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S17.E19: Episode 19

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LOVING this season right now. I love that we have an HOH who isn't catering to a strong alliance or the whims of "the house". I loved seeing everyone kind of turn on Clellie. When she walked out back and they were all just talking about her - I laughed so hard! Sorry, that's probably mean as hell, but they deserve it, IMO. One little chink in their game plan and they are ready to completely throw their alliance under the bus. Vanessa has done dirty work for the sake of the group before, and as soon as someone DARES to put Shellie up, she' being a total nasty bitch to her. Nah, that shit aint cool. I loved seeing the two of them squirm. 


Also loved that they didn't win the Veto and then their last ditch effort was so spectacularly lame. "Austin has a wrestling alter ego. It's Judas!" *gasp* ......crickets. That's all you got? Baahahahaha


The pair of them, just so entitled. And what was up with them going on and on about how they've had James's back? When? When was this? As far as I can recall, they're in a 6 person alliance that does not include James and James has been on the block several times when members of your alliance were in power. 


So, who's going to go? Up until last night, I was hoping Shellie would go. But after seeing Clay all over Meg, he can be gone any time now. While I'm no Shellie fan, that shit was just repulsive. She's still in the house! And you're hugging all up on some other broad and resting your head on her lady pillows. I've always known that Meg has a big, whopping crush on Clay. Hell, the whole house probably knows! She DID console Shellie, after she lost Veto, by telling her how jealous she was! Girl is kind of crazy. But to see Clay like that shocked me. 


I really wish we had a thread for the episode, where we could ask feed watchers questions. I just don't have the time to peruse 100 pages of feed info, but I'm very curious to know if this is the first "scandalous" moment between those two. Because it really seemed to come out of left field, but it also felt like they really had something between them. I mean, Meg was pouring her heart out and basically saying, "I love you, Clay, I'll never let you go!" and he was all teary-eyed and smiling like an adoring puppy. 


Just utterly fucked up. Shellie has played harder and better, so I hope she stays and his creepy ass goes home and doesn't get to stay in the house OR jury with either of these girls. 


I did catch Shellie basically acting like it was a foregone conclusion that Clay would go home and she'd go to jury. Also, when she was completing her knight task and said, "It's a thankless job, but someone has to do it" - I totally got shades of Kate Gosselin. 


Random thoughts:


Did James say he spent three years in prison???


Loved how seriously Johnny Mac took the castle guard job. He was really putting a lot of thought into that!

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Also I'm so thankful that JohnnyMac was in the room at the time.


I found it hilarious that Clay was all, "Don't tell anyone about this". Ummm, Johnny Mac just witnessed half of it! Also, you're kind of on TV. 


Yeah Clay most certainly was NOT blocking/shying away from any of Meg's drunken advances.


Am I remembering wrong, or didn't HE initiate it? I seem to recall Meg walking in and Clay saying he needed a hug. 

  • Love 3

I feel like it usually takes a bit longer than this for the Chosen Ones to be knocked off their pretty little pedestal, but I'm so glad it's happened already. The whole season Clay and Shelli have been walking around that house acting like they're running the whole thing, so seeing them get stabbed in the back and nominated by James despite his "promise" was utterly delightful. Every season seems to have at least one of these people who act like they deserve to win the game and everyone should just let them. Shelli's tears were GLORIOUS. I wanted to bathe in them. I was drinking them in like Tyra does when she makes her contestants cry over their sob stories over on America's Next Top Model!


The Meg/Clay scene came out of absolutely nowhere, so I didn't know if that was something they just hadn't shown on the broadcast show or if it was just because Meg got really drunk and handsy. (I knew there had to be a reason the editors showed her noticing the wine and kept cutting back to her downing it constantly!) But someone replied to me on twitter that no, there's been nothing on the live feeds, so I guess it DID come out of nowhere.


I was very proud of James standing his ground and defending his nominations, especially after the Veto comp when Clay and Shelli tried again to save themselves. He didn't budge. Good for you, James! I mean, I'm afraid this big move will make him a huge target and he'll be gone in the next week or two, but I really appreciate him for breaking up one of the two strongest alliances in the house. (Liz/Julia is the other one. I don't count Liz and Austin because while he'd do anything for her, she might be willing to let his creepy ass get booted out of the house if he can't help her game anymore.)


