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LSSC: Season One All Episodes Talk

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I was watching on Global Go (mobile app) and had the same thing. Did the full thing air in the U.S.?


It went to conclusion here.  It sounds like there was a fluke in the Global Go app as far as I can tell. 


Would anybody object to reruns on Thursdays while CBS airs NFL games past the allotted time?



I'm Tivo-ing the show with an extra hour tonight.  I admit to not being a football fan, but I don't understand why they can't fit a game into 3 and a half hours, or else just start earlier if this is going to happen a lot.  Not everyone worships football.

Edited by roseha
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I thought it was cute as well, but what bothered me the most is why there's a phone next to Jon? Is there a special request for Jon to play?

I was totally distracted by the phone -- I assumed it was going to be part of the bit. Has it always been there? If so, why?!


The interview with Elizabeth Warren was, to me, the closest he's come to disappearing back into "the character," for instance, when he started talking about "rich guys like me," something he used to do all the time on TCR. I felt he was holding himself back from being combative as he would have been if "Stephen" had been interviewing her. (She appeared on the Report twice, BTW.)

Stephen may have gone easy on Trump, but his piece on Pope Francis tonight was -very- daring and really impressed me (especially about the "official merchandise" which put some of the humility and frugality in a different light. He did it wryly of course, but to me it had the bite of genuine social criticism. I liked it, although I would think many wouldn't.   

Just another note on Batiste: The comedy bit on the "book" was the first time I've liked him! I mean, I know he's a good musician and bandleader, and I like the groove the band gets, but Batiste himself has put me off with his "dancing melodica-player" shtick. To hear his likable speaking voice and to see his talent for comedy were pleasant surprises.

I also thought last night's show was daring and pulled off really well. It was interesting and informative but very funny too. 


So stupid when Congress interrupted the Pope in the middle of saying the Golden Rule. It's like they were patting themselves on the back by showing they knew that rule and agree with it and follow it. Love that Stephen pointed out they were actually just applauding "Do unto others." Perfect.


Loved the joke that the Pope had lunch with the needy instead of Congress because he wanted to eat with people less likely to beg him for donations.


The archbishop looked so much like Charles Durning.

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The interview with Elizabeth Warren was, to me, the closest he's come to disappearing back into "the character," for instance, when he started talking about "rich guys like me," something he used to do all the time on TCR. I felt he was holding himself back from being combative as he would have been if "Stephen" had been interviewing her. (She appeared on the Report twice, BTW.)

I suppose he was closer to the character - but Stephen is actually really rich (he's getting a fortune for this show). I thought it was more a setup for Elizabeth Warren to run with. And boy, she was on fire. I've seen her a lot (both times on the Report and elsewhere), and I've never seen her quite so vehement. Whenever she decides to run, she has my vote.

Edited by clanstarling
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What was daring about last night's show? I'm missing something.


Wouldn't it be hilarious if the Pope saw the show and sent Stephen a message about the chair?

For me, the daring (and biting) part was that when it comes to Pope Francis, the media repeats the same tongue bath over and over about his incredible humility, and his kindly new view of the world--even to the point of making him sound like a liberal on issues like climate change and income inequality. Everywhere on television, from MSNBC to FOX, they seem to be working more like papal press agents than journalists when it comes to Pope Francis.


So I thought Stephen brought a nice critical edge to it with the joke about women not getting close to being pope (a joke which he had to explain to the audience--well, I wasn't going that direction with the hat either, but it was a good point).  And maybe it was just me, but I found the idea that he approves and the Vatican sells all that Official Pope Francis Merchandise very important and something I never knew about. Kind of takes some of the edge off the "simple humble man of the people" narrative. For me, anyway.


I loved the joke about why he ate with the homeless rather than Congress. That's the kind of juxtaposition of ideas comedy writers can get that just make you sit up and go, "Wow, Yes, but how did their minds ever do that?"  I really thought it was one of his best shows.


