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S07.E20: Reunion (Part I)

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You know Carole was all you “shouldn’t treat my family like friends as your personal closet for shoots” That season she was all over Lu for every damn thing. Oh sure, THAT’S overstepping boundaries and that was something somewhat BUSINESS related but you hook up with a friends nieces ex without much reflection or concern and that’s supposed to be no biggie? Hmmmmm.  Hypocrite…huh… ?


And Carole was sensitive about Sonya mentioning that she partied with John Kennedy, Jr., because he was a family member.

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And Carole was sensitive about Sonya mentioning that she partied with John Kennedy, Jr., because he was a family member.

And yet it's so hard for Carole to believe that Lu's coming from a legit place of a protective and empathetic family member. Mind boggling. I don't see how Lu doing her best to be cordial and friendly with Carole even though this detail didn't sit right with her seems to be such a poignant detail in not justifying Lu's uneasiness over the whole damn thing.

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Carole also contributed to the whole mess by trying to simply sweep it under the rug mentality by obviously putting out the vibe that any emotional discomfort or disapproval would not be entertained and would be waved away as childish and unimportant. I'm not surprised it wasn't dealt with right away and hashed out and discussed. Not once did Carole seem like she would be receptive to any negative feedback or honest admissions of how Lu felt over the matter. Carole was so invested in downplaying the sketchiness of it all and her stance from the beginning was all "it's not a big deal" I wouldn't want to try and have a heart to heart with someone who has already decided any conflicting opinion to hers on the matter was moot and invalid. 



But the thing is, Lu would. I'm not sure I agree with the description of what went down with Carole and Lu (bolded above), but it is exactly the description of what went down last year with Sonja. Sonja downplayed a situation that was extremely important to Lu. Lu tried to talk with her several times. Sonja was dismissive. She told Lu she was overreacting and to get over herself. Lu was enraged, and as she said over and over again, she cared deeply for Sonja. She has a record of handling these things head on. 


With regard to maybe being halted because a 3rd party was involved, she certainly had zero problem bringing this 3rd party into it on Twitter for weeks. She talked about it in endless interviews. She had zero problem after the season wrapped talking at length about her niece, so I fail to see how she would have been so afraid to talk about it at the time.  


Lu is in a unique position in the HW universe.  The first HW to ever be demoted. To her, the idea of losing her apple isn't just something to imagine and fear, it is a real thing. I think she was driven by that fear to stir something up - to make some drama happen.  I hate it because I always like Lu before now (well, except for S4 Lu). 

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I think Alex said it best at a previous reunion ; "LuAnn is a thug in a cocktail dress." She really seems to be rough tonight.

I think that comment was made about Sonja throwing Alex out of her party at her house a few seasons ago.  Is that correct?  I might be mis-remembering. 

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You know Carole was all you “shouldn’t treat my designer, "family like" friend as your personal closet for shoots” That season she was all over Lu for every damn thing. Oh sure, THAT’S overstepping boundaries and that was something somewhat BUSINESS related but you hook up with a friends nieces ex without much reflection or concern and that’s supposed to be no biggie? Hmmmmm.  Hypocrite…huh… ?

I can't even see a connection between the two to make it remotely hypocritical.....One is a designer family friend being used as a personal closet and the other is someone dating someone's nieces ex?  What the heck am I missing here?

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Thank you, Rahul, for clarifying that "Sonja said Madonna was outside". Is it possible that Madonna walked past the  fashion show locale at some point during the preparations or presentation? Although Madonna's proximity was probably unrelated to Sonja's show, Sonja would be technically correct in that case to say Madonna was outside. Or Madonna may have been on another continent, and Sonja is simply detached from reality.


I personally like to think of Madonna standing outside, wanting to get into Sonja's fashion show and being turned away because Sonja's 70 interns, her dogs, her life coach, her esthetician and her psychic all had to have seats. 


Sonja's "John-John" argument was painful to watch.  Everything Carole said - - his friends never called him John-John, he was never a partier - - went right over Sonja's head.  She heard nothing.


The color of LuAnn's dress reminded me of Brach's candies that I used to buy years ago at the grocery store.  They had those shiny foil wrappers and I think the electric teal/green color she was wearing might have been vanilla or caramel.  Yummy.  The style of the dress doesn't bother me - - the pic of her in the eggplant/purple color is quite pretty but the color/shininess of it was a major fail.  Very unusual for the Countess.


I did have to laugh over LuAnn's insistence that twenty-somethings are perfectly acceptable to bang but you don't date them, darling!  How dreadful.


She definitely did sound like she had been on a bender for the last 2 days.


Kristen, from her profile, reminded me of Kim Zolciak.  Those extensions are terrible.  Not a fan of the nails either - - the color is okay, don't care for the sparkle and I hate that talon shape.


Ramona came off as if she was medicated.


Dorinda . . eh.


Bethenny looked fantastic.  Love the new haircut on her and I think her outfit was perfect.  She's not entering a pageant, she's trying to look nice, put together and comfortable without a boob or Spandex slipping out.