I would hope that Shelli would go home this week over Clay because she's clearly the stronger player. He's cute, but a dim bulb. And being good at comps doesn't amount to much if you're not smart enough to strategize. Although to be fair, I guess we haven't seen Clay playing on his own. He's always just been Shelli's lap dog. Maybe without her, he could step up and surprise us? Oh, who am I kidding! (Although I wouldn't mind him winning HoH because I'd love to see him mumble his way through his nominations!)

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I want Shelli to get voted out so she'll get to go home and watch her boy toy pushing up on another woman before she's (Shelli) even left the house. I think it'd be riot to watch Clay and Meg become the new showmance while Shelli's at home trying to keep her head from exploding. Plus IMO she's a bigger threat in the game than he is and you'd think they'd want to get rid of her for that reason alone.

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I hope Shelli gets evicted tomorrow just so she can see #BBScandal.

And how delicious will it be if Meg and Clay are in the jury house together?!


I just came to snark about Austin claiming to be a "medieval historian."

Austin has a master's degree in Medieval History.



Shelli is the worst.  The way she told Vanessa to, "Look at me!"  and her ordering other people to. "Come here" is beyond annoying.  Self-entitled and bossy. Not an attractive combination.    


Loving me some Clay subtitles.

Edited by Overwhelming No
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Shelli is so sure Clay is the one going home! Just for that I want him to stay (which pretty much seals his fate that he will indeed be going home). I love how they were so pissed about Jason going home instead of Austin when it was all their idea in the first place! Selective memory is a beautiful thing. I have no idea what was going on with Clay and Meg but he didn't seem to be pushing her away!

I too was confused about James and the prison thing, thanks for clearing that up Turtle!

I enjoyed this episode. I laughed out loud at poor Vanessa constantly polishing the armor and Clay's mumbling. "Pipsicle" "Meat." And Shelli was like "yep, exactly." Hee!!

Jackie's still my favorite, but I'm so glad James stuck to his nominations. It does make sense to break up two people who are playing as one. The twins should be next!

Edited by mostlylurking

So if Clay went to Jury ("why this week; this week is the worst...), would Shelli quit the game?  I mean- if she stays until the end, it is the same result as him going home this week.


And Austin saying "this means Liz and I make jury together".  Oh? So neither of you are planning on being final 3?


Why is jury the goal?



Also- LOVED the Clay subtitles.

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OK I've changed my mind. Clay can stay, as long as the editors keep close-captioning his gibberish. I had to rewind twice to watch "Judas . . . wuzza bible . . . pipicle . . . meat." I wonder if maybe he has been hit in the head too many times playing football. It's not so much that he's "mumbling," it's more like he's trying to form words and it isn't working. Like he's having a stroke. Or like a toddler who just babbles incoherently and thinks he's making sense.


So wait, last week we found out James was in the army for six years and now we find out he was in prison for three years (as an employee or as an inmate - in either case, new information) and that he has a daughter?!? What else don't we know about this guy? Is he the former governor of South Carolina? An astronaut? I'm just waiting to see what comes up next.


I'm still disappointed that at every opportunity to do so James fails to point out to Clay and Shelli that they went back on their deal to backdoor Austin. He sort of alluded to it in the Veto speech but nobody is really nailing them for this. Vanessa keeps saying it was "the house" decision but James, Jackie and Meg sure didn't know about it. I keep waiting to hear them piece together the fact that they are clearly not in "the house."


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I can totally see Austin trying to sabotage his game, as well as Liz's, so they can end up in jury together.

How frustrating would it be if he wound up in jury with Julia instead, having nothing to do with him while being a constant reminder of Liz who's managing to hang on safely out of reach in the BB house.


James should have said that he was doing everyone a favor by making the agreement to cut the HOH competition short. It looked to me that he was quite prepared to outlast everyone else.

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He worked at a prison for three years.


Either way, I was like "Whaaaaaaaaaaat??????" We got the usual "intro" clip of him and at no time did he mention he had been in the army for six years, or that he had a daughter, or that he ever worked at a prison. It's like we keep getting new information about his life every time he goes in the DR. 

  • Love 1


Either way, I was like "Whaaaaaaaaaaat??????" We got the usual "intro" clip of him and at no time did he mention he had been in the army for six years, or that he had a daughter, or that he ever worked at a prison. It's like we keep getting new information about his life every time he goes in the DR.