Re: book thing. JB hasn't really grabbed me yet with his personality (and I actually dislike the band's style of music most of the time), but I thought the bit itself was cute--and nice to keep up the tradition of host and band leader interacting. I'm sure it will improve over time.

For me, the daring (and biting) part was that when it comes to Pope Francis, the media repeats the same tongue bath over and over about his incredible humility, and his kindly new view of the world--even to the point of making him sound like a liberal on issues like climate change and income inequality. Everywhere on television, from MSNBC to FOX, they seem to be working more like papal press agents than journalists when it comes to Pope Francis.

I agree.  Pope Francis is more liberal than Benedict in the same way that Chris Christie is more liberal than Mike Huckabee.  None of those people are actually liberal.  If Pope Francis was serious about helping the poor, he'd liquidate the Sistine Chapel and donate the proceeds to the needy.


Last night's episode bored me.  Mainly because religion is almost always handled with kid gloves.  I wasn't expecting anyone to talk about something as serious and distressing as child molesting priests being sent to South America, which would seem to be relevant given where Francis is from, But the conversation just seemed very vapid.

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Thanks, you guys, for explaining the daring comment. 


I know nothing of the church's finances, futurechemist, but imo "liquidating" the Sistine Chapel would be a crime against the human spirit. 


I also don't know how much, if any, say an individual pope has in the merch. Did JP2 really personally approve the fabulous Pope Decanter I bought in the '80s? Probably not. I hope some of the $$$ gathered does at least go toward various charities and what not.


Fun fact: If you shop at one of the stores in Vatican City, they'll hold your purchases, have them blessed by the pope, and deliver them to your hotel (I bought St. Francis medals for me and my cat-owning friends). I picture the pontiff pausing in the open door of a warehouse stacked with kitsch, flicking some holy water in the general direction of the pile, doing the cross thing, and moving along to his next mundane papal chore.

Edited by ABay
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Yes, that was a good interview. I was impressed with her card trick, too. 


Although Kerry Washington's refusal to answer questions about the movie was a little annoying, I'm intrigued and will be watching this when it airs next year.


Loved Stephen's pairing the public's love of the Pope with the public's love of the iPhone since anti-materialism is what the Pope is about. The little Pope-mobile was cute, too, and I liked the bit with the Swiss Guard.


I think the crowd might have been too quick to applaud Boehner's resignation. I think he was a stop-gap against the real Republican extremists taking over.


"Gay marriage is still a controversial issue in this country despite the fact it is not."

Kerry Washington's refusal to answer questions about the movie was a little annoying


In response to her mantra of "You'll just have to watch," I was hoping Stephen would reply, "Maybe I would watch--if I could find out anything about it!"


Malala was wonderful.


Wedding Cake Toppers = More Brilliance. How does he do it every night?


The last time I watched any late night show with this regularity was when a guy named Dick Cavett was in charge. 

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Although Kerry Washington's refusal to answer questions about the movie was a little annoying, I'm intrigued and will be watching this when it airs next year.

To be fair, she may not have been able to discuss it any more than she did. It's my understanding that when you go on one of these shows as a representative of a movie or tv show, you are very limited in what you are allowed to say about other projects, especially if they are from different production companies. I remember one time Charlize Theron was on the Daily Show talking about 'Snow White' and Jon asked her something about 'Prometheus' and she basically said she couldn't talk about it.

I remember one time Charlize Theron was on the Daily Show talking about 'Snow White' and Jon asked her something about 'Prometheus' and she basically said she couldn't talk about it.


If I had to guess, that'd be because the studio that was paying for her press junket told her that since she was traveling around on their dime, she'd talk about their project and no one else's. Doesn't apply in Kerry Washington's case, where she clammed up about the very production HBO had sent her there to promote.

I know nothing of the church's finances, futurechemist, but imo "liquidating" the Sistine Chapel would be a crime against the human spirit. 