I generally find Heather okay but I really wish she would learn to STFU.  Let someone else speak.  She doesn't need to answer for everyone and she doesn't need to voice her opinion on everything.


My two biggest gripes with these reunions are the Hos talking over each other constantly and Andy letting things slide.

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I agree. I don't give a damn about Adam or that he's dating Carole. Luann is a hypocrite, and always has been, especially about her hookups.

Maybe they need more married Real HOUSEWIVES of NY so we don't have to go through this adolescent bullshit about who is dating whom and whose feelings are hurt and who is being a hypocrite about banging which guys. Kristin and Heather are the only actual Housewives, and I'm hearing one or both might be out after this season. Or maybe Andy should just rename the show, "The Real Cougars of NY" so I'm not even tempted to watch.

No one will up vote this but...bring Jillzy back! An automatic nemesis for Ramona, and Jill was all about the UES ladies who lunch lifestyle. It would be amazing if Jill and B could get back to their season one friendship too but that seems impossible.

And yet it's so hard for Carole to believe that Lu's coming from a legit place of a protective and empathetic family member. Mind boggling. I don't see how Lu doing her best to be cordial and friendly with Carole even though this detail didn't sit right with her seems to be such a poignant detail in not justifying Lu's uneasiness over the whole damn thing.

I don't think Lu presented her case very well and maybe it's for the reasons you mentioned, that she didn't want to air all of her nieces dirty laundry. But Carole is probably going by what Adam has told her - that he and Nicole were long over, that Nicole knew that, that she's actually fine with it. And Carole is happy and doesn't want to investigate further. I get it, in a way, but odds are he's lying. I'm not sure it would matter to Carole one way or the other but it does bug me that Lu isn't allowed to say hey don't start dating my family's ex who she's still on/off with. Would the reaction be the same if Adam was her daughters ex? It's weird. But part of the blame here is that Lu has done a shit job of presenting her side of the argument.

Not that Carole really argued well either. She's so bumbling and soft spoken, she really doesn't argue well. She looked fab tho! Smart lady getting all her fillers done at just the right time before the reunion. B needed some help in that department.

Edited by racked
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But the thing is, Lu would. I'm not sure I agree with the description of what went down with Carole and Lu (bolded above), but it is exactly the description of what went down last year with Sonja. Sonja downplayed a situation that was extremely important to Lu. Lu tried to talk with her several times. Sonja was dismissive. She told Lu she was overreacting and to get over herself. Lu was enraged, and as she said over and over again, she cared deeply for Sonja. She has a record of handling these things head on. 


With regard to maybe being halted because a 3rd party was involved, she certainly had zero problem bringing this 3rd party into it on Twitter for weeks. She talked about it in endless interviews. She had zero problem after the season wrapped talking at length about her niece, so I fail to see how she would have been so afraid to talk about it at the time.  


Lu is in a unique position in the HW universe.  The first HW to ever be demoted. To her, the idea of losing her apple isn't just something to imagine and fear, it is a real thing. I think she was driven by that fear to stir something up - to make some drama happen.  I hate it because I always like Lu before now (well, except for S4 Lu). 

I guess my point is. To me, HW politics or not. The subject in itself was grimey. Lu's position over it wasn't wrong with regards to it hitting close to home. I don't believe she magnified it for an apple and I do think there were instances where she tried to hold back and others where she didn't succeed. Sometimes I count to ten and don't make the cutting remark and guess what sometimes the reaction escapes me while I'm still on 5. So in a nutshell whatever other factors surrounding Lu's apple or loss of apple doesn't change the details surrounding the situation and how Carole also mishandled it. Just because certain interactions and conversations and hashing out happened in a sequence that doesn't equate to some absolute logical result like its a math equation doesn't change all the distasteful components surrounding the issue. Carole wasn't squeaky clean in all of that either so I do call BS on it somehow all being about how messed up Lu was being about it.

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I can't even see a connection between the two to make it remotely hypocritical.....One is a designer family friend being used as a personal closet and the other is someone dating someone's nieces ex?  What the heck am I missing here?

The fact that Carole expected Lu to be considerate of her extremely close friendship with these people and not treat the visit as an opportunity for personal gain. She made a big deal about how rude it was of Lu to put her friends on the "spot" and how embarrassing it was to Carole that her friends were put in an "awkward" position by asking for favor.


It's not exactly the same but Carole was quick to criticize and get mad at Luann for doing something that would make Carole and her friends uncomfortable. And this was just about a damn dress no less.


Carole = Lu

Designers= Lu's Niece

Dress= Adam


Carole's quick to draw lines and boundaries when it's about the people in her life but can't see it in terms of Lu's situation with her niece? 

Edited by Sincerely Yours
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Ya'll have posted and reposted and responded to the repostings to such a thorough and thoroughly enjoyable extent that I'm almost out of shit to say.  Almost.


It's already happened (metaphorically). P. Diddy was on WWHL awhile back and said he didn't know Sonja and was never on her yacht!