I felt the same way!  I was like Prison?!?!  Woah.  He also lived in a boys group home at a young age until he was adopted.  This was a lot of information to learn about one contestant in one week.  And it was actually interesting for a change!

I would hope that Shelli would go home this week over Clay because she's clearly the stronger player. He's cute, but a dim bulb. And being good at comps doesn't amount to much if you're not smart enough to strategize. Although to be fair, I guess we haven't seen Clay playing on his own. He's always just been Shelli's lap dog. Maybe without her, he could step up and surprise us? Oh, who am I kidding! (Although I wouldn't mind him winning HoH because I'd love to see him mumble his way through his nominations!)


This is exactly why I prefer that Shelli stick around.  I enjoy the show more when the stronger players last longer.   Besides, though I don't like either of them, I really can't stand Clay.  The only thing worse than someone who is entitled is an entitled idiot.  Especially an entitled idiot who might last a long time in the game because of the way Meg and Johnny seem to almost worship him.


At this point, my preferred Final 4 would be Julia, Vanessa, James and Jackie (in that order).

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I'm loving James more and more with every episode. What was it he said about prison? Something about "This is easy compared to having a bunch of huge men constantly yelling at you in prison." or something to that affect. 


I guess that growing up in foster care or an orphanage, doing time in the military and dealing with hardened criminals on a daily basis will definitely result in a mentally strong person. He doesn't break a sweat. I love it! Even though Shelli's argument was stupid about how Austin is the real bad guy, many other Heads of Household might have weakened and wavered. Not our James. "What are you on narcotics or something?"


He automatically goes into an All-Star category for having the guts to flip the game on it's head and blatantly go against a deal without one shred of guilt. 


Shell announcing to the house how "You're all witnesses to the fact that James publicly made a deal and now proves he is not a man of his word." Oh boo hoo! This isn't real life. There's nothing in the Big brother Rulebook that states all deals must be honored. 


Meg is cute as a button from the waist up, but her bottom half kinda skeeves me out.  Her legs stay kind of bent when she walks like they are about to collapse from holding her up. 

Edited by aurora296
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what was up with them going on and on about how they've had James's back? When? When was this? As far as I can recall, they're in a 6 person alliance that does not include James and James has been on the block several times when members of your alliance were in power. 


To be fair, Shelli has been HoH twice and hasn't nominated James either time.  And she and Clay voted to keep James in Week 3, despite the fact that they had been in a 5-person alliance with Jeff, and the other two people in that group (James's current ally Jackie and John, whom he perceives as neutral) voted to evict James.  Had Clelli voted with the rest of that group, James would have gone home.


Of course, Clay and Shelli didn't know that Steve and Liz would vote against James, which is why they were able to resist Jeff's campaigning.  But still, when he needed their votes, he got their votes.  And despite all the "avenge Jason!" hooey (ah, get over it, he's not your daughter), it was Vanessa who pulled the trigger on the backdoor, not Clay/Shelli.  If she didn't want to do it, she didn't have to do it.


I'm not saying that I'm upset with the noms, but I can see from Clay and Shelli's perspective that something like Vanessa/John (he voted to evict you, she targeted you in Week 3 and backdoored your precious Swansea Stockboy last week) makes a lot more sense than breaking a specific promise to the couple who were part of your Week 1 alliance and helped save your ass in Week 3.


Shelli's "what are y'all talking about" in the backyard was the best demonstration of how I view Shelli all of the time.  I don't want to resort to name calling, so I'll just say I hope she gets voted out.  I don't like her one bit.


Eh, that's probably exactly what I'd do if I knew people were gossiping about me behind my back.  Say it to my face, why don't you?  I give points to Shelli for putting on her best cotillion smile and walking out there fake-cheerfully.


I'm just disappointed that we didn't get a completely random answer to the question:  "So, what are y'all talking about?"  "Why, the 1964 World Series, of course! (turns back to group)  So Gibson's tiring, but it's the 1960s and Schoendienst isn't going to pull him.  And besides, it's not like Buddy Schultz was a real "closer" or anything…"


He automatically goes into an All-Star category for having the guts to flip the game on it's head and blatantly go against a deal without one shred of guilt. 


