all white hosts/correspondents/guests, and then they decided to weigh in on issues of race? These last few episodes have been equally inexcusable. Hire more than two women, Daily Show. Problem solved.

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I thought the PP piece was weakish, but I get the point. I'm still infuriated about Fiorina. They actually showed her bit that led to the PP people being killed and didn't say anything! I just don't understand that. The rhetoric on this false PP narrative spun way out of control and got people killed!


I'm no law expert, but I'd imagine TDS, via CC and Viacom, wouldn't want to accuse Fiorina of having her words be the reason behind the PP killings for fear of being sued by her - and she does come off as a vengeful vindictive type that would do just that. Unless the PP shooter actually comes out and admits that her words and rhetoric were what drove him to go on his killing spree, they'll need to play it very safe.


I'm more partial to Rose myself.

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In one of those "buy a VW, see VWs everywhere" things, there was a rerun of Law & Order on last week on one of the millions of channels that do L&O marathons 24/7, called "The Taxman Cometh" that is all about this issue. In 2010. 

I don't know if I'd heard about gay people using adoption as a way to give their partners benefits and legal access. I wonder how many have. It's sad that now they're having so much trouble annulling that and getting married.

Edited by RockShrimp
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Some good lines in the Zika story.  I liked the U.S./Latin America soccer analogy, the bit about being racist against mosquitoes, and feeling sorry for the soldiers doing battle against said mosquitoes.  I also get a kick out of Trevor's valley girl voice - his impression of the American woman who had to cancel her babymoon was fun.


The 1965 edition of the show was okay.  I laughed at "Roy Wood Sr." and the obvious but still amusing "prediction" that racism would be over by 1990.  I was surprised they didn't predict that when this "Selma" movie finally got made, it'd be flush with Oscars.


Still not Ronny's biggest fan, but I thought the Iowa caucus piece was one of his better showings.  (My favorite part, though, was the "Natural Corn Shillers" header.)


I thought Reshma Saujani was great.  I liked her story about how she came to create Girls Who Code, and I really appreciated the observation that people code for things they think the world needs, and a largely-homogenized group of white men isn't going to have the same perception on the world's needs than a group that includes women and people of color.  It's not that boys would make stupid stuff while girls would make important stuff - it's that, by even tacitly excluding a large population, you're going to miss out on those additional viewpoints.  Loved that.

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I got one of my students into coding and she got into one of the coding academies, but not the GWC because she's older. They need more guests like her on the show. Forget the celebs. 


Ronny did a good job with the Iowa piece. It's patently stupid that IA has this seeming influence on the presidency, and it's just a waste of time and resources for all the candidates to have to go there so much. They're not remotely representative of the nation, and not even the midwest. They should be taken down a peg.

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Ronny did a good job with the Iowa piece. It's patently stupid that IA has this seeming influence on the presidency, and it's just a waste of time and resources for all the candidates to have to go there so much. They're not remotely representative of the nation, and not even the midwest. They should be taken down a peg.


As a native Iowan, I don't argue this point at all. Except we are the Midwest. My greatest relief is that the ads will cease now for a little while...

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