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Captain America: Civil War (2016)


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"Meow?" REALLY?


Look, as a proud owner of a mini house panther who expresses his need for food and attention with meows and chirps, I still wouldn't put a 'meow' next to an ACTUAL black panther and certainly not THE Black Panther.


And I know that if I showed this picture to my cat he would get delusions of grandeur even greater than what he already has.

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That spot definite did a lot more to establish the balance of the story...


But man, that shot with Cap and his shield with Bucky right behind him with the rifle... that was fucking cool.


I do agree with the others, though... I don't want my Avengers fighting each other! (This is so strange... the Avengers were NEVER my team as far as the comics went. That's all X-Men and I have very strong feelings about that lot, too, although it doesn't transfer over to the movies AS strongly because they really aren't the same characters in a lot of ways. The MCU Avengers, however, I care very very deeply about!)

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I'm most excited to see Black Panther and a seasoned Scarlet Witch in action.

Btw, wasn't this storyline seen as a mistake by the Marvel comics fandom? It looks great and I trust the Russos, but still.

They are just using the name. Registration is a no but some oversight of the Avengers and crackdown on vigilantes due to recent events. SO far it looks like not only will the story be reasonable but no side will be made to look evil. 

I'm having issues and can't load the spot. I've been Team Tony so far anyway but how did the TV spot tilt it?


Bucky tries to shoot Tony point blank in the face and the only thing that saves Tony's life is a bleeding edge Iron Man glove.  Keep in mind this is the same guy that killed his parents.  You can't have someone like Bucky just walking around, Steve's emotions surrounding Bucky (whatever they may be) are clouding his judgement.



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Bucky tries to shoot Tony point blank in the face and the only thing that saves Tony's life is a bleeding edge Iron Man glove.  Keep in mind this is the same guy that killed his parents.  You can't have someone like Bucky just walking around, Steve's emotions surrounding Bucky (whatever they may be) are clouding his judgement.




To me, it looks like Bucky is aiming at someone past Tony and Tony is trying to stop him.

Yeah, after seeing that I'm on Team Tony. I was to begin with but this just cements it.


What Hydra did to Bucky was horrible and it wasn't his fault but from the trailer, he still appears very unstable and dangerous. Something Steve appears to be having a hard time accepting. And I get that, I do. Bucky is his friend and Steve wants to help him. That doesn't make Bucky a safe person to be loose on the streets no matter how much Steve or Bucky might want otherwise. 


And given that Bucky killed his parents, I think Steve is expecting too much from Tony in asking him to be okay with this.

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Is Bucky killing the Starks canon or is it speculation? Zola did the whole 'accidents can happen' bit in Winter Soldier but it was never stated that the Winter Soldier was responsible for Howard and Maria's deaths. Also, something that seems to be an accident doesn't strike me as being in the Winter Soldier's wheelhouse. He was straight up assassination that some in the intelligence community knew existed and others didn't.


If they go with this idea that Bucky's the one that killed Tony's parents then someone isn't thinking things through because that does put a serious limit on interaction possibilities. I guess until it's stated specifically that he's the one who did it, I'm going to hold back on that particular bit of speculation.

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Is Bucky killing the Starks canon or is it speculation? Zola did the whole 'accidents can happen' bit in Winter Soldier but it was never stated that the Winter Soldier was responsible for Howard and Maria's deaths. Also, something that seems to be an accident doesn't strike me as being in the Winter Soldier's wheelhouse. He was straight up assassination that some in the intelligence community knew existed and others didn't.


If they go with this idea that Bucky's the one that killed Tony's parents then someone isn't thinking things through because that does put a serious limit on interaction possibilities. I guess until it's stated specifically that he's the one who did it, I'm going to hold back on that particular bit of speculation.

I was just coming here to post that! I just assumed that Hydra agents caused the accident on purpose. They only used the Winter Soldier for taking out the big guns.

Is Bucky killing the Starks canon or is it speculation? Zola did the whole 'accidents can happen' bit in Winter Soldier but it was never stated that the Winter Soldier was responsible for Howard and Maria's deaths. Also, something that seems to be an accident doesn't strike me as being in the Winter Soldier's wheelhouse. He was straight up assassination that some in the intelligence community knew existed and others didn't.