It was everything.  He did all but say Sonja who?  He's never heard of her.  


She actually did say that. Maybe not as articulately as you did, but she said he didn't party and had a small group of close-knit friends, She resented Sonja's characterization, and I think she expressed that pretty well.


Totally agree.  I believe she met JFK Jr., may have even partied with him, but we've also become well acquainted (see what I did there?) with Sonja Morgan's definition of association to be based, at best, on proximity.   Okay sure they met ::Bensonhurstshrug::  whocares?  I didn't think Carole was all don't talk about "my family" per se, more than:  I actually knew this man, much better than you can ever claim to have known him.  You're painting him in an unflattering light and he's not here to defend himself so please keep his name outcha mouth.


Ok, I'm going to go out on a limb and defend LuAnn for a minute here, or at least offer a different perspective. Please don't throw too many tomatoes. I was never, ever a LuAnn fan, and I despised her during S4, what with the way she treated Alex and acted in Morrocco. I just see her side on this one, and, full disclosure: I hate Carole, so that might have something to do with it, but here goes:

I'm not much older than Nicole--the niece--and I remember having many a guy in my life whom I wished was my boyfriend--maybe it was an ex, maybe it was a guy I met, but we weren't an official couple, just "talking" (by "talking," I mean we'd speak on the phone, but we'd also talk the way Lu and Sonja like to talk). If he started seeing someone else or lost interest, the talking would cease, and I'd be utterly heartbroken for a few weeks, until I found someone else with whom to talk.

The idea of losing the possibility of dating a guy who had been at least somewhat interested in me because he publicly took up with an older, somewhat attractive woman, and they were now practically living together and I had to watch it all play out on TV because of my aunt, would rub me very wrong. I would feel somewhat betrayed by that aunt, even though I had no actual claim to the guy, just an emotional one. Family is supposed to be a place of safety and nurture, and I'd like to think my hookup-but-maybe-something/someday-more was safe cooking in my aunt's kitchen.

IF this was how the niece felt, I understand LuAnn's indignance about it. I'm sure the niece will never publicly claim she felt this way, cause, let's face it, that's a pretty pathetic position to be in. So maybe that accounts for some of Luann's stammering--she's trying not to reveal too much personal stuff about the niece, while still getting the story out. I think the whole "don't date the help" really translates to the idea that Adam was not at LuAnn's party as a guest. If Adam had been a guest, he would have been free to socialize and meet single women, and LuAnn would have put her niece's tenuous relationship in jeopardy. I think she thought he'd be busy and "safe" if relegated to the kitchen, and the fact that Carole got to him anyway really threw Lu for a loop. I really don't think the normally classist LuAnn is being classist when she says "don't date the help." I think it's code--not to be confused with "girl code"--for, "bitch, he was in my house, I didn't present him to you as single, or a viable dating option, there are complicated family dynamics at play, so BTFU."

I think Lu is sloppy in how she's handling it, and she looks petty, but I get it. At first she didn't make a big deal, because she didn't think there was a big deal--maybe there'd just be a few quiet shags, which seems to be the behavior LuAnn engages in when dealing with men of this age. Once LuAnn realized they were full-blown relationship status, she didn't immediately go crazy on Carole, but she's human. I know I--being human--have let people say/do things to me that I didn't realize until later weren't ok. And then I'd be furious. And I wouldn't always let it go, just because it's the classier way. It's kind of like on old school RHNJ, when Danielle told Teresa to "pay attention puh-lease" and Teresa flipped a table at her. The remark didn't just happen, with Teresa flipping a table in response. Teresa began her reply to Danielle pretty calmly and cogently ("I am paying attention. Some things have got to be true other than you being arrested and changing your name"), and Teresa quickly whipped herself up into a frenzy with no further assistance from Danielle, which culminated in Teresa throwing the table. Luann was like a season-long, simmering Teresa.

No one's cause is advanced by hashing it out to this level though. For those who stated Nicole could do better, and that Adam and his greasy bun and lack of manners toward greeting Dorinda, vocal fry, and being photographed sucking on a cigarette are gross, I'm with you. Luann tweeted Andy that she's dropping it. I guess that remains to be seen.

Sorry for the novel. I think I took too much Adderall earlier.


This is so gorgeously written that I don't want to find fault with one word.  Oh girl, why you make me do it? Lol.  I love how vivid a picture you painted of Nicole's perspective, I think that's the one thing that probably got lost in all of this because of how badly Lu wants to be and appear loyal to her niece.  Which is fine but she's uber misplacing her offended senibilities. There may have been legit family dynamics at play but they weren't complicated.  Lu admitted that while Adam and Nicole had broken up officially over a year beforehand, they'd hooked up since. 



{{worstthingthateverhappenedtoher}} hi, terrible ass idea, this is the ex you still have hardcore feelings for.  You busy?

{{terribleassidea}} N'uh uh. How soon can you..?