I'm sure that comment was not meant literally. It was a reference to the fact that the Vatican has billions in assets, especially in real estate holdings all over the world. For one example, I believe they are the largest holder of real estate in Manhattan, and that's not just St. Patrick's Cathedral and other churches. They own a number of office buildings  And whenever the Church buys a commercial property as an investment, it goes off the public tax roles, as all their income is non-taxable. So the question arises as to what they are doing with those profits.


While it may not be this simplistic, it's natural to wonder if the Pope is walking the walk about poverty and human suffering if the Church is not using even a small portion of its vast wealth to directly aid the poor, victims of the current refugee crisis etc. I know that at the local level many Catholic churches do what they can around these issues, but that's just a tiny drop in the bucket compared to the resources that the Vatican has. I mean, what are they saving the money for? And there have many books written, documenting without a doubt, that the Vatican has long been in bed with some of the scummiest and most corrupt banks and financial institutions in Europe. Including many fascist financiers during World War II.


But in light of all the good vibes about the Pope's visit, I guess it falls under being a total Grinch to bring any of this up.


On a lighter note, Malala doing a card trick was off-the-charts adorable. Nice to see her having fun and just being a regular teenager, when she's carrying such a huge burden for one so young. She's truly awesome.

Edited by bluepiano
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I'm sure that comment was not meant literally. It was a reference to the fact that the Vatican has billions in assets, especially in real estate holdings all over the world. I know that they own a number of office buildings in New York City. (Way more than Trump). And that whenever the Church buys a commercial property as an investment, it goes off the public tax roles, as all their income is non-taxable.


On a lighter note, Malala doing a card trick was off-the-charts adorable. Nice to see her having fun and just being a regular teenager, when she's carrying a huge burden for one so young. She's truly awesome.

Yes, that's what I meant.  Not to destroy works of art, but that the Catholic church should use it's immense resources.


I've liked all of Malala's interviews - here, Daily Show,etc.  And Stephen's settling in, though he does sometimes interrupt the guest to make a joke rather than letting them speak.


I'm not sure if someone else has already mentioned it, but the female sponsor announcer makes the show seem like it's on PBS.  "The Late Show is sponsored by Hyundai.  And viewers like you."

I admit I wasn't paying complete attention, but I thought she there to talk about Scandal and the Global Citizen Festival.   


My impression was her main purpose was to promote a new HBO film called Confirmation, about the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings, in which she plays Anita Hill.

Edited by Milburn Stone

I admit I wasn't paying complete attention, but I thought she there to talk about Scandal and the Global Citizen Festival.   

Yes to this, since both she and Colbert are involved with the Global Citizen Festival.  I didn't think she was being coy when she didn't want to talk about Confirmation.  When Colbert mentioned Biden and what a great guy he is, she sort of paused, and I remember at the hearings he was just like one of the other good old boys who tried to discredit Anita Hill.  I'm not sure he's going to come off as such a good guy (I could be wrong, I just remember that was my impression at the time).  I still can't believe they confirmed that asshole. 


Kerry Washington was a lot of fun as a guest.  Sometimes I think these actors and actresses come off like airheads, but she was very personable. And coming after Malala, she was interesting in her own way.

  • Love 1

Malala was great, but I would never have guessed she could do card tricks.


I cracked up when Stephen brought out the cardboard cutout of Pope Francis and was dancing to it and kept dropping it. And the little, radio powered Popemobile also was hysterical.


And here's what John Boehner was really singing when he was announcing his resignation as Speaker of the House:




My oh my, what a wonderful day

Plenty of sunshine headin' my way

'Cuz I don't have to deal with these motherfucking batshit lunatics in my own party

ever uh-gain!

  • Love 4

On a lighter note, Malala doing a card trick was off-the-charts adorable. Nice to see her having fun and just being a regular teenager, when she's carrying such a huge burden for one so young. She's truly awesome.


She is indeed awesome.  And I loved watching Stephen as she did her card trick, his face beaming.  You can see he adores her.