If they go with this idea that Bucky's the one that killed Tony's parents then someone isn't thinking things through because that does put a serious limit on interaction possibilities. I guess until it's stated specifically that he's the one who did it, I'm going to hold back on that particular bit of speculation.


Yeah, this hasn't been confirmed... yet.

I was just coming here to post that! I just assumed that Hydra agents caused the accident on purpose. They only used the Winter Soldier for taking out the big guns.


Howard Stark, billionaire, genius inventor, and founder of SHIELD (who was on the verge of creating cheap, clean energy) is about as big a gun as they get.

Howard Stark, billionaire, genius inventor, and founder of SHIELD (who was on the verge of creating cheap, clean energy) is about as big a gun as they get.

I don't disagree but the Winter Soldier has also been shown to be about as subtle as a Mack truck in everything he does. Not sure I believe that a Winter Soldier kill could really be dressed up as a normal car accident, unless the movies explicitly state otherwise.

Agree with whoever said that Bucky is aiming at someone to the side of Tony. It looks to me like Tony pulls Bucky's arm to Tony's left, TOWARD him, to "swallow" the bullet. Plus Bucky's eyeline is to the right of Stark before Tony jerks his arm over.

If they go with this idea that Bucky's the one that killed Tony's parents then someone isn't thinking things through because that does put a serious limit on interaction possibilities. I guess until it's stated specifically that he's the one who did it, I'm going to hold back on that particular bit of speculation.

I'm still waiting for them to address Scarlet Witch's history with Stark, which I'm hopeful they do in this movie. Edited by stealinghome
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Yeah... Call me an old softie but I'm not quite there with Bucky trying to shoot Tony in the face just yet... After all, Crossbones and Zemo are major villains in this flick. The Russos were amazing with their Winter Soldier trailers, things shown not being what they seemed at all, so I'm willing to bet they're doing the same thing here.

If I'm wrong, I'll just go curl into a ball and cry.

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I don't disagree but the Winter Soldier has also been shown to be about as subtle as a Mack truck in everything he does. Not sure I believe that a Winter Soldier kill could really be dressed up as a normal car accident, unless the movies explicitly state otherwise.

Agree with whoever said that Bucky is aiming at someone to the side of Tony. It looks to me like Tony pulls Bucky's arm to Tony's left, TOWARD him, to "swallow" the bullet. Plus Bucky's eyeline is to the right of Stark before Tony jerks his arm over.

I'm still waiting for them to address Scarlet Witch's history with Stark, which I'm hopeful they do in this movie.


Winter Solider wasn't subtle in CA2, but this was during a stage where Hyrda was moving in to their end game and needed to remove Fury, the most paranoid guy on the planet, right away.


Also, even if Howard was killed in a messy way, SHIELD would have covered it up and given the press and family a cover story like a car accident.

If this film's mid/after credits scene isn't Thor coming down to visit his buddies in Midgard and looking around at all the destruction with a "what the fuck just happened?" face a la Troy with the pizza on Community, then I will be very disappointed.  Tumblr has gotten my hopes up.

Edited by InsertWordHere
  • Love 7

This'll be an unpopular opinion, but I don't want Cap to die in this movie and I don't want Killer Bucky to become the New Captain America.


I still remember those little news stories of Chris Evans visiting those sick kids and how those kids loved Captain America.  I don't see that happening with Sebastian Stan and his lanky hair and face perfect for villainous roles.  Kids would be crying and screaming and cursing God and Sebastian Stan for the death of their hero.


I don't care if the "Death of Captain America" is popular with fanboys and is considered the greatest Captain America story - I don't want my hottie Captain to die and getting replaced with The unmake-upped Crow.


Screw the fanboys.  Screw Ed Brubaker.  Screw what the storyline dictates.  Screw Sharon Carter for getting brainwashed and shooting Cap, who was so helpless and handcuffed at the time.  Screw the Civil War story in general for having Cap surrender!


Here's an American who had more gumption than Cap at the end of Civil War:





Ooooo, Civil War makes me so mad!

Edited by bmoore4026
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I respectfully disagree. For one thing, while IA that Chris Evans is a great guy and he's great as Captain America, given the Winter Soldier's backstory, as far as I'm concerned, if Cap can forgive Bucky, then so can I. As for Sebastian Stan, I not only think that he's cute and talented in his own right, the Winter Soldier has got plenty of fans including kids (healthy and sick), so if some childrens' hospitals want to invite Sebastian Stan, I think that the kids would not only love it, I think that he would be honored and humbled to do it, whether he's the new Captain America or not.