It is shitty and an unfortunate rite of dating passage that almost no young woman can avoid, but  accepting the non committal terms of post break up relationship isn't anyone's fault except Nicole's.  There wasn't any point in time where she didn't have the right of refusal.  Now we're blaming booty calls for not acting chivalrous?  Come the fuck on.  For either of Nicole or Lu (but especially Lu because she has the damn experience to have told Nicole the bargain basement ass truth about this) to have believed that not only was it going to work out differently, but that but for the presence of Carole, Adam and Nicole would still be blissfully together is pure delusion.  A hallucination supported by the fact that in the 12 whole months since their break up but before he met Carole, they hadn't gotten back together.  If Luanne gave a damn about her niece, what she should've done is stop indulging that girl's childish beliefs long before Carole.  "they'd planned a trip together"   I mean really?  That actually makes me think the childish belief belonged to Luanne and Nicole had been over it.  Do the Habitat for Humanity people know they're in the couples' getaway business?  Enough with this bullshit Lu, if he had ever lied to Nicole about the nature of their status that would've been the foot you'd led with.  There's no bad guy here, breakups just suck sometimes.


Okay I have to say it. I get that Luann totally fucked that whole shit up but honestly I completely SEE what’s happening there. I really believe, truthfully and honestly that she is basically upset for her niece. Pissed for her niece and even pissed herself because she has REASONS and even though some may think that Luann hasn’t done too well NOT blowing her nieces spot I TRULY believe that there is so much information about just how “OVER” the relationship was with Adam and her niece. There were parts of her rant where you see Lu looking at Carole while others were having their comments and you see Lu saying “you really don’t know what I’m saying?” It’s like she’s giving her a look and wanting so desperately for Carol to “get it” without Luann having to actually spell it out for her. I think Lu bounces back and forth with her reasons because when she realizes she’s shared probably more than what her niece would like but can’t help her own anger she tries to shift to a different reason so they don’t get too deep into the subject of her niece and details surrounding her niece and Adam. She shared even more information about her nieces business during the reunion when she mentioned Adam spending the night with her niece at her house.


I think Luann would love to be able to dump dates, times, hook ups, and all that jazz on Carole’s lap but honestly how can you really do that? It’s a lose lose and Luann knows it but she also can’t help feeling how she feels about the callousness of the situation. You see her throw the in tidbits about her niece and she’s looking at Carole and she wants desperately for Carole to understand what she’s saying and what it’s really about and when Carole doesn’t get it and says shit like who cares and shit like they weren’t together pushing her own agenda which is she doesn’t want own up to the fact that a part of that situation is indeed fucked up you can see Luann get really pissed. Plus you can obviously see that if nothing else,  it’s a fucking no brainer that Lu isn’t jumping for joy or patting Caroles back over her “cougar conquest”  asking to sit around and braid pussy hair because HELLO he's her nieces EX. Awwwwwkkkkkwwwaarrddddd! That in itself should be enough for Carole to understand some of Lu's abrasiveness in certain conversations or circumstances that involve the fucking topic. Duh! I truly think the way Carole was so dismissive of anyone's feeling over the matter and then criticizing any potential hurt feelings over the situation with a giggle and an eye roll is what really made this thing turn so heated.


I really don’t appreciates Carole dismissiveness over the matter that it is Lu’s niece. I mean I know Lu has handled all this poorly but I don’t doubt for one second that there is some definite weight behind her claims about her niece and Adam. Add the disgust I feel when I see Carole make certain claims so certainly about the “timing” when she knows damn well she can’t be sure. Really? Carole sounds like the classic chick that doesn’t want to believe that either she got played with half truths or B. doesn’t want to admit that she behaved a bit sketchy herself with regards to how her and Adam first started.


I still can’t get over how people don’t like to be honest and hide by technicalities. Luann does say that she can’t control who’s doing what with who but I don’t see why they demand she be okay with it. Lu doesn’t like the situation point blank period. Nothings going to change her mind over it and to be honest it’s a sketchy enough situation where Lu feeling are justified. Carole wants to highlight that Lu’s being wishy washy etc. etc. Has a problem with her and Adam. Okay, so? The part that aggravates me is how affected and defensive Carole seems to be about what the countess thinks. Who fucking cares. You wanna fuck her ex’s niece go right ahead but then don’t be all attacking and trying to call Lu out on shit cause you pissed that she ain’t pleased with your new sperm toy. You don’t need her approval so what the fuck is all the drama about? When you enter into something as sensitive as this and friends and family are involved and you want to giggle and throw caution to the wind just for some dick (cause lets be honest that’s where her head was at) then don’t be playing the victim when there’s  a backlash.  I think Lu’s whole “Girl code” schtick had more to do with this situation that it did with what happened at T&C but needed something else to attach to other than the drama with Adam cause associating Girl Code with the whole T&C never really made sense.


I think that's Carole's ultimate point.  Lu can't control what adults do so there's no need for her to keep making herself sound stupid about it, especially given that Adam has made his choice.  I don't tweet so I don't follow their social media war but in everything I've read/seen, Carole isn't the one to start mess, she's responsive to the hypocrisy of being judged for dating a younger man, by a woman who sleeps with younger men literally every chance she gets.  The more intriguing question to me is why and how Carole got assigned the responsibility that not even Adam was charged with?