  • Love 3

She is indeed awesome.  And I loved watching Stephen as she did her card trick, his face beaming.  You can see he adores her.

His expressions throughout were so great. It's the first time I've really felt we were seeing the "real Stephen Colbert". I had a feeling that's what his kids see at home when they're showing him things, too. So cute, both of them


Not sure where to put this, but would it be okay to start a thread just to list the upcoming weeks' shows? I love that Trow125 has posted them here, but it seems like it would be easier to find in their own thread--also kind of interesting to just scroll through a few months all consolidated together in one place, seeing who'd been on, when. Anyone?

Not sure where to put this, but would it be okay to start a thread just to list the upcoming weeks' shows? I love that Trow125 has posted them here, but it seems like it would be easier to find in their own thread--also kind of interesting to just scroll through a few months all consolidated together in one place, seeing who'd been on, when. Anyone?


I am going to talk to a few people about some options. Right now, this is how it's going to stay.

Who did PewDiePie blow to get that booking?

Dude's got almost 40 million YouTube subscribers. He's probably a lot better known than Yo-Yo Ma, sad as that may seem.

I wonder if this is part of a CBS late night strategy, because James Corden had an entire show devoted to YouTube celebs a couple of weeks ago (Jenna Marbles, Tyler Oakley, etc.).

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Colbert is having on a lot of people in the tech world on...and that extends to PewDiePie, whose videos have been viewed 10 billion times.


He makes money by playing a video games. It should be an intereting interview.


I'd prefer if it were Markiplier, but he's recently had a major loss in his life, so that probably won't be happening.


I don't care much for what Michelle Obama was wearing.  The slacks were nice, but the top looked like a little girl dress that shrunk in the wash.

I so adored his MB skit. These were the kind of segments from TCR that were my absolute favorites. He seemed to be in character for it too, but I didn't mind because it was awesome and funny. I couldn't tell at the end, but it seemed like he was sincerely touched by what the woman was telling him, which tickled me.


I love his interviewing style too. He can seamlessly go in and out of serious conversation. Gah. I love him.

Edited by SophiaPehawkins
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I so adored his MB skit. These were the kind of segments from TCR that were my absolute favorites. He seemed to be in character for it too, but I didn't mind because it was awesome and funny. I couldn't tell at the end, but it seemed like he was sincerely touched by what the woman was telling him, which tickled me.


I love his interviewing style too. He can seamlessly go in and out of serious conversation. Gah. I love him.

Me, too (all of the above). I respect that he apparently was totally honest with his MB, choosing INFP answers are not really the ones that show aggressive mastery and domination of the world around you--or something like that--anyway, just starting with "I" made him more attractive than ever to me and it went on from there.


If anyone's interested, this is a short MB test but we took it around here and it pretty much nailed everyone. Took less than 10 minutes and -- best part-- not only free, but they give you the results right away, no email address needed for any future solicitation or contact. http://www.my-personality-test.com/personality-type/?killsession

Edited by Padma
  • Love 2
Me, too (all of the above). I respect that he apparently was totally honest with his MB, choosing INFP answers are not really the ones that show aggressive mastery and domination of the world around you--or something like that--anyway, just starting with "I" made him more attractive than ever to me and it went on from there.



I've always had this massive crush on Stephen and yeah seeing that he leaned more towards introversion was great. Your right in that you can tell he took it as himself and gave honest answers. I took a fake version of the lest a year and a half ago and I was an INFJ. I thought I was going to be a perfect match with Stephen, but alas it was not meant to be. 

I gotta say, the graphics for Dukakis as Frodo and JFK all bulked up cracked me up.


I didn't care for MO's top either. I think the big frill is called a peplum.


The Myers-Briggs bit was pretty funny, though the woman kind of bugged me. Too focused, scripted, and humorless.


Hilary is going to be on the show? I wonder if Stephen will ask about her height. Maybe they'll actually use a tape measure.

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