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I'm on Team Bucky, and always will be. Even if they make a complete mess of his character in this movie, he and his story are still my favourite things about the last 20+ years of Marvel comics.


Sadly, I don't have a whole lot of interest in this movie, so far. I feel shortchanged that Bucky's journey is being lumped into all this Civil War crap. Civil War was not a very good story, and the movie version actually looks less interesting. The Death of Captain America was an outstanding story, and was the only good outcome of Civil War, but they're not going to do that story so Bucky is never going to be allowed to be anything more than a sidekick in the cinematic universe.


The more bombastic and overblown the Marvel movies get, the more I appreciate the grounded, low key Netflix stuff. Not having to devote so much time to massive action scenes lets the writers do a much better job of... well... writing. I'd much rather see a Winter Soldier Netflix series, that takes its cues from Ed Brubaker's comic book, than I would Luke Cage or Iron Fist.

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I read somewhere that depending on how they edit it, Bucky might end up with more screentime than Steve so I think it might be possible for them to pass on the shield so to speak. I wouldn't really be interested in that though, Sebastian Stan still does nothing for me.

Word. I don't care about Bucky nor do I want him taking up Cap's shield and becoming the new CA.

Plus I want to see all my Avengers one last time in Intinity Wars and Chris better be in there as Cap.

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Even if they DO "kill" Steve, does anyone actually believe he won't somehow come back for/in Infinity War? I can just see the end of Infinity War Part 1 now: the Avengers are in desperate straits and to save them, in comes...a presumed dead Steve Rogers! Cue everyone's shocked face and the audience left hanging for an explanation in IW Part 2.

Agree that Bucky/S Stan doesn't do much for me, I'd rather Sam Wilson get the shield if Steve "dies." I also wouldn't be opposed to Natasha getting it, though that would never ever happen.

Movie Bucky hasn't earned it, so I wouldn't be surprised if few were in favour of him becoming Captain America (which, as we've established, ain't gonna happen). In the comics, he did earn it. He'd been free of the mind control for a while and he'd been trying to make up for the things he'd done. Then he went all out trying to find Steve's killer and make sure his legacy was being honoured as he deserved. He didn't want to become Captain America, but it was Steve's last request so he felt like he had to at least try. And he ended up with Tony, Natasha and Sam all backing him up and making sure he had all the support he needed. Even then, he found he couldn't be the same sort of Captain America, because all of Bucky's skills revolved around doing the dirty, quiet, brutal work of war, while Steve was the charismatic, inspirational figurehead who didn't need to take shortcuts because he was so good at what he did.


This is one of the problems of abbreviating comic book stories to fit into a two hour movie. You can't do justice to the characters and to their journeys in the same way, and so many narrative choices are closed off because the audience won't buy them.

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Spartan Girl, on 09 Feb 2016 - 5:21 PM, said:

I don't want Steve to die either. Especially not as a sexless virgin.

I know it sounds shallow in light of everything else going on, but can we please please PLEASE see Cap get a shirtless scene in this movie?! I can't be the only one wanting it...


Oh, I'm hoping he ends up married to America the same way Elizabeth the First was "married" to England.


Ditto for Comic Book Steve.  Screw Sharon Carter.  Being hypnotized by a Nazi is no excuse to shoot a man.

Oh, I'm hoping he ends up married to America the same way Elizabeth the First was "married" to England.


Ditto for Comic Book Steve.  Screw Sharon Carter.  Being hypnotized by a Nazi is no excuse to shoot a man.


Well, in that case can he strip down and go for a run through Yosemite or something?


And obviously there is a naked Steve Rogers married to America visiting the Grand Canyon joke somewhere in this concept.

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Screw Sharon Carter.  Being hypnotized by a Nazi is no excuse to shoot a man.

So it's okay for Bucky to be brainwashed and kill tons of people, but Sharon is brainwashed into shooting one guy -- her own boyfriend, which devestates her -- she winds up despised among the fandom? Double standards, people!

Besides, the movie might not go that route. I heard a rumor that

Crossbones shoots Steve

. Which would make more sense, but seriously I don't want it to go there.

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