Even Carole herself knew that this was a touchy issue as well as the others because Kristen and Heather were asking right away if Luann knew. I mean if it’s all above board then what’s with all the minor shock and “uh-oh’s” in everyone’s demeanor when this information first came out? Come on, it’s pretty simple. Had Carole showed some ounce of respect when disclosing the information and not felt the need to always discount Luann’s side of the matter in the beginning it may have played out a whole lot differently.


When Andy asked why she was suddenly put out, when she and Carole had been friends all season, Lu's response was "we were never friends".   Bet.  Why do I owe a woman who was never my friend the respect of telling her anything let alone my involvement with a grown man who'd ended a relationship with her niece over a full year before?  This is so weird to me, it's like the comment Lu made about Carole's responsibility with younger men overall and think about the children and ya'll barging into my room when a guy could've been in there and Noel could've seen that.    So, wait, you don't understand a freak out about what could've but didn't happen with a perfect stranger left in our vacation house, but you want me to understand my responsibility in revealing the man your son could've seen but didn't, lying in your bed. 


Mkay, then.

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I'm Team Luann.  You don't screw someone else's help.  Those people are kept for the pleasure of their owners (ok, renters since you can't technically own people anymore...stupid Amendments to the stupid Constitution).  Luann was keeping that cook for her niece, not for Carole.  I feel like Carole could at least offer Luann something in exchange, like a horse (thoroughbred) or maybe something social, like hooking Luann's kids up with an opportunity nobody else could get because we lack connections.  


Which is to say: I feel like this is some serious Rich People Problems kinda stuff going on.  And while I can't relate to it, I'm entertained enough.


More seriously, Carole should have figured this out by now.  I think the key is Luann's phrase about how the cook and the niece were planning a trip to Nicaragua together.  To me that's a clue that the niece still had feelings because for her it was a trip with a guy, not a trip for anything else (at least as Luann relays it).  I also have a better handle on the age thing because I think Luann's point is that young men are for fun but you leave them to build relationships with the young women, like the niece.  That's how I'm spinning it anyway so that it makes sense, though I still think Luann needs to acknowledge that this guy is a free person who, y'know, made choices.


On another note, this is still my favorite HW season ever.  


I think my favorite part of last night was watching Bethenney pretend that she's in any real way cool with Heather (Frankel cannot control her face...or her urge to look to Andy for support in moments she finds exceedingly annoying).  I also appreciated Heather's position re: her nanny leaving a lot more once she explained it the way she did (ooh- I like that my comment can start and end with references to the help and their role in the lives of the wealthy).

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I'm late posting, I had car stuff to deal with this morning. So I'll try to read through the posts before adding my two cents. But I just had to get something off my chest:


What was up with the Ladies' looks/style at this reunion??? Most of them looked downright horrendous. 


Carol looked the best, IMO. Bethenny looked alright, except her bottom half was a bit Prince. Dorinda and Ramona were forgettable, so maybe not too bad? 


The ones that really stood out, though:


LuAnn, who looked like Mermaid Barbie goes to 80s Prom. 


Sonja, who looked as if she was swallowed by a gold, lame boa constrictor. 


Heather, who was channeling Sue Ellen Mischke


And Kristen - who was Bowie. Very Bowie. Bowie with granny tits. Has she no friends? I would have never let her on stage like that. 



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Luann is eventually going to have get over Carole dating Adam. Like, they've been together for 8-9 months now and it's clearly not just some fling or FWB situation. She made her point (repeatedly) and needs to accept that Carole doesn't care. Out of her mouth, she said Carole was never a friend, so what is the problem? Either she was a friend and you feel betrayed, or you've been fake with her this entire time. I guess it's the latter since Luann said she hadn't seen Carole for some time until filming this season.


It's irking me to see Adam referenced as the 'help'. I just think it's such a mean way to refer to a member of someone's staff. I remember Seal getting upset about Heidi dating her bodyguard, and he made a flippant remark about Heidi fucking 'the help'. It was so ugh.

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i just think it's still an issue cause it keeps rearing it's ugly head in general. Carole keeps trying to justify it. Luann isn't receptive. Luann keeps trying to make her point Carole isn't receptive. That's all it boils down to at this point. Ugly lines have been crossed and that's where it's at.

Edited by Sincerely Yours
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 I feel like Carole could at least offer Luann something in exchange, like a horse (thoroughbred) or maybe something social, like hooking Luann's kids up with an opportunity nobody else could get because we lack connections.  


Or a Naeem Khan dress?

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Did I hear correctly that Sonja volunteered she also had a fling with LuAnn's Turks & Caicos 21-year old married man?




But what does Sonja have to say about it?


No you did not hear correctly.  Alistaire was the houseboy and not married. I don't think Sonja committed to having actual intercourse.  It sounds like they were skinny dipping.