Hadn't thought about that, but yeah.  He and Vanessa are the two strongest All-Star candidates at the moment, IMO.  Of course, we're not even halfway through the season, so a lot can change.

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So if Clay went to Jury ("why this week; this week is the worst...), would Shelli quit the game?  I mean- if she stays until the end, it is the same result as him going home this week.


And Austin saying "this means Liz and I make jury together".  Oh? So neither of you are planning on being final 3?


Why is jury the goal?

That makes me crazy! I don't believe in the Secret or any of that bullshit, but shouldn't you at least act like winning might be your goal for being there?? Is anyone in that house playing to win? Steve might come from behind and take it after all!

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Clay + Meg > Clay + Shelli


Just when I thought Happy Meg couldn't be any cuter...we get Blackout Meg which made my night.

Echo echo. Meg is totally lucky she got THAT trashed in an environment where cameras are covering every inch of the place 24/7; otherwise she'd have been waking up the next morning with a throbbing head, her panties around her neck, a pineapple on the nightstand, and multiple questions about what exactly the hell happened last night...?


I did love JMac's reactions to both Shelli's role in "defending the castle" and whatever the hell was going on between Meg and Clay. He appears to have no interest in actually playing this game, but I still love his DRs.


Props to the Production cameramen, because that one shot was pure perfection: Clay and Meg doing the full-court body press behind JMac, whose expression is totally, well, expressionless - that is, until the trademark JMac bare-tooth grimace pops out....

Yeah "You have to beat 10!" *thunk* As her 'arrow' lands about 15 feet off the board. Hah. That was one awkward and obvious throw.


Yeah - way to not throw THAT one, Basic Training. :P

Actually... in retrospect, I really really wanted Becky to beat James on that round just to see if Asian Elvis would've reacted differently if he'd been standing there with the $5K prize IN HIS HAND and debating trading it for POV....

And speaking of drunk can you imagine what Clay sounds like when he's had a few too many? The mind boggles. He really is king of the mumblers.


I had a friend in college who mumbled like Clay - until he got sufficiently drunk, that is. Then he became the most articulate motherf****r in the bar.


James did 3 years in prison. Did we know that before?

Yes - as a prison guard.

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Her legs stay kind of bent when she walks like they are about to collapse from holding her up.

. . .

She has psoriatic arthritis so that might be why. I'm actually really impressed she lasted as long as she did in that endurance comp because of this.


Ahh, I guess that it wasn't just poking fun at her fitness level saying she "has jelly legs" then.


I also figured out that it was King of the Hill's Boomhauer that reminded me of Clay...

Edited by Wandering Snark
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 Also loved that they didn't win the Veto and then their last ditch effort was so spectacularly lame. "Austin has a wrestling alter ego. It's Judas!" *gasp* ......crickets. That's all you got? Baahahahaha


Yes, Austin having an alter ego named Judas is meaningless, unless Austin and "Judas" are allowed to vote separately. Otherwise, who cares?

That does give me an idea for a fun BB twist, though. Next year, give one of the houseguests (say, America's Player) two votes each eviction for a few weeks without telling the house what's going on. Watch the craziness begin as heads spin and try to do complicated math.

She has psoriatic arthritis so that might be why. I'm actually really impressed she lasted as long as she did in that endurance comp because of this.

Good Lord. The poor kid. An endurance comp would be extra-miserable with that complication.

I just read that James did go to jail for 3 years due to "contempt of court".http://www.bustle.com/articles/102452-why-was-james-huling-in-prison-the-big-brother-17-houseguest-is-not-afraid-to-go


Also, I think Vanessa is more to blame for putting up Jason since it was her idea to save Austin and she did convince everyone to go along with her. 


Pardon me if someone already responded to this, but you can't go to prison for contempt of court, much less for 3 years.  The article stated he worked as a CO.  He was arrested for contempt, but that's not why he spent 3 years "in prison." 

I love Shelli (or at least her game) and actually want her to stay over Clay, but her tears tonight were DELICIOUS, the Meg mashing behind her back made it even sweeter.


I don't really like Shelli as a person, but I do think she's a great player with one big problem- her showmance. She's like Rachel Reilly.


I do love that this season, people actually are trying to make big moves rather than just letting the dominant alliance pick people off one by one.

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