Edited by zoeysmom
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No you did not hear correctly.  Alistaire was the houseboy and not married. I don think Sonja committed to having actual intercourse.  It sounds like they were skinny dipping.

Bethenny made reference to LuAnn and Alistaire while they were in T&C, when they saw the hot guy on another boat and found out he was 22, Bethenny says LuAnn "did that last night"

Sonja says at the reunion "Everyone who did Alistaire raise their hand" while looking at LuAnn. Everyone laughs and LuAnn says "Sonja did the house boy" and Sonja says to Lu "you were there first". When Andy asked if Sonja slept with the houseboy she demurred "no, I didn't say that..."

No wonder Alistaire the house boy didn't want the guys coming back to the house and was so ready to rat out LuAnn's guy being married, those guys cockblocked him! He was probably ready for Round 2 (or 3?).

So, LuAnn wants everyone to believe she only skinny dipped with the houseboy, only made out with the married man and what, only let Eric escort her to the ladies room at Beautique? Sure LuAnn, and you didn't fuck the pirate, either....how dare you!!!

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LuAnn's so full of shit. I'm willing to wager that she copulated with every one of the aforementioned gentlemen suitors.


Bethenny is over Heather. I was never convinced by their friendship that seemingly developed in the middle of the season. I don't Bethenny has ever cared for Heather, and vice versa. Aside from speaking their minds and not mincing words, they actually have very little in common. Their personalities are quite different.


On the issue of Bethenny calling her daughter while she's in Jason's custody--I can empathize. My parents began divorce proceedings when I was only a few months old. It was a protracted and nasty battle that lasted well into my school years. Though my single mother had custody, the court mandated visitation with my father every alternate weekend. The man subjected me to every form of child abuse apart from sexual. I was only able to tolerate those weekends with him because after relentless pleading, he would allow me to make a collect call (what an asshat) home to speak to my mother for a minute or two.


I'm not saying Jason is abusive towards Brynn but not allowing her to speak to her mom if she so wishes is not a good sign. At all.

Edited by Rahul
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LuAnn's so full of shit. I'm willing to wager that she copulated with every one of the aforementioned gentlemen suitors.


Damn, is LuAnn really that horny? Or is she just trying to prove to herself that she's still hot and desirable even in her 50's? Same with Sonja.   I'm in my 50's and can't imagine wanting to fuck that much. I guess I need to go to the Dr. and get my hormone levels checked.  

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So....does anyone think that Sonja has actually gone "south" (or "South Miami" as Bethenny put it)?   Or, was she just trying to convince everyone she's sexually enlightened?

I loved the looks on Ramona's face when Sonja was being questioned about this.  She was either totally put off, or thinking that Sonja is an effin' liar-face.

I don't know. I think Ramona might be afraid that Sonja was going to spill the beans about some drunken Hampton's three action with Mario. I recall in prior seasons how they were all over each other and Mario. Not hard to believe.

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Damn, is LuAnn really that horny? Or is she just trying to prove to herself that she's still hot and desirable even in her 50's? Same with Sonja.   I'm in my 50's and can't imagine wanting to fuck that much. I guess I need to go to the Dr. and get my hormone levels checked.  


Even a broken clock is right twice a day, and the Moaner did used to say how Lu loved her men and had an open relationship with the Count...

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Damn, is LuAnn really that horny? Or is she just trying to prove to herself that she's still hot and desirable even in her 50's? Same with Sonja.   I'm in my 50's and can't imagine wanting to fuck that much. I guess I need to go to the Dr. and get my hormone levels checked.  


Ostensibly. I don't think think its your hormone levels that are off. High testosterone contributes to a hyperactive libido and we already know LuAnn has an uncharacteristically deep voice for a woman....

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DId you check out the body language on the Bethenney side of the couch.  Carole was enrapt and following every word coming out of Bethenney's mouth.  Heather was pulled slight away from Carole.  I wouldn't be surprised if Heather didn't come back for another season.  Her brand received very little exposure and her bestie has moved on to someone who gets a bigger slice of the Real Housewives pie.   


As far as the toast to bring Bethenney down.  It's no biggie.  They were all worried and pledging to present a solid front to the Bethenney steamroller coming to town. 


Carole has only been truly upset with two things while being a Housewife.  Aviva saying she had a ghostwriter and Adam.  No matter how many times Carole says she just having fun and they are keeping it light, I'd say she's in deep.  And the cookbook thing backs that up.  I wonder if that is how she is planning to fulfill her third required book?  And I bet Bethenney helped cook up the idea.   The thing I find is that Lu has never been subtle.  She speaks the obvious, usually twice, brays when she laughs, and is not quick with a smart reply.  Carole is measured, witty, good with words, but, frankly, every bit as nasty as anyone else.  She just couches it in the sly barb.   They all gossip about each other.  And they know they do.  Stop tattling.  No one has the high ground here.


Carole - Lu doesn't like your relationship with Adam.  Fine.  Not everyone has to.  Just keep it out of her face and don't poke the beast.  And while you're at it, maybe stick up for Heather one in awhile with your new bestie.

Heather and Carole are still very close friends and in Bethenny's latest blog she says that she and Carole are friends but not BF's. I do not think Heather cares if Carole is also friends with Bethenny or not.


And Carole was sensitive about Sonya mentioning that she partied with John Kennedy, Jr., because he was a family member.

It was because he is a deceased family member that can not refute Sonja's allegations.

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I'm Team Luann.  You don't screw someone else's help.  Those people are kept for the pleasure of their owners (ok, renters since you can't technically own people anymore...stupid Amendments to the stupid Constitution).  Luann was keeping that cook for her niece, not for Carole.  I feel like Carole could at least offer Luann something in exchange, like a horse (thoroughbred) or maybe something social, like hooking Luann's kids up with an opportunity nobody else could get because we lack connections.  


Which is to say: I feel like this is some serious Rich People Problems kinda stuff going on.  And while I can't relate to it, I'm entertained enough.


More seriously, Carole should have figured this out by now.  I think the key is Luann's phrase about how the cook and the niece were planning a trip to Nicaragua together.  To me that's a clue that the niece still had feelings because for her it was a trip with a guy, not a trip for anything else (at least as Luann relays it).  I also have a better handle on the age thing because I think Luann's point is that young men are for fun but you leave them to build relationships with the young women, like the niece.  That's how I'm spinning it anyway so that it makes sense, though I still think Luann needs to acknowledge that this guy is a free person who, y'know, made choices.


On another note, this is still my favorite HW season ever.  


I think my favorite part of last night was watching Bethenney pretend that she's in any real way cool with Heather (Frankel cannot control her face...or her urge to look to Andy for support in moments she finds exceedingly annoying).  I also appreciated Heather's position re: her nanny leaving a lot more once she explained it the way she did (ooh- I like that my comment can start and end with references to the help and their role in the lives of the wealthy).


I think that LuAnn is counting on not everyone realizing that this wasn't a couple's getaway. I did a Google search, and my guess about Nicaragua was correct: Finca Santa Marta, Nicaragua, and the crew went there in December last year. That's the trip that LuAnn is playing fast and loose about. 

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I don't know. Don't you think Adam was banging Luann's niece while they were away? He doesn't strike me as an ethical kind of dude. More of your basic fame whore Brooks/Slade greasy opportunist who found a desperate Housewife to glom onto for some camera time and promotion.


If Carole had any game she would pick on somebody her own size. 

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Damn, is LuAnn really that horny? Or is she just trying to prove to herself that she's still hot and desirable even in her 50's? Same with Sonja.   I'm in my 50's and can't imagine wanting to fuck that much. I guess I need to go to the Dr. and get my hormone levels checked.  


Apparently she is that horny.  Luann told us herself last episode that the more sex she has, the more she wants, all the time.


I guess she wasn't worried about her son hearing that from her own lips.

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If Carole had any game she would pick on somebody her own size. 


Trooper York- I was so counting on you to post a picture of skeletal remains from Pompeii to illustrate your point!

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And now I'm imagining LuAnn sitting on the reunion couch in that gaudy strapped turquoise gown with a plug in each one of her nether orifices.


Thanks for that.

Edited by Rahul
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If the reunion was Kristen's last chance to earn her keep, she failed miserably. Her looks was the main thing she had going for her and she stomped all over it with that get up. It would have served her well if she dressed simply and sat back .... looking pretty. 


I say this as a fan. 

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Heather and Carole are still very close friends and in Bethenny's latest blog she says that she and Carole are friends but not BF's. I do not think Heather cares if Carole is also friends with Bethenny or not.

I thought it was interesting that she pointed this out. She said she has relationships with all the women, but that no one is closer than the others. Interesting indeed.

Either way, Carole and Heather are as close as always. Heather said they always stay in a hotel the night before the reunion and get ready together, and this year they invited Kristen. Those girls are tight.

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If the reunion was Kristen's last chance to earn her keep, she failed miserably. Her looks was the main thing she had going for her and she stomped all over it with that get up. It would have served her well if she dressed simply and sat back .... looking pretty.

I say this as a fan.


I absolutely loved Kristin's stylish look all season so I was looking forward to her reunion look but WTF happened?  The extra-long blonde extensions, that hideous dress with the strategically placed boobs, those fu-manchu talons - everything unbelievably ugly.  Needless to say, I was extremely disappointed.


Heather looked horrible, LuAnn's dress was too shiny but her makeup and hair looked nice, Dorinda and Sonja:  too much gold and silver, Ramona was invisible, and Carole looked like.....Carole.  Bethenny's look was my favorite except for the sequined pants.

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It's basic protocol as well as common sense that you don't go after exes of your friends (or family), unless you want to cause drama. The only respectful way to go about it is to ASK first, and if your friend says it's fine, then you may proceed. Even then, the person may not really be unbothered, but at least they can't openly be upset with you because you got their permission. This shows respect for the relationship you two share. So I understand why Lu is upset: Carole showed zero respect or regard for her family member's feelings.


Carole knows she violated this protocol and instead of just apologizing for that, she's adamant she did nothing for Lu to be upset about and tries to deflect by making it only about age and sex.


And it's not like Adam is exceptional, either. From what we've seen of him, he has nothing to say. But of course that's not why she's with him. So then, there's no shortage of scrawny boys waiting for a come up/sugar momma.

Edited by anonymiss
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I don't see LuAnn in danger of losing her apple. She throws out some of the best lines. And didn't she warn the pirate, or the bar staff, "don't fuck with me, I'm an Indian?" She's one tough broad. I like her loose and slutty too. I hope she's safe. I'd like to see Heather stay too. Her shocked reactions are awesome. Heck, they can all stay, they all serve a purpose for my viewing pleasure.

I'm not shocked that Nicole may have fallen hard for Adam. Even Carole seems infatuated with him, and she dated George Clooney for goodness sakes. Perhaps Nicole did move on and date others, but that doesn't mean she still did not try to hook up with Adam. LuAnn may be protecting Nicole's new relationship, so that's why she is a bit sketchy.

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It was because he [JFK, Jr.] is a deceased family member that can not refute Sonja's allegations.


But Carole feels protective of him because he was family, and I used this example to show that it's understandable for people, including LuAnn, to feel protective of a family member.

Edited by Miss February
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But Carole feels protective of him because he was family, and I was agreeing with Sincerely Yours who was explaining that LuAnn is being protective of a family member, her niece.

If LuAnn feels that Adam lied to Carole, then she needs to take it up with Adam, NOT Carole. The fact that she was fine with Carole until T&C speaks volumes that the 2 of them dating was not an issue with her or with her niece, it was a way to keep her apple for next season.  Nicole can always tweet her displeasure or defend herself, she is no stranger to "reality"  TV herself , whereas JFK Jr. can NOT defend himself.

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I think Carole came out on top last night, by far. I would also just like to point out that the only reason Carole was hurling any accusations towards Lu was in response to Lu's constant barrage of insults and accusations against her both last night and (moreso) over social media the last few months. There's NO way Carole would have brought up her sleeping with the 21 year old guy in T&C if Lu hadn't been trying age-shame her over Adam (and "help" shame... and family shame... and girl-code shame--pick a shame LU!)

So yea while Carole could have ostensibly taken the "high road" and not gone there with her.... ehhh eff that. The high road is boring and lame!

I so agree. Reading the "how dare Carole slut shame Luann" left me scratching my head and wondering if maybe I had watched a different show.

Luann started that bullshit and Carole acted in response to what Luann started.

I think a lot of people just don't like Carole and ignore what other people do and just bash Carole at every opportunity.

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It's basic protocol as well as common sense that you don't go after exes of your friends (or family), unless you want to cause drama. The only respectful way to go about it is to ASK first, and if your friend says it's fine, then you may proceed. Even then, the person may not really be unbothered, but at least they can't openly be upset with you because you got their permission. This shows respect for the relationship you two share. So I understand why Lu is upset: Carole showed zero respect or regard for her family member's feelings.


Carole knows she violated this protocol and instead of just apologizing for that, she's adamant she did nothing for Lu to be upset about and tries to deflect by making it only about age and sex.


And it's not like Adam is exceptional, either. From what we've seen of him, he has nothing to say. But of course that's not why she's with him. So then, there's no shortage of scrawny boys waiting for a come up/sugar momma.


But, according to Luanne, she and Carole were never friends.   And Adam's not Lu's ex.

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But, according to Luanne, she and Carole were never friends.   And Adam's not Lu's ex.

These ladies are employed to be friends/frenemies/friendly, so whatever the relationship, Carole didn't show regard for maintaining it.


Of course Lu isn't Adam's ex, but Carole screwed her niece's ex, which screws with Lu's family.

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These ladies are employed to be friends/frenemies/friendly, so whatever the relationship, Carole didn't show regard for maintaining it.


Of course Lu isn't Adam's ex, but Carole screwed her niece's ex, which screws with Lu's family.

To apply reality to reality TV, as I see it at least, then Lu should be upset with Adam, again as I see it.  To me, technically, he would be the one with disregard to the niece...

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To apply reality to reality TV, as I see it at least, then Lu should be upset with Adam, again as I see it.  To me, technically, he would be the one with disregard to the niece...

I don't know how Lu feels about Adam. I can't imagine she's thrilled, but Carole sees the brunt of criticism as she was the one pursuing this "hot young chef" and showing off her flirting game while she's supposed to be Lu's "friend."

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Carole got all bent out of shape when one of her friends was going to give Luann a dress. She thought that was way out of line. You don't use other peoples friends to get free stuff!


But she can scoop up Luann's nieces boyfriend while his penis is still warm from banging her and that is a-ok?


Don't you see something inherent silly about that picture?


Why can't Carole find someone her own size? Or can she not handle a peer? You know like the actor guy on that date that Luann set up with last season. 

Edited by Trooper York
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